GOLDSBORO NEEDS MORE MANUFACTURING PLANTS “t ■Ks ■ r. 1 » ■ I • . .J, .. . ■ ' V ‘ ■ ■■ 1 ■ ■■ ■■ 11 ■—»■■ 1 11 ""■■■■ u ■■■!— - ■■ ■ ■"■■■■■* 11 -■ - - - - - - - - - ----- - ' o ■" '■•» " . 1 ' WEATHER talr Marday; mkr abac the ih* RV ««Mk| flamdaj fair. law i ■ i... ■ii, . k. - " rr ’"" " 1 ■■■■■■ - =^=«== VOLUME POUR; NUMBER 26 mm n- ■ i ■■■ -,n - ■ 'George C. Kornegay Brands School Bond Propaganda As False MINIATURE TORNADO STRIKES GOLDSBORO - -y :rr^ — rrr -■ .■ ■. .y ; r, t "... . ,m *■■ . STRONG WINDS SEND HUNDREDS AFTER SHELTER <Nte i Bit #f Wratktxc Left - In Its Path in Main I>—ln Imi District , HOTEL SCAFFOLD FALLS '7* ' - ■i■ i> i -w, ?f VslMUy of Wind Thoms Hoy ..Of Wcydc on Bast Walnut Street A Miniature tornado struck at tko hoart of GoMohoro last niskt about six o'clotk and »ooaod on, leavina a bit of wrtfkiff and near an of friabtened individuals in its With a crash that be hoard for several Mock a sec tion of seaffeidinu on the new Goldsboro hotel biuldinK fell on the of ice of Dr. R. A. Smith and penetrated the roof, water loakhur through the ceiling to the floor below." Scores of persons on Bast Wal nut street, whore the twister seemed to vent swat of its fury, scurried to shelter like frightened cMckcne at the ap psfrancf of a'hawh. Doer - ways wove crowded with wild • a&sWpfcsu •c for the drat time ia many n day at Hurt **rl> kqur of the aiglU. Scons of Wreck aw ■fh<- vicinity .about the n*w hotel building preoepled a scene of *wt agr after tha fait- bad abated. Bust Walnut alrwt, from the Outer of | John street w«* filled with bit* of lumbar ewept Ilka the chaff before a hurricane from the top of the new hotel building. Tlic pole* rtf falling scaßolclln* was deafening. and few IheroVwere who d'd not recall the fearful\omao which recently swept through the middle weet leaving maimed and lifeless bodies In It* trail A small boy we* riding a bicycle alum Kaei Walnut street .when the JltUe cycloim reached the helghth of |ta fury. He waa plucked bodily off his wheal and deposited done two gently twenty feet away. Scrambling to hie feel he dived into a nearby doorway. Jepvlag hi* bicycle wh'ro the two bad a«parat«d In the. renter of the street. Barege Bowled Over A garage on (he lower -ltd of fatal Walnut street was swept np by the gale and rolled over sev-rnl times, leaving the egr It covered exisuo-d to I the fury of the storm. On I’lne street a section of high board fence waa ablfted about until It blocked the street, the fence stamTfnh straight and level aeroea the- street./ appearing to have there An aged negro woman wee walk ing along Center afreet near the Pal ace Dmg company when the big wind, traveling at a Wi mile gnu. down the street The old woman was carrying eevernl percela in her arms aw| over her head waa a decrepit old umhella. The parccle foil to ihe nldewalk na she threw up her bund* In terror and the umbrella win whisked out of her grasp and nailed a cross the street, where It came to rest against a store building “Oh, laiwdy Olory Halleluiah." scream*' I the.old woman end did a mm- dive in to the dourway of the drug store, where she stood trembling In ob vious terror. * Head Lap Mailing la Air A small boy was turning the cor ner «f Walnut and i'entar afreet at the people s Hank when the gale struck him He waa swept off hi* feet «i 4 aa he pirked himself up be aew hla cap hanging from a alga over the Miller Drug company, aeroea the elreet. A alga oo g store front on < enter street crashed to the sidewalk with a la Mho the overtaralag of a track toad of garbage cnaa. 4 pu waa aIMMt directly under the Mga and : : 1 ■!. i . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS Body Former Wayne County iV V " ** , • v ; . f 4 Woman Exhumed Iri Chicago DEATH OF MRS. SBNTZ WAS LAID TO ALCOHOLISM Examination by Coroner. How ever. Failed to- Sustain ( karxeti of Bx Hintlnnd ONCE LIVED AT MT. 01*1 VK Dere&Med Waa Sister of Fred Minii. Prominent Citizen of TTria Count \ I IBAUA larch M. < 4P) A peal mortem rxamlantioa es Ike bodj es katherlae Hal*. IA •f WilmlagUa. M. IV dlremred wile es Hr. Haastea W. Vernes, faked t« «a<4ala the dorter's charge* that t rrkala anoomad. perssaa had been trivlag hwr Ug awr and that her da«ih was cans ed by alcoholism. Me evkdaOrr es dndnlha waa fooad by the corewer’* pkyslrlaa. a mtiw or itomiporr WII.MINOTUhi. March *7. Mb— At a. Knlbrriae Mints lemon, whaah «as rxhmAad'ATdlrtWor fp MB reocret »' ber divorced husband. Dr. Houatbu.. W. Vernon, wae a native of Hoathport. M. tv. but at uoe tlffic wau •i resid'.m ot WUailngtou. thu l<4i b< re 111 1U45 ahd Wl* mat iie*l to lir. Vernon latutv Hh> bud been previously avarrled. IW«WM here were not award that she bad been divorced from l>r. Vernon The body will be brought here Monday fur re-lnl»rmcnt. • • NINTKK UV PR Mi llgT* MOUNT Old VK. March 27. - Tho Mount Olive Tribune carried (he fol lowing slaty today: “It is With deep sorrow that we chronicle the .deilh of Mm Houston Vernon, of Chicago. Ills . formerly Miss f'ass e Mini*.. sister of our low ns man, Mr. Kred H Mlnix Af i hough Isirn and i eared In Southpert. Mrs Vernon for a utnebwr of yoars m.'de Mount Olive Imr home, and many- warm frtendg here, who are J«- det-d grieved to leota or b«r piaaiug. She wa* taken lo u t'bic.ago hohpital recently for tioatm«nl. but there had It* n no Intimation that the trouble wws <j a serious nature, mi news of her death W’<a a shock and surprlan to all.„ Her b*«!y will lie laid to reat. beside that of her iiarcnta In Wilming ton. Monday. We symputhtxe deeply with her family. “Kun- ral service* were held In Cht-ago. conducted by th<> pastor of the Plrst llni'ttst church, cf wrhlch she waa u ti>emb«r. with members of the K stein Star and Several palritit- Ic urganlxat *»ns to whLch she belong ed, | sit h'ipal lug Co*r< Mart'al for Five Naval OfficerH W'AHMIMOTON. March 27. (Ah - I’a per* are being prnpared at the Na vy department for court martial pro ceedings against several officers in volved In the liquor raid on the naval transport Hcaufort upon her arrival February 21 at Norfolk' from, the Wnt India*. Hci rotary Wilbur Mid Welay be bad directed thin st'p up completion of a study I*l th»- report of 111* naval court of Inquiry which Inveattouted Iha css*. but declined In mukc public the Bimm of tf*a offe rr* lift.*-tel It wan Indented, however, that flv# or ala would fare oou’t martial. faaborite Threatened For Atuiailiiiff Prince UfMMtN March 27 The I felly Mail says that lfe«M Klrkwiaal Is lortle member of parliament, has re ■ calved ao many threatening lettrra in (oaacunewer of hi* attacks upon th* Pr'nra of Wale* In theihoua* of com moffe and elaewber* that th* (HaafhwT branch of ike National Union of Rail wayman hw taken ap th* maltar with lira ham* aaereUry , Tfca latter l**aid u* nave prom feed foil tovasUgntlen. and to have offer OOLMBOBOI N. C. SXTI KIMY IMHININC, MARCH >B. ~ r=s=r::±::', l .:a.,..