.4 Hr* '* '“'‘’r I- ' 4 i~a liltcr BtllTD ittMK "fillllUsi SHE m MM H ss 3 ‘ci:S* ,,< S Busy. ■ * rh,r -«° ***• t*-** a tea* *«*»»- Mrs. *)!!*, .ftaodosae )mM at bar quM uaa«iuulng domextl cdUd husband safaaa tb« dinner t A la-and dreymgd U a Mb. power fat compelling car* man. Today hn (runHm cotmo tru«. But bar “*• * the next thirty dwa ln Jill, and when be roman oft doubt wIU be aa quin and iJaredul aa be van It the days he lp re be ran amuck. > Meanwhile.' t'harlee Rare. million •lff real eatate man la nursing Idttera ruU and brnhwa. both phyn 'oal %nd apirltiml. anti meditating wkh illafaror on vomaa wbo >lrtyr their tine band a forth M avvng* fan* tied wrong*—wbltot Mm. flood awn to deny lax her**|f that promtwed (rock in order to pay for her adventure in taming lore. Mra. Goodman, no abe told Muni cipal Judge Lupe, did not feel that abe van netting enough tbrtna out of life. So abe ' tonalad one of tho|p ‘vtorwai trtqgqgle’ vttnation* to aorr ml opeed things up. •iltold Wlllkuna." ahe explained, tbatlfflr. Race waa to' lot more en tertadaAiK than be waa. I said Mr. Kara did not bare to be asked twdrr to take me to the akaw. that he took me in a llmoualae when he dM go and that he bought me the moat wdoderful Sower*.* Quiet, unassuming Will nn, the testimony showed. fared at once into a perfectly thrill in* nee nun rage. He looked around for a neo lithic club—a good, haary one, Mb erally supplied with knobbly knots. The nearest approach to auch a wen-* pon that be could And about bit Chicago “ears’* jras a length of gas pip# It 'wasn't quite tbs conven i opal thing, but It would suffice. Thus armed, and breathing firfc. WHliam sallied forth Into the wilds of the windy city. Hlih festivities were on at Millionaire Race's “Care' But that did not deter William even for an instant. He waded right In and emitting stentorian criaa to the federal effect that step a Meander thaler with tinny vrgghells and dot en of bearskins couid not get away with stealing bis wife, be clouted Mr Race with gaa^plpe A regular club probably would hare broken. The gas pipe did not It merely curled * ‘little about "Mr. Race’s neck. But the effects wees much the same. The aims sin* third angle of the dream triangle went down like a smitten ox and It took several of bit friends to pull tbe enraged William off. ( onsite* tffwyer When he had hath resuscitated. Me. Rare adopted the highly uansre- Mke course of eoriSilUisc tbs courts. WllHtm tbs care man waa haled be for the bar of justice and so was Mrs. Wiliam, tbe ferpwr rbargqi with assault and battery and the Utter wl|b disorderly condet In that she did Incite her husband to ruq amuck. « “It was all a little Joke." Mrs. Goodman sobbed to the Judge. "That is. 1 wanted to see how jealous Bill would get. I never thought he'd do anythin* like be did. He’s so very. _ vyy quite. 1-wanted him to lie • care man and thought a little Jeal ousy might do lt.“ ■That's all right,” stod the judge, who ohrfmtsly Is .not a follower of the latest Action. 'Hut a woman >'bag no right to tsfnme a man a jealousy t® the point where he picks up'an Iron pipe and goes out to harm another man. You are more to blame than your husband. I shall An 4 you ISO. I must sentence Goodman irty days in Jail.’ The e Wggni day When a coy care lady could *Ur her husband up and Incite h Iff ton to deeds of Vlolence r juil for the thrill of seeing him lay man toar. Mur in the words of the effete «-omlc strip C ”tb«Bi days In gons forever." S4»I Kl> BOHY OF MKGKO Ml 01 KUIJIOI) TRACK Rocky Mount. Sept. 2- —With his bcaj crushed and left toot mangled the body of a nagro believer from letters found on, bis pmrsoa I*. be Uhue Wilds, ofj Hartsr'.lle, R. C. was found on the main line A. C. T,. tracks about a thlle north of the Tar river bridge here early Saturday morning after th® negro Irvd evident ly been dead (or several hour*. Officials of the railroad could not stile Jut how the aewro ant bis death along tl»« tfarlwr* at »*■»♦ Kour ct the night. Wl ether he *a* struck by the train sahlle walking along the tricks CT whether hr was hurled 'mm a mor'ng freight train I* not known, hut mark* on Wild's body 'ndleate that he had been dragged a good dlstanrs by the tratokbi fore being thrown aside . >ft\egro wa» about 2!i years old anffL»« round lying between tha twofra. to about o mile north ol the Tar ’river railroad bridge. Di!lg«nee is the mother of good luck. | ' 10 Stale Soon Convey > RwirVrtw far Park New Bern Kept 1. A quit' gin m deatf Is being prepared by tbe war department which will convey ftoan tbs federal government to the state, of North Carolina approx Imatvd-y MO acres of land on the Fort Mjcou resewatjpq for park purposes, ac ranfftof to a letter received by Rep from Secretary of Was Weeks, raaeatutlve I'harlea U Ahernethy The transfer to ketag made under toe prevkdona of • Mil drawn W Rkpreaewtativ* Ahernethy -and pul Mtowugh (Mb house By btos and put' thru tne senate by Senator 81 nun on* The property !n being conveyed wlth-j out rest th the Mate aa effort to re quire tbe atate to pay |7.500 hav ing been defeated by th* efforts of Realtor Hltnmrms and Representa tive Ahernethy. The property after tbe transfer'la hsf*. will he taken in ebarpo by the state grologlcal. society and convert ed into a state park for whjch It Is said to be admirably suited. The movement to have the pro perly tranaleiT.il to the atute and con vested Into aetate park begun It waa learned that it has the tatru tfcm of tbe war department te dis pose of It. In view of the historical interest of the fort agitation was started with the nlm to view of Be guiling It for the stale and prevent ing It . Tb-re are about MWi seres of laud in the reservation, all of wbch H v i be JpiensfWvd to- the state with tn* exception of 21 acres being used by he life asking st aion bhere. ‘ RINMARM fRARGC HriiNKM ATAffTKD FIGHT W CHIRA frontlnsied From Pag* o**l Will be landed In the French conrea elona at 6 o'clock this site moon. Tbe U*rgtch aald Governor Chi waa to charge of Klagsu province, but gave ao details of the lighting. CesArm Reports WARHINGTON. Hep. A.—Tbe Imm- Flltles between tbe forcos of mili tary Governor Phi gad defease ('nui mlslsoncr Ho at Hwangtii. neat Shanghai began at, 10 o’clock Ibis morning, tbe Rtate Department was edvlsed today by Conaul Genera* funnlnghani » I oaflirt Rages SHANGHAI, Sep. (.