WEAT/IKR •’■rlly dowdy Re4*f»Javi Thus. l.ij fair, slightly Mrmr Interior - - . . ‘ " ’- 1 " ff " ,r *™ ■■"' -'’ -—~ *-*^* r " - VOLUME THREE; NO. 106 CONVENTION ADJOURNS ON THIRTIETH BALLOT LAST NIGHT - A A _ , a A ' ex ex ex « A ex ex ex „'' ' A ex A A NORTH CAROLINA DELEGATION WAVERS IN 22ND BALLOT DEM. NATIONAL CONVENTION FAILS TO SELECT A NOMINEE, AFTER THIRTIETH BALLOT ** a 6 % ■? McAdoo Forces arc Slowly Withdrawing Their Support, While Smith and Davis are Making Steady Gains. DAVIS GOES THIRD PLACE LAST EVE *— ■ j Mr. Bryan Comes Out 1 Openly Against Davis and Declares He Can Never be Nominated. McAdoo Men Deny Story That They Had Undergone Any gotiations to Swing Any Part of Vote£ toj \ Ralston. t : Madison Square Garden. >l -1. I AH)—After bull'lliirjr lot t*»'i morf lonv the Dem uiullc National Convention ad journed lute tonight with its linbl o*er Ike i’rrwldtnlUl nomination •till a draw. IM< Humiliation lit lit showed • w material !***•%.and AL-Vdim. ran still la Hi* ’.»• ,1 on Ike Mill i i.d but ball " before nill-mtu i nil wllli M.,.ii|b climbing •.♦mil. Il> bill .till *i -rl us eien a third of INr total delegate strength. John H. Itails by picking off dray* iolm kora anil there, iintl two or Ihrir »oRd delegation* had anno Into third piano, nmt tVo Irb-Mil. of Kal*toiy»of Indiana were It kina renewed hope Irom IMiiriiwi kl**-n I bom of a .wina • ~to Iholr I'andldato -once Iho do- ( elded break in Iho ballot Ins nan. Hark.ru of tho Indiana Senator de clared ho would bo »*t nia f ry to tho McAdoo fornoj ahotild McAdoo re lea*e bis, rt.-lexat •« And the \v Jen nings Urvun and other leader were •ctlvaly woihina toward the nomina tion of {ialaton Meantlme Mr Bry an bad coni ' out ( p rtlv again r In via. and declared ho never could bo nominated Tho McAdoo men denied a atory that they had unitor taken any nagol atlona to swing any part of ikitr votea to Halpton In ease of a decided awing away from McAdoo » I.lke tho manager* for Govern r, Smith, they Imitated the tinm had not come to talk of the second choice* Mid predicted victory tu tomorrow t. Hot Inf Start na^wlth 471* votes when tjre roll waa called for the sixteenth but lot tlrla moT'tt'g. McAdoo lost fir t Mlsaourl and then Oklahoma, and on tho frith balkit taken Just before ad' Journment until tomorrow, hit total was. 415 5 There waa phnt) of talk t call I• auo.l and pro*; ectlve break fi* l other McAdoo Mate* now under the ■ /lit rule bul in lire I lie ballet, the m. Adoo ra.Ui held with unexpected /boltrtltv Bulb of the it leant'ona h (I deter r net at sii4W TO Stick tight nnlll they had slept ou propoasls to k° eiiewbera HtalUna with Jtli 5 vote* Oil* morn Inf. Gov Smith climbed to a total ml 31.75 at Adjournment. hn \V Darts starting the day rm r.t en«ell with 126.5 *Th, ft-11 of tba 'uvorite aoa* wrs»» straggling without mutertal chance* In atbelr at.inlluy KLIM 11. HIM IKK H» I. ndon. July I <ef*i Repeal of Ole McKenna war time dull**.