h**- THE GOLDSBORO NEWS P^" , Partly cloudy tonight and Thuroday W W PRESS Rl»ln g temperature Thu reday <■• ™ • - . ".', " *—mm " aawM " aa^**lM " a "" alaaMMHMaMMM "JUidfaL—m I I NOW LOCATED IN OUR NEW HOME, 110 S. JAMES STREET dispatches , U».i ■■ ~ *~.i. ■■. '■ »■ ■* ''' ''''■"■ ' > .- - T ~7-" r tTr"-;"'™ - " ■-i~ ■■ ■ » ■■■■■■' ••• ■ ■ « ■■■■ ■«w. VOLUME FIVE; NUMBER #5 * .. GOLDSBORO, N. C„ THt RHIJAY MORNING. JUNE 17. 1926 PRICI Fltl CUm REP. DICKINSON ATTACKS FARM BILL STATEMENT Cbaoks Mellon Opinion on Farm Relief Measure Is Unwar ranted Washington, Julia 16— Secretary Mißon's optnion/bu the equalisation fee plan of furifT irelief now peudlaa before the Srnalr In the MpiNary bill uiiiht a ehurp retort toduy from Dickiuaon republican lowa. * '"At lost the administration I* out .In the open” he said In a statement to th« Associated Preaa "When the statement of Secretary Mellon la Stripped of all ipecioue pretext* It «u»an# that the Interests for whom he tpeaka ar» not willing that the protec lye system aliall mean anythlnK for the American farmer." n>e aecretary'a opinion that the pro posal >a economically unsound and un wor.l.y would provide no permanent benefit for American (arm*ra, would ‘subsidise" America's foreign compet itor* and would Increase the coat of farm products to American couaum l »ra was written al the request of rep reaentatlve lMrklnaoti representative Anthony republican, Uanaaa and chairman Haugen of the Houae Agri cultural committer Very Important Considerable Importance had been attached to Mr Mellon'a declucutinn In the capitol where the. principles hr oppose* already have been defeated in the Houae and are approaching a vote In the Senate. One view waa expreaned In The Washing ton pqst this morning which quoted repreaentatlve Haugen, republican. lowa who aponaored the bill In the House aa saying: "There la no use to make any fur ther drive for farm relief now. V»V have had our day in court." Representative Dickinson described aa “absolutely without warning ’ tli< < aecretary'a statement that the equal iialon fee, while lechncally to b« paid by the farmer would in reality br paid by theconaumer and said bla pur pose evidently waa "to solidify oppo sition to the bill, especially among the working men of the country". Mr. Mellon'a argumenla he added sounded "strangely like those of Mr. Hoover" the secretary of commerce. Washington, June Ifr—The senate on the McNary farm hill deve|- opeu today into a diagnosis «C the far mere' troubles laid to the tariff "so called education" and the government a* plundering system. The discussion centering on the ta riff as the chief difficulty wus led by senator Robinson, democrat. Arkan sas. democratic leader who recom mended a coalition of the democrat , le party and the wheat-growing Went against the tariff. “I am going (o suggest to the de mocrats In good faith," he said "In join hands with th* wheat farmers us the Not thwest to .(ear down th« tat Iff wail and stop th* plundering rvatein which is distressing the far mers of He nation." ■ r Green, of Texas, to Head Law School Chapel Hill, June IC—Alitor l.eon Heron profesaor of law at the univer sity of Texas today wired president (hate Ills acceptance of the deun ship • the university of North Car olina law school effective with the opening of the fall term l!)27. Tfo'o.sor Grain was formally of kAf'iol the deanshlp at the mretln K of th* Hoard A>f Trustees here June 1, w hen the board unanimously endorsed the recommendation of president (haw Hr succeeds lierton Kcrton who has resigned to accepted th* deanshlp of the university of Cincinnati. Negro Convict Shot [t rying to Ksea pc Asheville Julie 16—Shot in Ihe head as he made a breaY for liberty