I THE WEATHER • hir W«d»Hd»j and Thursday. VOLUME FIVE; NUMBER 106 GOLDSBORO IS WORKING AFTER TOBACCO BUSDfSS mm+m* PONZI Ts " TO FIGHT EXTRADITION TO MASSACHUSETTS —■ ns— , * - - » 4 * —■—■l'' n «• Business Men Here Have r Chance Today To Assist City To Forge To Front ¥ Big Independent Tobac co Buying Company Anxious To Come To Goldsboro and Oper ate Tobacco Re-Dry ing Plant—Chamber of Commerce Will Make Effort Today To Place Amount of Stock Sufficient To Build Plant Some Already Sold With the MMuranee that they would come to (>okhs horo and operate a tobacco re-dry in* plant for a period •f years and Drive employ ment to two hundred or more people, officers and members of the Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce last nifht accepted the propotri ties of the Tobacco Trad in it Corporation, of Richmond. Va„ one of the largest and bent known tobacco re-dry ing operating companies in the United States, that the business interests of this city build and equip a plant for them here and rent this to them and this morning a \ committee will begin to can vass to raise the sum of ' $40,000 needed to put the proposition over. The Tobacco Trading Cor poration agreed to take a good-nixed block of stock in the new venture and during the course of the meeting last night live men subscrib ed for SO,OOO worth of the name, no the eahvanHers will this morning start out with very bright prospect * of securing the Hum total I needed long before the end of the dav. This rsmpaay Is •«« of the tar*, eat es Ike ladepoadgat buying rampant** and their advent late thta rtty sill prove to he a big aaaet t« Gald.hor* a« a lehaero auirket. It Is planned |# erect the plant, C 4 al«* three prise hsnse., jari a* qnk-kly an ps.rible and to hate these la readier.. ter operation by the opening at the roaring •eases. The leratlon es the plant WIN he deetded apea at a merlins «f the shs-hhelders which will be held toslrht at shleh lime Ike enpmldoMes >lll *be completed the "Steers selected. QW Tk * gtnnt Will he IIW hy l.dt feet la else, fireproof aad mod era Is etory partteslar. Ur. W. ■award. « eoaipeteat tobaeeoa l»t, sill he placed la rhanre of the uua«. ( ■r. A. T. Griffin Is chairman ts the canvassing r« mm It tee aad he reqnests the following trees UaßMta p> meet hits at the Cham her es t'esißwrre rooms this * msnrtag far the porpos* of start ing the ran va>ti Messrs. Thomas Norwood, If. K. Nlrond. Janie- Kyle, K. A. Griffin. George t ree man, L**lle WdL. Leslie Velvet toa. J. H. Crawley, H. A. l ike, ■myall H. Spem-e, Jeaeph K. WII- I Ism sow, M. B. Bahlssos aad W. ■. No; all. The pettier across of Ibis ren tes* In record lime ami« mock, IwAsMshoro aad I# Hayae rone-- ly aad H Is hoped that every hs*t seen awe rolled apea will sab. scribe tor j«*l as mm* Os the .ly# a. possihis. y * The Jrni Antsrh aq*. however, kept MISS* THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ' ■"« ' ■■■■' ' i ifi—aias.in n i w> ■ , ■ NOW LOCATED, IN OUR NEW HOME, 110 S. JAMES STREET o . 9 Given Warm Welcome To City Os Goldsboro HKV. A. I. SMITH Met. A. J. Hmlitt. recently aereptlsg the pestsrrate of the first Baptist cls|r*l of this ell), together with khi family. were last sight gives a rsml Gold.boro welcome at a rsceplloa Ifeld at the parsonage which wa* largely attended. Receiving l.lae When the guests arrived at the l-.'