; _______ . 4 j • - . * • • • ? ■■ _, • ■* :' , GET BEST PRICES FOR YOUR TOBACCO IN GOLDSBORO « ' ** ■ ——WflMWpi— 'C ** * • weather Mwtfc larollaa Partly rlendy Wfd and Tkirvlai. 3- *■' *o l VOLUME THREE; N&TM tmm OFFICIALS PROMISE IMPROVE SERVICE LOCfttFpfc A UTOS CRASH A T MT. OLIVE; CHILD’S SKULL FRA CTURED _ . fe aaMMaaMaaMaaaMaaM BETTER POSTAL SERVICE FOR THE PATRONS LOCAL OFFICE ASSURED With Assistance From / Senator Simmons Of fice, Secretary Den mark, of Goldsboro Chamber N of Corn er merce, Hp.s. Three Hours Audiegice With Aides to Postmaster General and Tells Them of Inadequate Service Here —Prom- ised Assistance. * ' Kalian Isa a nuffwaw nth officials la Ikr Postmaster Gea efflcr at WasMn»lo» jrster day, Aarratary Halter IteaatarV, at tha Chum her at f ern merer, last night telegraphed The Mean ii fallwwsi "Ik Ith assistance of Senator Hlmmeas' olW», I «|trnl three k»an la raafereare with got era* meat »Vtrlal« In the pe-d office dr part meal. Theae official* atale that aar complaint la sulistaatL ated h) statistics and la their oplnloa la ja«ttdal>le. The) ad> . Ttaad- that vomprieul po-dotHcr Inspect an aoald he seal to Getdsbaro Immedlalrl) to ranter with oar dhrarterx. ’‘ftraater Atamans' off Ire Is ■mened at the roudltloa which ellata a* ta laadeqnsir aertlre at (•oldi.be re and aaaare n« that they will not let tip until relief I* given.* This mediate .rotn Secretary I>« n mark tel Ik In brief the result of his! viait to the Soatadficy Ttaparlnunt with i plea for improved serviic at the Goldaboro office and prqminent local hualneaa men stated ln** W night that they believe It would result In ■ relief being fflvpn. Secretary Denmark showed postal off|clala that Golduhobo wan without adequate poutal aervlce. that Uieliiini her of clerks and carrier* in the office| here was smaller th*n at other pluceti of the same else and population and explained lo them that business men and In fact the cltlxenry u* u whole were up In anus and demanding n lief . ‘ Senator Simmons hu promised lo do everything within Ilia power to id , levtnte ibis condition and rami'* arc; expected shortly swim : AID NORTH CRR'LIi - TO MAKE AN EXHIBIT f Senate Committee Favor* Spentl- Ing S2IMMMI on Exhibit hI Southern Exposition to be Held in Ne wfnrk. Vlr N (I. H < l llett. »ecr tary nf (lit Eaatern I'arettna (Tnimber of f>m p-eece, *«» omens the visitors In the city last night, being on roufo home from Nah-ign, where he had been t > appear be'ore a senate committee * aht ask for an appropriation to he ■' used In putting on a North t'arolini exhibit at the Southern KxpotdPoir. a. to he held at New York In .linu.rv the foil) tail I <*e n»< nmi** ml til nn Sipendll ille of $ 20.000 for this pm pose., end today the Senate will take action upon It with a probability that It will meet with Ihetr appr val It mil then he sent up to the House lo take action. Mr Bartlett stated that he felt ■nre that the tzo.noo would he forth coming and that. If surh turned out to be the ea«e. the work of getting P the exhibit together. would begin Such an exhibit at the New York exposition, he pointed out. would he qor'h thou.and* of dollars as an ad vertising feature for North Carolina London l is II that taxicabs ► The average piodm II || I's t lie Ok 'lehoiHh oil Held I* half a million bar rel a a day. > THE GOLDSBORO NEWS FOOD MORE POISONOUS THAN DECLARES LAWYER WHO C.OfcS WITHOUT FOR 30 DAYS * % j 1 mesmawem*',-e# ... ■ ... . llltlllx .