W—PAY MORNING. DECCMKR 28, I*l4 I ' ' 9 <■ l T '» I ■>'■■■ ■!■ egan tbs customary routine of Inspecting the thousands of Items before pur chasing Uielr Christmas presents. They bad the appearance of a couple bethrothad. They were Chattering •tnoop themselves "This would he Tatt f g Pll»« jsyysC'SltSl 100 itiiffiM >| — l " 11 ■ ■ ■ --- The Yuledde > Seasfti ;1 5. ; ' 1:1 PREPARES HEARTS AND OUR, MINDS FOR A FRIENDLY SPIRIT AND A BOND OF f 'fellowship TO WARD ALL MAN | . KIND P IT IS IN THIS SPIRIT THAT I EX TEND ALL COM PI J ’ MENTS AND GREETINGS - OF THE SEASON A MERRY CHRIST MAS TO YOy ONE AND ALL i, 1 • M. N. Epstein “To Men jMid Little Men” a • grand for Dud. she exclelmed. hold lag up a old fanbiun pipe in one hattf and a. Urge package of a well knnWn brand of amok big tobaedn in the other. ''Yek. that would nan a wonderful siM for him." he agread. The clerb'aaked If abe would like to have It. and was told to wrap it up In a nice holiday package. - While the clerk went away od another errand (he young man spied s boy of perhaps g or 9 years*of age looking at a small mechanical auto mobile. ; For a few momenta sk * paused and gazed at the )MNe fellow fie wore an old and worn coat. The Sleeves had been patched at the elbow, and but two buttons remained to fasten It. His trouser* were al most as bad as the coat-but the) were CleAn A rap that was too Idrge for him wca pushed back on his fore head. Now and theh he pushed back a lock of stray hair that fell acrots his eyes Turning to her companion. She •Aid. Excuse ma tor a minute hi ease." And he nodded in return to her question, as he was interested n something that woukl more thsiri Hkely go for Mother. Walking to the boy. she spoke la A kind and gaatle tone "looking (or Santa Claus, little hoyT" He turned quickly and r*~ | fE JUfTroCh—..... Wj I Today Is Christmas Day I - We desire to express our Thanks and apieri't ialion } ||J to those who have favored os with their patronage 111 We extend to the whole community the hent wishes for a Happy YidetMe ijl J| and a most Prosperous New Year and Thanks for it's confidence. j||l I Miller s Goldsboro Drug | Company. I II Open Today from *1 to 12‘00 O’clock* I « * » ft Wc have endeavored to ffivc you the very best Valued f) in the past atid will continue doing ao in the future. ft | Goldsboro Shoe Co. jj moved his cap. "No mam", f was just looking at the pretty toys f p there." pointing lu the couater where were displayed all kinds of games and toys. "I* Hants Claus coming le are your" asked the lad) A deep sigh came from the bay. •(, lump wnrkcd up into fata throat, and tears swelled to his eyes Ills right hdnd was quickly raised to brush away tba teardrop. "Nora, he wont route to aa* me this year." he an swered "Why!” adted the woman "Because Dad Is not with us. Ilho ■ ■ v-,a ■ - .nr." • >« '"TTr, J Business Opportaity ; Wanted, A Partner * c * I To enter Mercantile Dusiness in Cioltbhnre— Wholesale and Retail * v '" s • Prefer young man with experience and pinnly of «n*fgy. V; - *» . . . • . r fV . * . , k ‘ MuM close deal within 30 days. , » Write P. O. Box 387 -. TU GOLDSBORO NEWS he was last i brwimar. sohhnd the boy. A dainty hand, a band that had not aaan hard work was around tha child aa aba draw him closer to her. “Newer HHnd," she awM la a low hritr* per. Santa Claus la fftfirng to Wv you now. WMht la It ep there that you Vast?" Me gated upon the autumn bile, which, when wound up. would run on lu owa power. ”i would like to have that automobile "'came the reply. "But tody. ti you are going ta buy anything, bar that toll there. for in v lilt I* hlilsr. 1 * *»• aldiwl Tlw Kiri tuned sway for a moan rat. stock tty the tad* th«nsi»t falneea of Mo «tator Hhe stopp'd a Aleck who «ao pa*xlui;. and told film *ko wanted the dot) and the autoino blla. IVklli b« woo doloa up the parka*.' the two the man and' Iho woman conversed In low i>>a< \Tbcn the clerk had pltoeedlM them with the Mil and the boy had the thin a* that he wauled alaler and hint •elf, tucked .-under hi* area They bade him a merry rkrtatmm. ..ad continued kapptl) oh thetr Way ot “Just looking " Por they had suc ceeded In making someone else happy. m loots new* Id good Man tksaw a plate at a waiter WbM* a little rash, this will keep one awake. Our aland on tha farm question la that culture should not be placed Ahead of aarlealtur*. . .. Milsami.ti mu ■ am. 9 - -■ ■ idk.imrta orans in-, mi iisimgsaaKsa—pamhiMMiMM— M i mmtmuesmmmm mm lw , mi is . I Santa I I Clauß w® I 1 Arrived in town I | This Morning I I I 1 It Is Our Sincere Wish I I * / EXTENDED TO AM. PMOM THIS ' ‘ I I *' * . STORE POR MM PATRONAGE [HI *%. » ¥ - .a i /* ' ' *.'T3-W— -•> ■*" '■■ '■ » 3 _|_ _jp— ■ W’, >, • »• jj J ft ft E If s vr ; i ■* | v* ft i—"- '■ jhi m * r r *VcT * •■ °‘. '''■’’■< >• *'.*•- I To Our Friends and Patrons ! ■ * ’■* >■ I H H H ,*.«*»* f* t * ■ 1 H 1924 Has Been Good to Us Because You Have Been free f with your patronage. We have tried to give you the fl I best and in return we have received the beat, therefore IKb “ ,« •, \ **s . ,#* H J we extend to you on this Christmas Day the beat the ! land affords. v t », •' ■ , •* * I A. A. JOSEPH I “MY OUTFITTER” .| 9 a | I I ■■— -■■ ■■— ■■■ —■ —■ -.. ■i. .......i. ..1., i i.i... Christmas Groceries , V A |i| i J Fruit*. Nut* and everything for tli« raltc. Plmt, aaoortment of candy for the kids. Everything Ike marks! afford* for (he table in tke way of KreeiMluVn and country produce. * t . . And tko Boot Thing We Unvo in “Hdevioo” E E Jenkins Grocer PHONES 700-701 , r J j aaLfwaMMliPM PAGE FIVE