PAGE TWO FANNING f -P> : PANNING HAY'ING HI'T on*- leg and ;i I■.• Ir metna nothing, ,to, Hunk ocdc. glut *u,iru m Ui«' Met huiiiMt Orphans it fiotbuli tpa in of Raleigh. Colp h,i* played <>n the for the j?.i*t taoj >ears and t» constdr red n tower of i treagth. ' ' When he" w(i» mu n year* of age Col* had th*' misfortune of having tii-> leg badly rrtmhrd In on t»ri*)dr'nt. *|>e lluib wui amputated about four in< h it la lo* tlie kill mi accustomed In getting abonl UP the abbreviated limb that .rark ('am iron. eOa»>h end atbl*t|r Instructor. *1 th* 1 orphuuiige. declares hr Is, fleeter Ilian a. *o«wt muoy youthful athlete* with two (rood legs toimu I'ulr'v taiticne** should be an lt>»pl ration to th* )»iith of today. »M) of o hum ar* loader of |H’t I lift; iwrUev than football. Heeled < atualn A* atrunjt* as It wound*. Hurt Col* do*n not uao an artificial limb tn piayiwg hmtboll. H* caver* world* of around In a gam*, getting over ib* Held with a kind of «pr!n*,. In-' at rad r.f running. - Cat* h i; ir*r* old, and weigh* IM pound*# H* will he nap tala of Ihr Unikaaar* Irani next | »*omnu _ * „ . ( >\ H I.UM K n.ANXIW j ~ IN TH«M< DKTKRMf NATION to eerure urganited baseball for n**t •eaaon. *aat*m Caroltna sportamen ar* planning th# organisation nf an eight-rlnb rlnaa It league. aMei j Kinston broke up thr, eastern f’aro , linn league by flopping o**r to the : Vlrglnta leagn* j£J Concentrated effort to organise the gt*w cfmitt will be made only after li *h apparent that Gold*bum and Wit mtngton ar* unable to secure bertha la lb* Piedmont league Th* P*r aonnel of th* new league an planned will be WNlmlngtcm, Goldsboro. Fay ettrrllte, Fort Bragg. Lumbertoa. ffaefoifl. Kaurinlnirg, and one other eaatern (iirdtlna city \ C. <l. Tnnlaindlnttiam. organizer Os the ra«t»rn Carolina league, atat ed to l> eal officials that he ana con fldaal tbia league covild be organlted and that he had written lettera to In tateptid piirtlea In all of theae elite*. It wa pro,wised te net a salary Hath as fIS.MO for the new lea gar. In H N nrminlred. A tare ting aMI he held at an early ealr. rtrnwßNT t nnetti.i b V . ■ ' ; 0 ... THINGS ARK IN a chaotic at ate of pfflaMa urer tn UH<r Piedmont league ! RanWlle dropped out. and Ballahttry- j Kpearer immediately grabbed off the floating trawcblK*. Now It aeema thgt Danville may attempt to get in ' the Virginia league l,ee Gooch. for mer Durham pilot. «*a in Danville, recently, wounding out aentlnient junoug baaehall fan* ak to tliat city I participating hi the Old Dominion thr rvent U la converted into «n .eight-clabber. Winnton-Hatem fan* are making an ecnrt T» revive the tnsebult spirit that waned and died In th* Twin City, and Greraulioro nioaula,, have | riven up the gboet Nigh Co nt I* aald to be wavarlng. and Salisbury - Rpencnr may not he able to keep the "franchise after pll Fella Hay-man and Hud Moore, owner* of the Charlotte Hally lea gue dtuh. Who purchased the Dan ville ft an chine from Sir Herb Mur ohy. ar'eed to place the franchise in ffallabwrv-spencer. If the 'sportsmen of tboee rltle* could ee«-ur* a all* 'or i. hall park between Haltabury and Hpincer Now R seems a queal'og aa to whether a *ltr can be loiated between the two burgs H There are some resonreefttl baseball men In the we«t. Time nnd ngaln 'n the Piedmont seem ed aho ill to collapse, only lo lie saved at the ' eleventh hour, (bane** are better than even that some l>lad of a league