_ . _ . , 1 1 *' ■ ‘ f • , - ■ WEATHER Parti) rfgwß) yrrtrtli lo cal itotm. Wadoesdsy rMf. a % — f .i st-w ■■ ■ ■ • VOLtfME THREE; NO. 106 A., - V 1 11" 1 .g,*"-'.-—' - . - ■ DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION REACHES ITS FIFTEENTH BALLOTT LATE LAST EVE S 6 ~ ° McAdoo Leads in the Race, Starting at 431 He Climbed to 479 in the Last Count Smith is Sec ond In Race, but Neither One are Within Fight ing Distance of Nomination. M, - *•**■***« aiSroarfc •4 Ikt —am ralli nbiwllm had eMiyWrt Iha Mtswnth ballot, id a a-la— atm »«« Mai loaftM. Tatlw haara at ballot 'af kal nn«4 atnlj la Xtllt* iM Hmhh la a malar * auicaral, aal la britr neither aac wPhfci a —ktlng llataaar al l( . aaylklag N established Mo lad that each al tHaai law a oac tkird rata aa the athar. —Uth, iltkiafl ha laa aataA aih tha biM tala* lariat the ballot, aNbeagfc ha, Uaittt with-- •at) Itt Ib tha Int ballot, he had — aa to MM* at tha cUoe of the McAdve had itaftM at 41 bb , tha Snt, pa 4 ha ha« climbed to * 47« t Ja— W. Uavhk fW. Va, starting at tl oa the Ant ballot hoB bßtsßcoß ta 4414, bbß was la thlrß alaea. , ■'file molt waa aaaeaared ihU wav hr tha BMaanth ballot. At the coaelßalea at tha flftoealh ballot, I'halnaßß breaker, of Non taaa, delegate, aaß a Vet Bon fear leader, aiareß aa aßJoarn- Bteat aath 14— teaarraw morn lag. The convention didn't watt for the motion' to be put Into order,, nn car rtfd. but xfcerely piled out while It was being doe* The band otruck up "Home Sweet Home.” and the convention hall wm 'emptied quicker than it would have hesn If a troop of elephant* which often occur there, bad boon suddenly cut laoee. > Boip# chiagee are predicted for to inorrtw’e balloting, whether or not there wewtga ha • wmst* selvrtrd wee anybody** gaaae. One politician remarked "The lea It twelve Inches thick; there lin t a crack In sight/’J Nohe the lean all the rival randl- j date manager i vest out amildar, and remarking that everythin* wan a* they had expected, and qutta aa they bad pt edlgt*d. Nothing about the whole day’a balloting waa unfavor ‘ abla to their cauaee. hHUa Far Teßay Convenea at lg:S4 A M. Eastern daylight saving time Invocation b) Hlebop Luther B. j Witeon. of the Methodlat EplacopaJ Church. Continuing of hallatlag for a Pres idential nominee. New York. June SO (A*)—The Dem ocratic National Convention set out today upon the long, long trail at the and of which it will Oud a Presiden tlai nominee. v Generally willing, apparently, to abide by the result of their history making battle over naming the Ku Klui Klan In the party platform, the delegates were railed at 9:10 A. M . to begin the first roll call of stateq tor the vote oa semination for Pres ident When the teat roll call will come, no one can tell. At least It with Wil liam G McAdoo and AUfed K. Smith leading, were assured vote* on the 1 firm ballot. The deadlocked situa tion seemed to here been affected •lightly. If at all. by the Klan fight In addition to tka leader*, the can didate) before the ooavefttlon are: j, Lf Oscar W. I'nderwood, of Alabama; woaepb T. Kohlason. of Arkansas; TYlllard Saulsbury. of Detuware;, Samuel M. Ralston, of Indiana; Jon athan M Davis, of Kansas; Alltert C. Ritchie, of Maryland; Woodbrldge N. Perris, or Michigan; David P. Hon* ! * tha of MUaourl and New York; ('has Bryan, of Nebraska; Fred H. JI Ist. of New Hampahlre; George 8. of New Jer«ey; James M. Cox. Carter fUea*. of Virginia Wfc.il W Davla, of Weal Virginia and rNf wYork \ 4 ailed Ta hrder t} At 14:27 Chairman Walsh railed the con veal ion to order. The Rev Gun- j tav Arnold Caratanaea. of the Holyj Rood ProteeUal Episcopal Church. 