PAGE FOUR THE GOLDSBORO NEWS 7 ll ‘"*"♦— r '. -tt ,"-■ ———"" —•" ; F*MHhi| mn wotac WM*t Hm4*i by th* o*idab«r« Publlabin* Co. hmrnnnlul IBvorpwwvv* y*tw|» l>T***t*tiY*. Awrlett Prm Association. New York (Tty. Ift ff. DMAffLW * Mttof «* nl,:: MEMBER OF THI ABSOTUTBD PRMM t tv twn-t«m rrtii to exclusively *nUtl*d to tb* us* tor publication o nil Hti AMspatch** credit#d toHorun otborwla* credited la this paper u« alao tka local new* publlcb.d barala. All rights at rapablloaUoa o hfflclal dispatches barala era alao reserved ■ ""•■■"■n ...Hi....' '»** | ****» * . ffITRSTRIPTION prick, in arYAnc* V '*» Matt. Far Yaar H> ,*y CRp Carrtar. Far Taac *^ «f*nklp..Br Carrtar •* A pin i ■ T * mini at Iba PoatoCca at N. C.. aa aacond-rlaaa atatlar. * THURSDAY MORNING. SEPT, j, IM4 * WM*I TO ILAVI. # la a cartala lowa la a rarUlo *tr>t* a taw Aaya mo. a your* mao ( Vbo bad b«aa aaiployad »* tallar In 4 bank, fallal to ahaw up oa# morn ing. InvaatlpitlrP br»u* v • to llikl tit vet that ba bad dapartad for ‘fealdr unknpwo to bla r*lnti#M and Irtaada and a it'll further invcaila' tion uncovered th* fact thal rararal tVi' i MBd dolta* of tha bant a moo»jr ’ had goad with him ) Tha youn* man'a family war* of ‘mora or loot prominence and tha *f * falr waa huabrd up aa wall aa poa glbl* At tha aama tlma bla falbar ataaa*ad to g»t bla handa oa »nnu*h .money to corar tha abort*#* and tha 'affair, aa ter aa tb* baak la conraraad * V a rloaad Incident ■{ Rat tba qu**tt*n baa arlaaa In tha minds of tffa paopla of that town na to who raally waa to blsm* for tha 'affair. Tba youag man la question waa gtraa tba position oa account of ham *lly connections H« waa a high liar -ta •vary raapact. (owning a coatly ’ear. kaaptag a s country bouaa nod going wttb aa oxpanslva aat -all na a modarata salary Aad tba baak offtelala . know or could bara known nil of thlh. could ’.hart kaowa that ka waa aat abla to <b> tbaa* thing* oa tba aalary k* * waa b»ln* paid Tat they allowed Mm to conUaaa to bald a poattlon of trubt aad much ruapaaalblllty. « la HR mtada of tba general public tba offtelala of that bank ara b*ld •teara or lam ’ responsibly ter tba . youag man* pUgbt. Had tboy bad a bhart-to-baart talk with him la tlma tkay ought bara saved him from 41a grtea might bara prevented bla ult than from tba Inatltutloa *fcd aavhd »gad pa rant a from worry aad dlltraM. ' ' A at Itch V tlrtla. R la aatd. aaraa atea aad often a word of adrteo In km# will aavt yaara of aorr«w aad ray that tea. * f» *■- |IBRt*R A Tir Voi TIL TOBAHO GROW*!* tt Tbouaaada of dollar* war* paid aul •la thla etty aa Monday to tba tobac ,eo growara who aold tholr w##d on •tha Goldsboro market aad many of .than# doling wort carried bom# by tb« farmer*. there to be laid away •la • wallet or la aoma drawer nr otb *r place to roaiain until tha owner ■had a uaa for them * For y**ra aad T*ara hanks bare •aad elaowhar* bar* preached to the with money tka folly sf ..carry *.fag larga aum* around with him or * allowing || I* rortatn unprotected in «Ma bom*. They bara pointed to tba ',!