the wkather . Wrnlfcsr: North Carotins: Pnrt **••** ioaday sad Mesday; rls lug lamporatsrr Monday; moderate sortbwwut triads. - - Let ejiaW" l —WI i- v - • -7—.: fflWin FOUR; HUMBER 281 NOTED SPEAKER TO BE HERE MONDAY NIGHT *Farmer Instantly Killed Saturday Near Mount Olive rnDr. Francis Short Will Address Joint Gathering Os Clubs MaqMM Dhndar (or Um J. C. PMMjf Cmmrny BbW To Be Forceful Bpeoker LARGE CBOWDBXPECTED Full .AttoMHocc of Riwmntoto And RoUHaim Will Awn bit for Meodnc D r. Fronds Bur get te Short, gnpervtoor of the edu csUsnal deportment of the J. C. Penney Company, end edi tor of -The Dynamo.” * mentlUy magasine ineved by that concern for its employ ee*, wlfl be the gneet of hon or and principal sneaker at a Joint meeting of the Kiwants and Rotary Clubs of this dty, which wiM be held in tNe ban quet room of the Hotel Cicidshoro at 8:30 o’clock Monday evening. L- M. Rm, manager of tie local l*en ndy Were, announced lent nMM that he had been in- Snded (hot M Huoin«* Per aonolity” would be the aub- Jpet of Dr. Short’s address. Or. sb®rt li a lecturer <>( unusual sheer and ohHIiF. Thera are ttm hodh’rr* OH lb* pis' foiin wllL a mOhair'’ a* vital as bis. K»r « Oaiplirr •( rears hr baa bren travel gjf extruslveTy, and u» Bpciisl Rrp rmraUUvc of lb* J«. .I'toory Otapaar M finds oppurtuuliy to Tfolt many sections of thr country preaching the doc rlue of ''Rellgt*n .. Is Bimlocss " “ Ho ip»**oears as unu*u*l knowl edge of human nature sad frequently punctuates Ola iddrni'biih krrs humor shirk arnrra to Inienstfy thr effectiveness of hlo mewage. Hr speaks straight from thr shoulder Vpk rowaoodahlo Icarlmrnrso asarlr Henry EWd.l* bta towg. thr h»mr »f New Kniland HD la to be erected by ■ bla historic Wayside Inn. " Three hundred persona arc to live much la the aaair rnanurr of early colonial tlmra at Wgyxlde Inn. which will br secluded from the dlourblng modern traffic hy rc-rtuttins H»>- Boston Turnpike at a-coat of »*9.~ 000 to Mr.' Fprd. Home*, grM mills. barn* and fur , jrihhline* at will hr a treasure boo*,' "/Hmu-h home will be a Wea»itr«, liouks W snhuura Bworda iod horar pm tola will prace (hr maD'els of- stowr flreplacrp. .Windsor Chairs. ga'c-lcg tail a. prwler uMoware. horn-hand halves and forha will Ur /mod p*rAhr lower fjowrn la thOMd will he four-poaler beda cov rWjNriUi rraay quilts There wig UP- Wed warmers and csndlmticks. Art old stone woot-eordtng mill M In he nsovrd bodily from Weare. N.. If., and «a( up clear to a grist m n alrrsdy oa the iIU. Thr marhlarry ban been teal to Detroit for repairs before shipment to Stalbury. The trial mill la to he made •»•( aa It was la the days of LafoyMe, It sill be ro-cqulpprd with a clrcti (Contlausd On Pate Two)' 4 f.v n, .. ‘ ‘ " / •V, W . '.. “ • THE GOLDSBORO NEWS - - - —— ■ ■ _ w , wtamnatranirmworr «»MiimwiawctK«H»t - - Mmm, ... . m rrx" 1 1 ™ —*•- * ■wnw.w WWW ■ rnimsm : ZZ . - '■ - - V fHL FRANCIS & SHORT f m Dr. Short will addrena a joint mewting of Kiwan iana ami Rotarians at the Hotel Gold Bingo tomorrow night. • f HARBOR OF MAINE TOWN SUCKED DRY Unprecedented Phenomenon Followed by Tidal Wave ('auncH Much Loot* 80UTHWH8T HARBOR Main'-. Jan. 9. ~iA*) —An unprecedented phenomenon, apparently local In character. t«>dsy sOckrd dry On- har bor at Urrnaril, ’ three miles from here, and thou ocot a trn fool tidal v. av rssblng hack to the shore, car rylng with it fifty fishing boats. The i bla I wave was preceded by the distinct rumbles which led to the’ be lief *hat an OHrihquake at the set's bottom of sliorr insy InyC caused the phetiomcnon. riiliough no uein ora were