* have hen finally /Coilniiid by the House of Lord* which paused w.tlioul revision tlic clause of the flnaiica bill provid ing for the repeal . A spokesman for Die government •a d It* liifmmutton waa that the prospective repeal had no apprecta bU effect on unemployment JAR A* AAt’KITH London. July 1 (aPi Japan Its* ac cepted the tnvitattun to take part In tba lutei Allied J’on'ennre on repu ration to be held In London this month, it wrai announced by Reuters today Hh* w.ll b|r rapraseutad by her ambaaaailora tj Great Britain and Trance THE GOLDSBORO NEWS COLD6BORO, N. C, WEDNBSDAT MORNING, JULY 2,1924 _■ ' 2 -c. .. .-1...... . . .. . hl. . .1— «.!■! ■■ ~ ■ ll»l ' ■' ■' ——— ■ "I* | —t Balloting Progress • Yesterday's C on. ..... . ' -A- V i The flyires for the 24th ballot are: I I’mterwopd 3II.&; M. Adoo 4-ULS; |kol>jmuii 'll ; Smith 30k; John W Do | \ Im, Hil' lila IT '.; Cox CU; (iov i rnor Duvis 5; Glue* 29; Hnl-ton, 33; jriauUbuiy t>; I’oweeune l. | tttt I lull'd | Underwood 39 5; McAdoo 43G.5;' Robinron 23; Smith 308.5; Davis, NV * 'in , IZ6; , Itdchle. 17 5; Cox f.'.l; Dh ' vita, of Kanraa, 5; K.'tlaion 31; Sauls-i bury 6; WaUh 16; Gl.ias 29. 261 It Ital lot rtnleijwood 39.5; \f. Adoo J 415 5; l Hut.ln-.m, 23; Sm th illff., Davl'vl2s;‘ . H.tcliix .lT 6; Cox f>9; (iov DivU, of Kuna. 5; (Sla*n 24; Huistou 32, Haul bury G; Walsh 14; OW' ii 2(1 271 h Ballot t'n.l< rwo'sl 39 5; MvAilon 113; Rob ln*on 23; Smith 3ti">s; Dull* 12H5;, Iwvl*, of Kim*. 6; Ritchie, 18 5. Cox 159; Gli*u 29; Rulaton 32; Waljrh 7; ' Saulnbury 6; Owen 2o Total 1 ,»'iß The North Carolina delegate* split on till* hujilot glvliig 21.5 tu Me Ad 00 and 2 5 to Dutria, of \\ Va. 2slh Ballot lTiderxeoiat 3U.fi; M- Adoo 412; 8 416.5}'' Davis 126} Ultra.e, «.i Kanaaa 6; Glass ?5; It eV.ton 34; Walali 7; Haulubury 6, Qweu 24; Josephus Dan iels I. • 0 y I The North Carotin i delegulea spill ' Hxiln on this bit I lot. glvina I vole to Jo v phu* Daniel*, the |lr-.t vote i a-t for him during the convention 21Mb Hallo) j, I n,I rv.ul 59 5 Ms,Adoo 415; Rob inioo 23, Smith 321; Davis 124 5: Udcbl* l<j'.; t'ox 59; Dav.l* (of Kun l Gian* 2.7; lUlslon, 34, Snulaburv 6; Gwen 24; Martin. 1; Josephu* Daniel* 1 „ 501 b ttullot Urdv: wood 39.5; .McAtlmi 415.5; Roll n«on 23; Bmßh 323 5. Davit I2S 5; HH. lue 17 5; Cox 57; |r.ivl>t, of Ksiihu.-. 6; t:iu-* 24; Ralston 33. tiaul bury 6, Ow»-n 25; Walsh 1.5. AdjcAtrsid uul It 1u.30 tomorrow 1 morn ink ONE LEGGED MIN j CMS HI CUSTOM HOUSE WILMINGTON • f " Claims Ilf is Walking.-Around I h** W«f]Hd ;fnd Asks Cusloms Officer for Orlideale. i , \\ lltnlngton.. Jill) I - claiming that l e run away fr :n home at -Chinqua pin Duplin count). !H y ur* ago, ond thul he doe* not even know if hi* father I* lit hi* J G Butt* a one legged man. who *«y» be I* walking around tlie const line of the I’nlted Bl«t<*, today obtilicd u •erlllicate 1 ruin S* I' ill. ■ "1 111. lb-puty < c. ! tifr i-u -luuis* certifying .that to < ailed' it tlte Wilmington in ii.'uliuu'i "Anil I Cuß kbi:, lex •’ said Mr, Halts, wlietl talking with u repre en j tat-lve* if The News D spuich. In the udTice <il II K Na*b. depuy clerk of 11be l-'deiul court, amt just then ttie | only fool ol tbt* one legged man was J ta.W'lting tile hat 111 I 111 lit the aalull ; lulled repuMi-r lb tuilil he I ft Han IT.in.lMu on Hari )i 2. mid that lie will r«s eiv. ss.