PAGE TWO fHE GOLDSBORO NEWS - WW^^i4>p—g»Hr auM w *• rt— *< ■EESSS&2! 52L** cf.“ . . 4 MMMM fBICI a AMI AM CM ■m U ■»xy,l| Mil m— • •*—•••■Ml • •«...—..—• •. HI s .- |L’ ** * ntratftmv-MQH*»*<<. ni n i.irji JJ API III.M* ORI4HIIKR 1 ib Watfltsh otv*.>tfff of the Urm<> j XJTatii National t ©nvrnllon curttMisly a |aired: "Why do you Aim-i team «• these dautonstratiNvn* ai yom AfcUUcul conventions?" He *«ld lie •44 .bean told that sometime* they ' 14*1*4 an hoar, and (or hi* JM'rt lie Wis %nu« «artain be "coald nut pue *. 4flUj Cbaer about auyUMug wturfe bibrtrdlt tor oiom than tno minutes’ tiding "I've Wan la Hnutii AiurrteSi .vftara the people are supposed to lx T*ry qiciuble, and II rouldu’i happi'ii I tM. It couldn't happen anywhere] bate ,' Hoa do you *c,*,uut for iff At ataa suggested to Uuu lUat the f»«d"4 outpouring o( emotion In u r COnvantlou 4intwi»l ration rarely tost ’ *4 loafer than ten minutes, and thsl jvßht (allowed aan apt to tie mere Vbcal propaguada or I'ampaialdua ‘Sat fUll Uie oalooklng Hrltifher nl ftwtU'l .uorf. after seek la* fur t4«r Iflloriuutmu. he »an gravely told by an Ifwardly smiling acquaintance % ''Tke political convent lon offer* U> I taahy American* the only toriu of high )Ulla which Is sa nr tided and accepted area the moot rigorous of the. fun 4*meatull>i churchesln proof of Mia the unscrupulous cicerone point • 4 to, William Jewalug* Hryan eatliu- J**6ically waving a red pennant ns "'l4 marched up an alaic with the .Florida delegation, and added; ‘Mr. Aryan's retigtoue convictions disc our- JB* HKn from drink or dancing, and * 4o be has gone in lor poUllcul con •V PrOhfhiy this did not help niucdi I 4ri44 may ae*n Bov* Increased the arltlahtr's myall w ..ttoo. causing him 4* Infer Mutt pcrfU nl convention up hi one of the cons# I fences of Ute lath amendment, gl- I W*n«h (he aaid uproar lounges* 4bahtl*ai date* hack all the way to Ms "fouadlnx (alhers ” it la easy to hfcggtßo the British observer net-bins. *4fuge la the .aaapokeu ohurac -tarUtle dhaUmaitno 'Aly word, but these 4am# r loans *re Jolly queer’’ lUn ston-Salem Journal. A (•MTLIVKIT HAH; ah lIKAI K. * si *UK t There la talk, 'reports Hen IVsou McN*tll to The Nesrt slid Ohs.tvgg, •(14 vote by the North Carolina delegation to George Cordon •hflte a ngtlve Ini Heel wlto- led one , ■f the Mg lawyers of New York City. , This would not only be neighborly. Mt a graceful eapreaston of appre. 4pMkop of the courtesy and hospitality 44 Hr. Battle nod lite other y«n*- ffhtnied native eons » And If tisy other Wtnies should have Moiled of jlhelr,Brst luvrs nitd Should 341a ahd 'jgut Hr, Battle over, there would h« no (tom age rtotui itM-n have hw«f several seen put Iwrforv ,|hc eaovenatnp with tops claim cm the aMdratteo of the party and the cottn try.