-r . .l •,vf..r=r:— t- ■ •■■ ■ ROBESON SOLON IS HELD r ’“ ON IMMORALITY CHARGE ■ ft RALEIGH, March 27.—D. P. McKinnon, a member of ike general tuwembiy from Robeaon county, ban keen arrmfed by the Raieiffb police and placed under a bond of to jputwer lo a charge of Immoral conduct. Acting on information received from a renideat near the home where McKinnon waa found., the police aiatv that they found McKinnon in company with a married woman who wpa alao erreated. She. too. bt being held under a bond of tuptl pending trial in police court. ' M' _ , "" 1 Ski ii ■ ii Chapman Painted As A Golfer And A Student Indiana Fariaer lei I a of Mail! Bandit* Long Slay al lli.t Htnnble Hduae BTO L£ LIBRARY RtHkKM HARTKDHD. r«>nß.. Mlreh 27. Ipipi M V n«rsld (Ttaptupu. an lalsrwsttag Ag- | hi* wm put into the dry court r.c urd* today. the fourth of Lhg mail hivadlt'a trial on a charge or having murdered * New Brittain poiiconign la’»t full ~P I w«My-fhur witnessos took the •land In rapid succession and recited a Chronological tala that stale s proa srHtfH- Hugh M A bairn says Will k nvlct tne prisou«r of murder. Chap man nb-ndntlml In pose 61 Iwrcdiim to assist, actively hlx lawyers in the i ,'iiduct id ht« trial. t'h* 1 last wltQcssva. Krailk Ktipcr. :md Lillian Ksne.ll. Imlb of Meftdian. Ccnn. I»ft the aland, after hav ng l ken the stale's; story up to th biglit preceding the Clinic Salurduv Ort. * At. Roth teat Hied that Chapman was th* man whu appeared at the Mt-ehan hotel. Merldas. of whi'h Kupe* la manager.lh*t nlgitl. In com f ,uy of Walter Hb'cu. The two bad tkHr dinner tbrre and engaged a rome f«ir th? n'ght. IsHh said. t*hem (-oufemmd that be was one or, the two safe cracksmen who entered the dip»rtnie|il store of Dvliclsnu and I *ev«n tha I .~t dawn ihinday. Ort. is. and looted tbe . ttf« Police siirpriaed t' -in at thi-lr job urn) Htaien fled Hla coin |sinbin ahiM hla way to fr*'edpni, killing Pulrolmeu James Hktlly In nuking h* getaway Farmer TestMe* Th* gun-man. Slice* told tho po lice. was < Ti** i>iiian. who has declar ed Hbmi's story to lie false. Several wilnesses bad a baud in brljiglug out the Chapman- “color." Three Ithnriant told of b*»ilui' foRUd j 4i ChapniHn's |s,ss*ssl«n whbh bad l**>en stolen from Ohio libraries. Chapman has Ixni painted aa of I« mokdom h Intelligentsia * James’Hanee. a slow spoken farm er living II miles from Munele, Did. testified tli*4 Cbapinnn. known to Continued on Page Hlx) 500 Bales Cotton Partially Destroyed in Warehouse Fire Klv» butt'ft rd cotton were part tally d«atroyed by Mfa and water laat night whan flame* broke * wit In lb* Aral compart ment to* the northeast aide of tht Wayne eounty Hon<l>d Ware houa*. m North lioklaberu. Tbr loan. aaiitnaled about 12$ - 000. la fully covered by Insur ance. The tot tun waa the peop •rty of th, eNorth tand'na Cot ton Qrtwvfi t'o-oparattvr Ann elation. which uses the warehouse on a central receiving nation The fuU aslant of the damage onuU ant * be aacPcudaad last »■"> ■ 11 TEAPOT DOME ( ASK IS IN FTIIM.K’S HANDS t HMy March 27. I’ of TtNipot Dome hinged on legal point* today, and reettol in the dta. n-tioti .of federal Judge Kennedy k *ii*»*wkam the- Knew, sanMlmeni suit of the government .against the Momuiotli oil company was completed yeeDrday. The decision of Judge Kmnedy <vMI determine whither Htrry f. i ntlair oi,mined the base on tho Wytuning nsvul oil reserve as a result of conspiracy ap-J fraud, na Iho govetniuent allcgisi. or wu<>U»- »r the , viaMiuotti Otl < ompany ob tilusd the grant he cutis** It sub mitted the tic si bid, and bgeaus** th* government was forced tfy an act of ••ongresa to dev*'h>p the oil ’ Held Hs thr> defense contended. At leawt ;«l day a will claisie be Judge Kennedy will baV» all the dia i meats of th« rase n bi* hands. «*«d until th*n nu derision Is * Xpn t*--k. —»— - RooseveH's Name , . n in Chinese CHirAUO. March 27. Preparalory to tpe* bunliug expeditlo* that will take him 'nui the Chinese Tarheel >n in search of Urdg and animals of which HUIt |s known. c«*l. Theodor* Hooneteli today conferred with IM tegtor D C. fhtvle*, of Pteld Museum r.f Natural IDatory. The muanum ia sfamsortug ihF expedition, which will Include, ben Idea Col. Hmwovelt. Its lirother Kermlf. and tlebrge K. cher rle. former mrwtor of small birds for the museum Col. Itoosevdlt. whoe** name trans- I - ted Into Chinese reads, "Hu-To." [ was prawented with acientlflc ere dentals In Kuglish. Russia and Chi nese. The *ddrea»ed lo iho Chinee** snlborttlvs. which also idpn tlflaa K«rmU mi “Ko-Ml.' says that •he party will 'proceed h* tha weal era part of year honored country.'* cad conclude*, “w* look up with »«*- •peat to yonr honored countrymen and iefc you to aaaMt (6«-m " | pound, nr wore i < How Iha lames originated •» * deep myateryi lirorgc A. Nor wood. a bevvy stockholder in ft* eonipany who was at Ilia hccii laat night,, stated that the com partment bad been scaled tar tbe past two weeks. If* was unsbl* i In ad* nee an* theory as to the inccpti' n of th* bias*, and th* report of Spontaneous combustion udvanced in iomu quarters, was | openly snout'd by those famllthP with tbe handling of cotton Th* Art alarm waa turned In by 1 n man ltvttg la the vicinity of tjmSPln irV'i ifi I MAN LIVES WITH A BULLET HOLE THROUGH HEAD ' *a**e eoaeag* Mnnihall Henn«tt, GohWMro Shot Yenlerdny by Hb Wilt , SELF DEFENSE CLAIMED ftf 1 -f .* , - Sr.',- ' HmUrni, N hi AIrMmI. Wm Ataadftc on Wife With • - Drawn "* Marshall Itennetl. nctrro, was •dill alive at 2 o'clock hurt night. II hoar* after h* was ikM by kl* wMe, with a ballet WMOd Ikfaagk hi* head from'ear la ear, #•!!•«• lag a disagreement la wblrh tkn more dnnavrwn*, of Ike spado* seal a haHel crashing thmagh «hf hr*ln of her mala* According to th* evidence subm t ted by the allotted slayer and other witnesses to the affair, the shooting waa th- outgrowth of a domestic die vat#, tn which Hie husband was onM to have iiieraffy fcthfced hk wMs from • heir domhtile. sjn r ,j • Ifwarrelcd Over Wage* Ilean«tt. It w<a said. o|w;ratta a j small case bn Mpruce strut I, gad Uls lettr- half waa- <mat duafc and dish washer For ihesa gad no ns dotUii I Mnnstt napuasmi . Ui^aflpLjklg. I.HfmwH- seven dollars a week Ac eord'ng to tha story told by the Baa net wymf&n her bust* lid paid bar i.'rHe'VMy dollars for tha work the had done week before last. Laat w rk. shw *«id lie paid tier not bill a so Monday morning otic want to him nad entered a claim of ||H far bar service*. lie a nett hat ow earwawd. and ordered her to I CSV# and never "•tiler hla dcor again.” The Bennett woman than went i,boot Hniruvx he rfriends tad reta t vea. visiting here and there, having no r.thrr place to atxy Vswterday. about