■*.*»»» waaa’Jhv«»«-ia Cl “*' • .1 j . j *.. . .. .. -s*. iil»glW*Bß*!9a<nb *hffVsWWff** Harry M. Manley. Creeporl. Long Island, lawyer and psychologist, re ently completed a thirty-days* fast while making an experiment on , v ihe potentialities of ihe human mind and laidy. v lia eoiiiclida tluil ,Wh<li ordinary food Is »-.«i• it there I* more loss Ironi It due lo elimina tion ol |»ot»oi)« than there la gam i from It* nourtwlmii itt. Ii) doing ’vuhout eatiOK for a susialm d fa r VAPOR HEAT PLANT . FOB 1015 BUILDING 'o Well Known I/khl <l’lumber In' Install Motlern Heating Svi- Icm in Mr. Herman Weil’s DwpilitYff. Mr. \\ D M I ham. w«ll known local plumber ha- I award d'llm contract fur Inst tiling on- t b<) • “well knnwo Trane Vapor heitlni; 1 ; system- In Mr. Ileriuan Well's ie* 1 den* c. on Ptrk av n ie. The Installation of Mi >ie will he roniplete-in every particular ah' when nnl»M> '! - Mitcham twig ta Hired that 1 will he om- of the Ih*si Johs ever turned nut by his e ahU.di (mem Mr Mil - In«in h.t , a|v, !>»•■ n.l - »nl r d Mu o if.- ■ ’—•■.] •! M, l>h ain -ni i ■' ' • T| v Mr. Herman Hard- one | ce'* vveilthy residen'-> i • icing m Kal .nn Mr P P J' n»s, K the ,-opet inlendeni of (he toffstr ictn n of till la Mi f Ihi Id. lie PORT COMMISSION Bid PASSES SECOND READING House* Takes Vote on Measure and it Passes to the Tune of %to 7 Several Amendments to the Bill are Defeated With Adjournment of Spe cial Session Set for Saturday, General Assem bly Gets Into Hitfh Gear. O' , Mvtlt-iah. Aus l 11 »• I urt Com | |lii*x|<jb liiil I'U •■ t n;» i-rand I' ailllij In lh» h i i*«- of ](<'|>i nitt'at■»i" ii Ihi Cliti-rnl A#o in'il.v hr If Intilcl't Tin vnii' v* .1 'ii to 7 SfVfii.l [in I><|-|||| umi i'l'nii nu *i I * ili'i.iUil 'n Ihi Siti.ii;' tin- t*ill M |n alinr ‘ln [ltll|MlM'll ItfUl .lll|ll"ll! to till l III*!,til I'on n l.i m lii tin' Invln.i.o ay o( ... muMu* inn 1 i* *» i' i-i ii '| iir no’ m l .Ii fni tin § mimi n' i \> .1.1 tli IXllllr l»f ' til .'il'll.iß' 'I mill 111! Kollo* It., li. .ii Ini' <i li'l.l »» i ,in 'induiHl m iti, ■ I'tialf ||\* ili- il ary i f Mu* In*itran »• lomul ■ l*• 001-DSBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29. 1921 lod. h« stale*, ihe fnilsons are HI in tug ted natorolly without lona ol slri-ngrlh. When b" atarled laaliug he weighed 14* fiounda and at (he end at Iho Ihiriy ilaya hta weigh! was 110. The loot weight, h« claims, was merely paf.ainyiua faity tissui'iL H«’ w.