- Moiah Titwea. TJXUS “1 “• '<■ ■ (HI Ml H UHON LP AGAIN m t • V I Dace more for a sesaon die naae tton of the uolAcatlon of the .Noctheru Bfulheru dlvtoious of the XltHh •4lst ||flac'opal t'Lurch will lie u|i permosl. phtfa the Northerners woo Mg the Southerners. Srtui -the leader of the Hriulherti cliur«li lialtjas Bet apeu opinions and the rank and Me of the memherahlp unmoved. Perhaps we were wrong to say halting between two opinion* there. Isn’t Utfch halt to a Methodist bishop (B-dtnnrlly lie Is going Hume Where it also bt) sdnilttcd that a church Bhicto features Imcksluluig to the ex. , Wf *kat MetbcMltsts do bus leversc gonr ;lt is well within the realm of Itoadlblltles that the two branches of , tßp Church will lie reunited irTKf, necessity union is not so apparent It t* true ttuct is to say. U ll probable that overtopping ot effort could he done sway with amt soma expense and lost mottuu averted Implication however, could lev avo.d --•4 hp the refusal erf oup ton •o go Into a Held orruped by th< ' Other. c The difference in views which keeps Mo two’ branches of the cchurch apart IftMcmwMaaeallal Orography and I i 1 tamgiit have had aiore to do W» b M. rdiuailoa of the seperate or- I fkUHko. than anything else There la 40 lainctde or loogtiudg In t’hrlst 9mm. It psoma a pity that so spie.- •M an orfgpUg! lua so Ihv Hethudmt I i j C 7 *” ° ~ Hut. mi the olbt't ham] grew iii.l I *■i• it • ..lit mci * • iigatiUatmii It w.cs at the hist c sent tally an uppcid lo hiimuiilty cm the hiaif. unm i.cmx'd and unregen eralc. It lum through It* tendency to re i|H a o’|inli/.c |t*c(f lust Moincthlng erf the ddiving torecs erf its early pvuti gellsiu. lUnrlit less II h.i .:u1 110 • I V’souictiiing lu cxchafigi . tor It cannot jhr denied that few human In^iliuinn ihavc ever been perlt>cled that tm-ved with greater case and pit c V«lon .» j Howi'vet', t isn't so much its hi.l j t lilnery that the ctiurcli bus neerf rrf impravlngius the iiuulity ut lie *,uk ■uaoshlp and unlltcallun mattci... |ittl ( . one way rs; the utlrcr Kulelgli I cur OPEN FORUM THI kill 111 MM 111 o With a Met < undid.tie lor I reshleal ’l'here Mon Id Uc No kolld koalh Kdllor (loltlxlicirn Nf»>: Blsli<h> < unuou. of Mm VMlmdtst church, speaks a* follows In idaiu worths. What would hap|H'n l( tin ftonmc rats ndmlnatr a whiskey mao on the National lb ket: ‘’Should the Ih’niocrultc party, of which' I am a member, nominate a man for President of it,. United tttalfn. who docs not favor the rt jrelive etlfnri cinclrf the l .mtil. "Ilh Amendment and of the Volstead \>t. Jtr of somethin a • vi-n stronger than Uie Nol l.’id Act, lor the citrorccuienl of the Eighteenth Amendment while I am u Ik'tttoci at , I am trot a law hteaker. and ahotild the Republican ncanlnate a man who stands sciuarelv for the genuine, heller cuforccmrul of the Eighteenth Amendment than we have had up to this tftue. I think I know my people in the noiiMi well enough to gay that In that ev<iil the Issue with them would not la- lam v*c racy versus R. pul.liranb m . II would la- law versus lawlessness. And II there should then be a 'solid South. I uni sat Is h* cl that it would he a solid Mouth against liquor lawlessness. He furthermore said that ll was an insult to shy southern people to as ■ ert or flint tin > would vote hltndly In iiuih t format lon tor any .mail who might la- nominated hy the IkknocraUe party, regardless in his atlltude cm gte.a moral Issues. Par ty loyalty holds In reference to great