' dgmi in i —. THE WXATHER Weather: Mirth OartMpa Partly aaaa ftdlagMd by fkls m°d,ir»i.\ '**i**m VOUMijjKTNI MBEK 577 CARDINAL MERGER, “APOSTLE OF PEACE,” IS DEAD _ ;V . | Pennsylvania Hotel Fire Causes Heavy Loss Os Life Ueroic Figure Os YWorld War Loser fy Battle With Death ■•lff** Dalcta* Preble Pmw Away at Aiwwcrt A|i et Sweaty-Four ACTIVE UNTIL END CuM Pfg»l<7 Prateata. Oon tiaMi CWem.ce. nnd Work Throughout ninety UP) herak tevrw of the World War. died to4ay at the age es 74, laaiaf lie bay battle ■fllHpt ljks decline that set la ajbra* apration ea Dseeae- Perihild Merrier was dridw With ' influenza De ceßWer 19. The news of his 4111% kMfea known when he wap wmms to attend the cere » atMy St which Queen Elba- Mfr MMaed the golden fees t mst hersy Pope PWin hon ra# her twenty-finh wed- MPf* pr s«ry• W Shortly afterward it was announced dergo an 0 pant ton. In a ;nstoral letter be deprecated fear of danger. Hie ailment' wee explained officially I "pr-rataient dysp* -i*da. making 118-J trltlon Insufficient for the active life the t'nydlnal wlahea to pursue.? He waa traoeterred to St. Jean Clin ic from the err.hhieaoprlc palace at Mailnes, Onoember 11. and wtaa op erated on the following day. * He waa given a local anaesthetic and waa able to follow all the detail* of the operation He atood the ordeal well. During the day* Imrfrdlately fol lowing the operation the ('ordinal ■earned to lmprov-. and hla complete recovery wa» predicted by those In attendance upon him. Suddenly, on January «. however. It became known that the condition of the ven ” arable churchman had taken n turn for the worae. It waa with difficulty that be waa able to aaaimllate food. He begau to weaken but hla robuaf eonatltutlon and faith aided him to wlthatand the ravagea of hie element, much to the aunwlee of hla physician. During hie illneea prayers were aald for hla recovery In all the churches and the heads of almost all the nations of the civilised world anx iously Inquired shout hla epndltlon Ambassador Phillips, of tm United State#, waa a frequent caller at the hospital. Once he brought the Car dinal towers, a gift frpifc. > Becretary of State Kellogg. Wbea the sudden turn for the worse came the Cardinal fully real i/ed thpt his end waa relatively near st iMwd. stomach has failed ■du there la/hothlag more the doc tor* L of the 16 points accumulated by Goldsboro. Haar. last year selected all-state center, was the outstanding star for the visitors, scoring six of his team's II points. The' Goldsboro five will journey lo ,Mount Olive Tuesday night for a re* turp game with the quint represent Ing the high school of that city. The last tiv-etlng of the two teams result ed In an 16-11 win for Mount Olive, end the Wnls are determined to even the count A game with New Bern will be played on the M- mortal Building (hurt here Thursday night This contest gives promise of being a scrappy affair, and another large crowd will doabtleaa view the gamy. lasi night's line-up- Usldsbsre Wilmington POSITION Miller . { * t, Moore RF Gllllktn. P P. Roane LF Bplcev Parsley ' £ - ■ - Honey Durkhelmer RO Btmtnons Dobson U » . yiubstltutiona: Goldsboro- Waters for Gllllkin; Wilmington—McGlaugbon for J. Moore; Haar for P. Roane; Referee, Crum. N. C. Slat*; Roofsrs, Mahler and Deroaeett; Time of game, JI miaul*.. ’ Jr e ' » “ * * ' O GOLDSBORO, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24. 1926 Dr. Frederick A. Cook Called A Genius By Rapid Amundsten FORT WORTH. Trxaa. Jan. 2J.— fa— Dr. Frederick A C*ok * a "genius" In the estimation of Cap tain R«ald Amundeeen, and no mat ter what he may or may not have done In business, he deserve* the re spect of the American people for hi* Intrepid explanations. Dr. Cook ■ay uet have discovered that pole, hut Commander R. 19. Peary also JggjE net have, and the. former hae aa good a data aa the latter, cap tala Amundeeen said here today. "I don’t knew whether he dearrve* to he In prison or not,” Amundeeen said. "To me hr was always a geni us Wbea we were young mrn to gether In a Belgian anarctic expedi tion. he bald that If aay men ever ranched the North Pole. It would be Dr, Cook." o "In 1601. Dr. Oook came back from tha North as the discoverer of the Pole. It waa among those wbo greeted him et Copenhagen. He began immediately te (put the story GOV. SLATON IS EXPECTED | TO RUN AGAIN 0 * I If—Mliaa Who Commuted Bcw tence of Leo Frank May Throw Hat tn Ring ATLANTA, ii Jan. •».