SIX ARE DEAD FOLLOWING MINE BLAST IN PENNSYLVAIIB [ . THE WEATHER I Local shower* —adajr aad Monday Cooler. L " JS-., , - VOLUME FIVE; NUMJMSK 111 * • '..»Z . J.B. HOOKS NOMINATED AS CLERK SUPERIOR COURT SKY - SCRkPER BS ERECTEQ lif BUSINESS " DISTRICT Wayne County Democrats Go To Polls For Second Time In Five Weeks And Ballot Spirited Contest For Se lection of Candidate For Office of tile Su perior Court of Coun ty Results in Victory For J. B. Hooks, Pres ent Incumbent A Large Vote Was Cnsf and Interest War Great Far IS* mb—< tine with la the put weeks, Wayac county DenecraU w—t t® tin polk, this tin* t® uni—U a caaMae for tin clerkship of tke nptrl- - •r curt as tin county and after th« battle as ballots bad! bo— awM aad the vat— canal ad* with the ex cept 100 as ladtaa Springy, •bow 42 oot— wan —at la the flrst prH—l7, It wm iMattiat 1. B. tfooka, or—cat lacaaab—t f bad de f—tod bio appeacat, J. H. (Jack) HUI by a majority of 181 v—aa. Wm total vote coot far Haohp wMh the ex* S'wwr'a for HiU wao MIS. .U the , SwgflTSal of ijSfVot wbOo Mr. US raoalred S,~ Mi. Mr. S—aar, the third —aaSdate fee t|o tkre+-cor aerad ra— la the trot pri aaary uaolvod M vote®. —lb i«aP—a wao* strongly —l7. Nab es Ml wen ~ weak— oa« diligently . aw left eatßaail «p either side . a* fcrtaf St—t Maker for tbHr «aeOi—t— Beib an *pfo®dM a— Mb have NadWti Irinti , e> anr tte ae—ary aad * Jr a——My r«friaa*a by t— —Min •t lam that flaw had I* It a twaar. Thera wa* spirit at hitter am ■n>Mt*t by either n*4l> Mi or by may as tbHr seppert er» at say Ha, Hart— llw raw* pate®. Mw* tba ArH «r the aec* •at primary. It —a a elraa. Mt-b-tte epee Ight, aae la wbieh •nab aaadt—ta pat forth their heal (Into so wta the aappart H the voters, »• 4M tbHr friends. H wm prabably tba element pa —ml nampalg® that Way— eaaaty baa *nr witness*! to4ay, wttb tba vlHer aad va®. UnHwgm oh piiker nldu® The labalatad rife eaat ta yaa> •arday’a primary waa aa fol- ' fowl* * . PRMTbCr HOOKA HIM. tat Vui (V». t. MB IM Wtwa . P *• *edk # W lad Weed ........7..... «• 1U Mb WeN M It* «*®at bwaap W «7 ■atb Mw—p ............ n ye rptwael M7 lid •XkJwka .... B M Ftkevllfo M 7* PtCb Towtahfo 1U MS Ora at ban m Isa Saeat Otht 11l NO ft®v*4—®e Id M White Hall ~ 17 It Ktw He— 17*,;. 1«* Mb abate® «M If* MttMy Creek lie 7* M»«y *7 M L , ** on THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ■ a iii'i i mi 'it LOCATED AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMES STREET IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY ’ Refuses Large Sum As Ade To Hungary ■i^ W *3L W M ♦ ««^«»^ HgKkfc—Bßl Jrretaiab Smith, of Bee to®, baa aerved. for two ycara aa Laafoa of Natiom Financial Commissioner aad Ecoaamtc Advisor to the Hungarian Gov tmacat At the termination of • . kit ' torHee# Premier Betbien handed bin a ch-ck for SIOO,- OOflft which Mr. Smith returned With gratitude, saying tkat the friendship and confidence shown him had been ample compensa tion. * Deputy Goes Forth And Locates Still In New Hope Sector Saturday waa primary election lay. tor the second time thla year, iao It waa one of those hot. slx illna daya that make a man want ® aeek a cool place and stay there wt it didn't heap deputy sheriff William P. Grant from no In* out Wto New Hope townahlp and lo >tln, atty gallon Illicit distil- | lag plant and several barrel* of soar and destroying the whole out tt , Primary or no primary, weather or no wanther. Deputy Grant had I -tip- that a still could be tound at auch aad auch a place If he srrtved there pronto. ,He lost no lm* In tahimr hlmnelf New Hope ward and located the plant. Thla waa about the sixth' still and r\(»t lea* than sixty barrels it beer located and destroyed by -alders from Sheriff V. D. Grant's ifftce during the wa*k. mJ . ’ - o' Officers Os Junior Town Are Introduced . ~ I a)CTkr«aufcit* -gKiu Jt ta an Institution rff the Otautau<,na. but them Wth'fia me OulMbt|ru SKIT* dren. were Introduced to the audience Inst night. JTie rtilldren are prepar ing a pageant Mr Tuesday afternoon. Owe Goldsboro girl told aom*one ! after hearing the concert the Hall- ' man company yesterday- “It would hare been real good. If It hadn’t been half as *ood aa It tyaa.“ Vesper serylrea will he held at flea o’clock this afternoon. Muelc b'y the Hallman f-ompany.' Rverybody la Iff rltad. There will he no admission. The Klag of Orrat Britain each year receives a herring pie from Tar month I® payment of that carnmua ■?