• nouar antertsy u 4 . motor** wlaSa. I —^^■^ntgaaswwAiaisAiwjAASjM^^-Ani VOLUME WYE; NUMBER 109 SHOW MILLIONS SPENT BY ANTI-SALOONjfifli NORTH CAROLINA NOW HAS LARGE CREDIT^ BALANCE Senate Committee Discovers Organization Backing First On Rum Spends Big Amount More Then $7,000,000 Spent in Twenty-two States Hi the Past Six ~ Year** Senate Quiz zes Leant While Delving: Into Penn sylvania Primary Scandal—Many Con* tributions Were Made Washington, July 2 Expenditure** of more than ’ $7,000,000 by tin Anti-Sa loon league in twenty-two state* during thopailsix years were disclosed by ad ditional reports filed today with the Senate campaign funds committee by Wayne B. Wheeler, counsel for the national dry organisation. - These states include New • York, Maryland and Rhode Island, which alone have no dry enforcement stat utes, as wen as Pennsyl vania, Illinois, Indiana, Wis consin. lowa, Missouri and Kentucky. While the-otate organ* sa tions contribute a certain part of their income to the t national Anti-Saloon Lesguo , it was developed from Mr. ■’ % Wheeler, who acmplsd the , , ' stand for nearly five hours, both the national and fcvJ" state organizations do their ' ft own collecting independent Vtf, each other. * Ai-v-mintnata who audited the book* LHI Vhe. national aeeoclatlun at Westat- J , »)Hhr Ohio, had furnlithed Hennto 1 ■ / V'il|ieeih l democrat, of Mlaaourl, the with the list of thoae con lyunmsi tuore than 8600 to the paren* „ but Mr Wheeler «d>- , 'UfcH.iil so the names being made pub . IPLAU-/p(lßlned that the*# ware mm to * political campaign llkß t 0 confer with Itir <»n the .subject. - LnWt *V»n atate yfißf reaeonr ' Senator He*fc|. alio wn •)>ejjjmkmnWn; member NlagSdßpMtUluted that he woul<‘ ~» the maurr to the who® rommittsa and after a confer e»C* (allh other members the chair ; man, decialoa would be deferred. RAIDING PARTY BUSY IN WAYNE Hhr Still aiM Much Hccr Whh lio rated and Destroyed Yen» terday By Deputlea Rald-rs from Sheriff W I). Grants office went out In another "atlll bunt" t veatardny" and, aa 1 r#W|l, landed one out lit. of fifty gallon* capacity and forty-eight barrela of beer In the New Hope townahip. All of the br«r waa not found at • * A*‘ ** * * ’Vie* * *«■* «r ihfee 'point* In aecuou The atlll waa of rath'r rnmpletely cotnatnieled and had every indication of having been in uae for Dime lima. Deputy Sheriff Thomaa made the x Jaat r*‘d* but during the paat two weeks no leaa than half a doaen planla have been visited and put out of bualneaa by the raiding force. MTKAVFR HITS Nllflf Brrmerlon. Waah.. July 1.- The Japanese ateamahfp Jtelyo atruck a hidden rock near Amatlgnak Inland flr'tbe «(U»HVfA% ♦ «•- re'ved here today by the radio. i*on at the Ron ud Navy Yard.. No danger of destruction bad beep for* r * - —-, , « ' w THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ALL READY FOR OPENING HOTEL Morehead Villa Will Be For . matly Opened To Public "May New U-rn, Jtfly 2.