1 V 1 " •; •„ , Lnrri BIG list of valable prizes pnrxTl „ J\IX. FOR JUST A LITTLE WORK T IXULILi S w ■ • , - * " '7"- S' ' j —i— .% .> ■ ' » . f‘V -i IV>W% Mr - -» * 1 ■ 1 ■ . ' ■ - i- - » ' - - : : * P« READ THE PARTICULARS f I ■' GET ONE OR MORE OF THESE AWARDS I f ' We art* able to make this pxtremely liberal offer through a special advertising arrangement with the merchants represented. This. ‘ - ■; (( is not a contest; It is merely an opportunity for you to secure for yourself some desirable article as the result of just a little work on (f | your part. \ % ~. • i mV; )) Read over ttye list below. Decide which of the articles you want. Thert'Xa bit?.range of awards- from a football to an upright 9 ,1) piano or an automobile. Your friends will be glad to help you. S m f > i ' tr o v H • n * • ® /y* F These Awards will be made for Securing Sub [ * • > scriptions to the Goldsboro News § I 84-. L % _ , r S • \1 ■ y /# j YOUNqAND 0L» AUKECAN WORK FOR THESE AWARDS. MERELY SECURE THE NECESSARY SUHSCRHTIONS, AND TIIE ARTICLE OR ARTICLES S'- ( WILL BE AWARDED TO YOU IMMEDIATELY. IE YOU WANT A RADIO SET, CET THE NUMRER OF SUBSCRIPTIONS SPECIFIED IN THE LIST BELOW. 2 I THE SAME WAY WITH THE OTHER PRIZES. . ' * f' 1 0 -I ,f> i J 0 ; « f Here is The List of Awards: I 1 * •—'mMmt *i M • MW « m « | STUDEBAKER AUTOMOBILE J New Standard Duplex Pheaton, Value $1390, on If display at Brown Auto and Supply Co. It «■ IJ Given for 370 Yearly Subscriptions. 1 ■ ■■■■ >- - 1 j CHEVROLET TOURING CAR I ! * Value $597.00 ( On Display at A. 11. Handley Motor Co. f( J Given for 162 Yearly Subscriptions j. I FORD COUPE l Value $507.00, on display at Jos. Williamson, Inc. I Given for 165 Yearly Subscriptions ) FORD TOURING CAR ■1 #/ Value $446.00, on display at Jos. Williamson, Inc. II Given for 150 Yearly Subscriptions )) LAKESIDE PIANO I) On display at Isaacs# Vaiu© $350.00 |) Given for 85 Tearly Subscriptions ■ 1 t NEW CONSOLE TYPE VR-^ROLA ■ v On display at Royai-Borden's •-S I “ Value with one I)ozen Records $134.00 II i . '! H Given for 45 yearly subscriptions )1 duplex fireless cooker ml I) Complete, on display at Carter Electric Co.* M Yplue $73.00 l\ Will lie given for 25 Yearly Subscriptions K RADIO % () ~Tistwater Kent, jft ' - display at Mrs. JohiiS. Drotch. Given for 85 Yearly Subscript ions. CGET PAID FOR YOUR WORK NO ONE CAN LOSi. THE AWA RDS WILL BE MADE * FOK EITHER RENEWALS OH FOR NEW DUB- . ■ SCKIPTIONS. . W . : •' ;r Will Be in! Effect Only a Short Time » Electric Aluminum Percolator # - « On display at Carter Electric Shop, Value $7.65. Given for 5 Six Months subscriptions. o*■‘. ft ' * EDISON TALKING MACHINE On display at Isaacs, Value sl3 >.OO. Given for .45 yearly .subscript ii is i 0 < ‘ '* 9 ANY ARTICLE OR ARTICLES From Royall and Borden’s Gift Valuo $5. Given for 3 Six Months Subscript ions ELECTRIC IRON With Unbreakable Plug on display at Carter Elf trie B|jop, Value $5.00, given for 3 six months subscriptions A?G ARTICLE OR ARTICLES. X FronKUoyal ami Borden’s Gift Shop, Value S2O. Given for 6 yearly* subscriptions. SETH THOMAS CLOCK, Mahogany On Dispbty aty Mewborn’s Jewelry Store, Va'u»- $20.00. Given for 7 yearly subscriptions. l ' X Parkrr Duufuld "Fountain Pen \ Value $10.6) on disjday at Mewborn’s Jewelry Store. Giien for 7 Six months subreriptions. V. ”” -Iris portraits Value s2l WO, Display at Clement Studio W‘ll (x* 4i\en for 7 Yearly Subscriptions U* e I ' v v * ' •' 1 f . »;•••■/ a THE. GOLDS BORO. NliwS sssassatJfe..'