•<* that thaha ara otrurlng hourly. * that fr* I* alwaya a menace and that t moaay outald* of the hadk la alwaya * naaafa •> But atlll thara ara many farmara »nd otbdra a* wall wlte will caraleaa *ly allow thatr fund* to rornala ua e protected. la coaatoat danger of be 1. lag toot, n * •**if fanaor abould place bla » money la aoma bank and lAI banka * of tblo city are axcalteat dapoaltorl** r far all fund* Moaay placed In lb* ' b**h V alwaya aafe. |t ran b* drawn * out by chock at and th* . easaollad check la juat aa good a ra *, colpt a* anyoaa could daalr*. j I Wo argo th* farmara of Wayne > oodaty to make uaa of tha banka * Thdf Of* dolag bualaea* every day •■d ar* always glad to aarr# * ®«l»RR0RO LBADfI TU WAY * ■ '* «. A oaratul cberklng up oa the ar ; ocoff* prteag paid for tobacco on th* 1 Bear of tka w*r*bou*e« in Kaatern Carolina oa tba opening day of tba • market, show* that Uoldabaro la#da J practically all other amrkta la tM» ‘ aortloo of th* at*t*. 1 For wo«ka prartoua to tka opening opanatora of the warahounea In ' IbV dtp bad baaa aaaurlag th* grow er# that I bay would «*t th* vary ‘ hlgbaat dollar for th*lr wood If th.* wa* aold bara and tba warehousemen • IV n glagl* dlaaattailed farmer want > away from Oaldoboro Monday. Bvary / oae of tbam wa* aatlafled that bla ytdk*de» bad brought tba top notch - Wf* and, in many InaUnca*. th* to "Rabaa * aold boro broagbt a higher I price than the growpr b ,( l •nllclpat.- led. Tba Ooldaboro market hide fair tr load the market* of Raatarg t'aro Una la price durlna lb* prea*hl **a aoa and Ik* alee grower will brine bla weed bar* to be aold HOW IMI THU MET THIN WAIf Down at New min * few day* a*< a man wbu had a number of prlii oner* under hi* car* and eieporvlalon a road boa*, wa* found gnllly o healing »n ***d and d»rr»plt oh man and the Judge of the uiurt ll which he waa tried’ and mnvirt*< placed a fin* of |M» on Iha defend ant Later, upon Ih* solicitation 0 ( altoni*ya for Ih# convicted man, lh< no* waa reduced to W Th* man’s lawyer* told Ih* court that the convicted «ffrnd*r had a Urge upon hla sal ary for lheir support and thnt Ih*) needed th* money Th* sympathies of th* court war* playad upon geoc and atrong and than the court. 11k lag all thla lalo consideration re duced th* fln* If Ih* lun* of lb ft that Isn't making a Joke out al tba law a* aa* badly mistaken, II th* Judg* aaw reason for ramlttlni *ny port of Ih* ttna, ha might have r*milled all of it To iroduiw It by gv* dollars waa simply * cna* of ca -I*ring u> th* whims of lh« lawyer# la Ih* rase. • aort of a sop to eoothe a few mental . palna which they ware having. Any Judge who falls for auch pally things a* Ihaaa, la not fuiniltng hie obligations aa h* should aad should right about face with hla method) without delay. »■*■'—■'"■f- '■ —— ;■ u——wiT'— WK WILL HAYK RANRHAIJ. Almost. practlral aasuram * that (loMaboro will have professional baseball nett Rummer wa* grtan al a matting of tha fans al th* Cham bar of Commerce last algW al which lima committee* war* salaried Ip make arrangement* lo secure Ihe fund* naceeeary to put this city In th* proponed league Tha support gif# nth, City league during tba paat several weeks la con rrat# proof thal th# baseball enthu llaata of this city era ready to stand, by th# national gam* and will sup port a bom* team There 1* not (he least d'Uiht now but that when the proper llm* ar rive* lhal thla city will be found Tailing with Its share of Ih* money n*ed*d to flnanr* a team and to en proposed league, VIEWS AND REVIEWS (Groanvlllo Reflector! la datona* of