- Morehead Villa, tUe handaome new four-atory hotel at Morehead Bluff*, will tie formal ly opened to the public Saturday night with a dinner and a dance, William f>nnn. of this.city, will be toutmaater Short talks will be made by Ute fol iowlnff persona: Iter J. a. Vache. W. H. niadea, prealdeui, E. M. Howard active vie' president. and O. W U n «. necreUry-tfraaurer of the Morehead Bluffs Hotel Company; William Koor. president of the William FW* Hotel Operalln* Corporation. Mayor lailh-r Hamilton and Charles 8. Wallace, of Morehead o workmen who labored on the atructure. all have be*n $•- mpred now. WUh the rxcentlun of a few retailed for work m i are will end pier , oyer th« water Tl»e pier will bu jiOO feet long and I* feet wide, leading from the hotel. CROWD ATTEND ’ CHAUTAUQUA Friday’s targeal of ■ tl|ir Week—Program Was Most Pleasing One '• ~— m -z » iJr .. Much IntrrpHt In hein* taken in Chautauqua. In spite of (he warm weather. Friday's font held u largo undent e 1 u ‘ —— =3U ~—" • -vr"r At the afternoon performance. Mar laret Htory'a lecture on "-Mow to dreaa Well' was much enjoyed. I’rob' lems of dresa ware dlacusaed »■ the correct colors, .gealgiMi. fabrics, economy, etc. M>* Story invited the audience to *ek quint lona, which she answered for tb»m. Two attractive girls Polly Rodman, and Jeanne Thompson, not only dla playad beautiful and snllwkje coa tumea, but delightrdJJjhc audience with Polly'a dancing : Jcunne’a ■lnglng. . ( Frederick Bearle a mualclan of tin* usual ability accompanied the entire performance at the piano Three Miami Banks Fail To Open Doorfi Miami. Fla.*, July 2.—(APj—Throe Miami financial Inetitulions. the Hank of Cocoanut Grove, the Bank o' rtbe ttt Vuia, and tha nank oP Little Riv- Ar suspended operations her.- today. The outstanding loans ot> vhicli they cot Id not deliver were given by dlrec •oie aw reasons for suspension of ac- •% yt . - « See tig Hssis ftaVft Hollywood, ha.. July 2. (AIM The bank of Dunlg closed lie doors I shortly bet ire noon today following heavy withdrawals by depositors. I T. Parker, vice-president of the bank., announced at noon a readjustment would |e made Immediately that will enable the bank to re-open shortly and meet all Its obligations i mm-.pm tojinirr mti iiknt Drtrolt. Jnly 2. Warrants i barging fire University of Michigan students with staging the hold-up of' Harry dowers' roadhouse at Plymouth and Farmlfigton roads July 2 In which two patronh war* shot were recommend'd today by James K. < hr not, assistant w ' *- • hr* j,. ... . ~. a. NOW LOCATED IN OUR NEW HOME, 110 S. JAMES STREET - 111 ""T _ Goldsboro New* Will Furnish Return* Os The Primary Election The Uo Ida here News will Ue akrht, aa It has alwaya dene, far slah Ha palnii sad the pehlle la aiharm! with the malt as ledajr’a privacy eleetJwn, at which fftm* Hay we tamer rats wHI mat their hellefs le nominate a clerk es the saparier eeart. Ja*t as fast a* the** are rwestved at Ifek •ftk*. Home little than wHI be eeaedm ed la reant lug the halteta Is each es the hlaeie«a precincts hi the •ennty bet The News >«i bread cast UU* lafermallen jest aa rap idly aad as aerarstety as la pea albhk » Temermw morning The Newa bepae te be able to present Its renders with complete returns of th« otertloß. j I . \ WILSON OFFICER ENDS HIS LIFE • m —j .