s I TUB WEAfHEB f Local showers Tuesday, Aloo much cooler, i ! I % » —- VOLUME FIVE; NUMBER 93 ■ ■■ _ —T ■—■■ ■ STEEL BODY OF CAR SAVES LIVES OF OCCUPANTS ORMOND DAMAGE SUIT SETTLED FOR $15,000 Big Cadillac Turns Over Three Times Near Town Os Mount Olive-No One Killed Driver of Machine, Blinded, by Glare of Approaching Car, f Leaves Pavement and ' Machine 'fonts Over : Thrice Car Pilled With ladies Bnt Only i One of These Is Slightly Injured j i Steel Body Saved 1 Them > « i \ r The supremacy of sled bod- ] ' lessor automobiles ia piece i of those of wood or some oth- j er material, waa forcibly end l fittingly demonstrated near i Mount Olive, twelve miles i south of Goldsboro, Sunday < night, when • Cadillac limou- < shie. owned by Mrs. Ben Southerland, of that place. I left the concrete pavement and i turned over three times. The i car was being driven by a col ored chaufeur at the time, and in addition was occupied < by Mrs. Southerland and sev eral other ladies. Mrs. South erland was the only one in jured, suffering more from the shock than from physical injury, and a report from the Goldsboro hospital last night, where she is receiving treat ment, was to the effect that 1 she was resting very comfort ably, and would probably be discharged within the course of a few days. According to the account of tbe af fair aa related to The NEWS. Mrs I Southerland and her parly were re turning to Mount Olive from a visit at Wilmington. A tew miles from Mount Olive a car equipped with glar ing headlights and traveling at a high rate of speed came down the road headed directly south. The driv er ot Mrs. Southerland a car. blinded by the headlights nA the approaching ear, and attempting to give the lat ter all posatble space on the high way, cut too far to hi* right/ The Cadillac atrurk the dirt r<ad alongside the pavement, nnd Imme diately turned oyer. rolling over three time* before coming to a atop All of the windows were down at the time and, strange to say. not one es these was broken. In order for tbe occupants to gH dear of the oar. It wii found neces sary to break the window in tbs rear and they crawled through this A check-up showed lbs) Mrs. Souther land wa* the only one who had been hurt In the least. Another remarkable feature In con nection with the accident. **« the fact that the car. after bring righted, i waa able to continue on to Mount Ol ive. It* drat Inal lull. Under Us own power. It Is believed that had the machine been of w od or s.nnie similar con and the accident occurred aa It did. (he occupants of the car would bate been killed or seriously hurt. JAILED BY I'. S. Asheville, June 14 Chart** F.. Man ship clerk In the Asheville poetofTlre is lh jail In default of a llOOtt Ijond tonight the victim of a trap s« by poatofflre Inspector* In the|r efforts to solve the mysterious disappearance of money from special delivery tel lers. Manshtp a bridegroom of two months has confessed according to postal authorities thai he took money froin special delivery letters over a period of two or thrar month* The specific charge against panahlp la that he took t& Saturday from a l, H«r addressed U t Mias Mandat Smith Loybb* rt > d C. . -- i THE GOLDSBORO NEWS 1 » " 1 ■■ ■ ■ - ■■■-■'- - . NOW LOCATED IN OUR NEW HOME, 110 S. JAMES STREET - ■ ' . . ' "' , x ; AGED RESIDENT PASSES TO REST Mr. Inham Barberry Died at -Bin Home on North John Street Saturday Night B*),utduy night at 3 o'clock, out of Goldsboro's oldest cltlxena, Vr l<h <m Barbcrrv. panned away at hit home on norlh John street Mr. Barberry wav ('» years old. lie had been an Invalid for many years, liavlug his sixth stroke ot paralysis Friday night. He was a <*hrl»tlan, having made a profession it religion In a quiet way In bla own a •vcral years ago. Hlncc that Mmc ne has lived a consistent ChrliUjo I'lo, L