P wj -- l '--«. / GOLUBHOKO. N.(\. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY nil( Bflr I ] - - -- ■ - - - ~ W*% W% W\ m BB ' J|f||| l|jjg J||j|| ■ H W * w m |g m (ff p y i^^HBBHHBH^mK'.* Mt I #> #■v *% .*-» B e& ■ 2 *r va . a *S |^» T p --Or- j O _o_ _o_ -i> o- iu - —*»Cl^ l " «'—U»«» —(^—W —o— — ~4)mmmm || Q f jmmaQmmmm j} it Young RdeighfjMan Surrounded By Mystery ei^> n From Si j'fc'C&.-X < 80f ' a, ' on in in uat ton u! l.iiirtih , ( iui I’ro HBB« ';%, ' 1 . . . , Governor Ur* ■HiPIRi M|ller. pr»nnwni dr « £*• fM ye* l «rd»y .** th ® *•*** ''» RALEIGH. N. (.. IK-,. 31. i^^r° C>,ll, °' „* l, “; , “‘ v AJ>) _ State department ?T. h ?, T j ***» "> ni **" joined with <;«% *' **[ ’* thr 1,0 rrnor Mdean in reviewing BBBWBirSlly ** *J* ugh ' ,'° 1,0 t*«e paist year a« one of pro "° “ h, ‘ r pre ldfI “ and achievement, and in MSpimpipNpaerTed two * lK ‘‘‘‘Vredictinj; even greater pro ** ,,lcrß r *-« «ctioaCresa and an increased pros ,> ® 8,110,, ,s conr-ldiVerity for North ( aroloia JUBtBFTwR* 4 compHnidurinK the year 1926. II1I1§§W & *" 4 p *‘ r * on * nty I New Year messages to the llllir.. kL!I M Pl ‘ CP<l ‘ n n,,ril lP*opie of lh t . state from the ,t „ l ' Br< ' o '’ •'*'l<'hief executive and the heads Roacwood »rctiou|of the various state depart BHH|B£?f' wh<v tal b **' n “ m» ,,, |ments differ, of course, in Mkard of Dlretiors for llanuuaKeand idea but throuk'h •*■ or * J** r *. in nul them all runs a vein of «nat- MUler, Mr n<-(.ton hi iticat ion and pleasur ( > over ac 3HK7*BB t bou*hf the Hoard «J comptishments of 1925, and a BByPK re-rlrctintc ,\ir Mil note of buoyant optimism for ■ behalf of and shi Almost without exception HB* I ,labreM in thr PVir 1 they express contidence of a the Board h«d I Kreater material growth and up l be noinlnatuon I prosperity in li*26 than any * brlcr lul)l ,l, ‘ < | ever experienced in the past ■LjßßpHfc ap»reci»ied- Uir hoi by this state, and most of Ju, I them are et 4 uall> hoinful for tar the, orfaniM'io* progress in other than purely who waa rr-rtret. material lines. of the F»>r The prophetic optimism of W"" 1 tmued a staMmem laat most of t hju department heads JEktTia •hick ha declared that. de. is based so a targe extent DL r«o days *i vary had wia'hrr upon their %hservations • and Berta* tha utl filr, the Associ a* experiences in their peculiar EaL-hKbouah not making any ra..a- lines of work during the year txrz did not i.*r any The If 25. and most of them re ißfeto for tbt IMS Foir were left for view the work along their Elk Drnmavt to dtcldr Thr Brc- V*rU*W*w f.nes during the Bkacy Kald that moving up thta P*** l year, and make some year’s' fh<r it laaat tw« week* w|* comment on what may reas- Inder but had not yet ®"*Hv he expected during JL defUUaty decided upon. *J e ear ’ Bul B P iril prL- foUwtog fcembrr. or -hr ®f opt mi sm runs through •Board of Director* weir etected t" **** **; .. I® loZwUe With the Prei.dent and .. ,n Sonh / “ rol ""‘' P*'o*rea» and a.d executive during the pa.t year hare GmStm 5 O N. bovel.ee. 8. F 7" pcrn.anent.’ declared 7** **, aZL-t , Governor McU-ati tonight And he -Twgtic »Bd «cmt* b . _ T o.U* w ttl» even greater pwaatbilttlm. 