will op erate la Irtedntoal territory when the balmy spring days roll ' ground. EVERYTHING FOR . „ CHRISTMAS National Hkruit Fruit Cakr, kutwirvw. t arrnnlN. Cun rump kin. Can I'lifniH nnd ('rwibrr rka. . I (Mflabom Drliratfßwn Store H. B. IVEY. M. D. w; J. CRAWFORD. M. U. '* Pl*d|f, l.imllrd iieuMo I rhuiry +4 [ IMTU, IHHt AHF. •fflre* Ig Wnyue Nd. (teak Hldg. ■*m> EIGHT CLUBS FOR VIRGINIA LEAGUE SOME SPORTSMEN THINK CLASS B BALL BIT FAST • ■ *• % - if ■ '• «* t . " Virginia League Moguls Meet and ~KWsI on Formally Rereiven Frunrhiv-r. William <i. lirahani Directed lo Invite LynchhurK and t'elershurif lo Join I.eußue and Make Eight Club Organiza lion. Dural Spot lament are Said L| l»e Skeptical of Ihe Idea of (loldsiutro (voing 'fter llerlh. Ilelieving the Chum of Base hall Too Fast for litis City. ( hamlier of Cimmeree Willinif tfl Help in Any Way l’osibihle to Secure I'rofessional Hall for City, v . There I* * chain* a slender 1 than re that Go Id slam, may secure a. franchi*)- In the Virginia M«gu«f 1 Pr< -Idem William (I. Bramhnm. who it fctrong for Iho eight club league Idea, iivlng roeently otwtveiied tb* < Nally Into *t> eight clutu.-r, nu ihorlnd to Invite :h,.- ••|llea of l.yuch burg ainl I'eteraburg to Jon th* r*- iaioped Old I bun ton circuit. In th<- evint tuie of theae cities decline* j the offer for a bchb In organic ed j has, b*ll fh> r< la a* p>o>t>lblllly pf, Uoldshoaro old ailing afianchlsci, I eague Held Heeling It would only lie lair, at lhal la j have 1 Virginia anil I North ('arolna ctly. lnce the league us now ititi ' sata of threw ell lea from each wtatc. •Ml to add two .more Virginia eWcs would make the Icag-lle Ipp heavy again. TBe Virginia Isague moguls held a meeilng Saturday night ai which Klnslon wa* formerly awarded ii franchise nnd the lesgue preahhni was Instructed lo Iwvit* reteraburg nil l.ynelibiirg to Jon and in«ke circuit an eight Huh oi ganUutinn. Open Henson April 18 .The o|H>ulng duto of the playing •easun w»s tentatively ael for Ajilll lb. anil Ihe rloalng date for Heptem her 13. * , The director* deeldeil to lent the number of game* to be I payed In i;»3S from Uk. a* scheduled in |92t to 12» game* and that 1H or 111 of the Saturday games shall he played In Norfolk, Richmond, nd I’ort*- motilli. -j o / of Ihe dlreetors was under way looking to a post-season held' hetilnd dosed ilnnrg un>l news "hniarmen »n» e\dud»d as the llrsl alep In the dlreetion.tif the h-agues affalra by the newly elected presl dent W (I Itramham. A atatenient DR. A. H ZKALY~ ONTiomun niYAKUM ONTIOIATUV , II.IIIKIHIV if mini* Hi-1 la llorden liiflg. Phans* 171-Ml-J —; For Christmas Gifts Visit Hoyall & Borden’s GIFT SHOP PEABODY STUDENT Desires a limited number of piano students after the first of the year. Ten >ears experience. Ad* dress “II," cure of The News, or call US. ' , r ♦ . Delicions Cakes Deans Christmas Cakes -V Your Christmas table will not be cpm v * \ plete an assfWpttnent of taAty Goldsboro bakery goods. Breads, cakes, pies and pastries just for the holiday oc % . * i casion. Goldsboro Bakery Phone 2KO IC. Mulliorry I p I 'A,ta Issued, at the condnalon of th Meeting concerning the action takuti rXrrangeineiits were ordered pui sei lea helw <-en Ihe winner of the Vis glnia. Is >«uc jienn.'inl and to the wniier ol th* ttomh Atlantic I .eague IV-npatif. Mr. Mratnhani Is president of hotti lengtie*. Say t la** It Too la-1 Deal h|nirtstuen, however, ur< >.il>l to a bit lenry of Class II l,;tseli»|| In the belief that it la too favf for a city ths* «Ue of tloldidHiro, • u .pile of the fait that Wilson, •lightly smaller, than this city has nuintwined a franchise In the Vr i;uis Ig'.iguc for several aeasons. "lii my opin'on <|.iss 11.