th* Jaia. on# of it* moot prominent exponent* rlteg his own efforts at aynbopaMoa as **«*• rlaask- favorites Ilia rfTocta he tu>- Ilaves, has pouularlaed aom» these rlanelca and Iklrmturwd them lo a larger aijdleace * AnyVrlna which thua gives Ih* rlaealc* a wider hear ing. be argue*, should not be con demned by musician* The defenee baa Its flaws Coaald ar aome of the so called 'Classic* which have been arranxed for Jaa* orchestra* Their appeal In Ihe pop ular last* lies tn thalr original mel ody. beautiful wheffier It l* played on Iha violin nr Iha easaplipno, whether sung or wblaile«t lllhsky Korsakovs 'Hon« of India'' aa Frits Krelaler played ll waa iy>pl*mled long before tl was arrangM ter a ronvblnailon of Irombone pUyers and trick dromiitara. Msaeanet a baaull ful MedHaUtig from ''Tbala" baa lieen a raqueat number oh programs for a general lon, and requires no help from a nolay band lo ‘popularise'' It Craig's "Pear Uynt" suit* waa amwred bafor* It was r* written for "Otng Jail may serve a purpose In pub , lie entertainment, but “popularising, th* cleaVc*" Is a rather weak sort of alibi NANITARY MID* CITR (Wilaoa Mirror) Goldsboro Is having Ml argument over sanitary paper cupff B^‘ ,— *il* fountain* An ordinance recently paaaed. coanpelllng all drug atiwe* lo aarva drinks la paper cup* Indlcn- Ilona Haw are tkat thd ordtnaac* will ba ropaalad. , ; People ar* aometlmea Inclined ba faanlleal oa tba * abject at sanl-| lalloa A man will go Into a drug store aad thing that he ou«l)t to ba' **rv-| ed with a aaaltary cup Affar ha nntebaa hla drink. 'll ate* over to] ih# cigar «ouoier and purchaae a cl •*r. billing og the end aad putting t lato hla mouth The same’ ot*r iy the way. prubotdy waa seated at ha end by the ynolatur* from tba lager* of a Cuban workman, ehngp illed hi* Qngrr* to bla. tongue In or ler lo gat lb* moisture. Think that over, but don't IH H 4 Reel your tnjoyatenj as a good ci gar. RAVIN AND WALL RTREKT (Wlmlqgbtei Marl Knemlea of Jobs W. TVvl* are M« -erlng at bis record as attorney for j largo Wall Htreal mteresls.. w thj .oro* kind of htea that this la th-j immuattlon with which to bring .bout hte del**! al tfa poll* In No | remher According lo Mr. U*»l* | ■rltlca, lh» mere fact ihat b* has 0 t eomg (hue consented lo look ou« *r Ike legal affair* Os aome of the nandal p«»wer* of New York, that 1* therefor# become* automatically llaqualflted U» a«rv# ad President of be I'nltfd Hlalea, Aa a mnlter of fact, w# doubt ts h*ae Wall street Interest* whlrth rr being used a* the* reawwi for Mr lavin' will support him In the -onilna campaign w * nr# more in llned to tMtllete that Wall *tr#«l will 1 wing Ite aupporL*®# money toj he Uckot Certain It I# hat Hr. (oolldgc and b'a party *r«*n nors calculated to carry out those dans which th# DavlJ critic* **> all) he materialUed. U h# ta elect sd Th* rapublloan admlnlatrallon •a mar more commdtkad to the lots raats of Wall *lr**t than la Dark tanking at Iha nltualVn fairly, we VII to aa# why Davte' connection with Wall street tea bar for the prea deary The mere fact that he wks hoera by th# hualaeae magnate a* their representative In legal aff.ilr* la proof that h# ta a man of n tai greater reflertlnn on hla ability a* a statesman.' FIVE MINUTER Os LIFE Bj Wick* WmtoMt . til INNING YEHNI N MOWING Why wot I*l the paopla rot# dlrecl >i) ovary Important national yue* llonT Wouldn't that gal the fteat po* tibia declalonaT It wopld not Whys Kimply bacaua# the peopl# •# » whole would no) know what would b* bast Th*f might think they knew, but It I* doubtful If they w mid gat even <h*t far And wh»n 1 auy th# peopl* I mean )<>u and sne "Hd all lb# rent of u» average Am-ilran rltliena. 