4( '|i |j M A A'ooderfiU po**thtttm» present ' * ibetnaelvea on every band." Mi V rgjP APP W e ** n * U<l n,u,t »‘ htve greater lfl/\ I eaulta during the your IK2(1 VVu • nnTDAhI flhrtrbß* """* *° along every line of PRISONTrjKIVi *«t^." t But. with all the male * oiulmlani. "" . If "mn»l not forget to render “Uncle Aaa” Patterson Ke-Ar- tumble thanks to the utver of alt rested December 24 for ('rime .oo<t for the manifold bli-aslng* wet. Committed 44 Yearn Ago I uire enjoyed tn the mh w(*!I an I hi ble»«la*R w«* bcltrvc are lit hft>re IK for tm In lbe near future,” r “We Hiaml und look forward Into r ’be coming year with every n»«ur- i 11 line that wi arc lacing probably the *' .reateal era of that the > date Un'- (ver known," declared S(«o , > Auditor Baxter lmrhain Y I U Stui*- Treasurer It M l,a«y his I- v«h "lha'l lhfftj is going to be on*'ll -of tlic belt year* North Carolina fcff ( * .'vw bad " -*3\ * - Frutu the offn e of the Hut-t inten >- lent of i’nhlii ln»tr<uAiou -ouma the t n predict ion Uiui th- |»-op|i of North i i- < arollnu are jusUtled In l< kluy to t an tpeteeeid i nHd -aeel i- md u uew liop*-.” ’ V I Attorney (leneral iSnnis 0 Hmn- < » uiitt declared that »< hMN<-nvnry e reason to expect greater pr-grena « n and hi..*iie(lt>’ lu ih< < '-ndng mnr. I 4 lie expremed the hop. ilmt p. IMM | » "North t aidlmn may set the p*c« l»r L i. the natlou not only tn tapiarial pro- I a grea*. but in law •■nf\iitc**»nt sad i law observance as well j/*W\ ■ t'omrolsslouer of Agflmlture WII- i 1 Ham A. Uraham exu-ndad.a greeting Btu the farmers of the amt*, and *uf Besilinix for tha year aband. and d< nßcr-ii that, despite the handicaps of (ag,^V lu 'e during the yeir. |hfttHcHlL r blessings, t<s> I Alrtst. commUslonir o. film mg. renew ed hi» , tn re. Ilisi North B<'* Indiihi id«, ag| li nil ui hI Kc—— 4 .—. .. t ' 1 ’ ." ~’ ■ ’.' f B ■ j * , 1 GOLDSBORO IS /e CATE (JTY OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA ' M ■ ■ ' • ; ■ . , spirit Os Optimist 'Prevails In Messages From State Officials alinuation of Growth god Prosperity of Pas Year Is Predicted; Governor Urges Thonksfu The Lord / “In North jt arollna. progress anil prosperity during the past year hare uecn steady aud permanent," declared Governor McLean tonight. And he *W*d that “the tie* year Is prcg 4airt with even greater possibilities. tVouderfu) posutbtiitu* present ihenisalves on every hand ” "We tan aud must aehlve greater i esulta during the yenr 1»20 Wu mist go forward along every line of I •ndeavor." “ i But. with all the Staten optimism. It "must not forgot . to render 'tumble thanks to the Giver of all .Oort for the mauifold blessings we uive enjoyed In the pest, as well an he blessings we believe are Ur st6re ■ for ua in the near future,” , 'W> stand and look forward Into •he coming year with every assur* i tnee that we are fating probably the .realeat era of prosperity that the date hg» «vtr known." declared dtdlo Auditor ILxter lmrham tffate treasurer II K Lacy he leves ‘ilta't 1 (, -b Is going to be ope of tlu beat years North t’.arollaa has •v.w Itail " * Krotu the office of the Stun istan lent of Public ißatVUOtioU < omSS ths prediction that the people ol North t'arolliia are justified In I" Slay to rfhStS an iuvreused (i nOdeusa tnd a pew hope.