- flail Is a lot fad for (loMslmro,” \V, ('. Den ninii. -e reiary of lbt; lo<al ehnniher of eommerie rh" hired last night. “Os coin-e. 1 am not «|M*aklng officially for the chamber of conimerca merely si.itmg my own personal opinion. The chamber of commerce is In fa vor oi professional baseball for Goldsboro, believing the gam* to be a great advertising medium for the • Ity. ut the organisation cannot take the responsibility of Hnlnncng Ihe alone, ultho the 'liamher of torn uteri e Is glailly willing lo do all R ••ap towards bringing organized bnschtill lo Goldsboro.” In the meantime all fandom bos an > ,ir to the ground to catch ally sound f> a b..s,ti»ll movement. MASONIC NOTICE* gwi iw ri Regular ccmmunleatlona of Ooiia hor l.odge No. C3f A. F. ft A. If. MO ond and fourth Monday evenings tn fitch month at C:00 p. m In Masonic Gall ever People'* Bank. All mam era art requested to ba present and visiting bias tar MAaona cordially In •tad W S. I.EROY, W. M J E. F HICKS, Bwry , • * £ * , * 0 Regular convocation of Gold*- >or Glispier No. 29. R. A M. aaepad and fourth Thur day avcnlnga In each month at R'UO p. in. In tall oTer Pe.vpl' Is Bunk All mam •era and nailing rgmpanlona ara ask d to bj predant KD. F TATTTIR. H. P W. A. CARTKR, Becty ♦ -- Regular conrlawa of Ooldebore emmandery No. 2fl Knights Templar Bfst and third Thursday evanlnga In •s'h month ai Bno P M In Masonic Mall oear People's Rank vll mem ara and visiting Sir Kn.ghta cor llally I nvltt>d to ba prwvM at all mating*. VRKD R. CROWBON. Bm Cop. W A. CARTKR. Recorder. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS SltokT SI‘OK I’S •killed Down So You Fan Read 'K m in a llurry j 11 —————■"■Nl ■ fho fir It Imli amateur golf ehani pionwlou wut flr*t iduyi‘d in IkkU. * . * • • '♦ Tennis. pUye i In nn- en< lost d io 11 *is .i bvwlts . ime la tilt H'ki 1 < entury. J •• • , Him key, of some kind r< t l.iy-rd in A-la. toe Mouth Sea Islands, and by thf hill womdn of AlgerLt • • • .Several >d the famous bunt •lob *1 HI exy' l ""* m m> ri •> ;n>; ed early In Ihe 17th century. 0 1 • • • Thß Fort >\orfti <hnmpioi.- w • lbe only eluli In the Te«as l> u- te which did not lose a double-Header Inst season. • • • Kraft, ihe great of tt ; I'ort Worth. Texus. Irugne chit in pious j playad with his learn In every game, tr*At season.. • • e The record in a six diiy hieyele fate Is 2.(125 miles, no lap*, inahn t« ihe Ms ill son -Square Garden (<>iit •>) in Ihlft by Keg nnd lutpuv • • • Phil Krug and V nung Rob Kit. slmmons nre suing the K;y«'erii hogers who, wilt try their b.iml k « j We Have .lust Ueeeivecl * f . o . ' * _ BY EXI’KKSS A HeiitiCul Line of LIVING ROOM SUITS RRK’FI) FROM $98.50 4 THKY MARK IDKAI, \ XMAStaiTS lj [’ ' ■ V ] •/' ' " ". ’ '* : BOYALL & BORDEN ■ *x -»i ■■ z se Shoppers I ; ( M in llutwinimiiiii) (Sly H ' n " tr ' l fnr >nu In >ck‘(i vnur gift,. Come in lo* fl .havejpst received C/\ 1 ' '-' r *-*yJ-\c\s Dresses and Coats-O w 0 1 lleauliful M>!»*., and in.ltniak-. jnsl Ihc thing fur ('hrinlmii* or gill I Un sure and see these garments before they are all tturehased. I ! You will Save from ssto $8 < | ' SmEw i on every Garment lj O'tr A hript mil of a uderlul \ .due. in warm emu and nifty suits. I I ; 'H t-f finest mattfinls dial w• >t’knian l.'in S<-.