1 New York City, pronounced the Invo cation There wan nothing aotahl# In the voting on the first ballpt It was quiet and orderly, pad almo*t without a feeling of tension that goes with the first test of strength la a national convention Oa tha unofficial figure McAdoo * total of the first ballot ran up to 41114. and Smith's total wa* 16914 . Tha second ballot showed Uttle change from the Brat The relative positions of HraKh and McAdoo were pachaaged ta the second ballot Is tha tbtrd ballot the count was. Adagdap 417; Baßth IU The aeeesU ballot waa ao mors THE GOLDSBORO NEWS * ■ " M . ■■ """ 1 " ■ ■ 1 - '• - -•-• -r— ... I ... - fruitful of results than Its six pre decessors. It failed to change any, results materially, and It fulled to Indicate anything New York. June 3o (A*) In the 10th ballot McAdoo received 471,6 white Smith had 299.6. Madison Hquare Garden, 11:00 P. M. —June 30. (A*) Gn the fifteenth hnl , lot the vote mUkml a* follow*: Under wood 39th; Robinson 20; .McAdoo 479; Smith 306; Davla. 61; Ritchie 17V4; Cox 40; Bryan II; Davla II; Harrl *on. 2>h; Glass 25; Brown 9; Ralston, tH. SaufiiKmj il+Jlaker 1; W'alsh 1. convention udjotirned at 11:00 P. M.. until 10; tomorrow morning. 5310 IS BURNED UP AS HOME STRUCK BY LIGHTNING BOLT Saving of a Life Time ig De stroyed in (be Misfortune; • Also Household (Goods. T o Daring the storm Sunday night, the home of Mr. D O. Smith, of Hloney Creek, was struck by lightning, and completely destroyed by fir*. Mr. Smith, It seems, had been In the habit of making his home hls de pository "for money for a number of years, and atored about his house In tin boxes was a large amount of money. So pressed were he and hi* wife for time, to save their lives front the lire, that they wye ppaJlVs to. save any article ofrurtiMiire, or even the tin boxes containing their money, 'which th4y had been saving for many (year); as a result the money, wns de- Istroyed , „ After the fire, Mr. Smith sear fifed through the ashen yesterday morning nnd found the tins, and brought them J* lth the ash** of the money they con- Tfglned, to the cashier of the. Wayne National Bunk, a*klng hi* help In trying to receive from the United State* ’treasury lh«- amount of the ‘ loss. The tfh* containing the ashes will Ibe forwarded. according to Mr. Stroud, to the IT. S. Treasury A portion of (he money, according to Mr. Smith, had. been In the po**e«- slon of hls wife for more than forty years. Mr. Strbud expressed It n* hls op ! n lon lhat more tbun $.">00,000 in cash money Is hidden. In homes In Wayne county today by people who are afraid to take It, to u hank, for fear the bank may not he safe All this money is Just a* safe from Are or burglar*, ns was the money of Mr Smith I before the lightning struck hT* home Sunday night, and destroyed It and all It contained. There Is lltfle doubt, that If It had been generally known that Mr. and Mr*. Smith kept so large a sum of money as reported to the hank, lhat ,fliey would have both been murdered and robbed many year* ago. REPORT OF MUHDER !■ OF REV. BOS IS i heirs ran SuppoHtrdly Murdered by Itan dilg on Julne 4. at Kuchek In land of Hainan. Washington. June 30 The Rev 1 Gen W, ilyers. utl American rltlxen I uttuebed to the Preshyterluii mission was murdered June the . 4th. prvstrm , ably by bandits at Kuchek Island, of Hainan, accord ng to the Information received by Amcrlrun Minister. Hour man. at Pekin, und forwarded to the I Slate department today. Minister Hehtirman received hls re i reived hls report from Douglas Jrn k n* the American Consul General at • Canton. w9m was Informed of the mur der by the British ' 'oiikiil# Ktngchow, Hainan Inland. The If, H Harremt-nlo will |ei%e • lions Kong Tuesday, It was sister] with Vice Consul Chamberlain aboard • who will proceed to llarbow the port -of the scene to cundur t an Invest ga • • tlon. Japaaese women buy their 'dresses by tbs pound and their bread by the 1 : MUSIC LOOKS STIieE BARBECUE . GRIMM HOME » Th* Marbecue I'recvded a Mfft ittK tor (hr Ingtallation of Of fleera for the EnguiiiK Year. Practically the entire memberwhlp of the Masonic