.rsnnagr they were tnet liy Judge itnd Mra. I>. H. Illand and introduced to the receiving line by Mrs. John Crawford. The receiving line whs composed of tyfc-v, and Mrs. A. J. Smith, Hcv. C. V. Itrooks. Supply pastor for the church for several months; W O. Britt, chairman of the board of deacons; Mra. George A. Norwood, prcshlent of the Womans 'Missionary I'nlon; Mlsa Katie Smith, president of the Young Women's Aux iliary; Mr. H. K. Teetuo. superinten dent pi the Monday school Groups of young ladles served pal atable refreshments during th» eve ning A most enjoyable musical pro gram was rendered, during the occa sion also. > RAIN GALORE' W THIS PART STATE Shower* Have Fallen Almost! IHtily For I'awf Three Weeks —iMrmers Anxious The rains having begun to pay this and other eastern sections of the state a visit two w -eks ago. seem to Ik unable In cease and rarely a day bad | assy-d since that time that there has not been more or less of a downfall her'-alMiuts and farmers are begm nlng to fear that the extreme “wet-" ness"' of things may prove to br an even greater menace than the drought which was experienced recently. w However, the Weather Man pre dicts that there will b« not more than a few days more of the showery per iod and that this will he follow'd by another “long dry spell". The rains which have fallen recent ly have aided the crops wonderfully smt cotton, corn and tobacco now ap pear to be In the very beat of condi tion, partli ularly so as to tobacco and corn. Ht N h HO MHO 11. It. del Ok K'naton, June 21 If. H Mcf'oy prominent local business m<jn and community builder, has been el-tted vice-president of the Klrst National Rank, of Kinston, .succeeding t>r Henry Tull, deceased The place is an Inactive on*, the second vlce-preai dent. AV. B. Harvey, being the active officer In that rapacity i>r K. Woot en la president Mr Mef'oy In a sUr eesafnl business man aad has long been oa the director at* of tha local GOLDSBORO, N. C„ WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 30. 1926 TOURISTS HAVE ENJOYABLE TIME <t Captivated By Tuctton and Seem ed Captivated By the Dixie Beautie« —— * Members of the California Tours Party, now “awing the golden west ", seem to have made quite a hit In Tuc son, Arlions Yesterday The News c«rrj»d a long story dipped from one of the Tucson papers upon the occa sion of their visit I here on Juns 233. Hera's saolher account of the stay of the tourists, among whom are four from Goldsboro. In thst city; “leaving their apodal 13 car train parked In the Southern Pacific yards during the day. 150 male caeorts. en joyed the hospitality of the Old Pue blo today. ’“The party arrived at 9 o'clock from Bl Paso, more than jubilant at the discovery of Juares— wtth Its calm rets, and gambling halls—and almost immediately began to take In the sights of Tucson. Hy 9;30, the last car of the 15 had been filled with the girls and sent off in make the rounds >f the sights. “The party returned at noon for luncheon at the Santa Hits hotel. They broke up In small groups dur ing the afternoon to wander through the streets of Tucson, others remain ing to writs letters, and still others rrtlring to their rooms (or s rest. Swimming In Pnal “At 1 o’clock. Ibe party went for a swim al VVetmore's pool, and re turned to the hotel. This evening the entire party will be guests of the dty at the Hauls Itita roof garden, where dancing will he In order. Fred , Kmery's Arltona Nightingales have been signed on for the music. “According to W. G. Peoples, travel ing passenger agent of the Southern Pacific, out of Birmingham. Tucson Is the most hospitable city In any of the states, and