■ ■Lgf *1 I & ft ■ 1 I I . "■y ••wtr I littli fcltief •' «Kh -. _ | I |MTI act (Ml: .-'•/ tH MIL _ji gtaw |ywi|m of M ,n, ¥*•«•• U> ben nhrina." V ; «■* «IM f«« look «K ud ibixt (tat it the vtatrr chill *Sd 4tan»*U wv ovec *ll. ud law Nr »umpn«.r Htaisn wt maltatog the taatNur. 'mfel* ptonswre that cm ha jtowra If Nh grow a <l* bulbs to Moem dor. "Tike the pbiioeophnr'* atone, th* MdttaM of growing *>w»ni is • r«, Habit stepping 'tone to happiness abd Mr- With little aptm onr> run tajoy t veritable wlator garden.) It Mht* hot Httta tabor, up«M of sqpsrtuaii A UMta low*, a little «•»*. «M roar toaablt will be nu ■arilaS • hundredfold What caa giv* am much pleasure, h* • array of white eu<i aold.n ear. etafue cut fpojn yohr owa window garden? What sine win bridg the happy turtle to M Invalid tflende a- few hyacinths raised by morning's meeting of (ha Garden CNh will being laaßiraUoa and real taoeatlve to the members to poshes* •a "Indoor Garden” of pae'e own. , Mr. and Mrs. I*. A Starr la their talk oa "Chre of Ptaau and Baths tor Saeeeoaioa” will flee mu<j vein, able Information to tboae present who wteh to baea tower* in Mu baou tbrottabeat the winter month* Thera 1* nothin* that equals the pleasure experienced la watching the growth of the both yon planted the groan spear coming up, th« hud showing la order to get the beet laatrito ta gardening, one pint gala knowledge, become familiar with the principles of Indoor culture. Tb'sli meeting wtll be worth your while la I Ohjnrauat aad H fa hoped that all moathara will trail themseiv** of »o •ae an opportunity as thl* oflered. Maw soothers are urged to Join the Garden Club, and are Invited to be present at the drat meeting of the year. WBUn CLI'B VOTES The Woman s Club comen tor*afd thin wash for the opening at * busy year. The treat of ,prime Import - aace |e the **Qrt TawHher" dinner which will he held in the mats dining roam of the hotel Oeideber Tbufcs day October 1% at S p. m., The mas culln, members es dub women's families will he the gaettp es thrie wtveo. mothers and sisters e« this oe castoa sod sn enjoyable occasion to J, anticipated. Tickets are $1.60 sack •ad may he purchased from leits torho°d uolfcitors or at the Cafrteria The dinner will be ap urcty serial eceaaion and no on, need hare nay qaalm* or hesitation shout attesting an a spirit of iufermsltty will ptv vutl. Tbs Garden Club gets sway sins of all. On Tneaday Befft t»th the tuHlal maettog will be held si the homes o( the rimlnaan, Mrs. A. Oritlnger and the pregrsm will ho Is the beads of Mr. end Mrs. V. A- Bton- es ( h« Gelds, here rtore I Co., who will enlighten Ihea, present on the proper methods In pwrstp- to ehtnia a wlator gardes. AB club membeep preset** and W**- pewtive era invited. A \ . r ■ 1 A splendid choice for warn Hot means chairman to Mrs. N. W. Out* law, who .with a central committee Will have charge es all Air cl? work fer the building fend. Mrs. Outlaw wav aa-outstanding Agues in . the oreearHls, N. C cfab and the Oot^- ■% ' f ,Vr ' ' J : ' 7 *• ' ' rtn »i ■ 1 *' * » 0 ( —' Exacting Qualities lleet Exacting Demands, Our Reasons For *—' " Y h Excellence In ' K ■%. ■ " ' . > Creams * Powders - Lotions k There's ho more exerting demand U| the world IN lUWDKRB to.. ttoM •< 1 to*. “ ll * dusting powders, compact powders sod routes preparations are sold on repute, end In this '• <K " toUtoto. 0t0.,U,t0» 10tt0... ™«. to. *"***• ItoW, routo,. tor.. ...ohr. -Mir to. .toto I,P~. ... mo., r.piti.hl* ta lh . hlMi* IMS* to America or foreign tendstattle adornment, personal preference «nd gifts. IN CREAMS— 'The mo»t remarkable odor* In single odors or bouquets. The mo*t liberal ronteqta so that Cold creams, vanishing cream*. night cream*. replenishment la not 100 often eempul*ory. maaaaga omsm*. nourishing cm4m* and the* The falrtst prices quoted by any stem la tbs strtcal creams vicinity. • PALACE DRUG STORE / G. W. WATERS. Jr., Prep. “Quality Drugs Quality Service Rack Bottom Prteee* PHONE 8 GOLDSBORO. N. C M i. ; . ’ v .......... i a— - ———_—— ————————————w—. 1 1 have o.Ub Is f*rtuaat« to secure . •ach merit and applies dm. Mm. Outlaw win fe beard from •M»my % J; , ■ > •'* ■■'-y ’ , * V The tmt mewing es the Utomtar* department nrifl hd* held Tburedsy October Ist at 11 a. m. tv the Cam mualty Building Mrs. May Fblaen Da Ln«u will review Btakop La«WM«'i “Ufa of Henry Cabot Ledge.” a php. The IH* rotors depart me at tbir peer will be under the direction of Mra. Lionel Well, chairman and Mrs, J M Johnson, vtoe ebsirmaa; meet lege Will he held oe the tost gad third Thnrndny of each month ' * ii Mrs. Clarence Peacock Is oamhtag the city far new members! t. She Is npw membership cMrm*n end already hue a growls* list sf tppll eattons duly signed. All prospective •embers should be reported to Mrs JVeccok it esce Is order that, they may atfenA the get togefher dinner. <* ■ Club year, hooka for IM6-M wit) be distributed Ires at the Get Together dinner. The year book Is as Ignpbri* •to edjuset to club 11 Co. This yr*n beak will contain all Orpesimendel programs sad much addtttsent Infor msUsq, EMMA R. BDWARDV, Publicity Chairman e-, S, „ They friend eggs on let at the ra dio w^ofid's fair. Wo Impatiently await tbs day whoa they will broad cast fried chicken. - tup ”■. ■■■ _ ■> — 1 ■■ ll *•**■-■.