felt. Two Men Katwpo Two sirs. Chrster Rawyfr and For rest Albee, were In their dory an chored a *iho;t distance off Parker'a Wbnrf. .They had the amazing rx pi-ilenitr of seeing the water -inked from beneath their craft aa the ksr l»er slowfy Wa* emptied after « dc-p rnmhllng round that esused many, Inhshhant* to fear tin earthquake. Aa the keel of tkelr boat touched the hotion. They It-sprd out and ran to (hors, dodging the cakes that had lu in tiled down from the upper -part of iblr harbor. Ussy Ik Wf» Wrecked A few second* after she harbor **ad he-n riupllrd, the first thre tidal wavrx Vauie sweeping sgslnst the shbre. Many boats were brok en iip on thr flit* mid were wrecked while' —vFfitcH. ;ode "ut -ttir first wave at anchor wara cauaht lu whirlpool, anil badly dsmiged. The lew I luib-r was exposed «t |H>lat* whore s few *e- (.lon after an attack on Ike Inhrii taaoe (at by prnat>ia Pi tcher and Trammell, of Florida.' who appeared boforV the roiiinifUec. Repeal of the levy ulao was ur«rd by H>r upc.ikera or the South Carolina ami Arkansas Howe* and Representative Hdghr A. Brown and Tbornnk B. |l|||. re wptctlvdy. and by Ucntenant Gov ernor McCall of Arkansas Senator Huiouta declarofoti was the drat definite Indication fioui Re publican ranks of a program of re ALLEGED THIEVES ARE APPREHENDED i• 8«v«n Negrocn. One of i*ike ville, Arrented for Compile- Hy in Store Robbery A mystery which had pupated the police far a mouth, or mura haa bceu uni a veiled wi.b the arrest, of throd negroes, charged with the lorcoay of several hundred d«liara worth of “f staple merchandise from * the wholesale grocery store of L. A. Tkury company, have been aywiep i barged with receiving the merchan dise. knowing It to be sioien gotals Norfolk Dixon. Richard Thomas ami Richard Wynn arc the negtore against whom the larceny chorge ka- 1 been placed and W. H. Whlttod and William hnead. negro dlorckeepciw in the LHUo Waahlngion nectlon of *he cHy; Will Thompson, upgeralor of a store on North Center tttreet, end Randiil I'aacll, negro merchant of Flkevllle. are alleged to have been the receivers of the tllcgrlly gained loot. The negroes werr glveu a .prelim inary hearing before Mayor Z. O. Ilollowell yesterday niorulng. WhlU trd. ttnuad. Tbompson and Uzxcll furiiishoil bonds of I POO eaeh fsr their appearauer In Caunty Caurl, snd Dixon, Thomas, atid wt-ro placed In the Wayne Ooun'y jail In dt-faull of bonds. *Vlvr bundled 4»l --, lars boll was required of Dixon and Tbeiuaa, and I2®« id W'ynn she negroes were rudMded up Friday by policemen and deputies fr°m the sheriff* office . ft Is thought that Dixon, Thoms* anil Wynn, former employees of the Hsney ompsny. gave Wwi syxttent ailtally r today hy ihe United Slates Grand Jury hero. *0 SAIIW. NO RACE WON At .ATM-Ml. N.jf . Jan 0 f/U> The JA-ml)e uortbern New Humpnlilre dog sled ra«e »< h*dul-d for tiatay ha* baen abandoned boeauae of lack of snow. Tha race had attrariad wMe intorest No future date baa been am. ■-^y GOLDS HORO, N. C., SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10, 1926 > vision of the non-partisan House hill, t which hag been endorsed “In goaty. f «t r by Becretary Moiiwn Tha treaii ury Secretary, ho water, imnulrdlv baa advocated repeal of the | U her. Itancr urn on the ground that this Held of taxation should be t -ft lo the state lMWa»eratio mrmbara of Uia Anancs commit tee eompteted today program of tax rdductiort. they will attempt next wepk to have the commuter suhwlltßta for the rale srthedule* in Ihi House bit, , Thin plan would call for more redaction than the fSJO.dOO.OO* "provided