PAGE SIX ~ jpIoCALSg Nrn« Firm* rinnuß . X !w V lr^3ti'' 14441 -1 tl ———. >. Out act the ptctar# on til four :MM Tkn -carefully fold dotted lit* 1 It* tatlr* length. Than dot ted Unt S, tod to oa. Fold. each feW— underneath accurately. When completed tarn or«r. tad F—ll tad a surprising result, taf tka pictures ARROtRI'E PRO4IRAW Tkt Nome Koonoralca Department oC tko' OoMsborn Woman's I’liib of fer* for the com In It year. dun-na 11m- Mrat tkre* week* In November. n'n<- Ilf—a la Dressmaking Coelome, Dkaiaa. or Interior Deeoretlna For *h*, first t«r> subject* tbr clan* VIII b* limited to sixteen and will meet Taaaday* Thursday* and Friday*, fr—t a:MI to II Id. the mater Hi fur, alakad by tka Individual. If Interior Derwation la preferred | thd rlld will ba unlimited, meeting at tka #ame time, with t roet of So ftw material* | Mtoe Katherine Mather of the rbl «wd Art Inatituts. will he the In atrartor la February a course of nine lee aona. la "Fvwryday Food 1 Prepam - ttou." or "Luncheon. Dinner and Party Idaaa." both limbed W aliteen wttb a coat of from tl on to »2 #6 for materia la. or "gelertlar. Planning Bad Sernas the Dally Meals." class unlimited. pt a net of .50 for attp pile*. w||| be offered | lire Anna I. Grime*. Got urn Ma U« tWhif. ak Inetmptor Tkpee roureee ore pr or a red thru 00-ooeratloa of oar Hchnol, Board with tha State | 0 pencilling ftff*taf funds * I i Thc(M> desiring eald rottrara will modify tke (btafrman phone 430, or Vine-Chairman, phone 2»8. al ome. dqql—Utkwv the rourae preferred , t , MBS T SMITH. Chairman. MM GRAVBH SMITH. ' Vlor ■Chairman b . TV ■ R GIRTH f AUGUR A **.■' «; AfTmwui Klnatog—Bora* Raaka to be devel oped a* summer* resort T QwMfoboro~Tw*«l jr-slx mile# «>( bgrdwarfare road birth and look* from Whom h* select* hi* dashing equest rleaaes Who have added ao much to tke fame of the Hparlt* OttfU* The | —bMr Will bar. ample oph oll unity to view both maiden* and hnr»e* In the le— thy street pwrsde which lesy ,ee the ground* promptly at Id 30 ctrtaa day. Tbl* feet ere win di« play assay igwn dens or rare wild ■ffhaala specimen*, herd* of tleph ahu and oauntleMß oUit-r reatur** ond —Mir Will be e—trlhutert by thrr dWtaaa bead* and tow calliope* Tie —Mb'phifonaauctw Ahls season on an tyßW* «< ffmfoua yaara, oomawee at I OPERA w HOUSE WED.—THURB. JACK OEUPSEy t (Himself) tl In the Saturday Evening Pont Story ‘FIGHT AND WlN’’ JOHN (iIiJHKKT A MAN’S MATE” —AI -S() Jail Hirds. Comfdy mmm ———————W—MUp r 2 and 8 P. M the drtor* Nona d|o-n ad one hour earlier for the reception nt the public in the menagerie d* ( l>«riment Where each animal cage l* | Individually electrically lighted to IMTinlt a clo»cr tn*tnctlon of th* comprohenalve rtool gh al display. | Children under 12 will he aduiltt'd for 36 cent*, troth perforinaoi ca 1 here. | Heat* can be secured Cirrus day at j Miller* Drug Htcr*. aanre prior u* at show grounds MKRIRG ON A BIHINKH IIA HIM Day by day the farrinr I* com- 1 Ing to a falter reallxutlon of the ract that the fram ua well aa the factory must l>e run on husrnea* line* If farnrlnK I* ta be rmuh- real ly profitable. The city imtnufttrturerr would be In the Irankruplcy court in a verv j short time If he employed merely' had labor; if lx- d d not iimc all ! the mnchlnery applicable to hi* bua -1 lean he wrAild find htnr*elf far be hlnad bla cnmpetltdra. This pr ndplc of Increasing prn dui-ttna through labor Having ha* been recognized on the farm a* well as In the city with the result that mechanical eijulpimnt of alt kind* baa replan*! to a. great extent the . <>td. time worn hand work nrcthoda of doipg btiHlnca* And now the farmer I* following the city man yet another atep to ward real living efficiency. W# now rind the former, hi* wife and family enjoying the leisure (hat J their hard work entitle* them to Kleuririty, furnished hy. dependable | light power plant*, ha* become the housrhoud servant -and extra hired man on ttnniaand* of farina. -e POST omii: FXABIRATIOR The I'nlted Htatea Clrd Service , Commie*kwi announced an otwti corn * petltlv* examination In this city on October