PAGE SIX FKIENDS ~AND PA TRONS I If t « * ... ,f « , j' ** <► * *r.+*. • * ll IV s « ' % t M S . # • Ml _ WW I We Extend “A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year 19 I - , : I : : ' . i !! . - -- 'll *" "'■ ■ '■ - " I ■■ ■ I. I-I | $53,000 Price Slaughter Now in Fod Swing 1 wmr~ * ° ... k *3 * * If m. % \ I Special For Friday and Saturday I m.. 2 . I • wßtt ? °- v {/ * < * I Men’s Suits and Overcoats • I |i .. ‘ _ | " '' ■' ■— " ' —■■■ ' " | * Wonderful Assortment of all our 200 Men's and Young Men's fine hand to $35.00, all-wool extra heavy tailored Suits, formerly $27.50 to $35, best grade Men’s Overcoats. Come, J Slaughter Price . $14.85 ‘ I Slaughter I*rice —", * ■ j I . fid M E * Big Assortment of she very best grade M Hious Somerset Brand Suita, ind tailored, in the very lat- Formerly $39.50 to $40.00, Slaughter Price m Wi — ilian Stofle < fHN STB. •# l" j IST LOCALS i PlAtn C'lKI LKI TO im prnjrwr circle* of tb« Wonum* Christina Federation will meet Kiln »Mk. M fallow n Pkrii An« circle will mewl wlili Mn Om»> on Hlmnmns afreet. Fri day afternoon at three-thirty Sub ject. Frlde. The Service rtacle will meet wlili Hn J W. ffcnttbnvlxnrt on Ram A»h afreet Friday afternoon at four o'* efrrk . leader. Rtitercu Slocum 1> Subject The Good mjhml ■'« fTba NOrfh (Iwrjt imtl circle will wtort with Mr* J. R Herring. Friday afternoon at threwthirty. I/eriler, Mra. Jack Fitlgum *Tbe North William atm i <11• l< Mill me* : drfth John W. ifrCteony o* Dal*/ ntroat Friday afternoon a' tferee tsVr I*et»*r Mm Od.rt ' JMble Study cjrclr will meet with Mr* Mary Faulkner on Virginia •treat Friday afternoon at three thirty Svbjei, Re relation*. The Halted clrel# will meet wttt lira W. A. Denmark on Kim atree* tfrlday evening at aeven thirty I e-ad ts Mtaa Annie Dove Denmark KBHKtTA SUXTMH. Secretary. Col. Pratt’s Plan Interests Mclx'an ASHRVILUK. Dfe 2. (4*l V et.l. eawinilsatoo for the development o btana for the working opt of nation at reeourree la connection wHh'vt dimtry nif y be Mtab|t-h«d during t*h> Ml administration. arcordhiz to lh> al,tteml> Fflktt. prealdent oT the western NVrtl fanllat. inrnrpor-itr I. Colonel P »" Mated that he !«d a conference wit I r-elect Anaitn W. MrleH an# that the new r><#V>«r *«• very nW ti Inlerewted In »t|ch a plan BBf. Mcfr| «•' that the tommlmlon aould fill a lons fell waat In the m*fce and that It wwftl be of value to the Mute In Wr »as» IS Kf.tlKMt I DAYTONA fla.. Dec 21 John Rockefeller Hr., capttaltnt and phi- j WmitiroptaC arrived at tile winter j haaie at Ormoo-t Heeeh early tualaht He Mia to egceUaflf aplrlta, aad nald h# glad Jo be lu FlorWa again. wish bi.ow» oi t tan iSlt Mills RIMIMF.II NKW YORK. Dec. J 4 Phurle Jnhlnarn. 50 years old. waa uccldpat ally killed hy l.llumlnailng gaa early thU tuo(nlng in hla furnlahed mom at 210 Troy avenue, lirooklyn. A ruai of wind fmm a r*rtly opened window blew out the flame on a jpm lAs December Is I Liafc lOn the Wane I ) s®* DECEMBER 4 We j ee | the final cur- i l stm moo I rut |v*oL|T>tu !?> i, .' 1 • < r ‘ // L JL-2. tain is dropped thaf we owe n Lw»i ®ik i?, the peop,e of thc community t | | gHJarpn . , (n I We have enjoyed a splendid patronage during the past 5) year and for it are grateful . - /r | lo oncrl every effort lo rly* you the bent ” ~ I ) | ojfdifrvlff and duflnn the holiday* we Iruttl that jßw\ I | | vour cup of happinetia will he 1 filled—that the \ y I I New Year will fall upon you enjoying health and 19MtlANflXARV >925 / | pnmperity. , # * 3 IMIT 1 WItTF I S --••- j 2 3 ] Barnes Harrel imiiw ™ HUM mis an I Raw lint**? fn i 5119202122 23 u j Ad W 11115a 10. . 