rrj l - 1 i'__iin!imw»-——- — i T - - ■ < * JW YOUR PRIDE IN THE wa yne county fair-buy a season tici -->■n w ' ’ i ■amamaa*— ii ii.ii , - -- - - - - - —1 *2 1 A BONE PAPER FOR •W HI imS ...h-ihii «■—-IW«—— VtHRBK; NO. IK6 VDSIAH BAILEY HAKES CONVERTS OF MOUNT OLIVE BUSINESS MEN FOR PORT TERMINAL MEASURE A'Large Crowd Was / Present and Hough / it Had Bean Reported i that Most of the Peo j> pie of the City Oppos ed the Measure, Many V v Heard to Re ( JEHBi That They Had Kftil Converted. , TIK) Hopomble Joeiab Bsll*y *»» ' >lie prlaicpal speaker at the regular monthly meeting ot lb* Business 1 Men* rioh of *t Olive liyo night, idwvtJflM »>to Use. agtl remark* to the advantages to be derived from the establishment of porta anil terminals to this atate. The mtetiaK was called, through -ike aollcltstlutr of Mr. John K. Maw top; of this rlty, who In publicity chairman for thla •county for the port, terminal measure. The city hall w*i tilled to rapacity, and ‘he ladies of the city had pr*. pared a special luncheon for the or. caaioa which was greatly enjoyed by •very e. before Mr. Bailey ww ln- UoJiircN and liecan hU a perch. following the Introductory speech hjr Mr. E. S Rick*. president of th* . Business Men's ('tub. Mr. llallcy paid homage to the Indies who had pre * pared the supper. apnl-,*tx*d for the (act that he «aa apt an orator, and J*ii)ept«d.,tii* (get that he. If ao con. fide red. fi.uld not afford to bring It it l*o play o« thla subject, an it wga V matter which «a?|f« for Bound logl- VMI m-bpils. uad- arsaawuibi, flit, Ja \a matter *that I must talk to you y *i left to you I 4,0. Juat as 1 WttM htfue a case be hire a court. 'Vt|t I* a buatneaa proposition which *n* for good sound logic, and I ' l< nik whieh It mtiat aland or fall." 'tyJlailay Spent eome minutes In >^ i,f,k Wg the importance of freight . rates. V, wh#{ m<>ant , 0 uj, Individth pbnpp.maed the fact that rale. problem, not Jwat the pAlmn of the man who waa responsible t , b „ . blpplil|{ o( tb „ mrrchandlm. y lfcr m „ wbo rrUUetl h to the cohai!l. r "Everybody L, who eat* food or vA elothtn. gome pay „ a . must help -pay they^^,.. "If you ar. *gf fTt ,g h l chnrgen come* down , you.” Mr. Ualley «'omi>*rn th e ' c |,|ea of North t'arollna to the otb er -stales who ehjoyer port , n ,| c».m par ml their progrea Ui our , much *o ovr dlaeomfttitr.. * "Tiff progrea. of clvlll*A, n UIMI the growth of the Cities, anil vv#l | o p_ jpent Os their surrounding dependent on l^) Rbl J* *•" J rom freight inducing Invent „„ lb* progreae of tha rae*." Illiuu rated Oa follow a: The IV \ *n of the wheel over the ol) \ r) of dragging tha burden* along , lie ground, tbiia Dihtenpig thi X /at, and reducing tha coat or jnpiflrtatlon; the invention of the pNtEv" propelling lb* "nailboal along" «M k >"g eg ame the method of iran*- porta) lon by water; the locomotive ehnlne; »"• tha tmn»|Hi r uilon of fIM r*r power by wire, which tu+na the wheala of progre*u for hundreda . of mllea, inatead of having to whip U coal to the point of contnct. ami having to •-real e power for thul one plant alnoe." Kvery treaty elty of the world, tvg'ed Vlr, Bailey, "owe* It* growth to nW **‘ ott * nitea. Umdon. •; H Pranelaeo, Chleggo. Uverpool. I ls*t York Baltimore, all ow* tbelr ill *1 '<> favorable ij I tffiog freight ... n \ jh Carolina ha* heen held bark \ Mr. Bailey. b*raii»e »he ha* \j 'u» -tHiafflmlnulPd ugulnui In freight