** '' I Attorney General Dennis 0. Brass* . mitt declared that “we liar*. «v«ry reason to expect greater pr >grosa am! prosperity" In ih' < mtllg year lie expressed the hop. iiiat #». ISM ".North t'ardllna may net the pace lor the nation, not only In isptsrtal pro gress. hilt In law eiifnjrcasiasl aad law observance as walk - * i'ommlsnlouer of Agrteaßure Wil- t liaui A. Graham a grewtlag i Ps of tbs slate sad isf i the year ab«ad. sad d. i lospßo ihs handicap* if trlng the past ye&r. *w* aainga, too " Oriat. commissioner o. latlug. renewed his pro f .recastlf' that North In dust rts> agricultural business rondlttrtfia next year will than ewer before, lusuraucc/FopuniaKlouer Stacey AVade revfvpd the pan year In the insurance lid. pointed out Um re markablo Jsgreaa made la the stato, aud believ* ' that. when the figures are all in 1935 will k.*v« jroved to be tbi biVt year North Caiidlna has ever had/so far a*' the htslueas of iifo insujanct coiupauies are con cerned ' Anti from the offuv of thf North Carolina Corporation Cf»i mission comas the Htuloni- nt tbgl , 'lftg.% haa been a year of real pritress and prosperity," with Die i>r»*ctlo n that "If existing conditions it<4). tlwy give promiso of gniater pgbiptliy for 1326 M ~’/ A ' , No statuoicula were /ssuod by el- Uier W. N. KveretC./ sacrctary of state, or R. A- revenne commissioner. Mr is con fined to bis home hyjfUncns, ami Mr. Dougbtoti was out oftoWu lonight,' “Mutcrial prog rent and prosperity constitute no Index t> sound ccouuuiic conditions and wtodwonre human r*- lutious." reads New Year state ment of (be Ourrnor "In North t'arollun prosit# and pros|wrUy during the pa at ySar have bee. steady and permanent Unanimity <>f puj pose and actf'u have * prevailed among our peofle In respect to tbe >4udurliiK thlugt of life. Slight dif ference of oplllon as to non-essen tials have not found expression In retardation of our development. "Generally, pur people have pros pered In liiel? businesses. The pro ducts of our Idbors are multiplying iu over-infrmsing volume Our tin aucial resoarcca have Increased La bor Is contented and well paid, and übove all. there la a distinct splrtl of accommodation In the relationahip viCiicb exJgtg between employer and elnployte." “Our people arebopeful and Imbued with the spirit of continued advance ment. In private life they have at tained hlglief standards of living than ver before. and In public affairs they art; manifesting, more and more. Die spirit of publlu service. "As a Mai* we have moved for • •a w'ard In u most constructive way. W# have achieve d things wldch make North Carolina a better stale In which 'to live We hav« merited and enjoyed H e contidence of the p ople of other sectloiiH of our counlry "I am grateful today, a* I am aure all of the poo|-le of are grateful, ,as tlx record of the . paat ye.r, ami what It has meant to our people, pusses 111 menial review to Dip the new year ta |pn* gnant with even greater fMtfWfclcx Wonderful op|M.rtunl ll«S pis,< ni Uiemseives on every hand, "And now, us we aland upon tlx* thresh ' i' of the new year, a calm •prvev Indicates a continuation of our dev* opmi'iii and progress VVe. esu sndvruusi uchtevd gn pier reaulis - flur *9 Die year I'Cfi We piust go fur-1 wywd along every Hue of sndaasrir, v Uut wc must not forgei, on ibi* gdiaMlon, to render limnbk r tbsuks td ■' e Giver of all Good.for the mufti, fold b|rjp>ag« we have enjoy. -d In Die If-UM. as well as the blessings wV be nleve are In stole for Us in the fjy... lure "In comTtialou | Hbmild like to ex tend to all the pc id of our beloved stale, uiy own good wishes for a full measure of happ slid prospertiy throughout tbe n>w yegr As optimistic n II wss brief was Auditor Haiti r iKirbam's suicmeni oil the- threshold'of 1!