aELk aasg BurssfcsSe bank- in goldsboro w I# THK WBATHEB ••tllHNh NOBTK C4MI4NAI W* t> fm parties. Min. A ***' FOUR) NUWBRI2SK Annual Virginia And Carolina Clauic Will Attract Largo Crowd CAROLINA A FAVOMIm »*"—g Tmm oumnu,K.iv( ) mm. Hill tIjjLU ItatAtoM |^||| ssijKH RraßK % «. ■J* *m ?i. TU » 1-i. « gw ghte#h. °«*i W« m* *. fray to. «m» » ***• •* ■ Z&Tz&yz SffSl km*, J^Sium^Z - "**-**» ■w *• *«•*•#•**, W*wtr«M4n4 *»■*,• tot lira* ton ik» — n ~ •«*# WttMMtotollltoS ***"■■ ■* *to Rates who to* Him I* itoaitoMM 2L2; ££. Mm Mt* • Mpßb* J^JiL • mil «*.* * *m Uhtoi, *to tto rik *fl| 4*itN* Car* te Mlt totto* tto Mttol ■m* M rikktt Mil at wttL CMPEL HIU* N C. Nor *._ Wk** to« Tarheels of Caroilaa iai tk« Caraliri* of YlrgtaU Mato a* ’toerao* Field k«r« tomorrow la tb* oaaaal rrarwsl of the.'r grMlroa HMtoe. a eatorfal throat will to oa haai. ■tol* officials to North JOagsllsa will to I*4 hr Obvrraor An*u« W. MeLraa aai ft la oortola that prae tleally »**ry Bieator to North Caro vllaa'a official taw tiff will to oa baad. Oororaor McLoaa will to »>• tarot •f Dr. Harr* W. Chaa*. prrtiint of tto U»'t*ratty. * • Qmrwor U. Loo THafcU wm *to to gerseat at tto nM. tboorh Oor **»•*» MeLeas larUed bln to to his ••oat. Tho Rxecattv* to Firsfala Kir actoto oa larlUUoa M a faothall pmo la II to aspect** however tor of Tlratais offteals (•at 19 •*• the C**alie** • tho ThrhaaU. too will aparmt* toalfht «om of North CaroMa* til aaf oa# or two also rwa flam Vtratala. More parsaaa sew tto oaoro- Imo tic of (to *anr played tor* two ago uu It ta rwpaetto that at /tdßat a throag win wtyofoo tauaor- VP'i Ban*. N*r North CaroltM It >* tho area toot football gam cash aaaaow and il»W» draws a greater aar other. McMurrat 1. r. Aharr Morrhoto l. t Holland ■Metre* (C) a „ PhllHpa Wb aaaat r, «. MactoU Xobtwaoo r.,1 Cardwell P»44or»r r. a. Fried burg ■yarrow J. *. , ’ Dlfoy <C> ■•*»«* • I. h. Haahloa Tatonroto r, h. Caddy Nhufjrd t, b. UIN ■aaawoll L f. CockHll ▼ •TIKI fiAMBR THAT Oulotto of tho QmHhi Tlrainte •aaoo, othor grid aatooato ta North Carollaa t*#or»to will draw tagrth or Dartdaoa a*4 Dato at Dototoao. Wako Forest aoi Boa gt 800, Lea. ar.Rhyp* aai o«4f##l gt Hickory. Tho DaaUUoo-Daha atruggte win to too BMot l»t»r sot la# gaaae wlflb «ho oaoobUao THEGOLDSBORO NEWS j ft w UMML’K or 8 «** rBIOAT 8 1 too wyg OLDER BOYS’ CONFERENCE TO BE HELD HERE u 3^»r^t, c r Mr. a . Norwood. Oowonl Cho ar. 'zi?:zzzzz:~ t' •MU M. h, . „ tm oatcrtaiancat tor tho Bara' wh# an *• “*toM to* ooatcroaor from *at o| chatmaa from oash lacai toam. WH! eoayaa* for‘tomaa tto latter ** rt * tol. weak oaf Sunday. Bash m»totta« la aafeod to report hack ta cmnattte* chomwn hr Monday M*X. to. Tha amoaat of Batrrtoln. arm that Is rsptotoi of neb homo that takas boys will to ao foltowo: LotoU* Friday night, breakfast «nd •laaar Satarday. Loidtag Saturday •Mt with breakfast aai dinner S«J*toy. Rtek toy la asked to com* yroparod to taka ear* as kta Fridar ■Uht tapper Tha Banonet oa Sat. ••toy night at Hafel Ooldatoro will Uks rare as Satarday oup per. J. T. Fraprimaa, State Boy*. 