SELL SRmr BUY SBBiLL BANK' ML,, IN GOLDSBORO -■, ~ , >■ ' . » TH* WBATHKK I . ' ■ T?? * 'T.»V WymiE 2M (Zfnmunity Chest Idea F1 • - 4 j Unanimously Appvoved By Goldsboro Kiwanians MlrnM Night BPLENWO . BPIBCHEB W.IL DM^Ojpl^Onßpr^aad ilwitu CMi «*•* «. FiuM, toe WiihH K4w»fa Cta", ai (U meeto wed* Mt »■• Im» ms ptoegtaetoellr mi «wMr # P»—» —* . m*t, NfctllM the fffcn, * ~t*~ »■• ■*• By Frm>k Tqtir as -a—l.l to •pas iw etob to mm m *e- W"i to «to flMl. wo. «nki ks • WOHII mm *f Htm.* After mmH » r«MM motorr* W kw* of KlmMta* K. P. c. Mrd. «)«««• I* okorfo of th* pro gram turned tho —Hat «tr to Coieeei fmaat ark* «yiK » cor y had far mony yaar» been « lend er la all worthy «*»• taaveiaeuU. M w«« M to «mr*a to* substantial to valaabf* oMwu *• ®** r *•- apaots Capato CTBefry. wba bas beea prominently Mantlfed with *• Community CR** gnovrssant Hr . taoepttoa *M, Mi **• *• • •**- b*r as to Itari a* Dt»*r*. t«* . to m«a% question »'*■!*[ Sa Keapar* M • tonw to » alt «*»■*•• ta »H In to »P --a|) «aMb*a and eharlabl* *r aaa. atoto that awry a«ak * to «trr rw doing work fg |autoi«M~ n>w Ha »»pi *• JtT „, yrmtaV aad othara wh* will to rMtod “ ' «ia»3iw»y * to Cheat fto V U ftl IlipHf" OowaHUf. WM to apaskar. ta a brief tot »«at that to l«to •< UavkwOU bunlncaa principle* Crio* to handling of fund* far cbamy *• • of whriam Ha doctor* lUt *T *•'»'»« w * tun da qadar to Community Cheat Via* worker* *•» to 1 variona ucawolr* W*r« loft fraa sum Raaaj rial warry. aad ala* Mr** mo** t»ma . r* devote to tolr a*»vme# H» ora- tba KtaraatoM ta a* only gt*« ** •erricea to to movstoent !■ •*•* tkair aMato. tot «* nl*o Ito tolr aarrlcap • to artoih ia *rder that 11 mlaht Mb “pot darorn* l* •*» aay. ltrferfto *• to Ktwaala aaau . ~-VWa RuUd"— Ctoaal Yreemaa (Contlnoad ao Papa ftra) ".W T ,„W ■ tftw> '¥•Mb', tor. tto-C*to« fa. .sasjrw.Spl Os If**; il*l. January —. *, *• 1* w March P .l7* »• » B=« 3S IS fiaaaabar ..** «*» «.«• »* ’' FWi 1 ' * r- •• THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ■UAMD IMYING FORM CABINET PARIS, Ree. R—Tk solution to Pnwee’e political crista «u «k* ni hM br Prwtasal Dee mer'gur. to tone s ■«« mlaUtry, conferred with the r»rl«ua pntlt tael tasdrro during the **r|y <-». entag. hot St Irsfth inwM ike Prwbhnt to permit Atm ts cos ttatrn bta rfeti tomorrow. IV tmprensln* I. politics! circles wng thet onutually be w*u!4 drcltae. MITCHELL REITERATES <• HIS CHARGES Stormy flamriao of Coert-Mor tial HeM Yesterday; Seaaa tloasl Charges Reaewed WASHINGTON, Nor. M_T«tlfg- . V a* k!a ewn wltscs*. Olowrl Wil liam MKtoMI held the stood la «k* army coartmsrttal today fee shaea* |re kevia. w||«»M node' «*R kta •eeastlensl chargra Mrtaat V war mi aary depart™rata admlaiataa- ( ties* at the a*t*yaa) defense. and V- , led tk« paaimildiw ta toed daw* , kta **cmr »»y tmmmmmtmom. poem fla fat k* taoelnded Ah dt>r«t essmtaaWea. wktak taak kpa than twe hoar*, br *»« —Star* toto rcaael. M*>*r Alien OuHIo" ' lee pa Ad aeaaMlta by Major OalUoa «P --parrlly kad HtHo rSrct upno ad obsolete.'