(26: "Upon the very safe, sane and sub stantUl foundation Dial our fathers und mothers have given Into our keeping." It reads. “»r stand and , (Continued/>n Pag* Four) * I . - ' ■ '. L PROSPERITY ?#) CONTINIE if SAYS HOOVER Commerce Secretary Optimintic Over Dutktok hw 1926; Cau- Uon Urforf, However v an ■ washij4uton. I) c. Ur. *1 (4n —Tli* prpeperity sf 1»26 shot iJ. con , tinuo through l#M. In the opinion,, «f Secretary Hoevhr krniein "rrchl< »* optimism” le permit ted to outweigh ordinary caution Economic prospects both far ibis countiy and the fret es the world, he believed, now nr* non than far a long time past In a Hatrment the Secret dry plertirrd fundamental condHiyns as favorable hut he .-xpresaed ’Concern over '«Dt era. Includlqg the poaslb l y of ex— tenah n of speculsllnn (n<o coimovd lllts and- the extortion by foreign government - festered . itouorpoti.a dominntiag over mw m«ttotal Im porta'' 1 ncouragltg OulltH.k Tbe most cncouiLging faei rin the .nitlook, ,hc ilrßarod to be "pur Increased pinductivity, due in fun damental and cou<Sauinsr forc<-e --tuch as the a.iuuiulaUon of cilutw. Hon. the advanccnekiit of science, sk *l. and elimlnatl#n sf waslr Oth'r favorablr Indicationv he Hated were that stkeks <f comiuo |. Hies are moderate; I there -1* employ ment fer proc-tu *HT“vrrry one; wwr| • ag'» ere at a high level; suvlngh, ar* Hie larg.wl In history and capi tal is therefore abundant and "he whuk macHiacry of pr distloii and distribution is operstlng at a higher dwgree of efficiency thun ever be fore , , . ~ ■ a Mfat I’rvwlnctlsg ■"Thv l,'n I ted Stulrs has prod tni-.l ind constfiiicd m«rr goods In I!>2S In production p popiY*tlou thun ivrr before In Its hlvtory," be said, add ing that the country's foreign iradr was "exceptionally silh,factory" H<- predicted ihat exports for 1925 would totxl around'4i.9iKl.Ooo,non Yr about 7 per cent more than f»i IHJI wM* Imports «p; roxlmairly f l,2<Ki.lKHi UOli t about 17 per cent Higher. Tli«' HecriTgiy Judged agriculture a* improved ovc-r Ha tm»4tDaa «f two yearn ago, hut wttil kiaTiing"TirT inert with much accumulative d.T and lacking •nubility because of urn. eolved market porblelua. Also, lie »nd. It Buffets from oeaitlnue.l dltu lo:l|on lu price. t rlailonship of th- Mltidk* West Id the comprlllig fur. elgn countrl.s because "our trsuaW poHaMon cost* to Seaboard ha** Md to l.r lit. reused itrp-''- TbW those ijf IU feteigh . oiilpotitori^ - ' rZr’ —* Heavy Is-aunf Fromlse of conUnuknr demand far. fcevsv . .instruction i»a* mad to mT crr»*ed national and lr Ar yubtlc wotks for 1926. and the Seen tary dedhred »he t«x(M and shoe industtieH as » » hole, also were running a) high lev.l* of pr-dtic. t|on Mr, Hoover belu-vrd ptmpccta Were favorable also for the antomo- Hlle ati.i tire induntrl*s .ti.l the r«d. ways, wiilt M>m> improvmuFnt briny shown in shipping - Fills I HUM I*l MAI rUIM 1<» rtM mu. »• t\t trtrrx Th Dr*' | child '« b» Hor.t In t.oldaix.ro or ing |1)2(1 nlll U/i,« d la- (t'Ancky to Ay, M'reH*st» •>( Hie r.lj hsv* joined logo bar Slid | repnr ;*d a'r-al wotfsHwr tor Die flr«: ncweomir »f Ike t»» tear. ll* for -he n|l| lie -lu*»v'r«i4 with gift* •( nr.my do*rtlp*ion». au.l Ik* par'ids of tb* lorlnsat* , boh) n(|l al-o H* llff* r ally He. ■wnibwred uiuler »!