the WKATHER ?_***!£*' 11 ** toi frt y **** Mton ■qSsn VOLUME FOUR} NO. 146 DETECTIVE AND 2 GIRL COMPANIONS OUT ON ROND 5* • ■**.. ' -i t v * • «. *.■, . ‘a. . • u - ■J • e> . a- u u u u ~ • IT" U ’ O U — —o — “D — —O’— —u — —l* —: —U— —u— —O—, ——O— —ts- KLANSMEN TO MEET AT CRESCENT LAKE TUESDAY NIGHT i L? : ' G&lcUboro’s “Man of Mystery” And Two Female Companions Arrested if Upon Serious Statutory Charges Trteker I» Man He Sought To Deceive Gets fw And Aids Police In Exposing His Illegal Activities ' RECENTLY CAUSED THIRTY-ONE ARRESTS •« . b “Detective,” After Several Months’ “Work” In City For “CttiscMa’ Committee” Causes Wholesale Arrests * Tfcrst warrants wm leaned yesterday by JU|« J. a Hooks, agaiaat J. E. Blackburn and Mia« J. Brows, Joiotly . charging pnetitution, effing la Coralcatloa and adultery. aaS falrahr repreeeaUy thenmetom to bo aura aad wtfo la a toaHiac boaao la GoUskoro. A foartk warraat was leaned, aha by Judge Hooka, against J. E. Blackburn, Mlso J. Hbwwa and kln time. Mia* “J, Brown” onaed •• a co-worker, and wbeo fh* s fSSPfSI ISImM fH The course of the launch *Si fol -1 lowed by teM gtosnwe atom tt arm* 1 (Costfitted OB Plfft Pour) Mr. Farmer: Sell Your Tobacco in Goldsboro! tmmmmwmmmmmrnmmm mmmm . Proaßtosnl Rstsrisa I Gusut Os Bsysll U Mr. J. F. nnlay. of Cbattsaoo ga. Te*n, former vie. praeideat and district governor of Rotary International, who Is vlaltiag Mr Kamibtb C. Royall,’ pr..ldent of" tha Goldsboro Rotary Dub, will he the gneat of tba Ooidaboro sad Mount Olive Rotsiy club* St * Joint muatint *° be held at the Mount Otlvs Country Club this as t«rnoon —, E.W. HUNTER IS NOW WITH JOE A. PARKER 4' * , Mr. Him ter Wil AM In Duvtlpp- HMBt Os Psrk Court, Now .. Sub-Division IMPRESSED WITH CITY - New Citiscn Compliments Goids boro Upon Its Mssy Benyti f«l Residences Ooidabeee has negutred another pro rlag a asocial ad with Mr. Parker. Mr Hunter stated that h« wewld ultlMately bar, chart* of the ’riling *nd of th# promotion of P*rk court, a *ub-dlet*lon which la hntng developed 1" th* northeastern section of the rlty by the Goldsboro Develop ment Company ImpVWeed WRh\Ny Mr. Huntfr hf« >*dinn«-d, and daclared that he was vastly pleased with be cly's appearance, sod grst* ful for th* hearty welcome accorded titw by the people of Go>deborta noy one section, hut well dlstrlhut ed." “I expert to become a permanent rlttaen," conrlnd-d Mr, Hunter, "and Shall endeavor lo give in eerrvlce, aa a member of tba Arm of Joe A. Par >)lme. |B* Bum ftasr I hmm to the paw (Cttaßauad du Tag* four. OOLD6BOKO, M. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20. 1025 Jailed for Speeding j | w 1 . ■ njjHHi pBBPBHB j * wMI I I i s . , -« •etWemsMter »n /f ‘ -li?tmmt * >>r * Idvewnen, unMaav Hallgwtmd •*" f '***'**• Mystery Sleuths Desert Law And Order Band Wagon In Dramatic Game Os “Hunter Hunted” Wltk GwMubwro Under world As CkewboArd, ‘Man of Mystery” Sacrifices Queeß, Police Take Castle, And— Check male! MR. X AND “MAN OF MYSTERY” STAGE BATTLE OF WITS “Ok What A Tangled Web We Wcavs, When First W« Practk* 1 .% To Deceive* lt ■ _ _ o e “The way of the transgressor ia hard.’