PAGE EIGHT |0" LOCALS 41 ■"*:* -■■ —"t ■ ■■■ ■ A ’ Mtn« picTF** roiiKfl \ i \ v . . oo you k - vpdsi *•■ A V ‘ VWNfr gas* r\ ; is vuwns |AiON«; OM Ml tha ylcUri on all four 144 m. n«a carefulig fold dot tad Uaa 1 Ha ••lira Initk Than dot- ~- »*4 ll»a 2. aad ao oa. Fold wacb , Mrttan underneath accurately roaiplatad tarn ovtr, aad 94*11 tad a iar»t|ati| ram It. fcw tha plataraa v IfAUCt Clfrs THA I NEK I MIEN ■Of UeW MEANING OF EAR Arching the "gurdroora they call Ms Ha aaa without Oaldaburu oa Wedaaadty Sap. 14. Ho* SM*> data haw faar—but he never allow* M«W etattw him Navar dora he ap fUferth the fraat a tool'arena wber* •hit hta In Ration a oharaea with ' MfUMf metre to protect him than AS evdteawy l(|tchea chair aad a c%aap buggy whip. If • Hon ahould tftht a Soaira to kill him there would ha ao more chance for muty Bit Btaty tarnghe at aurh a thought "Bee the in ey»» ha aafca as two atuel Sfty oaea atare Into your* That'.. all* I sand id nave me. I keep the batty whip to tap a lion oa the none whan I want him to do aonfe certain thins I keep the ygcbeu chair to make tha Hon feel at home and to Vlteb’Jta leap If ha ahould Jump at ltd'hat' what l>* pot that leap •Milkl, r uae ttaan *yuu aad Ikn ItHfl ten ad the' animal yet* that 4MM twvp tip hta aster when I real y ft»44had *mV eyvw oh Mm Marti* Mftfrtmmi kirn. I doo-f know " Bat ts t 4tl|* **' fc*** »<■ tb a.»KARAN IN THE lITV _. 4 C. M». M; S Baama*. od the Wilson iPhamhsc of Op inure. who la Inter .abt*d ta promoUag the port terminal 4*n. was meal the businaee »«(• a*» la *ha city yesterday and Wtll* 4pn coaMrrad with Htcretary'U*|- Mr Doamark.. of the Chamber ot ■Bmpmores relative ta tha name Mr Bospmn while hare alar* talked with a number of local bualobs* men la regard to this pMopoaltlbn Cooler Weather Brings Out New Fall jClotheH The touch of Antumn which ei< lh'tha sir yesterday had the effect of bringing out heavier < loth ng In Ootdshorp sad SCOte* of people, es pecially the ladles <*bo were »e*n on thg St tost ■ during the nfternom. had deased tbalr attire of cooler days. From now oa the .clothing mer chants and the dealer* lo ladle* 1 MVbg apparel egpAct Ihe demand loga to be rath ioc-ation oM)otton ' Mkrkct Here is Soon ; v To Be Changed Oaldahtwo v rott.m market I* to he I , ?• moved t« a new l WIN” k r- 0 —ALSO— JOHN (JIIAIKRT In "A MANS MATE” ALSO— Jail Hirdk. Comedy m 7 MBS Ml MMYIMPHMEIITS Add Additional Floor Spare n( ! Their Store on Walnut Street i to Reiter Show Their Line. •<->v 1 . llcllg *nd Myers, who operate a furniture store at No IIM Walnut atreel, tarrying a complete line of household lurnlahlngs. h*ve Just completed a numlwr of mprnvc nianta to the Inteildr of tbelr ratal. I Bailment, which will add much to the convenience of their patnma. ! A balcony 40 feet In length, and 7 feel In width has been erected on the we«t side of the build ng. and on ; this la being displayed bed room 't auites, etc. This gires additional floor spare, I I and also make* the display of these 1 good* much inora attractive, ImiEGE STUDENTS RETURN TO $® ■ Mora Than 0|»« ILundred f’juMfr H THroiifh fily Ygalrrdoy , • B» f OOte t .to From East Carolina. MMorelteail (' ty. if a\lfori. tijftV Md Vtf hifalUy.