•>' irrsi- of an nnnnunr•nu-si made in ir dwibl«.page II li«ii|lm'M. Ht in iMf. " ntotiiiiig’s i*«s* of fhr NkWM. Av vwm a* the new ar rival mak' - bi» «r her ap|w»r. nnr*. |i will be duly noted in l h s 9fFMN. Tnrn to Ih* advertise, ■►•nr and »** f*r >onr»*l< js-< what the torhv baby will iw««Jve. ,4. I P. B. Rogers Found ! •i With Bullet Wound Through Forehead ■ WAUKEB SWORN IN AS N. Y MAYOR NLW YORK. Dec. Jl.-Aj mld nikh 1 lonight. James J. Walker. e«xn fe of Tammsny, took office as may*# of N«w Yorki Into office wJU> him went an entire Tam i B*>y admuysiration, placing for the first tlpic In history a Tam. many government ov P , D>c mat* and th,e cHy at thr same tlrnn (Bnorjje-V. farmer state ad; ertntendriit Hanks. Walkci’s choice for Poller < om nkts-lOßcr 10 succeed Richard K Bnrikhf. jnwtt v into that office toi.-ad of linn-, having hoed ap pointed by William T OHins, present <ff Hw Board of AJdor. m r n, ami acting mayor i.iuce John F. Ilylsu's * roilrem. ii’. at ml i. hlgin lasi night V'. f.’"| g token with him in'o pilvae Ilf-; • pen.-1 on of |4.2(A.!)9 u year. * • t.' f ■ M’CORMICK j AND BORI TO Two Famous ArtiaU to Hroad ‘»i Klh I*o rate Proimiin at 9 O’ctork Tonigfl NKW YORK. Dec. 31.- Th* most important radio rvrnl of the xeaeufl * il t*kc place tooßirrowr uight. when Jot n Mefurmeek sud I.ucrexla Burl go on the air th.'migb ih* stations of th, n. 0 A hosfc-ip Tbi* cun which is lie'ng gjven under lue ituspicrs of the Victor Tsllung M:»- ' him routpaiiy. nurki iHe anulvris. jry of a nlraiisr radio prt»r.)i»ti i; ot these same nitiuis a year ago, ih« Br*i in traduction to th. rsdto su Id cnee of ailists of IntrrngHsngJ re puGHlon THv It '' ~A • hdek.lTp~uir'lbi* oc. euMim wll luclud* to- foilovrina statfliurt The new WJZ, \ ( >w York, •hr most powerful diroadcasling sia ***** *nt ho world \KYWf. t’hicgge; KI»KA Mtltohnigh, * WHS Hpring. >to. |Mou.:'Woy, ScA ; irct'idy; ou 11 FS-, D. A' The pru • rnivt 4Mr hUin jp n '«» I* M «to ijpP'Tiw,-. , A conjpf<h, a*l vr anu varied pru grpjvr' in. iiuiiiu huh dsnstcal urn) • toupuiiir ml' cßpJis. bits hi en an am; ed for 16t M concert, which is the Aral of s series to. Hr announced igi* ty Hie Victor (oinpany The atllsts will he presented by <1 f*. Child, of the fhoaid of dlryoiei's of the Victor TailS n K Machine t'utu- Pony. \ in addition tu solo nitmlw which will he s in tS l*V M(''rtrtn ir' end Hvri. and Hi*) t iherr w|l *>i sever.ll orih.-.ln, seßcthma tiv ibe Victor runeert W-'t *tra. igdrr Hu tfiprctiou v joseji 4’akteran(;k. .The (ogeert program' h*• foi lowgi « Overturn, "Merry wives «t W'lnil eor” fNicolai>, by Vkiv Coeorrt Orchestra S “Luoghi Bereul Cal \r nu'Jdyl. and ,f Tt> tbr ('hlldfrn" i ft.., u ff). i>y. John MeCoriir uJ: gi Addle, from ■"B(di"ntr-. , ‘ • n<t ’ (Glsxoiipov' <Hy Mud ime itoi i. M "Win*’ Wv»ur,.q * n.t S',ii„'" f' Ht/; by WloGfr funeert fireh>str< C I "WJirn You snd V ■Wrr* w’tofng, Maggie" fDuttertoiJ) xiiyPThen You’ll Renvrnibrr Me" fllom "Th* Bohemian Girl" (lielfoT, * by John