itr Frm wea Abb r “ d partly Cloudy, p-« ■» I ■ > WslJliK FTVK. NUN Wit 1«7 ICMPS WILL NOT DELIVER 1926 TOBACCO CMP TRAGEDY STALKS IN MIDST FAMILY RE UNION l All Tobacco Can Now Be —J f 'Sold On The Open Marked 1 By Former Co-op Members F - wm an - I —~~V-—■ ■ ■ tSis Ufti I Responsibility Os Al Members of the f Tri - State Tobacco h Growers Co-operative I * Marketing Associ r atioM to Deliver 'Hieir 1 .Crap to the Organiza tion Came le An End K Yesterday Asaoci i ation Not To Appeal | From Meekins De ■ v MNwCPIi I USdl. Jon* SO.— Mom- I km «f the TH-State To ftocea Grower* Co operative ■ ta.—-ii- J a 1- -*i __m .MMYlINtit. AMMhCiMtlOffi Will K Mt tt roqoimi to deliver L Brtr lU* rtnn. Their I<* F ; nl r—ffg—ilhUUv to the ao- F oodaWoa la this regard when Federal Met t. M. itifffcfcto t*ahrfct nigmed an M|fif rplMsiiMr Uimi. m . : Hater tko l*« year* con tract. whfch expired at Ike Sf md ol IIS, tko Ckoooaiut* P ataOMßkacaaf tko oraanion t»oa ki Vlrainia, North and Mk CkrWttaa wore ro- I WM to Mtvor their crop* f- to tko f oeiatioa and fail | ore of looibora to deliver l Jarre rooalted in poaicroo* Fi oaWa hroasht by coowwl r ik tko co operative two olotloa against He member*. Signing of this order fol- I lowed announcement late Mo that the board of dl fc._ r ■aatao. J a «i J, j a i * r t iftiuii nau ofciaffl not so toko on appeal from Judge F WnoHaa* prder sign'd at aWiaboth City recently which throw the association into rocoirership. L Wah thijMnWn rotleiod of amfclat MmHh to tv imwl •Oh eater a rocvtvorshlp u 4 rth the tiHdu of the director* 00l to am the COM farther, early tßaldattoa of the hmU L taolfht apMared prohaMe bat the | mdwn eo far hero declined to The aigaahatlna's hoard of dl roedeee. to a awetlag lo*ttaa the I . onttre addition to deciding BOt to take appeal, named a r*a ■Otoe to w eprrate with the re- Tie hoard boned a statement ■ wttbf forth No reason* for aot appaoHae aad eaflfar «a “at! frtoadr of thb anaoetatbo and of ro operative marketing" to do everything possible codec the re rodronhip Ho benefit the «ea- Wn of thh aooaodatlia aad help pno the tat create of the mom hOtl of thb assorlotiea." P' The paeottoa of throwing the rrv thln It houra Grady hospital treated two small toroecne potnon •at. aad In both instance* the par ent* of the mil* one* declared they jfig not know how the llquod waa obtained Stitcen-nioniha old Helen Word wna treated first and allowed to return to Por f—> t*olnt home shortly after ward M ' .i) . UttV Helen Sweat. II monlha oM, •awallaWed quit' a quantity of lero r. rtii Hoapltal physlcana pronounr ed'hor < oatplete recorery wtihlu a ■—h*Wb —f w— ■ THE GOLQSBORO NEWS ' SECOND ANNUAL RE-UNION ’ OF WOOTEN FAMILY HELD • .. ' '• • . Four Hundred Members Gather At Hiilcre*| Frsm All Hectiona of ■ the State To Attcad Aaaaal Event—Program Rendered Waa Enjoyable and Inapiratkosud—Dr. J. Y. Joyner Speaks —Fraak M. Woolen, of Green villa, New President - i* - Gathered together ,from the four corner* of the stale, nearly four hun dred member* at the Wooten fairly In North Carolina hold their second annual meeting nt Hlllcreat, near Kinston, yesterday, enjoyed n pio grsm of musical tpd vocal selections beard tone splendid speeches, elect ed officers for the enaulng year, moor bawds att around, wlshod sai-h other Oodapred during the latorran- Ing twelve months aad adyoaraad, each declaring that (he dnfe barring one trapody. had bean A moat suc oeaa, enjoyable aad iaepiratiomal one and that It had drawn the members of thb great family into clooor unity than had ever before beOa the caaa. Harly yesterday morning the mem ber* of the Wooten (anilly Mean to gather at Hlllcreat and at 11:30 o'clock the meeting waa called tc order bv Rev, f, C. Wooten. pr«ald*nr elder of this district of the Uethodlat Kptsropal church, who {ealdre u( New Hern and who was the first of The orgaattation. Hang and Mask The