li {] •* why our p. ople nrr rela. II poor. Thi* I* why we h*ve no II /l»*i eHlea, Thla la why we have •* I ite mnrhwta for our farutera. no agrlrultlire. ! Xt lie llr«t speaker in.iliUratr.il glaring ejyynpl, * of dIM-rijuk. Cominuad on Page Pour ) i % THE GOLDSBORO NEWS < PAGES TODAY ‘ ■CUT OIK OFFERS I TO T IKE STOCK IN ;wt on pm® dialed the Itaaiber Company He Representm Will Not Rc •stablish IManinjr Mill in That City Which Waa Destroyed by Fire, But Will Help in Or iranizatioir of Enterprise Com pooed of Business Men There. At a meeting of th r Uuainean Men of Mt. Olive last night, the presiding officer, M E. N. IMeks, made tin* •> statement (hat lie had received a let. ter from Mr. Nathan (VB*rry. of till* city, to the effect that the l umber company ot whlah he w«* president .and manager Would not reestablish j the saw mill in that city which had been destroyed by Art some time ago. j hut would—Arro the site over to the rlty of Mt. Cyjffe, on which to estab lish any kind of manufacturing plant they desired. Mr. Hirkn staled that Mr. O'Berry said in hia letter that he would take a liberal amount of stork in any kind of enterprise wished to .-iiub- Hah on this property. 'Om_V riarla democratic nominee for Presi dent warned hia hearers that the real Fs*U* before the public today w«i» the LaFollrttr ballot, stating that the fate of the country for the next four years wa* hinged on their, vote on this Ishuc. |jr warn'd th'- voter* not to fail on that day to discharge ihe dutle* of citizen*hlp. otKjJte hat lot of this country, and the ballot alone that the -coun t Hes dentinv resides, and if we arc fal*e by «t#ylng away by rareleas ne*s air wor«e, w,< cannot crltlze the "hort comtng* of those who take public, ufflc-, Wa* cannot 'complain If disaster come* - _ Eallirr'ln tlie day nt I’rnnklin. Bowling T>reen. and Ellialndh Tosfn the cnndlilute wlrea'ed the sums measure* Jn *ree«*|ie, from the rear .platform or hi* car. \ * I -The soil of Hilx-Ha (s anmetimes r, *V:en to a depth of S 3 feel, no It Is i **S difficult to dig lishing wornls. ■ —' ■ .. JSSSS.-- LET THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEY YOUR XMAS PRESENTS k'm ry **° y, Girl, Falhcr, or Mol her May Arrange Throuffli The N*w« for 'hr I’urchasp of any r Xrllc!v They Dcnirc. If Ihe Articl* Wish is Nol i.islrd on I'affr Twp of This Issue, ne Mill Arrtntrc for il for Them. Gel Started Today. I'limSTtUH IH COMING. Thai thing E* sure, ambthare is not p tterson, man. woniun.Voy or girl Hint • 111 not w l*ti tp gVe presents to tpelr frlen.t? and -grill wl*b to pr* ,*nt gi't» who not*- «i« not flnanc ally able l.jrr TyjK uof,|>s IIOKO NKWH HRI.F Y(K* The (a)|.|iHlH>|(o Nh’tffs ha* ar ranged with ptffk of the Mer.'haht* of the city thr uigli a six-ckj adver tising ("imiutign to aw.i(C> >.%r very vsluahl'- print to any per\ug who may Ami they at* able to DO JIJBT A I.ITTIJfI WOltK. The hoy of girl may select from our FKIZC 11*1 a* published on pgg« iIWiCE SUES OF ! FUR TICKETS GOES r TO DEW RECORD • ” Shcrefary of the F*ir With Ihe Co-u pc ml ion of the Ro.vm of the City are Selling Many Season Tickets. The Recretary of the Fair AssO c.etiun. through Mvr co-operation of several the young tidy* ot th* , city.' launched a veuaou ticket (to the Fair campaign Monday, and ac- I cording to reports received from hi* j iiHT«* made much more easy If you ul jicudy have yonlf ticket when you