0 Kor Inslanc*. auppoae the Muscle Phoela question were to be submit ted lo the people today, to decide whether Henry Ford should get 11. or aome other private Interest should aerur# It. or whether tha government should operate It. or the whole prop #•*11100 should be abandoned Suppose those four alternatlro* were betere you on a ballot, aw’a'tlng 0 A. your determining cros# tn»rk Whai do you know haout the technlrallller. of ghe Muacte Nh< ala matter* You know little or nothing about them ts you are an average American rlti *en « You a##) have *n Ide* cf wh*t yot would like lo see done. But you might be ten thousand mile* gwav frum th* seoMhle solution If foil had to vote on thla aubjer ytou would simply guess al the dts»#' stflon of on* of our hlgaest national econ.imlc probtema. . But." you say, expert* make the Invextlgatlon for Jh* voters" Well (he ptperts h*va made In vesllafllon *nd stlbmlited reir rls on Muscle Shoals, Have you read them' You haive not Would you read'them before casting your vote' Yon would not. And neither would ninety nine per. cent of the rest of us You would Intend lo all. rtlhf. but at t|i<- last minute you would race to th«. isjlte end make a wild guess. #nd trust h*d gueHsed right •ltd nH bo much woffled had or not, because sfter a|| Ibe fftlr-g would not mein much skin off from )*oy personally no matter which way It went. Then again the public might have a i*ry positive opinion . bout f or. matter and fhal opinion be disastrous ly wrong For example do you Imagine If. during the world "war, the question of cmi-.crtjdb'n bad b*i-n xnbmiuel rg the poo| lw t would have ti-sa adoin •d* li would tot. And yet. but fti) const !ip||ot st should all l>« work 1 lu. f r Sirmsny lodsy. liters l« Itulsy a dangerous teiitb-n <r sh<*wm4 itself toward referring tilings fit of Hu.- |H'ti|de That Is a dlilit. vkd*4)on o( tli*. plans of 1 Ih# tlod inspired mvn who founded ' this government. 1 To gel *1 It better we should uwk > ] a eleeg distinction between g repub- ( r ■■ /■ • •- . • -■ • m. oouamswtry#xws_ 4 lte *»d a detKFtracy stet na say j that w republic la a government where I' the p*apl* -delegate authority to their representative*. nay th*r 4 democracy la a governnient tsber*. I (be people deride thg questions tb*m laelvaa. . - g? A republic Is the hart form of gov eminent kßovn. Becaina if the peo pi*-uaa anff Mdgmcnt at gll In select ing their representatives, these r*p resentaiivea wtll lael keen r* ympM bjllty. They wtli,y i<Jy matters and th* oplnkna of averts, as |h* iudi vldual citltep would never think of doing- wad woultL hoi have Ibe f* f liltlr# nor the fltne for doing. Mh<n Ihoae delegates Utah.