* Other rbsrge. contained in bit •obllakrd aUlrmonla es «*R tetaWr. which led I* bl» trial under the Nth articles es war. Hr said, wete ''rgprasaloa* of oplatoa" which b» had artlred at after low emperl raroa la the army, from Mudlea mad* all tr*t Ik* aorthem k«mla> phot* * Btrhanan* Lawyer, Burled in Richmond RICHMOND, Nar. U-H«*r« O. Bachaaaa. wMely kaawa aUaraay of tba city, wh" died uaeapectedly la Ofaaaabaro, N. P.. mtoy nfieNnon. waa barled today frota Rt- Jaeaaa yrotaawat lOpiaeaphl choreh. Oow. *r»ar Trlabla w»« aar «f to honor ary patl >*"»• M" Rotoaa" waa borp I* IM * ,l Haiory us Haarr collegv of "which bl» (atbar wa* prc*ld#at. lie began hla M***r as aferaUry t* 001. Taao well mlatt. I lira reprcaeataUta of tb« lUebato* ftatrlet la Caarrro* WblU la Washb«toa V atoflrf taw a( Oeoryotowa . ualermlty aad ba eamr a taw partau of Col mi** Rutorooratlr bo fanned • connection k-rn with Robert «- »««* A wlf * •an two chlUlrea aurrlro. Union Needs Cash For Scopes Appeal MTW YORK. Ncn ir-The Beape» trial wan maatba o»». X tot tt 1«’» all paid far yet. Today Amer*- e*" Hrll lJVrtles union, which de. rrnded J*ba Tbawias towpar aonio ed at taaeblat hay*". Tma, aaaoaae«4 It waa flto *• tba hole an to ratal* of tto* trial. 80. hMe* to flto alraody spent tto, union peed* 14090 wore t# onrry to etoa t* to Pwprewie Canrt *( Tsana. •to. o*y IM9O wan eoatrtoto ta to Mm's o#to> «*f k* l * at to ttaao ad to trial Itoialy. ■■■■mi »ii ■ 'i .a . rsr?" ■ 1 GOLDSBORO IS THE CATE CITVOK E ASTERN NORTH CAROUNA BEEN EXTREMELY HEI.PFIT W EX-SOLDIERS SINCE WAR yr <• i o ■ n — s —v 1 . -y, m i I Goldsboro Rtd jrfHnin ont Organization As Work Swings Back To A feacs* Time Basis Organization Doing Effecthm Work Among Ex-Service Meat A* One of Nine Agende* of CoauaeaHy Ctaai campslga, whk*| begin* December 2/Btidget $1.400 r mAa The Red Cross budget in the Community Chest pUn this peer eels tor $1,400, pert at which wiR b. expended in the Meal of- RdCm m i* one of the nine or- f ganisatioiiH included in the Chest fund of $25,000. campaign for which begins Wednemidy, Dec. 2. The national fund i* used for diaaater relief, *uch a* in the re cent Sanford min* . T —i-LL-ca...:. QOLHUORO, N. c TUKSDAh MOKNiNQ, NOVKMBKR 24. IBM - -■* - - - report* the flndttk in these I cane* to a agency. i The officefrforw2f> are Mr t> I R B. Milled, dftirman: Dr. i SSSTdSfe^r urer; l«N. N. A.AWAiefd*. nee - retary; Mm. L. D. Cidden*, ex ecutive seeretary of th« chap- i ter; Mrs. Lionel Weil, in charge of nursing service, with whom Mis* Alky Ward, public hesltb nurse of the Wayne county health dppertment wiH cooper ate in fofttructing classes in Home Hygiene end (’are of the Bick. MU* Ward has taught dajMe* in Eureka. Hahunta. Rosewood, 'Woodland, Dobbem ville and has given 284 certWW catea m Goldsboro and 68 in the county. The Volunteer Service will be under the *upervi*ioii of Mrs. Walter Denmark. Last year the Production Committee of this department knitted sweaters and cap* and made pajamas and ! bath robe*. The caW ha* come RALEIGH MAN KILLED IN CRASH RAIJUGH. N#v. J* —V. R Bh.< rp«. of Mooreavllie.