— THE WEATHER I flwnii. air mar u, at.iar, . ah'change la temperature. I'' . : VOLUME FIVE; NUMBER 1M EVERY INDICATION CONGRESS ADJOURN SATURDAY WANT A H>TOP PUT TO THE "e LECTIONS c -V i I I * ** , S. x */•’ House And Senate Struggle - Along In An Effort To Get Calendars Cleared Os Work Sfenate Held a Session Last Night In Effort to Ward Off U usual Pre • Adjournment! Jam So That All Mean ures Could Be Dispos ' ed of In Time Tomor row Afternoon to Per- j ■ ? mit Session Coming to Close * Washington. July 2. " Although the resolution providing for adjournment of CouitW' Sltorday was held iodey* there was every indication that the present session would be brought to a done then. , , Both the House and the" Senate struggled along slowly fb dear their colon 4nra of preaalag business I . and the Sonata held a aao- •' aion tonight in an effort to ward off the usual pre-ad journment jam. The House. ’ however, decided to forgo a night Boaeian, Its leaders concluding there was not enough important legisla tion pending to warrant it. Ona at tOa agin approi *4 by the * unit was Urn hmml oapply menanre an which edjearn smot Martay appaaro to hinge. It* total was hnwm4 by Iho B#sale tram u Ul,- tttUt aat a* a remit <»l amrnd- BtU It west to cnhmff. I.Htlo dlfflenlty I* e sported la reachtag aa umaral an potato at laoao aad Chairman Naddea. «t tho Mease Appropriation* Coa ■Woo, who load the fight laot wfoh against adjearafag. ha* la dlrated-h* will otor ao object lea to tho pta%ft loaderx la «i«lt Sat urday aftornooa. treat Instore » FOR THE PUBLIC 1 V Today’s Prtgram at Chautauqua ‘ls One WMqh Wjll Re Pleaslhg to Boefyone Today's program offer* two treats of an unuaual natura to Chautauqua patron* In the form of a dmi dem onstration by Margaret Story In th* afternoon alia th* presentation In the * renlng of the well-known play by Sir James Barrie. "The IJt»ie Min ister”. by,an all Rroadgay cam In cluding Kuth Nugent and Aian Buncr Mlao Story'* program I* Intended -pilmarily for the ladle* and the well known loctar*r and author of “How To Dreaa Well ’ ,wl|l glv* many val uable sug'fenHoo* on chooelng mater ials and making dreaae*. The pro gram ta filled with appropriate'muirii and dance* to aid In the d*mnii*tra hJfc Jr A* '"tjiiAou*^Vowftit* * "'The feature program of (he week will he in the evening when "The Ut il* Minister” will be prenented by *t. * 11-Rtar company Mia* Nugent, who clay* the part of '‘indy Babble". ma/|e Immortal year* ago by Maude Adam* played ’aat year In "The Trouper*” while Mr'Runce w«* with the Broad way hit. "Irnff That Off” Saturday’* program Include* a con cart In the afternoon by the Italian, company and * lecture In (he evening • by Dr. Tehyl Ha'ech. the ‘Teddy Roosevelt of f’iilna” on "Awakened China”, other lecture* of kchednted for unt week Include Dr. J**a» Hoi me*, who ha* recently returned from * fhtl year”* trpvel tn tk* Near Kast who will apeak oa the aabjWt, ‘Tat rlotUtn Hare aijd Bieenherv.' THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ■ 1 ■— l mmmmmtfrnmmmmmmm * —1 11 wiiwaaaa—amwieen 1 ■ 1m mm Two Primaries Will Coal the County Os Wayne About s7oo—Second Held Tomorrow With another primary bring held ta Wayae eaaaly temorruw .ta *n lert 4 randldate far the rleriuhlp as tbe aaperlmr reart, which affkw I non being held, by Nr. John R. Maaha