PAGE SIX p*£* . i • r Hr LOCALS^ / ... ,' 1 J- Tj^-LL—XJ Ti 1 C *"" -—■■■■' MbarrlW* t« The New* «%• have, their paper* delivered by *o«rrK boy*, art requested •to j l»y the roiifrtor when h* preaenW » MU, weakly or Monthly. A>l papers will b* cut off on tbo. I«W day Pr%#vembe r . „ole*. >* M “P f J»«*. IXINT COM W-4rN\ ABOUT THR* NON-HR L, y*T or YOTK PAPER ITs; YOG ARK “OFT OK THK RKD —-*■ r-- J ' ■ ‘ POTATO NMIMVIi OK ■AMATOATIOAN NAV>: OfKN ■Ervin* KOI WNTXK rw irnr growkkh Barl«( th* irth and 2*tb- nf thi* month there arm b* an upprl b*h, trota tUaU Collage at nal*igh, to i unduet aaraat potato lituum grad atoraca demonstration* M**t lag ara a* follow*: 0. I*. Barton, farm at Jp.m Oct If*. Mw~t potato enriag hou**, Golds boro at 11 p n Oct tttb Ei'Affllt R H. Edward*’ farm at 3 p m Oct 21th Tty Nat# aoma span urn*- be tb*o* date* to Visit individual tarpaa Who need tbl* Instruction; *o •"W word for a rail at A. K. Hoh ♦rtaop* oik* or with J f) Brandon W*ld Agent National Itenkl Thh* »anrtrc I* fraa. . • •_ J. H Brandon. KMd Agent Natlor al Bank of Ooidagors. mm.dhmra iajii *ihti:k • MM N*W York. Oot. iX Mr. Sarah Thorp* glad Monday morning at thr kom# of k#r parant*. Mr. and ..Mr* J Polaaaky. at tb# Savoy Court Apart live raid* Drive. New York Abe wm the Alfa of Richard I) Thor P*. bat aiaMCactarar. New York City ■bn ta survived by four slater* and ooa brother, who ia a rcaldenf of UoMaboro, N. C. She wa> 2!l off lg( and only recently return*' from a trip abroad. ' Funeral will be b»M today and lataraient will be at ktoost Kitro Oipetery. New York. • /!* •* . t •* t . J' «» » ‘ sil lIK TEA * . - . : There wSI boa Silver Tap for the bHtoflt of tbn Friend* Church, at lh* bbaaa the rbarrh. on Wftltam -tea*, Tburaday night at I VTWaek. Silver offering taken at tb* pubAlc t* cordially invttad. i I 0.(0) HURRY! ' HURRY! - HURRY! | fjj f Only Four More Days of Our Bi«r Fall Opening Sale—Only Four More Days of the Biggest Exposition of Bar A gains Goldsboro’s Mammoth Centre of Merchandise ha* ever staged. When We Say “Meet Yn».r * I \ Efird’s” We mean that you WILL MEET THEM HERE-That is if they are endowed with the srM ofwi«T«h J? ping and appreciate real values. We want you to visit every department in our store at the earliert - “P* Hi moment. It means a saving of many dollars on Winter Apparel and Household NecesHitimr tj vk visit will make you a regular customer. Note these few Specials offered for the lastddys ofthe BiXwt ' I W'p) S * u " Canton Crepe, trimmed WW -v a f ioned how,, m suede, bieire wrhhe’ S*"* 0 "*, C «P«. printed crepe, B&i with fine ‘aces, bead*. buttons ai/l V JP ■ ■ T3»ck, nude, licrht nude tan liar lr r. r * e^e * n . Our price Tw brown. Shinn 16 to 48 1-2 7/71J M/7 )//\ /l i/ie Indies Silk Hose in peach, white, *^r , 9 (OO CA to PiQ r/v (JulflU UU OT OUT aPncot. blackynude. sunburn, grey JVicoshan, Fiiette and Kordii- 5 Hj.DU V _ =3l oth er colors ......96c ,e ®* in Plain colors, check*, ji Ml e- SF\ W_ ~| ,L«.I'W Cotton Haw, pair fc plaid, and Stripw ■ S,*urt in Strip.,. Chrrka, l llff^Si M /I | I .!