WEATHER dtHnltf fa k ftalardayf H*i4*r, lo cal IkiMrnikitin. --r l - - • • VOLUME THREE; NO. 128 CAR MIN MAN - Fn PJMED IN t iimoßo 'wxmKton Taxi-Driver Believed Mo Have Hfcen Killed by Man ,He Waa Riding. Uraansboro. Auk • (4*l—The tour tag car belonging to Charlie Garwood laxldrlvsr wtio «u slain late Thursday near Lex Ing tab, and rob bed waa found Bear the business cen ter of Oretnaboro early today. The. car la very bl&ody aud appearance* Indicate that liar wood waa at ruck over the head and killed by a pas aeccar in the ragj apat ' Late Tburtday, according to tnfor fxfftlon from Lexington, an unknown wMte man went to a blacksmith (bop and purchaaed a bar of Iron. Tbl* bar waa found bealde the body It waa tha inatrument of death Qar wood. It la eaid. bad been carrying a roil of monhy which he showed when he went to make change for rAtea. Finger prlata on the dead •an a car are being made by officers of tha police departmeat. Tlegre Arrested , Lexington. Aug 8- Jim Miller, ne gro. waa arretted bare early nod la being held In jail for inves tigation In connection with the slay ' lag early fust night of Charles Oar yrood. whoa* body waa found by the roadside near hare, early today. Garwood'* hpad hud been battered With a piece Os Iron pipe, which was found the roadside. near here early today. ft ' .Miller, according to the author tie*, .was arrested Wednesday ulght reported him for at leged ‘drunkenness In OarwooJ’s ati < yCnAobij*. Tb* police ray Miller waa reported to have made tbreata aga nxl Gyrdnod Miller declares he was at M Jf.j * her# last night jwvenda, ‘ J |g reported to have had tax”*, ’• on his person The left bile 'license ' '-m* wa * ,urn *d out. bu * The wl “ * pu^M brhught prottiti' "* * pocket-knife un ronuWtttee. and*, 4 •< of tb* ffeaate ga «•«»“ vision for a if of. back pt Garwood » Pie In Intr*,,** »••(»* the skull Senator H*r Ul •» crushed In at several tlee on l> „ i he and ' J( leave* a widow and four *»bo - a® WORLD FLIERS TO MIKE HI HTTEWPT ” COMPLETE FIGHT Conference Held Yrvderday fop Diaruagion na to Whether to Continue Flight. RevHsvtk. ‘ Iceland. Aug 8 The world flier* of the American army *vl ntors who bSvp completed 21,00« miles In their eforts to put a girdle around th* ffrth. seemed In danger of being abkudosfd owing to thr let conditions off Greenland ’Which *r# declared to be the worat In 20 year* ' LA lxtwall H Smith, who Is In com mabad of the flight and Maj Crumrln# of tire AmnrlcStTaii service were call ed Into consultation by Admiral Tbos J MaQruder on board tbe cruiser Richmond \ The conference was called to con alder the question of calling off tip flight for, tills season Both Id Smith *p< MaJ OThmrtn# argued that there Mill were hopes of completing the proposed bop# from Iceland to Green lard god on thence to ’Labrador The rsault of tbe conference was an order to the cruiser Raleigh to proceed to Greenlend water*, ttnd ex plore the roast for a possible landing o place for the plane* south of And* ijtagallk. whHh was picked out lb maplng up the Itinerary as the first stopping plflre In Greeland o BHi LIN PHODFtFN FKFAK Al TO Berlin. Aug 7 UP) -German auto mobile manufacturers have great af fection 'or f.evk designs in rar* . On* of th* latest monstroxltie* to j appear In the sirred* of Berlin li a motorcar with the motor In the rear and so constructed that tbe front end of th# car bears the *p|*e i ranee of tbe rear end of an ordinary car In consequence th* vehicle seems to be running the wrong way. and the