McCormack. "|*rt°trr* ißrtUlinto^* l ' tongo fßomery.Joues). andy “bH'le Dnnm sl" (Ivor Novello), b| Madame Borl "C .OSV*. tanclutlJ frnm "■"»»*- ms”, duet by Madsw r B°rl *nd Me ~T“* .tYoiith Oie» in HuNp.tml Knur! Hours After Iking Found In Room NO KNOWN MOTIVE 1 l*ollc c Raffled Over Rodger*’ Death: Youth Popuinr Among \ Young Folks RALEIGH. N. Doc. SI. i (AP)—Four houm after he 1 *»» found lying or tha floor 1 of hia room with a bullet 1 hole in hia left temple. Pren- I ton Rodgers, aged 20, mm of ML, and Mrs. I*. H. Rodger*, of 1106 Glen wood Avenue, died Thuriiday morning about 8 o’clock, in Rex Houpital. There waa no known motive for the Mhoeting. Rodgers ' waa well-known and popular emontf the younger Raleigh i MN.al act. ' Beat I kruagh U«ed 1 Tb r hvillrt tdoughed" futiudy Dimtigb the front part of th* head, and wds found ou th* floor of th* room it cutvrwd th* left tsupyic, --ok a I muul a sirgigirt con n»*,*u sowr «ci wwi to* vtofci wtoo Jwai abnv« ‘K*’ «»«»r. ~ - IrHiiiodlui.'ly after Ixviug not I fled of He young mau a death Coroner b. M., •Vurtng look charge of the caac ixttd. towtcrv vHr luuulry to driermtus if the wound was aelf-lntlcl d, of whwther , death was cuusMb.by foul play, Gtr- I'umstuiKCß and llhe oslpro of the wound luflunocrd him in deciding on, a iletailcd Inquiry, slated ih* cor-1 oner * £ Prailmlnary Inveatigation by th coroner disclosevi that Ilia young tuuui waa shot by gU2 calibre Smith « Wtanou pistol luaued him saveral* uoinbs ago by b. M. Waring. Jr..[ tun of n.roner Waring, listed as loaf j it sea .by the sinking of Ibe Cotopaxi. | Ibis pistol hsd b«(cu in th., custody, if M r » lUnlgers.wbo explained that' (he hauded It to her son Wednasday 1 ulgtir, wfWr the hoy inuuirad for it twnnd by Meunsrsphcr Ibc,fatally wounded young man wss found by ills mot lb. r lying on the' floor with bis head lu the lap of Mrs. I axilla Clark, a stenographer who roomed wt the Hodgcra horn*, stated Die coroner. Mi.. Clark *t plulni*d i hut she h .rd a pistol shot Dn.iii 4 o'clock: ra P 1 o the riNJIII oc-. uplui by the you us man, and lifted lis head into her lap She IHrSf ealixci that something had h p «n-, d when she saw blood ou her hands "I then screamed Mint iailed for lira Rodgers.” she Is i|Uoi d us tcll iiik Hi* coroner. I’Hrtlally I let bed ' hen an employe,- of Hrowi)‘s l’u- Jcrlaklng firm reached the room. In viiswcr to ,i cg|l (o x, the ambulant, .he f(»und Hu hoy s heud attll in Mis Claik's arms. lie #u:i partly di.cSM'd. wearing his underwear and trousers, staled the ainbulaiice drive* I* H Rodgers. tath«r of the dead l*»y. WUR viol -it home at th lime of the slhnhlhk Hi w«* sleeping m the adjohdug hoino of John P. Hw.du during Hie absents of Dm Hwglns Coroner VSsring stated be learned thai Dm. boy's (nth r was not inform ed of the shooting until after Die young man was Curried to the hos pital . >* Known Moliic young iiiuii's father could uol (urnislb uuy known mutlvi for the shmiting Young Rodgers had beon (.