aod who, with Mr. Jack Hill, I a <|ntdlda|c la tomorrow'* printer), tag payors aad idem will pcahaMy be lalm-ted ta some *l»tl»tlf« a* to Ift cast as th* first aad xeenad prl mary. * \ It I* cktlmaled that the total rest as hatdhqr the find primary, aa Jane X wax about Ml*'. Ta nff*H this, IIH wa« eellectod a* catry fee* tram tbe turfed* raatidalcs far afftee, the actaal c**t ta Wayae evaatj being about Tbe «rrond primary. M I* e«t(mated, will coat aheet HU ta eaadert. There i« ao rant t» the candidal** lor entry lata thl* aad the ceaaty will *taad the catlrri). 3 Tfcn* the Mai dr! ro*t to tt jyae eaaaly far roadartlag the twa pri maries »IH he abeal fi'ML nmu ..I mu.l .111111 ll■■ 111 wwww ■■■mm WAYNE DEMOCRATS ALL READY VOTE SATURDAY ■ J ■ . - • eMmmamaaarniemawammmiMm« indicatious Arc That Vote Cast h |mM Priaaary, To Re HcM Tomorrow For i*urpooa of NomiooUtig Candidate For Clerkship of Superior Cowl, Will Bo Largo VI ufk InltTvsi MaalfftMt ... ... -1: .. ~ .. .w. .-W9ReaUUPaHUn|V IT VapUVUmpRU!SSUPUmt^BpHg|fINHRBHnHgtaw^ 1— : * : interest of Wayne county's demo cratic [voters Is on lh« run off primary whlrh Is to be held tomdf row and at which tfhic J. B. Hooks, present incumbent and J. H. • Jack! Hill, candidates for the of- Her of the clerk of the court of Way ne county, are to so beforo the voters with their candidacies and acfk the nomination to the office which 'vir tually means election. Messrs Hooks hnd Hill were Jhe two high candidates*!!! u field of three in the first primary, held on June 3. Mr. Hooks leading his nearest op ponent. who later requested and ae- RUM BOAT CREW GET A HEARING SATURDAY MORN Count'd For Men Taken Ftm Cue Steamer Elata at Wil mingtoq* Seeks Delays Wilmington, July I. Complying with the request of John D. Bellamy, chief iif counsel for ihirteeu members m of the craw of the rum lioul Klraa, district attorney Irving B. Tucker to day aftsced to a continuance of the pbffllnilnary hearings until Huturday st 10 o'clock, assuring Mr. Bellamy that the asked for bill of particulars would he furnished him hut srpUing ly suggested (hat he eonflnrd his con versation with Captain Aigera, of const guard cutter Manning. Ui. social intercourse unless he was willing to ’rads and give him (he correct name of bis cllenta. Postponement of ih<- AfurlggH. OWTUI e [ H. t 111) »»Killer • livuis 'toodman. came shortly after 8 o’clock court being op< ned more than an hour late, due to the inability of the dis trict attorney to strive earlier. The mxmbrrp of ihe crew arv < barg ed with conspiring among them seWoa and others unknown to author- , tiles to violating the laws of tVe Unit | eil States.-namely the customs laws. , the Internnl revenue law urn! the na 'tonal prohibition law. with trans porting ftnportlng and possessing In to Healing liquors snd navigating a Steamer unlawfully (Or sAtd purpose I HIM WF4KKR Paris. July I The French franc was wewkrr at tb« opening of the foreign exchange maiket today, being footed at 3|.3t 19 the dot fa* * • g \ — NOW LOCATED IN OUR NEW -HOME, 110 S. JAMES STREET GOLDBBORO. N. C, FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 2, lt2S cured a second primary in order that voters might decide the question by their ballots. Both candidates bare a large num ber of interested friends and since the tret primary was held these have