‘ M ' HroWB Sch "° l Hoae, Black. tl Qfi to #J fit | conservative *ult* In neat One Ut Youth’a laong Trouser Suits, neat One lot Men s All Wool heavy weight ladles'fine ribbed antea suits i m t H I P*« stripes, mixed rotors and serges. H * ,laW * for school wear, sizes Overcoats in the newest styles and shades. to kj Sergf, |j, a N „ ’ 33 "» at ...... |,2.4« These coats are mr e values at ... .$18.75 f nd *»- 4 « 64 j" ch * Speci “ f1 AA These Suits nre all of reliable make, and v yard ) I,l^ I tamln, at A.... *2».5(l V*-* >£?. On. lot MotV bat lU.llt.v, nil nod. annp- Brnn»i.r«, pbiin. M. and anti. I II . Suit* Mixed < »lors and lt*ue Serges, Plain a ~~p> Overcoats, mixed colors plain blacks ' neU in dark *° d T** !HI I One tot extra fine voung men’s and men’s “" d ' “"‘T hacks, all sizes, specially priced «nd dark hiues. specially priced 18c to »8e mm JO , mom am I ■ _ „ al 11K.75 127.50 to $14.50 X.l 4/1 XIX QC H all wool r baa wbie to _li** known an the bc*t in tblk , .eetlon of the atgle. a»d til* muaic lover"- of (tolda- Imro looU forward wlfb* to’ the m u»lea I feaat which th«y alway* iecelve When lliewe "acred manic »er v ren nr<* rendered. The memlier* of the’chtJrth und all Onld«horn »r« e Headed a cordial In, i vital lon »o b» pre.ent, HPKfTAI. KIHTIAM The New* will (*«ue a .pedal Wayne county K^H - edition tomorrow morning, and the men who" wiAi adveirtlalng a|ao a In It, are re queetid to re.ervr earn* at an early hour today. Our hdvertlntng depart Hienl ba. plenty of t* 4 alr cut*, and they are at the dUpo>al of the nter cbatlta. at no ■■tliu coat. Re*verai hundred extra cople. of thin tvnur will lie printed, and circulated over j the county to adverllae the event. Hie city and th< AI) HKADYI j" * ; elma (iirl Wins Trip to Chicago Johnatim Cuunty carried off hon ir» In the content* at the Dime Fair In which 42 club glrla of Nortfc Caro 'lna p*rtl< lpnied Mft*» Hallie Herring f of Selma, wan one of the two glrla nuking the highest ten re An all of the content*, the other young lady tre|ng Win* Mantle Hoger»on. Os Per 'iulniann County. The*e young lad>*> were awarded an prl*e» trip* lo Chl 'ago for the third annual club cob -re»w whitib will be held In conpee- Mon with the International Uvewtodi Shovr to be held m IJac*tuber. Th«' 'two girl* wilt lie Kent "to fhlcuao with chaperone and all expep.e* pgld. k Mi** Herring was one of the tram winning Itrat tdat*f d« the Jelly rank ing conte.t, the other girl In thU team being Minn Janie Kdward*. of Creech'*'wrbtml. the prlae for Ah*.' be« teHin lung H 2 .Ml** H*mnf traduated |n»t .prlng front th* SeJm.i kfgh *chool. Sh* attended .ummeC lolxool at Oreenvtlle during Hie punt rummer anil will teach at Archer thl» wlntT., '■ THE GOU)SBORO NEWS 1. Will DECK i : TEN OAV REVIVAL ’ O ' *1 (.oMpboro Mihislcr lo Hold Two IJwily Servirrs at Pullen Me i mortal. I | * Kpleigh. Oct. 22 Her. Zeno Wall, D. D, of the Kir»t liaptlat Church of j Uold*horo, Monday night opefted u revival meeting a t the Pullen Meitib rial Cjiurch. Which will continue