•inployed as cl- rk In his lather's place of bur Im-as. Rodger ’s Gift Whop, loented ou Wli«u,ugloa and Hargett streets _ Young Rodgers mdred about 11 10 oYlim k M ivdnesday olfci*x/iitvr going , to, Jh* door of Mrs. Clark s r«.m, and bidding her goodnight, aceapldilig” to s statement Coroner Waring dm iared Mrs i'iark gsra him. ' ' s Thnt was live last thing Mud! (Continued on Casa Corn, 7j J ,■t ' | • ‘ iA < I ft I ■ '<B ** ri ■ - NEGRO HELD , j FOR JANIARY - J , GRAND JURY ‘&I *X ■ i . ” ; fc 1 Probable Caiwc Found Agaktot j Cheat hum Joae« In Connac lion With Wllliamn D%£L i A coroner's Jury yesterday ordered that Cheathani Junes, colored, ha held fur Die action us the January grand jury of Wayne County ttaper lor Court, pn a charge of causing the death of Roy Williams, also cot orod. The rerdkt arms lhad WUl isius cams to h|s death by gnnahot | wounds at tbe hands of Jongs. ! Several w kineses, including Dr. B. ,B. Miller, who performed an opart Don ou the wounded man aft ar ha wgg Shot Christ toss night w*ra heard tor the Jury Dr. Miller ofatod tint William* was shat in two gloom— a shotgun wound in MO stogwak. , whlcji also tors his blpbonn to ptocas and g srnlp wound Madid hr • hnl- Im from a* revolver. Dr. Millar said ,th« negro (old him two persona stok I him. WII Hams died early Wodoan day morning < ontradietory evidence was a«to milled by the witneasaa. sopw da !<Uring that William* ohos firm at Jones, snd others denying Dint Stoto meat. One wltseaa stated that Jones took a pistol from Williams. A- , nother witness testified that after liesrWk s shot, he heard Jonaa laU Williams iog''dro,. that gun," sftee "aids seeing WlUlams run froto the porch ut. ttoi hotme srher's the affray took pWp crying 'glon't shoot am ear «mW This witness. MUtort 'field, also stated Dial 1« toW drift. Uni* shoot first at Jones. H was Stated by attwhev wttnsas that ha heard two pistol shots, and one dis charge of the shotgun i The coroner's Jury, altar Sharing tha evidence, felt Justified In haldtoc 1 .tones fur the action of the jury I The bouse at which the shooting occured. located near the city limits ■ton tbe Mount Olive highway, U» said , |lo lx; occupied by Oasie Green.'a sla- I ter us the Junes n gro. againet (whom tt to alleged WilHama mud* DAWESSAYS OUTLOOK FOR PEACE BRIGHT Vlce-IVenldetil, In Now Yaor'a Nlnlrmcnt. Declare* World Turning To Peace Polka WAgWfWfeN. Dee. 41—Tha anU look for Ih* p;r tlcsl und economic I •esc* throughoul the world formed '•hs burd<n of a Nrw Year’s eteda .m nt g!wn to th* .Vs-u laUd Prana i might by Vice I'rcstdmt Dawes. "The edveut of Hijd” be said. "Iliid* the world turning more, eag erly soil inorr drflh*t*ly towhrd Ih* pstbs of rtnl p»atv than at any thur (ilmc the ,nd of thr world war. "The •'nm luaion es I .suUilto* la I’Hk fduiul rhe desire fur peace w idrspcad", hut the flee* of hate had nut died down -It has hern seven veers for this desire to assume a posilipn o/ demlnsuec ■**»* alt ether i'iDstderatlone, end (o render fwpin tuut laternaDonal drmagegnrs and th* nationalistic politician to fan thr s-rahsrs of the past lnlo new coii. flag ratios*. "Tbr great copfrrmrr us the rear juet dosing scumplhitod c:ueh As wo enter the Nrw Yoor. %<• see all ulkuK us evidence of Die (leeir* tor political and economic peace It la a moat hopeful sail grtlfylng elgn." y jjt -HfSLtmF* l Tire at d Causes lleavy lamsm KAYhTTKVlbljjritoe ai l/F>-Flrw helloved t 0 ha>e Mf«rtvd front a de f«N live etuve do* V the stm,. yf Men- | bin and Howell urafaefurd. into laat hight, caused a iA» retlmated pt ■ ••

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