noon, she waa sooted with her nl*oi> on a bed In the second room from the front of lire hone* belong ing to the latter, when her husband rud«ly oflcnid tbs door and ontsrsd. Hpylng his wife seatcrl on the bed. nnd --dAfnrtated at her apparent In difference. Marshal Bennett <a alleg ed to have drawn a rskor from *oin*- re <sg abbnt bis rersan and < hrtrged hla wlfv —e » leirb Weapon |n some manner eluding hts first ehsrwe the woman hurriedly harkeif Fill of Ihe room Into the kib-hen Tileic she picked up • (dstol, or pall id - t from h«r clothes, and Icreling the weapon at her husband, who la eal-f to hive been still flashing the ke'n rwaor blade and duiiberstely ffred llennett fell lo Uvr floor un <-on*eh>us. Dr David J. Iloee whose ■ hur riedly summoned, -found tbe hutlef said lo tmv- been ft-d from a cal ibre rovolvor. had bored through n»<n‘s h*ed ||e gsva him all pttse 1 - bte medbal altenllon lint laat plghl When *H*eetbated about his condition e«preened aaeossment that hla patient wwe etltl alive. Hi assert et he knew of no ln-tsnre na record tn the hle- I tore of medlcwl science whey* w men had earnred f*»* so long s - period with a bullet wound thfTmkh hk fiend » fUiu'a iin owl! a wladow In tb« brick »ail »f ilia <■'impart mani TM* man la r»|mriv«i l® Pav laatarr ulalad O*- odor •>f liiirnliia loitoß admit two boon* pravtoualjr. bat **va no lIKMIRht tO IHa (MMMllltlHjr of In in ih* aarabmiae. , I'roiiipt arrival of ilia Pra d*>- parimrtrt t»«Hb»r wild tha wf* f*atlv«. if anmpwbat tardy. »p --aialton of lb* uutoinatlc aprtak* * | line ajratalp la Ilia waraimaaa a vart Ml mnrr n’riuwi . 4MMd\ Howavpr, Ik* nwatmtlM of Ida wariwMw la u< aueb a iMUura . • Hat It la vary itnprotMibia t*a» McLEAN 18 AGAINST WAHTERB OF |»AI»ER KAIJDtUH. March r tiover nor McUan director of the bud »•*. today went after want. -of pa per. decNrlng that large navtaga wuUt b* made in thle one Item of •late rape-turn IT « m ploy era in ( •ute. oAcrtt would uee acralch .*«*• innteed of atalionery for their tough work The matter came to the governor • attention through the Uet report on autloaery need U by the male. * bowing cant of pa por naed fcet y«r In exren of I f 300.000. BOTH 01’ LOCAL TEAMS LOSE OIT (tokbiboro Triungutar IMnilmi liMW la Wibon and K inn IMi in Triangle Debate Bath tbo aftrsunttve and negative . debat re reprs eating the Ooldabort* high schrol In the slat* triangular i-obaic I pel _qtit hint night, the 'fetaa ton to in race via* the dactelon over John »i toer «ud Mine Virginia ipoch. . tip' aiding the aArtunlive, and the I Wlletrn I<-aur winning from A. T. | GriJßn. Jr., end Manuk Mungo, who '•optende ! lor tha aili % alive. | The ijiicki inn waa. “Renolebd. That i *fi rtb < Hhould KatHy The fdft Terminal and. Water Tmaapwr latiun Act." • The gthaie at the third team*. Ole • KMtaloa uA'matlpe and the WtUou “WIMVNr- rrmHl-WMo «a MrvWbdew held here last n'glrt, w>:a peetpoaad. •"a at fount of the lltwaa* of one of «ba Klnatoa dehatere. foaurquenUy the »mw or Ota i toldeboro-KMiahon • WihMin aronp cannot bo determined, until thh* xectlmi of the farcnelc eg c. miter ie held, whch w«l probably lie the curly part of the week Both Wllnoo watt KI net on have own victory • pch lo theta credit. In bogb Ineteac « the rerdict wal onanlarmaJy asilnat Uoldghoro. Re porta from both Wllaou and Klaeton. however. Ktate that the Iona) dehat tre- put up atroag argument*. and. white there waa no diapoelilon to uueetion tha •lecloloa or the Judge., there wne much uncertainly m to the at com ■ until the rerdlcta had been re id. 