np Pfonch the gate- —— • (id vour tick't now. —m ■ ■ j Prince of Wales Suffers from a CWH Hamilton, Mass., On. 21. (AT—Th* Prlnfe of Wales wan conffned to hia room m Montrpal witji a chill, and will not come here until Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Tinker. Jr . who are to lie his hosts were notiflid tonight It was nuiil the Prince's condition was expected to improve tomorrow. DELU OKI IS TO MESS TOE LADIES Wpll Known Speaker Will Talk to the Women of (ioldxhoro at Court House This After noon. Dr. Delia Dixon of HaMgh will make an addre** before the ladies of this city at the Court House this afternoon at 3:110 and every womah in Golds bn ro_ l« extended a cordial invitation to he»r her. Dr Dixon I* do ng her part In put ting sern** the democratic campaign this fall and has n»«*t with great su- In h*r tour It is hoped that she will he accorded u warm reception here. i.-.——— —~ * I OTTO.V H Tl HES New York. Oct 21. Cotton futures ,cloked steady: o*l. 23.71-23-78. Oac. 22.81-22 kr>. Jim. 22.!'f-22 :m, March 22 25-22 27. May 23 t5-23.M. Bpota, mbldliag SUM) two the article* he or ahe may wl*h In give to parent or friend, and awcure the arti. le at' nu egpen.e to tbem*e|r ra and in till* manner tie altle lo_] iward ji)*t in many pre»ent* aa III* > deni re. , The wife or hiialmml may a*|ert. j nWo. from our prixe Hat that which they wleh to give the -other, and by dole* a IHUe egtra work for the Hotdnhoru New*, he »hle to yrure (hit gift at no »«|ien«e |o tiir-nieel v*w, Make up your mind what you would like to have, come to the New* Office, get nepriiary ln*tructlona a» to how to aecnrp the article, or or licltn. and start at one*. , —w - i a—-t-*. ■■■■ GOLDSBORO, N. C. WIIffBBDAY MORNING, OCTOBER It, 1921 W Mil ■" ' I ■ K IK iHflt I PH A ft?/, ss§!? ; f'y GOVERNOR CAMERON MORRISON GOV. MORRISON HOT ON LIES ABOUT FINANCES OF NORTH CAROLINA ~1 * H —fl 1 Stales the Finuarial Condi!ion of this Slate:is ns Good as That of Any Other State in thv I'nion. Mill Speak in Goldsboro on the Terminal Measure Saturdpy. _. fi. i tny J. D Dh k*oni Aahevill**, Oct 21. - Th* elate ht filled with nm about Its .financial (onditlon. Governor .Morrison *atd l.*re tonight tn an nddres* udvnrut ing the adoption at th# poll*, of the stale Port Terminal* plan A big rrewd heard the governor, who gave hi* usual argument In farvnr of the trropewitton, un! in particular |silnl ed out the benefits of through and Joint hills of lading betm-in ship cum panic* mid railroad*. f There is a great deal of difference, he showed, hetwern a general tk-duc lion of irelght rate* and th,--.- joint end through htll* of lading, by mean* of the tatter freight would be car ried the long haul over water amt th# »hort haul over rail, at a grently reduced cost of transportation. It la mandatory upon the Inter-state com merce commission to order t|i»se hilt* Os lading, where fhrre U ui-fu.tl water i-ompetiflon. ha »bow»d Thus a gr*ot volume of freight would move uv»r water alone; soni* over wster and i»artl.v try (ruck, sons' over water by long hunt, rail the remainder of the »bort haul, benefit |hg nit part* of Ml* »fntc. the In terior pomt* u* well a* tho*e near th* sen const # The flovsroor laid great sires* Upon till*. In view of W|ji«p#red word ‘that Is being *pr< aik*. thn* rsHro:nl w tft no, longer meet water enmpett turn with lower rpt.v« to Intcjim point*. H* showed that th* joint