political principles, but party ulUv glance <an neither lx- required nt>r *xpeeterf when rundidutes are muni naled who are generally umbtstood to he opposed to the moral conviction* of great louses of ||„. voters, and Pali '' inturcht % vh Will youngCsseeshsc* that bottle erf Orange-Cmsh with thces thirsty kidsf Hsy —they haven’t a chancel Try a bottle today, Icy cold, sod you'll know wkyl Here are six reason* why the real Orange-Crush is so utterly deltcloue; (1) The natural fruit oil of orsogesj U) The natutsl acid erf citrus holts totanges, lemons and llnreah (1) Orange juice, (4) Pure carbonated water, (S) U. 8. Certified food color) (4) Purs twos sugar. That’s all. My, , . ’What a drlnkl RAI ONANtir t’KI'NII I HOTII IM, Ml. UOLBMBONO, A. C. ' * I especially Is lid* I rue If tjiay ard ) nominated mi th4 hare Ircild ussump - lion that pcdlliesl otfillatlons' are no , NO much more binding than moral U-onvtclbms that the NOUtliern people - will vote for a mah who has the l»#>ni- I ’iarutli label on tyjiu. * ven Ihough It - Is known that the very purpose of hi* ponilnaiion Is to, sec ure Wet vedes, “ arttl although It 1* well understood jt.hat the erfet tlon of Mhveynor Smith ( would Is declared to lie clear prerof . ‘■j that the count>y had repudiated Its ( cfe- 1 • n an the ((treatlon of prohibi tion and It would lie demanded, there M V"Mend \i I I .Mild He niodlli. d. to meet the view s of Ci>A I ernor Smith The moral Isstu- at | t i.e i, ra* greater than any peddle d I hi ind there are nillHon „{ south , ern rnc-n nnd women w|m hold alls . glume to moral convict lons to Is- far more binding than lo porch political : platforms. ( It appears from this dettvei .m* of c Hi-liup I there |< .1 Wide difference of opinion on his part nnd the hsserlion of the S'* W". a few dav» II ago as t<> what the South would ifn ill the - Vent o' llie ion of a o "wet ■ candidate on tb-' National Deni c- rw ralle ticket, I alii no politician; . tint I will Wile for r(o man whet !* -not .In line with the great majority) ! of this nation <>n loyalty to the en-‘ 'or- i im ni rrf law. n U. O lIUTI.KR. r . ii nie of an lIFMT in DKKI CHS TROUBLE Hum Coupir arc* Arrested and * Await Action of ((rand Jury; in l)iK|H>sitinn of Threi* Mont hs «tlil ( hild. I W’llisli ti-Halem. June lo (ili-nn II Jarvis, age about ;'• >e, ( r. and Miss I Molly Waggoner who claim* lo he] II h|s w|fe, were* art* sierf jjesterday Inj U ray son csiunly Vir-lnla. by Sheriff; f Moxlcy, of Yadkin cminly. and brought i a hu< k to Yadkiorlll- wheg, tin v are I I now awallln*; action trf the grand | jury in the attPycd i‘lsfH>*itlon of u 1 three week* old Infant which was. . found in tin Yadkin river Monday, i The arrest of Jarv-.s and the young; t Wo mat) who Niclecl hers. If hla wife 1 i- came as a result of Information fur i litnhisl lh> local a tit il-rrlt h-s by J S a < qllei who hearing of the lindlng of . the baby In flu rlvti Monday ealhu't 1 ! I W f llvrd. dotmtv sheriff who lives! i in till* neighborhood, and told Mr^ , n.nd that lie was In pttiuveNslon oi l | luloi iii.itlon whlc-h might lead to the I i> -crresl of the parlv who oil the child t Accordingly tAlr. Byrd b aid the ! -1 i > which came nut’Muter ut the! cot i r’s Jnc|ui-s| In Id In V.trlklnv-*.lie-1 I I rhtav Mr Hvnt called Sheriff Mcrx ley over long ili-i.tnee telephone* and i dni" led that he . 