l»y (lie Rome measure, probably ns high ax MKMMW.OM A quick show-down mi •he Fate schedules la expected when H»r rots. mMtee takes up these provisions Monday. Democrats who are In the minority seven f wl>k vofr Mum Til DEATH IX BED KINHroN, N. c:; Jan. Id. (Spe >dal lo Tho Nows)—Fanny Smith, young negro viwun shout 26 yoars old, was burned to death this morning In bed. when a lire . destroyed her home in .HprulU's Alley, near Hast srreel, at 2;W» o'clock. , r It t» thmighl thti the woman , has intoxicated when she arrived j home, and retired, leaving the t- lamp burning, which exploded. I causing the Hr* and her death. e GO. a WILL I. MAKE REPORT | : THIS WEEK i o i Annual Heeting To Hv Held f Thursday Afternoon; Inter r rating Program Arranged i Imrinu the ireent tippml f»r tha I Community Chcxt. many G«td*hor« I rttueu* pledged and made omiirlbu - -Hows u th« Goldsboro Cba«Uy Or. ganlzatlou Hochv r. 'Hi rough years of arrvtco to the social needs of the . community tut* organisation bnib I under Its present name sqd formerly «s thr Ie iiiade ill a later ils'e • ■''*•*" ■■■ i . < l B»r \M.so4-iatioh Will Meet'at Wri^htsville RAJ4UIIII. N (.. fl if) Thr eiaentMr* commlttr* of ihr . Nitric < Toltou Mar AMomtT«h. Tn J inrrtltia brri! luiUjr divided to hdd the nr*! annual nte'ilnn <>f the «<. aocutlon on Juna 3*. July 1 and J. I l**n Wrlgt**< til* BfUMto «•« i« B . !:x- “ p, i * solidly for tvir substitute program, while thr Ko paid leans or* enp< rtrd ta vstp for thr rata schedules In ibr mala. Incorporated In (he Hauge hill. Ilow si tail support Oh alt man Smoot got for his motion to repeal th* In hr rIIa nr J tax is douhtM bpt there are iadlcailou* ihr Itopublti*a mrmhera of tho eommntee will ualtr 'u backing It. The Inal tost on the Mil will cwine, however, on fie floor of tho gen sir Democrats aro counting on giialng •nough votes thare Root insurgents <«' offset the Repuhtn-an majority, and w«Hla their program has not hewn announced, u la derotood It do«a not eonternplate re peal of the Inheritance tag, bui provides ptsrobdbly a slight Increase in maximum rates and restoration of the present gift tax. which the llonse—Bfßasure would repeal. SANATORIUM I WILL ISSUE r PUBtKIATION ♦ '!* -| — ■ - Monthly Periodical WIU Re De voted to Intermts aad prob lems of Tube mi lam NANATtltrttMf, K. Jah." C ->Tfi* drat Ibsuo lo appear March t, Iha farsHna Haaafnrttttq..k Ding to puhll-h o monrblv pvrlmi(cal Ihst »V bi> devaicd to Ibr iuU-rawt* H)d prohlrnui. of the tuhrrrub ala of its kind In ihr Hlaf*. and oh® of less tltun half a dwxrn Hitch public t. Gnu* m the Bomb Sanatorium is thr renter of Mm lubrrruloals work Ju tha mate, For mer tmUctda of the iastltuGoo. of wlumi there aro m«rc thou 3 t u*« |:v ipw; Slid p*r*nos who w e Intercut.-d > In Iho public hell h. Nor uT and wrl. for* problems thgj luttert-ulusls pro. *enta will b<- dp- persoim to wh»m th- nrigailne will make Its grosleat sparai. It will eairy each month •ftfclea hy spcUoUsts on th* pgUa* prevmiion and euio «f mbereulnaia JBd kinship attbjecti, Imppenlnga ah n ut B»n.itnriiini. news *f former patient*, and anything Ibat por'alo* o tuherculOMin In North Cnriltoa. It* gturnt aliiio»|>hi>re wllf he og »f upllmlam and cheer., H will preach the gospel Os prrventioO and early cure, ami th;i: n man may ha temporarily Jowu lo bed but nevwr out. Dr F. J‘. Me< 1 »la. stip riilt, Mdeul of tho North Carotin* Sanatorium. I» lo be btiolom* manager and -w> bavn general aupervlalon of the nrwa matter. Miss Budle K. Fystt, a prar. Ilc*l newspaper wom.m, and a for mer pul lent Os thr Institution, Is IS he fbr eg |tor, fill! p.