**. lrong and inos 1-Slur at ll'i | .iUIIU.I alld .tide lo oenttau hi* regular ’(tall) imsm is* rvullor, — . - - ■ 1 v^TT7==; Army W Fliers to Hop Off Today if Repairs Made • Reykjavik. Ic-limd', Aug Pi. (J)’). Lieul D well H.' Smith, com mander tyf the American army Wiirld Sight, announced that lie. Imped to Imp off ou the Green land leg of ihe flight tomorrow. It Is expected hliat repairs to \ (.hi txiio pl-ines* which wen* d*m iiped In tin utleilipt-d gtgrt far Frederick-dale yesterday, w.ll. re quire only about two hours when j the cruiser Richmond arrives with | the spare part* D llit-re is no lurther delay ow ing to the weather, and If Ire ron (lltli IH heiome better at Ansinag- i sallk. Ihr flier* may decide to niakv for that lauding (mini In Green- i laud •* originally intended. In * lead of uIG muling the longer dim i lo l-Yedr rickudal« New Y ok Aug P* i.-I*) Cotton fu | fir*s hwed > ,-v. Mlit 2.1 TV D-i xN 25-i‘ffJ Jan ..’5 1*»: March S'i 4 : «. Maj 2a t.'V Spot l otion quiet. Middllulu. 21.85. ! -.inrot at IS.fitni prr jp«r. Mmibr IX«> ItHVoritirtnl thr lull. ''ith Hi" . iuni. a luvnr of ailjoutn tn« ii * i xttii m'ihiuii nut lalfr than !«' nilvxK. tiimn. mi Saturday and thi' h<niM«' U-nilfMt |il<* ii ii tim to rum [drif tin ir xnt-k l»y tin- mil of till# fi’i’K. (!»*• North ( urolllut Urrml A# 'ttmlily today I*m;|) really. Inirutlv.' »* HI k , , K , I tv ii S olum lli'lil Two ' lon ul i .i'lt lioti-f w<Tf In Id today, ton 'i*rtin* thin morn In'; and rtiiliw# *ltf P irt 1 !» kflntf 2 o'iCitn A l('oßtt:.iiiil On I’asr Tmt) 1 i Pat Harfym Leads His Opponent in Latesf Race Jackson. MUa.%ug Ml (/P) In complete ri tuTna from leu roun lies. Including mfat of the larger cities, indliatcd R ,HI Senator I’.it Harr-son. keynotfr oi the reepnt Democratic convention, would sweep the atale lor re-nom ination, by a large majority In to day's Demon atlc. primary. Available returns gave Harriacn •i,3&9. agilnsl 808 for his ent, former Oovemor Ktrl it rawer MSBUSMS • TO Ml TWS CITY ! FOH ONE WHOLE DAY i M 4 i 1 Will hr Sworti nto Office Next Monday MorihMl and Conduct City’* Affair;* TAat Day. Next Monday Uie.g ivernnu ni of the rtty nf TyoMstmrrt tw-lhe ha ltd* o' inciiihers <ff the tloldshoro Hoy Scouts organisation. They sre to have complete coni rut of tile city for twenty-four hours, and It la predict <d that they are going to pill new life I pip life conduct of tnunlcipul nf fair* while they are In control. The Scouts d dn't lmve to go thru n city primary election in order I 'and their political Jobs They simp I ly hid the lion or conferred upon j them at their regular meeting al the I'iiy Hull hot night, and they are go * ln« to show the grown ups here abouts that they are able lo deliver ; the good*. Officials Talk Every Soul in the city attended the meet ng last night, at which tlm<- Mayor Edgar 11. Bain, t'lty Manager * Claude Grantham, rtty clerk, city'rn ' slneer, city lax collector, and rklei of police made exc,-||enl talks, in ! which they explained Ihetr duties, and assured the Scout* of their co- ' i operation In ulicnd.ng "to the r duties 'on next Monday. » . A council meeting was held hv th' ‘ Scouts, the business hrlntps.l ski n up tiring relative to purchasing a lit* 1 hook and ladder true k lor Ihe flrv . drpsrtiuen i A mo. k trial was held. I and Ihe city clerk was tried and ertn j vie ted foi riding U bicycle on the * de (walk . Henry Well It* Major Alter the regular inerting Ihr fol j lowing Scouts were selected to till the ; various rliy cfficea next Monday. I Mayor Henry'Wellr city manager ►*Ted Crow so#; city idrrk. David J.