T •* ’' - ” "A. IWUAY MOttNINC, OCTOBER IX, IWI ■ W. ■ v- , ■ ■ W" * 1 I Ocl«btr and November Rml MMtlia to So# Mctor Show v «■» ftwhwi Nator« A«oda 'i 4 ■»i . t • Washington. Oc|, If.—Ever .«* a m*t*or ahower? This f* the busy of th* y*ar with tbe "•Ur k«*- Mh' Oclkhw and Nomibtr are mgatha to look Hi th* »t«r* Btmbor Mac the mouth of m*- Ornt Nebula In Audrome L /i§r* a **• ***** without the aid of * ißoffMao* 1" Oc labor. «uy* a bulle ■ ti« from the American Nairn** Aa**o W aUMm. la th* Kwh In November r TOU will a*# th* PUiabran and Wyad •• In Tauru* and Aldebarun the ilwy r*d eye of th* bull. In ancient time* November wimj known aa th* Pleiad month. Then, th* Kings of P*r»la never failed to grant any request prevent'd rm No vember IT. the day when th* I’Uiadc* ram* to th* meridian at nil Inlght. j Thin exquisite little group, with fire atara forming a tiny dipper and two i additional star* visible Ut k**n *y*a will h* on* of th* moat noted group** la th* hoavanv. Th* V-»haped cluster l*f the Hyfadr" I* acareoely less fa- MM. , Man wh*u I* wa* only St ftooodrt Baway thl* Hammer and nearer It bad been in a centruy gay* markable tmpatn* to "*lar'‘gnx thr American Nature A*so< la aaya. Report* of a new ccmet verM by th* Bonn Observatory I th* visit of Halley 1 ' Comet lit May 1110. Thl* “visitor" I* not due again until lA|d. In 1910 the comet wan only 14.000.000 mile* sway. Every year several meteor ***rm« •r* due In November: This Lcon-dd*. ,*o railed beraon* they conte from th<- general direction of the ceu«t«rilatl ” ‘". " ' i r i - - '■ 'f >. k JK I«I B -•ijnL,. ' —by popular choice s " T ' ■* * \ ~ WHETHER it’* the vital huai- Everywhere men are changing net* of electing a president, from \>ther cigarettes to Chester- f or the caaual one of selecting a field—cohvinced by taste of finer f -a cigarette, men naturally plucc quality. Ttute is the real issue * Qi-rh nnnillaritV their endorsement where they be- and it certainly looks like a land- *m“ . 0 [love it ia most deserved. slide for Chesterfield. UIUSt DC dCSCrVCQ 1 Chesterfield £ v Copyright l*M. Lioorrr * Mvmi Toaxcco To. . MK BKOAU U!' WALL STREET ,Vl*• ■’ ■ i 1 , ; f ... h : > C I tmfUK HU* CO IN AND PRI rtND 'N ~ IHfN NfVt. CPIn H'~S S T"’ # .H 9ROKI ro T **i ASK ) Hf Aft f AND CIVI Ntr A »tAl*f> ■■ H,M T ° LtT Mt F ,t R 5 , Must MAKt key STONY AS J PAWM SHOP ,L L OVt M.M A J ratr\ «-Y KmiT t*Ai . M ' aT Jr / ■; -rv j not cmiuC l(f A' ~ Ptyo*i«kiyu.< h • j jlt t — r . —— -J —' “■ • - ■- ■ - '• lier 23 or 24.’ Then then* nr* the Taqrhl*. i*v*rur dilwrcnt group*. upiyurlngJiTl different thtw* during tb« month from di**»enl irtlnL iu Taurus.. Tb«»* ulao will upp*ar' ; In tb* nvcnlug hour* from the dir*ctl*.n ot Tatrru*. nearly du* eu*t.. An occa • lon*l fireball, whlrh I* nltnply u m»t*or of *xprptlou«l *fz< or hrll- - llanty. tbut may »u*c**d rvachlra ih* eHrtb’n »urfac*. ban !>«•••« Irnown to appear among tb e ,Taurida, »q k**p r* *y* on th* eastern h*av»n*. high above th* Pol*. Yoo Will probably search, for Ih* Rig Hlp|wr *n va'. t, for It 11*4 on lb* opposite aid* Ot tb* Pol* from Caatkifl*. and Is so 1 lok lo the horlaon In November, that It Is concealed from vi*w. partly by tr**» and by buildings to ih* north ward. ‘ * » f W In th f< b*r Mnr*' is she only one o' the bright planet* lo he seen. You may g*l up before aumi.t*. to ,*oe Venus, '■mblch 1* glorlou* at thi* l ; m*. 'f The fir»t dye i»ventf*d whs the Syrian purple. The world contains more than 5.- noo.ooo K>p«ie*. Th* stormy pefn l .1* th* «iu-.il ‘-f web footed. Id:.I Olove* .wet;* worn by ancient Kgyp Han* an| Hehr*w». - - «» - - |- - - - ■ COAST LINE REJIDY : IE i BUSINESS i. '■* * va, ♦ ■;•* »«• J < Mi I .A. Fifirrn Finr Trains DaiU Will ; Carry Thuusnnds of People 1 Into of Florltia. • ? .