- <nr < hirts, sox, ties, shoes, umier- wear, hats, caps and <'her/i(’t for "J.I'.M.” f M ■VI 'J- o " I 111 Hundreds Os Bargains For Late Shoppers I Auu cun save money by buying at this store |{ei:<eht lj I****" ne are gi\ ing away a baby dull witb eve ry |>uri hase Sf\ .ML of s2r>.tMl, bHroom slippers with every-4W“ffK) purchase | \ f A & X\ L ',A ; “ Y ml / V'fes.JV- TWf and a bath robe with every $.15.04) purchase. e ■ v tIiMJ / I iK I! lb* your shopping here and you will enjo\ a Mem I ■' I '•• Fred Maroon •®f I Dept. Store- ; the gome on the Ppcltlge co« t th s. winter, • • • 'lr-> W. i'. Jppsou. an • ntti iwl.> G sligler of lllg Ft a phi's. Mich., la th-' lir -i t»» !>♦•< f»inc Mpcn i; r*> n lidiik Walton huu ie chapter • • • a ■ Mickey "Waltir* w#l;er*rel«ht title holder, l« to i.uke on Wnnile HnUidt. tin Gkl.«|iom.t ('o» boy In a I<i.j*e .n 1 lout a* MliVAStlkeu on the night (k'roller 2b. • •>' • the i ontinenu<l ioothafl te.ii. In r uropa have shown wood ri’ut m, | prov< ment In lata years. The era c j Fnalish tennis dial hare plaved re !<*ntly in Copenluiaetl. rariH. Vletitc ! itarcotona. aud other jt ilea. have had all they could do to hold their own ■» V • • • The K|Hint «>. fix hunting has tlour l*hed In tlu> southern and eastern Wins of the I lilted, States since co lonial ds>*. an-l Is still 'pursued tn event! e tablishcd i lul*s In Virginia.' l-epiidky. Maryland ami aouthrrn I* nukylvHnlit. ulore the huture of ihe eonnfry favoj-H It, • ♦ s The first .itn-■ Iwlwi ill Vale .yi i I'l lltrrtnn t •it I • 11 1 * -’ll 11 i-> 11.1 : ! CL • to Is., f. v. ‘ .1 I't ~t I■!,>r» Won !)V .! (o U. >f*Hriv 'll 1 • ’ chiin. > * in, liuvti • enhls sine" the first Introduction of the gnitie. shout ft ft y yi ars ago, have town n wards gt-nter .•«iffn> .*» Tuesday morning, ijbcemrer tx \Tn iGrtgtnally thi net was 5 feel biali |at the Hide-, and t feel In the middle.: It has hren lower.d to h (Ml t< neh- A* «t the sides, and ■! foet In c * middle The •'.rvtce Itno has tieen htoia-in mypt• r »*- by flv.\ e.-i Racquet- iin more t.ghtly strung end 'hulls nre more lively. o 0 , b »\' ‘ ' t wot li h \Hki rjint ls ri:ht to *11.1.1*0 %\ \vi: 9 N'.VV YOU K. Dee 22—-Stie k prices » .K iwi ly io<lay on Ilo •* In- 1 — Goldsboro Damp Wash Laundry. w. it Mulberry sr.. Phone :»6 ECONOMICAL FAMILY SERVICE j 0. M. BIIKNDLE, Prop. ■ ■ . l ■ ■ WK VVU.I. BK OI’KN EVKRY | FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS I UTIL 9:30 I \y . I MAKE IT AN ELECTRICAL GIFT THIS I YUtETIDE I . ; tl. wm Carolina Power & Light Co. I “AT YOUR SERVICE” I 'i ' Wm - __ Christmas Groceries . * o I ruitfi, Nnt* and everythin!; for the cake. Fine N r I men! of candy for (hr* kids. . Every! hint; Ihe market affords for the (aide in the way of 0 Rrernstiiffs and country produce. And (he lies! We Have is “Service” #» & ' H. H. Jenkins Grocer c PHONES 700-70! • »i,irc<l «>y the marketlnc up of the fill waitpy rotes to I per cent la ante >|. ltd . the heavy .itoltlay <!<• maud for Itin ft s ait! (lie usutl Oirlsi uu* profit-taking. The reaction* which range frotn I to II (xitijlK spread over :t largo I*ft v*l' f the Hat although trading w;»rt In* reduced volume, total for the day ..falling below l.fWff 000 share*. . T — 1 ~ kkwn wm tits itßivq nrwri.Tw.

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