>le» tax collector, Edgar Simpkins: . chief oi poller. W.lllam Thrash; city engineer, Thomas Griffin The S outs » II b« sworn In ncxl Monday morning at 10 oiloek, and wilt he Die olßclal heads of the gov Minimi lor the day. Mtlttl-I I'll II HIM. Wtl KK I*ool OKI till N 111 HOM»X IN tOI OK UMI laiveland, i o!o. Aug. 11l A rc ‘ nisvkxldi! .piiragi appeared heir rc" i ntl) on -I‘iMirUi street, one ol the print ip.il th<>rou_hfar«x Ii |o,,k Do shape of a deep pool .o' Wilier 1)1 th mi iui' ot. tli** licet When Die .lory tr a mid circiilnlptii a crowd gathered at flic seen** Mo'nrixt* cwervrd lo avoid she ’ jr-cd uni) to lind op closer rx amiliillon that the street **.-> d-'. f*er»oli* approaching the pin- (fnm e> M.i'.ri angl. i o-ihl i in lh» *'w . tei' 'the relh'tion i>: fatssing cars The at tit*l pool phi dog 'u filled 111 lie mirage ha - not In • n h« >i( d MMiths oi tk:m u \mi \ on i it" Manila, Aug I \ Sharks have be i nine mi ii me i i »in VUiffla Hay that professional diver* have refused lo in into eater on several ihi* weeks two nalivr ffnbcimen hate i,t|- slons recwtttly. During the lust two appeared am! the authorities believe they were ihvcurmt by sheik*. AUTO ACCIDENT IN NEARBY TOWN MAY RESULT IN DEATH LITTLE ROCKY MOUNT GIRL ' * ‘ ”4 The llrynn Byothers W llltam. Jennings and rtiarlya believe It when they get the Information via radio. Brother Fhurjea is Ihe Vice-Presidential Can didate of ihr Democratic Party and the tJov crmu: of .Nebraska. JUNIORS IN SESSION IN VI CAROLINA Mere Than Fiv> Hundred Mem hern From nil l'affv ttf the State in Meeting ul AahcviHe. Asheville. N i?.. Aiiu 1f» Tin Ju nlor Order Pnlted American Meehan lc». nearing u itu-niherHilp of firt.tMui in North Carotin*, an Hiding lo Kein Vance, of Kerneravllle, state secre tary, who arrived today for the an n u.il cot) vent lon of the stale body In the first session t/f-dhe conve.t ilon this afternoon hoiitlnntloiis fnr stale (•fTliara will la. placed before the delegate*, allhough the voitrig will not he until Thursday Ttje nutvcntlon will dose Thursday evening- or Fri day , «> „ There are sround fpMi members of ibe Juni r Orifhr atunding the con vent lon * .* ' Joseph D Tunnisoii of Richmond Hill. N. V national councillor Ta her for tin- convention All slaty officers arrived last mg Id or early today. J VI Sharpe of Uelilsville. Initiate route' clllur . R VI G*nt of Durham, tdatf vlrt councillor will aiilomuthally to the ( oiinrHlorshlp. ' Nominations lor tin i talc vice <-j u n (illorship will he placed In loday'si meeting Among iho-< lu-tng jp- g tloiied sot the rat- are: Ernest Mill er. of Asheville: I P Davis, of W*l> aw . VT 'W. Moke of Nashville; J. P ''roit( It of W Inst ui Salem snd 'pTr. \V. B Du’lera of Salisbury .H -1 - - T 1-1 -IT--rti-rxm r In Chile, all lh>- universities arc open lo women on practically equtl icritis with men’ 11 ' JURY HEARS EVIDENCE IN BEN M. LEGGET CASE » •» ' ’ -* . (xoldHhoro Man Faces ManslauMrhler Charge as l the llesult of Fatal Automobile Accident Near ThiH City ,on (he of December 23. 