crowds stQp In tbe street, and laugh at the unusual craft MIBBOI HI V9VIVEKS Rt Louie Mo. Aug 7 lA*) Dr Ar thur W Nelson. Democrat, and Bam A Baker. Republican ar* the nomt rees of tba'f respective partis* for tb* office of Governor In tb* Norem bor electton. according to report* from e|| but 117 of the State's 3.117 I THE GObDSBORO NEWS LEGISLATURE SETTLES DOWN TO BUSIW9S AN SECOND DAf?SBaON lkfoLlette goes ON RECORD BEING OPPOSED K. K. K. it Cannot Lont; Survive, He Unalterably Opposed to the Klan. Washington. Aug 8 Senator La-, rfolletle, of Wisconsin. Independent candidate for I’res.dent, u> u letter, made public today, declared he la unalterably opposed to lire evident purposes of the Ku Klux Kina, as disclosed by its public seta ‘‘lt cannot long ; urvlve." coet.n ued the Senator "Belying updh sound judgment and good sense of our people. It,,is my opinion that such a movement Is foicdoomed. It has within Its own boundary Ihe seed* of l|a death " The Utter, addressed to Robert I’ Bcrlppe. newspaper publisher was given out for (Arbitration al Senator Lufollette's office Declarant It ‘'un fortunate that quest uns Involving re ligious opinion an) other question l related to the vital Issue Os tie- re stocutlon of the government to U>e people, have Ireen raised In tbl* as a other crltloal yew* of our nation al history," the ..letter added. ■‘( onirovera es feed upon and In flame prejudice and pass'on to the exclusion of Issuer Involving the very life of government Itself." Benutoi I*afollelte de< I a red at the outset of Ids letter that "the on fide with twquomlc despotism.” u 1 Klan. the Senator said: "Any one familiar with my record especially in my own state, know that 1 have always stood wlthodt res ervallon against any dlscrlmtnatloi between race*, classes and creels I hold that every cltlgl ; n is entitled ti the full exercise of his constitution* rights " try SWIFT JI stiff Bowline Green. Va, Aug 7 (4*> Otto Clear »hd Frit* Lewis negroe*. were indicted, tried and sentenced to electrodbtton on September 12, In circuit court of Caroline county,»bere today, for the niurd- r last week of Thomas R, Campbell. 88. farmer, of n« ar Fenol* The ent re proceedings lasted i little"more than an hour. Otiicials Os LaGrange .. Against Bootleggers Lagrange, Aug 8 La-t week's 4.1 Lucas. polite chief on au low-stiga ting lour Id town found somlhiug' Ilka four gallonio of liquor in the store of Mr T W Pag.- The liquor was taken by the ofllcer mil Mi Hugo recognized to upip-ur before the recorder Monday to eipfa n the presence of the prohibited stuff In Ills store. Mr I’age has be* n a citizen here all of his life anil so: years ha Conducted a .mall store on Ma'lu street lie is unussuinmlug in •'his manner, pleasant and a haler of drunkenness and rowdyism and made no contentions concerning the pre a* in e ol llguor In his e of hue n S*H The case was disposed of Monday In Hecored McCuilens court The defendant was fined t2aim and cost and gave boud for ob-ervlnce of the prohibition law for Ilia ’nest twelve month' Heceatly It was elated that the anil liquor law was being violated extensively In Latirange and to the this week t“hief lai •«« st ited that In- would welt nine any tangible i v denct of anynn - violating this haw 'I cannot arrest and p c sent to Jlhe court a person just be cause some one tells me he think, that the person sells liquor, wre must bava evidence" eaplalnad Mr Lucas who a»aeit«d that with sufflciant evi dence. be weid not hesitate to go for the biggest man in town. P i . d . ' ... . . . '.I !