bleealngs of the Almighty were Invoked Jfpon the assemblage by Hrv. Prank V. Wooten, of Cbarbonrn, fol lowing which a moot enjoyable muJ ■ral and vocal program was rendered included In this were aolo* by Mia. Lloyd Wooten, of Klusfbn; Mis. Inez Wooten (Sultry; of Clayton; Mgs. fMlay Wooten Sniyh. of Kinston, and Mr*. D. O. Wooten, of Cullers. One solo In Dalian by the latter sweet-voiced singer waa moat coptlvating. In ad dition to the solos there were duct* rendered by Mrs. D. O. Wooten, ot Cutlers: jMrt. D. O. Wooten, of Kin ston. and Mrs. Daisy Wooten, of la Grange The principal speaker of the decs sion w*fr. J. y. Joyner, himself a descendant of the Wooten fXmtly and who also marrlpd Into the family. Dr. Joyner was introduced to the assem blage with a few welt chosen words by Rev. J. C. Wooten and hi* talk was one which' Inspired hie hearers and made a moat lasting impression upon them. In part he eoM: I»K. JOW KK’S HPEKCH '■Kinsmen, Kinswomen and In-laws of th« clan Wooten: “I am proud and happy to meet and greet so many of you hyre today at this family reunldh. I rejoice to see family reunions Increasing in num ber imd popularity In (he atate. "The family la the unit and the foundation of society and civilisation and government. The structure Is ueyer stronger than Its foundation. ApfKVT "W'lrppwe*, qML , Os no stronger tliaii m* lluilit upon which they rest The lies of brotherhood, of family obligations, of famllv prldt that hind families togeth er and hold them to their ftetii are elf-" sentlally the same as those that bind togethar and hold to their best the . larger families community, slate. < nation, world. "You can measure the strengths snd character oC communities, stales snd < nations hv-the atrengtb and character of the families that compose them "Behold wh«t manner of lov* the i Pother hath bestowed upon u* that i we ahonld he called the sons of God" h and commanded to call Him Pathep t —o«a family, one father, t»ne brother hood. "la the fatherhood of (tod aad the brp»nlwH M »0R Dtrtßo «M« ( NOW LOCATED IN OUR NEW HOME, 110 S. JAMES STREET ■ - i ■. V f ‘ • « -r . " 1 —*- has Interpreted through the symbol of the family tha strength and tsad i rasas of his love and has idealised sad sandfled and glorlfled forever family bonds, family obligations and family relationship* "It la well. It la wise, It*la needful In thaoe to gather at the rallying cry of the clan—the call of the'blood la these family reunions to knit cloe «r TMBfTy ttw. to ton brighter 4k* ■ran of family affections, to keep -live family pride, to Inspire each gen eration to emulation of all that waa noblest and hoot In the lives of tfcsir ancestors, oad with a desire aad de termination to live worthily of them. "Pbr oeMurto* before .the s«t1«- uscwT to Rtornha, the Wooten family, •pelt them Wotton. waa oa# of the moot distinguished and promlnem families ta HngUah history, number ing among Ha mem he/a Barons Blah ops. Scientists, scholars, poets, diplo mat* "Tha ancestral sect- of the family waa Houghton Kent. "The founder of the family In Am erica waa Dr. Thomas Wooten, fourth M*w x of Thomas Wooten of Houghton described an a man of great Erudition and wealth and rrllglon. u "'patron of learning and Proteatautlam/ .He «n --(ertalnad Queen Rlltaheth tu 1673 at Boughton and declined at that time *4 offer of Knighthood thonah three of his gyp eons were afterwards Knighted. Dr. Thomas Wooten was tha physician to the llrat Jamestown settlement and was doubtless the llrat doctor sf medicine in America. He died In lale of Wight Co.. Va.. leav ing one son. Richard, who died In l««7 mentioning In his will two sons. Richard and Thomas The Isle of Wight Co., then included what ly now Halifax county, K. C., which probably was the llrat home of the TH. V. Woot 'ns. - < t "Connell Wooten waa the progeni tor of our branches of the family Hhadrark Wooten bora 1760 died ‘lll2 aettled la Lenoir county after the revolutionary war end r< sided there tIR 'IRS where removed to Columbus County Qle merrled KlltalwtluAllen. a Massiu hnsetts arhool tea, her. Their children were John, Thomas. (Parity, ■Jtobcrt. Bhadrkk Jr., and Richard ) ‘Ha » ■- an enalga la the Revolu tionary war In Col Caswells regi men* ml tin tee ring In one of the flrst Independent companies In the New Been district taking part In Ike Bat tic of Moores Creek aud serving with distinguished gallantry throughout the-far. He represented l-cuolr coun ty, twlca In the legislature. “Hr removed to Columbus county In IMS and bought 10.0r.0 acres of toud nvtnr rhei*e tp peace and plenty noiiolVu. .eu 1../ Ass , t’esih In 1112, laotring to bla children valuable landed estates. c “Hie oldest son John, remained 111 TdHMRr cnnitty. John Wooten, left two son^, Hhadrark and Council Woolen my grandfather and father of f'oua oao i k . «**** » CP* **') .1 V ■ 11 . - : - . -T ---- - t I -T r I*- JL, „ eii GOLDSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 1. 192. Wade Wooten, 6 Years Os Age, h > Drowned In Lake At Hittcrest ' -■ ■; r Former Governor Put# “Pep” In Smithfleld Peapfte In Drive For Funds For Memorial | —L - f li ■ n i ii *—■—so—wsa—sawaj V. ■■ 1 TW eyy : 11 L -jy*'- 1 ,-, t ; i■ ; ■ ; i ■yirtW’fjpyr *. • i- ’ •j > ' ' . !•»* i>.rii-v.'.' m - i m. ■du/V ■ j k . H Mmm ; j 7 ~ '= - ;4 a ■ TlWw ■; ■" "r t ""■! "'I H»V ( UIKMN IBffKHMV t \-Governor l a meren XorHsow raam hack to l a-tern I aroHan last night aad made what •>. *oM l« he the m»*l hrßWaat aad fatal spaewh •var hoard al Bmlthffield when ha started that town aft aa a drive far toads ta erect « broase »«atue a* a memorial to Johnston roaaty hoys who died ta the World Mac. GRORIOIJS ITH TO BE OBSERVED Many Merchant k in Gokhbom Phn to Clone Storm Oti That Onuhn V r- ? * Many of. Goldsboro's merchant* have «|rea(ly nnautiuced their lnl*n ll of closing and taking a St*M Jf llday neat Monday, In cel.-bra- 1 liJ/Kt “the glorlouH fourth" and in dications are that thr dty. will lie •. o ' more of leas at a gcr.-ral holldtj In this city. Quite a large number of people have j made preparations to motor down toi the seashore and apriid ’this day lit! and a lih the surf, while ether* will j remain at home hut have just ss < u joy.iblc a day. . ! Inder the direction 01 the llauyh tera of thr American Revolution a ■ ap t ndld program la t i he put on’ >iona own IlHine } O'tJortnan th*n went on to tell that Lite ,yaa twenty-nine and fathers* a nineteen months-old son. Ills wlfv. hr said. WHS idfc duwabter of a 'Vaah ltif!t..-i <,.nti#M>r. His father. h« th tlsri'A. was Patrick Vtiorman, pub licity agent for Buffalo Bill. He him self, be said, waa formerly a reporter on tin staff of th<* Washington Post Hr 6Wr seas, he said n the British navy, was In hired and tarn v»ai* ago waa operated mi In Johns • Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, for a 'PM on the (Main, O'Gnrman dM hot know how h» left ♦‘ftftou Station, bo* he got to Mald'n or bow hr happaiH .i to he lying un •SBStdBSa bear %i: BoA e**wrtwry. Cow Takes Drink Os I >Vayne County Boom;! She’ll Drink No Mo' I t TIM mwah to the nn I flmikitaM’ uml mU to Kijm I mil) k Jaal *W«t m toil) a* I arnewla ar Mrntoto to twr| other pohan. waa fcaiiMnlii ky ■fh* lan Hurt who* fmp»t } ftoarto TMak" Ikto raided •> MltoN ilklMteff Hut hi IkA towwstolp yurtria; ho kni a lan* to* ar pareatl) kaHky (to lying tort ImaMt ato a( Ik katt rat*. Tk raw tort, torta>rty. fiMftftd—i ky tka hear tat, rttr ;ia4 tor a qaaff ar twa to tka jmub* Kar tka bmaflt at tka adMtotad H might k*> .totart Hurt fraap tkto beer la dfctlltod tk* roaw taker 1* pfntyM wj TRIO BIG BOOZE M4KINGPL4NTS lasting and doatroytwg IIHaH tor OUtoC kUalt kaa kaetoM » manta wttk d* pa tin ta Skarkf W. D t\m al'a office tkaaa tayn »wd rarely t day pa— a* to* kit Hurt aaa to more