fil - ing giving him tnoie happlnean than hearing someone read tb' Word of God, or testifying of hit lov; , for Christ. Mr. Barberry waa pa'lent In hta suffering, and very of anything done by hts family or friends to make bla hours m -re comfortable and Irae tedious He leaves a wife and one daugh ter, Mrs. Wiley Edward*. of ibis city. RAIN FOLLOWS PRAYER SEASON South Carolina People Pray for Relief and Showers Come Down Charlotte. June 14. —Rain, fol lowing In several Instances, mass prayer meetings. t<iday hud given hope to many fit I ten a of South Car olina who had despaired s few days ago In the face of the long drought that grfprgd the two slat.es. (iastonta. N. C.. late yeatfurday was visited by the first rain In many days after prayer services had been held In churches there during the morn ing for showers. Similar service* were planned f< r this week. . fast aad I’ray Cltltru* of Cheater. 8. C.. closed their place* of tod iy at il a. m. and gathered >n prayer, 'he sit uation being declared eo serlona mat rops would be ruined mile** show ••r* were experience! In a few hour" Casting was tbp order of the mor"- lug In the town »n.H after 'he con tusion nf ihc scrvl ri. Al Rock llill. 8 t’, a ilffeen-inls u'te shower Saturday foll<we<( sixty- Hvr dry dare, Pr* /er I-d been of feted fair four duya Imploring Divine tld 111 s.<vtng crop* I l ihat section Due Meat. 8 C. and Charlotte, are two other renter* wher cltl/.enii have held services. Irritable Downpour A Veritable downiauir drenched thin city last night, the fall continuing foi more than three hours. Western North Carotins I* also re potted la< log « serious water short age unless the drought is broken soon NEXT FAIR WILL BE THE BEST Director** ol Wayne County Fair Asttociation Now Making Plan* for Same •4 Direi tor* of the* Wayne county-, Ealr Assoclalion net yesterday imirnc ing for the purpose of diacuaalng .v mini! or of matter* of Importance*ln | connection with the next exposition lo be held her* In this city. However, there wer* several prop<>*ittpna which h.OI nol been definitely derided upon and It waa dm-tded to meet again on Thiirstlav. - Indict-I'on* nre that the next fair will tw ibe bigg**) and beat ever held II n ihla county and In order to mak* thl* assured, plaua havr be«n started well la «4v§pct of the opening dale. GOLDSBORO, N, C„ TUESDAY MORNING, JUNK 15. 1921. ■» '. GIRL SCOUTS ARE ENJOYING CAMPS Young [Adieu From Thi* CHy Having Great Outing Down At Camp Ki-Ro ■■■*■» - Two gcorc or mot* Goldsboro pco pl especially those who have daugh ters at Camp Ki-lto near New Hern tpolnred down to that place' Sunday for Ihc purpose of looking over Ihc tamp and at Ihc same time visiting ih* young ladlea. And. as halt been expected they found a happy crowd there. The Girl Scout* had been In camp a we»k un der the direction anil supervision of Captain Mary Mlcbaux and it had been a week of real pleasure to and for I bun. They had enjoyed every minute of It. they declared, aud were only , sorry that they could remain there bit for ten daya. rhere had been no aicknraa or sc ctdenta and each and every Scout haA bad. they said, “the time of their ir~en." They will return home today and will doubtless prove,to have been really bensfttted by their stay there • FIST FRiHT IN KVTAI. T« FAIR Springfield. Mo., June 14 —As a re sult of a flat light and gun Battle, two men are dead aud a third la crit ically wounded at Aatorta, a small village about 20 mile* northwest of Hartvtllc In Wright county, it was learned her* P-day AMERICAN PEERESS PRESENTS DAUGHTER AT COURT l ♦ O t ' * i ii 1 I l ' IM^b A yi | A .w\ Jw* '*v-<!SaH i <■ -yfg| ~_ ■*&»' mmhJl MtKIHIOMVt I I K/.ll> 0» kMM.|VN»> ** v Krcrnt |M>tinit •< Ik# Borkkmo* I araM mi k#«#»t«k. tk# nrwr Mr»r# W»ki Ml«4*. 