(Mai reward if he return* to the California illy n >eur from (hut dale ll.f *a)« llial he hg I ruverged 3.9*.', mile*, walking |i.irt of il,l* gr*;.l di* lance and pick ng up ride* (ruin mo- Uilt along Ibe i uul. When be mu It pirn old, l> • -aid. he run awa) from Imtue mol since then lie bile neve i returned, hi* mother died when lie wu- 7 year» old' lie bail not beard from, or of. bi* father In about a y .ar. hut lie I- go ing borne thl* Mftornoou. ou hi* way, to Norfolk 1 Hull* Kitv<* I>fattior'a nuiiio .11 J ! O Haiti. Hi 1 ntniod !>•> li• ••I lit.* loft l**K whllo fox hunting loar Kilolniry, Y , Dr< mol - r I’O. I X’o and mn nl month* in a ttonpllal thor* r*>» 1 covtrlKn, fr iu KiJiirU* miklh ih iI 1 mlk-ii hi* 10-all 1 tr.uk a ini limb u* ’ ho wan ilia in* I'-xe*. tin ov. mi; him I ov*r nuil hu lout .cnnhinj In th« •Utrup. 1 J \ I I.Kl) Kil lI I' Itl I.lt'll IMM. A\ iliuington. July I flocking aheiter utuler oeariiy tree., diirlug tho down|MHir of rain iixlay. Jak" JitioN. negro laloircr on the Slat • highway, near Verona, was atruek and killed by lightning. The man waa hi charge of eight mule* w9)tch were aUo killed. BIPTIST ASSEMBLY !' CLOSES ITS NINTH ! SESSION MOREHEAO •3 —« , The Present Session Was One of the Itesl in History of Ihe Or ganization. City. July I The Bap ( tlet Heiyule Ar.-embly. which bli been in *e**Miu ill the Atlantic lintel, .in tlrl* city for the past wc'k. do** i it* ninth itnnual *e-*.ou tonight with a historical pageant In wh'eh IMi eharaiter. ot more will hi* usd The present .f-x.-lciu ha* he'en one lnl the v ry best in the history of the ’letgh. who ha« Jiad entire charge of | iiinhlim tl.e prevgrum. selecting Hu ar Ity and d reeling the A-sembly. ilia* done u line piece of work. The eriming '•)' l >r Haul Haghy. ‘bf Wike Foreal, and Hm addrevgea by Dr. J T Henderson. Knoxville, and Dr l c IHrran, Na hvllle. aiui'rhc j ij* room work by a dozen capable fleacbem. have all been of a high or <fer 'The atteujlancu, while belter than last rear, wa* not up to what j v a* expectt-d. The Mr<t" id City pi <>[>le have! . i iiei' IJlv offered in tin- A einbi) a pery valuable lot Ideally located near ■. 'amp Gl< nu contain ng acres of I ml ovii look mg Bogue Sound, pro 1 ideal the A*eeiiih|y * will Improve the »ot ami locale lore permanently. Thl* i coa-ulei'd a very line opportunity '* > litillil up a great Assembly lor lh<- • astern si-rtlon of the Stan Hilt win itlur oi ret this generpuN ofler will I lie accept'd by the RapLiM.