and through bill* of lading would lir'-ak down the high rale •»motor*, and me freight moving wholly Tjy ; water *otpe partly by water and purt If by rail and aonie pm fly by water and partly by truck. Th<- Governor drew th* attention of hi* to th* lnimf Him-, able Itusln ••** tien who t*ve«vlga]/d the pro 3-g*sll on and r*i omio< fid> d It to the p stner»l assembly, h* said, th* ter minals will pur* their own way Ts “om* money |,y sny chance should be' neetfi j. he *«fd. it will come out of the general fund- nnd the people W(ili not he burdened with aut «d --valorem tux so If lim h< gave it u ay their own way. >. Me refern d to pa*t eontentiotia i that that - woe a deficit tq th«h*t u :,( S . t . 'W ’ K'-fl i The -North t’arollnu Orphan A»so ‘jatioti have written llw pr**» ot tb« iAtuie .urging ihut puhlicity be given tie efforts of lit# Association to pro- I pbrly csrr* for the needy cluldion a r#*o lution wan uuanlmounly adopted **' pressing to th# of th* tttate th* grateful apprectattno of the organtzstion “tor Ui*ir liberality In «enting th< ne* J» of the father - I rtfs on*-* to ttM-*'ptiM'i " Th « wus nutty «lmply a formality, but expre*- dve of th#-actual feeling of the A* spclatlon ■ Another Thnnkeglvlng *#a»«»n ap irixirhns. and H*# AMocialion <*xpr«n mil th* wi h that the u*uat- campalgn tor voltintsry contrlhiitu>’*s It# *-oa i ducted IYovt fl’tf dfuldle* l.mi lur with th«* idgn hitherto ini ployed tit »ha «;«« dpet. of tjvlit mnvemcot, -th* *uo«csv of which mog#l*s! within Ibt past several montl*. Tb«- government httl of eontplatut rlutrgea • 'onslpracy t>*twe*n Alhurt Kali, former a#crefary ’of the' Interior *ml R. L Dolieny, Involving tb<* payment . of >ltm,lKMi by Dobeny which j was followed by th# granting of the , IraHea by Kail to Dolieny whoa# vaL 1 it* In possible profit boa been •atlmat. m! at ’CO (HdV.IHHt. J . , | M H / ;■* '* iif soy scorns he i iITAFIEUI Mil j STAGE BIG PAMBE! YcunirHtffra Most Active in Ct mpaiffn to Makt Johns!mi I on the opening day of th>* r Johnsfnn County Knlr, a parade. lifi- I ;id*lng and r*pl*t# with many aduia- I lional Tcatiirwa, will ha vt#w#d by Aun , dfds'of Johnaton county j>»r>/oa*. The Brout* have ,worked up thats ps g*«nt,| have entlred /ral* float a and epter th«7n |n It and, from arvaaty-flv# to alndty of < their dumber will form a part/tit th* lln* march, The youngster* PHU a|«o I o|H-r*t» a first aid aUtlon/oa th* t ground* and act aa messenger*v for the secretary. Th* troop frtoip Batata will also lend a hand to4make the av*nt a »uer#»a. t I : 1 i.,j .Anybody .can solve ,*our probl*mp hut sow get the right answers. sr=dTersr±-.-,/ |by th* State. Th* Commit!* up paeilat** th* (art that th* editor* or our pap*r« air frequently impnerd uiM.n with propaganda for rarlotta ■Bd *Bndry object *, hut reel a thut tt!*y will not object to ualCtna ngoln in th* effort to iafegua'd' th' Intar ••»!» of the State'* orphaned children , through Ml* approaching wtnter. i. , Th* VommitUe 1* unking for op* ilay'a Income nut of 3#f> from *r*ry oil in of th* State on or a*ar Than- ; h»glrtat l»a> Tlioae who mupcnd * ■*r# naked to forward th* amount direct |o th* orphan** of hi* Or her choir* <>i thm may be don* through church. Sunday 'tchoift, rounnuniu oriranltaitoßH,' or fraternal order Th* Publicity Commit!