PAGE TWO beST = r m 1 * ■- 1 NWWPTION PUCK, IN ADVANCE w. -y • ' ' t •y Mail, per year $6.00 fly City Cantor, per year $6.00 UtoHa, >y Oarrier .16 e tMahed every morning except Monday by the OlMekin Publishing Co., Incorporated. . ■? it dIT * ' it L*L. * _ “If Any One Should Ask You—" I. MU 4> (h« plfpin of the Community Cheat? so substitute on* annual appeal for seven separate ap paftjka; ta quicken the interest of the entire community ir atfita welfare work. *. L Wm «r« Ma fttoriplm? Tl is an intelligent plan for mutual helpfulness. It is * plan far applying sound business methods to the flnancia >' alia of social work without losing th* personal interest. S. la the Community Cheat plan fallowed dee where? 4 Yes; over 200 cities have successfully adopted the idea; ISO in die past three years. 4. la thi Cemmsalty Cheat a permanent organisation? ' Yoa. I. lathe Community Cheat political or sectarian? Neither. It is strictly non-partisan and non-sectarian. f. Has the Community Chant the rniatasmeal of leadini cMh—a and of the activities themoehres? Yoa, unqualifiedly. T. Dana the Cons*salty Cheat attempt tel drset the organ iiatlana represented? It does not attempt to dictate general adpninistrativi policies. Buch functions belong to the trustees of aacl orjaaiastion 1 What an the resutrement* for partidpaUsa hy the ac tivitha? Ktrory activity must be effectively engaged in charitabh relief or welfare work, whose worth to tIL community ii miqnast inner! f. An all the participating aeUritien investigated? Taa. by the Budget Committee of the Community Chest who determine their eligibility. Id. What is the seeps of worh done hy the nine activities el Wasent represented in the Community Chant? and hmith philanthropic, social, civic, education* JV ■}* Sv**** *f tM Community Cheat arrived at? On the basis of detailad estimates submitted by each participating activity, hhich are impartially exhmfited, chocked and revised by the Budget Committee #• mg the aowbof the CommmiHy Chest? *3- IMw Is the money tn he apportioned? “to accordance with ths improved estimates. 14. Per what wtt this money ho need? ” For current operating expanses only. | flap ■dfflky fwd boon provided? Tee, fSJOh to take care m mi TN fdtaglag *4|tavfal. appearing *• ui ftaltigb Tim#*. i, very hum. W •* »»* tta*. given Mitt ttlMlN adrtc# which might r*!Wwed hr jealous wire*; MM fW WILL Wtt RB in IUR M *M» as ««r reader* know ***** M*4ag made aa* of K and M ttfH »m Mfarmad kg wwh| taw «ttw. THtt TIME* hwu l«. '•mu'! i» bureau ■( Whsb.agtsa. • Mttm aad answers depart. WMI whIM «Udly know. M ®Hn subject* to IkMf la WhM tfcarwrf At the cion* ms | M t Mkfc mt could ham truthfully said Rn aaaaillaa u our knot taforme. %• M 4 bttto/. thin dr part aann t had Mh Men fallal to answer th* ••4m aalarrM ta It far answer. What iaat th# eas* * present fcMM tharr tm returned ta tbt Mttar a«r fararlD afumooa newt. PM** Ma tW Waahlagtaa lafonme -. ttwaaa a Mtrr from a woman "ratty horn oaasuHvj a M« *olh»r at tortaaca—mthrr that, M alia Mould bore Mr#d a d#tectrv c tti • IMM 'BM# datMr after truth | Brat r*. •WMJli* you would a a*, novation.,- »*••• tar hunhand drink nr 1» he *f I oa athar wraw or faattr Md it he I* for nay othor «u V •Utmiaaiir aaoir aad wh.ra they How »M whoa ha will h, with «4 ogMar AM it ha *n*a ant wilt PM >M am whot ha Mb with thr Mtt M apaag tor tho family? jj* '•*• ta hart goln •M kr Mh a* a* a* ehMdn n mm*4 Wli I ttwa «o ho aad writ ! ■JJJMJJJJ Mi If a# who will It ■' *•* tatt ahi i aatt what •Mr M ar*a h**a 1? Haw much do I ’MTiM Itt away rbttdrrn kin i ■ ■ * u I l« aad how many mam will I ka*r. Will ond blew u. »ad maka •a happyr Tid In forma tftm bureau haring paaned the buck back ta aa. we dteerfaliy