1923, W hich Resulted in the Death of Two Peo ple Trial May Lnd Today. Ttteoday'n ain-fun >'( Vtayne roil.iljrl mi|H itor i ouri. m r whhh .1 «nJ *i* M V. Iliitnlllll, of )(>>• k> Mni.nl. I<i pte , alitinc. w»s token up with ll < n»r of tin Stole \a Ki ll II I KXfell. While, ■it :It I h e||v, ibarged with !nnn«l‘Ugh i-r u 111. reaOlt us the iteafll* jftf \!|. Itii<lt tthlili'V on.l Mr I'runk II lletl. [oil it wing an uu'irtnobile ttiel* •lent mi tin (inlilali<ru-Klnolon high way un the ultei iiiion nf tteeuftlbcr T' 10*1 M llie iiinelu lull of the day's gen ■ lull the alate h.ul about mm lotted pr. i nilnu |t» evident.. am) thla morn Inn •' e ile/vn e * 1 11 < -" 111 ’hell Wil lie i'V full i* eg whreli the umiiti.enlx will Mjtin . II lbought laiHKilile euiirl nffii >■!» Mu'eil la-i Right, that thi eiiae muy nil to thr J :ry Into to ila) It * s CASE AGAINST TWO WHITE MEN DELAYED Trinl of Fit*huirh IdUic an* Other* Will Nol b« Taken IM Today, sh Had Originallv Uma I . lfcr * The ca-e »»f the B'alo vs. cade, charged wffh Imprteonlng Alh Lane. Claude Sitlllvatl a,nd Psrror Boat’ a young white girl, of Prtncrloti unit forcing her lo h»ve immoral rela Hons with sever’d men. set lo be tHe at today's session of Wayne guperloi court, will probably not he taken ni until tomorrow, said court official yesterday afterocon. The court's time yesterday was tak en up wllh the caae of the fltale v- Beit i'i l.ixKclt. charged with man slaughter, and It was said Just helot » recess was" taken yesterda yafter nooit Hist this ruse would prohablv n<»t lx- concluded until late today. If possible. IT was staled, the cam will,, ltd taken-up Thursday mornint or as soon thercuft\ possible (’amp Hraffß Man Gives Self up to the Polkv Ylrthite. Afu“. Aug Pl—Charle Jour- who rays that he was a mem hi r of Battery 11. 17*rtt> Held uitlllerv of Fort flisKg, C walked into th sheriff'* office ; here today and an pounced that-lie.Jtran A V\ I) I. *ln( April .27 Ins* Jones asked Ihat It he held unit army offlcera notified. Mtrltklnnd. Fort Worth Texn . is the women's champion slei roper-w tiie world , —-*•* 111 Wilt be rejnctnliered I lint Ml*' ' OMtlff mill Mr Heat .Ill'll a few da), ( uiifter the iu rlilnni In intention, A coni In* in ueeiuinln of the nceliteitl «i, (hoi time Min* Whitley, Mina Iva William.. mill Vitas Ml»«nurl SmJlh were out .liiiine In u I uula mpe M!»< Whllle-v ill Hi. wheel, when 1 Hull’ll driven by Mr la **<-11. In which wrer# Mr. Heal nn.l u Mr O tunny trtu-brd .Into the jlghlri cat M|a» Whtlley anil Mr That. were Ihe wurM Injured Mr It. I | ivm tt ntti til* It rat In his Injuries. „ TtlO can la In-In* haul fought by both able - Mi-aara l> l*. Humphrey, appearing fur the ile* n.litnt while K A Humphrey unit Hugh Unrlrh »ro Tongue unit l»ui and Mr Y M Hit law ure - aiKlgtlng L. WIT limns 1u the ptorectillon. ) •o' MEMBER OF j ASSOCIATED PRESB { I'RIUE FIVE CENTS Coupe Driven by Bobby, Knowles and Sedan Driven