Tues day nfterrion William George negro l,n mu Is reported tO’.be held |(i a dy ing condition at a local hospital. "I.e convict numbering about 123 nr,* worked at a quarry some distance away from the camp George Is al leged to have attempted to make u getaway by running across the front • < ard of one of the residents along the road thinking lhal such a course would k*ep (he guards from fifing toward the house He was shot hquara ly In the bark of the head ahd Tell poar the back steps of tliq Jwelling. Atlanta Judge Has A Heart for Young People of the Day Mlanta, Jane • I* HecUriag lk*r» are Ibkasand* e( girts la At lanta who hate no place to eater- Inin young men »Ml on. Mat along rialaUts, Judge l.atker Hosier stated la mualripaf court here lhal "officer* ore too suspicious of uu uulomoblie parked for u short I lute oe Ike roantry roads and 100 quick lo make arrests for this offense.” “In Ike snmmer.’ *aid Judge Ros ser “Ihe cool open air of the roaa ll) Is almost necessary to refresh one after the heat and dirt of a dav In the city and I freqaently stop along Ihe roadside with mv Vflfe lo enjoy Ihe evening nlr.“ Judge Rosier remark* followed the trial of a wayside resident charted with shooting four times ul a young man and h>s feminine companion In n ear alleged lo have | j led on hi* property. I .■■1.1.1 l I DECLARE SCHALL DULY ELECTED JUNIOR SENATOR Senator Johnson Contests Elec tion of Scitall, Hut lAMies to New Incumbent Washington, June 16—The senate was stunned today by the imparl of a vi-rim I bombshell fired by Thnmna St hall repub who had Just been de clared Ihe duly elected Juiiotr senator from Minnesota at former Senator Mncnus Johnson who huff contested his election. Midway In the r-ndlng of the speech by the clerk of the lillnd senator ful lowlu K (he senate's acceptance of the rWci'ou committee's tiuauimous re port recommending, th • seating of seualor Scltall and dismissal of the contending senator, Senator Asne buist Arlxona appealed to him to with draw the remnant on the ground that be would "regret it as years roll on". Senator Schnll however insisted the tight to be heard for four minutes at bast. He declined to a< cute and Insist ed upon the clerk continuing until all lul the concluding paragraph had been read. Th*n he said h« would be "satisfied" if '.he rrst "which will not -lake more than one minute to read." was Includ'd in the record. The ccncluditig paragraph declar ed "So far as Magnus is concerned, he never knew what It was all about. H * was only a marionette who kicked t nd wavs) his hand opened Ws mouth •‘ccordlng to thn tension of the string' Bright Lights Blind Driver; Three Injured Kslisbury June 16 claiming that the tights from an approaching cat biiudud tty-m a small touring car con taining two boys and two girls from 'his city crashed into a bridge on ill*' national highway five miles from i-cxiugton lust n'ght about ten o'clock and rather seriously injuries were Sun tallied hy three tn'tnbcjrs of the par ty U. J. Harwood suffered "a broken leg; Mis* I-oilin': Ritchie #as badly cut übout the face and neck twelve “Wclics being required to close Ihe wound; and lid Larnhsrdt received bad cuts on the . cheat and face. Miss Mabel Waggoner was thrown from the car and rendered unconscious lint was not badly hurt. Tli« car was bud iv demolished. The injured persons wet's taken to u Drxlngtou hispltal • here they ware treated for their wounds und are expected to Ini brat hom<> onlay. Kills Brother During Fight Over Mule Wilmington. June 1(1 Karl Itrrk i# brink held In the Hrnnswlik county Jul> at iouthport following the death of his brother Albert who wus shot Mo:.