125126127128129130 31l ' 1 lj THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ~~ =: —••• .■'■■*•** "Nlflltl 'SW**fS»p efforts wen- mudc u revive Min wlh h putinotor. * ' "" ” ™ r ’ t ’ ’ ' r AI’NTHAMAff WAR PRKVIKR. W. M. HI'SHKN, KI.ATM JAPAN ■YfaNKY. fi. 8 W., Dec 24 - "A. « uatloa,” rays war , premier Wtlllum Atorrt. Hugh**, slipporllnx the Htd raperc baae project, ami tb« Britten (WaKhlnainp) oonaraaaloual resolu- IkM for a Pacific, conference of white nal lons’ exclusively In a fiery speech here today. “Japan haa all the . charitler let Ire of a monkey*. Imlud j InK the tall." ** i Hughe* went down a Inna Nat ol tnpaneae ware of- aggression. and auM* "Auatralla la aurrounded by yellow rpcmlea. and wa must l>e allied with ollr American Pacific coast friend* ■ecus hik Hum I WASHINGTON, Dec, 21. -The I government of t 'oata Hlr* has pus»- i.l law providing ti»r the construction of houses to be sold. at a nominal charge to Uig/poor. Z\ • , MHKIJ. RJX| POPU.AR L f . o j OONBTANTINOPDR. Bee 23. Shell rim me, I glasses. Ido* popular After Christmas Specials } J THAT WILL APPEAL TO THE MOST FASTIDIOUS SHOPPERS EVERY SHOE IN THE STORE HAS BEEN GREATLY REDUCED J FOR FAST SELLING Friday and Saturday £ 1 • 1 11 11 ' All Ladies’ Black, Kid, Black Patent In our Children’s Department yo§j will !§ leather, Black Savins, and Light Tan And a complete line of the very latest )) Strap Pumps and Oxfords, Cuban and styles of Shoes, which are greatly re 1 j Flat Heels—the very latest styles for duced for fast selling—after Christ- ({ early Spring wear. * A full run of sizes mas Specials . * t wm in each number after Christmas ( ■ Bpec»' 1 $1.25 to $2.95 ’ J T $4.95 ' -f- j —... ■ „ All Ladies* Black Suede, Black Satins, fjl *j v m iw l . „ * and patent Leather Shoes, ill And You Men! We have not Forgo- Pumpg a||d oxfordß in CubaFand 1 ten You! We are receiving everyday, F|at H eele-all new atyies-a good « new colora, new style, in new leathers run of gizeß _ Bfter Christmas Special « *in all sizes. Prices to match your / pocketbook. We shall expect a visit JO QC ) from you. « « |j|| v , j Carolina Shoe .Store j , THOS. L. GILLIKIN, MANAGER ’ • | JOHN STREET GOIJtSBORO, N. C. Jf In Afiierlca and Kuropc. *rb iunt be coming the mode In Turkey., j TRAIN kli.I.K KOI R j . * WASHINGTON, Ind , I>ec. 24 (Ab Pour person* were killed, and a noth > er probably fatally wer-tlxiund paa*en jer ' rtf * the Halll nmr« and Ohio railroad hit a small. tourlMt car near Shoals, nccoiylin* to i ihlorniallon received here toulalH - ■■ n . - OVKRCOAT.N IN TtOPKN l/)NIH)N, I>e<'. 24.—A cona annunt I lUi I nn ■ , -- - - - - . * —■ 111 l | 1 ij flortli fple- Jrdaica^rn^•. I k $w | J 11 •- " ll' * r^H I I 0 l, • ••*■,, • • -•- % Santa Claus Radiates Sunshine i* ■ 1 11 111 ' f. • • gf| I We hope that Sunshine will Rrace every homCin the [I i Community today—that Rood cheer will gladder* the * H Hearts of Youdr and OM*. I H', ‘4 111 l , f jIII >3 i, 9 B Ij To our Patrons—Our friends and Others We Extend ' I!• - Sincere Wishes for a Happy Christmas Day ■ -• • - --—• , Xi. J ' . .... A .J; _ Wm II >v II Odom Motor Company I THURSDAY MORNING, PKCIMRRR H, 9U of pverroeta aent from fxrtjdon to Onloiilawn; Scotland, strayed down to llnlonlown. South Afrtra. where baffled poet a I u'uthorlLlpa ,dt.«trlbiited them for a nominal fee to the na tive*. (!ruHahoppara are Increasing year ly In Texaa. so what texas need* Is utftre streams lot; fishlDK purposes. Chicago woman shot herself be cause hubby wanted her to play bridge \Ve extend our sympathy CHRISTMAS "I (• National— llaeuit Frail Cake. | RaiHinx, Currant*, Can Pump- I kin, Can Hum* and Cranber ries. Goldsboro Delieatetwen Store ' UL— . ■ -