- a «|#-< tsion. it Is going to b» ninety nine tinu n nearer 1 right than the snap judgment of the people would be. iSLICK CHECK JUITIST MIKES SHOD HI Ganlonia Ihf Scinr of a I'lever Trick Which Him For ly-Fiva ftimffTFoiiH. Gastonia, to be the merrg for check flashing, i A kllrk young men g quite nice ap-! pears nr* blew in town yesterday al- I ternoon and blow out again on the wings of 15 good American (toll:i,rw. j He received funds off three nheck% .lend If It had not been for a ke. n bn of detective work by J. W Hrooksg t»C the House Iteter'Uv* company, or Greensboro, he would have gotten! off g |ot better. Al present he 4a al large, and two Arm* in town are mourning the' lost o t cash in ex chang* tor worthless checks. E. B. Warren clerk at the Spencer Atkln« Rook company, waa called to th* front of th* store yesterday af ternoon to wall on a young man who wanted sonic tvp« w riter paper. He bought the paper and several Miiall »rtl«lea. and it# exrluuigp he handed the clerk a check for sl6 made to T. W Brown and signed by Mrs. J. F Brown. He bad given an order for n Webster'# dictionary to he sent lo httirdn Route 7 Mr Warren hes itated If) ra><h the check, but aa the young man wo* of such a nice man ner and raid that he would step down the streets tp F.ltid'n store and get the money, he *ndor«-d the chtok himself and caah*d it at the clothing store next door. Rank t logeg The bank ha* Just closed and aa the chack, w*htrb was drawn cn the 1 ntlxena National hunk could not tie.l Idenllfled. It wa* taken In goo*| faith.! Tile no-called “Hr Brown" went on his way with nearly |ls. Hte naxl at Mrs. Hal M-j wuagerg mllDiwrv stpre. where he bought a pair oil black silk hose and offer*d % f|f> th#ck qs itayineni Mrs. Haltlwangsr •ftkl that shb did not S¥nvTThe WHT'.B'lytill wimse mm# appeared on thq check The asked her If she didn't know a Mr* Brown who lived at la>r*y. wtvo whv a rather stout woman and wore glasses On Raying that she did n< member such a woman, she gavo him Ih* change, which amouted lo Halo. Mrs llnltlwnger called the atten-- • Inn of Octett. ve Brooks to the check | this morning and he took tins signed bv Mr*, Brown over to ’the Citterns National hank at 9:16. Th*l bank official* auld that there waa pv auch Mr*. Brown amt that the che<'k •was evidently a hvrgerv Postmaster Slate a|s<» told Mr Hrofiks that there wa* no such rout# wa* No, 7. Hl* Hanch Working upon a* bunch Mr Brook* went mil In fits car lo the Lornv rec tion. Mra Halllwatt'er had furntehed him a d«arrlpllon of Ih# aliened for ger He asked ,1 gentleman .out there whethor py not he had aeen any one answering Jo th# description and ♦he latter aald that bo had noticed a vonng man walking along the mad a whorl lln»#t„b#fk»re. A young fellow who answered to: Ih# description was seen by the tte -IrCtlv« Jtlal hevrotlnff <be farray square evidently watttpq fo* # tu#* toinv 10-t wards HesserrnejT wo.'lr Btvs'kv nltehle)) from In -tr and -tarn! » short «-onvora«tlon with the felloh who had aome hesitation In talking aa |te aeenied anxlmia to get awivv. He aald that he was going toward* Kpartanburg. hut refused an offer of a lift to Hhrlhy, which Mr Hrooktt offered him A lew .moments «f talk waa suf ficient to shivw the uflii'r that h# had .-potted the m.tii and h* placed Ml) under mrest Not knowing of the •aher checks that the yount; hdlow had given In town, h* ahowr-d him the 0n,.