'line to the rliy at once and heat the information. I ’ I>e*putj 45ci > Si utt e.irrk'd Mr I’nl ! . | ler. Mr* t tiller nnd Mrs Thomas] ’ j llrurn-on to \ adkltlvllle I'o.dav wherel * they gave testimony w hleh lead Slu r 1 - iff Motley to prcieTire warrants . tor j i the in.ui ami vming woman and j ■ haaien to count). Virginia. I ■ where- thee wee, know a to live lie left Yiolk tiville at alsmt t, I I o'clock Kiictoy nh. lit and ahmit 'l i hours later it was leariiecl in this e|t» I that lie had the i duple lodged in jail, when Mi<‘.v .i i. heim hc-hjj awaiting, ■awwiaßM^'' l"J • ] [H I <l* ; 811 k I k. I i ™ W~ J often »wr7mfu(^B Cleawsra month nnd I teetß and wlda dl ß call«at. ■ Bellevea that aver- ■ ■M ® - ®*h-t-l-a- B Haver I Nallsllts the craving lor I Wrlglrys la doabla I valnc la the Braelll and ■ S«wJ«rflW rs« NORFOLK SomiKRN K. If. ' . Announce-- iSI'KCI M. KMTKSION FARMS TO M ALAR \ FA I.l*B ANO i RFTFHN, VIA jj! I NORFOLK AMI HAJ.TIMOKK In eontieetlun with pet la I i-\rurs,nn>. " "lHtr.ilmt hy the II 4 t) It It and the! I’cntiu. It. It ticket* hat ii a Mild Ju.m Ibth, I’.’rfh. July 10- IV, ij. In. August I 71,. al< »7. Soirtctntbei I, Mt, IJ>. 2t. : 2. X. !•»-*. lltcUt'il to lit day ' ’ Ini hiding date irf *ale. affording n excellent opportunity to vi*it this at tractive resort Stopovers arranged lon return trip ut tle*ignatet| points. [! I‘till Informal lon, . I'ul I mart and steamer re ervatluns can he obtained i'UXrfi appllc alion tu local IP ket, UgviltU. J k ualtun. 'I Gannrgl Uasscitger Agsht A k L - . Norfylk, V*. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS action of 4he- Yatfklu county grand jury •: O 0 ’iPie lesilniony on which ShhiOff Moxlay icuevd lei* wurrulit for at rest »4» t 0.., the effect that about a ycai agti Mis* Molly Waggoner, who had been working Jn a. knitting mill in Mils city, went to vlw.t In' the hhftw- of Mrs t'ullei and that**he asked Mrs • tiller If slip might Isscrd with list upon her return* from a trip which Mrs fuller* |i/*tii|n»tt.v. f( Mr* f'u)lei stated’tligf she told tRc the -young woman that she might do i.-o I jest August Vlls* W aggoner Ipfl the- ell cl It was te'ctlfled. j,a*t Thurs day u'mcmtli ago. as thi. lestfruony was given, the vcwint wnmiiu came hack to Mr'. Cullei * house and an nodtieed that shc» had been married wine*- leuvtag. She sain that her hus hultd was In tiporglu foj- thrc>e weeks and ihai she would Ilk' to hoard with Mrs c’a 11* i until hi* return lore J Ikger. whic h armngepic-nt was made ll waa test iiosl that the huwhutid did md c.otu»r In for some lime hut lie- .made -eveia-l visit* to till- I route of Mrs. fuller after ..the birth erf Itce ti|fuii! Kill ally till' announce men! was nffede Meat im- couple wn going to leave and meet the joun. - —— .MBBIHHHHBBBHBBHi Spec ial Tmlay * 0 lee t ream Half. |M-r Ih. . 2e lew 1 ream Jell-tt. pku. Ilk • arshmallon ( rente, I pt. 