VMMftH A T MABVTWf 1 awprt * ]«,. wNi# m.'m 4hr gIN SOCIETY I i imr »a» Urtttoud'T write* the are -1 having ouch u time. Tbd* help'« lib every milking ami thibo hunt bed** newts. uml cllnili With peuls ot haft)? laughter up ui. every jftfld of tiny. And go Jotidetaf, bouncing home wafd IH the good old happy way f TMt IhidT father did before rhem, and they wade the bmm h with Jbv And the ’UUIe room tlielr dad ban When he wail u little boy (s and when the sandman tell a theWT ts la tittle to (rr«*p Into.'their nests. ’Tla there ilia) Hulr: tun down to sleep." \ j * Jbe wrt'ee Ihy rn getting stouter ev r\rr day. and getting brimn; *AJI they are perched on every lua<( *1 at a hauled to i Al>D they, mike all the n<»f«e tire} like, and make the eChem* ring: And the o4od* give liuek their laugh tar oud the happy aunt:* they ain*. And they are never, never told I huall their nolae ut all; Ami ‘no they fnlrly apllt tlielr nidi ahd lift and laugh and eall Artil have, the very gladdest time lliey Have had since they were bom. And bow tiny love, a/i-h day at noon tu tool the dinner-horn! .And a rand ma ahe ta happy, am grandmas Tull of joy. \nd every laugh and slwxtl of ulei ■euiliuia them of a lay Ih them ot a bov they knew U thru they think id him ApdVf hia boyhood prank* and wave and bow. when day grew dim. fp wald hK "Now I hiy me down -> nod drifted off to -l<*fp before he'd hardly finished: "Pray the fourd my aoul to keep;” And they aeent to bate their U>> again neath home'a protecting arm' When hi,salad children (..in. |.I I»ud a summer on the, farm BIMe flaw to Keel ■-tHrf Suauna Wesley lllbjc ( lass, o fit I’aul church. will meef with Mrs Herbert Andrew*. -.outh'John stret. Thumday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock Retry member kv requested to In present. Popular lihhni t'onple Harried at Mbhao.inl A mgrrlgge which came almost at a complete surprise to relatives uml < ikepds here of the contracting par Hew was conaummated at JilchnudM*. Va.. y eider day when Mias Julia Southerland, of this city, b.enim the bride of Mr Richard g. Uftwltcli. principal of ibe Uuldsborv pyldlc Schools * He I.’hives aud friends knew of the engagement of Ihl* popular ynnuA couple hut they mutendooil that ffli marriage was uol to take, placeman - til winter Several day* pso Mt.-n Southerland left for Rlcbmondxlo vleli her sister*. Mhisc* Addli , '~im»*!tun* vlsi oi'h In tlw eity yesterday. a *,• a • Mr John tlhislos. of Nrw Item l* nt yifiHtrrdg} in the Hty atteinltni to buslbhwn uaitterK. • a • . Mr A *Tt Turnbull, pre-hlent c' he RiAvlnitil I,llllibcr compgflWi l ***ho Aerates u lai ge mill ut New TP'rn' pisstsl tlirpuah the .city lm or u short ri*lt. •v- • a • a Mr John Atsfrly. us Net Ih rp, was* latong the visitors id- the city last nlgltl. Iwtng enrmite to Hoc by Mt tor a business vi*tt . a a • Mr. « s ’Tlollister. <>l New Bern •pent u fe* hours la the eity lasi light being ennntte Itonu alter »|M’Udi iik two* week* in Black Mountain, j • a • Mr William Btmud Jr left ?'es-i erday for larglrufton, Va to itwuitu v its studies ut the Virginia Military j nslitute BDOTHERHOIHI BEEN FOMD MEES OF BH CHURCH Mr. 0; C* Ihrr Selected a* I’rm irlcnl of OrifttniyalHin Formed. Last Ni>iht Bt Second Church __ | .. I Mvtnbers of the Second Bnptist j ■ hurcb held an iutcresting meeting i 1.1-t uigiit. •rganlfing 1 Bagtlat tlrutherbcud ot number* "f 1 the thurch with Mr. O. I‘. L»e.i r president, u|*o tber, was much (lisi usslou re meet tug to t»e li*ld t»»- tnurrow ut which more thwn ,■ hupdred uiemtiera arp egpertvd to la pre cilt