lor t»n day*, with afternoon meeting, at • hr*e u o'< look, and evening nervic*. «t 7:30. nlgul, Dr. Wall tcok a* Mi. •übjucl. In a' "hurt isle nrag .erjhon, "How (lod'a People Won Over The ! tyldlanUe*, and that * t« worked up. but worked down troni God. ‘'Finally tb*y relied upon God to deliver them. God l» not concerned about numbers. It is a quality fight. Hr want* «o in * boily to eay. "faird. get into thl* poor tmdy of mine and uae it,' We'll* have a great rcvlvnl ■ her* if we cgn all gqt out of the way atjd let God go forward.” Hr. Wall I* a North Carplinuui. nnd attended *«hool at Mar* 11111. l-'ollowing hi* graduation from thw I/iuiavllle Seminary, h« went to a ’ pastorale In Mtaa|a»lppl Kor *oijie * time lie whn paator al Glinton, Mia ,»l»lppl. where there fa a college for ni*n Mid one f»r worn l ". There he gut In close touch WUh student thought He ha. be«n In demand «» aw evangelW* und apeakar ‘ »ince h* returned to North Carohna three yeara ngo. to take over tlm pa "to rut’ of the Kitvt liaptlat Cburi h of Golds boro I At t ji«^p»*An ,n C »»rvU;CH )*o*t night aiuiff* ongregatton Joined ia the ■lagitrg of a nuniler of hymn*. Vance Once Sold For 50 Dollar. New York. Oct- 22 Manager Jobu MrGr.iw. of the New York Giants, *uya he would willingly purl with »loo.oo# for I Ataxy Vao<*. <'hurley Mhbetta, owner of lh« Brooklyn r%ub, .ay* tvrie* that umount wouldn't tauipt him for hi* "tar pitcher, the sensation of (he ma- J r* in the s«a*on Ju»t dosed ■ - &%' %. / Tluae seemingly fabiiloux umiMint* being offered tor a bull player, make the ortgiifel gale Os tb* now fumou* V ll lice loom up as th* by** laugh of t|m day. Trn year* ugo Vance,wa» playing With th* Hufifefffw—Cfflb in the Ne br«»ka Stato League. He wu» just a »o »o pJtcher. 1 Al that time Hasting*, the' home of Vuiit:*, wu* ip th* .am* league. I He decided It would lie nicer lo play in the old home town When be usk *d the iiiu'iuger of tb* HaitHpg* club wh#t hi 1 ’ was worth, Hi* 'reply w;»»: “If some one offered me SSO In 'real money they could Imv* yoq." '' « Vance pee|*d flv*' ten* from hi* buuk roll, and Joiitcil. ih<- Hasting* club 0 ' «. r■) Originally sold for JSO. hi* pres ent employer isn't Interested in uo of ter at $ I UO.UOO -for his aaryicea. It. M. RATE tEbi tTION DKIT.N Dh Ob AIT! ML WATKJt I'D M I’KIITION . » 0 front in lied From Page One) of campaigning ha* been great, hut h« la hearing up fkn*|y and »ay* h* Is feeling Hue. Tonight the Governor wS» Intro duced by R. C Price, eilitor of Hi* Rutherford Sun. aud-m charge of th* port* campaign in thin lounty Mr. Price had seen that new* of the h eettng was well dtawenrlnateii,-htw lu*nrt bring In It. und the Idg crowd toffight wu. due >n great me,-inure to Ilia effort*, ua he hart word * rn * out into the highway* and byways, every where. Mr. .Pries believe* that Hit •tiierford will show: a majority for the "part* proposition The Governor, heartened by such :i Ida crowd, pitched Into Ills argu mfnt with deep fervor. He said the terminals would result in a reduction of freight rat