- of He i'date. rema n i tu he 'i > a There Ir | .null rentlnu-nt for* It. espei iullV by ihose who h«.v. reielvei) Hie b'-uelit oi the It -l I wii *» * on. l « T The llnplist Chut'h of 'Moiehead j Iranspe rted free of coal the entire tsscmWy. Ilio-e who i|« lr«*l to take the trip, to Kurt Macon and to th' ttluntic Hei.' li Saturday afterniain i lbe. visitor* were greatly delighted In have thin rare tr. al Ki-iblng, . halhlng. an I Inalirg have Ih* n tie , iavoflte pashnie of the visitor,- lybeii not on duty at the Assembly 1 "Heaven The Knd of Faith,” wa the tl.rrae of a Very tender sermiHi 4a- Dr High) Saudi) innrnltig wtb-ti he i*ike to a large audli nee in the Assembly hall. In the afternoon. Rev Kuyeie Olive. I Ilf |a I Hill, who hn . directed, the music of the A-• mhlv put Oil a V etoy .'Hi active niuell al program. In which "-he wa* assisted .by Hie orchestra ot tip- I'r-t llaptisl , ihlireh. Moiehead City. Du I 're Itlluni". i h. |x-l Hill. Mi 1 va. t'eurson. Ra high. Dr churl- s K. Brewer. Raleigh. .1 N lla rnel 4. Dunn. Mi- l.uctle '•lh pj ni n Mi l.mu G gb <e l , l iark Goiulf. M- ITIu , •FuraUi-w.. Ralegh and Mr* .1 K Dillard. Hlrrnlngbam. who also ex-< hlhited curios and *!> ke Inierestlßgly Hit her leretil trip to the Holy 101 ltd i Hi D.i'gan t-reached a very aplrltual j , sermon Sunday night on "The Slo p I herd I'nalm,” The pn z»ant tonight under the ill- ! re«lion of M ** ha I’"anion Raleigh. I will b" ihe outsHimllrg feature of the! A* i mbly i lil* |iag>unt was writ I fn. for tbi* special (,<< avion bv Mr- j Kdith Taylor Farn*ltuw, of Wake F< re-t, WOO is presi nt ti) help iu its firet presentation The ohjert of the loiid'int la tie portray In a* graplih away a* possible the hlslory and • ink of North i i rot in a ' Hapilsi from the Ip ginning of thl*, country Up to th" present moment The first ■scene set* forth religious liln-rly. Tor which the Raptlslg have ever earliest 1y eont*n/!e*| The next four act* iinbraiH Lvnhgilism. lalilcbliun. Ho j* ial Service. and Millions Rir the Mauler, or the 75 Ml I lion Campaign lu Bjdtxberggn tba longest day i« threa and a half month*. STATE ni HEALTH REPORTS NO TRACE OE RABIES -k ‘ ' V Mr. (•’. I), (irovt 1 iiad Sent the 1 liftiH of Dor fw the Stair 1 Health Department for K\nm-j ina I ion for ’lta hies. Mr C D Grovi- received ante- - ■age yesterdav afiernmil l oni it-- stule li, alth Itepartnunl. where he 1 h»d sent the bead of a ylog'thal tu I bitten hpn and other nieinber* of tho, taniliy. to. the eff.-et that there w* . ihiolnterv no symplom- o ruble •ound a* a nrniilt of the examinaj.iui Tlie dor, a |s-t of the Grove family.! iiad Tie*n TiRCi-n several vv-ek* gvu! ty another dog. and bn Monday the family bernme worried because ~f ih, ; iction* of the dog. and eyjled f*r ; 'v* rr. suniiary oftleer for Wayne I ounty. who expieo' d tin- opinion (hilt the dog..jv:'* suffering fr in In J !l ophohia anil fidvlsigi Hie fcmlv Id! mdergo Hie H.isieur tieulinant; ar ordingly Hie ire.iiimfft wa* ..t.lered! and the member* of the fam.lly wl»a | ail been i-xposid were preparing to I tart the treatment yl lerdn when Hie nii->-age wa* reici'vcd Many Irlend -of the family who nave visited the linm*'-.mil played v I'll th-- puppy v-fUme Verv happy to . lun% Os Ul«* jgOOtl Di'ffß. Effort, to Prevent Special Session M. F. C hurch South • 4* Cs# f <'■ II in < - 'I e|il/ -, .1 u! ', I |,|*'- .il court proceed)nga. ; to no effort to prevent tin e‘ .mg ol a *|* ' al gen-j '•rol touferenee of the Me.th.ldlM liplie i eii|iiil Chur h foal nbll.ißlled lo I fa. Bln here tomoiiow in **.n>.ht<-r j./o 1 |a> '’d uiiKuatiicn wijii tCe Nurijn-rp) In a ucli Oj tie ciuiri ii loomed tun chi: as a jiottsibllli). accord ng to repart'il circulating among the dele,al.