been allowing no grass to grow under their feet, so to apeak, tn working m the Interest of tttrlr favorites Indications are that there will be a henry vote polled, friends of both men staling that their favorite will be nominated but not until the votes are counted tomorrow night will the result be known. Incidentally, as on the occasion of the first primary, It will hardly- ALABAMA IS NOW GET COTTON FRONT Lljmxir Skirt* For Women One Means of IncreaHing De mand, Say Farmers Birmingham. of a greater demand for cotton was the puree** of a conference of Alaba ma farmers and business men here • today. New issues lor cotton and products and ways to Increaae meth ods or consumption were discussed «i length, —-r-*- Iginger skirts for the women of ihe Putted, State* was suggested as one means of increases present uses of cotton. Other suggestions Included the use of cotton for cerement bags j betting, electrical switchboards, etc. Resolutions were adopted pointing oui the likelihood of another bumper crops for 192 C te danger of an over loaded market and a necessity for i'4Nbr*v , r'* wt* *„ ng Proust -uses ot Colton and prod ucts V Now Selling Stock In New Ijocal Enterprise I' 1 it y«ry important and enthiialaatlr | meeting of a large number of busl i ness men who are interested in the proposed new tobacco re drying plant for Goldsboro was held at the <Cam ber of commerce offl«« yesterday af ternoon. at which Jim* further plana were gone Into and dlssuiggad. The stdek *e||ing < smpalga to go Ing ahead, as planne*. sad within the course of a f*w dhya h to an peeled that the total sssssat of smnjt needed to put the gi'rfkmHtloa acrngn will been subscribed, , V * —V —! . • ' Senators Join In Denunciation > Of Recent Pennsylvania Primary Instead Os Playing Golf and Tennk the Seekers After 1 A TTirill In Oklahoma Try Their Hand At Steer Wreetlinff '■ T ’ Midi tw - ■ add •*: yiatmK Ji . ♦ fv \ g•*»s : * ’ ■ • w I * $’ ■ WP! -' •> .r Hi tk . • EKU mOm g L HF >< '■ .Imw mm -Mt ~ ~—da jHfak - 1 'Si * FTL IT 4 V . V % yl wkbt m VrWg\ w wiQflnL.■c.’' tmrm . H^Mka /J&mm V T r -' i nitifciiiirTi H mjA R „_ v ' ,j */<>\ r' .[ v y - ;l' V-, : C' . l ‘ imf taAflßk Ur *' j WURE J^HEjTSEE ’ V ■V’nr a .. , Hi Wfratling 90u pound longhorn ataera Is ahent the moat dar.gtrtfun as all cowboy apart*- Mtta MaUapSi *t Cheyenne. iWyo.. has Just landed oa this steer after a leaf* from hi* bora* To Iqt hia (aat tooeh dm gr«qad hatora slowing tbe atcer-twohably w-oukd mean a broken leg. OnV* the animal k dtopped the wrentler haa 4 tWtat Min <Mru by th* horn*. Bob I'roaby, oO Kenna N. M. haa ha aad” the etwuf la cto*r enonsk ktr Ufiattasa ta mahe pte leap. - r -4" UNDERWIR PLANT LIKELY OPERATE HERE IT IS SAID - v ••••ev.*.- If Sufficioßt labor Csn Be Se cured. Haul Will Be Equip / pod and Operated If there are one hundred and fifty women and girls la Goldsboro and vicinity who will be available within the course of a ‘few months Tor em ployment la a plant manufacturing high grade men'a! underwear and where working conditions will b» aujei Ideal. Goldaboro has at. excellent op portunity to secure such a plant. * - I The Chamber of Commerce through ita secretary, W. C. Denmark has been working-with Hits tn view for , the past ninety days and the project has now reached the point wh£re the men who would come here snd equip such“a plant want to know deflnttrlr If sufficient labor la available. • * Rvery woman and girl who w< uld accept emtiloyment In the plant, as sured in the fact that they will be well paid for their work. I* requested to either send or telephone their name and uddress to ihe Chamber of ! Commerce as sodn as possible This Information will be held In Hie strictest confidence and the Ills will be turned over to the men wh.