■?* EFIRD'S Department Store So many hats to choone from, at such a wonder fully low price. The materials too are of such excellent quality. Some of those days you will be choosing a hat to match that* new frock. There are styles and colors in such startling variety < that it isn’t hard to choose just one from so many that are just what you have in mind. Hats of Felt, Hats of Velvet, Hats of Velvet and Silk Coro bination* ■ r V V1 j ;* ■ V ■ - iij > We arc showing a wonderful variety of children’s hats. \ i B. M ] ) $1.95 and op i' J J 1-T" " J..TI - riWiiSil® STARTS SOON . : *?w • *, j -WWmuuS* It to Iht spClse s$ limes -ta chstt* that the Rerih Carolina FOrsfri-Ma- Nst. which to to k* to-ld he Vatardsy October 3rd aad ape* w«fch efforts Mb now belat meA , will b, one es the smut sacce*eful sad moat tat totoripry Psegat-Me-Net pampslgna etar staged in the State. .. T T . . beat Tear Wayae county - retard a •urn to ha spent la heknlf of the dis abled ex-scretea ayes jdd women of which it a#ed net tJR ashamed bet this year, if out accord '“« la whri is RjEmifed. lbs returns Will tor exceed Mtosf V the Ui( drive J. P. Anderynn, But- rhalrmsn es tb« Drive. aM Amjhell I. Gold. State TWd Msagger, wise w*a ree*stlr | beye In tbs interval* of the event, *r« urging upea all th> committees and people of the various cittas thru egt the State the hVffi-scy of geser euely. ooatrthattng to tbs welfare of the disabled exnarvtoe uses and pro-' men this year. Thy disabled Amort eon veterans *f tbs warfil war, an organisation composed eatisaly of «I sab t#d ex-aervtce mm and womeo, *nd trhkh to putting ee the Perfet- Me net B>M. ta poriteutarty M seedy es Nad* to carry oat Ha ptawwai ' this year far tbs dltahtad. The pro gram of the organisation includes tbe sdtivs support and rirectloo of ergna land efforts «* aid the disabled In the eolation of >he many problems with ; which he Is eoafposted. These pyeh lems lachidea -the dlmbtog man's re inUeas with thi (atataat oa4,fha - ... QOl * B *®W w *l?. J j * tmr# I* t A. V.. prepssm to < *t«blt*b a striae es uteaa Qfttoer*. whoa, dutks It wttl he lb personally assist the 'die eblad eg-sam|M a yurt setttomrat of bta claims with the government. Questions stinting to the nature nog quality of heepfcoi* ptoffr cam a«d tmuaent of the die- - ■ j “Goldsboro’s Bargain Cetlfjf " | *** **l* " I) ‘ mt 11,6 nlcMt 101 of ***** woo ** b m** **" * }} h ®*« coroe *» asntMiad color*, from 1 br ° wn Six ** 2 1 ' 2 yr * 10 Byn *" | // )) ii. ■ u // Satin step in pump decorated with )) Meek kid inatep. Dress heel. One it : J 9 of the very best fall numbers. I $6.50 mi tic n A beautiful patent pump with in -1 step strap and a buckle ornament. U 14-8 dress heel. A pump that you • mu o *"• ft will be proud to wear, ) $5.95 V\ \ 1 'I ' —»—rnr '. (( ■ ". i ■ ■ M lion, sthabmutlap sad the restepo -11 on es the «thM vrietmm to a aee f»l and seif Jl.p*adaai life--all them rate matters! around which revelv efforts of tkd orttaoUattee as tka Dis abled Amrrfan Vetemas aad tor which will be expand’d the feeds on Konst Me Not n.y According to infenaitlea given oat a* Ural aleta Atom tkm —w . Drive have been well Worked opt, and "i". i' ” ' ~... I'.irrv* "n* t.! .. <i-■ L^^mL m ■'■ sEPT j "*M Pw h 1-4 M Ufc - Aft.Jt.l F'Tm’vL' XKTvM fWW ft* **"» iMfiim*-} B iiffl \ ,; “' i^|, ’f upi ill VM k UKy >w #y *> , ii-fS To comjfete the ooetame, om must have beautiful baas. Titian, nude, rose, beife and the many pretty Wood abadaa. Our , “ 4OT ' 41 »e (M hem tar to $2. fK it to hoped ta OMCMM tin «Mp Unwl •«*!», - W *«. I Police Guard at Pisr A „ ss-rvaii a t mnaimagan AfnTM N«W TOR*. Sept M-(ff)-Tw*e tv-ffve paUaemeer guarded the Mehsh se pier at which As iteemphlp fto sideat BNpdtag dashed taffgp ta pan* VtA| goiailk iMtakL km Ittmjk Big McGilllgaa, IstaTPWs AtP Ottota! - w-- '--^-*.'..o*,' sdir-Wif * jp a \ yfl V « •v a jb folbwiav Jmmsi \*• * *•• \ ■ ".?##'*• i*i ~ »■* ***<•••«» ■'''%f*tti&mßM .■■■ £1 AJ£ ypfeyg iT* ** W||P- fPNMI rIW 4 »«* «4W *f ' , J. ********&+ i 1 mti «Hf #CJ(ipM «f;

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