4*oNl»r »l Ik# Ul# ltirw Ml#<i« mi Umkmmm, Imtmmr «M#(##r I# Broil. Tk* *#rrkl#M#«« *rr###U k#r •UokUr M Ike Britt* cukft lki« NMM. "~> , ( _ ’ 4 * ' fc , j Mercury Here Hit 105 Degrees Mark In Shade Monday Goldsboro sweated and sweltered % , yesterday while (kid Nol mervil*«»- ly sent his rays pouring do* a on the city and I!« people and >ar- I { reeded In running the mercury In nnoffichil Ihrruiometeni up In ltk'> j degrees al 3 o'clock yesterday noon, i tint la thr fall glare of the saa t Ibermomcater which bad been sr| I out far thirty mlnalc. at Ihc ,aat« hour registered 113 degree,. It was l-oldsbaro s wariarst <ta> thus far. If II grows amok warai'r here dnrlatr Ike next Iw* month,, i local cltlacn, will k, forced to seek > refrigerators and other cool places la order Iw exist. The heal wave extended atl ov*r eastern I arollnn, every lowa re porting high temperature*. ■■" ■ » NEXT BIG MEET HERE NEXT F\LL 0 State Nurtten Are to Hold Their (Convention in GoMsboro, Probably in October I Goldsboro, premier convention of 'he* stale at leant for U»3d, wIH tak« la vucdtluii along thl* line until the Kail. Last Saturday u>ght the seventh an nual convention of the Huginea* and I‘rofeaaloual Women of North Caro lina held her* for two dag* cam* to 'a hiring clone and that edW the lasi to be held hero for several weeks. Early In Ihc Kail probably some . time lu October, nurses from all parta i.f th« State are to gather In this dly -for I lie I r annual scaslon. Several hundred are expected to hr ’ In utl'udunre and the meeting of so II i predicted, will be a must successful one ih every detail. Last Chapter In Killing «i -■ i*. ■ •.£ ■ , y■ f v^ Os Young William Ormond s Probably Be Written Today ORPHAN HOME GIRL IS BADLY HURT AT CANTON '~*•« mi - i i AlihH Milling Anfffrson, Ar»fi Sixteen, Member of the L UL O. F. Lowert time Now TbifAuic Aestern Pnrt of the SUte, Suf fered ConruNMion of it he Drain in Accident at Canton On Sunday Nlk lit—Otherp Eucnped Injury ——, , » • ■ According to an Associated I‘ieaa il'spati b to The News ycal»rday, Mlsa M'ldrrd Anderson sixteen years of *ge a member of the concert claa* o# lie Odd Kellowa Home lu this dly .vblch for the past Ikvc week* bus ••hi toutit'ig western North t'arollua was r.*r'oitgljr injured Sunday night near Canton where the <da*» waa to give a concert when a louul iar on which the and ■evenil o 'icr yoatiti veople. nil members or the rone.Mi pari* were riding, wa* overturned. The member* of the party, wbli* waitln K lo fulfill thalr 'vutHgem*!!* are *ald to have taken the handcar ant] run thi* up aud down a spur track knr amusement all of theyn tak ing rides on It. Htiddenly the car XMV YORK t'fkTTON £> N«w York June 14—Cotton future* dosed steady at a net advance of t to 11 point *• July 17(3. October 1 0.35 Dec*mtMT January 16.3 i: March dling IHIS, ■■ ' ■■■ "jtiuiped the (rack" and ovarturned and Mlsa Anderson, who Is from War t saw waa caught b«n«aih 14 and auf ( f''ted a concussion of lh* brain. She wa* rushed lo a hospital al Aahevill* for irv<Mtmrni nnd reports i fom (hat Institution yesterday were to the effect that bar Injuries were i not expected to provefatal and that i j unless complications set In. she would > probably be able to return to the t| ntr here In ihc course of a few daya lb concert class ia In charge Os Ml*s Rose Hoothrrlaud and Mir* Maud Dunn, and Is reported to have had a splendid (rip up until lh* r Time that Hunday night's accident , marred the same. Kortanately non* Jet the others who were tin the car f IwiUi Mias Anderson wer* badly hurt ' I~ " 1 Jl '" ~~ r ' m ~■ - ir ' 1 ' 1 rub DATE BEEN SET SECOND PRIMARY DECIDE CONTEST ——jr"—— Wayne County Voter a Will Again „ Vole for Clorit of Court on July 3rd ' ' Jnrk H. Hill, rsaaer-ap Hi tbe i creel re re fur Ike rlerfc*ktp es Ike Bayer reealy inperler eeert. ha. Hied