8* crotary T. M. C. .. why ka* charge •* th'a c#af*r*aee. was la Uia «lty W«da*Mlay aa 4 stated that a detail, to Fromm *f the asafereaea adU to anaouacad tha Aral to seat week. Mr. Ffsperinan to* been oa g tour of ■astern Carolina la tto lateraat to “»*b Caafereace and state* that a toad attendance la expactad. Ram* Os th* place* already board fama who are t* *ea 4 delagatra are: Dvr. ham. Raleigh. New Bara, Fayette vl'l», R»«kr Mount. Wilmington. FarmrUle Tarbaro, OreenvlHe. Kin*, tea. Aydea The matter of mtlotenag local da. legates will to praaeatad at each ’ffbal ehureh oa 8 unite y and Iha (Mtobara boy* must gat fail to take •draataga of this oppprtua ty which *» brought to their door. Mr. Fesperman expect* to »l*|t ton oa oa|y owe dollar, which also take* can* as baiH|u*t The goal far OeMtoor* should be fifty boya. Mr. Ftopjamaa a apart* “to -vi*H wsay of th* e*a*ty High Bcbe*U the •rat of seek and hop** ta have a •oto representation from oocnty Mrs. Bowman Gray Reports Jewelry Stolen [ WINITOWJUIiOf. R C—Jewel# ««Im4 of htwil thousand dollar* stolen last night from Ur real. **m of Bowman Oru. multi ml'., Hon*lt* tobaccoslat *ad p r #*|de B ; •f Reynold* Man u for tun n* ram- M»r Tba )aw oto were Ur property of Mr*. Gray. and wrr* Irft by brr. a*, carding' to habit, it I* aald, on a abrlf *■ ®o katbiwom last Bight. wlxa aba raUrad about I#:M o'clock. la th« aftrraaaa aba bad raterSataed at aa taforuaal to* Ska dtexrrarrd her tog* tbia mam lag. No da* t# Ur rabbrir y»t baa baa« dardooad. Authoring* ur M> ladaraaatlaa fadlaataa Mr boaaa **• lacked up. No dodtt' or foehn umae brobaa. **d UWoari are pas- M at* |hMm> tkr bwraiars gam. GOLDSBORO IS THE GATE CITY OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Boy Scouts Receivinglnstruction v. \ ; ■ MBraTOiijPjr I I Rpy Scoatt Show Growth During Past Ysar; Citizenship Training And Character-Building Its Objective ■Do a Good Turn Daily”; Enviable Reputation for Alertness and Bravery; Haven Pour Uvaa In Three Months; Apportioned in (Community Chert Cantpaifrn, which Be *• gins December 2nd 3Srt i> r> t 1 ■ toM-okky; . Pucina U» psat y«ar the Boy Scdtota of Ooldbhoro. under the direction lfr. W. W. Riveni, Bcout Executive, have outlined a vigorous program of work for the coming gear. This program will be made possible by ihe $2,- 526 budifet allowed the Scouts by the Community Chest An enviable record was made during the past year in the sav ing of four lives in three months. All rescues occurred in saving drowning persons. Other nota ble incidents ar e in the records where tha- Scout slogan, “Do a Good Turn Daily.” leads to deeds of braverv ag well as service. The Scouts are organized into troopa, which are generally con nected with aom e church or ed ucational institution. Each troop has leaders from its own number and a commander and a commit tee cJfalder business men who* CHAPMAN, IS GIVEN THIRD LEASE ON IJFE Govprnor of Conner! leut Grant* Bandit Another Reprieve; Tp Die March 3 HARTFORD. CONN -Orraid Hiap. uadar aeatrncr to <Mr ®n tka gal low* In MkUe Prison at Welker*, fold far murder. and who*# long aa. fatakgd trana in Atlanta priaoa far wu* commuted by Prr«. Ideal Co«|ldgr t>»ay. haa bad *noth ar agtraatoo *f hla day* oa tht* carU Garemor .John H. Trumbull will alga %aoth*r rnprtrVe, which art! |x t'haptnan'a doatb date at March 3, vast, laatrad of Dnrrmbat 3 TW Uttar date was the limit al Ua reprieve under which kia life LA* bar* prolonged stßCa Juaa H, | *“•*, *kr origin*i date art by Judge Newdl leaning* In Hartford Buper lor Opart »ft#r hi* conviction far tb# murder of Officer James