by Gordon ('berry. Both of Mwfc Olive, Collide antflNfo Little Girls Myi Hurt, One Suffering a Fractured Skull; Phy sicians Attending} Have Slight Hope foil Recovery. % . • T Elisabeth Knowles, two aad a lull y*ara-«W daughter el Dr. |>t Mrs. Ka»nlea, of Ktrlr Vaaat nhd Margaret Kaawln, <«« rear* »f age and a daaghter *f Mr. aa4 Mrs. Robert Ratwtm, of Ir*iH Olive. war* badly lajared shortly | after I a'rlaeh yesterday after noon at Vawat ©live, wbea tan j automobile*. »ae a Ear# rwgpe | driven by Hobby Knew tea and the i other a ( he,rolet sedan. driven I by Gordon ( harry, that the iMtatr j may die. a bile the latter Ms ha dt* tigered ter life. . 1 “ lat mediately after the tSMtet I Elisabeth Kaaalaa, aho «affairll ] trartared .halt, aaa -pterod la aa I aiiloiaahUe, la rompMl «Nl Pt 1 tether and mother, aha acre «j«N lit at Hoaat OU»e, a*4 rtHhed lo the Kuraeaay ,a apt or lam far aa opera (lea. Jt report I re* that la.tltatioa last eight aaa te tha ,fleet that her rnedlttea aas rttt •' leal hat that the child had (k • chance tor reeaiarr. I lobby Knowles. driver of tha coop* differed ruts sit# bmtaes O# a leap .itluuk nature Moth ear* were badly damaged ss the retail of the rollt* ilon. •» The accident ncrarred at the lab tsraectlon of Weal Min aad Cheats nut streets. Both care ware going at , , Islr speed and tha sort dent waa said by those who wltnaosod It to Kara been tins voidable aa a high hedge neap the t-dbier shut off tha trtew ot tha ■ roe* streets froat each ot the driver*. I‘assersby rushed to the aesUtanca ,»f Ibe victims of tha arc titan t Imae ■Mutely after the crash Margaret Knowles hud two deep (ashes oa hew v fact, made by llytng glass, the othhr L'hlltl waa unconscious aad had wot r*» sained consciousness laat night. , Iti'tmrts from Moaat Oliva last eight vere to tha effort dial the at cldamt h*4 sst a (Mil of gloom over the commu nity aa Dr. and Mrs. Knowles aatl tho •arenta <>.f little Margaral KnoWl** are well and favorably hnowa thr/ MS BEGINS 1 ' BAHLE FOB PARTY IN HEATED ADDRESS 1 All arks IH-morratlr I’ollrc tn 4 j Ahhmilm la Kollettg for Brea It i inu Into the Race—Boost* Own l*«rty. Kvaastoa. Ills., - Aag. 19. (JO —Tha national campaign of 024 waa de clared by Charles O. Da was. hg ae < *-J>t hr the lietiublhaa vice proelden Hal nomination toalght. lo ha a coa test la tween f prograaalye conaert .»t la in -nd untried and dangproaa rad -1 ti-allsni.'’ ' • ... 'Che nomine*, speahlag lb several i thousands sal tic red on the lawn Os , i ItU luiine here, asserted tha former position to be that represented by I’resident t oolldge, the latter to tedi , egetuplinad by tha Uafollott* Inde pendent candidacy and ’interposed , (be tegwirlftie party wMh aa* coo . .creative add oos radioal candidate Ph Its ticket boplna to gat vote* hr ’.■voiding the issues." ■» I *wa As proprietor of a (lay grocery ■ store In the basement of an apart ! tnent building. Ml*a Arleaa Camay. * Mllwatikeo girt still In beT iaene, Ig. earn ns enough money tn par MBbcJ w;r> «hi‘ ugh Msrqnett* Ca versttKfpWß

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