*• *'» C <*v - Two of the AUasurrs for Which the OfluntdW Wu Called Were Formally Entered Into. MOST O* MEASURES INTRODUCED MH AL HILI-S 0 NT Senator Charles U. Harris Prom iscd That The Ship and I'ort Commission Measure Would lie Laid Before the Si'nale Alonß With Another Bill Ap thori/inK the Re-acquiailion of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroads. ■ Raleigh, A mk. H. The mill es legislation at the exit* session of the North Carolina general as. eshled begs a grinding In earnest today. Fifty-nine Mils were drop ped ltt« Ihe House bopj cr, given their nv«l reading and referred so roiamlttcs. ore plaeed on Ihe eal «nd*r. Fourteen measures wetc received It) the clerks In tbe Ben ate, and started through Ihe ruit* line OX legislation. Two qf Ike measures for bhh-h the legislature was called together were formully entered Into today with n pruinfse that Ihe other two would he farted on Ihe opposite side of the, legislative lloor of Ihe rapltol tomorrow. Today Reprciu-ntutive Townsend In troduced a hill to re|n>ul the ronatl tutioliu! Mniendinvnt puaiced at the reg ul*r sevalon and. which wu* to to voted on by the pe.opla- In Novenilwr. ■lenlyig .with highway bund* sinking fund* lie also • iiitioiluccd a new amendmenl that correct a defect found in the first measure. Sengior Charles F Harris ptoinised ttaluy that the Ship and Fort t Omni Is-" sion measure a matter of keen Inter* 1 *: to all the people would he laid Ue/urq the Senate along with another bill au thorlxing the re acquisition by th* State ,Wih. -Cape Fear untl Ymlkli Valley" mlrotd. wdien these measure* are put Into the Senute the chief work of the aexHlun,wlll he umler woe 1 most lifiportant ineaaure order *d. favuial.*> reported by * Houhi ct.nimlttce was nil n bill by Repre sentative Tow u-end treating a com uilttee o' tht«> repr> riitaltve* an* two Men.'tlor* to stiitlv the tlscul sys tin cf the Stale jiiibll, schottl one hose of othtr »talts and retomuietnf ti.'tngi'* and bet termini*. "An effort was made in the lions* oday tt> block unV stai, wide leglala lon except the nieasurt-* for which tin extra session was tilled, hut It did not get fur. Representative J Roan Da via of C aldwell county Intrixjucetl a re*olu lion to this effect, and spoke tiriefly -n It He immediately'-mef with t"i position from •ntative Murphy of Rowan county, however, untl by i viva voca vole the hoty e refused It xusfM'ntl the rule* am) put the rest) lutlou on It* pa* V<- It was then re ferret! to a The bill of probably the widest In tereal laid before the senate waa < h< measure for th* flpproprial lon of flft'Hi DIM) to erect a State offb »• hulltlltlg It Raleigh Senator llarrl-on of Hock in) ham lotrod-ucedolhe Mil | Thu reporter Interviewed Mayor (' ( Aldridge and found him fron load to foot for the enforeeinut ti 'the finest po.nt the problbt on law 111 l.atirange I will welcome, | will applet i*te in the highest dt-g'e. any authentic Information rtg.rdlnr any whiskey selling In l.afirange' said the Mayor and his ib-nieanor 1 showed that his pray, rs went up lor r dding his town of the vile stuff Jill.Hi; MTK IM.I.IMi IlftKl.l Warsaw, Va, Aug 7. <>»»> Will Frunklln, 21 years old: f.itner »t Maylorn. nwir here, was in Warsaw lull today, charged with stiangllng to death bis three days old baby girl According to authorities, Franklin said he killed the infant because she annoyed him and hia wife by cry l uu efIUO.ISM! H Iff. Marlon, H Aug 7 iiH*) The