-- M It KIRK 1311 TUN N" v jjYeri.. Jill) I .'.pot ; ofum lady UiPhllliig "dm Colton fnl. lei ..ttiiidy, July 5" ''<i.i it* tuber 25 Ik. Dei 24 43, Jan 2l2<i,| March 21 47 ANGRY JAPANESE SLASH DOWN AMERICAN FLAG AT THE AMERICAN EMBASSY FIE! OF MSS. Cliff IS HELD IT KINSTON.». C. Mrx. (anadv Died al Morchend City Sunday Mornin;;. AN idow of it. \\. ( anad v. Kin-lull. July 1 ;ilrr*rrfTi-i'. l i Mr* Mary Herman < uAtdy, who di d al Morehead (ti v - inlay inoi riina i '' in oi link .w i h> Id y '-I* rdu V 'll"* 111 Mill lit a ii' hn k. th** her Vice I" In' eitndu't'd fr- in ii* n -idem i . MU till t'l. 'V li ' ..4 <j " * 'ill. 1.1 111!' I blent I .a ■ 111 M.i |'i> w •• I • < tery It. v U*<* M. tlrbl M 'tt. at Kiryslon. pnl Hi*. Mar-hal Craig, of lytershu: g. Va.. condmted the funer al tenrlres. , mV* 1 atiadl « I .1 mi till" I lb "Ml of the mo t prominent families In thl section iii North Carolina She bad; tu-., ry standing the rummer at Mur ■ head City, and W I taken nick, and reutaim-d *-i tor two rr »Itr<-•■ w*ik*. beiiimlru i" • "t ly 111 that rela live- In Kinston wee unui.-a.• >T to p* r lieilslile Mr- Canady w* the whlnw *tf II Iw- < anally, will, w ' at 110- 1 a<t o' nue 'oi i in* large*! * lair **i tbia lion before hi* death some year* ago i hlo wa* ii.! years of ago* She,, i* - illVlv.d bv Hn- following' ii. Idri-n Herman II ai d ilt-nrv I Canady, well known tm-s ne-* men of tlyii* city, and Misses Millie. IsiMb* (•ml fdltalielh Canady Mr*, ('anadv war a rueiale-i ol the First Haptiat i hureli. iml was active hi work imi leinjiig Up* church 1 Flirting, as wa understand It, la unknown among thb Japanese BURRAM REGISTRAR AND TWO WORKERS ' INDICTED ERAUD <irand Jury Kvlurlltt True Itill \f;:tin.st W. A.. Austin, Ift'Kis <r;tr,*o tint! Two Workers on C‘harm's of I’raudulenJly De stroy in tr Hu Hots at Primary. I « Durham. Jul) n l At: to* "hilt wa* | returned by the leal grand Jury to 1 da> ..-.lltlHl llllee 111 u fill flamlu b :tly and unlawful lb traction es Votes ..cast In till* recent tlelllllcr.lt|l . uimary in one of the local preelncl i ; I'h" nun mums! In H e lull of Indict "111 urc W H Austin a qualified and , '' r i pistrni' u.l Co* precincts ' bei. ti e fi* ,li i atte: ,*| lo hliVe ii pi r|H*t rated. V.. I Rfrstu e and ; Roy Ohrtpet. polßlinl worker* [,■ The three men were charged w lh ; d' -tr-jiny votes east fyr Jo.sl tli Halt i >. nml changing ome of th< hallot* ■ list for him. Reports were made to H' H lank | uitri, chairman of the county hoard ol I "lection that fraud had been practh >*.l I O *h prec.lmt In question und tie !tr. "diaii-ly Im-cuii mi Invmttignlfon. The hullb* fmx was Heated ami placet! i'll thu safey vault for safe keeping, und tU*> Solicitor of Hi >< district. \)aj I I' McClendon I mk in the ease 1 1 Kt Iho grand Jtf j Hi ll! into thl '* all A n -c't that a true bill xm- : ''i*n' a am t (lie tlji's men Itaui* *1 j I lie c.mrt 1* exp it: d to take actlor | "ti„ tig> io*e during the prwnt *'•>« j "h»it ~ , ......... , ... , , . „ _ . .