-Actual Agbt lag between tbe forces of two rival provincial m'lttray governors waa re ported In progress today In this dis trict with Rhgjpxhai and tbe extrems eastern portion of Klangusu province . V f] is Uii» prls«. i AMhoagh reports received here yes terday from pelata along the foe o.' tbe Railway Indi cated the opposing armiea of 1-0 YuagfHelang and Chi Sbtdff-Yuaa had clashed, official conflriuallon ol *lh< beginning of hoatUiitea came tty lay from General Ho FV-ng-l-ln. dc iwn commander of Rtarnghui l.u Ytina-Heiang. ruler of the cvm tested section of Ktangau province to defending hl» territory against the uggr> salve forces of I'hi Shleh-Yuan ruler of th* uncon tested aectoto o the pftorlnoa- Before train aervlce waa declar'd suspended yesterday on the Bhang bat-Nanking Kadiway wore than IM -000 refttgeea poured Into the objective city In the conflict from tha f'hlnese military rewpMot and today, under the protection of 'oretgn *ov»rpment», they atontted the outcome of civil warfare A messenger vyho reached Phene ui today from Qulusan told of hear ing sporadic ffrlng la the vlcinfly of Quinsan. the point When- the tvrr** of the rival tuchun* were scheduled •o meet along the line of the Rhang hai-Nanktng railway. Ware raft Assembled than 20 forelia wiir'fraft i» aasembled In the hurlstr at Rhungtiai awaiting any action cn the part of the military *v etnors wh'ch would place Shanghai In the line of Ore and tho Uvea of foreigner* in jeopunly. On land, the Shanghai volunteer corps and the Shanghai jl*- (ense unit, which Include* Brit eh and American military units, were prepared to taka up defensive fight Ig position* on the■boundarlea or tha foreign quarters. »rslde«“fbe land forces or' lan.na* op both adea, the ao-s-all d Inde pendent Ch'nese fleet, nllatad In the services of General l.u Yun« llshinK wua re|*orted anchored In the Whang poo Elver opP«"dte tbe Kiangnan Ai acnal which l» one of live ehjectlrev of tt4t lercea of Chi Sfdeh- Yuan Tlte KukHn war cialt wns report 'd In the Chusan archipelago, nouth west as Shanghai, drdty. ready to u tercepf any aM xihkh Chang Aso tJn. *or lord ct Manchuria and sup ortar of General l.u might dtapalth to Hanchow ky aea. The flnnncfat -strength of the ron-i tending nuloa sn Indk-ateff yealor day fr u feports that tjte troogw of »a» Yi im» Hehrtig have reeeleed nd vance pay and bonus a. wrh te the re al tre ' a atf not n (fit' ll an agree nhle ( -ldltlc-n. the pay of many units twlng |r* iirear*. i 1 llntl ■> 'iaatq b* Hie i enlua of v.. « • I v. ard tntl* wdronitdisi" - .to »n<- "flea without It. Tbe rmsa«*#eff people rule the world, bill not th# dlaeAttaAcd. Tkara Is a dtffarence. KMS MB CXSRIR Mill in BUZE Dmmowff* ( orrrnrr and Valu ' aMe Merrlmndine ScwprM P'Htok C«(tcr as Firemen Wffrk. I V _____ New York, Bapt, Twenty-Are hag* of reglnteFed mull AMamoude. currency nnd valuable merchandise Were ueatroyed bjr Annies In u mail truck In Tront of No. 163 Va rick street and half dosen other 1 bags, were damaged and tfcelr c«n ••nts of