Bailee es kls desire fer / a second primary I* deride whe ther hr er J. H. Hook,, Ike pen*- ml laremkrnt. and the high maa la Ihr Hr,l primary, shall be dr ilarrd tbr ,urrrs,ful raadldafe. Thrfr were Ibre* < atrdldatea In th< Unit primary aud the standing wa* at .'ollow * after the voles bad ben roll nted: Ho k, J.MH4; Hill Z.MI Sasser fH. In an lulrrrlew given The NK%> on Tuesday night, following the prl nxiy on Katurdny. June &th. Mr. HIL taicd that at the Instalrnve of bis friends, he had decided to aak for a ,c ond |-r Unary. Thla be bar done Geqrgc K. Vann. < halrman f Ihc county leiard of elections, has an nounced that the primary will be held n Haiurday. July 3rd aud that all Denim rats who ars now qualllted Ui .ole, and those who have become le gally qualllted since Julie &th, may register and tart their ballots. TOURIST CAMPS M ATTER NOW UP Chamber of Commerce Commit tee Rngfiged in Heeking Suitable Selection * 0 The chamber of Copimsrc* commit !e» who h lias in t Ijaige th< ina*jx] if Imal iig a tourist camp near •nldaboro for the brnrfll of the thou >ands of tourist* whvi each yeai paa* hroush the • It > are now at work hi tills proposition and espn t to make a report In the course of the next f> w day* It has lie'll suggested that the Y ayn* county fair grounds be turned Into a Camp for th* tovnista for v glv - n period each year hul however no., mg detlu-le alon K thla Hue has yet been decide* upon, ASSOCIATED XI, PRESS 1 DISPATCHES ) ' ‘ -" *' , ] _." ■ 1 raics wvgdmws William B. Cotool Hpck* W&.Tt* mond $15,006 “BateT For Slaying His Son* Whom the Rkfcmffii County Mill Map Shat And Killed Last Aug uat—Final Judgmmt WiU Be Handed Down In Wake Court TofUy Raleigh, June 14. (4P)~» '’lnal jn4|Mt( m ill® |l|4|(N damage •nil brnnght hy . 0* L. Ormond, uiiwl W. a, Cate, mill owner of RocklnfM%‘ o|f what la charged wan the wnwift ful death of hia ®aa, Ml Or mond. wiH be haqded dyj n'ii the ittali manly •■SJJJJJ E ,t £*^fid p tbCtSiS rd into^TTornMl »»»* and Oboenrer,’ drawn in which Oil® gUpplll » Day the father at y«aa|lMlM the aum of whig hMhe ■km withdrawn (W» W •S' ard and destroyed, aagxfcteg Ms inai chanter of Utigalten villi wK«n when Cel® abet yenag Or mond. When indicted for n«N®r Tele presented twe d®W®hn, *elf defenae. and an aMwari wlf-defeaa® pto* via ant fH» •d eUhe tenpii m* turned largely en a tetter Will* ten by the dead hey In the .da rn dan tla w WA ha Hgllltet he be permitted te aunty Ska ole. and allafod that thfr hnd Ived together ae “®io and »lfe." *• h The Rev. Ormond enteral the uit for damages after Ottitevd >ecn acquitted of the aS4W es voung Ormond In the Richmond ounty Huperior court tent Ang uet. KENLY RESIDENT DIES THIS CITY o• ; • - • t Mr*. A. Etta Rlchardnanftat rumber at Lecnl Hagtep I mat Evening > * * Kull<>»in* an IIInrM o< abort dara ilon. Mr*. KIU Richard**. wttO Os Mr. A. R Rlchardaoe, of Kamly, die® »i m local hoapttaJ laat nlgfci Tha dacaaaod. who waa •RjrAha yoara of *a«. la aurdeod by fear hm i>and; two alatara. btra. oeerii •- Watrr*. of Durban, aad lira. W* 0. ituwr, of Prlm-ctoo; aad four broth ■•r*. Mo*yra K. I. Plarra. of Kbhly. W Mr Plarca. of Kanljr. B I*. I “larva. Plkarllla. and A. W. FUrct. ' of (.oldaburo Tha fubaral aarrico wilt ba OOO diiriad from th« homa near Kan)’ ihi# afternoon at 3:lb o'clock bf gee. McKlaac*. paator of tha ’•rtead* i hurcb. and Ibv Intcrmaot will be jqblla In lb* faml'y burial crotmdb. i*ar Hickory Croaa HnaO. LAW II JAtL I klcaao. Juna 14 -Sharif M*» H HoOmaa and form** •ar«m Wbe ley Waatbrook of Ida Cook cooaty gall > thamala*** waal to >aU today Pm I war* aanimead by * f*d«ral oaoft lb It) dara aad four month# raupuotiraly for llborttbb allowed Torry Drucfaa I and fraakla Lnka, Un>Uuae*ra 40171111 tapoybl aoelogdbf. .

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