<* i • HEHxf FA V HltfKl Mexco city. July t ij)»j The oil 1 m *n ar. roualtti? to ttay the export* - 'LuHcn fixed hy the iinunce minister. ] ilemanding a lax rit n iccordam . ; w 1,1 'he *<*|Hn'.' price* of oil, necord , to uiitborU ulvr j'Otiri • HOl'm Hb4 H V| | R|) f ) m t r.ineis n. -July I. iyV» pilot ' lalro h Vance, hopped off *in Hie tini leg of th,. „,. tt ,|„ y aot j „ 11 : *' U " ,ii"iu her* (e * j,,,g i **l 5;5i A M. today. Th* w eather na . foe . i Vam . i< lay run* to Reno, where to i„ due at H o t it»scK -- JLsw—>JL o .Mite D r Shideh.ira Slates 'I h;TJ He Hetili/ed \Sh:i| lh«* Vmcri tan Nat; |ht* Amerl c n IVoplc and he Wtw H«- retfiil Ihnt (he Ihint; ll;ul ■* llajjtmal. ; r.'klo Jep.tn, July I The culling * "V* 1 "■ s I !-' A Oil- .n‘ It i.- ill I lie . I n I'd Millies HnH'ii-i.iv Ity an linll. is J.'p. to *.< wa ill*' e-,-, '1 m tie low r It"..*, e or thl Diet I day * V Idle It *HI offleittlljr llidhuted that .* »pe*mt int-et iic, "i the c.-iiin* i i*. v be held to <i.-i iie- the tffair ’Di* m m«r.w." * pun. .t i, ‘ ■ 'mi - i. ii TT H„ "Hoiif of Re p reu n lit I . wit ii Ho foreign and htiiini minister and pr** lo r il.ion illill’el' |ell 11,1 (ti |(,( o '-nf"i' in . to *r. in.* wi;.it’ u< u,.i, J otild )*« taken u i * 1 * - ■ - . -. . ilnirouch pußie weanti for Ho* im.n retht r laviv'igation into oil iduou-H of th,.. affair A (Ut .1141 IttifltK Ilf of (ftp If)! V t . led t'l the foreign off |,| r -nlio* What the Amort, .n Fiar m.-an I'lll;- Aim n-an p «•;■!' I.ni * i*i SI.I de'iara -..id n making public U : < i lateirtcnt And we are in*'«t regrel j Ivil Dial lilts tiling lias h. iije ii"l ' Tic f"teign 'offh ul '.lHi"ioenl nad A man apparently ah*mt 27 y an o' -..* rally ellteied tbe cantMilind o' Mo t nil") s'laie* . mli.i- S -ie.iltlul | lower* d t»*<- viuJi .-* v ft:, mii| tin 11 , made good lit* escape The uclloii **l 'dl ' iiVt ieit 4»v -everal pot.come | who wire dir I'ftl* lo *1 in l< "oneet lon with the unit Aim ii<ui; dpuion-lnilioi i bleb I: id l>. . ii , a ~ on. m || r,ii. lima ear!v morning C!ia«> of Mu m i*t waa given immediately The police lost eight of the null they go light aflet -a hut cti.** c for t short liiatanci, iti- police authofi tie* tin tu* diuteiji tlxik Vigorous piwa ,am to ■ eat ore ordar. '• , CONVENTION SETS OUT ON SIXTEENTH'BALLOT YESTERDAYS SESSION * . •' .’ y. MM Ns ION Yll III* » I Nt'w York. July .1- Ha ion I! Mcuuu. former department of jo** i the i<it lit mill his irmltir) l.lim-i * W Janierke tmm.'fit were t'unvlri til oi having iotin|iln'il with tutor I" 'fi r IIIi-'mllv t. w lllulrun whin key from Government d.