*.y afternoon during a quarrel said to have ur-scti oyer u mute The shooting occurred In Ihe Cal ilia* section of Hrunskick county a I Hitt i thirty-five miles from Wilinlug ion. a l,< < k who Is IN year* old Is alleg ed by th<- Houtltport autbortlles to hav« ordered IHs brother two years older to bring a mule into the stable When Albert refused the youngor to’ ir said to have Ihio-al/ned to shoe, t:. 11, .n0t1 and wKen Alb'Tl r*p i*'4rated with him to Usv« shot hltu . AlberT died shortly afterwards. TRAIN CRASHES INTO COUPE; INJURES 2 MEN .• ' ■) . w I Neßit* flhruwn Krom the V*r And Picked Up From Undef Sidewalk Urid K e Ifvlulgh, June 16.—Two men. riding iu a M’o;-d coupe, experienced a nar row escape from p. aslble death Wt d iH'U.lojr morning, when Ihe car was struck and practically demolished by a Southern Hallway paaoenger irct at Ihe Cabarrus street crossing. The wreck o.’cllrred about 11 o'clock „ Tht oo upanls who were serlous'y hui*. wen- Ji. y. Doyle, snksuiar Tor Ihv Rloyer Sewing-Machine f 'mpnny. and .l.tckson Mcl-eod. a negro. Huy'j had h bad I'tieh on his head, and D badly l ruined. The negro- Ir filter ing fro j. a broketi leg. Hutu were carried to rospltnls Headed a< roas the railron.'l trs'ks In a westerly direction, the Kurd was struck near the middle, and hurled about forty feet from the right «>I wuy. The negro was thrown fr-uu tile machine, and was picked up from under a sidewalk bridge, lloylc re mained In tile coupe until It turned over, hut never lost consclousur**. The railroad crossing at the scene of the crash Is guarded by gate*, but witnesses were not certain whether the gates were lowered before or af ter the crush. Investigation disclos ed that It wgs impossible for the •niton,.,ldle to have passed Into ths danger zone if the gates were low-, ered. without crashing them. They were not damaged. Tim passenger train was running slowly, having left the water tank at the Hoy lan viaduct a few minutoa before the crash. The train was beaded east want o» Its way to Golds boro. TO REPRESENT THE STATE AT‘ PHILADELPHIA Boy and Girl and Teacher From Raleijfh lo Be Guest #( the Exposition Official*, Philadelphia, June 16—A North Car olina boy and girl who moat conspic uously embody the highest ideal of American youth and the woman teach er who has don* the greatest good to the public of the state are to be conferred the American . Youths and Teachers award named as roclpro cants of the award ar* to lie the * of the directors of the K<*ool t entennlai imposition here for the Week of June 2»-July 5 as the official representatives of the youths and t'-achers of North Carolina at the cele bratlon of ihe 160th anniversary of American lr.dependc»ce. '»he boy Is Jam.-k Martin Jobu«e.n Jr., of 1620 Park Drive, llaleigh. 'Hi* girl la Krances Claire Thomas ■>2* Halifax-stre'-t Raleigh. The teacher Is Miss Anne Toole, 214 West Kdrntoq gtreet Raleigh. Transportation and traveling ex peno* will be forwarded to the reel procants In time for them b* In Thll t tle'phla hy June 26 The wrek'in Thll idelphla will Include many hour* at .he Hesqiil-Centennlal. 4«N-ause._ R takes more than a day or two to see "ir exhibits. During th*' week they will have an opportunity to *e* the old historical land marks with old historical landmark* with w ill go to Valley Forge. Washington's famous old camp, und to Atlantic City Window Washer Falls 16 Stories t<> Death Cblchffo. June 16 James Vando. a window washer, wus pliiiig‘ liarnesi broke The woman Mrs. t athrrlue J»x. ths mother of five children suffered a broien neck and u skull fratture Hh • was walling for a atr«ci car at the :lrne of th" accident. License Taxes Will Net State Hu Re Sum a Raleigh, June 16 License taxes tills year will net the stale approx! tv, dy f 1.260,000 commissioner‘of re v< m.r I a .ugh ton said today. Thu co*w.ml**lofler Issued a state mini all district ilepul la* calling attention to (he schedule time pty meu of thro* (axes. 4m. kv m* \ f . B 1 O i \ I fl Original mtmbgrfi of fint Hotary Club in Chicago, 190 J. 2. Paul Harris, who conc«)v«d the idea of in international fellowship and citizenship and called it Rotary. 