Bup|e 1 will be el V I’d .1 ti So l»> tip. .ladies Id the cOligrega tbui, then the Kaaembly wilt go to Up; church where ® number of Id s|>irlliag messages will be heard Nothing definite bus htn beapdj front Ktuston l>ut the committee In expecting a large (It legation from Ihl | la’M'ir city a.t much Interest was manifest ,«t Kinstou where the bur m«(lltig was lieid. Or Zvito "«ll Infqjweil the New. last night that Prof .J A Campbell l of (lutes PrtVk. together with his! quartet which dellght«*d a gathering! i |.t*t year st the Klr*t llaptbd’church w»uid tw prpaaftt tonight. Prof. Pumpbeli will he the prtnlcpgf sjwgk vr of the wveiling and whil t . It is no, knowp wpat hts subject wtif be. Uie fact that Prof. ('• tup bell Is to lie preiMßt will (Sus< many to avail themselves us the opp«rtunity to hem him. BEUEiiI GETS IBDIE SURPRISE Megtbcm of CongrrKtl ian ( ;tH •t His Howe in Edgrttitoti . and “Pound” Baptist Pastor. KKY UNO > . N Dr. Zem> woII. |M>htoi of tire .hlrat Uaptlst <’liurch and who with hts (niaily have just moved .Into* thro, new houic In lidgewuod. last iitgh. recetvad the surprise ot his llte v, hen ttna hundred or mure nmmb* rs • all* ed and "pounded" the popular pa tor *nil hia family. Tlie visit us thu members of tie* vongregwttiMi was entirely uavapcci ed on the pastor’* part. They * wimp ed down upon him loaded, with good Ihiag* (or tt>v larder »ud |. uiatucc (of an boor or wore. Tit. Mail etpri-sagil lUs appns . dmn ip u*«l gvaciuus ter Hit. ... v , COLORED DELICIOUS WORKERS IN SESSION HERE FOB THREE OHS V '! —“** lietrluiiul lu aud supervision ' l»y pr. H P Cow aid How i ate we tuiprovu the drstrle' ( nvtatioti,'' by Dr. William •Sutton. •« 1 pi. was lidlcrwed by the Forum Pvrbsl lu which Dr. W. II Davm 4K.rt. editor <>: tlie '.Star of Eton, mart* i>a addreaa He recoin invented that ila district conventions shoultl ii ■: -m ... I. ...» wm l&Jt* QmfUta Mtf fwm Jmy.3Buwt rrrty llay Krvpf in 14 nrw *>* C\ ~t a«i »!*' »t i ffcat qupkfy WHnL n***•". f tlrtly f*****if«i •*’ i»»t I-U I ; ifl i* S 4 Ip t% —or ■Mmrv nv if '•«! .bit ' fwt«4 1% 24 W»r if «ns- *«o Oak I Li»ie,r»...f.e. i Cknitbw Rrr .tt ujx aoU by a j 4ivur**v THE GOLOHBOBO NI W 8 I he strictly along gchouj aud luntltuite | work. Ur her than a ‘'jiroachlng rueet tt»J? ” s Tiw nights message wss given hy C. ou the (ou vent ton thorn*, "The ! ( hild lit the midst .'* j The sessions will continue through j Thursdayunit Frida) . m TOWNS SEEK ! TO GET EXPOSITIII Third Annual Kaslrrn (antltnu K\p#>ilion (rrtainly Not GninK Hcuxinu It is Said. -Kinston Sept I If mu) twMly think, that the TWrd Annual Kust etn tSroltm Rx|*>sltjon which wlk. In- I. Id April lit# IH'Jfi will hav? to go hegglug for an invdatum, he Is badly mistaken Kim e It was Ulr tyouni ihl CteePtl) that the dual dtd» for placing th« Drift dhow would Is- Septemlivr alii, when the regular inontldy me ting of the Directors and Oflleer* will mrvl. four applica tion* have been received for this an nual event The ikuris are there will la* ul least two more applicants till before the cloning dirty , Bcpteia lau i. ami maybe Urrse more This make the (oulest red 11. v Interest ling The low us that have fwnaafj a ppfieat ton - lii w ith th* 8e( rotary I now . ure Sunlit tc Id Washiagtoii ! Rory Mount. Kinston the annul ho..less this year, turv . xpievousl her .desire to have It again, provided It j*wlll be for the hewt interval of thv j'big annual v«ui Hnvtutr Ktnaicm |la willUigto aUp aside and let sotn* othvr town have a, if it will he bet ter for the Kaatern Chamber. A» u mailer of fact. Km-ion's