toiday MOWfijcd, or to tor ts. iwr AT AUCTION Friday, October 24th at 10:00 A. M. I Some of Goldsboro's Best Real Estate Several of the beautiful Pine View Park building Lots, several valuable Lots on Nor tit Williams Street, dwellings and one of the best business iifss f£ff. • 1' * ing on two roads, suitable for tilling station, store or garage. One four room dwelling located on Neil Street now renting for $l,lOO per month. Two nic£ TotHti \( North Goldsboro. , . « Look these properties over before the Sale. Every piece of this property w ill en hance in value beyond all expectatiohs in a very short time. Now is the time In get ) in on the ground floor and buy some of this variable property. You rub elbows every day with men who have made fortunes out of real estate, wfty not fcet in line ' ) and be one of them. Opportunity knocks but once. / . | The Terms of this Sale Are Within the Reach of Every Oni . t- \ ■ „ - 23 MUSIC BY HAND, AND OTHER ATTRACTIONS. DON’T FAIL TO HEAR MR. W. H. MATTHEWS, THE WORLD'S LEADING AUCTIONEER. SALK BEG ' IN PINE VIEW PARK. ’ x * • f ‘ k t t SALE CONDUCTED ttV » •& . « a ... I ’ • • f . v * ft * , , . ' '- O' South Atlantic Land Company I N SELLING FOR THE OWNER ' . ' l ' * * • • m*. kt. If you want to keep your bands “Nice” conic i»» unit (; t n pair us. our isotid Rubber (iloves * Tll«! 1.0.,1,1 111 Will'd slut l> rtVce»f>»ar> • elm. your hirmts »tit hr rrnrjrti mil r- i| ull winter When you wuni 'anythin t In a hurry a »•! Palace Drug Store O. » V I I Its." l*r.i|>. 4 tfiiullty Ortuc-—CJtiitilly '•irikv Kiel' Killtmil l‘jin-- 4.01 o*4llollo, V I . ' - ffilN SOCIETY H ll»lc >()|r» The -conituuiiity thorni un|eniH of *Mr, D»»ii Hbrlilnn, f« «io*iua nieuility in ni< ui liersliip anil rlitllir-Uitlii. The 'horn In prenetll nhettrslUK the -111 ill,! 11l nACrcil i .intoin. Th*’ Holy Join Ho «rar oiuii» I innn an hi 11• make iu* and iii, WyUr Hfniih top -i-qn prtjn- A »-i*hul i >«u«*. ~woMi •'hoi, • *’ii wu» tuo veil. till**.' plnvin* » i- \Umh.-m Mill) Wooten Lilian 1). tfc'ikdi-«, lati* Him tttona. Vl::rgaret Kdiiiundson, Mary •Vllv< Gina, Miry vii ii.uix. l-iirtmla . t IlMlk- M'nluni.’;, Haif, Emory ; Cartiiud Vli Smiiq .in/ ■ V Ma PERSONAL % MENTION Mrs W ill.. 11l Hpi" ' LI -I : 111 It rtir N* * Yuri, vvlpu *li<‘ v. 11l upend . t at dr. t Mr... VV. HuumiitUa, »k« h,us oft ti t t>» *h< *' ry >■ .-t. i.I..> an , a vhj! v w York « ■' in I VI, , I. \\ . 11 in ,i ;.,i i ) i,! 1 a l»i .. .■ * in il. •u> . 11iitn r< luUvt, ■ ' Mr I V Yli.i.ri’turr, I t . the ' : • .on i• . A hi. ■: ’ i.l i ■ ... 111 II .1 (. il.. ’ll .10l l ■floi’k'li’ iu.