| I pkiletf .through i ye*fert|Wy morning, en route to collegoa and preparatory achuola In various parts of North 1 Carolina It waa a marrf cniwd of young people who Catur from aboard lie Norfolk Hottlbern Ira n from the cast and acattered over Ihe city to visit trirnda and acquaintance* for the abort while thev were In the city. They were alt apparently anxious | lo get lack to school and lo resume ll»e|r work, and were looking rot *« d lo a moat beneficial session 1 w Ith tbelr hooka. _________________ BANEBALL KENI LTH National l.eagae All games rained out. 1 tmertcan f.eagnr ' Chicago B; Boston 2 IM lonia 17: New York 7*B lief rod fit Philadelphia #. Clawt.ind V\ ashtogt'-q 3 , Haul kern I wage* Vahiogkaat li Ailnata 13. Memphis 6: Nashville 3. Little Rock < hsttnnooga. rata Vlrgjala l.eagae Rocky Mount •; Norfolk f> Other games |M>atpo\ed. account of rain. We haven't rend of an air malt robbery, yet. The way so a beautiful bul dumb girl's heart Is a round trip. MAHON If NOTICES Regular communication* as OoMs bor laidge No. 834 A. F. * A M sec ond and fourth Monday evenlnga In each month at b:IHt p. m In Masonic Hall over Peoplo'n Bank. All mem ers are requeaVed to be present and visiting Master Masona cordially ta ’vitnd. - W. B. I.KROT. W M t. K. F. HICKB. Secy. Regular ronvocallon of Oolde j wr Chapter No. 28. R. A. M. second iaad fourth Thursday evenlngfe-Aa each month at 8:00 p. m. In kfaeoulc fall over People's Bank. All inem mra and visiting Companlona are ask. d to be present. KD F. TAT! .OR. H. P. W. A. CARTKR. Kecty Regular corn lave of Goldsboro ommandery No 24 Knlghte Templar Ural and third 1 lursdav evenlnga la e*'b month at 8 00 P M. In Ma«oatc Hall over People'g Rank. All m a ro ars and visiting Hlr Knight* cor dially lavttad to be present at all -nesting*. KRFD B CROWBON, Km Com. W. A- CARTUH. Recorder. r ~~ ♦ ' [0 . m 'HKmiv mm 'sMSsf ' v# 'i 13 HU.Drt BELMONT. ANIMAL TRAINER To Mitts Belmont Goes the Honor:S>f Instructing “Rufus” the Great, the Chan i pan zee with « human hrain, coning to Goldsboro with Spraka Circug, Wcdnegday, .Septembfr 24. IMPOnnUIIT MEET IS TO BE HELD TOM ° n Wayne County Anli-Tuherru • losis AssoriMtinn Will Ik* Formed Meeting of Cham ber of Commerce. Tonight ttl 8 oclfM-k at the Cham ber of Commerce tho Wayne County Antt-Tubercukwl* Aesoclutlon will u> organized, and every (jinn ams wer ruan In the city and ruunly who la Interested |n eradicating this dread disease from the county la extended an Invitation'to attend the meeting, and heooniu a member of tho organ- j Jiatloa- ' apf ) | It 1* pointed out (hat tbc'larger the sHHixiatlon the greater good nan be dope, and a total mouvbcrwhlp of two or three hundred lo stwtt with de •Ired ;■ * - ■ f l.tlN SHIP H Alt 800/.t ■' | Mobile. 'Ala. Bept 17.—^ j lan ateamablp Valleacurn at thl* Aort I loaded with a cargo for South Atner- ' ! lean ports was sclfed in the name lof the Htatc of Alabama toriuy by | Sher-IIT P*ul Caz»l»M The state In a iourt order charges that the vchscl . illagally tranaporCed prohiMte.l ti- I quors, that liquors were sold »nd drunk on hoar.l the vessel with the) knowledge of the then Captain An gelo CtaVlo. who >\n murdered by ohe of bla crew. WHY WAIT WHY WAIT The SparkH Circus Is a Southern Intititution that has gained a national reputation for cleanli ness and honesty (wljy wait). All Sparks Circus makes mention of prices charg ed the public (why wait). There fore you know exactly what it is going to cost you to see the only "class A” Circus coming to Goldsltoro this season (why wait.) f WORLD'S TINTfD*. WJ® 8 J \ SoPMMf (TMt MTHS H/*ST\ hcmviniml OtSPLAV OP \ ?.