—(HV* John M. Slaton, twice governor of Georgia, and whoae commutation of the death sentence of Leo. M Frank In 1916 caused nation-wide comment, will enter the doming race for gov ernor only In the evept of a‘‘coo- c fiction of duty for public service,” be told tbe Associated Pres* today relative to insbstrnt rumors that he will be a candidate. During Governor Riston’s admin istration there occurred °n April 26. 1913. the murder of Mary Phagan. a young rmrJoyee or a pencil fac tory In (Atlanta. For thl» crime, 140 M. Frank, of Brooklyn. N. Y superintendent of the faelory, wss convicted end sentenced to be hang, ed. case aroused a gmcral pub lic clamor for swift Juatlre and likewise creeled »aflpn -wide com ment. On the other hand atrenuou* efforts were exerted In Frankh l*e 'hs|f on the gronnd that the evidence adduced tended to throw the burden of suspicion «n n negro who wa« can rioted ea sn nceeeory Used Sl«l* Trapp* When the case came before Gov ernor Slaton he commuted the sen tence to life Imprisonment and a turbulent period enuord. (luring which there were open display* of threatened violence directed again*' the .Qoveroor. who celled out «b» Btate troop* to restore order. The Governors term oxjHed and he and his family *r*nt n large part of the time immediately following out of the State. Later Frank ,wsa formefly taken from the State prison farm at sil ledgevllle, to Marietta near Atlanta home of the family of the Phagan girl, where hr was lynched Since that time. Mr. Staton'* name heo never hem offteallr mentioned In pnlidca and today’s statement te the 'flrat Indication that he former yovPrnor ought conalder \runnlnx again for office "Bo far *a the Frank cs*e Is eon rergrd." be Mid. “that In rarely mentioned. I acted In accordanee with my obligation and conscience In that matter and time has only •erred to confirm the justice and correctness of that act. I have nl ways said and thought the people of Oeorgia would approve my course when they knew the facta. Same Snggeelod. "flaring been governor twice, once st the time when, as ’president of the eenatr. I bora me actinic gov ernor and subsequently through r I ration by the people. 1 bate h* (Continued Oa Page Five) a•.. . '-i '' . of hla discovery and explore*Fa* !» writing. Later. Commandar l’eary returned with hla claim of.dtseovrry and an attack on Dr Cook’a claims The ultimate result was disgrace for Dr. Ceek. tom par* * Merles "I have read Dr. Ceokfc story, and 1 have read Peary'a. In Pcarys siory 1 have u»t found anything Os tonaequcnce not covered already by Dr. Cook.” » f MucMlllau oat ■-itatcmenU from the Bakimoo aa to the length of tune that Dr. Cook spent In the heretofore unexplored region* tn an effort to prove he bad not had tUue M> reach the pole, Amundn*en explained “My experience has been that thr native Bsktmoa will give you Un kind of ansrwer you are looking tor." Amundssen said. Meta»am lHergrows DENVER, Cole., Jan 23—O’)— Vilhjalmur Btofatiseon. noted ArtUc CAI*TAIN O’BERRY “HOLDING HIB OWN” f * Captain Nathan OT|erry. proml- j j nent aijd beloved clttßcii of Golds , boro, who was stricken In his of- Ace Friday morning, was lain last night reported to be "holding his own" by Dr. V(. It fobh, tils phy- : slrian. This Wtfl he eheoring new* V Ooldaboro, whire Captain i) U( rry la held In the highest ot tfWk and a host of weil ; wlthors will hops that his 7 hnprovvment will be Immediate and rapid. ALGONQUIN CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS •v *1 Enthusiastic Meeting and En joyable Barbecue Held in Club Rooms Last Night Enthusiasm and good fellowship t ’ T - marked the nnnual meeting and Imr*, becue of (he Algonquin Club, tietd In the (iuhmonis in the Borden Build ing here last nlgft, A large prowd wss In attendance, and Ihn members beard with expressions of approval a number of reporia and suggestions' Rl 0 ! brought forward during (lie business seasiou. which preceded the The meeting was o|>ened w^li^dhe reading of the reporia of C. D. Grovej - «nt faklnff. ever since ha (aked Ike Mount McK>aley climb, wlii u he claimed to have as tended io the crest, and it was later I roved that hr never wet more than half-way to the top. "His career of faking continued* f;om that time unMl l» liaded him in the federal penitentiary” DOOMED MAN AGAIN SAVED FROM DEATH SfttSn'* Hour by Gortriur • OSSUONO, N- Y„ 11-4*V Ambrose R,«aa, for two days a puwn to * game of life and dafcth. today for tha sucond Hmr off tllr black suit that mark* those about ta b.