—*""**t..■_ .. ' v.*v'' r"1, r BEAUTY CONTEST CRESCENT LAKE - * * Inter—Hag Event Will Be BU— 4 at Popular Reach oa Moa day Afternoon nHmmmaii , On# es the stellar attraction* tor Goldabofo and Wayn* county people who will remain at home on Mon day trtji be the bathing beauty and, agnatic contest which Is to be heldt at rresent Lake Monday afternoon, beginning At S o'clock and continu ing during the remainder of the after noon and it la expected that hundreda will attend the event and participate In Iko contest. in addition to the large number es prtiea which will be offered In the beaaty contest, there will be a large amnber of prises for the heel swim mers. divers and others who take pan In Urn aquatic program and there will |e many entrants for thane. ' * Crescent I—O' '» owe of thh moat nepuhir bathing haachea In this see* tinn and the program planned for that place tomorrow afternoon will lie one wl®h wilt doubtless prose to he the hfffgaet and best In the his tory of that place. JUNIOR ORDER PROVING POPLAR w r -J Inter—ting M—tlag of Local Or der Held La®t Week Waa M—t'4nt«r—Hag One The regular meeting of the local Junior Order (Tailed American Me c.hadlqa. held vurtng the peat week wm a moat tatsresUaa aa4 enjoyable erlnt a»d waa largely attended. Following the regular business! meeting at the lodge rooms, the mem bers adjourned to the Palace Drug Store where they were nerved with ice cr«am and cold drinks. later they paid a visit to the Bgcer aanltortum and carried ice cream and flowers to “Old Tome". Mtantnn, a member, who Is treatment there and who is InV serious condt • AS Lion. . The local order EuM”V growln® and during the present year has added forty-two naw members BANK BUILDING BE REMODELED National Book and Goldsboro Nkvingn A Trust Company Need Larger Quarters A rapidly Increasing volume of business has made U necessary for the National Bank and the Golriaboro Savings and Trust Company to ln < rcaae their floor space and contract has been awarded for the remodeling ]»ml wtisi mtrets st> mat fan* will* |occupy the entire lower flood of the building. The work la to he started at one* and wh'le this Is In progresa the two hanks will be temporarily quartered !*n the Edgerlnn building, jail acrons the street, where they will he glad to aerva thHr patrons and the public In general ™ i. The work. It la hoped, will be com pleted by Heptemher Ist. at t which time the banka will occupy Ihelr en le-ged quarters. In connection with this Improve ment. It Is said that these (wo bank ing Institution* have enjoyed a large and gratifying patronage and this rapidly Incrwaslag volume of busine** *®haa much more roam absolutely GOLDBBOHO. N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 4. J 926 Contract Is Awarded For The Erection Five Story Budding 1 Charming Young Woman Named As Sponsor In Speedway Contest By American Legion - . ' . ' —————a i i 'lyr - ■ ; ""J 1 MISS MARY ('ORNELtUS Miss Nary (uraelfoa, of Nsarmitllfo, K. C-, aemfoaied by the America® * ■ t ’ v .* n legion Auxiliary aa Me opener la the rente*! fer Queen H Ike i harletle Mbeedway, Aaguet M. Explosion in Pennsylvania Mine Takes A Toll Os At Half A Dozen Lives Hllkesharre, Fm, July L Mix m<„ are brtleted so be dead folfow* iag aa expfonfon late today so the Peach Orrhard Mine es the Glean tide* t eal company aear here. Twe bodle* were rcovered and reerae ;r»w» started work 1a a (all ahere It It thought fear others ®ere bar led by the blast. Hevea men were n-muted la a hnspltaul where M wm reported two were weer death., „ ’ First iaformatfoa es the ureW-nl lowlghl larked details aad the raaae es the cxplo.lo,, n‘g» not determined. FHlnn workmen I® (he • foe said that u ahql exploded by a craw e# thirteen had Ignited gas causing the l»fo»t. A |M>rlloa H the reef «»f Ike cwlllery ww> tors a why. • leer* 1a other part* of llu property rn«hed to the asrtsfoare H Ihelr comrades aad saceedeil la reaeutlag tae bodies. Mete® other work me®, all of fbein said to Hite saffered severe boras, were likewise fokea sal. The la)arte« es Ike two now la Ike hospital will probably raaae IbHr death, alleeding pbyslrlaas said. INDEPENDENCE DAY TO BE OBSERVED IN CITY ifwW r JHl ( viJ!V!rM|VV%*'V4 V