-pi'a! 111. . .auditmn 1 .. li In.i i'ov . .1* ‘•lr. anf| Mr«i N. O Iferty »ni| Ml 1 Kaeftel IP .rip n veil yi-'.l-rdav for ;i • •-r. vji: , vlr ll.iiji Mrl<»*\,o \Yiluiln. .n • mol ’ *.m l.uptn. , vi • a m Uif 'Hy >,.»tir i.ast v* vi.. t- nour*f'..|| to |i, i * l.dnu in li. laiNtl Fla . >»kt*>nhiy Mr«. Ham Itnnirv of TartKiro i in 1 ha t' v I*’ 11’ v. ' w:* ‘i '. lotlrra. Mi* . S’- J-iuij. W.■ Iji I k" Y- wood. John lta nii»*<>n. 0111-t r Vli*u., niui llwn Ihitii’V Vii-rn nmonr ’ tho i*lk»*Wi nl t* Iva.itiin to I :(.■ hi. w i-r> Ttartly W .> *ij•... It, I. a Bi|kl. 'i II i .-I i 1* I N• r • nil .'ill *. i ■ •, M . and- .Mr* ftv,uk f'a*i»x uml * iJlUilr*n of t’ ao 11 m . ilr H* lit- t‘l*v III’ au.’-t’ Os Mr- I .In).I In' II - MOM »VS 111 11 ,*t-y W Til-- ’LI . tllrr *;' ItM'iHHo- : t. of ‘lf* ijuli vnr va'.ll La* lirlil at I * |i m 'I hiti -ah'v ik * 2*tnl i IL. I J loom A nuhiUrr «>t ln***r«‘»tlni fr .-tui . r .i . 'll. 'in . ’ •’ * knil: W a- IS Pxpi’rtrai. All lA w nil 111 born «t- ettpr'clttlly nrii'd In t»- jm- - '(■nt, . Th, i-Vll KIo wcr> now proud H» to hv a rtfj’at luifianw \lrv> Ovttitig<>r’» inaoy rffoi tM lo Incrva o. in i . Jdiliorii .1 I- i. hi ill I’.’.nJi. i of/:i ■i i b n fruit/ (it 1 i ■ V. ■ : Sli a will f.. op. II .if. lot, :i und uiylit. Momliiy Ort. 2bth ut thr iKililMboro Public Library ami h* ah’ Li L"l V 'i . 1 ' . .. \ ■ ;.nr| . l-'biW | ifoser ■rv no*. Mrd to -■ nil 'v ■■ 1!-‘ i i I, . il;- jila v Hand 'inn* ; i- v. ill la- ,i« atdi d. Th' Kort.iiKlilly Ik,ok Club i * 1 I• •« ’ L > II til « ,:•.v •. I f|nltJ *> lulmottiiK to i|ii* a lull lbvmbaru who vv» pa [iri arnt. Vlr- IVU r Mr L '-fcayM**-. .|. . ... ..| n.oii ;. 11.. t.!\ •. k vv a , mad nil ti. > i>. rum l.rcb* n«iv.. by the TauT that Mr*. Mr Inlyi who an Knglmtrworntut i i» intimately ui uilaiuti’d with the ■ a n*l M-ttlojti ill till- !otr«i write,, work Ti" iI an ~ ■■ |[HVok I .ive i on., i.l I ’ 1 ’ I •. a' amt |. *. laaik w a.- v !■ *n • I of iliiforwialion tor , lub m> tnbera Th,'-"- wlu>‘have fa||ei| lo reeetve v* ar l»< oka slioull notify Mr* N. A. lal ' ’.I- % - Tt»i auiii’vi' but,m| m<’i t,ny for U« (obey 'W ill !>■ L. Id ..t Mr J’.iul IJonhn- b"a. ’ Wedniwiay* ‘ mornln. it • i-k .i t 11 o. L. a I All application, for, liivi.b* ratlin I in tijli! *►■ l;i a j . early a* i«i*H>le Ini kfil, r Unit they mu** b' Vi‘ *| upon I ! i.l \. • ll* Vl* till. If.’ ii_.iv j Mai.. . i)j 1 1 <.i,l .. ;i 1.l , ■ Ml , Mill ... nt yr ■a' lll at lb*' Ti**t Tuc ’.her" .1 > . Stevens Engraving Co. ■’ "-,vY lo ; li % Mil l ill' l . H 1 lit’ I.T ATLANTA ... GKOKGIA thr nnf.rwnoßo news lc« i'iihltit,iv tVn’4 Imith. wh»r*- oiniijrie ai -«l~. or Myht lunrhv* may ic M-eored'at u normal price. r, cirrUm nri thins with ictlr : Si v.’i al .