- executed In Ring Ring prison. Three hsur* befare hr was to Imi electrocuted, Governor Alfred K Smith telephoned from No*’ York, •ml ordered him icprleved. Yen terday hr, waa saved fourtoen hour* before time f*r rlrctraucUea by • uynr/’rary , atay of execution from a juatlce of the Supreme fvmrt. That *tay waa vacated la Braok lya. *d n lawnn hiker McCsffrry iJnmre l, 1/wk thr state ■uprriiile'h : dent of prison* apd the uauil group o' O' w*>aper r» porter* and Wlt ii *. re wsth'ng the ho ir« drop ! *1 we, I v rut Inner Wa* Bruit gon •••'.*lo • b.'clr In the prison a r w • itei-iiflotier waa preparing far t.i* flr*t "Job" Tti- office Merhana rang. Rnprr. intrndeni I-on* oak ika massage 'lum I p„lavv which »ar* prison anthorltle* cun net act on any in formation not conflrntrd by offletl I document*,, but t/mg kn*wa ihe gev ,roor'e voice. lie uiartrd at a run for the death hoigm. with fVirttar'MidTkffrry f«»i lowing him. Raved b> M'tione Tall A* they entered Iloa* Jumped "P frightened, a» »hbugli he hour already bad coma. "ISie electrocutlan Is put off. "I'll tell yol more tomorrow. The gev. ftmt ha* given y<*«t a reprieve.'* Long Mb^ipldly Ann R u b flamlswd *o quickly. Asked If. as Mr BarlssM. he ba lleveil there Is no ball. |>r CwmOl lam; bed: "That It a mere desall." Kj aOTUrer «d "I know Mr. Burbank He is u fine mini " B OOl>l.Of 'k MIT I,ONE . . | AVIAHHINfITON, J*n. W- (JV- A request that President Osdidge wall- i drew the nominal I>u of -Tltomar V . | Wmsllvck. of Nr* York, as a mem. . Lcr of the liiiersi'ite <>asmav«c y-imv. mission is under congtdersftan ks! some mlmlnlsctratlon n ielvfw ta the | Senate. W mm ■ I ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES 4- s 'o' ifT rrr=a-.,r-," , rmcE five CM/rm Twlv. PIWM, UiUMUtM For, BwiiavbA ta Ratal «fT • Bufldtag , TWENTY ~~irillM| rnmmmmmm m of G«Mta IbJeMMMS By Bum* (MhaniJMW" tag to at—tg ALLENTOWN. Pm. 'ifil. U. (AP)-EtaY««i > Mtam us VS trlry, w|mjwte q—troyjrf to hi in th« ruin* Rilled tßy, Itg 1 tg iMlw ijuik of lh« «Hraii«n mm dangerous, . The cause of Ota Mum fli Mill undetermtaod tap|g| Herbert W. Guth. ioK|; public aufety, said iIMM Mffl be a (borough invim(lgm«il| of a report that Just mtm (he Aral aldhn ot ftfig Ihe ugper floor. This rapfl -i-X 1 _ . .. * .» c *r» t Ana MtitcniliM uniWf § %: newspupor worker, g tadgsr •t (he hotel. tfasyr had Ju*t reached tka hotaTM tar hla nlgbt’a He dagyM |a talk with the sight dark.’ Tkatr conversation was laterruptefl. hr « terrifying cry of "fltw" from usaMlia, Both ran to the second Boor mad ; aroused tboa« rooming tkaaa. hot Mg' spread of the flamaa was Bo mpM they had to flea to agv* (Mr Uvwa. Neither heard any asplgotaui praradlag 'he first alarm, they aakL oneats on the fourth had fltlh I top) floors, unable Ui mags through *h« hallways were hanging from the windows whan tbs Hr ana an arrived. \eja wery of little turn becaaae of aa dd-tlme narrow roof ad porch that aa* endad lha whole width of the Ant floor. ftoe Falk ta flpptt Otle matt lost hla Hfls «%gn ha MD mm a window eh ggo lap floor of 'our were foam# NfldtaM tagothor la . corner •« Ma hard floor. Ya ttata «a Draaa The Are ktflA out shortly after I • cinch Am* sgraad no rapidly that |* <> ut sff iha ascapa pf moot of th* Taeats who had‘to ho carrtgg flown adders by the firrm*n Thor* was " time to drees. and the guaata ' rare fon-og Into the cold Maats of vlntr* In thobr light clothes. . The •emiierniur# hovflgofl lulwm if aafl > '* above zero, t «? ■>- BwMaely laiored ~ i Twenty of tha,guesta. all anterlag from luirna or Injurlan rocslred when they lumped to the streets, ware tak ♦n to boopltala. Six at one hospital, arc unidentified. Throe of them, floe tore said, pfobnbly will die. One of th<» six had bitten off part of hla tongue. fries For Help Ihe cause of the flrv had aot bean '•mined aevarai P* - after the The InsMa of the hoSol waa'a mass , *f flamaa whoa flrensaa a- rlwd. The *B»aye aad etsirwaya ahlaaa aafl. j "nahta to Waaaa shfllr aguni. friskt ‘“cf and Im wiidrrcd guaata atoofl at i 'hi* windows, walling for tholr rea . ogam. HpfN tatore could aaa the oe> cupants of lha burning bolldtng. aad h*ar thrlr ertae for help. ( averafl Witt l<« Few of ihoae raacuod reached the sidewalk without a drsneblag of Whs