'J.’n AlteMed I’ei su*. AA-Lug. »|*e 3oe llig Hour I'lrkles. (I mr i-Ye Home (*aHh Grocery - NIAGARA FALLS $26.85 iCound Trip Ticlu-tH On Suit- Jum- 19, 2’>. July 10. Ui. 21, 30. 1 August 7, L'l, 21. 27. S«-pl»-m1tfr I, 10. IS, 21. (krlßbffr 2. M. 1921. I Limit Returning IH <lhvm from dale » l»f Suit*. TJberal Stop OvHm Allowed on return Trip- . - FiTres front other I'oinls in I'roportinn R. H. FI’TRKLLK. Ticket Agent. Goldsboro Rhone H2L Atlantic ( oast Line MAsoMt roncM Regular rommiiuleatUins of Oold*- hor tx-dgs No. A. K. & A. M. a«e "D4L und fourth Monday evenings In cun Ii timnMi at toil p ui in Masonic jllull over Hwople'g Bank Alt mam her* arc rwjuesteil to bo pro*ent and visiting Master Masons cordially Ip jvlted. Kl> K TAYI/W&f W. M J E K. HIUKS, 4tocy. IN pillar runreveuilon of Oold*- hor Chapter No. 2*. It. A M. second ami fourth Thur-duy eventuga In earth month at K od p in in Masonle Over I’c ciplc ’ Bank. All mem | w s und v,siting tT’otupanlona are a*k. d to he present. Kl> IV TATIXIR, H. P. W A. UARTL'H. Srrty. Regular conclave of anhlsboro f'<Murru*»id.-'y No L’rt Knights Templar first third ThurNduy evenings in e-i It month at 8 on p M. In M.i*oni> I Hall over People's Hank. All inem ers and vl*lHng Sir Knight* cor dially Invited to b« p seent at all navtings. KRED R CROWSON. Km. Com \V. A CARTER. »ecorder. Mll lt I OF N\|.K ’ I nef'e-r and hy viriue of the power eontatnc-cl ill U C'eriuln ruol tgage deed dated May S'h, I'llff, c-vei uted hy J tt Ib-rr lo l,old-born liroeory f'am .jcaov; yjnd trgtVtrrect tn ll<*'k No. (S hn I’a. <■ too Os Ih" t’uhllr Regl-try nf "V m> i'o,ll n c | lie uadc-r-lgned will well fur cash to the highest hid der on Wednesday, Mm 2nd cluv of Jill)'. 1'124. .it the, sto'e formerly oe I'tiph-d hy the- said J ti IVrr. located on Ibe corne t ot James and f’h«*tnui -irc’i i. in (he etc o Oolcl clmro. the I following descrllN d iversonal property to-wit; Ml lore tlxtiires, ron*f*Mng of one ir»ui safe, thr'ei- pair scales, one re ;rlxi Il ll r, one g, three show •u-i ~ and all trfhe-r tivttires of every lad, ,i i mii re at tie It of gynttortag.* dure, frttlf" und aB other uiertlcm di-e now in tore located on the cor ner of James ancf fhe-tnut streets ,i the ■ Me a| f dj-lmro. N (V A c cipy ot the eotnplete Inventory of tocUc and tixfnrr* may Is- seen at hi- qfrte » of tlie nniler-lgaerf Thi Mu 11th day of June, 1924. fIOI.IIHIIOHO MROITRY ( 11.. Mortgagee. LITTtII AITD JIIOII ‘ kajrtaeartof sag iißaii—j Im4 Na.veylag ud Banteg r P- l-aptoa f, ft. fir ran Otar Paaptos Rank I’hwwa 1443 ML BUI MtMJMMI MMBBNHV - woman'* mother "at the foot of the mount* In*." t**Htinw<t Mr*. (Adler Mr* Fuller eluted thiii nil* rmivV to prev«i| on to make It I rtp ilium* that the infant wu* to<i o itilt.ii aland Much ilUTtcult travel, Ot<t "n iShita) June JBgthc yntin-c l ien mil wotuun. cumin* the halo. I—it •Vtrai t altera home in a Font road »t« T »lfc Htutod ■kThiti wa* *!»