PAGE FOUR tHECQIPSiORO NEWS MMIM mrr none Monday by the Ootdaboro FubHiklii Oa, *Wnme RegrtfifctaUv*, A— riem Preea A—ocUtlon. N*w York Oty B. H. Beeetey. editor, John Ueaetey, l«*r»l ■»»»««; W. W. Mluton ’*> , business maiiM'T HP 11 *” or TUB AB*GVUTHD PEEKS EmeWHI Prtw la exclusively entitled to Ui km tor pafcUeatloa 6f IB Emm dbtonatebM credited to H or lot otherwise credited la this papar. |ai ftiaa tba kwat BOW a published berate. All righto ml nipaMleattoa ol tftalmi HtpoUcboa herein ara al»o rsaerred , „ FRJCfe. Mi advance •» Maß Far*t4a/ .. ...A..... ....... M*> It CRy *Carrtar, Par Taar ** Carriar ■> M N/iK, m Btntml rim Btttir. w^ 1 THURSDAY MORNING, DKCKMfrKK 25, 1924 •K GOIXR tEER ON < HRISTRAf* Re llttio’kaotr tbo sorrow that waa » • On hla noMt chair. Eo Mfrr . gaeeeed Ylley’d fnlss him. >' >mt ha' C fj dn '' %5 W Vi ( W i r lr 4 Ho couMml aee fbh raffing df the rbeoMf that once were pink. Add the fMbor In (be tresaoa; and be didn’t Wop to think How tho years' are poaaing *nrßil> and next Chrlitraea It mlgbr ho Tbit tbere’d bo no home to Walt and no mother to non. Ho dldd’t think aboat It—l’ll not toy ho dMAH enra. Ho woo loodMoo and toagetful or hb'd aaywty bare bdeh there. Are you abto* boom tor Christmas* Have yon wrtotew you’ll be More Qotag home to kloo thy mother and . to £ her that jRp care* (I i If you're wx I hope there’ll come a time dKu'll w'ah you bad. loot alt WM and write a letter—lt drill Mir 1 -- her heart alrlnna ham it With • t#e Os perfect gladneqy If ymIWE them tbot you’ll mine. —Edgar A. Oueet | riIIfTTEAH CErtotaJh la bore —Christmas. the Miieat. time of the year. Eton p*nov>b review not only a year and fng for" lost oppnr- I wait lea for Impftvement. bht your vtotoa (peg further and you watch tpe workings of a chtld’a mind aa It tamed from utter faith to dfatlln otoaasowt. PI rat some ope tol.l who flaata Claus was. You wdkw glad to know then, end jjroud But you're toot glad i now when yon come to Mink of fit Cnfalth started then Ito a mental flash you trace the Jaarney of that child, nnri you find that there waa too much telling, too toauy people who were ready to break down Ideals; and you find that ydk too hove helped lo fleet my too tolthtof other people. Along the portions path yon have seen the bhlld come to the vital present: not •aararrod and with knowledge that la mercilega You and only you know what the child did alqptogh* *W~ aaly you dad God know toe blunder* the Who. E»r aelftshneso. You see all this bote#* you cannot help seeing It: because jat this season YOU rral la* that happiness Is given awly to IMtle children; aad after akddbood Must come the fight, the teamtattow. the fall, the great •arrow After the thought charily mufct eome. The beet spirit of Oyistiga* I* Chavhg—Charity rjalng out hf re momberaace of the long, hitter road that the IMtle child troi.—issa< Erwta Awry in ‘The Comments’* MY FEB STATE BIUH OfflCUI. Doclartwa “we want the most, able ■MS to ate Elite and Nation, for ptoklir tEBPmls - The Charlotte News potato out that I* some State hotel toatiera aaake atom money than the 1 1W Note aayw that Ooveraor A1 *«. *’* r Ate- ’’S'-'' Htnlth of New York, inailc about wmi a year from hla private busme«» yet lie ha<| to glva Unit up and a. ci pt SIO,OOO a year of Nev York Plate. The News days A. tV. M,-> la«n will make a financial aacrl flca when he becomes Governor o< North C.arolln. “there are presidents of small hanks In North Carotins win. will nittke. more than the Oovernoi of this great corporation of more than three - million stockholders.7 •ays The News. Ten thousand dollars Is about the fttnit moat states will 1 go la paytiir Governors, lljinols pays 112,000 anil Penmyivgnip f 18,000. 