'f’.rrr- 1 -■ SHIP IS SUNK Khfhi Member* es Crew Are WdM l> In a Iter) HIUMI.AMi 1401 fl' Mua», March *7. 14)—Right nteotbrra of the erww, of lb* goatiiu Itehing .chooser Her ! aid. loaded hare in t*-o dortea late letup, aau 'eportel that their veaaafr <*Ufht it- and »unk laat night off Ororge'a v bnoa. fNaatl gun* Aaineto wert oaarchlag the eaaet lor the re maining dortea of the afc.p. wbtota carried a crew of *7 men | . ■ . j wwama- -«M Delegate Return This Morning: Mra. r M Kendall wtli art re tlga morning from Tulsa. okla. where aha attended the conference of mla* elunary aodetiea of the Metbodiel rho'rh amtrh *a r ruppe- * tentative o th* local «Jt rch tda I hr* been gone nearly two weak*. The OoldahuVwnMalagate, »* waa learned rewwdey. waa aptlre <e P- I ruriag the nweeat a/ the aoeUßy. which hi compoeed of nil of the MMt ' «dlet Rptpenpnl chorea— ut the aoefht Iro bnld Ite neat xaaaal meedlna Hi Matnlnh. Hundred, of He I* gat— w>M t * la atfodagre II Vital Kennedy Plan* To Kedfß from Nary • <>bio. March rr - I*.Hit Prwnh R. Kennedy. It. tT'R. re f taly ret—end *n»u» Napa MaagHal I fer the tgeaae tn t'alltweia after a {lent t»eMl<' bet been bia wife auu | gum raamwl > Oriiile, (oatemptatei realgalag fmw the nary. Bdwle R ,) fettilmae, hie unde —id tonight IJogf Kennedy and Me w'fe arriv ed her* from Weahtaptuc ytfbtentay tv paee a month * leave of at—ee ■ .with relatives idaidMlr *m* TUIW March t7 <#». dgM coUoa quiet Middling -**.*#; cwtbua 'atam ctoead barely mag. May r MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED. PRESS L_ —■■ j 1 .QII ...I PRICE FIVE CENTS ====g*---- - ■ >.,n , HE DENIES BOND MONEY COES FOR NEGRO SCHOOLS (h V) .... "taitrmm oppoaeat of tha> bond taaae. hw» iMd lag famlllgr with tha laadegaaay «l the Pfeeent .rhoot hitfUlßaa we «b not feel we would be fair to the lata rent* of the tvmataaliy if ww ilA< not urge their •alargrmeßt’* In-fcndlag the foMtw od the boand "* C*pending llttAM of .he laat lion of aeMM. hwßßhwWß>r tmlahpß people. Mr Kornegay naV'dßp Mh* j twm weA roecod by lah to prorthn c1... roam ftgr "eight luiAAed R*. d. nta. forced to attend jpdlaol. MMb than oajfjlt' be tdN ig «ha eU M« titillated nhaeltg thba bohaUnt of.” OtM of thea« huIMhMM, • irgadah liMM atructur* on Jogh ‘ atfoet eitaagkUh. c over by an taatfhad prop. 1 Z , Mr. Karaagaf *im> teak ennnaf—i ' the boad taeue ilyt fcatia aM?ilwt> and .the Maher Rathimatliut in m m iearned la the« gdhaata taRM - by the city nay of MR IttMM hahdl tenuc If Uta Miyi of Oaldahtyg.** he «atd 'v.vdgy idftcnd Mgw of «»e t. t.idum/hki ftm'fig >ad MH ggtAe«,iwo yiintwtigj'j rooraen at'fhh , high Mhoo| they would rgytao dwUr , opinion of. negro edaoation ** The m f> negro echeol tigHdtMßlb •he iMwnt • holrouM loaUatMd. fKR for the edunattannl newin e4 RP> . «.»«i «ii race for yaare I* ebana. If mor* rluan rtmam are aimhd latar. - be *md they cm be athfatl' te 4Ra ;»ree*nt at a rwry e—B Amounting lor «b« heigßte if MM laat t*MM» lantM. Mr KnrhißhT—M the imerit wne forced to ItaattnAh atwmt ivti.aa) dwaUng ladeMadhMPh miMt of whicgi wne tacnergg' by Mki old ima.d, and wag wgpmmtk •it H, Walnut * treat aohotpl. •• It BAT KM. lAh I nel dal an for two ’EpM tut

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