-‘given to Mr*. Ilaltlwany.ey The fellow disclaimed any knowledge of the m.ilt< r. lun when thrpatrned.' with the po)l< i" elation for Uteatlflca lion he vuihl that be would “pay tin llftceii <L'lliir He did eo mol utrn paid tin- dett-eUve a ten rlidla: bill lor hte part to the matter. fflii-v test aeen w.ia h*nd*d toward* Ih :t --aemt-r City. I Ufftcvr* afe i»n hte ‘rnH and It I* I thought that the myMcr ouh Mr llrirw n will bo apprehended I Mi-ItO All I I n Hock/ Uoujil. Sept, 3 IJhuc Wild negro, of Iterisvlll#, 8. t\. found on Ibe main Hue of the A. C. I. rail road about » mil* north of tlu- Tar rlre r bridge, with bla head crushed and left fort mangled. He had been dt«d xeveral hour*. THIS Mini n TO IH SKEETERS OITE llnlverwlty Student Collect* On* In for If cull h Hoard .in JFlght i Made on Inaecta. l&okHn*: Mm„ Kept. I.— Aatuß'trt of Boston University tbi* pnoiirr has the worlds worst fob. It ta traveling around letting mosquitoes bit* him. Hr m collecting valuable data which will enable the Brookline hu.inl of ‘ het* It h to oil 'flow n tt)«| death rat* There are 4Tto kind* of mosquitoes,.' and Information in’ > ought 4 ’ii ill of them, J When itythw'fii) o*lla up the board of ti iifb t-nmffniMrng about ilia tiundM<r of mosquitoes In a locality a rich food mo ol la eent i hem yj. tba abasia of a 160-pound -young man. 1 ii’ bar** liU arms until a *B»squl to landa. clap* a tfailft tdb.- ov#*-| the pant, corka the tuba, MdiaU It lind i’Mhlh It bnik lo Hi 4 boo rd ot health . Already Ids activities and tboa* of the board bar* nod* Brookline. noti ceably free of mosquitoes lb great numberm * Who is he’ J A 0. Nyhan under whom Ije will not left. Younj? Girl Jailed on Theft Charges Hldforjr. Kept. I Annla Prlca. a 15 year old white ylrl la In jail and the iTDftrry surrounding the looting of two churth,** of the city has been solved , Bllrer china, linens «nd other art!-’ clen u. ml In the PpUropal and Co rUh reformed churrhea waa reported *arly<athla week «h missing. Appar ently tliere » ere no clue* lo th* rob in i who bid ill play*’d a (w tie for article* inoj,t of »lilrh *tn of a value hardly calculated to l-mpt a thief after boot*. Then word came to she police that the ylong girl bad ' old wnr rhlou and had rt*Ven uwar Mime upd also that ■ wagon bad been load'd with robins near one of the churches under'her superintendence A visit w«i Staid to her horn* and h*r mother in Ingnotsunre of the tbefta. answered Hie officers with ■ t*t»• min* that there had Iteen noth ing to the churi bi hrourht Into the hons" Thi nan article on ffie porch »*;<■ recount.i-d by on., of tlie otflceiß m one of the nilsalng church pieces, the patent :* of t)te girl declared that this a piece of furniture that a friend of fb*fr daughter had asked her to keep while the latter went off for awhile. Then when th# officers admitted to the house, most of the stolen artti I-- w*re found stored a way ArcordW? to the girl's p*rentl pho Inti com 6 kouiq a few d«y r» t aller and had hid a ft ini w as- leaving life ilt ) tiinl wanted to know If. (hey wouW >tnri’ WM'Ckkt ami otV r articles for her Th* v consented add t lie girl had brought them to the house. Cpon learning Hi at, the urtlcl*-:* were stolen the parenfa tnruiedlutely eur: rendered them to the poll>« and -gave every- anabtanre In solving the ca,;e. Th* girl was arrested and 1 being held In J*tl pending disposi tion of tier f i " by the proper i nul ls. To thlhk we are aide lb almost to t „ * _ “Mr Want Ad Page" "a , The Connecting Link Peaching the multitude' is your big problem in fulfilling certain "desires. • c What you want is the medium that opens the way to all homes, all trades and all classes of people. Mr. Want Ad Page offer* tjiat opportunity to you for lie is read by thousands of eit iens each day. If you want to reach these people phone M.