** liondl** ao fund* Th* Commit*** mah*n It* flr*t ap I pen I to n#wapap*r«. for If I* !through th*lr column* It muat reach the people, if th*y are to b# r'a«h'd i.t nil. Ofranlonnl tcmllv ni*atlo>< :id th* movement In yob pap*r will he greatly appreciated Th* call la . urgent and It i* our hop# that few, It any will h*nr It In tain Thoua r,nd* *1 Mg hearted North Carotin*' „'an» hnv* b*#n g*nrrou*ly r»«pondlg* to th* cn||. W* ball*** tbev will again l*a-* remind nq* gnd .all that | Thunh* giving Ja nhoo«l hern By »o doing l you will r*ad*r a aerjrk* to ■ hoclety' and aid a clan* ASSOCIATED PRES* ■ - ■ ■-■■■■ ‘ ‘ mucnrnracmh, Says That the Commit tee Might Spead a Million and a Hall tt They Were Given that / Amount; There WUI Probably be a Deficit f Said. j Waabington. o*t Jl o*h- WUh A I total <»/ «MM.44u00 la contribmloMa }ln band to date and the democratt« national committee eipocta to ton. c ltMli the prenent campaign ow a I maximum outlay at »7W,f*>o the Hanala InventUtnllon Ml matting tM jlol# Unlay by JAmea Jprard. trhbo ,uw. • * v ‘ The eipeadDuree far hgve Pg gre Rated 1M7.11P a.tordlag to a nutem.ni pat in the r.rortßi by Mr. .It-rard. of tMa aum M4M«I hM b»eo paid There la .xiatlag, aM i"*“ us MS.tMMt. On the bull of the " prenem allowing Sherpipa abater nal.l h.* anticipated • dafteß at the (nd of the campaign vale eg Ilona unto ip more rapidly. When aaked abaut the report tggt the National Commltta .would ipfM u million and a half dollar*, ha af||U they might do to,in % Ittt IthMt they ware given that arimiMil vt i Shaver wan uueatioaed «My ' )* Ml mtw Void lhe a** Tfcfcat. nC clan* HimaoM -an ~ dlbo p|M T.mia.l Mmm». The Honorable Ohna. u Abenudky • •ncreump* tom JIM ill, Ml wjjJa vlaWor Id tbe city y«leidgy *%. **•* fram tor* to M» OM*« tzr-ffaiMffuiJ; deltyey a ap*ech oo He»ggggßy, )r» * He van greetad WKb g largg gad. «»ihiiaaattc crowd ' who felwb him with cheer* and many cemrfh ilia roatrum to ahaM band, with *e Coogreemaa. lur b*. la Ada pofbh l%a n native of that thrirtyg |Uda pH*, and many there ware ; V hi *»•* h*n not only nlnce he ba«awe g JuMtffiv Inojrer in thin »ert|oa of lb* ctM*. and a* u poltUcinb. bat ft a»tnbPr kb* Oteaaaatly aa a cftlnra "gs Ml. Tb. C.mgrea»oun dM not Malm\a l.naiby .peach. aa many bepat M «uuid do bn* far a few witntee M l leered aa to the potlHanl of tb# country. >Ute and nnawiMta way that proved t« all pt* nehfrd blm. th»t he gru* threagkly fa m lifer with the political aHaaMon through out th* country, and know Mat what It *.» necaaaary Mr U( to do regp* log our voting power lg the Noveaat •r etecUon. . , ’**'• U<- paid trlboe to tb* tpaafc*r< «W preceded him Hating that ho fS», a* well aa Mr Ralloy. waa t^ou rough ly lit favor of the —«ah|tabn>aat, as Port Terminal, fur Notth CamlM*. and etaud that If t*e Mote ***** .uch port fscitt}iag tt would ho «gfcr for rongreae. and tba Senate to g cure twice, at much to financial opp • oeaoton from Ibi hhflt Owv.rnm'ebt He cloeed by urging all kla kmtaPTd to go to th* polio Newnber fouMh. and vota the nolhb Ue|et Tfe* ante go your eelvpe bdt take your WMfepb folk* aad tee tp It that they vote the right way." a tongreyaman Abernathy returhad So tioldtboro immediately after Me “Tmech. from whence be returned bo !#• be me at Maw Item to be O'oaadl V»liew nov. Elect- Aagu* W. McLean vill kefol* a gattMw Ifr that ciyr - c mT . UMINRJIE JUT HAH H.fcl»TT tt WITWI Rt Pa-o Tevav Oct. tl Plee Ohs t4»m from »hla v'dnHy applied »o |M* A mertnau le-gfmi Afhnp * kora Ms *