t'sinp Manufacturing Company lum her plant was almost completely de •troyed by Ark of unknown origin i early this mornlug The loss Is t limited at between lion out) and > $ too 000 The plant was heavily In aurnd. ** r Hecenlly Are destroyed the commit- Isary of tbe Camp Manufacturing Co. . M4—ma m. a, Saturday wo.iMNf;: august », im DELEGATION FROM WILSON HERE IAST f NIGHT Al ST: MUL 1 Given Cordiql Creeling by » 'r\l Federation id (otlliennit at & i I‘aul m .Methutiigt iliiirche. —4-- T .. , \ In each city »„ N..rtli CaiMfia that the Ham L.,u, ~y p~n fiat C held •vangell-tlc t.iwpi K a, g nd -ration. comj«ei< ~f t, , nn , ell. ha* been orffunl;.,) „d to t . n ly converts of th. , „., ,| n tint others In the r.fli*l<»n t.ui,. na v. taken an lot* »• a whi, h might t„ | the means of l*ia f , n, ... „„,. lV „j , l-em «to twt end tr.ivel'ln the straight and mt|ngw walk of life, and , at the tonne t tt»4 let hi - light o h ut . * ,h,t o*l»», It r i th< no- i««l Golds!* iis kgktn i ii,. Haj.iy Os the I'* dorstlum of th. thale, nd having extended Mi invlt. t.,m to the Ft ill! tis \'|| . |~. inv t..! I was accepted, uil (in night at St Faul Methodist nt hureh ti. ( ,j Federation a dele c umj f r ~ M ill on estimated ldn. , umpo-«'d a' men and womenjwlto « mie to ( „q duct a prayer jrvlce and tell th people of (i WsL’tl 111,. |-.le.|Sl‘,ri they had receiveci untl wen- tin e reiving as a re*t4 t.f the i, , meeting held at jllstm, ind to pfte any aasiatanre to: Gold boro that they might be calbl upotjtfor Mayor liwin coii^t'-led the ung >er vice, and when pvt ral Insplrsn songs had been • ftg the *nl ,* wa I turned over It) fle del, naflon lion Wilson. » i 1 . I Testimonials frfl, the V, Ring del egatlon." Inrladli dMr f'nrl G nhl editor oT the Wimn Mlfoi. were I immenweley enjottl Mr G ere I, I stated that he hnifefLrbe , rr,*. t i o tbe recent meotst 1 pi WM an. * and was more intlm.f With tin ti un Ramsey party tlui nny other per ton. having In trdjln to in ' ey* |b*rn Raleigh, Greenvlll W.iHhlngtoo J and It was a pb Lure to h<- <|,>.el> a*coeluted with tlLi in Wilson. The tdllor com Am, rib tl Gold Iwirt upon being the t town lu the state to T).ivu a rieraj-t >t. and rum that Mr Ham ru v( ht-Uaib d to iw> fer to Gcltlsht-ro ad of Ihe 1 tin 1 effet ls of this t wotne' t Ing here Mr. W J Rum-o >yit l-n 'p r » I etil Ia Hi night. h:|tig rouie ovei I frtim llentler tin »r" pr. par:t,fbin | are being made fulfill- ti[>ening of : I campaign till re u tel. rom i imoy j row, Mr Itarn * wu ciirdiilly l grfclctl. entering |e church alt* I the vervlce had bin* I _ If t- I ;• I • I*l Ii ~J*I.I•41 . 1, I ! y,. op I oorlutilly to b- prent nil lo .ix (In I Wilson del* .al "ti tin t* Uiuio'i I ials. It was nn ln-»f»lrt sb:M to*; ,!di I Imro lo have tint i Iting, dclrg.ite with them, giving'ieiii • i.11.u dii to do more in Vn cotint) n* th* future. STATE SHEfFFS MEET IRILEIEI ■ FOOIiZI.W i'ommitteo Appifcti («> Draft a Hill to Im 1 t'rritrd to Lfi;is-| la lurt* » Raleigh, Auk lur.tT. -.j.f 2. counties of Noilhiolm. i,,. i' 1.. r • lislay and orcunirti talc Sik rift- Association. The first rult < tin- new ore .ml ration, after U appoint a Com in# 111. .! .ft it to present 1•» th. ft ial i i .ti of tile Icgislaturi ivt *»V lit! fount.} officers Will It. Iyd 111 ' in I.t four year- time ( aw iy with th. election t taint . ofTlct lls I'he plan. of tin- rhitii-it h so re .rt-SH lo tion by tl s el.ll t » lon oil he irtt HIIS' ais a 111 |. v. til ml.jet t to a iii So oil., before le t timing « In Hit ev.nt he hill Is pa . •tl Officers Mrrw tin 1 follnta i. t llun> tirantill- -drip It « • til Aanfnrd vl. >« pct ! If II lh»rrl gain, ak- .