‘t immediately. The Goldsboro News NEV) BERN WHISKEY DRIVE SUES THEM Humored Houhc-to-House Rum Maid Caupm Doom Owner* to lake Supplies Out and Bury 'Km. New Bern. B*pf. 3.—There (a one man In Naw item who won't b« "caught with the iroda" should hi* home be included In th* rumored raid ot jirohibltloq ofltevrs. according |in a report ll* carried hla vintage j into <2* yjmn country and bid It— that Is what th v report said. This Individual had "In Block'’ only n >«ri 'i'*ll quantify of the banned I liquid Tkefe was aomciblg Ilka a iju-irt of wine *pd a pint of rum I’teas only far hnuneh'dd use. The I owner took th* recent tbtealn of of | fliers right seriously, and with his j prt/ea slipped uway Info a held there |ti) deposit It In a secret place. Hut tliia man w*Mnt the only <*aa who waa reported lo have taken th* I precaution to hide ll* "stock'! the rc|«ift a*ld. There w'ere quit* a few, who having a "few drops about the house." feared Incrimination should the officers .name, and .Immediately took steps to assure themselves that no mm kli iiili would find lh*m "nap ping." u t ether.or not the rumored ahvde niilc house ueurrhlng party la golnv lo be held In N'*w Hern Is still a gdMF ivj of speculation. If (he report tlflu it whs planned hss don* nothing more It h»s served as a washing to th*>»» who happened to hare a "dr*ni or t wo" about, Ihaujiuuae At any rat*, nobody haa heard ot anyone putting tui’tr. bofiles '>ul on the frynt sloop since the word went around. t.tBTOVN TAX HATE ✓ tlastnnla. (4*pt I, —Gaat£a county's ts* rat# thla year will b* un* dollar fi’t each llmi worth of property, the r* * m nil salon era havb decided. nrroflifF M ASONir NOTICE* Regular communication* of Oolds bor I/idga No. 444 A- K. * A. M aac ond and fourth Monday atwnlnga In each month at «:00 p. m In Maaonlr Hall over Penple'a Bank. All mam era art requested to be present and visiting Master Masons cordially In 'vlted. S. . W. H I.KnorXw M. i. E F. HICKM.' 1 Sacy. Regular convocation of Oolda 1 <or Chsptar No It. R. A- M. second and fourth Thursday avanlnga In ■ irh month at I "0 p m. In Maaonlr (all over Psople'g Bank'm H’n and vtgMUtc Companlona are ask d to ha present. El). K. TATIX)R, H. P. W. A. CARTER. Becty. R»gular comlsv* of Ooldaboro otninandery No 24 Knlghta Templar first and third Thursday avanlnga In ’p.i'h month at 8 VO P M. In Masonic Hall over People s Bank. All ream ers and visiting Hlr Knights cor- to be prpaant at all "taatlogs. FRBl) n CROWBON. Em. Coot, w a c arter. Recorder. MftRNINA . THIIKaDATHOKNIffP. BpffJlgßN Dunn. B«pt. I. InKial *«ps (gr tkp ft a "ewberPy grffw *m aasrtctatton mart v»l*n holm vbga a group of growers fr6m savargl of tba surrounding conqttws mat. Wants ■■ W , TIME TO UCM-WIE OLD WlffTIM k*i> ont sad got them alanmad. There Is amly one pine# ta town, the Bayne Laendfrj, phono 147. Wa clean Ike tMal FOM HKST—NEW AND ATtMACT*, iva apartment. Including prlvmta hath and kltckaig. +or further In formation apply to Mias Fulghum. 