Peoples has been con ductlng tours for the Beeves people for considerable time Hp. states that In Al t'ondron. Tucson had one of the llvest chamber as commerce sec re I *' lyrics that can be found. Peoples also ronimended the Southern Pacltc traffic department >n Turson, as II 1 has been of more than ordinary as sistance In making the stop over com fortable and desirable. The .party has eight standard Pull man on their special train with two standard diner crews to feed the girls from r>txie. There Is also a combina tion chair and baggage ear. another baggage ear, and an Observation car. • “The 100 girls and 5n women of the party are all wlnne.s of popular ity contests In their respective towns throughout Mie south. they hav< come from Birmingham, where the party made up. and w|i| continue up the coast,to Salt lake City, Hah. to Yellowstone NaHmal Park, and l>en- i ver. and hack to St lamia, where the party will break up. “While in Juarez, many (if the girls saw calm ret life for the first time, •nd were quite taken by the colorful novelty of the romantic surroundings j !o Ihe charge of a party of railroad men of Kl a number of the belles vtailed the gambling bouses, sod strange to say. several report winnings of seven and eight dollar* -mi h “from that leg wheel that shakes the little ball around “ Most of thi party who attempted to gamble- rp oort losses, who h did not go below twenty-five cents and a half dollai, also rather strange “The girls were also rather plcnapd with the tfovoKy of drinking Hqffil Ibeer and wine, one of tha mem berg of the party saM. “lamvlng M M o'clock Kmlght. lh* Fleeing Financial Wizard Afraid To Return To North To Face Court Notables Attend the Launching Os World*s Largest and Speediest Passenger Steamer * ff .. *n ■ jWx nJkmWMjf&k' * If Mb a V % jk f m W- 1; H/ ,l; -f' . IpS t HH V R J b ■ W I V ■RiiJI- "in a y m i -Al l Byi I When the Pacific's aew queen left the ways Herbert Hwnet, See ret ary of tannerre treater), ws» among Ike lea Ihwnsnad spertaters whe wit a*»sed the lannching lari Halarday. ((Jane 2f) al tramp's Shipyard. Philadelphia, of Ibe K. H. Maloh.. the largest aad »|teedlr«l hlgk-tx.nrred passeagsr steaaishlp ever built la*the I tilted States. Other, photographed CHAUTAUQUA IS IN THE - CITY FOR WEEKS VISIT I’roffram Today Will Feature th« MiMMianippi Yiiases. a (}uart«tic of Voicen Which WUI He l-onjf Kemhered—Feature Writer On the New York Timew Will Give a Lecture— * Entire I’fox ram One of interewt The Hwarthmor* Chautauqua will opsa lla week's program here today j with a concert In th>- aflern«K>ti by | the “Mlasiss'ppto-Mlse* a", a quartet 1 oY beautiful voices. who an a.sfsleil bv the popular young tenor, Kdouurd (•robe. Junior < hautau-tua will Ixglti . ' Jj. following this program i. Dr. Crank Bohn, festor- writer on | the New York Times and 'celebrated ' lecturer who has been with President (Nireviat's army In M ilco will g >e ale. |n-e in lh. eveulng following r. mualnn program by the Misses' on “An Old la»» in a New Time." Dr. John la well known In : Ibis section of the eoutAry for his i stories oti Minor-1 Hboalf amt his ea I TOBACCO MARTS OPENS IN SEPT Thin Is the Hate Set For the Opening: of Markets In Kustern Part of SUt* Os tnter"M to tli« tnliyiTn (ftwno In thl* m tlon In tb«> iiimonni ' l« th« (flnt that the markw* 1& u. r Kantriii I'aittlin.i »i l t' npmi mil** on K*|»f* iiilkt 7fh Th* Ofs>r*l* rtmikii *l|| npn'n mi Aiikuhi !tr<t„ Ihr Smith Carolina tn*r k*t on Au«*at ]Atk *n«l the <o>»wina *Ui of ffc» following mottlfc (lmv*ra nr* Mm urgmt In Me mor* rare In rnulluK tb*lr ittarn »n«t by an Mm they will b* aura of CotUaa U»* Y W«li«a» mtm: •a llie Isaarhlag stand arc (left) ffll belmlaa Teaaej, dliaghler as the Prcsbieal as Ik*- Matsaa Naiigatta* Tnmpaa). wka rbristeaMl the Halala (right) Mrs. W. P. Hath, tha wlfa aI the Ylr* I’reridewt as tb* Matsaa Nat-1- gatlua ( ompaay, sad ifnregraaad) their six-year J»ld twla daagblers, l.ar line aad Itereskv, wha rrwsxcd tbs rualiaeat Is art as hnaorary spaasar* us the ies*eL says on “The NiAtr South " lie d»- w rlben his theme as ' something i-sa ; (titles old hut ever new." Klsie Baker, nationally known ron (ralto. and'Grover Tlldrn Davis. n»m poser-planlst will give a roacert lo j morrow evening while the feature k (iiogram of the week will nqns Krl iday evening when su all Broadway 'east Including Huth Nugent and Alan Bonce will present Kir James Bar rleTTimmortal play, “The Little Min i Isf-r," -•Klectlon of “Mayor" of Juniurtown 4.-VIII he held (oniorrow morning und [work will begin Immediately on the pagennl “The Liberty Bell" which will be presented the (losing day by 1 (he boys and girls. FOURTH OF JUIX BE CELEBRATED Appropriate Program Will He Carried Out At Herman I'ark On Next .Mondit) Mii'h lulpm-ii( in ix'lnic nhown la ilir > Hiiuu of "th«> glnrloui fourth ' whit h la to takn pla< <• at Her man I'ark Monday afternoon, the l>i ok in m for which la tr'lnx apnnaor <•<l h)' Hip iHiiiKhii ra of, tbn American Revolution anil which Mda.Jilr In draw an unuaiialljr large crowd. July fib thla.rpar fall on Huntlar and |t wra* decided to have thl* part of the program take place on ih* d«v fr. 'on Ihk The Girl ffcitnte are to participate M the program at ihf park amt will *> M»»r pert Umar* JtlMflft ft .ft ’"-'—l / Enough Rum On Ship To Keep the Sahara Desert Damp Awhile riiimtogt*** 4mm ehech •< Um ranhrabaad eMpi rs the him ship Mmn, eaytorod •■ (to Xartb I arettoa coast and law ed lata Wttmlhgtoa tofw Balnr -4a y showed «,1M MM. e< him grad* MmM lh|Mn, via aa4 Wh!!a*Tbe last battle •< IHaar aa* clear tßa raw baat Bald, »y»- temalle March es the vassal waa | beta* today by prohibit lea agnate I aa4 a detachment al «Ma from II Ike mat v»ar4 artUr Masala* ia Ik* bage •* aneartblng evidence that weald beta to Identify the crew aa4 tar dago* lb. agia—d» •at at the ratter ballet lag that the •tracer carried aarrattr* aa watt a* llguar. * |awaver, the search, althaavb a* Abate agh aa higtoalr possible, (ailah ta aaeaaar any* tblaa that aaaM Ihrww a44ltlaaal thrill aa the aattet. Nar waa aay tilth the llgaar aatatjr haaaai •ad the voeeaPe craw Hi JaM, la tere*i re.erta la th« tart aarra— i lav the raptor* the raai slosto er aa4 the rendaet at the taartaaa W ha gaaa4 4 1M "IM Wle arr« prbaarn. Bat l«w at thaae tact* will r#»e «at arearatrly aa* HI Ibe matter l» aired la ronrt. - I WOOTEN FAMILY TO MEET TODAY . Four Hundred Or Mara Art Ta Gather at Hfflenat Far Annual Raunlaa Today the Wooten claa, toar hua 'lred or more strong. ara to gather at Hlllercst. near Kinston, for their an uusl re-union nad the affair la as l>i‘.