3 Donald A. Adams, of Naw Haven, Conn., presidtf)t of Rotary International and pre siding officer over 10,000 Ro tarians at the Denver Conven 4. Chexley R. Perry, since 1910 secretary of Rotary Interna tional, with headquarters located at Chicago. MAN SAID TO BE CHARLES ROSS BOBS UP AGAIN Makes Statements Which May Rcnull in Solution of Famous Cam* Chicago. June Iff—Th* Charley Ross kidnapping case, which ha* been a mystery for two acor« yeura since Koss. anion of a wealthy family prom Incut In Philadelphia social circles was stolen from Ihe Ross residence while ;ie eep bobbed up again In Chi cago ,od« * loci.l asar latftoi op I (eiserl to blue laws was p*rlecte*| here Tiusduy night at a me ting of Inter | "sled i itiieti* and from this orxanlx-r --l*on i* Pipwlnl to grow a statewide asw-K'iution having as its purpose tns of existing blue taws and maklti. It permissible to haxa pn fesaioual tuu»*trail and saovtes on the ttabhnth The pvrmannt orgaa i feted Into Spaa fell for tile Benefit of Jury * _____ ■ K*»i Ui Van, N. M. Juu* 1« <4*) -With uii Interpreter translating, every word of the teMlmouy Into, Spanish (or Ihe henelti U leu mean b*»r* of the Jury, the trial of Carl C. Magee, Albuquerque editor, wtn> ie charged with the elayiug of *4w B. l-asssur. here laat Auguat, proceeded in diatrlrt feuri today Twenty-one witueaaea were read, *® «»U the aland for the progecu tion. The Jury wen aeierled in slight ly <•« than three bourn, and before the defense had eihanaled lee of lie 'iiereiiiptory challenges Two aua bera of the Jury apeak and uaderataad Kngliah, while the Uker ten must i bare erery pan of ,lhe proceeding*' translated by the official court In I I* i p ret rr. i'eltMral Knhmy Chief uneu* the slate wHneaaec will be former Judge Dnrfd J. luhy, political enemy of Magee, M whom Magee tired the akot that atru'k U« ♦ter. Another ahot gred by Magrv "'ruck in tha aria waa the trial judge la two OiVier up ic* ranee* of Magee ta Mew Meiico court a Once Magee waa found guilty of libel and again Judga Leahy 1 Jt'd him guilty of contempt of court. Wi both Instances Magee wr INtni ued by the goer mgr. I Menac counsel aaked of TB the jurymen whether they would ncqu.t tbe defendant If It could be shown tjiat the ahot which killed let setter waa lied In aalf-defanae and at rack 1 < enter by accident. All replied In the nttrmnllye Because of the necessity of haying lUe proceeding In two U&gunAha. the trial of ihe case la expected to tMU nearly o week ~~ huge sum is EXPECTED FROM LAW VIOLATORS c About 150 Penman in Throw State* Will Be ( ailed to the Hcorinci C harlotu Juu* Ift Anen levied only in iao laled cases In this territory. Durham Police Chief After Auto Violator* Durham. June |g- A campaign *- ga uat noise and and agalaat automo hue traffic violations waa Inaugurat ed today by chief of police Doby Here after prisons who tootTh*ir own horaa* mtaslvely will be put under nrr.Mt i nd police have been ordered to arreat peraona making ne«dleaa noise* with their automobile borne the ch, I states. There have been constant com plaint* o Durham relative to the i ola* of automobile horns. Numerou* neructlc person* and those daeirlng sleep have all protested agalnat us beceaaei> noise | n lh» city, thief Doby nri>po*r* to »tamp It out. Defaulting Cashier to Be Tried This Week Head •rton. Jun» If Th* trial of h. B. Crowder former raah'er