■ on I M i tit <» II Jlovt r, of \\ II <>g i ir> i A legislattVl t ijttel- . w lijeli war unde Ih a i follow I' It It . - rlson, I) it 'Stafford 11 I avlor 1.l IHUM Its llOlfwl s • Ms- ,aV Berlin. Am- 7 • A hnry. fax j*J the lat» t iii t le. r . ini . r»i “ft ... ,i i|o utl cxept till. Ih* If.ii riti•• to -Ha'anls The tfarles according t> the thariit ,, t I I-.' i. ‘ of t l.e horses, the dug ahoiit Ito a ie«r assessed usl ft iy touch horse , and rarttiim il l > Norway's pop I in iou.;. rl >n whh her area, he . ...11. • ,n w4| - Kuropt* It AW the gene ill' fiw Japanese • to have only onvronal or given name. ;* ■, 's • . ... a *u. 4 M EIGHT COLLEGE YOUTHS fvMIHN MITIGATION ' it PEEAEOR CHICAGO BOYS r iMtli> Givo W my !• Dr. Hurl f-'*ri. Mental Sporinlial and Testify m to OfiwrvatLoan. DH* HIttIBURTFOURTH OF MENT 4L BHHPFALISTS Dr. Hiirihuro lb« Slalcment Os TKnt I ocl) Si ruck (Im npilk Helves Into I hi- Rnnlßp of Pfl rentul Inllticnic in Cailßffs for- Various Efforts; Examined Hoys Thirl «en Times. t hlcago. tag. k (41‘) Fight college hoys linally gave to Hr. Harold B. Itarlliart, fourth of the defense'* menial specialists who look tbe witness stand today be fore Judge (avert) and *»'* tests ain support of Ihe pie* for MltHsllvn In the sentencing of Leopold und Lo.b, kidnappers and murderers of young Robert Franks. Tbe students, mostly friend* of Lock, testified ns lo their observations *f the jottlhs* peculiar manurrisms and mental mechanisms as revealed to them • ul parties or fraternity booses. I The) occupied Ike entire morn ing *e**»on. excepting tbe (oar minute* when IMr, Bruce Arni-, j strong of t hurlchoK, Mirk, gave evidence regarding a slight arcl* i •lent Hi l oeh In ItWff. Dr. Hurtburt. going over ihe live* I of Ihe defense from cradle days cou- I I ludeil'Uhat laieli la menially diseased I hut hud not reached his conclusion las to I.*opt>ld when court was ud journed until tomorrow -Dr Hurl hurt. corroborat'd ihe test|t»ony by jDr Berihtid Glueck, that 100-h was I the at luai slayer. Struck Flunk Beversl Tlmp* l-oeh Wgld thst hi, StruUsb* bojr * veral time* wnhi-u roift cHfitel, 1h- I tending to stun him and strangle him I later with the aaali.tattc* of laiepold. I hut the blow were Htiljli letlt ( 0 rau te I leal li. Haiti I*l- Hurlhtiri I That I .Deb tool tllst'imsml the Frank lm ) * Oiuidei with It Im motini, gelling I mile it kit k oat of it was ul**o test! M. dby the dot tor 11.- revealed that l.oeb Mtw the funeral of hla victlin, •nd Ml a bit mu,,rl aide bill JTH not remorsefql when he saw ‘Bob Mde ,' ftb nd* currylny ihe coffin j whbb contained the body of ihe hm it) the grave '' Helve*. Iult) Mental lullitrlire I a, I>r Horlbnri delved into the realm I *! par.ntal Influente Ur ..king cause . Ibu v.l1 1 <.11« .i.-lest -. (1,,,, hi. Hurt,.,.,, I iittnilmi oi Hi*, youths nrulttl ti. .' I.*..|,<,|.