(ed to be a romp tele success from ■tart to fiulah. Th< tollowtag dispatch from Kin •ton yesterday had tha following to any relative to the event: "Heveral hundMl members of th* Rastern < aniline Wooten family aril gather at Hllcreat, naan here, foi thair annual reunion tomorrow. The family association will hold a one-day convention, the president. Rev. John C. Wooten, presiding. Mb la praetd lug elder of Ule Naw Bern Metbodiat dlatrlrt. The program will inrlnda uddreasea. a luncheon and generalogi eal sketches "The Wootens ir» niimernua la Green*, l«rnulr. Wayne, Duplin and other counties In this section They I ave been prominent since rolontai lierlarntlon of Independence has be*r repreaented In tha North Carolina General Assembly. Dean of the clan now la the venerhhle fount It Wooten ' who h«» known more of the nation’* grant and near-great than any person In.this part of the country. An out standing member of the family In 1/ itolr County Is a colonel of etiglneerr In |Jie army." f A numlier of the members of tb' family res'dc In Goldaboro and will be among those present. —■*.— ? .i'.-* ni irnoH i.ti bt it Him.i ATT AI hit OX WtMVfl A XII UfOLUMTI Manila, I*, f., June 2f,— frantic Fll - applauded sp«»'< hew of their leaders today denouncing Governor General Wtaal and the Coolldge ad tnln Ist rat loti for their opposition to tb' Hamn Bill now before congress. "We are at war against a surging tide of imperallstn.” declared Manuel Rosas. “We compose a great army of freedom railed upon to meet our foea face to U«e Ip this gregt deglh grapple' . ; J Senator Tlrona (barged that tiov-I ernor Wood and hla ']UMUg| r ASBOC9ATEP $ nm dispatches PRICE VM QD9IE Apprehended Whfc Bn deavoring la Visa the United Ststea *On Board Os Aa ltadpn Steamer, Chaates Pen zi, Held In Ifclten, Texas, M Asserts That He WS Fight to Bitter Bad to Prevent Going to Beetep aw Ananrtol ItflUfT 1 call tu Matas ifttM BMPBVt* w ■ ffhM a* ewa ianlAftt m dk | pgw. s Hiiaan ns vis placed' In the oesaty JplC (Whew MkUbell. ‘gattod lURWrtSG for him ha deetafni . -All right. «aa oa. WIBAU out down here and you AM oa4ug to have a flghA because l fttM MM until I hav# |p aalaga I M I—BlWil to deport myeelt" Tha Itaaadar arid hp hnßtorwnd a sentence In MaasechugnttO |gff wring the mafia to defraod sad IBM Mb gaa* vtction by tha atato artbirtrtga bar Obtaining money on faigg fSMauaaa wish virtually a donble yroanadM In rontraaf tit • daatocattoa Mat Bo had no criminal latent li ill Matod operations, ha aaeertod: "If I then had tBo ixoMMU t uaw have. I would atm bear* fUribr rt money. 1 bad my hag*! •• tag mil llow dollars once sad could Igte Bogt It but I wanted lo play sgnarg Mrt I gave It wp- But If 1 had kMMi Man what 1 know now 1 aronM Haog BdW u.* "I did not want In go hack In frtw ou again." Panel anld. In friririßMt W bis capture to Tasapn "I «MM la Tampa whare 1 learaad shat (Mg tß*- tois had loet hie hand warier Bans the Italian steam Sta Vgg M# Vgpis through trteada 1 got a ahanOO Sa a waiter." •’But ail Ufa Una" he gaMl “I nan not sure I waa right, i wan .Mrs Bd tween doubt an ta the prwpar ggartn to follow. On# mlaalo I drigM (S go back to my wttn In Boato#. The Mat I thought to go oa to Italy tor I be lieved I waa fleeing tnaai yarns *u tlon.'' Leas than srf hour altar MBM m rived here from Naw Origawh nSare ha was acreatad yseUrday, tha “Sta • rd" bad mads |(>os“ A lonian SOWS paper paid It by wtra far Og anatg eive etory of hla wandartnßA "Pretty eoft.’ Ponai Into wßon bn ranked a telegraphic order Mr tha money at a bank." , Tr . M „ - itnmj* - # hlLl.hU IB UUI AI'CfIMPV Mount Airy. Juan ».—lag (BfM. negro, died hern late last atoM ad Aha result of as auto aoeMiSt |M Mah place eight art tee aonth as Mtoan Haiurdey aftcraooa. (Hrnto w*a an tf«p> H.upiortll* B» .• VtlMpi m

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