* That is what J. E. Blackburn, unofficial detective and hia co-worker . ■ must have thought early Wednesday morning when the poiice department vtwtKipH down uppn them in a room and arrested them on the charge of engaging in prostitution. The fact that the defendants at the time of their arrent, were occupying the same room in compaav with another young man. and that the whble i*rty were in diahabille did not tend to give the defendants a very rosy outlook upon life in Wayne coupty. The further fact that two of the defendants Blackburn and his co-worker, were in the midst of. a t mmpaign to clean up the city, did not make their own backaliding « bright .tpot in this campaign of law en forcement. ’ ’ e Tk» trai-dy of It i» that *hll| In ve«t|g»tinß the poUr, lore: ans ill •he wlekednwea in A the city, without ♦!•»* cooperation of fha lawful nifl .#enu 'bat h, had •ought th, naalattaoe ol Mr X » a rltlien In fjnMabn'o. at that tHn pn tending to he igiwiett'd m oil. Th acqualwgantenhlp of Mr X-- «• ho owo irninrh” Newl out* to him thro tgh ■ frlcifd I hit n*n nc ttunintanc •, Blackburn, had b«> n to houae of tll-'teput,* trying to mat* arr 'ttgf ment • for hoard «n*» of ar ni'Blnt*nre and hr. plnr In touch with the |otic dr artm>nt and the aher- IfTa offlea. ft «h> a -n* of "the hu»- trr hunted.'* A» la*t o'e 4 ; Mr X . af»' r ad ttatnt wit 1 ) th- *b< rir* off Ira and outlining hi* plan. *iigtc*ted to tae noman ctjworker tba* they to oht to th farm. M'h»n they arrived there )M*. X confronted th" woman with her conduct In coming Into hi* home ’"d h> r d-tncllvn friend* conduct In lolatlnK I i ni«e|yea Upon bin home po-ltig *a |ic tplr of C’fln'm'nt and In/ll h-r that I e and the poire d«- tartyj n» hat th) m where “the game *a« Up” ® Th-- women, not r nitring th • rg •n* of Mr X 'a hn-iwledge, brok* .<*n»n,ntid a tt the whole thing away, •dmltt'nr what they were enraged In doing )n (he roun'r, nnd al*o her re. lallon*hlp In the detective. Hhe bag gad Mr, X' to fewap H to btwmelf fContlnoetf op Farf* Fohtr 1 Crescent Lake Will Eli iScene of Big Gatherlig of Klan Tuesday ftkht — w jiMk mßil' - » —" "V 11 McLean Surprised At Tr*M*fl School Ripon RAMSIOH. Aug IP. (By Amo. elated I'reto) Governor Mrl.eaaa cfflra '..night Isouod • *Mt*n**at iec«lv»d (row the Governor, who M vaoat In th' North wood* to tba efad that hr received ra I porta 'hat there waj i omo f*«r th.-t the ( o'.will Tn'n ng School lit K'nnton »«tlil ,t>* d neon tin u#d Ih« Gov rnor expressed «ui at the report and aatd ha bad ao knowlrdg of any »i ch atop being ' ontrmpiated and naoarted IS* the t.4a had a large tavaM.m*a<, lh th< plan at Kteatoe Ha aatd he wag vet n'.rartly to the par. iWoex of tha !nU t m THIRTY FIVE KNOWN DEAD IN EXPLOSION Boiler *f Exrnnton StooMor hj a -L1 . fc* —— 1— -A miniiHif oxpiivnK vjiping finny Fatalities TO BE INVESTIGATED Statement Made That Boiler Woo In Bod Condition Will Be Invectlgntcd NEUtOBT. R I An* 1% (By A« rortated PTaaa)—Thirty. flv< paraor •anight had that that, tight |or I f >4 houra aftar thay had bees envelop tha bole/ of the xcuratoa ataaoie Marhlnar exploded aa ah* ataamw through Naragaanetl Bay Stata In, rant Ig at ora aald »he ho kr wag de faitlve Kour other pa re on a are ml a* f lag. and twelve of mote than on hundred njur*4 ara aot expected t xurrlvt their home HaapHal Daewrnted The death Mat grew by tha hour Every attendant at the Naval Hot wh- re moat of tha vtetlOM wert tahaa. waa on doty and worked caaee Iraaly, A* many of the pal lent a at could h« rrmov I were taken to