|, ntoikei .iff, I, ,| |, om to hm) 11. teaGlled he liatl learned I i |d.Vital ulbi.eiin,before III* birth. | ‘ tnainc f «n luvalnl. and tiled g. t* p I ‘‘ " '■ " later That lotelt a mother tint liefore hi. birth wa* sickly untl I also suffered from several acute In I faction* The tesllmony of Ihe till jl I l*-ge students all ran along On* sain* j I j line to the * ffect that la-opoltl was |r- 1 : I rational, drank heavily, argued child | ohly, yd fginiing spells, ,and lucked ( horse fn*. to balance his* Inteliei t . I —..ii 1,,, y , . I Only Oil In Eastern N. C. Is In Filling Stations * ** A , <1 . Kln.f! u* to hi* opin ion ot tin- ol drilling operations t,. • k .Width.) iltiln ( get iiiiy oil | Mippo i. iipy made kup (lrilllio- m udo/.ii p| ji #• h unit Ih. y i hit rot u quart „f u |l About" Hu- only oil (hit Ivoiorn t itrollnu oinilii to take 1,(041 i n ur {) ( in Hi,. : kind you |IUI lit your car and you liiiy .it u nil (if! >llllllOll " • Mr Hurl 101 l stated that what | lr v«*r did undirNtuiid about tti*> tlcor Hi* ‘’ll digging

.»> iiiuii i stated prior to the drilling that there was i.n (lonuldy oil motor (ho (Jiory .i >*tid. Mow mey ooii|i| |,ave arford od In make blicli xlut.'lllillta, h i ill* Itmta* and Hpo, n>, .uni yui evidently must tulyo known there wm no oil nr at least llule likelihood ot oil In* ina found ‘They would |iut .ip a derrl. k und drill i few hundred ... t or more and th.ii wa al>ou( “*• there to it They kept trylna In various plan -1111 every "sucker” in the state hud IjOU a lit laud neuihy to the drilllHK lota und then they Mopp, .| a good many "aucki r»" bought atock ** “Os course, thcra may l>« some oil hut it doatn t' look possible ot prob ** 4 * ' LOES S MOTHER 11 TESTIFY IN IS DEFENSE l uminii To Try !• Help Son in Hpito «f Dictor'H Order*, tj “Pnlcfce*** Too. Cht.fMtk A** *. bP»-~Mrs. Alberl of Richard Loeb, will lake the ala*. l *° •« oßort to gain | nutlgutloS of the Iwuaßy Acer Non ind Uopuld, Jr I 4'*» I** for k d j n «W>ln* and kiJ,u a according to all May 30. -Qw Mu> thv crime »U^h Caverly will lit the. pun7!h&ianCtdJ7 hat,been veiled only by hU tuottiei baa Imitated on testifying, Pli> irliinV warniUK -gurnet hoi leaving the Uab Hiunmei home a I* berlevolx. Mich., where ahe' la at [ tWMMn* her invalid huabttvd Other relative* of both boy* ban t»«en aumnioned hy defence i 0 , lU g ment tha lewiliuony of young mn nnd women, former college fellow | Htmienta and friend*, retarding jury Hj mautfeatallona of "menial dlirifey’ .ithe atayari have given The ihoory I (of unntal irresponsibility by the de i, felliH, lutHea It * hope for mitlglU«o - Ml** Oermaune K Reinhardt. nek - named "Pet chan," u year old. artwn yj model and gLeflogiapher. who wa iju axed by, ihe prosecutor reganllnr tl*e initials ‘li K R on the r.iueon sole a*nt to at her. and avb< hia visited lateh frequently la Jail Lfault Veenly - AmXhee tm the l|.« b Ml»» Ko-Hllad Nathan, slater oT Eor ra nr who leMWed yeaferday hei plater believed Intli waa "plain cue | kou " F'.aam nation of lay witnesses wir probably extend Into neat week, tbi defence haa Indicated After then will l>e two or three r* niulnlna pay chiatrteta. with a poeelblllty of a con elusion of teatimony Fry the end o fieri week Coolidffe Plan« to (Jo to Plymouth, Vt Illusion. Aug. 8 <>P) .President .Coolldge hue planned to go to' Ply mouth. Vermont, (he home of hla fa flier, for a vacation of ten or twelv •lay* ”oon after b« formal notifies >i(,n everriae.M. which are to he held here on Aukii-i 14tb. AAAIYIFITH I I T R IKK ' I Kmk (Yhier. Minn. Auk 7, (A*) ''""‘"if %U w-|ie communication, alt * bandit* blew the vault In Ihe Villari Star. Hank at Vlllard. 