PAGE FOUR iltfS Antn mobile Page M ii mim ' IR i j I Ti'' lUhlf IIP a -, ,TI >. -air ffIUUCMHS I HUEfSIUSH FUND Flfwii Show Thai at the Kale 1% Waif Going They I’tan ne# to Raiae More Than a BjlHon Dollar*. ’ Chico#*, ML Oct 17. f/P>_William M. Huttar. chairman of th» repiilican ”•(101191 commlU*. Infonnd th apc clal ckmpsign in vest in* ting commit (•• ot]tb* mbiU today that It t« the botn and egpertatloti of hta orgunl atloo to ralaa a total of for th* national campaign, president tlal. »*natorl#l and”congressional At th* aam* time Mr ftnf l*r <l* IN oAgrgt* of Henalor Robert M l-*Fol»*lts th# independent •>re»ld»n tlal candidate. that til* /cwnmHle* wfaM-~atohtHa« a lars* man* of fuad> 1a cartaHaMgtSL during th* Inst week of th# v oa»aal«aN> Hi* d*nta| waa in reply 4p question* by Hen a tor Hhlp stand. farmer labor, of Mtonaaota. * Pwd*rcna*w*xauiloation Ity Rena tor Cass way. democrat. of Arkan*a*. regarding tb* published plan* of hi* comm#*# Mr Butler testified that origin*!* ho bod estimated 92,500.- M a* the amount that would |>e r outrad (or dto* aatlonal presidential rampaMa This ram w«» Increased by $691,000 lat*r be added, after It bad baan derided to tab* care'of the oanatoafai Mid aoagredstonal cum palaa at w*H H# sqty) William V 1 Hodge* n A ttoaal *eao»urer wa* hi rbarge of col lections Sartor Caraway developed that tha; national committee hod **-. sanaad N*w York atat*. for M .ooo.omi of th*jpnpponad- 99.d00.000 campaign sand , Poona ypranin wa* assessed MM.poo>«hd''llHbot«' 990«.0#0 *o that. Soaator Caraway *atd. three *tate» war* to .rats* .two third* of tb* total l ■ ■ -. 1 ■ a. 1 ■ >*-«■!. a.. . * ■j* * - t [1 Would You Save • ESSEX MX ■ . I 1 HI i{ I Jr I|P’ Its vibrationless motor, built I on the famous Super-Six , * principle, means longer car r # Thousands of former larger I car owners recognize the / k wisdom of driving todays Essex Six* It saves S 3OO to ■s§,, Freight **d T*» Km* I ; I Balloon Tires Standard Equipment ‘ \ ; V y Ml MOTOR CO. • - f *■' J'- 09 He added thui In th* nam* proportion of a«Mt-H>nonta amonu other Matwr lh« <-«mnillle would have raised wane thing like |).HOo.oflo.ftM hut Mr ilntlrr took eKreptlon to that roil clu*ton. IVlorr adjourninK l «> await the ar rival her** tomorrow of Kranl I' Walkb. of Kanrai, CHy. to preneni. Senator l.aKollel'e * < liargen of a prnpoeal reptiblio«n *lu*h fund for in elate*, tbu, eomailU* rpien Imn«*l f»*t»ige Harr linker regardlnr the 9t37.fluu expended by the repuh lnan plhllrlly hureau. , - ' > Mr liulfi’r leatlfled lhal .unoiir; lartre Item* of enpenaen wokj thnt of furnlahing plate* and rndtrliwa to tiew»papem and printed hy the with nut coat to >hn nai|on*| romtntttee Some of fheae were obtain**! from the NathN|l lt» others from nrw*papr'n* and some prepar'd I*y re putilipan head'iuartem. H* deftlared that pari of It was ‘•debunk" lai t’olletler. miHKOHI lb MlliM'l or KAiii* or tikkok Rlrfiniond. O't-, 17 Two rhlldren on their way to atteml > laeaes at th* Germantown Just pot aide the Itlehniond e|ty llnilln were aceoated till* morning by two negro** P' Ik#. here , wre notified A detail fifth «»f It* kind •within a week.tlur waa tuahed to the aceii'’ lug which time nrgroea have attack- The reported oeriirrenc# waa the ed or attempted to attack seven whit* women and glrla It follow'd eloeely on‘ tlie yesterday of a woman on the l*eteraborithßlrhniond turn pike I'Okie** of effteers and dtliem* ■ pent the entire night Marching for been made to apprehend tlioa* reapoti the aaaa'lant and' every effort has alble for the other outracea. rs rLMEp f 4 K I*ol*l ’I. IK HudMon and Koer are hrlnglna the A' whole world around to a preference i»»r «nclo»ed cars. liven a numoar of "*|>ort market<l now are asking for a majority of: their ahipments In coaelMw and *edan*; according to word received from the Hudson fac tory by Mr Scott, Hu<bwm-l>*ex (dealer). •Tb*t »« tinu»ual", said Mr. Scott ; "hec«u*e motoring customs In for elan countries have been entirely different flroiii (hose tn America Many ride with top* down-—a* Atnerl cans did ten year* agu Th# aulomo Idle Isn't outstandingly the article of utllSy It Is here In the I'nlted Slate* "Itut the unque*tlon*d all-weather advantages of the dosed car, and the unrivaled value which llud*on and ICsmc* hnWe Inillt Into lhej r coaches, i* changing fhi*. "The demand for closed cars ha* grown gradually, since Hudson K* i*eg brought <mt the Coach, until the ! majority of order* now tends thst !»