-iUHeiie* Thr jury *n< tint r>ni hour. * ■«li|y.-t-l tvl Wt\-!l- JtlU|-t'l*P ' w«n> mil ii it it ti { iMHin tumor iw by I' V'itfEiil I mitti' » ' h \\, W olu rtou of Oriutim in fill' imy tonit initialed mol lon No date wiiii nr I for ihr wf Blent’*, Tlw till oner* were gives litime i dtsgoly Into tin' rimt.nl) of the Cl Hi'i Btitlet. Mur .blt], mill welii taken to the tomb*." ■ JflSEPfflS DANIELS 1 RECEIVES ONE VOTE ' tV ; \ ' " . • * I McAdoo l.t»si Ihr Solid Smith ; When fin KlTtiri Was Made by Frii-nd* if Dankh to Swini; „ f.iilbv 21 Vide, to Fnvurii* Si)». nb New York, July I d< Adoo 10..| I lie' Holitl ;V»rtli * <;« {iciitn il on i l|o| hen i». v i i x I till lint n< M ballot Joeephu* Iran i* in get one vjide, ,Ui Allot 2>l, flmlfli I . uiftl l».tvl, '2 12 * When tin lire'll, etiitn n the’ Noil 1 ’ < .troljli.t Mi |i Kilt 101 111 mh-i nit all *’f fort of friend. of Jo efiliiii lianlelw.l fin lie r m i relniv of the navy to >wtug | tin i inlj. I Noli 10, t lt*- 1 r f;i\orU« | son but tin uiove w i i blocked by the M. Vilo i frl< ntht wiiliof.it u tight. when U.iUUI paired out the Word tliul lie w.l s not a o i tills iwiiletilitllt 111 111* pn M' ltliil mu Tills uliriomii i left tiii* hulk of th< rot wlili the Vie Vdoo eoluiriti. with th" I *»iv to 'i| ill i rI Ml bid" fit! of better thing* on Hiture ballot ing Mlssi n IIIIIIHIK \r. unknown drlvei In i Chevrolet ~ ~i i t |. . | tin it lui'i.rur) hedge | I■, II • I'. .. ' I'. 'lt I o’i loi-k Moty dm morning, end n n r> ult drove 1 ' U].t mi Into tin* ire k til that |* Ini. 'him ,rjjn’ hi i.ir when the autonio Idle Mint "tied Into lb** side of the ■,t .1. • I. tile* o!f tin e 0.l rnlllns ,t, -I ; ,n ur *4> i lie hftdi. *• * o tie « re. k I t low flow the driver ewraped ■l'- oh vi .ii.ii! . I. .i iiiyuter) lb * ia;tot out n th. ear. and fooled il all ll wtv h.o kto town. ° fill M still* I || \s|\t. of TVIT M IKHiNIS I | 1(1 111 |( SI in 14 I M dill!.loll, July I Ift tiltw oh i Mil by tin i iwittttt" Murine I’o'ridj ' t'l. ! ■ I .Mill t!' r-!l | * April 1 to I * i.irtli tOf i. r.ilioni oVthe fin I '.ginlln eiirhlnu rum running in Ihe | A <S| h <i (tliid it t' .iin In o.ui, .• tor HTiol in r . * «* i r month*. It win. tit non need in » | * i vi» io nl f oil ■ v hv \ «l-tuut See 1 ' j 1 ■ W I , id tin Tr. ibiii . ' MM ll\l I 1(1 s| || w I r \ Naflniiiil lenvue * hlcago 4; C in innail 1 New York 6; Ilrooklyn o, Sf I .oill* I’lll«l»uri:h 2. Dor tmt ft: ITH d**l|>lila *' 4 met h im league lt. lM.il lit; ( hi. mil I Philadelphia n New York 7 • level,ml i. v. 8c I .on f Wash In lit on 2 fi, Jin loti I .il i \ Inrlitla I eiti:i:e Il oi 1 \ Mibil 1.. IV 11 I . till I U Norfolk-WlHim, tata Klehbn inl '(I; IVuHtrh.uht 7 Green-Iniro #| M . 