-| l< xIGn t NJuh sloe, six coliimna wide It will carry advertising and * small yearly xith. scripil< n* price will ba charged. A 'iiHine (or tho i >tl l oit "n has ik»i Wen definitely d'clileil up»n WMt HiqihhFTrjiY NKW YORK JonuAfy 9. Htf)- C«tloti futiite* dosed Irregular, im. chang'd t«c IK polnia down; »p"i cotton jute*, middling 20. t0 Frev (..Toned Opcnli.g* **M»Him (.ranMjMiglilwr of | And HI IMagngtc MeN» 58,- 000 Hhgrcn of Stock i* Yuilt; Jw; * vear-old* Barbara Hutisn. grand. * dat ghur «f dH- Utf Frnnk W. Woafc 11 wOrih. has rung up one hundiwd * million dime* on tho cask register 1 of Ih* five and ten cent store bust r nesa hr rsnaded. Yesterday her repr'senlaUves Sold 30.0'Hi Hhsre* Os Frank W. WooL ' w*hk Company common stock-which eke inherdtHd from her grand mot h [cr f»r more than •lu.uoq.ihhi R was >»ne of th* largest private sales «f common Pluck In th* recent bis torv of Wall street. The sale was made - to Investor* thioughout tha country, yet the de. mand for shores wa* a* great tha* allot ment* bad lo fir rod Band. The market was sßgl.'ly heavy a* a ro sufi of tjia transaction, but recov ered Barimra Mill has ghoul Pfi.OM aharM: as Woolworth stock remain ing from her lahereltancas. and >be proceedings fr»m tha sgl* In th, open market of 30 900 mar* of h*i ehovew abrng t jwr *«o With the increased vafuailou of k, r holdings It l« rotlmate her tol»| Iniierßance •i approximately giMOOO.OM, making bar po*albly tha rlehce! roong girl in (he world. She la th* daughtar of FVaah f, 1 Hutton, a broker, sad .Mrs. Rklnu Woolworth Hutton, who died in I*l7. { Her tubrrttsac* ram* from -oh r j grandmother, widow of T. W Wool.* •wrlb.'wh* died m'1924. leaving Mr* Jesse Woolworth Donghue and Mr». Helen, tv McKnhn, daughters, aad Barbara, a graaddaughter. » -*p 7 ” " K h i'wart. Jr* Mm Hi.. vs wm i 11 > 11/ A IMK« ilv I ? Mb Dador** in« SB Kas»ld»bk «Hl pUi «p tlitlllj I MMMOf 4 iojLn #.* agiiJ* "ii„ „m I, M r *m ..> i I flililMrtr Os I lij. fMf. t| ft ?f* n 1 *^**r the Iwaih of ”£ V 4mmSl about two «ij|i from that rtiy. AccorSlOßf 4r.0 OKU the! rouax dHaar M Ow track, ko was 1 rstfrtspyjS rugr «r th* Bponr. Hr *t*ia6 that Mfr Ht««» t—»Ql from twfctad « V«rd ear. tmaalilit* twari Maaol OUm. into Ik* ««th at kb track, aa* that ha waa vaaM* t« avoM atrtkiag *h* aaaa. L Tomug Cnart hailed a to Mmhk Ottre, whan be reparted th* tr*fr4jr t* Os CUM at P*llo*. Taat •metal bHaak—ad tta akartfra o®ce htra. «ed WMU Rherttt I*. o Rhode*. 9mm T- R kakfaao aad R T. Coaart havtcnMl to O* area* *f the aeatdcai. oorqoark tar ni tkjiaalii irkwit OfK aad. altar rtaelßo to* body .1 til 4w4 »*a. aad haartof the rrtdeact Os Mr C«aa* aahauaiaWd hf a eapb _ (ri aintm 0a ho Two) DIXIE SKIPS STORM ABATE|, ATI>ANTA. Om j a 9-1/Fh' i Dialaa. aad Uuwc of tgrr dl»« aa. jouratytap »h* tort *| o*u«.a awrto ' ban o tartar Oittlwl ilov * in iba lalcy wake H afrtb It* It tw» d«r» relga of Urt (lira* mart terra of ritfpftemjp rain elgr I »na enow. * ll*«nr Carting R } ||l **RM* frttoia of %< •out*. va '.'•iv Virginia, KartwkT. Haiti r'»raHn» art Tranent #e, a c*u»pe t ti*«lr »««yy >*i ano* art l.ern liardmed bra later fall irf «»*•■ (. y'urtaar aaaflt la nauth Oera. Una a art norlto*t Oaotgta. Alahaaaa cud MU«u**Rpt the t*teity had rt«ar «" *or»t. art aim. rtagtert with rain, maltad almoat aa rtfrtly aa It rrarbtd Ha (reuad Florida, loutrtaaa aart Ihlmhi Ororita. Alabama *nrt tfualealn* experienced galy rala. tot **«• that *ai general. Cloudy, atarijr waathar. marked by ua abaracr as prartyiladoa, wa# proiulaed la rirtlrt far ta