lodges of the city were In atlendanre last night at a big burbfteur ajsged at the Grantham home op nofth William sttVet. where the tables xrere laden with a bounti ful nhpply of barbetuefl Untb as well aa pork. The barbecue preceded a meeting 1 to be held laler In the bulge room* for <h# installation of officers for the ensuing year. W. A. Dee# announced tills meeting and the fact that Grand la>cturer of Ihe Grand Irodre R F: Edward* would be present lo help In the Installation service*. He also announced that M waa par ticularly desired that all member* who ppsalhly could do so, attend the meeting, because of the 'fact that a oueetlun of accepting plans for the' mtrehase of a Masonic home were td he discussed ~ • "The Mason* need only their own home to be In a position to he the greatest organisation in the aastern section Os the stale, and we are how In a position to puridtawe that home! In fact the property on which we ire now rajoylng this aortal event, ‘a on tha market, and the committee* tre *•■ rlonely considering It. and It ' '* within the - power of the Masons of Goldsboro to purchase It, If they daam ft advleqble, and a good offer," stated Mr. De#*, Tlte Grantham home would be a V'lMUtifi .aiUu njth the ttecaasar* -alter silons for the arrommodaUona of the meetings; there would be ample room for com«odiou* club rooms, am' ( Very convenience for sm-lal functions of every kind, stated the speuker. and js entirely probable If the committees can agree on the property that the Masonic lodges <>f Goldsboro may be ITt their own home with In a few »Vka. •it MIH DCG BITES 3 MEMBERS OF GRAVE family ram Mr. (’. D. drove, ('. D. Jr., and Miwt Mary Alice Hitten . All Three to Take Treatment. On being called lo Inspect a dog at the hume of f\ D. Grove yesterday. Dr. A. H. Kerr, of the Wayne countv Health Department, pronounced the dog to he suffering with rabies, and ordered It klliad. II developed that the dog. a puppy, In pjaying with the different member* of the family had bitten Mr. ('. ©. Grove, f. D, Jr., and Miss,Mary Alice Grove. Mrs. f. D. Grove hud - also been playing with the dog. as had Mis* f>>na. Hlmtnons, n frequent ‘Vis itor In t1Yl» hdme. and all were advised lo take the I‘aaleur treatment aa a , preventive of the dr*u<b*l dlneuwe Mr Grove stated that all those ex posed would begin Inking the treat- I men! As soon as It D received by Dr. Wm. H, Hmlth, which will probublv be tcxlay. end If the examination of the dog's head should fall to show that if was suffering from rabies, then they would discontinue the treat no nt Tlte head was sent to Raleigh 1 lust night to be examined Mr Grove stated that the .puppy had been hitten bv another dog uhout 1 thirty tlays ago. and w in kept pennid 1 up until Just a few duy* ;>go. when they thought all danger had passed r The dog began acting strangely, how -1 ever, yesterday morning, und Dr. Kerr - was called. kIRAK IN FMI KTIIM lI The Klwanla Club last night at Its : t regular liMrh#on. was entertained l» - song by Mr, Guy Winstead. well . known and popular vocalist of this city. * • Captain* Arthur G.iir of this city. 1 and Ives of Raleigh, were (he guest* . of the guests of the club, and both 1 ; made interesting talks on the subject -of preps redness In the time of peace I hie to the barbecue of the Masons. ! which waa held at Ihe same hour, the 1 attendance waa not up to standard. 1 j but iveryqas present enjoyed the | meeting to tbq fttllMt. ? ■„ - - —— -*m- - -« —>— *"-TFc,"r-'" 1' t" '« MLMBOBO, M. C, Til EH—A Y MORNINH; JIH.Y I, 1921 GOLDSBORO pNG' 1 MAN DROWNED AT ; WALTERS’ SUNDAY Mr. JnmeN (iulirk Whillirld of Thin ('ily Mmlh Tranir Death When He Enter* Mater. The body of Junto* Gullck Whit field. 