208 N. JameS street, or phone 438- . W. MOM 4 Btp i —*—— (TTY TBANNFIB COMPANY -» heavy and light hauling, long dis tance moving J. Hadley and Ha* vtd Hakor. Props., Phono 117 qt 140 or 1838-L. f 38tpd (.FT IT NOD! WE HATE idflT RE ceived a big lot of U. 8. Government paint, all colors 4! 00 regular value for~|l 86 gallon! Army and Navy Htore, John corner Walnut tU. Sept 1 lmoe FI UMNHF.D NOON, WITH HOARD, to man and wife or two young men. Apply 304 N. William atr*ot, or phop* 899-J. 0-3 Btp FOR HALF.- FORI) TOCKING CAB. f 1033 model. A-No. 1 condition; ff bland new tires, on* extra t*J| and rim. > Will aall cheap. to John L Water*, at James K*n nsn'a store * 31-gt o FDR BENT MT HO( BE IN PABK annei will be for rant after Sep tember 2. Apply to John D ton. ai-tf - 1 1 ■■ ' ■ 1 PIANO CL ABBES ON HFPTFMBBB 4. I will resume my piano clnaeaa, at 308 John street south. Phone 356- J. Miss DMsy Brown. 31-St p LONT—WRITE AND BROWN BAT terrier, female, tall and ears clip ped Finder will pleaae call 804- W. . , 31-3 t p LONT-BKTWEEN DOLDNBORO AND ('Union, plush cushion from Hrlng room suit Finder return to Is aac’s Furniture store, and receive reward. 31-3 t o . IOR RENT - A SMALL DQWN slain apartment., with hath. 401 V. James street. Phone 304 W, fto 12 A M Mr* W H. Bamaa. 30 3t p 't(»«T -BF.WAMP FOR BETt'MN OF small pin. set v th pearls. lost la tween Watte' biore and tba corner of John and Vine streets. Mrs. O. B. (lidding*, No 416 North John street. 30-81 o HRICk HTDRF FOR RENT— fOE ner Holly and William atradts. (loo,! huslnass location, up-to-date store natures. W'Uh concrst# floor, toilet, sink and floor drains. Can be arranged for lunch counter or market In rear, and store In front Apply J. H. Manley, phone 461-J. or 519. 29-lit o' | FOR RENT TWO ROOMft, FI BN tied Suitable for Indies or gen tlemen. Would consider renting un furnished Apply I* A West ray, or phone 784-W. 401 Leslie street. 27-6 t e ■ FOR BALE ONE DAB RAN4lE— practically new. at a bargain price. Reaaon for selling: Owner Reaving city Apply No 309 8 John street, or phone 319-W. : 27-etd f FOR HALF TILI AN DAS BTOTB. Apply to Oodshoro Battery Co. j'l • . 28-61 p I ’OR SALE—CLEAN TAPERS, ORB cast a pound. News oMk* l ' ts ■ THE, I'HH RSIt.NFI) Ish table board at raaaonabla prices Couventent to tobacco market I also can furnish board, and fudging for three or four g#n; tlemen Apply 617-North Wiliam at rest. Opposite IJberty Warehouse. , V 2Mt 1 FOR KENT TWO FIRNIBHEbB rooms upstairs for men. with rujCT nlng water. In each room and con-| netting bath. Good location, con venlent lo boarding bogaa. Tele phone IQ>B. 827 ta ■ ~n WII.L BFI.L AT WERT BEAPTORT— two )>eautlfiil fbta. 3 blorka from new hotel site aasr vaebt cltsb, s2tn» easy terms. Pay little each month. Write P. 0. Boa 7M, Naw Bam N G. June 6 tt I PAN RARE -LSWfI TIME LOANS” on errr or i ountmt pmoff.r- TT. APPLY M. H. LOFTIH, AT TORNEf AT LAW. 4 IB II IN OF R WOOD - THE TYPEWRIT! B yon will mutually buy. C. G. t'hapmnn, sales and aervtca. Na tional Bunk Building, l’hona 49* L, MHW BLOOD TAItI.I.TB ytf. tth/y J than 606. Money back guarwteeT Price no. Particular* frea. Walah Medldn# to .Atlanta, tla. v? umm S '"V

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