jewelry and currency lorc ed ont into the gutter by streamy , played on toe vehicle by Aremea. Ppttce and Arcinen stationed at aewer openings caughi up tbe val uables as they flouted by and pre vented them fmm going down - A crowd of several thousand, kept In eberk by grewen and police watch ed the work of aalvage It ia inti mated that the luaa may be close to IHMto. I’asserhy lltoeewr* 111 me The tea-ton truck, driven by WIN Hum Frjixler. with Herman Cohen an armed guard, beaido him. waa opeedlna on He way front Rtatlon A. at Houston «ind Frlnc# itre*ta. to the Varlrk atreet station. Varlck and Beaah nt.ieeU, when Hi front of Nh) |*.‘» Vur < k «nv.-t paaaerhy (Uncover ed a blur.e among the &0 sacks ol nrull. He yell d to Frasier, who put on the brakes and with .Cohen jumped to the pavement The flumes wnu rapidly hv.plng throughout tbe val uable load. Kraaler sent In a An alarm Battalion Chief McKenna ar il ved With Are apparatus. Bland With Drawn Member- Aa Cohen and Fraxler stood by with revolver* drawn, flremen turn ed two sterna on tbs blasr. The high pressure stream ripped open the damaged and burping mail Img-. D'amonds and currency cascaded to ;»# gutters. Chief McKenna th a had 20 Are ny-n froth a square around the truck ta prevent any of the spectator* ap proaching closa r than Ml feet to the vlblcle. Hundreds of tenement dwellers looked on. eyen bulging, as the frrtune of jewels and bank nolev flowed to the pavement. After the blast- whs out. flremen worked half aa hour scooping up hlackene(| diamonds and burned bulrtt notea with shovels. Neither Fraxler nor Cehen wa able to determine how the fire Start ed. It la believed some caret*** pedestrian or person riding on a truck threw a lighted clgarhtte thru the screened side* of the mall truck. People Involved in Hotel Raid Are Fined R-retgj). Kept 2,—Four people in volvad In a raid on al oral hotel a few night ago when a tparidel wo antn wa* found In a room with two men were oonvjetid Ratunliy fn city court and fined 115 and coals | each. In addition to lines, J. I* Cber nutilt.Jr., anil wife, of Hgh Path!, must leave Raleigh at onoe undet Tbe others. J- M. J-mes and Junlu.-- Tho ototers. J. M. Jones and Junius Rnnla. were not given conditioned ternflt. 6 t’hemoqlt. who la tbe son of a prominent merchant of High Point registered at the Hotel aa R. ft White and he was charged wit voluting tjre registration liw. Hla wile and the other two men * to ebarged with using tbe hutU lur Immoral pur poses. Vane*- Boßamy. n negro. wa« giv en four months on the roads for the thhrt of personal property from H King, wjitlr Joe McNeil drew a road derm of sixty days for forcible trespass. He wa* found in the house of another negro. Police Chief is Held For the Murder of Man Asheville. N 0. Rept ‘2 H. <’ Plcmmons. prominent merchant ol Hot Brings. - N ’ r ' <•*«' ,w “ clock this morn’n* from a bullet wound alleged to have been (nffbtod hy George K. Rrown. chief of police, of Hot Rprrng*. N. r. The shoot-ng oc( urred two week* ago. Two bullets hit ' Vleminoas. ones haltering his left »rm and the other lodging against the- spinal col umn. Paralyse from the w-lst il**wn re*i»ltt«d * i Brown was h< Id in Madison .conn-, ty jail »rib-ut bond pending tbe mt-j rqme of IMenijnon - Injuries ’mt wiv released under 17,’ibtl bond las* w«ek |w|i(n tl.