'Jinllu.mlnini tiieeurille b, Muroit 2 S[,hil .1 Ill'll I K 'J, Aslu V lie I < liarlel.'ii \llyr 11 tel it rain Stud hern l.rague --Alania 1; rirwttnghum U New Ortons* 'I; Mobile 1 i i'haltnnooka >; M. mpliil 1 ■ In iiii •. I Iti If l: : - k l. I'h ti in «• it I I (jiKUr Win ton 3-u, Ittnham 5-1 y | Otb' iu rain. I MEMBER OF j ASSOCIATFaf) PRESS price five Cents North (’arolina Delega* ti<fn Waver»in Twen ty .Second Ballot. Bry- I an Launches an Open- Fitfht lWiring the Tak ing of flu* Nineteenth Ballot: VUdluon Stiuuie Harden. N. Y.. g Jdv I i/I*t The O nioeratlc Casras tion weak Into IU neeutid day of bwl- I Uiik glvlnx no outwurd Indlcattuk of u break In the log-)yin of ronlend ing opiti .ill" thul U preventing ael«C --II hi of u nominee lor the i'raaideiiov. Uet» In tier h|t Sturtlnx liHlay with bnlljt Hie run vent lon remi med IM ueai'h for a l*re»ldi titial tandidate Ths I I ■» iilrir halhd Im Id onl Utile bops ’Hrat one would readily Ire lousd. The only break of arty note was 1 1 lull New Haiti p: litre on till* "bulljt • !• ft her favorite non, li'ivermyf Brum , irtd divided hetwevn Smith ii)d. Ate*. A duo. with one vote for l>nvU seuultenlh Ballet * dti' the 17th ballot the total* tor 't •' leader* Blood thta way; Mi Adoo 4715; HntUh 2121; HaOs M ’ I \\ lilam . Jenning* Jfiywu l«u*...b«d Jtm open tiskri un the ronventlon stow I ami John W litvli, of Weit Vlr j pinla Jutiay. durlux the Hiking «( tbe run ballot Hearing that tb* Ml* t Mppi illegal las wag planning to r i to IratMe. Bryan left hi* Mat la flip noritlM ilrlevalloo and Went over tu talk with the Mlaelanlpplasa;' Bryan urxued with tin dele ,atee ihul Mr travl*' prnfeanlonal c nnec tion: #ould nett the party •ometbls« in Weal, and ilenled (be > harts eh I.) ii.etube' * of the dele* itlon I I Hut Mi AiKm)’* ei/nntet on with Uo hrsjf Injured the Utter’* candid cy. ~ A1 the t oneluelon of tbe IKb bal let the leader* aloud' Mi Ado i 474. Bmllh 3115; Haris . .11.1; l'nderwood SV-5. Wavering V. C. Belegals* The wavering of the North Csro llita delegation f»ea(n« pronotnced i ir.ng the r<dl call on the 22nd bol h I when R roinuilttee headed by Fbr •*.t>r S ret try »l tbe Navy Dnnlfla, «: ivt-rrior Vlorrieon and t'balrtnan O. Van fSatduer wawMßt 4<» the plst f' nn to i onier wth Chairmen Walsh » w" the quv tlon of the dele* tllon'* t .Jit by a mu jot.tv detUl.s to liHitxe itn unit vole Mtiiihet- ol lb dt-logitlon reyort <d thul a renaiderabie number wars <• idy for a wit h, hut that Uorsr 'i r Tlorrleoti ln*J-t*d all were h. und the outeome vd the- vtafe primary, ti w filth Mi Aduo wi.ii by default of '' ji* i ‘.iiididule Many in tba delo* tlow were urgitiK a «wtng to Jybo M Havla. BI N. \\ 111 II NAMI It I’atfe July l 14V- The < uuntdl Os Viuiwtern, at ting on tbe recommenda- I lull of lilt- Uellerul Nolle! BN mill liter |": w.tr fialnv named General Watch 'U. ll^T* ury .I pii< i v i.-iViT and healthful- * i glad you like it l iklnf llrltl •** 1 - IlllOt * f Mi at . M urn at . „ v * lIUN I « Ignat iiuv r* —”'~ T • • t * I Wt V • ' ' Rteha 4 «h i i t ’ft « limn . ', « ; of I t ' - ' , „ ........ t ,-.r: In Bertie* end- st Founts Nai • , 'I *- y •« er 1 * • „ . ' d ■ h rg. . i , jj i mul 1 . t . most, * , : " , .. , ; U Dllll I Hie II £ '■ «-*4sdte'g4JhßL it* im 1

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