*y. It 1* only a matter of time that Ui« same trend which followed Hud *on Kaatn leadership In America will extend into other eountrlng One tropical <H*KSuitor wa* astounded to find that the cohi lies are even more comfortable than open car* in hot weather he Sound he could r<gu ; lit- Ju*t the draft or fresh copUtlr hr wished. "The llmhun K*»e« export lm»lne:»s hv the- wav. Is one of the largest in j UiednduMtry, although you hear lit tb of It Thrarc ar# only seven or •>lght motor car nianufiadur* who make a» many cars for th*lr entier domestic slid foreign production a* Hudson Hs*ci ships overses* This volume lie|p* tn obtaining lowered co*ta lor IliMhuin and Ksi«»x -csre her* In America. Df REANM Ik IGKHTITI 1C IM- I \ COMBS Ijeceni mlvanee tn price of farm THE GOLDSBORO f^EWS prmluct* which will incrcaic the .«*• I rirtilturHl Inc'inir* approxlnudvly one billion d dlars. Is cit' d by It II ftt ant vlcyi president and general Kile* man ager of the Chevrolet Motor Com pany, ■* <m<* of the ino*t iiptmilutic | *ign» of a Heady staple demand tor motor car* during Hu' full months. I “The cotton producing returns a r « tKsured of. a laigc money niurn on thin yearn crop." he while a ronalderabl* part of this nioti cy wlfl be used by the tanner and I .’otton growers lo llquMttto past debt* and * re»tore their credit, they will gradually lie In the market for motor car*. A gradual but neverthe less steady recovery in general! In dustrial activity put g ro»kr com plexion on the coming months for business. Oi j “Tw ether factors 111 the motor car 1 Industry will fhakc fur *t*hillly for both dealers and manufacturer. The mamba'Hirers are waH hlng can- , fullly their production, after having reduced the surplus of < ars ,pr<wliu '-.1 i last winter and early spring, and th* prices of car* »re on Hie upgrade | “I HI ring- the laet few months 29 manufacturers have, (aim'd lb*' price* or one ,»r all of th«-1r model*. “I>e»pito the fart that total *»le» will run behind thorn of Inst year, slllt Ifl2l will Is* the second great e«t production ywerTu the motor ear industry. Production iduthtlra for the first eight itomllk of this year m*ke a nun h more favorable ' bow ing than la generally recognised In lhl» period output amounted to 2,- | 537.517 cars and truck*, only f> 5 per relit smnller than for the correspond; I Ing period of 11*221 yet representing an increase of 51 5 per rent over Hie I rum* mopth* gs. 1022 (the second prr vlou* best year In th# hl’-tory of *h* i i "On the basis of gyagoilf gft I H u tlon. there g'll probably be 322(0.000 motor vehicle* prodmed thle year Till* would not only be second best to the 1023: record prodatctloo but would exceed Ih* average of the ln»t thr<-e years by about 700,00$ motor vehicle*" >• - ■ - . !,«. - - .!■■■■ o More than 2.01H1 banks have provld ed Ih* fund* winch make the serricir of th» General Motor* Acceptance ('oriwratlon possible; and more than 150.000 car owners are buying the u»e of tJeneral Motor* car* while th. j are paying for them Ithrough the OMAC plan. General Motors capital invested In the autouiohlle Industry In Cinsda is 925,000.000, h large part of which nu* brought Into Canada from the I idled States. Products of General Motor* of < anurta. lanidol a value exceeding 9tn.oflfl.odo annually. jioieo ADiomonre ' Engineer Lands Daily Newpap*rs Mfrs Harrison Boyce ! •‘Newspapers, particularly tha mailer oil'■». I American pjf.>. r**a.“ aal'l Jlurn.-on 110% , fba of tb# ruatomet' r as t oyce-lle, a furl Ingredient, which, I ta aald. ts rcvolut tool slug the oil lduHtry by ln< i • .(sing ganolln* ■iieag" through Fsrkos pn - , lo a staicimiit made before as *el*h», iid. and n»'i« •aper men. Itoyo d'twiej the nu ilium ami smaller tu » Da|»m collectively have n gr.aUC Mucin on American thought und progress than a f< w large t»npt rx n large cities. “Together, the medium and luu Her newspapers constitute ih# peat mass of iinportuul news* lap* r clreulatlnn." add lloyov (They are generally, very carefullj )>«d, (rout to Iwa k, and Rave I -|rong and Intimate personal la treat for Uni readwg.” ‘ . " ... r, I H "'. >/ I Business Is i " ■■ * i Good • ' cl., \ id ” * ■ *% ' . .}’*? PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS DON’TJKAKE ANY - DIFFERENCE IN FORD-SALES. PEOPLE NEED FORD CARS AND THEY BUY’EM. IN THIS SEC TION, THEY BUY ’EM FROM US—’CAUSE THEY KNOW THAT WE SATISFY. . - < ■ - . - 0 0 . a n • * - V ... • ’ / . •’ Jos. R. Williamson, Inc. oO * Authorized Dealers Cor. John and Ash Sts. -» Phone 872 _ _ o Dodge Brothers SEDAN ft * a o • •* _ ' A* ** * • . This car is now driven -by a great many people who never before owned, and never intended to own a closed car. It is driven daily over roads that heretofore were considered too rough and too heavy for anything except the sturdiest open cars. „ v As a matter of fact, the Type-B Sedan is as sturdy as an open car, and was . built by Dodge Brothers for the same identical kind of service. * e » P • - ' • .. . ... . ‘ 0 SPENCE MOTOR COMPANY ¥ ' lA OpixisiU* PostofTice - -Vr M 'V> • ’» * Q . - ° j rvH Isl Et-fiPW SH Ik - ~ -T- IE By IV jlVfl HH k> Jih — —■« ■ »'*r ***, - «* • * * ’ ' SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER It, IM4

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