17 mljos noril w ®*t of here and escaped with st». * nieth od * of operat ion in (ieorgia w»re In ciu ive of the follow rig move*: bring Ii« of a rig and planting It read) r dr Ulna, laying off of lota, small ne» at no many hundred dollars each, I hi* sale of these lota and the partial dillllng of a tl "alleged" well then no pll und there every one was out of Ihe fellow who mild the cheap land for a fortune* Meanwhile be was gone A r»|i n I I lave pH k. where Ideal up n fr in New Item and others from thla state are promoting the drilling and Were onlv a fetg are financially intended and thwr a no Htow y Jr . convict and fugittva from justice cama to grief here Saturday after* ■ ftoou. after evading tba law toy nor* then ala yeara. tfrr.v: U>» ry waa Ukea by a squad ot poltc# after they bad (trad a bullet Urivnn from the ham* of hi« moths *. whtre he waa la hiding* whan police acting —Up. tui rounded ibt houne. Iu» wry waa desperate’ and made a haaty flight thru tba back, lot. followed by a fusilate of bulleu from the gone of policemen vti have been hungry for months for something to "hoot at. M*M|R bO way from (be Pearl *UNt bMm of lit* mother Mra. Jugs Lowry, *g. > ■ the yard of (Jeo ||*tth «f f ~n, dextar Street, and gstani vrfch a bullet bole - clear ttur* AM Mlf at hi* leg, be dived [m4m Obi h<... e * c g jjolicvman di *|lng the jMt-11l g ' forth, and atM|M |pb h m to Jd* 1 A **wWras»jßLovrr l a«ai«ai “ Ttrwt Rlpwho bg alleged llsd mfoiißad Um #M(e was at Pbo r| * ll * a E'blaf ot p olio# ('bailee A fii'iaary at rack tbfyib -law a tai I ' ,, * bl *T °* wltb bta Til « «f» »»>lcb >*a bees Chief 0C Puttee all V* w4N> ’ *** fUp* ' wh j*n imavn wa k ‘ < , »“ d «*ANMA. held firmly, J 'mJU iP hM^^ ,tt, *• s'l - long 46 enfifef* huHe«-b*A| baarUf in upward In* rtgtM were the terror of tiaejLefcm. the peal of tba pallaa. for While sitting la the Jail yard twJ I ’ n« for a pbyatetaa to dr.a* A. wound, he waa at «r*t defiant, tad made la ttt* warn and elat %iivrp, piomMM dm MoiQf a||T/ would pay danger.' VbjbU capture, ml lulei llllag dawn. and tt ovUl mo<«l urealaliaiaa to ail abmit . niiu that be had led b etralght Ufa m the *la rears be ha] been a fugi tive from the lav. A tilubw-'I roller , With hla wouad dreeaad, l.iwry »tood ou one food befaira tba bare of hie cell and told a lagthy a.ory of hla advent urea inc, ba made hit way out of the Jell In March. lUZ. lie hud gone to Canada, enlisted la the Canadian army ha declared, end isrved un the battladald of. Curopa. He aald Ue had kill pursued Yi'Zb * lermuuy scrota the border Into Hot aud. and making hla way bkcK to America, he had npeat much Dine trapping In the Hudson bey; region, making a good profit front ' tha hunting and buying of furs H i earning last year had haen more man M.imhj he said, and wKh thaae ha had come to Baltimore, where ha Kat an Klltabeth City girl of hia acquaint ance In a questionable houaa. and there discussed wKfc her tha poaelh.l uy of coming hrnui to aaa hi# folk a. He declared that thrus her*cc— Samuel (lompers, President of tka American Federation of l.abor, can go aa f*r aa be likea.ln making public tha cor raapondenca between himself and John W Hut vis, Hemoc ratio n .ml use Mr Havls declared tonight on Uie eve of his departure for Clarkaburg. W. Va. He wired Mr Oofttpers to Ibis effect. I ’ ; ; , ' TWO AMEMMANK KILLt:It Managua, Nicaragua. Aug. 7 oP> . Two Anp-tlcans are reported to have be n killed In Han Vtirooa da Colon, Honduras, when Central Peralta tla revolutions y leader attacked tha vil lage (iovernment forces hat* baan scut to gusrd (he frontier •’ It Is reported tb«t Iks American marines In Honduras bavt bean sent j,lo the border to repel tha revolution lots.’ Wuok may be dlatataofil. but It la a tonic that make* soul and body stronger. o # 1 * , V a Jf r . ; ’'llrflyfrf' frflrfl