•< Ia at heard o' the.en.i p'e until th« new* went ahroed .11 until' ntlfled >bujiy hud heuti four.' 1 in Hie Yadkin river. When lira Fuller *ad Mrs tlrnii -<p tv cm before the coroner’* Jitn tin t identified the elolhlux which h.ol luen toiThrl <iy the infaiit a> that vthhih the lialiv hud worn when It left the city Mr*. < tty-r had modi the riot hilt e borwelf Wants lost t IIIM k Nil MM.Y-H\IK ll' rliui. with white front feet anti btowtt K|iotu ov« r eve*. ttnwidu 1,, n.iin> ot It iuaLe- Suitable ie w'.til mr K. 'V. «♦>>• ;tIA K Felder *treel. South. Photic I 391-W. 1- u C * -""■■■ l '• rr : MINT I%> if IN pH 4P WITH i lothlnn between Heanfurt and New Item, Stem lied I'apt. II <\ leHE Model plur * cettU in I'rte V F. i vpreva rid lei t. I-til P MINI' lIMWIIV It.HVM.I VMI (ioldalMirii. pew yird lire. "luvJVj on Fliavrolit rtin. l..leial reward tor return to dim \p|l|i'W bite. I h.v r K I tlreetivMle, N • 29-2 t p ( A ‘ • I Oil HIM U HMMII II „imtT- I inrnl *n rotiplr w i t ilren \(litn ■ ~'l l N *i f'h.i:ti 237vl ' 101 l HIM MY ItlHt'i 111 Ni< 4- |uw at lit 8, Sliti tlilth at reef. «• 14 4 VII II MO I It! Ti 4Nw wl-hew pOHltloti. all Ol part Any kind honest work \l>pl> 11like w MawlivV evcn!liK* • . 29-lt' l |i (1- II IIIN \ W\| ivitltv W4NIT It '-‘C to i!. T i yeara of a*< Stiereaafui mill ale reined neo i an" Yltiid liavi vood rhiiraeter. per uinullt y ii'Uil In a hard rillieulion preferred. Job hunter* needn’t apply Otve in llrat let ter ave. Mutiny whether tnarrietl or winkle. educational trainln . Milary dcsth'd. name** of former employers and live eh.trader ref el eoce- Sehd kod nk plrture or small photo, II W Stallworth. Pu'lttu Mills. St I amis. Mo » 2‘t-3( e I Olt HIM 4 rilHI l tilt KOI I? room Hirnlslieil apartment with kitchenette and hath. In luntane oua lieiier in hath room. Flos* in Iteferenccs i-xchnnged. Addresw ‘S.’ rare of Xe*» office. 28-Ct r i 'OH Ml I 4T V H4KP 4IN Mill <1 at ;i i3’ I' Mulbctfj tretd Ftvt rooms, sic pltiK porch, and all mod ern convenience*. Kn*y terms, it dculrcd. Apply It J. Miles, ti la N. Johti street, phone s;:i j. 2K6t y 44 IM I IM \ I f It 11 MB I'KI SHf It utt llofljoan machine. State »alat • wanted. Must eo'itie at once Ad dress Hoy ilk. Kinston. (' 1 .. . 28-fit p M l Ml I 111 MTKKMHIN 4 1 lliahland Park Iteaeh. S|»eeinl ear* of lh» little ones I ..lilies frr t i,n Oi Tuesdays and Fridays. Park your ears on the bill. Towels and hatll- ItiK suits KterilUed 2* ii' « m iiitni. mits hih s\tf: two v.ry dt sir j hie'lots lu liest «• tlans ol l>e rty Suitable for !i i 's. .nr as an Invesjment. K. . II Jr, Huy I.', Fit\. or ph-"i or 11 .1 27 ' i I tut lilM- THHH I MI UMkHI ll yonnedint nmimr rarapr prlvile. ■ Phone 50P-W, SO3 W. Ashe street i:r p i tut hi v i i newnm til’s ioax centrally located. 2 Idorks from Fenter and two hloeka from Was nut street Apply at Jane - Kan nan's store. - ■». • ■ 2r, fit a Mill Mi l mill t \ltltl\t.l IN . iMid condition Fall 2M-W 21 fit* I tiff ii M two ok i Hint: in fainis isi -in ttis fur rent, unlaid' tor alii loti k'■ pin Fall :’t t U 24 fit,i.t Wl Mint WtIHINi, AM 11MI . and our prh es are r aht. No job I* hi larxe or too mall. We have truck', or horse dray. We an ffaymen of ability. Arthur Hmllh Phone 1097, V mo. pit w IN IIP I HI I Mil ItMI'M P • ia furnish . rooms and hoard at re teonuble prices, with