*> w ins pal iil ia have '“Hi held >rt the iiiterrit* of the I'brlktrua* huiuar. and a uuuilirr of Oioinif atuadiui « will Im. ppciu ntad iiy the club fm In dim; parties, cake -ale*, nr.-.malic events, and ''nt*r ta hmenu for tin* ehiidron. All , ba'rntaa id com mitts** sad d artmiiHH a.- m-ked to have writ tsn report* of-th’ir ucttyitl** |«r ih* can monih to prem-nt at th* Oct nici'litts Report* utionPi in- unfold i-d. and neatly written or typed on * a ml,i nl .i/ *• paper. K I 2 by II la he*, Ktnuia ft ikiwiird* HIM VM* VCR MIT IIAITIST Hov J. W Haddlrr, p.»*tpr. Hervlce* ■ t II a* iw. and 7:3d p in 1 . The (mb* !U f CO* di-illy invtleil to attend. ntn wh i. htmsi thi iff ii Puna.i •. .. ti" I o'!. , m p: eip h -n ; at \ t \ a. m. and S p m hy tlj« pa-toe M. r\l I M. I . « 111 K< II Himday Hi h.aM at a. in I'rcacb ■ i 11 .. .. ml 7 m p. m he pa* tor. » KT. mill’s < V» 1101 II I H&ICH S* vl.-i a foe (t. ’ 1 oh. Mil’ll k o ■ Iwck rlofiday Kchool !i;IS: Utah Ma»- and m’ innn II; ot ?:3b p. in. i\ • ii" < ■ . and n rtno". Hits I |t t FITS I I 111 111 II IL /a in, Wall, pae'or Suifdav -ihool •< I', a ni. I’rearhlni; II a. m tid 7:;" p. m 'ltP* public i*. invit'd M I liMl IHITlsf l 111 lit II SuM’ii- ci, bool at HiS a an t II a Hi. and 7 Jo p. in Jr It Y t‘ C 6; Th p ju MAIM II HU tIiUM IM wkn ev a a-di.-t front Durham will no i - rv a . Hui*.inv ntabt a' :■ in ai Ih’ Hull o*' I Nu-d, , Flint FHli > l»8 4 HI ltd 114,1* Hchool ut 9:4S a ni fireaub* in# a* 11 •• m anil 8 p. in., inu rmrd late r. K 7:3W p. m. Monday and p.ujrer . meat'll# M edn ( .«daj % *\ 7:jo p, m. 0 , „ FIRM t IIMIMi \\ t 111 111 II | O’ ’vl The uaual »*rric»« will In- held at tb« Kirat Cbri»tltiu (Iturrh tomorrow u» folowi; Sunduy Mr boo I at !f:»sf The l*ord a Hup|wr. il a. m.; I'reuchiuK bv th* paMor, H«v I* M fhner, 11 :30 and’ 7: lo p ni. v'hriatian Kndravor 6:45 I I» m 1 • • ■• - . « ■ • . i ; ' VtTv . 'r» Once in a Life Time i , ’ 'k"’^ , 'i'heiv conies y time in every }H.*rson’s life, when tHfe % emergency medicine ehest syrves its purpose. iVrhnps moieoften t" some than t<> others. . Unnocess;irv deaths from accidents and sickness tell us that few cheats are / , , **».■ adequate. What are YOU doing about YOUR chest? A v, * • 11 on* you will find chests of various sizes with the prop er medicines to lifl them. A. -Ha- J Hicks & Hawleys Drug Ste i “I'he Place Where You Will Eventually Trade.’- -fjf 4 F'IRNT PRENBYTI’.RIAH Hu ii day Htboul 1:46 Ik. lu FraacL ] t n « at ll,a m C K Uvnrcetown aid Antioch Hnwiluy kkhoola 3 p m ni«bi acrylic*. Kirat Chutvk sad Oor#*town 7:3« p. m Mti*ic by Junior 4lto>r feature of uifht •** vice. Hannon t.vplt: “Am 1 Mv Hroth ami il u. m Huu4a Hrhiad at 6:41. Tba, racteF* cl* i lor .nl]y tur*n will he U d|H, ■ m mi 1 fc®.