• ——T" 11 : „ I’nder It* fall and winter pu*a*ng- 1 fr tervlc* iMb*dule* the Allanllc P -n't Lin* will mov* Into Florida IS first class train* w!th u total* of ‘ yiion l than 100 regularly 0 *H»lgm ,l 1 through Pullman sleeping cars, hav ing berth aei-onimo'idatVyfs for more ' than ‘i.fiOO pnsKenger* •hi* repr*- ! sent* an increaae of three train* twice a* many tegrtn* and sleeping 1 car* a* at* brought Intis Kinrma by 1 * nny other. Iln* from the *a*t mid t * west In addition to the lervlce of past seasons a n*w de luxe train, equal- 1 ling 1n the luxuriousness of Its e qttipnient any train In America, will b* inaugurate on January 1. IMS 1 and will h* Ih* fai- I commodationn to ylsltoiF to these • qoLDpiono WKWB recMdV*. .Tls* Coast Uan will put Ilito effect Pullman ««fc servlet- from .Canadian points to Florida anil will < 'UHlnus! th-* **rvjt-e tri weekly lh»r after during th* »*a»on. Through passenger **rvlce from Ih* north to Sara*otu ov*r lh«< r*c*nl4 completed Bar of the Tampa Southern will be in iiuguruted on D*c*uih*r 3. « Os Ihe 15 dally train* which the Coast Line will filing into Florida, there will be aeven from Ihe east and north and r.ght from the west and middle w«t. These Include »uch famous trains a* the Florida Special which wa* tb* first solid vestibule elecrile lighted train Apdrutcd In the routb now tn It* 3lih season the Ha th* palmett* IJmlted, the B«Mithlnnd. the lilTfiv-Fiyer, and th- Seminole Limited, each of which huk built up a clientele of patron* tin aus* of it* mperlallve service Jh* new train from the east, he known as ( No. 78 HorMa Special, w II afford fast, luxurious service of h* highest type to Jacksonville and IKiints n the east and w»*t eia*t» rhe nixie Express hai\ been sstali- Itshed especltflly for the benefit of persons in Atlanta and Central o*or g|* The lA n d of, th* Hky B|mc|al rhlth wa* established but Slimmer I* to lie cont nued a* a year found train isul provide ronvnicKt ' f By Charles McManut t : * i —» .i— - ' " ■ -• C 1 ' 4T TCPAvgN MV I AMD MV ) ~,3 ’ fvn*. WATCH TOO - i NEED J *©;. _Vf «*<*>£? cit t; aupPtA mohiv v - COO*/T VHA >A> 1 H ' :"" '•'■* 1 *■' \ a*>y %. . ■*tsrr:^.'. 1 :: r- —-—. u., Tpj, ~ ...^rtaasar-...;r5. .. *»rvlr» truin «'ln< >n»ait and tha Ap- pa lac Until a«i| Piedmont *ect'on» o' Turn***** u»d ih' 1 Carolina*. HULTER JUKI wane hume: csJZ r T *- 1 r KsltmuU'd tl)w Round Trip Fares From All Stations in (t ft s ’ North Carolina r4 * ff If *• g * if Ticket* will Im* hoM for all Train* October 241 h, and early morning trains October 25th. )l )) Final return limit midnight October 27th. 1924. 4 t % (l K SPECIAL PULLMAN CARS 9 ll OcOilht 2 ilh. Open for occupancy at Raleigh 9:30 PM .1 J IU L # 25th. Leave Raleigh, SOUTHERN RAILWAY . .12:26 AM Jf Arrive Charlotte, SOUTHERN RAILWAY 8 .6:46 AM • W I „ Oct. 26th, Leave Charlotte. SOUTHERN RAILWAY ......... .7:66 PM a ff Oct. 26th. Arrive Raleigh SOUTHERN RAILWAY 4:00 AM ! * if Car* will be net out'at Charlotte and Raleigh reflectively for occupancy until 7:30 AM. ft Special Cars will lie Arranged to Start from and return to any point for organized /{ part lew. n o .mJM , ♦ THE SPEEDWAY 1; I ! Unexcelled in the United States, one and me quarter miles in the bowl. 260 mile race t( to lie completed in two hours und ten minutes. World's most famous drivers participate /I ing, £25,000.00 in prizes. "* ' gf'* ■ )) SHUTTLE TKAIITSERVICE 9 ll ,'fl ■ ( Will la operated all day, loginning at 8:00 AM. lietween Charlotte and Speedway. H ) SHUTTLE TRAINS will start from made in Carolina Kx|s»sitioh Building on Parke Ave. if \ ROUND TRIP FARE 76c. -‘M / Apjily to local ticket agent for Pullman reaervation*. or communicate with, V V J. S. BLOODWORTH, D. P. A* RALEIGH. N. C. U [ SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM j ieft. Dawes Begins „ : Swing Through Five '*£;* -States In tte'Kagt Hpcclal Traill. Idt lAmte to Phitd- HiuiUtiut. (M, 31. Heading a general ensteuf movement W |ire*|- j deutial and tlt e itresuipntini candi dal**, t.buiie* i;. Ilaw** traveled to day 40 Philadelphia. whyre tonight h* wUlopen hi* ttrst and