26 year* of ags. was round In , Waller’s fond yesterday afternoon at 2:10 R. M. « According to Information received 1 from Mr. W alters, owner of ihe pond, where a summer Iffuß iuiking beach has been In operation for tin- puwt ivw weeks, Mr W’hlliatd with" two companions came to The pond late Sunday night after the storm had driven most of th* erdard* away. £ad procured two tinibin* suit*, une for nil of hls companions, to go In bath In* He said nothing about getting a suit for hlmsnlf. and no one knew of his Intention of entering the water, which he did not do al that time It UPP—T*. however, that fee had brought •ih>n* a suit of his «rn and lgt> i entto-ed the dressing room. and • hanged from Ida rawular clothing to hls bathing suit, leafing Yds clotffes In the dressing room. Bad ll Is attp po»ed that he walketh up along the banks of the lake, arid entered the water several hundredjrret above the bench, where the «tm* and drea*lng room* are located. Just what happened $o him, that he drowned. Is something jof a mystery, as be was known to -be un expert swimmer. 0 Mr Walters stated he did not know of tho man's intention of en tering ihe watar, that |e sold him no ticket for a suit, and thnt Ihe llckel bootk for the but lues was closed for Ihe tdgbt before tkp time he must havo entered the water, aa he wa» seen about tiie hulldlags after tile booth had closed- 4 - "I shall empfety a life guurd In fu ture. and though I feel that It was ,no one's fault that Mr. Whitfield en tered the water and wag-drowned, but hla own. 1 Khali endeavor to ‘prevent the sllghteet possibility of an . acci dent of this kind ever happening again.” *std Mr. Walteßm Mr Whitfield bad lived In Golds boro nil bis life, and w«* engaged In electrical contrarting work for a good many years, was one of the best qual ified elect rlctfl workers, In the city, und numbered hls friends by the thousands. lie Is survived by hls mother nnd felher. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Whitfield, ole slater, Mr*. Wooten Ol Iver. «f Mt. Olive; and two brother*. Messrs Henry of t and Thos , Jr., of Weldon. The funeral will be held 9rom the house on George gtreet thin aftee npon at five o'rlork. Rev. Peter Mc- Intyre. of (he Presbyterian church officiating. R t I.NT4IN KKITI KUKS DIM U »1,...... " . lndlanapoli*. Jane 30 United States Henutor Samuel M Ralston In a “statement here today In repjy to at tacks In the New York World reiter ated hfs denial of any connection with the Ku Klux Klan organization, and challenged uny one "who doubt us to the truthfulness of my statement” to disclose this Information to the pub* lie. BINIIIAI.I. Rl.sriTN , National league Cincinnati 2; Chicago I Ht luml* 7; Pittsburgh 5. New York 7: Hrooklyp 6. Boston 9-4; Philadelphia 14-6. American l.eagae Detroit 4; Chic ago 14 Cleveland Ht. Isntl*. ruin Washington I 3. Boston 21 ITilladelphU 4-10; New York 10 3 I- Virginia l.ragye Norfolk 1; Wilson 1 -(10 Innings, dark ) Itocky Motitil 3; Peterslittrg f>. Richmond 9; Portsmouth- 4. ' Piedmont |.ea«ift> Winston S.tletn 3; Durham 3 (It In nlng* k darkles* » High Point 0; Danville 9. Greensboro 4. Noulhera league Atlanta 6; Birmingham 2 > Chattanooga I; Memphis 3 Nashville 5; Little Hock 2. Neath ttlu pile League Greenville 3; Macon 2 • Hpsrtanhurg 3; Asheville 2- Other game* not scheduled. HIKHTOK* «m The board of 4lrwtaf« of the Wayne Shat lona I Hank held their flrat meeting In their new (I I root' ory room yesterday afternoon. and heard the report of the uctivttle* of the hunk for the pa«t wtx month*. which «»■ more « than nr.it if) ina to them The regular item I annual divi dend of t per rent wan declared, and in addition to thla' a goodly autn we* added to the aurplua ac count „ * I , j * * '* . * , Eims it HIT HIVE MDSE 1 EHJHTIBLE MEET ft Northeastern District "Held Convention Here Saturday and 'Sunday. Hu* Christian Huib-avor < on vent «in ofdhe North hkuiteru dial riel held ll* opeutiiK srenion at the Firm Presby terian churoh on Saturday afternoon. June 28. After. a short rtrnu tV delegates from tho •m'.mtul societies met at ihjj, Christian church where u mu»t •!