the Hh. 1924 In order that 'an eligible register may he establish ed from which to make certification Ito All vacancies occurlng In giuieral clerical position* In various branch I ca of the •service In the KVxurth Civil 1 District. In the «tnte of- North Caro . Ilna at salaries rareging from s'*t»u to 1500 |*-r annum or higher or low • - er salaries, unless It I* found tn ttd Interest of the servlc* lo fill any vacancy by reinstatement l.runfer or pionudton. For appltcution blank (Form 2371) and Form 2203 gtvng dlscrltrtlon oi the examination, address tlu- "Hecre tary. Board of Civil Servlc* Kxam- Inera" (loldalairo. N - C or Secretary Fourth Civil Hv-rwtee District. 1723 I" Street N. W. Washington. D C.. .. Application* must be properly et edited and filed with (he Secretary. Fourth I'. K. Civil r Sir enlertginment of rb»* vltors will he the presence of ‘NAI.UII AND 11(1(18,* who may air | some of their "difference*." Famous Hotel is to • Continue be Operated New York. Kept 13. Ti«r roc porn ’ lion which has purchased (he f»m --> on* \V»|d n w.i" cn-j | tired into hy the member.- A* a rcsoli o! this, \lr T It Smith. | secretary, was delegated ti# *io to ! Harrisburg. Va . and In I.)m lilmii g GOOD PRICES PAID FOR TOBACCO HERE . ( > - y Denpilc ln< lenient Wcitlhrr, Fair Sales Were Held Here on Tuesday—Farmers Pleased Hegardl ts of the fact tfiaf Inclem-) ««t weather prevented many grriw « rw Iroin t ven starting to town with theljr, weed, quite a large amount of loh-iicu was sold wgi the floors of the (ioldslHiro warehouses y«'att-nlar. and i le [•*-*(-* tn Id for fills Was good. ’ r he average qualify of the tobacco | b.-ing broiH’iit In now Is not all that | could be desired from th* standpoint o| the warehousemen, hut the qual ity Is exp<(ted to Improve u- the time pisses. !he 1.-h.orlty of the wi-mi sold he>a yesterday averaged aiound 21 ctnil I per p >ond 1 u.gjL i ' wV* m One of th«* Riding fegtutea with Bpirki ( ire fit t<* Wadwdiiy, Sept. 24 iT” % •I ( i | Superior Safety | I' J g ■ —fur your important paper , kt't , i»nHke. < i and ■ 1 vahiuliles is affonl'tl by our Vtark Safe De- 2 S < | ■ fc = ■ fsisit Vault. Federal Reserve Banks . S 3 . thniiiirhout the country have In-ett euuitiped , 9 5 , ■ S ' with York Vaults, which enibracP everv 1 2 § -/ g ; mtslern scientiliv protection, aguiiiat lire and i 9 burKlary. ■ I * V; s ( Rentals of intlividual boxes in our vault —1 ranpe from 00 a year* upwards. Come* in S , and select a la»x to suit youjr particular , S ' needs. « 1 1: %. .. J Th* :| Wayne j I'iile j•! National \ MSifc. ■Bfiß, Bank I j p ' > V tub GQf,pswnno wnrg IV* . In the Interi-sl of th<- racing card, to (grr'y along blanks. ,md to sigh tip ui» many horses as pos-tbli. The first Fair wilt lu# held at Rocky Mount, on Aepteiiilu-r 2|Hh. und thla will b« followed In rotation hy Kinston. It*ji i li. I'llytHtevl lie, , Golds hero, .und Clinton on th- . hurt , ship circuit 1 fifty-tihre« hoi < fore Ike list* are clowd .that more than eighty horses will tie Included on the racing |>rie gram. PLANS FOR BIG DAT ' IRE if IB ♦ Merchant;* Intend to Make Next Dollar Day One of the Bißlfest < and Heat Ever Held Here. Inclement weather yesterday did not prevent Gold Imio ./Merchant* Voni going uh< ad w ith their plans lur llu- pro|Mis< d |#n which this will In- held will tie announced Coming us It will, right at the height of the Fall season. when Full and Winbr goods will lie in dc . inand, there Is not the least doubt but that tht* Idg trade day will draw unusually large crurnds of vls- Itura. to. the ctly. It I* planned to make the next Dol lar Day the biggest and heat of the • many held here, and 'he buying pub Ik la with mark Interval looking for ward to the occasion. ( ELECTRIC COiR IS; GETTING ATTENTION Duplex Automatic Cooker Be ing Demonstrated by the Carter Electric Company This Week. Os Inter**! to every lady In the ■city I* the demonstration being put j on this week by the Carter Electric Company, of th<- Duplex Auioniutlc Klectrlr Cooker., which. Incidentally 1* In charge Mra. Prltscb, factory representative The Duplex Automatic Cooker la <,n« of Ihe moat modern electric lookers, on (he market. It dries, link<«*. roasts, and In feet does every thing any electric cooker could be expected *to dug and at a minimum lost y „ The demonstration will be in pro* cress every day daring tl.e week, and th< public la extended a oordtal In vitation to vlslf the carter Conr I .my s place, and witness it. : President Goolidge off for Cruise on Potomac W’HMlilnition. Sept 13. (/P) -Presi dent fooltdge left itb.