Hkelly of Now Nr uia. UuUr tba atar es execution which will oome with the **«attd repiTw r r *Ha*aaU eeowaal expect* u p it tb« l T *|t*d States Supreme Court for datMaaa oo point* they will rale*. Tar* of tbaoa potato Will bo board *w *k* raowlt of Chapa*. to aacapt Hb PfoaMe«tib| oaataautatjoa of ara. •••or far aa l robbery **d oa |b* ooopr of Me right* aadtr thd caw. •ttWIPa. Which ara ta bo -‘-fri i J W *. C THURSDAY MORNING. NOV KNURR * l»*0 assist hi obtahihM Mrtffbla meeting place, supplies, ete. The entir e body has a Scout Council' of forty-eight business snd pro fessional men who set ag an ad visory board; Mr. Leslif Weil is chairman of th«. conwiiilPe, and Dr. W. H. Smith Is Scout Com missioner. j Last summer Goldsboro Scouts participated in the ' summer camp at Holts Lake. for patrol leaders has also been an important feature of the work, and training the boyg to take an active part in public af fairs. Merit badges are award- 1 ed for gccompJiHhment along va> I rious lines of work. First Aid treatments which were offered at the Fair recently, furnish a good example of the type of work the Scouts ar e doing. j Since organisation, the Boy Scouts have given iu Goldsboro , Thanksgiving Paroles Issued To Prisoners By Governor McLean Executive Clemency Extended to 15 Unfortu nates; Statement tawed; Spirit of Holi ■ day Impels Pardons •WUIKIH, N Ni» 3C. (A P) certainly II prrnoni In North Carolina w!|l h*Te rraaon tomorrow to be thankful. Mur 16 [*T«on* of th# •fat# today were parol'd hy fliwn. or Mcl#«a and tomorrow wttl apend tb |r Thanaksy-Mnx frlrnd* of* trl*|| Tl w—U,, fl rW oatiida ike priaoa la maay year*, in ■ome Inatancra. It haa b*m aa anaaal euatowt Hi I N ink Carolina for many y,-ar» for the Parent Ire to parole * number of dearrrlng pri*oner* at thia so*. »«* of the year Two of the prlaonera who today wrr* paroled ** pant 7* rears old * n,o Vy *•«*• Hi Hie mat. prison far *T year* ataca IKM Another entered Ihv prtnaa In I*B7 and anot*. rr la IMP. The artaanera wrr* aarv. lag aaatmraa fa* ertamw *ary|n« fr a* that of murder t* of tb« prokihtCna law*. W»W laflaoM* Tb* O or*rear |a bta atafomeat rr- ' to tka NjM SgMd t*-th~ WOr mWTMfrirtindred tf&ir* f?f civic service. That sgndei nasi been rendered to the following ] ,organizations: Red Croes. SaT vation Army, Wayne County Fair Association. Chamber of Commerce. Disabled American Veterans. Civil War Veterans. The monthly Troop Good Turns have been service forth« differ ent churches. I The permanent bom*, of this organization U in the Memorial Community Building. GIRL SCOUTS A Character Buttiing Organisa tion for Girta. Traiaing Them To Be Trontwerthg* I*ny«i and Useful. Its part of the | Community fVst Budget Is i S«tM • I The Girl Scout organisation 1 is composed of a number of girls < who are learning, in the hsppi- l out way how to combine patri- 1 ,*••» uaromipU testy aarvto ttolr •cnisara* fa mmu* laataaca* ta«* hava ***w aah*4 t*r -<aik«ato. •“ •tofaa, aad tha paratea wars buntrl by Ikr Ooyrm, r »a tea /*wa mat n*. tolrr laveartevtloa* mala by p*rrl»a (Vtimvisaieasr H. H*»U Risk, oa who*,. raraaMOaitoattnaa Ik* pH,an. era w*r* parolrg Thoa* pa ruled are; Prwnun Hady. Ml Ftw-d, C. M. Rawyrr, F*r*y Ifala, ■ Raymaad and M*rrn Hilliard, rharlte Millar. Will Coak. J*»* Fowrtl. Ntek Jaya*r_ F*ank m»ow. Bay WhlHto. Pa H*|4urtold •*d Hugh Jarbaun aM K E. K\m* Tto Mateairal iaaant by o«vrr«ar Mellon, la caaaret aa with th* «*. auaaer of th*** paratea. Mlow* t SplHt to %afgdto*a “Tha -Ptrlt to,, tterrdaaa# with whhrh wr Ukr ta aaaoatste lh**k*. alpag baa tmprlted m* ta KSsm »h«ufht and roa.iderattea »-> tb»a* • our aildH Who bar* buy Kg. teiadful to the rvtaa of *O/I*l* *«d, •r»* Utear liar* aftfeHy rjalalMij otbun and outdoor actMßra es I nWSUWUSmm l*l***4 uMdABn mIfTTB 1 M icvery Kina will) muii in ®wy branch iff both domggtfc Rna community gprvice. in this city. Rumhartag 4t to all Mina AHU FVatmsp, ia Captain of Troop No. 1 , ahd Was Mary Ri*H*i« ia Cgptato of Troop No. t. Girl Seouta mb taught to If trustworthy, loyal, amdßl and ronHiderate of ottßnr ha ha friendly, couragpOßa and kind, and to bp ctoMi to thpught. brm and dead. Beside# danaaplM| character, health tortfcttof ia m essential part of tha CHtf RfffMt program. They an the htoS> maker* of tomorrow. Hial(M the help of GbidglMfo to attab these ideals. The haadquarton for the Girl Scout# era In the Memorial Community Building., MEMORIAL SERVICE HELD FOR J. B. DUKE Gnvenmr »*»»-*nf nasi Othor Net shies Hpank at Durham Yseterday DRRHAM. N. QL—Ravagal h«dr*4 praplc oteaagto a Mamartal «a*rtea tald at Duk* llatmtoty >hla ■ *». las tar tto l#te Jarnaa to Doha. a*p. |raarmag truatam to Doha Oa»**r •Hr, t mates* to to* n*k« --gtit. •teal ahMMI. atoSaat# ant bjtanto. Boratal brief (alto to m~Mitemn wera made duHag tto hear aaS-s half that «to uokr aa* la Ouvrmar MalASa a goto tto ap. praciatbn to tha graph* to MWth tartolaa tor tto toteaaaS) 'topfk o- toowa, of luieigh. r~-Tint •* tto trti*t«es to the tfairaraty, apak* tor th* truate**] P, 8. Alderman, of Gr*«n»b*r>. agofca as rapn ii ntatl »a .« tto aHuaai; W. ft MtoteMy. It. ► re* s*at •« to* statoat oaaaokl, •auk* for tto atograt bagyj Dr. W. * r. Am. Frraidaat to th* PMranßy* ap«to tor tto latoUvNoa: Ok tp Q. bites gad w. R. Parbtaa. to Now jYark. *pah* a* ta*rahgrs to th* «*• rrteads of th* 1- mag | hwtdratal <0 tha AUi. gold |g I Mr. Duk* by tto »pa*fc«ra was. (to | Ptraastat mi «f th* pw vte wgloh Mr, Duk«* aig#««| tp* Puto tggyp. I ***** tndcanir, m IWaihar Ml l ltM. ato tto 4r«k aad <-ha|r pgto i 4 R»RH I bb s R)JR 9NML I topV raff 1 II ' % Bf■ / ■ s|B ABSOCIATRD PRESS DISPATCHES . muc* mi cams ROYALLAND . BORDEN WILL CELEIRATE L««l Funritw* BMi» IM«UMh - 'WpE 2 * '• OM**— Murr «f« Wtf «h M hMIMW IKMM« Vlw.imm M »VM»raw toUliMli taM r *“. «* MmSwT mm tMt u, —r^7nT_L tk. tf»ry of tfc, inm •M t k|. MM. * y* ’^it A rtiiUlM «■ k*M| n«, nm *m m*r * B£3*SQ [JJ «»*» O—H.v MMi • ■** *•»••• M«r*lT!l3J W dteii “■PKHi (MMr #Ppp *. .pLj % flhp|fMpUv;%ppi^ I 252 JM* •# "•* »M al 1®»«. tk«M h*«INM feata# IM)| aii PArty 4b ***•»• ~~<.- f» «55C *#•** 11 ’^M.» "■".- • ' _ c M»*» «*jw. £ r J'iL*T!!!!ii>l £ I (t Ptß4*, "■* «^^^SL > » <> iii|SS Sr’S n r? l|| wlb# <**«- w uu otaJTTSLX! IM GbmlMb. IB |k» mum, of "** to toa PlßjrM *b «Wi • pvt. t+* u OqMba la B* IMS a*Ma* «• MMt» «Bftßl*lM * t»* IBM. **. *M» *»%•*• fen *ra«—lto ■»■ »W mat *M *f <» , *•■** •» M»1 atoMa Mr • •a*n>Mi» MmM*n*m* «MMM rn Um mi * i i( ifi# i i > 'w, nw TOM CfWfl A". * 1% T.rt Nn M (*»» QUMO fataa* 'tos*4 W a*4,, at a M *M*a <* T*. w *.**. »f*t MM fMC "*■»»'<■*.<:'- xlM j I' • -I J jfe»' ■!

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