> sre J planning to operate the plant. In [ esae they decide !o conic to l,<d 'shorn. —— -< Female Feddler Os Dope Is Arrested : f• * t . J New Tuff,' Jwfy 4—Mias Joscpiu ', lion picture setr<-ss. wa* srre*tr*i to re snd charg'd wtth homicide, Kh- is I'eid respniisihle fur Ihe death of Mr* * Lllssbeth Chandler. .*l3. a widow, who succumbed early Tuesday ijitfrulng to drugs. Mins I,e<inard sdmlM'd according t,o police, lhaf she xttpjill •<) thr dnicv to Mrs. Chandler. Police said Miss lamnard told them that she and a mutual friend. Harold A. H< blfllitx. a motion picture opern tor. called ou Mrs. Chaifdler. Th» W»«ww. She toMd. ooaagfcUitcd veitw galas, the reaak es aa aoeddrot I a year ago which “cwwaed her it gar I esse th« fain. ■ The Goldsboro NfWs Always (rets Results For Its Advertisers A few <r««ki Mb Sam Owtl* wr. *tiu Raman ri*,'* nun w Goldsboro representing UN* well known mad tft drtak JiuGrape ah 4 sealed the wait* «l the Goktohero hotH «MmM aM #1 mn) M*rt of dpi Ire, Merely ("tewing hi* way h|> to the (real d Um eight itMfJ liolldlug. The eteat was idtHtM !*• rlushely to The ftoldahore Hew* la l*o Mh> Werto*. one on each as two day*. and between MW and umh) people weiw ea band to eat Hr. Gardiner 4o hi* »**■• THAT WAM THt: HKMI^TJr U<iU>»HORO KEtth ADVERTM IJNi. l.a*t wight to a *mi lowa drag -tore a MlrtßM ter a foaatofn IN* ink away • rhe«l *1 silver .i u«i other yrtws. Ho had la tiled the public, thrwairh a paper ether lhuu The New*. te.Aw on haiad to *kare la ihlrWwi were to he ghra to Ja»l aayeae who happened to held Ua>lirt) ticket. a llrkel which dldaS reel them K real. He waatod a big cr. ad, hr waatod ‘The ealire (;*ldttori public te reaie eaU* T-ere were Wee thaa ifty per wont ea hand whew Ike prise* were awarded. IHIHK-WO (OLD, HARD, If. PPM” TABLE EAfTH AID l»* HO.hNTKATE THE Kill.MU •J'HIIIK OE IM HI.ItITT IJf THE i.4>ll**lM*tU> *M»H. ; Only Ten Days In L Wch To Bu* 14 reuse ItHieigl). July <f, With only tm day* lo go, M»e .'liw.ikm m>uYi'r’’fh hide wner* In North T'grollna owl tt u Glial of appropriately ioo.ihhi to for Him license year which begins to dgji had not procured their llcmae morrow A period of a race of ton day* In which to buy Ut‘cn*e pa*, been grunted. House Passes Bill To Increase Pension tVagSlneton, -July I A henatc bill r-tvldlny Imr'iiM of pensions In '•h II and Mexican war veterans and daamdent* at an <.»»lmaled coat to Aw gnvernmen* of ltf.,ho<>.of'n an nually waa p.ia*-d today, hf the houae vrtthmu a record rote. The me.venr* aew gpea to the president CLL’MC TU AT mi VC SLCjlna liiAl Nra SCORED VICTORY IN. N. DAKOTA . ..... . \ Non- ParthMUi Lggfwn Appaar , Tt Haw* WaiigS Away Proa the R*f*Ukaaa Pango. X !