£ John Herndon Hnm Bullet Inti Brain—lll Beall h the Cauie Wilson. -July J. Officer John Horn -986; of the local police department eommltted suicide last evening at seven o'clock bv abootlng himself through the right temple with hip **- omatlc pollen pistol. Mr. Hrrudoo had been in 111 health forth« pmd *ry<,r*t -rtH>ni!iH. and according t« r»l at Ives and friends, despondency over bin condition lead lo ttaTlhAclde. ■ Mr. Herndon waa 40 year* old and bad been a member of the Wilson po ll* i department for the past twelve years. Me waa a popular member of |3, m ...til a. * A-. _ A . ne force and up until his forced ab aenea oh account of illness, be waa oiflTlki moat efficient officer* |ti' tytiffin. Several years ago he waa shot while making an arrest, and for aoiila time jrf" Ilf* waa despaired of Thewwpads received at thkt t#n* nr -1 relieved Co havf been responsible fur tha grneral breakdown in haalth of the officer. . * ' Mr. Herndon took his life while the train'd purse had left the sick room to partnka rtV supper. Hearing th' pistol shot she rushed to Mr Hem rton'a roomto find him dead. Mm. Herndon, who has also been In poor health for soma tints, waa asleep In an adjoining room and did not hear the pistol shot. Khe was removed shortly afterwards to a local hospi tal and late tonight had not been Informed of her husband's death The funeral will take place Satur day afternoon. Members of the Wil son police department will act aa pallbearer*. The deceased I* surviv ed by hla wife, two alalera. Mrs Julia Horton, of Zebu lon. Coa. of High Tolnl; two brothers. I .cells Tffrhdoh, of Weldoh uhd Wiley Hern don. of Brooklyn, New York. Rli’H KtKNIRIf MORAY WAYTF.D Ik H.OKIIM ■ f >-** S < •maty Deputy, BberllT* Ksily *>,. a-eklng to learn the whereabouts of ) Mm. .Wile FI odd *4 Delray -»r-n --l-usbund lisa sworn out a warrant for bar. charging bigamy and alleging that she bad five buabands living. Mr* Fludd disappeared' from her home a w#*h ago. Fludd told the of ■ ftcera. leaving g suicide note behind, | but he claims to have aeen lier altice • be*! IVlowlng her disappearance be said he Investigated her past and learned ska has two husbands In J ( »p- I'n. Missouri, one In Kansasj(T(y, Mle sourl, and oi»s In Jacksonville Ha marriad her In Jacksonville karri,2l, he said. Ten days previous ly, bt told Ihe Sheriff, ehe had mer rWd a man (her* by lb* name of UM* ISM , J ' - -- .. . GOLDSBORO, N. CL SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 3, 1826 - - r - Y MLean Shows That The State Is J In Fine Condition Finsmgitity f( State’? “FirntT JMiy* Is a Leader In 0 All Movpnenta For Social Reforms, Said 1 mwm ”r "" ■ “N. 9 * ■ 1 v . t - '■■ .»«»*. AJ»«F» Wi: McLEAII a- ' - •’ gra. Angus H. Hrl.ean. wMe of the Uunw wf North CaniiM.’k talttng aa arllie lnlrre-1 i« socbil reform work In Ulntato-wli k Hut lag mark wf her Ua*r ta the some. has a hnrmlag ,n»|p nllljr aad la aa ardent w»rhary’ " * . , / WAYNE DEMOCRATS GO TO POLLS TODAY ONCE. MORE n .. * ; For Second Time Within Past Five Week* Ballot ('sating WHI Ba the Order of the l)ay—Two Well Knows Men Heek Biomi nation lo the tllTice of Clerk of theKuperior Predicted That Vote Cast Will Be Heavy One Teds) l>ew errs lie infer* In Wayne runnlj will go la the pall* far the »*r«nd (iwe ell hla lb* past lv a weeks and by Ib'lr bnl jots nemlaale u candidal* Ur the rfrrkoklp es lb* snp'rlsir runri In tbls rsanlt and. In Ibis rase, Ibe nomlnatlwn vlrtuallj aisnn* electlws to Ibe office. J. H. Ilookv pn-*rnl Inrnaibenl sad J. H. (Jack) Hill am Ibe Iwo candidate* Ur whom Ibe talers will cn*t Ibeir Idflub today an! H Is expected Iha I in* toting will be heavy a* bulb candidate* and tbelr con«lltunl* bate allowed ws gra»* la ryaw under Ibeir (|>l, *“ «a t# *p»ak, since Iht^u.l^rl- K AMT ( AKOMkA’M FA KM mitiKv cu n roiM i.