modern ronvennnee phone 4*7 W 107 1 N. fleorEe -.tri • I 21-fit n u • HII I, HI I I. n WI W'l HI H KHKT two tieniilltul lots, J him Ks from rti w hotel site, nenr yacht club, fStki •■a«v lerios. Pay lltlle each month. Write |‘ U. Ho* 790, New Pern N June C It V 4»K UUMHJUI PAPKKJ4, OSK ••at a pound. Nswa oAca. % u ' W AKITt.II THOHt: wilH NTTKTK | froni rhctPiiapsm to try Fot-Tona-O, I a new for rheuaiatlsm and neuritis Kvery hottls old witlii a guarantee, Fur talc at all Hnu ktores. " May 31 ts o! ■ u' . i HIH Mi l HI P\ WOOD OH IKON, sprlnas, mattresses, tables. (hairs, bureaus, piano. Heal bargains Terms cash. Apply j. C. Vaustory, Kehnon Hotel. 30 ts - - — —■ — - , > I'PK HI NT —TWO Kl HNlwtim riMim.s wllh ronneellajf lath. In prl-1 vstr honie. All imslern eoovenleneee Fheie in. To uenthman or eouplsj without rhfldren. (W!| <SO-J. •*« »<. I —-i—L". - "7""— v —■ . ■ iif r r* 1 ,m,mu 111 ————uI II 111 | NOTICE ‘ * n 'owf * s t • I 4 Ilurrituflon, H. J. MiU'k. J. A. Klulz, H. P, (ulbratk, /. (|. Brill, (’. K. Mt-mltrsun. C. I*. Moore. C. L. Mo4>re. , We make a ajauialty ol f.adie.s Hairoutting and Shampooing. \\\, are experts in tht? lataet ghingle Bob. THE OLD RELIABLE City Barber Shop !j EM! C ENTER STREET. SOUTH I KT I S DO York II AI LING ALL. KINDS Wayne Transfer Co, J. L. ( OI.LINS. .Manager I HONE n;in C>ol-1)8BORO. N. C. Reiiahlp and IVompt Service. Prices Reasonable and Short Distance 4"' *"" ' " 11 ■—l ■ i;'; VOIR (Hines FITIKB The Jrfffpnni Stuuijril niiiiotiureM an ciidreij roitmi VIM ( lIII,IPS 1.1)1 1 ITIONAI, KSDOWKF.MT Parents yuti can't nffurd uet In Investlirale this aaw policy. 4 'phone cnl| will brinu our reprkcentattTc ■II I KKKSON MANPUtIi'F, ISSI KASI’B CO. J- N. I.augest, Jr. E*. Special • Over National Hank Tclenkcma MB .5 N. r —■--- ■ - ■ ■ ■■ DR. MAUDE E. WKIDMAN - 4 HIROPRACTOR COMRI.ETK X-R.W I.ABORATOrfY CALMER sdIOOL OKADUATE FOURTH FLOOR GRANT HI.IKi, RHONE 475-488 f WEEK END EXCURSION FARES TO * THE MOUNTAINS AND SEASHORES CRO»r ASHE- MOIIEHKAD * Wrights- VILLE CITY villa Bnaca lialt igh ' $ll.BO 0 $ 6.20 | 6.15 Durham 10.65 7.,‘J6 7.30 Hillaboru “ 10;05 7.96 7.00 Haw River 9.40 8.60 8.60 Graham 9.30 8.70 8.70 Burlington. 9.20 8.80 8.75 c Proportionately low week end fures to many other moun tain resorts. * 0 liekot? «m ale to mountain resorts, Friday, Saturday and Stinday of em h wet k prior to August "oth. Return Ihnit, nlid night. the following^Rjusday. liekets to M»indieatl City amt Wrightsville Beach on aale •finny and Saturday of each week prior to August 30th. Retorn Ot ( limit midnight the foiiowing Tuesday. ' • ♦ J. S. IJI/XiDWORTH, D. P. A., Kalyigh, N. C. S()l T l’l IERN R AILW A V SYSTRM uwrjn.i | qj| V) * o o TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 1. 1824 iißiiwH»-rn nmn^pi yea will -rsatmaJly 1 «r. d C. Ohapaiaa. ealaa wad mi4M H*- Usasi Beak BuSldta*. haw HM. m ~— —. , >■ i ni hake “i DMi mu iMUtr «s city ok i ot:mrr*W»- TT. K PPI YM. H. I.OPTIM, if-V TUBNH IT 1.4 W. i MM H| 030UIT0ES Uw- KM* ka>, tiW vimeaa 4tt t 4». . YJJIS "1 -Cl Mill mm m IS Ml ««»I Jsi ■ CM.

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