th Newport Hoepr i|, where volunter nuraei m n ate rad to that arada In ward* that we: a hi ed wit. flower* brought from he gardtaa o Newport’* variety I adera. ' IMfdlr. Bailer The dlxaakr. the' w o r»t B r Rhode (aland water B alnce the at earner Garchmoat went down wth hr*were 13« and 171 on 1807, waa the dir ct raault of th* de fective bailer. Av.'hiant Attorney Gan erxl Oarar A Heltaen told the Aaac cla*«d I’reaa tonight. It waa a coin. •kVtora that Georg* M' Vay rapt* t • t th* Mackinac. »l*o waa eapia th* Larchmont. which »ank after ba lac rammed by a achooaer during a | blinding anow rtorm. The Rhode (eland Attorney Oan | rral'a department will coatlaia* "(t* tnvaet|gatlotij\to, determine whether ; there la crfmlhai rulpabtllty la the ' dlaae'er to they* Mark n*c. Several 1 •teamahip inspector* and Newport j poll** alan alerted ladepeadeat la-! reaffghttpa* today l otted (Matas Hr opt or Jaat* H Met. alf aakad See retary of Commerce Hooter to atart an Ininf. dlute Inquiry. Mate meat Bade 'When the alafer Inventlca'otja In-- «peeled the Mack tine# rxplOl*d hol|. | <*r they lotinti t *uh an old one. da trlorated by wear and thinned down In tcruin place*,’' raid Mr. He>Uee. ."What occurred at fh# time of the exploe’.oo waa a ruptur. of th* plate .In the rroaadrtuu extending rrom lb* | right hand aide of the llrabox to the center of tl(y bffllrr alongside of the ! longtltiidlaal *eam.' * fisf iov|iiiHliß"T uPwfii Pfry f* Oni IfTliWi on ■ r Oil f f ASSOCIATffD •! i«*b Vi I : DISPATCHES 1 f ' , Li. : price rrhignm TTBsaMiHi r high <>fp*ial**|ct*d .■ .m*airWmLZ , . Elaborate KlteSM IRu-ftf A la g* nurser of Maher* Os tha Ru klux Inch, ftoa an pane of Kaatrra North Caroline. ay* achedal ad to gather Ik 3old»to*». ao Teto day might of arg t weak. . Tha masting w|l| h* haft g| of**- ceat Lak*, the beautiful ***ort o*o* Cold*boro, raceotly opened and MB* being operated by Mr. B. W. 11,011 f dpi. On* Iboaaaad to fl teoa "’.haßfmd Klanaaaaa era 'xpe«*d kr* fit »0 evrat. Th# w»M alia of Crajoaot U|* will h* turned over to |h* Itomadto lp« far thatr <*ramoai»<. «, j / l, l. understood that atom* ftoto- ZL'SXSXTg&Z Rlaa hand will aravM* oMMde far tih* occii^qi, Gford la to ha the r l"S - . Ooartar*. -Ooo«aaref <, ~«lao food. Salactto*—Klaa hdjfc’ -Th# Star Bpaaglad BbOsar'-dHtoa band. . Iff. Hundred* of people ttm MtHtf * und aurrouniina tnUßory dSaht l*** rath r It rrvacedi Laha gs thf eight or the Klan maet'o*, oai* adly o en>' r the varied ajoa**f»*ata, pro . ded at the laka. hut al*a la A* ~er*mo*>l§ of the Klanttota^# • r FLORIDA MAN . 1 ARRESTED # CRAVE CHARGE ttstzssr i*m»m. ?jt POWERFUL TOXIN USED Corruoive HohaiOßoa DnM » Os BoFtricni SirMigth To I Eat Into Motel * i * j i * '' | MIAMI. Ho.. Aug. ft (By A**BMq« ed r r **• i. A'ttopav upoa thf Mr , of Mr* H B Heat, for whogy pe*a .nlng John Oobal, wealthy PaStao. r< alter. U being bald If*. JaU. n|»cl(r.#d coaclualva tridenav tppt A powerful corroa v* rauaad Yur arewrdlag to Ik. K K Jaudoa, ebaw iy pby»l it*. Qualitative *o*)rat« boa niK yet been appled. ' An empty peuma battle, fogod Ml (be detention room where Gohal w*a , I" company alone with th# 0H JOOt : before pit# ncedawd him a# adorfofs icrtjig polaon to hey, aamplad with (..her Indication*, m*h*a I, lUMp that thf w#a the fadto aped. t i TlWltHlii (41 ||||| A • • ./! -- -- > *-L