- with til* RaMKh branch of to R.“O.- IJ*a hit*r («• woo ms* inily killed when a car la which he »*h rtdtuq was demolished by the Reabcurd northbound train numbe: two at a croMina near H*nden*on. early this nvoriiiny A woman, i >au«rfit to hs Mr Hharpe a dauyWer. was carried j to th« hoapltal at llendemon SMffvr- Iny with slight brula"H, "nd •*- eopovl without serious Injury According »o meagre d'taila ac- j ceivel hr re, the Rl»«rtM>a were re* tutninu to lUl'lgh from t*eters burg, Vn . In »n enclosed car,.,and notllter saw nor hard the fasts train T>a train »«« delayed ihtrty min iAs while H look the d-ad man and injured womun to the ho<|ilt'*l at Henderson, WATERWAYS A GREAT AH) TO COMMERCE AVeuMvnt Moore. KlpeokifiK hI Aliatnij Convention, Hayu % Much ProßTto* Made MIAMI, na. N»v. *3. Watcraav Improveiarnts nar a the IRb itmuai of that or*»"'*»- | Mon here loday. •tin the taut twawty yrara,” Mr (Coatlnuad m Paos Vtvn) for our quota of the thirty thou sand sweaters needed this win ter by our disabled ex-service M&b* are 8 qualifted lHe rector of the MemoriadCommun itv Building, who la chamniß of this particular activity. When a diaaater occur* es such armature that no outside assists nc« is required, the chap ter should organise tha force* of the community for uaited action in meeting the situation. . I® disasters with which the local community cannot cops, tha chapter notice. National Head quarters by telegraph or tele phone. induing the nature of the diaqstt-r and the moot press ing needs, for the national or ganization is prepared to take such steps ** are necessary. Colonel George K. Freeman is chairman of disaster relief for the Wayne county chapter. _ RBCH MAN IS DEFENEDANT IN DAMAGE SUIT Armenian Girt Aakn I*r*t Hum From He**U»r> Hon for Drench of Fromine NFJW YOKK. Nov » <*V~Tb ilay’ai Aiii*rl<*tt nay* that WUllbm AA | lor fssti.oou by Manual rlta • ilturi, wb Ayera h* bn»k« I'm promise to marry h*r. • Th* plaintiff U known nn Broadway ax K»«y« Mlna**tan. of Aiiu*n»nn d*- Tin- defendant l* In ton don, and .iu# (omphlni with roan approval «» left wl b thr m**nK< mi ni of tk» ha ul wliar* Clark lia* an apartment. h» r' Tw « «niplaint maryrn lhat 1" |‘»23, i< ** (tun tbri * month* aft*r lln') mr In a Itroadway cabaret. Clark U» k thr plirtnilff to hi* father'* home 1 In llut|r, Mont . and muodiir'd hrs d*' hi* lUncce, and that announcement of lh»< rnaapein'M waa mad* 1 Wl»rn nirt *br w«* daarlng at a rnbarrt. anti hr wa* Juat out of ndiao*. Many d*l*rtlv** wrrr r*Pt»rlal l<» ' b«r* l>*«i engaged by Cloik la Inven itiHatr thr glrl'g W*r. An clAa*at of myatrry I* added I* thr r*». by ■ MJleiueni nitrtbuicd by t t o'wapaprt to MrNah. Clark* j attorn*) in Han it»*rtawi. McNab l» n noted a* *.i)in* ih*i Mb** McNultjr lUfef) K»ry* Mlnaaafn am dUHoct iadU vidnaU, and lb»t thr pl»»«Ht la Ml** 1 kirNnMy. ’ An T#*r for «rrvlca of rompl* "• by halt' tuuim* wa* lo*u*d by »«. p rmr Court Jmitlep Ford of New i . ' (Conltwwad an M**a Two) Trial Os Rhinelatid*t ■ ‘ ' -.1 ! Continues To RetMfU Revolting Con Mons ROYALTY IHLL ATKND FUNERAL v LONDON. N*t. lest > king* »nd thor '***•> frew l*«- r«a eouobrtw will oU«M the (•■oral us Dawoaor Qeeo* Atom. **4ro, oa PfiSay. awl to* Begum of Bbopal. IhStob o*lg rHgulog *rln«r*o. who; I* vl*Hl*g I* Bag loaf, aloo wtU he gneest Th. King o»4 Quo** of Brlgtam and ih* King* of Norway e*4 Deumork, haw »lgotlta4 USNr uaiioo of comae, white ike Quern* of Op*!