- While House I today for a week-end cruise down 1 tlt*- river, abqMril the Mayflower, af ter a busy week at Ids (leak. Endorsed By Hundreds of Thousands The satisfaction expressed hy It a luindreds of thou sands of usera is ah out standing recommendation for llclco-l.lght Delco-I.lghl Is ready to i.rkng elcctrlf service to your home .NOW. See us for details regarding ‘ the stxe Delco-IJght plant that you should have. (PUCIHjSt) j I DII.LON ELECTRIC tO. K Mulberry Si. ' - ■ fFall And Winter / jfk J Cloltmg for the Family I | Our liu>er Has ... Big Shipments Are | ) Just Returned ,\ *9 111 I % »« . T \ i. » l \ v pT !|/J Arriving Daily of ) ( From the Big wf\ Ifk ' ) / 'MI Apparel For Men ll Northern Market \ [/ . _, lt _ (( | « \JL nk Women and Children. j) J Come In Our Store Today *j | We have the finest lines of Winter and Fall Merchandise | we have ever had, lovely Coats, Dresses, Capes, Waists, j) HI tJ i — 1 c,; — r "“ T adies, Saits, Hat?, Coats and () s of Apparel for the Little r for the Growing Boy. Set- -Jt £ wardrobe for winter.. KALEEL j| I STORE” | WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER DEMOCRATS READY TO START A DRIVE [ ' TO SWEEP STATE Campaign Will Open on a Slate wide Kanin on September 20th—Will be Weil Fought. a,- - - Raleigh. Hept IS. (g*y—The demo crallc campaign In North Carolina will open on a state wide basis on September 20ib. It announced at democratic headquarters here today On that date leaders of the party will speak la various sections of the slate presenting the democratic doctrine, and reasons for maintaining .the par ty In power. Angus W'. Mil s'an denua ratio nominee, will be asslsled In hla ef foris to capture the election fry Jo slah W ItaJley, whom he defeated so the nomination. Mr. will, apeak at Jeffersup In Ashe county while Me Hailey will open at Duke. Other sp«-akeri and tbslr engage ments are ns follows: W. N. E>rer ,«-U, and Congressman Hammer at Asheboro; .Walter It Siler, at Heau lort; K Hunter Darker at L*Ska Goldsboro Damp Wash Laundry , Went Mulberry St.. Phone SB6 JM ECONOMICAL FAMILY SERVICE O. M. BRENDLE, Prop. ■ f f -1-3 . i - *- jfiMUt'ti Safety First Cot-Tone-0 “If yqu are a sufferer from rheumatism try ft bottle of Cot-Tone-O, a new dincovery with ft record of ninety per cent cures and a guarantee' with every bottle. Cot-Tone-0 is pn internal treatment that penetrates the nervep. veins, muscles, boht’ft. Rhe entire system, and destroys all rheumatic jrprtij'.' TVy this treatment epd If | you are„not |>efientfed -after taking we util glad ly rMurn the price paid." Cot-Tone-0 is on eale in Goldsboro, N. C., by all drug stores. ” Q vtlle and Bpr*jr; Beater Durham, aft Hller City; D. G. BrummlU. at Roa noke Rapids; Chsrlee U. Hurts, tad R 8 McCotn nt Hcndsrson » i . la addUJon tat these esiipaiMs, headquarters expected to arranpa toe several others, a total ot tweaty speeches being the schedule for tha d * y ' r • * MSKI4LL BKMILTB , Ast ions I League Boston 3-2; Dbicaco ft-4. Philadelphia 7; Pittsburgh II Brooklyn 3; 8t Ixiuls IT. • , Philadelphia 6; Pittsburgh I I New York 6 1; Cincinnati 1 j ' Anrricaß I.cages V Chicago I; Boston 4. f Detroit,}; Philadelphia 14. R . t;irv»lsad 2; Waablafttoo .1 l ' Sr Douii ?**w *>fk/rain Meat hers A.voctallea Atlanta I 3; . Birmingham o (baUsnobga 4; I.tltß Hoik S. Oply two games scheduled Virginia League • All games ftostpoaed, rain Storm Takes Its Toll a As it Sweeps Georgia" Macon, Qa . Hept. ll.—Two persons srs dead and a half dosen or mora others injured as a result of the storm thst has bean Awreeplng through H»utS Georgia