lint ion (ei a :• in .llic Micccs of the Kaslat* Carolina chamber of Couuueree. and sccoßtl her own Kg 111. hy having the RxpoulliitU Tire dins tors uuil officers of thn Idg tlr.iu«bqr wilUiMt held m Kiusloo - t —- ""■— t? 1 ■ s i—* - y.'" t RUtLOBZFR! - 4? ML o ■ 'i. •uppdM wo look ItMMtof M. r ,. taww ntvrr nuor* nu iWMHfetfMlftfl —ta* 4 fetod M dtegto (any Mylar. Tbcr«—udt b« HmerioriMy gsuhl uuuks would uut toy It - •»*" r~*t M Depmdublu - v tvC QtaAtabtr—l rnday HI 4 o'clock ta tfe* olflt « N of the Piastern CaroJ.ua Uhiim hereof Comnterc*. to select the town when ih* 1 Kgposiiion will h*W - It i* quite -likely that a skeleton program wll be auhuilttcd to th* director* for their con«td«ra ttod* also at thin meeting A full re pre venial 'on ta *x peeled, on ur iwmnt of Vive internal being mulfoai *d In tbo third snu'irl slww HKII.I.FRN MIR Oil AT KtUMIt k KEPT HI HT Mslioi s from *t he Netv, Bern »ec t|ot» who have beep hi tit>lilsl>a)r*r liurlqK Hu past two days brpg r* I*o ts of the in ogress of drilling op •rations at Havelock where effortl. are being niudt to HlsolCor whether or ir l -t there Is oil In that * action. The well which Is being drilled Is said to hav# reached two bund rod fast or more and the op*r*#or« •re dally sticking to theJr tuck with Lubrication in one lesson II |aV ** * * - , (% • t I . > i * , 1 , 1 "WOU ran lean «M you nreal so know about ear lubricn* X tton in one leMon,** #ay* the Fleet Bom. “There are f/m four rule*. StAnrUrdi/e on ‘Standard’ Polari*c. Get the conwiatency. IJge aoouuh. Change it often.” - ' x *. v •« • O' . Tbe correct cooniatrocy of oil og grenae fer gtnktfau, tMUO uiiaiuan and rear aide has been charted Coe every make of Oar aud truak. If you are not aurr whether ?om aro ulbs the one smk your dealer to show you hh “Standard” Palau - me Chart- Than, wherever you go, uk for that tooaiaaaaey ky name. , ' :i • t. • • . » s’- -a, o .V. ■ .. K you export your engtar be oa the job w haurwar you need 0, it ia up to you tmmakc aura of it. Buy your oil ou o quality hMta Change «at ieaat aoeey. 380 todaav Year* of egprnaone have ahown that to bo about the knwt of «afr»y ’ Under mny condibona the very beat of crauk-caaa ail eoh lecta enough rood gril and unburut fuel in )00 miles to im pair aerioualy the lubrication of ptMooo aod mo bca«|K r t So when you change, cktngi! To ieave any dirty and ddutad ? otl ohare u tnuat br toed over and over again ie to rum (hi fresh otl you put in, even a high quality oil like "Standard” Potarine.< f*lay ufc—nrw «>ai on a regular achedide ia rhrapar OIL COMPANY ' l (New Jertey) "STANDARD” cmr for vonr to H H HRd ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ dc •!»»’» Polar in* H H H ■£ Jj. a ttofftplnolio* to ranch th# Siftw foot level it quickly aa pooatbl* And oa th* work piogrw *•«•«, g u said, the men wh>-ar* lntrxnstod in the w*ll are growing mure hc pefill that oil will !,c found St runger.- it Is said, (ire, not allowed ou tbe pro ’port)’ ’at any time ill iYamv co!f;i*dir->FTs SI'HINTFH toM llelfn. I S.pl 2 Mathews (iagltlre a wealth) fanner. Mltry Jqnc-w fqr twenty year a. Thfti he married nnobiu r worn in * Mis* Jum-l teellng tltal Magourea lotig courtship hud caused her to ndes Hia- mkrkeC* so far aa ehanres of marrying were concerned, took tlv* matter |ot(* court , Bhvi propo swl hecause she thoiigbt Maguire wnuld marry her, »nld ugkßitted u dbiry In whidi she bad marked ( Very time Mqgulre had k)*aod her » A Jury ihfcided that twenty years of unproductive* courtship were PAGE THREE worth 1260 and »»** Mn JOqfd ta that m