-, 2 _ Wahl Signature Fountain Pen Valqe $5.00, on display at Mewborn’s Jewelry • Store, (iivi n for .*> -ix months subscriptions. CHINA TEA SET % '» •* / On Display at Smith Hardware, Value SI2.'• ‘ o' Given for 5 Six months suliticripUons. BEAUTIFUL FLOOR LAMP ; On a* Royal Borden’,i. value) $35.00. Gived for 10 yearly subscriptions - ■ .... .*lO Inch Navarre Pearl Necklace 9 Value $26.00, on display at Mewborn'a Jewelry Store. Given for 10 yearly subscriptioiui. —• ) ' ANY ARTICLE OR ARTICLES From Royal and Borden Gift Shop, value $lO. Given for 6 Six Months subscriptions. —^7—T-- 1 ; 18 Inch Nararrt* Pearl Necklace Value SIB.OO, on disptavat Me ul Kirn’s Jewelry * O; Store. Giv< n for 7 yearly suleu-riptions. - ■■■ - ITIIACA, SHOT CUN (in display* at Smith Hardware; value $35.00., f . Given for 12 yearly suh.tcriptions. REAUTIFUL CONGOLEUM RUG 6 • 6 x 9, on display at Efird’.i Department Store. . 8 • • . ... V. . Value $9. Given for 3 yearly ub a riiitions. lieautiful (White) Gold Mounted Diamond Ring - j* ■*. v Value sfoo.oo, (iii Display at Kul« rl A. Creech, Jewelry Store . Q Given for 34 Yearly Sub: < riptions. Ill— •■■■■ I MAJESTIC RANGE | On display at Smith Hardware, valet $148.00 9 Given for 48 yearly subscriptions. ft Remington Automatic Riit » . % On display at Smith Hardware, Value SIO,OO w Given for 11 yearly subscriptions: (CT , Rosemary Basco Table Clatk % Q3pf flfiftilay at Jfflrd's Dept. Store. Value $2.40. ft Given for 2 six months subscription*. % ft LEFEVER SHOT GUN 1 On display at Smith Hardware, value sß*.Oot ft Given for 10 yearly subscriptions. * ft MAN’S ALL WOOL SWEATER W On.display at Eflrd’g Dept. Store. Valpa sß4ls. ft Given for yearly subscriptions. |T„ 15 JKWItL GRUEN WATCH | White Gold, on display at Robt. Creefh, Jeweler. 9 Value $.'1.1. Given for 12 yearly {7 WARDROBE TRUNK ft Value $44 50, on display at Eflrd’s Dept. ■tore. ft Given for 15 yearly subscriptions. ft 40 THEATRE TICKETS Good for regular show at Acme Theatre. Given for 6 Yearly subscriptioes. . SET OF CHINA , J On dhiolay at Smith Hardware, value $96.00 i Given for 12 yearly subscriptions. 1 SIJBSCRIITIONS TO THE . ) GOLDSBORO NEWS v ) .‘I Months .'.51.50 f 6 Months ' . $3.00 )) 1 Year S6.QO ft Rules and Regulations |r Compute the number of months or years for fa I lip award you desire on the same Iflf as ft above. R Cor example: W 2 Yiflir * i.. 512.00 ft IY, ars $24.00 )1 The only requirement necessary to begin ft soliciting subscript ions is that you give your ft name to the Circulation Munager ami receive ft <1 Receipt Book. ■ W. W. MINION, Circulatiea u —g- ft PAGE SEVEN