supply answer* ho all guaatlona that may ha print'd. Ton. your buabaad drinks He Blaa aata. «*>rw*. smoke, nwj ram •laa. Hr. bought a battle of anuge er *ah far two ladles lasi Sunday nf terwcoa. The money he dees ant ap*nd oa his family Is consumed In laaee, tobacco aad an .occasional utnal of eardlnna sad cheese He la tan« to kocp colug off Sundays no long as yon contlaus to ask him guest lons similar Is tho*,- you hare I us. The nap is rather. worn off bis lore for yon; be Is, hawersr. (ond of thn chlldroa, or ho w*nld ••t return Bundar sight In ordor tj t*4 ready for work Monday mars, ing. You will lire, anyhow, until you When you get your ’'jkprw. you will marry f man, If say, though a powerful fool, wHI bn as grind to you an you do. s err*. Vou are not so tail u your Inin, hind aad aa hoary. «r you would harr'lont sines made him to yaur Ilk lag It h, had alack ■round. You’ve fully aa many chit. d«vn M should‘ha loft ta o nv mar. tag. You win never bn happy, ha. you wtauM MU go. | c°«nlie a blettlsi If you amt It na | thn main ofrev-t of Jonesboro. which U not your pUcn of ronidoaty hat I clone tn |t. ■ttTIEK I'lttlVTH. Houston, Tnas, Nnv 34.—This Is 1 somber tala of a mother and a YMng saldler whose astum wiJ changed aad warped by the World j war. .It la the story of the enduring love I ®f a m«(h»r who has sacrMand bar I hamn and all bor property to root aln I Wr ana. Hbe has bran rebuffed on I EDITORIAL . PAGE . The Associated Pros, is exclusively entitled p ~ OF the use for publication of all sows dlapatehii credited to it, or not otherwise credited la* this THE GOLDSBORO NEWS \ TOWN GOSSIP •"**4 V (By Mint) IT !H not good • • • FOR MAN to Iw ■lon*’ • • • IS A itstnamt • • * THAT I bare read Va • a UOMHWHICRK. • • •; AND I believe • • • IT WO be true. a a a A MAN may live • • • OFF THE fat of th« lead. •• • . HAVE A Wonderful time, • • • BEE Ml’i'H of t ha world. • as' AND BECOME truly • • • WHEAT and be looked up lo • • o AM A f»ult hereof • • » Bl’T HE la s small fry oo* WHEN IT come. V • a • TO THE reel • • a 4 * WORTH WHILE thing. • • o OF THIS old world, • • • IF HE live* «|*m* • • • I KNOW men • a • WHO HAVE maintained • • • THAT THEY would not be • • • DICTATED TO. • e « REGARDING THIS. • • a O* THAT. •• * . AND IN most ran** • • a YOU WIU. m« evory aide and now only thr Ami-ri. <** Lrecnnalre com rad e« of Vr ►°* ara bolding her up, Tha mother, Mra. Ivy Hawkin*. |« In Tegaa trying to aecure the rrleaae, of her aon William from a prlaop veil where hr |« alowly dying. Wh*n the World war called, the jxon wag/ It years old. married, proa, jporaus and happy as the justice of the peace at Las Vegas. "Hew Meilco. I New hast there been a blot o n his I name. He vnternd the air service I aad rnso from private to leutnnaat. j One day wh«n making a landing at ■ Taliaferro Arid he waa horrifWd as la little girl ran la front of his swift I I Use. He aworrrd the craft to aar* I Ike child’s k;fn- and wrecked his I life In doing *<,. j* the crash he I waa Injured abotn the hnad so that IhCs mind waa tn become affected. I WLen «be kamdatlce was nignnd WIL I l.*e Hawkins dd not return home. I Tho Doctor Jekyl, tho respect d land loved cltlnen ci luis Vegas, had I become a wandering Hyda. The flr*t I his parents heard of him waa at J Bbrerrpart. La. He had b,com f a I forger of checko. It waa a veritable I mania as hla, Hla mania left a trail lof forged checks over th« cWintry. I Hla parents were brgCSrid tn sat. |*l*»g spurious ch'-cka. j Hna||y th# mother pot she boy to I her home la CwUforahs TBut, oh. |my boy waa so changed,” say M lb • I mother, romradea of the boys wh I have met him since the war led th same otory. He b not th- «a»r go) lapt lieutenant who Injured blmsd to aa»e a rhald: tho same aotdle' who. when cadets mallard at Tsl' AaW west out and plondr.i with th m to o|)cy their super <»r officers sn«; napdlad a serious sltuotinn. After passing more checks |n Cal.. I fornja. being thrown la San Quentin j nnd Inter scraping from the stntc jaailum. for he had been adjudged in ■ •anc, th* deranged youth cam* back Ito Texas. Here he passed more j I checks a"d Waa sent ta Huntsville I prison where the gruelling work re.