* git* Norway *L roody ore hor*. STATE BANKS PROSPEROUS SAYS REPORT Rmurcm Inmaaa ever Blgh* teen Mißlea DeNara In Past Twelve Meaths RALEIGH. Not. H Bt*t* b*ek* to No th « ur.»iin* t*toy are oluiag yr*» ty on log of a pTok of graageitty am rvro by «ks ell# hotskt* t« which they Him bod ta »k* gartod of •rtlßdal laSwioo tortaa to* t«* y«-*;a ia»me*tainy follow** toe. ctoto of thr Sreta Coiyomloo Slate hook* on Hcetataker BMW* lLeourree of *r ttaH'mhrr let or* glvoa ta «k* BtNO rnret oa »mMMtk.dl. m*f* tha" r.ghirrn mllllou dollar* greeter to*a th* r*w a roc* Os October l*,ttl4, aed morr th*a i«a mlltlea dot lore gyeater • lion lb* finite psto. wtotat wo* r*- rontrd oo Bogtomkor I. IIM IlflMlMl *• * D* posit t to eta to hooks o# Sep. l»mb*r 2* totaled tUSJMjnJS. a»d| w»re grratef by mom tk*a ton oHL | lion doilgm than the drgoaKa * y**r *g*. ThU reprrontta oa taereaoe ta d poalto of *lm *t IS ger rent over • oao.yo*r poriad. National Innka am not in dad ad la tha *Urtaw*o< lanuad by 14* Banking Department of Mlc Btata Corporaltaa <<>mml«»toa. Thera mild than* la Norib Carolina, and am **a*h»«d by • •varal Fndaral bank egnmloaea, la aland as niata Bank Riamlnerg. .On Ortobrr ia, 1*24 n CommUalon Iba Btai# bank* rallbd fr in th* n*nr pan e and fir four year* following I*2o again *knW_ ed • a »ln *» . J _ I 11 - I —d ’,. i jll» ' wfiwiMM -. Bclm of Wealthy Mh, i HU Wira_HMMO» want rttna, ft k. am. a. -Tb it* ***** -to I *** £ **>*W Mha «** tr ' •—* n» Mwg !■ »He mnrr® AMSa Ifeslrifc# 4NttMI: ».i iua ti* «mm4Ni 4I*3S» rs |Mfyi yty. a* !****■*?* mom aethyat mMI ij *■ UkT mo wmtyhttm- mmSt * *taßj *jliS if3 Tßpg . ♦ : -ti*** aIL" i| MlfciliMfc wifi, ha m Mi nNNM r» Mi. Ia»« b—Muwl «| fHHNai .Mi - Intlaatr Mafli al MM' mL. mIMUM t*M ’• Mu Mill* M 4. IM «f luia WkjMAAw u»*riaublr M t*a* ««ti If MMPMf *® **•*«• Mm court ratal «U«"M «• *o»f». «• M* HMM «ta MM w» »■ Ml mM Mi MM M hiiibamJ'a Uftfttfi mMa |b||B the court rlrurcd, b*t motion Mm. ■no tk* jury Mad mA Allen won Ml wars, and sMM* Wife WM. Tan rainntoa taOag Iho M u.me4. Alina aloow rioo|*i< b» By jiry room. "IMo MB wHo*n>ooMr ]tm> tba name as 10 wan of *» JAM* AniobtettAT naMoff MMr -tm,' tba iiHOBOq aiopandad lb n !-.w red**. Tbo imn mmtory tUpW ww» ecntaroA ab*ut awtoia that Mat pbw x. the b*OH in lit*. Whs" MMm a*d Leomaad i«Bbdi them Mr 0 weak a* man aad wit. Tba f# of thaw ti»tr«*noM|oM hurt Wm* hrowebt IWO MbtUptb M ddMt that Mr. MMIa and aaaaalpt* Mi■ *1 mi lain layaotijMto them, TM» mm tt-re «ra» admMl*d»y o* ,tarUM« that -pari* (MO Ibnt tbo an*t MMtt bo withdrawn roM*f (ban karta Kpo rtaalnl. BatUamatMa MMdMt df to I*oo 000 worn ra petted, btal ao <■*■> I) danind. ~ wiiiMii *' —1 NKWARK. N«. aiwln. W.