« merchant wa* cvrrleff to !to 1 s berm When Plemnions l>eg:m to sink Friday morning. Drown wa retrrestrsl ind on the mc-ehniH's i death the -charge aga'n/t him jyiK i-changed to hmrJer The shooting oeeured at right la the ed o* of III* | town of Hot Rprlng*. Brown stopp'd the par In which ! Plemmon* and three others were , riding for the purpose of searchtng |lt for whiskey: ~~ ! A jolt that Is h “gr nd” I* often , tie* job that will sharp*-u your uj (lerat.indlng iTIITIOOZEIT TBE GOLDSBORO NEWS P«RCfniaker Gets ih Trouble With Drirnks ■' S ) t Fay rit evil I-, BviA .3 1, dred doles** woslh --1 (teatag* ■q» iwtlmated hy she jailor wits doge In the jail yp-ierdiy by f ur Fort B:;-u uimi who wi-ic lodged th-Te follow lufc an anrejt for drunkcuac**. They were picked up h> a nktol iry p*J>*<t yeataadug oa the l.indfn rued end, the city jail being full, wen lakes te the -cunty juil and. occord-i lug to the jailor, badlai i broke loose,l Nrf over the fleets «*f their the broke the window-p inek.tore' Juris, and completely wrecked »to* hospital room in wbh-h they wi r atattoued. When the hrrkrt w.i* nxrde n *fKend of the four soldiers achid to! .-tune aiog aa he might have -sour quieting Influence over |lie:u H*>l enter, d the rooa« eher- |H« y weiT ( jaded hut hod been there oily »j ew minute • when he was b"i;vlu. for releiise ** to.- f -or were wreck ing their veogence «* him aa wellj as toe rouiNr, The prisoo'-rs were Ijutcf this' mH-ntig but «n iinllnrmed ptiH*er | «anted ft* know when the cycl: a i gryk TTI r.*7fttt’v'Biv s r I Septuagenarian Sees Hi§ First Movie Show Kinston. K»'pt. I.—Jew*e l»ifti;t.j icptuagenarlan bt h’k niasua a;, v b* tlrat moving picture In i uigbt | rhough tw bus llvc-l two blocks frot; a movie bouse many year*. i.tul h pan of the time even b--s it -I t«ur- it had never felt tbe urge. h-> \.d A reporter cajoled him Itt'o "lig-n It once,” and Harry RtaMmm. «* ae of a theatre. Insisted Ihat he bo hi guest, Jessie Ix>rtui yieW'ed nntl wa led to tha adventure. “Old F*!Thfnl.“ in Yellowdom Park was doing lla aldtf ou ( ; .o -Itv i sheet. Mr. I-orttn didn't >" f out Intraedlately. Th-n rue!mi nut > awbllra' flsshed onto the »*r> n. fol lowed by ■ thrilling tight to d- nd '•Romebodv'a getting h*»t u.» A'' It nntdral?” rcmnrl.cd M ■ Minin "It’s' l ist like life." A min tu late! he subject bad changed and a car CooetstV cetnk- cat* were, »rf*irn- - r>*t mtle* forth- dderly novice. "I'lial’x unny.” Mr. latfiin remarked It; Iced tha '» funny.” But be lidit t fsagh Then the new movie Mi. n dropped, lie nodded sever <1 time Hl* hosts became suaptetou *, v \\ toil <lo you think of that now. Mr la»l tlnT* A hundred black felines veto doing tricks on the white tiroji "Good lord look at Ike cark!" re sponded Mrj laiftlh. Then ihc . *»r rent 111 bis enthusiasm waned again and Jesse lx»f llm began lo anooxe A tired old man had not fonud a k . . In tb* movin' pictures. PENDER’S ' STORES *. ** . * t y • FLOUR Palace Patent and Wonder Self Rising 12 lb. bag 24 lb. bag 48 lb. bag 96T lb. l>ag 50c 98c~~ $1.90 $3.75 These are our most popular sellers io all of our Stores. V u . QUALITY GUARANTEED t ' * . If o . n •0 » THE REGULAR SEITEMItIiR SERI! i 01’ 111!: GOLDSBORO BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 0 '- . v - Is now tip<n find fus> ■< nation* in... I<• made at the qlit.i: of IHl* Secretary at the* W*yh<* Nati >nat Hank. ■-V * / ■ Six Percent and Abhoiutel.y Safe • „ *« c Goldsboro Building and '§/ Loan Association W. E. STROUD, Secretary, ' *■ This Woman A?ain Mix tog <’hl*#o. " • j . «tm dnch il on tj> *. ju«l ouiii'li hr. v ■ ■ Imkc Micl’.Svi*" with "thei, Hi la | ; !-• ’ “M»” b*»Mv - . E-, practlca* o 1 i -j who for mv ■ ■>' ; .• ( Mata -of U* it .. *; llm« hit nroi>4ii. i • i'*' "mjunUcf " to ,= I I ;, h. m >« , worth «i rhff iK'tit front yorsj t-.-ow the l«kc The •V»t' , t>" h!wu jt TH- svci t« nunnery h* hfin# i».i>H» annua’- t iit« view# of Ihumr. >'« 'Mu' wM inhcrhe.i bio ■loot* *Vfra*oow«*." wti :*< j-li(y»i»tly 1 iiinml i >,- i. ; i . t>\ tin* <ien. i] City vowi-<t r m * , h. <t th«* t'*l»<:*lu |nit •> :• <1 i !■ i ■ t when they <’4in<* to i-Utr for »{«!r.- H v ‘ WHOM. fcOT. 'M» 111.. io rn h\i WillViimtipr rt. I’i. tfiqt. 3 V V. Jl*«n»pt>rt rMldtfili, wh *»wn •* u viicnnt lot in an uqdcvt'iofffd i * wo* haled into l*i'li<- C i.i to a i rwi>r ; nf«o ilt r*-' of fa-lure t> . weed* on th«* lot after bolus dl.'*» i ! i by the nolle# to .!«'• ■ i.r f.r-uiity wlt'.i ,i Munituty ordit tic. I|\tii Iml - ntly Ii twol tin* he lulu spt ill tom hum In r l> hot sun with a a- yttu* r.ui i: ; to in*Miltury weed*, uml dein.imioc tint u nolietwUsn vc: Mayday lufu t the lot to nniy. hU nsawrtiou When il-.-' . ini ' rvNrhvd tilt; ei-eni- they of ..Hired he hud lu Ith 'vei'il- un ini -id f*» nl»« lot. II * proti rtjf. wsv m llMlehetl ll# WU > (.'unt|H*Ue(| t^|ll> e!te rood In the e*r*e. •■‘ i I VMI 111 OK MILK a Under and liy Virtue* ot th# puwto if *#l# con * rml In a certain ; judß*: mint, render**! on tha .. day of Ann- 1 n>d. 1»24, in an or thin entitle*) ”h£;ttl- j zon# It.ink -rs ' ml till * e v W I, I'iirk:■ »im( *\ il*\ NMRII y.iik-'. et wle." th* tii4|i#:*inned t'omtnl-nlonrr, duly lie* n't il hy Kitid ui.lKinent, will offer «ai- # >|e f„r rush *»n the Ifilh us SeotamlH»r. t**Sl. at the t:.. i I lk>u*e do*»r in Wa»n*' county, at 12, uVltMk, th® ictluv* Itin ihnuirHMdl SWff*| I® wit: “ f 1 -KirM True*- iwrrlnntn* at • «tak*i In the ritvc of Boom Ifcarnh, Jotm Ivey, Si , nnd IX Fart-’ ti rn* r, and , run* S ««H H. K 2 ,*,ies. to a nvst | oak; then H 3 VV, »*4 i*d< t» n •<; he thru N. ?&’& W. ft** ffolcit. to 0 ftuk t, ta the cilki’ of llniiiii) Mar. h; then wMh the e*l«o of B'tue Mar»h to \He Iten anli y, (iißUlulnc 32 nitre#, niorc; or lew*. 9 » -4 • i ,v t |h •; ntrn k '.*t i pui.\ : ffaU pd ' ■- ' ’sru-ie, nun rt-ua.IL j I ‘ |1 a 1 :1 ’ * N 1-'. i 'P-l’r . ; ' I *l 11 ~'l t i'M ftx; . ;.il il - i*;r. . ■m >i »->' I* v. i. - ;> h .o 5 i-v ivitiuit, «-.>ra,i • a ■ : . 1 *■ " ‘O >e : ."ore: #h) th*> *>f lan I, ins ko.fiß a:- lot;- N'.