of lbs d»- f’lact Inrm.re and Merchanla Rank, of thl* city on a charge of enibeastiug more thwn Ihn.ww from the bank waa stalled in Vrnc# county sup*riot court today, with Judge B. H. Cram mer prraM'ng. A motion waa made at the outset and sustained by Judge Crammer to consolidate the II eounta Into 1 and the defense entered a pl*a of not guilty, Fifty three men were railed out at a special venir* of JVO ordered for Um can* before (Ba jury wag Select ad. PRESIDENT NOT I FAVORABLE TO MILITIA IDEA T» Develop Mtod ul lIMMAi «f Puplla, Wit boat HkWia* • W1 »H ms. a a. jwinMit H|4m * ♦ |. f Washington. Jane IT rtmlfepl (Wlidge believes tbal 1 MWmMie amount of military t|afefe| %mmM|b* a good thing Mr bora not gbU of America. He due* Ml gfe> igm however, compulsory training p4t tn* IneUtutkm of liltNMlag , whlch might lnrutests % dp of the youth the IdeA that Ute UaMAd Stalas ought to pmpdPd ,» ft Oft fed wtjip wme othnr »***, '. k In <*Ur wofeg, fen feafedafe'fe vors such training an tpitfed In feb> vriup Die mind had. tpafeMA mt fee youUi of the Mmi vttgH lOMMHAi' them lo carry iSI «£ K or beooau carrtU awdy W, g wdr MU epi rlt , . V,. Then* view* wer* rmdll •» fen t'rrehleat by Up fenhegfean * ** Wbii# Houma yukarW mg fe£, ■ lon of th. pmslufeii m fep executive toward jr pfeidgggg H was stated feat thy Freatdegg fep nevtg the exiatlng Mggdard at, Mfe try. sad also favor* i|jM m, out tut tha »*ew* jrr** !a« Prxldetfra opinion, fed Mfefe |.feg extremely beneflotaL * j_ VU la the PreetdnntV fedLjmg, tUra ie n very griUt. Itatlqilfeda/gg. tween the training . summer military cgnL and dfedSl which might u twafh' Ip' gdfejjSa anything like n -tfAiw ggnMMfeg|X a warliU .pint la tjfe cnSfemT L the aanae Um* the Pdo4dKp|Mg£ tbmi inataad at hr all hoys aadd3 '•ka up military ~ TljL, fewjMftf Hog alum Id be determined at. of whatever benefits Vglght M I rtrnd from u. , . •o far as tU aagrgg fe, training Improve* tU atiafeSuil thoea participating If It, feg.lfejfe dent would give It MMflala tfefeaft. mi nt, while at the Maw fef iafe Ing any auggantlon that safe *®d would Inspire g naarUdl jiuj rnent among the poung oa. Ha rtnglag had Lada history. j la the early Id's wUa HfeMd steamboats plied the Mlgaagfe fefdb *bl* old church hull was Ig Ha IMfefey ;ti. wan then UM Ship's fell aft fed steamboat Bn lads a noble pgeWl feft waa a part of tU great rived dnm- I meroe of tUI day. On ana of h# fefei- It's tripe in April, lilt smgafnlty ilgb water and ag axreedlnff darife cuiieni wara eneonatarad. Tha felf jrroWded with Mormon HamfeHhti had triad lo aUnt the river's aaryAM r ear Weston. Mb , but Anally nog focad to drop hack Id the Img 1 Snak By Boiler Bloat Th* morning of April 1 <"Hpfefe Francis T Belt decldod la try to MOBd the bend again. Informed that fen boilers had on all tU Stamm cod Id hold with safety, fed. cgfdaJw ifang th* bell for full steam ahdgdL 4 single revolution was made hy fe*44- glnee and tUn a racking roar shot ihe air. Th* boilers had burnt. | Tha ringing of the hell had PUddd jihr death knell far more feaa a bf»- dr*d persona, tor feat number ad Bfd ■ea war* recovered end jt. waa arippafe -d that an many nance viofeaa 'pin blcwn halo tU river aod 00 trnas.ef ever found Neatly all the a|R -ere of th* boat, inotadiag Camldta I >H. were killed. t'tort*a differ as to hdhr fee *4'* , w|| got to Savannah. The story gfep Armed by an old naemßgr tt fen church lu tut tU hell wag 4nb| W boy* playing In th* as ad am fed vlvpr bank. A Havannah ml slater rafe A- I cross It and bought tha half feg UfiL II we* .end her* and figged fe£ Icherch to war " ‘^9D sloa of i executive erag stated th pevta the exia Utry and nffvol try, and aloe the axial km hi out that the •erved In n ■