* Iduced hint from 1M to IX# pound* j |"w weight. A few months ago they I put him in cha|n« and t*di him in IKI Paso to try him for forl*r|)>o | n Idhr# minute* he was taken back to J prison to give the atate of Tease It* | *y# for aa eyo. My home I* gone, my hoy Is gone, I dagjy h, sick from all thr tr Ulilrs j‘w ra*llfomla. but God will raise up I friends to help me aa He baa and I some day I pill bar* Wlllft bock." - Vthk goldhboro news THAT SORT see LOAFING AROUND clubs •° ft* OR BOMB place e • e OF THAT sort. • • • AND I know such a man e e e RIGHT HERE • • • IN GOMMBQRO e e • AND ONLY a -• • • FEW' WEEKS back *«e 1 HEARD him *ay • • • that HE MM B*v»r abl* • • • TO GET up early enough e • >e ON SUNDAY morning e e m TO GET lo rhurcb. e e e AND FINALLY b* e e « DECIDED e • • THAT IT waa not good e e e FOR HIM to be alone, . e e AND JUST as an llluatratlon ' e> * * a OF WHAT as nor tat lon e e • WILL DO for a man, • • • I WOULD like to remark • O >e V ON HOW mit-of.pfWre • • • BRYAN V oked * ea AT CHITRCH , a a e BUNDAY MORNING e e e I THANK you. s*y» the mother wistfully. And friend* are helping. The Thomas Dtsmnke Pose hrrr la ,|lolnk everything in ha power *o aid the mother and her antortunat* non. She ( Is give* free legal aid. The An*. •I ary unit es th* Legfon at Bl Paso ha« voted to give her $S a week to the fight . Teachers of Virginia Plan New Pension Act NORFOLK. Nor. 14.—The board of director* of the Virg ala StaU- Teach art association. | D aaoaloa hrrr. to “arned standing committers for IT IS. NOT TOO LATE to order your Chrintman Card*. Monogram Stationery, Playing Card# or Visiting Cards from the J. P. Stevens Engraving Co. of Atlanta, Ga. This house manufactures and sells directly to the consumer and is prepared to make shipment of orders received by December tenth, in one week. ’■ FRIGIDAIRE Electric Refrigeration .> for the City Home DELCO-LIGHT Electric Light and Power for the Modern Farm Dillon Electric Service Co. 103 E. Mulberry St! :: : Goldsboro. N. G COLONEL COOLIDGE IS MUCH BETTER Father of President Recuperat ing Nicely frem His Recent Illness PLYMOtTTH, Vt„ Nov. 24 -Today w.w Colonel John C. Coolldle, fnth. er of tho Prealdent. up aad *ut after dgktlng a dangeraga attack of heart dfatata for more than a *etk. Bh»w ng plainly Ik, effoota of bla lllaolt, but ne-.rthrlraa exhibiting a daterminatioe lb carry an. the aged Colonel not only Joked with newapa. peraiea. but laautrd oa trialling lua ralobrated wood pile. It waa a different man than the ■n» they had aeett iaat aunnaer tome what aged, but they a»C hia pbysi. cana marveled that ho had come through ao well. Something of* the aamo ahUity to raconp that had «ur. prlaed bla adrlaoro after bla opera, ilea in June war apparont today, an', Major Jamr* F. CoupaJ. the .pr#e*. dent'* phyalcian amt Dr. Albert M. Cram, were at «b« chenge. rexi year, . hrurd the Import of f,h** commilb * |ir (p«alag new teacbera* penaioa law and rampletrd the draft of the new constitution t u b«- reported at the buainras am*ion .Hhieka ami NhUke*am, attea llon. Enyler'a Tandy yagr m'nle I bat fyellag you lev# to leach. You glrla manowrer roar Nbkk into NandteyS Pkdraarr Ih* next time ye* Mop aad, Ha can't roaiat lho Impnlae to pnr choae I bone attractlr* boxoa