\m Klnslon. July 2. The I arm Isfwd ■ '*M&tm** '*o* warn ' pattern for a liii)**ber of farmers' o(f --gnnlsyttfona Carolina Ibis summer. Tl/e ( lub is the ruradSl-ir ' era’ Imitallijn of the Rotary, Olvllan and atmibtr'club*. Just now It In giv ing attention to the dairying needs of the member*. The organlraUm meets monthly. Dinner seimion* arc li«:d at. a resort near Kinston. Randall fift h*. Otic of the organisers, dec lari* therd will be Farm Deader*" (Tati, pattern ed after that h»re, in all parts of the United BUles, Drparttnmt of Agri culture officiali**'having taken cog nlsanre of th elocal organ n and approved the plan of the farmers In get together periodically for dlseus ■lg of Mat prints am and m*i (m-, w . » * .- * . ’ Jm, I, i • t j . w J Air ®ary, la »*eklar »u|.p«rl. ' •Un art iqml It |t t* Um |m>lU aa early l» Ike aa* la rati their halMi n tkal dart will It aa la■>! masle ntlk Tkt ' P«ll« will wi*ra at uuarts* will rla«* at taaaal ail a lk#rwnft#r Ik* work at aaakllkt Ik# hallotn will lt#irla. a . l'ull k«M#r« will rttbri fa Tar Tk# *ew» M) lelepboalag Ik# r#*ult of Ik# raaal Ik lk*lr . r#»|»#ipt Xw *Jll«*m'r lilaia. whose cargo us mun- iiitn 4 t a*n rasa# of a atari ad ll.jiuirx la now xfored la uttonm lioiiaa here pending Ik# the case ugulnm them. wy« >spa* i«l loath forth- ralaaa# of fhelr client* at a prilniluary hutt ing arlirdulrd for lh>u alivraoun ha ters lotted sittt-a l.txKlinan. on Hi. that Hia^to* <•» itrrr<-rit lititl no tubalanllal charge Hgalnal tli>-iii , \ Court' atimhe* Atated lhal aa far (ba government had be u unable to ••finitely ettablltb (ka owasrahlp of •he rihft, T I It taawtn.mu tblugs rap t tklak. how j , 4k«k a l*uk hay kaow wtuok puU yii.. « . a -I Dr. Emil Cow# Os “Day By Day" Fame J Diet la French CRy *«mv. fnmm, Jaty tr% . Kali* I'M*, Um «MMM HtmM* * «*• a Um Mmu •I fllnru. UN NM|, Ts T IM. Cm, Mr BM; hm pin*- *U*rar* phy *Maa M Kaagf. * i*«M* kim I* ft* mm M UM a **«rj way I aa : »tji£?¥£ H okm ap Mi «** h 4*r Na*. ft ■■ l^- J -v ■ DEMPSY-TUNNEY - mi away ut # jp 'Junk laFi flj j W iir« _mw mw wrk '' —!—- ' • < ——^ »ort, July I.~T*» -rccmi,,, - Ituu T*« RNfkard la *pit* *f U* Mat* * m >ir*a u luij a# - MarywaguT wi, * uriMN tSiij!!! . tag cirri** *| th, MM UM feat re port* w*r* clreoiatod riatoitog Um : H*bt for J*r**y OMy lal^mtial* Jmi what proo*<*r* wmM mMI* Kirkart to Mac* tfc* ftgbt > New Y«rk ta rae* oC tM M|, aUMaftr outlaw?* by th* --nM*Mtng ws* mi 1 bat it wa* Tgf~tl-f tba> ■v r—igmuimr U aa* N B *«**»• I of tM ooMMMioa »«* gat* ih. *oy. -Mr ,*7T“ r I HkfiTrc hM totay M feababiy woaM vMt Cttoau* arat »**k tor ' talje*rapkad Oaearwor Aleta T. , Pallar, of Maaaarkwaatta a threat tka* | ka wool* commit natal*. ratfcar tkan go la vrtaaa. -sr* i.M JL _ I DDfllfllni • * ’ '*■ iium ( • m DIBPATCHRB V 1 ■> > . i •■F'. Um m Gvw | 4II.IMhm2?I^ ■CVHRriNNMB y*p»f f