<•- Debt fill hauquei wan served In three courses by the "Friendly Friends" Sunday School t'laaa or Ooldslioro Friends fbUTOfe ' At the eveuinu session which fol lowed Kay. U M. thiiwr. of the Chris- . tion church of ttoiiMiNiro addfossed the convention In a splendid message | on the value of Christian KnUonvor Hev. Outer also preached the rulin';: Mon aermon on HumJuy murnlnit. “Friend* of Christ," wu* the theuic of the Inspiring message of Ur. Kay. mend Uluford, of Guilford College. I who tOldd'seed the District In conYt>n (ton at the Christian church on Hun day afternoon. “There In the opportunity tot every man to be a friend of Hi Hat ihe ton nett lon between tbe Unite and tb<> mttnlte. to In* connected with the Pant and to lie maker* of the present That de< land Ur, Itlntoril "t* Ihe work which the Christian Fndcavbrs huve altvmpted "Why did tlod not make the world more bekullftil anil complete*, There would have been no great tank left for ua to parlorm; nothin* left to rnuke ua «reat tmti by attempting to better the world That I* the su preme tank *M. for ua to accomplish , "Howt j-gn we do (list-which la be fiyre u*To Only hy development Ail fife la liuaed upon growth and pro frWa*r The early part til taking In at length; the aetond |airt la giving out that whltli hit* been acrumulated. The friend of Cbrtat cannot glvo out that wtilth to- has not received,, yekra niuat tie r-pent f.n ateunuilatlon of evperhnce unit knowledge loybgieinii the tnen-ntnurt wrnnff-ffiillM IIA "WW are great ta*k» whltli -Mod will glee thoae who respond hut the *lie of our work will depend upon our power of giving.” Ur lllnford then cited the example of a inedltal Hluilent who stayed an eitra 1 year In iin Kdinhurgli I’ntver ally lo arlu a friend to Christ A tiled leal missionary wu* Ihe rewurd lur that linin'* faithfulness. Christian Kudenvor la the plate where nil tan iform f.rli nd»tii|ie with Cial and with one another. frank I*. Wilson, fleld secretary for Niortli Carollua, then presented the program of, He combined N. C State Convention and all Kouth ConveptUMi to lie held In IjithinoiHl, Va. from July In to July ti. The Christian Fndeuvor conveniltm closed Hundny nlglil after some very helpful meetings. The Jiinlora met ! at six o'clock under the direction of Mr*. I.y niton Hurt of (iokltdsoro friends church. This was followed hy an Intermtlna meeting’ of the In- ( lerniedlates which was led by Mr*.- | L. M. Ollier, of the fjoldsboro Christian church. The largest attendance wu* found j at the dosing session on Sunday, night. Hong service amt Installation of officers, under the leuderidiip of Mr frank I*. Wilson made t*p the { first part of the program A pageant hy the Intermediate* of Goldsboro friends chutrch wo* very effectively presented This eui|ihun *«*d the Im port him <• of Hie Comrades 'Aof' tin yutet Hour In the life of Ho* Fndeav orer. Mr Wilson then cotitliuled the program hy u iiiessage (it i onset i a tlon und the convention adJo**nei| to * meet al Wilson The banner lor attendance at (hr convenllon was awarded lo the \|eth lalist I'rolealtmt church of Whitaker* laicli year the aortety which sends the largest number of ilelegales the longest il.wtutite. Is awarded this ban ner The officer* who were elected for ■lo st year are its follows President, Ml** Kllu firming of Greenville: vice president. Mr, A W. Griffin of Uoldshoro; secretary. Miss olive Speur. of Kluston, tie usurer, Mr t >*>] Mlkon of Goldsboro Ohio (iovernor Receiver Telegram From ’ I'ri‘Hident C/Oolidjje Washlngon. June 10 In a lelegrom of svinnathv sent todav to Governor DOnobey of Ohio, President foolldge ottered the kervlce of the federal Government In relieving the dlstrena brought hy the sturm of laat Satur day. • tOK h t OTTOS New York. June 30, (4*| Spot cot ton. quiet Cottiin futures dosed steady. Middling 30 20 July 2k.2d. Oct 24*3; Urn. 2417; Jan 23.07; Jan. 23 »7; March 14 12. ♦ 0 TEAPOT DOME QUESTION COMES TO UGHT AGAIN; INDICTMENTS RETURNS ' a- 0 . . —WSM I *■ ■— I I ■ —— | 1 I. ■■■■■Mis is DMTN 11ST IktMfAHfs latraine. Ohio. June 34. 