%*£"[ TRAINED fifik swvr \ ■ . * 9O I —-- \ WILD / vBMSTS/ •t 2 'and 8 PM. W . U*VW( TOi; ,«Wn*WU» EamaaM I’RICF.S: Children or* Under 12 ODC ADULTS 7.m- Scats on sale Circus day at Miller’s Drug Store.- • Same price as at show grounds. GOLDSBORO WED. ?4 SEPT. ““ Hft GOLDSBORO WfBB WORLO-EIRDIERS ON LIST LIP OF FLIGHT Another 410 Miles of Their i-ong Journey Whs Complet ed Yesterdav—Near End Trip. Omaha, Neb. Sept 17. Another lln mill* of their - world encircling fllchl ebeoket! ng hv the uneventful lout and three quartet h hour* jump from Chicago to Omaha today, the army world flier* rested here to night in preparation* for the 450 mile trip tomorrow. If weather per mits. to Ht. Joseph. Mo, and Mu*-' kogre, Oklu. The land at Jarvla Field was made at 12'55 thla afternoon, about an hour ass g half bfrsie it waff gx pei Ud Asya roHiilt (he f rowd «fl ttq fleld was large a,. i.&rf expected The NWYobk Giants and Chica go W bite Box have engaged lo play an i ghlMlon gam* In Montreal be fore aatltnds •October l«.r tbelr lour of I Europe. NEW ARRIVALS IN WINTER FURNITURE You will welcome this announcement for included in the selection is furnl -1 ture of utmost quality, with prices far under the average.* We wish to call special atten tion to our lovely bedroom suites in French and Persian Walnut, new in Style, durable and an asset to the home. i « _ Living-Room and Dining-Room Suites HAVE ALSO ARRIVED. BEAUTIFUL TO THE EXTREME, OF HANDSOME WOODS AND OF DESIGNS THAT WILL.GIVE THE HOME A MORE HOMEY ATMOS PH EKE. I «•: FINE FI,OOR COVERINGS NAPPANKE, KITCHENETTES* Ax minster and Velvet Rujrs which wc “The Housewife’s Friend,” a new line ofTer for your Inspection, the finest we now here. See them before you buy any J have ever had. s j other kind. OUR LINE OF “ALLEN” RANGES NEED NO INTRODUCTION TO YOU THEY M ARE THE BEST THAT CAN BE PURCHASED SEE OUR DISPLAY OF SHUBERT PIANOS WK SELL FOR CASH OK CREDIT HEILIG AND MYERS Complete Home Furnishers. * Phone 372-2; 119 E. Walnut St Sparks Circus Press Agent Visits the City N J Shelton. pr< H« agent Ibr the Spark* ClfCUa. wan anions the via*' ttnm to the rtty teetarday attwmoon Mr ShcJdon In an old newspaper man and ha* many friend* among »he fra ternlty n this Mate Commenting on the Spark* Onus aa a stellar attraction this Hea*or», Mr Shelton declared that It ta bit W MaaMads I *a-r' !' • " * a.•• \\ You don’t hav e to j>ay high prices - for clothe* < unless you want to. * < ’ '■ I o ’ o' o * i . v * Here’s a Suit at $27 50 * —produced in enormous quantities in just four l . ( perfect styles. Fine fabrics —perfect tailoring— Li (I ! i correot stvies fully guaranteed. a' lu t§ j * J I It )otiks like- a Million Dollars. ||j^ Geo. Farfour & Bro. ‘‘GOLDSBORO’S BIGGEST V ALUE GIVING STORE" ter and better tbdh ever before, end (bet the people of tloldeboro end Wayne county will have an opportu nlfy to aea e renl clrcua, when'lt reache* the city. Kt u rgirw wtsurr rsArr Boaton. Sept. 17. A mldnUlu ebaae through Boaton Harbor of • seagoing tua, carrylnß aeveral thou Hand* gallon* of liquor by a 0. 8 cut lorn* boat, ended early thln morning E|Bj uH Lu HII * ' ISIH Pol^l 1 ■WTJMPAT MORNnw f tmmamjkJSL when the crew of til* mm rnsaa* etreered the craft 1 # n dock *nd thmn or four Jumped ashore leavtn* thnlr vessel to puraue a crair co*rnn through the’rondatead. cotton rm’iisn New York. Sopt 17 (**>—Cotton fu tures cloaed ateady Oct. 212*". D*« 21.85; Jan 21 *6; March 22 1*; May 22 40. Spot cotton qiflet, nnd-Utn* n ml,