*( I. itiui 13 in *• - diets' «• o i ■ !*►• I„:.d of l-'lm In >, Hr, »--<i hr.ttrc” the .tutu two tru t < l.iud Wtfjih wora i iMirrved t.V isuM t iJf^netc iHi t\r 1 fi,- by ( liar: *3 Iv-.-y id w>: . . 4fi <| «i l l - i A.iiS'i 3 lei, b-iiJ rt (ir*l«*l in Bonk ill. ai,is;£ / 1 Ot.' U i • ‘ ,If i '•., . -i - ' ■ ■ r . UlSi I I'll. ,I- 111 the .til •if 3. r rtf tJmMx > f ay • • ' ' • '- }' ■ ' ■ - and .! »" lr i T ik -; to. «trscf i»i *‘ i ! , - * *-. ' ■ .< il. 0»- lie 1 til' • V - I't* :!: i! - rt* 1.1 111 (!•■ afx *’-i w. t im i -*;■«.! - .; i ■ • h-n.i m’. i ;• f*; ■. .. d •* l »n°. '!■ ■ *dfi. i 1.4 llv Keflut r u ||- e*M **•' Wis »e * ' -nte i l h ..it „H f. Jv 4 ' l-.Hirtlt Tra-i iteßiimliir ».t ;* r : oak oij the liw.i, bank, and rnn,i K j t '. - _ .. , 4 . C. J. BEST, Jr. Real F "f 1,1 ri! rai l koems I—2 Handley kiWff. r,# * » * o- SEVEN VEAUS EXPERIENCE « CilnetuJ ... m - ; \vit to heut.*.l ('»*n uu iuul j; uijtt ; -.•ttlniiii iU-j# rti.itiu witii f.itnuiu. \Otitt BUSINESS IS SOLICITED .1 " ; •’ •rl " !’ V,. ! .. / ... d • DID YOU? * ' T* ,* , ** . -*4 Did you ’appreciate efforts to ren* * tier you first class service during the past month? % *"**' -*%.-** >■*'"- ■■ * , ■ ■ m will OfKfenvor tq please even better* in Uie 1-utui'e. ix»t ua demonstrate. : : ' '' W#,«<d'cit new ae«*ounU:—our refaren-- ces~ ask any of our regular patrons. //.. H. JENKINS <;rocer Phones 700 and 701 C<M*ner John and Ash Streets . V# • * fa 1 ' V . • ' . ,* *.*'..* J&m I Attention: Tobacco ■9 f Farmers : 4 ... •• V , 1, •• nu;y he- Ifi'jf 'JWiatro Sen on the Wayne f! ■ Hun* for tH* eotmmfettCe of farm* % , ■i■ ■ • , .'.'thur wll g . *>’i ih« cy.*jrrj rnsititci.t <>r t: • ihe Cte M " w t r.if ivc A. tot u,turn, to let u.; curb your ii dksi*fcts af' i&fsHiiW 43 . Ar»U it vou have not ••en our new banlw n taJn tvheiin i* y» i hav> any ImiMM or - nut. N^-~ —.—. "t ‘ f. > - • .• «* J. * ✓ ./ . . I *4->‘ ) N» ' . ' The - Mlm *rra t Wayne National Bank tp« ■■■ .y l f! wr..:j- I t'l .1 t ■! J';l4 t th* ‘1 ’ ’•> H :*»l* - f**' n -• » t #afm; 1.1'.1 ; '' ■ ■ 'V }> "** ' f.iewt* ■; Ik* i MdKii ,r. i, \<H’{ * i *■ -i . i • '/ V; i v Facj '! ■ * V. . . *Wii. , * ■' , t.f • W Ht.-u* " ;■ a * ... . I - . U'..« l|, j *-ui'i H-rrl.ii. -il l l-.-.i : I u~; tli* i 'N. 5.0 \V, 57 tioi* tu t'!! i iil H.)UI- , i t : •«£ ** . v»i-4- t-i iii. i.i.crj ; iv. da out W rl*crn< It mcarulu t-, th.; ba . - i(l -.o IV v WOVO ■,r 1-w Tr lu.i rij- .»'* *-3 r‘- tjUi* V ■ ■ I . I . .. *i h :• If . < u! : -lid 4}l h- i - . . I t .'( f i-» \V K 1 ri»•by 3M Vi, Ihiiff.#, Baait ir.f, r»y,* <. hkftb Two- I;<-mj tin- sum** lot *.f * Jiind <’ n try. d to V*'. 1.. I‘nt-i'lit* 1 . wif nil Ijy r J hr itr-.-d in'iiriur. d<tb‘ iff n u ntbticr 16. >•.•*>» - Bli'h 1,! ttM| rot t£ii? rv., ~j , ,i,i v ■i 1 v lll. 1- ■■ H! I *. '.nd 1 4 -1 • i!ml ißd ns-il |wvm»l« am bcrcUy r*» i|fr*;it • t*i #lid ii'.'iil ' ii Hurt t;c •' us. » for piirfu.- i' (H li( M' r d" vrlptidit of !• it i land*'.. ’ .* '■ . Thlv 1 lie I5tl» day of Au u t,"l'J3l W. ft .Vld.f'N, c 0 -;a . :*?-!. r ' y S? *~ r< -nu,!> | f t , PAGE SEVEN

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