1.0-ralne's ralne's death list was intrertoHl liy two. late this afternoon, when ' searcher*, dluKlnti In the ruins of the Crystal reatauranl found the Maly of year, old Dorothy latylonde, ulijl talward MLttetiliach of Henrietta. Ohio, who tlliil of In juries lie received during Hie storm Saturday afternoon The total dead now stands ut 72. MRS. OMEdIITES BOOK, wm In This Hook Mrs. Omrr De wrihrs Her Use in Mexico and I jft*.of Sinter in India. Ded icates llook to Mother. Mrs. 1.. 2. timer, wife of Ken. Is M. timer, pastor al Ihe first Christian Church, of this rHli ha* written' a hook. "The Aloe Plant,'' Hedlrnletl to her Mother, la this book she descrlhow her life as g missionary la Mealeo, gad that of her sUler who for many years tin* been doing missionary work in India. Mr*. M Timer aevgrat year* ago to In borne wajr help In the erection of a hospital In Indtg. I hut Uie mlMstonarlea there miffbt he better able Jo gnre for the »* of arc-loti* Illness Accordingly the two small son* of Rav. and Mrs Omer started * cotton patch. And tb* cotton boll* were sold ala convention In AjlaiSu us souvenir* to the people from ihe northern states, and In this way the hospital fund wga started from the sate or "The Aloe Plant," Will Atm mi sap.*** >at ■naiptmiwahn fund, itltd mahe the erection of the hospital a rrallfy in ihe rery near ftit it re. Aside from Hie fart Unit the pro ceeda from the sgle of Ihe book* are •o Im> used In iifla great good work, the book Itself Is worth many times the dollar which Mrs. Omer la asking for It "The Poem of The Aloe Plant" Is one of Ihe moar 0 * beautiful lo be found in any volume. The aloe plant Is only lo be found in the southern clime, und grows for uno hundrod years, ere It blooms, and them ll blooms, only to die; but In dying, it lives n thousand fold, for there are a thousand lilossoms, each of which, falling on the ground, prlng up ugaln And from Hits plant. Mr*. Omer se lects a name for her liook. and dedi cates It to her nu*her. Could there " be n more beautiful sent Intent T There te not a person In Holdslmro who will not thoroughly enjoy read- 1 In* tills book and lie proud of the fact that one of our rttUens (If only a clt teen hy adoption) I* Ihe author of It Mr*. Omer* lelephone number la ,It7 J. I set your consiAenea be your guide. UILE. fit, FIRE DESTROYS I. . IBE WAREHOUSE Damaife Khllmated at $ I (Ml.(Hid VA itrehotiMe is Oorupied b> (Quaker Oatw < nmpany and Othcrw. JuckMinvtlle, Kla June 3(1 Klre Oil* afternoon* destroybd a large * urehouse hiilldlng on ihe river, front ••ecupled li ythe Quaker Out* Co . tbe llooUi Kl.aherles. the St John* lllver li;n IJne. ind the lowers Hardware I o Warehouse A small steamer. Ihe Magnolia, running between Jackson 'Hie and Mandarin was sligthly diiiu t-ged by Hie lire The dumnrv was literally estimated it lltai.iiiMi, luirtly covered hy Insur ance. High winds anil flumes threatened ! nearby btildltilt* for u time, the i n , tire city lire depiirtirwnl was lulled 011 l Itenne clouds Os bl.uk smoke frrm burning rooting material, and a I|II Irit It v >f naval stores rolled back Inmi Hie river from over the city. Tiie lire was practically out al 6:00 p m • r I KIMIMI, IMdl I kl Ms Washington. June so. (AT Crlnilnsl 'ludiciments were returned by Federal vraud Jury hen* tmlay against Albert II Fall, former s> dietary of the tnla rlor; Harry F- Sinclair and F t>. Uo belly, Sr . oil operators, and t:. L. Do •i«ny. Jc., as su outgrowth of Ur* leasing or tba naval oil raaarvas. * \ ' ’-h - ■ a ——**»wsaai mmamm MKMBEII OF j ASSOCIATED PRESS •it— ~ 1 ’: TW^TTr-* —.T-v, ■ -irw PRK’K FIVE CENTS Indictments AifHinat Kgl|w, Sinc lair und Two Dokeftyb ar« Re turned Yesterday by Supreme .Court. Washington. June 34 -Four Indct ineiits cburgiU* Albert' H Fail, forrasr Hecrelary i*( the Interidr. Harry F. Sinclair. Kdward ll Uoheny. and C. U Uoheny. Jr. with criminal action lu connection wt.tb the luaalag off Nav al Oil reservation* in Wyoming did t'ellfurnta wars returned today IB tk« l»lstrict qf CuluuibU SuprstM Couit A * pedal grand Jury waa ffivea weeks to cornddaratlon ot Ihe oyidoftdff levlel ‘‘Final charges of * fwtonff against the four men whose namda hat* held the sputUght In the p|pr hinged senate oil nvestlgatiaa and the civil citlllcaUon whjch foUowod Fall and the two' UuJMjur'a. tha. trot Indicbmant charged eatarad la - ohd an unlawful itUapirocy from July 1921 to December 11, 19U, to enable the Pun American Patro le+ua and l iansport Co and It a sub sidiary. Ute Pan Ajuertcan Pet rolaiMa Co., to obtain control of Naval Oil Iteaerve No. 1 in Califorala. Hmilarly. tbs ei-umj iiullctaaat sold Fall and Sltu-lair conspired aa- Uwfull) Imween Dec 21. I*2l aid AprU 7th. 1k22 to give the Mammoth OU Co, a Sinclair mrporar on. con trol of the Teapot Dome reserve ta Wyoming The third (ndlctatsot charged Fait singly with accepting-a bribe of iimi from Uoheny to -uffaeace hit ac tion In Ihe Califorala lease, and ac companying uegoUattun* eoacarnlag storage and 1 ' eauMhca of navhl oil . While the fourth reversing the tom* charge held the Uoheny* up for pttm ncution /or paying Fail the mohey ta attest Mm. Much of the evidence, gad many of the Implications draggsd ta light durln* tb* lung laquirtsa lata the naval reserve lean ag were ra t:; r .“;;r l y.ru l iwTffU?iaiuwwt grand Jury were-couched. Tbs ft vm also indication* that other accusatory mailer hod gooe before tha gradd jury, and a conspiracy IndMaprat ra il'd that "persona are known" had '-onsorted with the four prlnikpolg ta the activities brought under the, haa. Fall In both tbe coat piracy charge* was accused of having sought t» pro vent the government from obUiatag umpetltlve bda for eagMllaf the naval reserve, and of having made J aloe repreiwntjHrtn and SMtagießth ftp prevent ihe appearance of compaUtaga aguigvt the Sinclair and Uoheny C<£* pa I uaa. This resulted In a great lota ta the government, the two tadetmeat# eald und unjust profits to the euccaagiul lessor*. THREE KEBROES ARE I liifLY KILLED: STRUCK BY TRIM iteportrd That NeglTMa W«r« Sr u led on Trarlta H«MUI| ('onversulion, Failing to'llMT Train. J * * ... ■ Asheville. June 30. Klrt MUchdta, lied Kick Scruggs and Jim Do-red. negra laborers were instantly killed when struck by n fast pnaseagwr irate -n the main line of the Southern near drover 10 miles south of Hbalby Sua day night or early Monday ainortag. iccorillns to long distune* me*aagen to the f’ltUen from Coroner T. C. Ksk ridge of Cleveland. Coroner F*k rblge held nn toqueet • Ills morning nnd the Jury's verdict was to the t-fTect Hist the negroes came to their death aa a result off >Mlng struck by a southbound train on ihe Hoiithern Hallway. The bodies were liudly wangled hot were Idcntltled hy friend* ol th« dead .The negroes from all ew.deac* oh • allied Were keated on the edge of tb* track bolding a conversation, and failed to hear the approaching train, ihe coroner aadd Karthquake 500 Miles South of Washington W'wMhlngton. June 30 A "rather et vere" earthquake, esllmatad to be G.*wi miles south of W’ashngton wan registered todky at the Georgetown Pnlveralty observatory. The shock according to the eiata ment began at 10:67 A M and laorad slkiiii two hour*, with the ma<laittfk strength between 11:02 and 11:40 a m. Uoiag from Italy to tn|tttg*aa‘A poor little girl, thirty reap* ago. g Mrs Colette lo aow the owner of % greet 1 nadnn hotel. *7

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