Hny ler’a put their candle* la. Tnrn to page k, land;, adv PUTNAM -f\ FADELESS 'S#KPYiS j farther -*| I Last longer *■ zjflgp Dye better Cokwi we (tether tnd brighter ehea • you um Putnam. It U leu (rouble— ■ore ocoooraical —a smaller amount does farther. Putnam reticles* l>ye la •ha toridtoai ooc-pockage dye for a|i material, and purpoeea dyea ailk, coU on aad wool is one operation. Uae aama pachaf* for tislind- Complete direrttone on package. Price IS cattle. See color chart at your druggists. VtaPutnam No-Safer Maach " tv Mamma Cob t and Juste* it !wnp?fe4>AY AhNifk. tloiiliwijbt. 'W Os the aaaoclatlon and .chooi trim, lag the superintend nt'a aaeociatlon. towobera’ association and school tma loon’ aoaodu ion into one body. The Virginia DduoUenaJ Aapoda. »dJour»ed to moot again tomor row. Motorcyclist Killed, Brother Hurt by Auto Sd-Howari da Haven, if, waa kilted, and bin brother. Albert, ft. suffered a free tnre of tn,. lag laat night whan tkalr motorcycle and a taurine car. drir. en by PuroeJ) BUae. oaa of Edward L Btlne, collided on Uie Martin, berg pike near hem. Haws* And wh'la being brought to a heepltal. Bttn» Hurr,nd«red lo the police. He *aid there were ao lights as I'e mo ‘orcylrea. Albert da Haven declared h. sad Fovt able ta atssd the strain this eald weather f Walking la harder, yen knew »nr Foat Powder annex tlrad, ••Wag feat right sway, Falaco Urns Met* To the Hoy* and Glrla of Goldaboio aad Wayne county; Thl* i, your achool a place t 0 prepare you for yo U r futaro work. ...I Opeu on eeyenth Boor Wavne National Rank Building, day aad night. Tall or ae. Mr. E. King. Prlnelpal Georgia-Carolina School of Commerce PHOYB list WANT APQ AM. WAHT Xl>S ARB CASH- DO ROT *NI C| TO CUAHfiS TMI Hogul.r Typ. (Uk. this) l« Po r Word Larsr » T YPe (liks this) 2c Per Word. Maa error la made The NEWS I. raapon.lblo for oalv . - •Evald notify Imiuodiaiely if nay corrarettan l, it< 1 HvwHsm If Taa Want Quick Rasntta, Advxgtiaa Mar# OKlikkN TAKEN FOB ENGRAVED Christmas cards. Many beautiful deaifaa. 8«e Mr*. N. W. Outlaw, " P h <»ne 814 * UJtp violu lemons _ r t o r. ~*. Frehttra, at aoldaboro Saturdays at 10 a. m. to 8 p, at. studio. Pro- ■ , fessloniiof Building. 414 Ugtpd j _ JEW ABB USE!) ELECTRIC COfI fen and aauaagr mllafor sal., on I >"t time. Write Hobart Mfg. Co.. Ualelgh. N. C. lldtpd ►■OR SALE—I IXerBATOR CAPAC fty 220 eggs; 1 Incubator 150 eggs; 1 Incubator 110 eggs; 1 Bncoder. Can be bought at a bargain. Mrs. 8. C; Lewis, Plkrvllle, N. 0. 11 6p WANTED TO DBAIB TOITR LABD b 7 laying tic, cleaning old ditches or cutting new ditches. Work guar anteed. Call phene 418-J. Bee Q. L. Brewlngton or T. B. Brewing lon. Goldsboro N. C.. Charles No. <2l. 11 24 6tpd FOB REBT— BICELT FURNISHED rwotn with private bath, gentlemen only. Apply 407 N. George Bt., Phone 383-W. 22 Gtpd > FOB BEJfT—BICB HOME AT SM . CaroMno street. o*od location, close to depot and school: 6 largo rooms and all modern conveniences W. M. Smith ’ 22 Btp j FOB BALE GROCERY STORE, meat market anrt fixtures. Money maker-for tb,. r rbt party. Rsaaoa | for aelllng owner leaving town. | Apply Grocer, car* Nows office. 11 22 «tpd CAMBRIDGE APARTMENT FOR rent; Tenant moving from town makes Available one of theae beau, tlfut end comfortable steam heated apartments on James street. Roe Kenneth f!. Royal! It 22 Me FOR BEST- RIGHT ROOM HOP BE Pine sad John Streets, Immediate possession, phono 229. More A Moron, |nc 22 Ife FOR BENT .1 8008 . BIG ALOW house f«r rent. Practically a«w modern improvement near Union Station. Apply W. R. Craw. Phftt# 1181 ' FOB BERT JTWO NICRLT IBTBH- Mhsd room Kith steam heat, run ning water and convenient to hath 408 N George Street Phene 6M-J. . ■ ts 1 brnkti ftfr on the H«ht dH A of