1 New Yolk |wys IpI.OOO. So floe* New Jersey, Ohio. fMiwaMiuf*r't* ■Wait Virginia, ami ('in#>tni4l In- Jla|to ,anti Rlxste Island puy IN OOn fekk fttutea pay 17.10 b. They are A'jhWakn. Alabama. Georgia. Louis WftVt' Mtßsleslppi. Montana, (fregan i v Netf'du pays 17.200; .Mlnneeoln •7 0*0; lowa. 16.700;, North Carolina and Kentucky pay aabtrle of M.SOO; ami KlorUia. Utah an-' Washington pay an even |6.t>6o. Klve thou sand dollars k'year la the salary of the Governors of Connectl rut. Mh-hlgaa. Missouri. Colorado. Idaho. Kansan, New Mexico. North IhUtola. (tooth Carolina, Virginia Wlaeonaia. Arkanaua and Maine Maryland and Okahonm pay II.MMt Delaware. Tessa and Wyoming have a gubernatorial salary of, fi.OOO An the three state* of New Hampshire. Vermont and Monti Dakota t.pap a miserly |3A#O a year. It’s preUy rough. Collier's com the aalaciew of ,to have, tq .worry about pArdona had vmtrohUp* wfltoout hav ing to worry a lap about shoe* for the baby and fblnglea tor the buiiSe. As ter sitting up all day sweating over th« slate laelaei, J|> op (im. to wit ms all night praying over family budget.” ■ UIEUtC uun DQliniiC wCYio m nticiß) FROM SUITE USS »«"«*■ ■ ■ 4 CTEEKYT •ENERTATIOYfI CM.I.Fn KKUM EDITORIAL PAGK.H OF TAR HEEL 1* A PERN , From the sign that drift thla way its ia apparent that the air la bill of appeals to the coming governor for appointments on the state pay roll. I'p to a certain limit sopne of thl* Is logical, but when It comes to all manner of schemes to prevail on Mr. Mcljean to recognize what are' called the claims of the Qian who would have an appointnfept It Is a nuisance, No man has a claim ou the government of North Carolina unless it Is a bond signed and creat ed hi due form for something he hus given. In a short time Mr. Mcl*ean goes Into tba office of governor. He wc* by the people as a business man on a business basis to carry on the big business Ilf the state. Involving lbs operation of work (but .runs Into many millions. 1} la the biggest job in the state, and the man wan choaen lo run II aa a bus* tne«a venture. Now Ihe man who Is expected lo carry out this big task can do ll only If he ta let alone to bundle It with the help of Ihe most efficient men he can aecure. and he r..USt be given I absolute freedom of choice of hla helpera. and hla must be the full responsibility for their results and achievements. The dead timber In the organiza tion should be removed, but In Its place must be capable material If Mr. McLean la lo do any good for the stale, or for hla own reputa tion. Thla, wan bah been elected governor by Ihe people, and he Is Ihe manager of North Carolina for thw’publlc welfare, pot for Ihe pur pose ’of heat owing political rewunl on an army of claimants. Those who Vnotr the man know that he will make an effort la klve Ihe b.-M -0M ernment the slate haa ever had. Bui It la only fair to hint that b<> shall have free ?eln, and not be tiered by nlfire-holders who are crowded on him by the Insistent ap peals of those who wuni t.o share In the *poll. No man should be backed n the struggle for place In the new administration unless he Is u man of-known character and lltnesa.. for inything of that klnrt Is an Imposi tion on the Incoming governor and o’fi the giatc. The re< mmendatlon ft! a capable man Is u proper step IBlgnlag a petition (or on Incapable i la a public crime But from start to' * . * r? -V QfT"" 3 TOWN GOSSIP By W. W. MINTON ( JiiiIBTMAH IIAS com*. H’e ea * MU< II TO the joy • • e 4IF UB all. see AND I will say • e e THAT ri' bus been • • • A 1 KHY : liort time ... HUjCK IsAST i hrlxtinan d»y • • • \VHI« II 'll 'I be a I*4ll * • • • “ THAT I am not six young • • . AS I might * o be, , " f '.4buW A * i» ALL OVER the land • • • tI.N THIH gloiloos night •' * * TIiEHK are millions of hearts ... THAT Allß more Imppy * * * TILIN’ TIILT have been -• • • Will A Irina; king lime e e • * AND THEN’ there are millions . ._ . WHO: DEC At HE of the Joys e » • THAJ- OTIIEIIS »iy have , Attfc Moi4 Lit’ ’• # # # c HO IT IIN all .ln,M,T)l'J\ ]«n lie ii^ft' lo ael on tils own Juilgmeul mid de sire. for It is lie who has the burden of proflt.ibly carrying mil for Ihe { loniing four year* ihe operation of ibis state*, anti ah la hoad.i will always be full wltkaiA IhA Vilerh-rence ot those -who wlfl "to* Yruwd Into ti «i AttllU * WANTED IMRTNEK AND MlN ager for ramlern sh«® repair plant in Goldsboro Ex|»i-rßiiee not te esaary a buslneas gather Dnl/|r.» •• . , DAVE BROt/Gin to. ... THAT GALLON or two of gu» • • . ' im ANfk THE few athka ’ ... of i.igHtwimid. E E E I vou. * •• DM*H>IMM ON till Al t’ Il l s til 111 111 I I 1111 rfljfnirir^ 1— 'pmi.ii.u* m r< cunlerNi 1 otirl heje 'I bur .lav were furnished *ome by play enter laUniient when an officer ttnd a de- Trndant *'*ni xod’’ during .1 beurlni officer -11011 Kendti k. long # wifM gagfien aiidiatin on premises D ,43- Ywompson. 13-tt < I.OhV* A tIHITE Mil l POINTER. L.-ft hind leg blown . >m lenr-w down. , Itlghl ear mual will) white. Jeff ear JUjn. to ■’ namu ut l-red. ~ 83 1 ; Jr i” qp'# 4- f, nfltotr. 601 oelvc reward. 24 3tp FOR. NALE— NI.IGHTLY I BED Stud. liAkc r coupe-roadster. Ail tlrdkg I*. A. liitinphrey, Goldsboro, N. 1 ‘ 14-ts < REAR AND Mil k FOR tho h.dlfliiys jsxik Kriy Wkg.yn. ap.l get the hist. J. Vim’ Rayi l !. . It*6t t. » • . SM ELT MCI Ml Hill 4'HU ISTR AS holidays. ('All Adams Dairy, phone 2U*J. 18-64 P MILL SELL AT MEST BEAI FORT' two beautiful lota, I Mocks from new hotel site, near yaefit clplVs3oß easy terms. Pay Httlc eark nifthfh Write P. O. Bex 199. New Hem N C June 4 tt -y . ■■■. - '» > fiber In thi*' irminij.. wi»»-on th* land At ih' 1 ion* lu.ton of hia s«-*»ii j mow) .Hi* defendwnt, Jim Pritchett, i without coifaxcl, wm permitted tu j qi|(- t lon It tin. un.> of’the oftcer'* repllea Piif i ;.«■«t phot back "You r* a fair'." Tin .■lTi< managed It* luil'l hi* temper l.iit I he got ’off the aland. but upon tloinf ho immediately ‘‘crawled” Pritchett. At I lit’ dimluHlon of the i Ix-up th* oftenr informed the ! Merry Christmas I I . ; To All r i ' ■ i ‘ . , HI . , ‘ ■ II n * MM 1924 has been for us a Happy Year of Service. We « . ’ ~ have been glad in knowing that we have reduced drud- ( v ini % >' v . n n .* I gcry, providing acleanliness and comfort in many 1 f£J * **■ 1111 ,„i;/ ; I Cioldsboro homes. We thank you for this opportunity. I ■ * ” ft , , j, ‘II It in our wish tiiat I his (’hristnufs tide bring you only - : rfj ” • " joy, happiness and good w ill that shall endure through - a & , —A o fc ■ o •' ‘ • & P . ' - . " * ** yt j . « i • ' *■ l■' • ' * j Lri ■. * .» • ' <• WAYNE LAUNDRY H • J H . _ ■' ! . f -- 04 To Our Patrons 0 : And Frienlds 1 '- > * • ' • 'U i fl-i* ■ T ,*? - '• •"*>. With Christmas Day at Hand and in . %T i~ ■■ ■ * n v ',•. , . . | keeping with the spirit of the Yule «-• II , ‘ tide season, we wish to express our , p ■ ?' 'I -ey, i■ \£ ■- II sincere appreciation for the splendid * % I . * ' «, rt *' . 1 ! patronage accorded us during the - r>v - r ' w I o . ■ * ■> H past year and also to extend- hoa! % • , I) . H widheH for ?•, - ,/ " > ah y jyyst* in 4 • 111 A Merry Christmas, And' | ' ■ A Happy New Year HEILIG AND MEYERS “p V (ours that h* wan ready for trial far llh- nI«DN. but that he < not * ■i a ini h}' anil be Called a liar In »uch a manner. A* yet no action ha* been taken. • "K Pritchett. aentenced to five month* i for lari'eny qf_an iUtoatvMlr tag. v.iKramv and drfTttjg without’ a animated ami «m ‘remanded . , to jal In of houd. While en route to tile jail with the prlaoner | ; the i.llln r i*«t-nti'il the etatemi-n' , THI HSDAY MOWN I NO, DECfe.MHER 25, HKi4- with another encounter Neither, however, proved of g nenotm niftire. rw* m»i,itio\ T« nipile. aged four. wiu» very aax- Imn to wblatie. He bed tried end tried, but all tn vain. While he wa* otlt walking one day with hi* mother a i oloreil boy pe**ed them whittling and Tommie erle