>.. July 1. -Headed by fteaator OeteM P. Nye. noa-pertlaen leaguer* scared d'clalre victories to the Nurth Dakota repuhllcen primary returna from one fourth of the pre | < theta Indicated tohlghL Homing from b*hUWL Senator Ny< had eatabitehed a lead of more thar 1.04*0 r<\te» ever L. P. He .aa. ered lied with thf support of the *dm*nla nation, in the contest for the short term ending Marco. IM7 Utithc governors race. Oor. A. 0 (Sortie. with *4' p erincts reportr had a lead of more than S.OOfl orei Hanley, also termed an sdmlntotr* lion candidate. FAIR DIRECTORS TO MEET TODAY , 'o *’ Important Seaaion Wiß Be Hd»' at Chinbtr of CMMrcy Room TMa Morniag IXrector* of the Wayne Conaty Fai Aaaoctallon will meet In the aasembl room* of rhe Chamber of Cowatn this morning at tl o'clock for a con ferenc* With Meters A. T Griffin an Frank Daniels, repreeenttng the dt of tloldaboro sad IS. A. ttteven* an' Ns Ulan Merger representing the cou to dtvense rjaue for the betterment e the fair and to make .the next expo alt ton the hlgaeat and heat that wet aver held In the county. Indications now are that Warn county will have the, best fair soutl «f Rl.Aimond *oext fell and that Jh attendance will be the largest In th history of the automation sod the d< rector* are aaxloue to do everythin* within their power lo bring about euel a condition. HER TORE t OTTDN New Yojfk. July I. Notion spot* oulet. inMdltn* 11.4 t 4’otlon futur*> cloned very steady at a net *dvnnc< Jb.AI. December ii.SI, January tfllM March 1«.3i. | ii mn»»enMWU<UUßms*mm**nna',| AmoadSm nulb .-i j DHPAICHES psidi wpwl aunm _ —... e—i» *■ >y , Kxceuivl v Wmmmmir* Jt BBto Os fIBBRBv jg riniHry b Br ; 'w!?*w^ VoTf.JISS? PattoHeßtoM >i4*i _ 't’ - »>^ , bk ; m lIRMSaHI WnlSiW' ft »Jr I ** ar^U^y3SKi .a!m4 ftBML B f,M>l fjMWC a •X ffifeopflpiy % la tha Itoaaia Mtoafto •'«9MkJ|L|^| -a |f if.,l, fan"ftft B ftMh,’ ; ***l Mai m m «■*>§»* **■*■ *& Taft wiiaaa, da wBIMiiMVI ■ ■■tail la faaa«(^ail^jliil»,3l£ ••if it «aa *«r •am wMM atafe taMapaM.lt ;J£ Vin la Hi eaato4 lß^aaM^.._^jjL HHhl aai aothtoj MtU ha REVIVAL PROVES Bfi BIG SUCCESS * Rlai BtratoM&Mtel CftOPW °Ts* ■ Mach lateraat la a Iha revival which to toHk.jWjjjt \i ondurted pjr Rev. to. 1* >«at »r, at th« toha *lriai , hurrh aad large Mobil ara la 'HP’T't! eadaao* at aacfe aarUtoa: Mr t>..l* Maa«ha as toatoa*. *• O, taa karg» a< tha aHttyW' *to to atto ng a great deal to aaah'hafetya, aaA he congregation with "hli Hat# If •taking the oM goapal hftaai Ha*. Mr. Manapa alao d-Hphta tU«N|th to' lon with a *Olo each 'hlght The paator haa prayai. hat attol praylag. that (ha th|Nb wtf «•**- toaea a fraetoaa hlaaatoa HHjp Oai. eeuttlng la tha lnyatai o| (ha MW lual Urea of 111 awiataft,' iftihi tha '■o.i»«i»loo of etoaara. : ’. A prayer eerr|na la h#M *Mh fra n« at ala o'clock aad nil Mfilil. -"Theer are apleadid aarlaah than mwisouh vTi'ifhi. jßflcsfflihW» ■*> '»«* • part Os tha ewh laaralag tor II a (he beat part Os (ha **• /4’t:M a. ar. a vrvtea to haM tow •hr children add they tor* wa«arfal me*tlH« , Mr. Maaeea haa Wrpa at tha aka*- n f e!‘ ,b -’ "”*"* *• *m (tow •Kama The a#tf Ha nxM-kinn bird." They #aar a tofp »f ribbon. They «H MM «H. Bren tug aenrtcetot l*4l nillftr hX %re eel ended a ape tool «• ettend theae aerrtoap t dp 4' »"l •« % ’* » Ht'totototo tlipfl f “ charlotte, laly i -Matoham as Ha oral police depaHhaHt .■wavaaiaa H -laklna l.!»l arre.te huitoujHa MM welre Wiltotha Haifa HPBtdißll •how Jitl> ehdaedfhr y atrraga wMh IN ft|

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