of tkam aaa not found and tir ala pat to tkam. ; v *atarday three kg plant, ahd Ml dr*da ts gallon* of baar and othar equipment ware found and datacard*- The flr.t plant, a alitr gallon copper outfit, waa I oca tad la New Hop* town ship by Oaputlaa Gardner. Thom*l .ad Kornaggy Along with this ware alstaan galloaa to baar r*ady to be made Into whlakoy. Tk* eattr* outfit waa destroyed. Tha second (till reported for the day waa In Park township' and waa found by Deputy L 0. (Cklakl Rhode. Tbla also waa a ality gallon .till and there were fourteen barrel, of baar nearby. , The entire outkt waa cut to pieces Tha third and last still waa found In the Saul.ton im-Um This, mas . fifty gallon outfit and along the baer which was Rested nearby, fira gall xi« of aaw-made .hl.ksy war .fixed. Therd waa a man at or near Ihe .till when Deputy Cukor arrtred on the seen# but he succeeded ln» making hi. eacapa % -- n 's — _ - —-i HHVftOW kailTKll Raleigh. Jnna to Me l.ein hae romml.aloned Judge N. A. Sin. lair of KayetUville. In hold rourt In flalawba rounty for Iwo weak, be glnuina July 5 Judg. Sinclair n, to tempt rarlly replace Judge T. P. 9ry« xi. of Bryson I Ity. whose rclg- I gsw»n 'fweomc* effective on the flrpt of nest month. i itn to. V \ Charlotte, Jupe JO,— Dr. W. 8. Ran kin. bead of the hoapltaliaatlon Me llon of the />uk* endowment. Injured two weeks ago In an iUTomdbtte ar lidrnt Bear ha. lf> hi. home here. .'.)>*>,iJtnnk injuile. on hi. heart-end a.broken e|b and breast bone when hi. autotnobU-* V overturned near the Morrison bride after skidding In lh* sand _ 0 SEW TOME (’OTTOS New York June M Spot cotton uulet. middling It to. Cotton future* closed steady ,»t a net decline of »• to 13 point*. July I7M; October IH.2H; December )*,23; Itoreh Ifi.Tf. j Ttaioi ayrffc r-. ' milt irnnm ■ Mm CIHMPHI 9 '• , ■*“ • •*» 3lx-Yeer-0W to* Os Mr. and Mrs Praak M. Wmtattaftmm vllle, Drowwto Yoder day AftoVMMi i Lake Near Ktoflfca - Father Had Hd Umm Elected SSSSwK '«*Jri | y Ur** wMb HgMteSJ iu t«a * ml id# 1 # | v miitoi |*r f teESto«’lS» I * ■* Itotkor sad - gather at tk* Itoto pto* thalr fathers wurte atttaClKtMp tort tag- t j Durtag tot. tfarn Hka * W er to the two bWfirt **M to taw othrtr* la tahtfg a tf*af* I* *• which i* aa* of tk. meat fitotofid spoag on tha proptoty. fttotatoft a hadktof ault. a« wap **oa aafiptad Ik* hNM sport* .(forded that. - ' Qrt oo* tod* of the IdMp* ■ Ofl «* rhate-tbe-chut* t» tofi lap of toM the bather, citato a*d gtafida 4pw« 10 tha lake. Tka wafpr * *a hnort if ihi# ta aararal toot la *i* Mi » to from tot* okula toi tatalka w*. tar to that potaF PWt Wkia. ato year, of age. pfurtgod. It k t*U**4 that at first It w ato nrtUoad tkto ha did sot xi appear aad aatopat aatfie - Has are said to kaw* alapaad krttMP one to tka other boy* Ml 9« *at kd ...» mi» ins and the atom mao (to**. , . A* quickly aa pootokto k kndkpddr remyved kia appaito as 4 daafiap ft bilking, soli, plangod laid toa-wator and dived In tka ktototo to Mfiwk to thi body. He waa faatoaato la Isaak Inr :> *t tkr first fttoa aid km* 11 „ the .urfaoa. ■ - raR Ta ftamatotoll • a ininieitbitefy elfiarto at kapapaEks ima were by gup ky tkaaa iftywtolaaa. n embers of the tatofty. wftp Wtft ab» 'ending the rawatoa. krtt thaad prwrad rhea thy rtWl lady waa , w s4p., < ’ > MiA-eWtudUlMMa efforts were continued to# MOfw fkaa • n hour hut the spark rtllhrun tlnct could not ka fkaakd hack. •- L*D u tta anpraop* *• M) *1 tire lUile rlothn praa cawatafi to Orecuvllle where It will prukakty kd Intel rad today. A aumkar * tdtoftrafi and friend* neebmpaatotf Ik* ftrtto 'trick** father aad Eta athaa aaa bach to thalr kaata. t, t At the ilm* th* alarm* the draw*- la« waa given ta Mm ball wftar* tfcd butoaaaa maedng wap hatog bald. Mr. i Wooten who had b*fi| mi mad as • president of tha elaa tar tk* Ffific, waft 1 nn hi* feel making h short tnlto Thft J " "■**• **g*:.**»e