t . » v •* row Afternnwn at S Oitork i nd«r Attnptrcn «,l lb* Ihtunrh Utn of lh*> Amarir-ao kavalulioa. Awerirttn ana av will lx fittingly obaervad in (loMahnu tin-' morrow with a general union of buatsieaa. the clotting of flu- ixmtotfki*. banka, atoren, manufacturing plant* jintl practically every other |>l«<» of buxine** mid the ililamiry In (rn«nl will Join in ob*r rvliwt-4Ja: day mm ha* probably not lefuj-e been done in many yearn. t’nder the tUrn tlnn of the iMttjvh »*ra of the American Revolution. !h» American l/inn and tha tlirl Scout* •*n>#fsiU pacriMfe program «tu br «4a«ai mi MMMU Jtaftu -*4Mfllao *1 mrnm » —— ! to thl*. every r*»ld I follow*! all over lh*« fulled <4tat<« hy iGovernor*. mayor* and other*. Aft In all ih • program which I* t« hr i wi4*r*4 In < oldnlmru thin year WI *P 09 *WHi tniaraai mu! that.ibe • ultras - SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY no PAPER ON TUESDAY MORNING !■ order tkal tbs mswibars of the Staff aa 4 Mechanical Fafw sf Tbs Nsww nay |rib fatty in the ottntnmaca of fan tipwtiift Day la QoMaban, tttnra will bn an issue nf THE GOLDSBORO NEWS na mx i Tnnattny momitur TJnanxt bm will swear m Wednesday mnrniag. 1 JYhile Voters Rush To Polls Cast Vote l] In addition to Mss more or lew V *f • day of lute nee Interest sod I -scllsment form mint kaadfd 41 fathustasilc democrats In lOaldm (I mro. IK* day also turned out to I] m or.e of the warmest of tho Hem- I wer and all during the afternoon | he thermometer In unofficial thef- I mometera hereabout* was girting I ndth the century mark. Crowded streets and atoms tj teemed to accentuate the hoat and .here waa general relief when .the thadows of evening hansn to tell Md old Hoi hid hta face hatew Uho western horison. j > The entire eastern »e«Uoe of *forth v Carolina resorted very high empersturea yaetardny. , HEAVY VOTE WAS CAST YESTERDAY o e ( v * Little Mors Than 300 BhttsU Ims Than tbs Heavy Vst# of tbo Pint Prifjtgry With the poaslhls exception of for.-, ty-lwo votes which may have boon cant In Indian Mprinsa townanlp yes terday, the total vote In the second democratic primary In Wfcyue coun ty. held yesterday was «,W7. a de crease of 3p|ec.tlng a # . k yvm d. cdtfft aUß«gtrJo *jtS fills is ettri . hptod aa the cause of the hsave Vos— Scott Be Handed In Month Os October Chicago, Joly J.- Russell rtrott, who escaped the gallows almost by min utes several times, today won sen-., tiered to be hansed on October 18. .: Huperlor Judse Marlua Kavanaugh **ot*ticed Hcott after Aral overruling hie motion for a new trial. **•011 waa convicted of the murder nf Jodeuh Matter, a drug clerk In tbd Hiy hoi' pharmacy, who was a hot and billed In what the prosecution charg ed with a hold up engineered by Hootl and Ms brother Robert . A ——sssaaupi PMM DISPATCWp 1 * PRICE FIVE CENTR tr« tbs Aral WHOM awarding gs thd (■■ fsr tbs snctilllf MW 1 hTwidth Htt IMIM| feet inddptbeM«fi 1^ iractiit % the V.fMteg wm **t te te bn d inset S—tdte § i, the ariaal wash sf sMgndfilW ; wm bs started es MMA> Ing es IMs SSSte , Tb* stlwrtSM. wMflb Wfß d«l 1 «Mte *li bs da fa< had gad mm ed ever U Mm nnraetn by tapfete her Ute WM nad wi|iM«sg I * te” tots • H i&ItSaFSZ 1 centmcttaw SZ iWmb :M £2SrS which the Irm new e4Mpft» Ml that rdy. The new building. «M* M lg located on tM tanrih M ft*M teg corner of Ja»«s mad Wgfant rtreete and win tens to tha sort*. Wfll he ‘he latent word Is the edwMNMtsgi quipped with tww sf tbs gMrtgpte *rn electric ileentsrl. ass Mar tea transporting of freight sad tbs sHm "or paaaengers and wMI ha bghteed. toth on the Interior sad sriestet. |g g inly attractive maaaer. The list doer si the li iHMgd, ate ■ording to an esclwglvs Intel rtaw ft The News last night hr Idß.’Wd' ’lam ttoyall, will tea a«PS|dsd W •» rift shop and the VtctrolnMteSSt ment Th* re will be Plirdddbyi >n this Boor, also sad Mi mi ha «t f d the main renters sf attgggllbi fg be tmiMtng. " < will really he age es ||M "jffkvw _ »Vjy“k';b v*ib ’■r*T3 rgfltlr flf oiianlal aaddagtebte ruga Ihr RiHirth and Mb fSWTg will he oocupled by ether tggft ineala * The *rectioa of tMs SMdMNI hgbte "«g it l* predicted by well bMbb Ste ally m»n. will mass tha afbdfcdr SW of the rtewey pi owelty and II.JW hte ’ " lleved that within tha asgtedlVl tew? ■ rear that entire blank wltlWbte iHMte ness section. The corner lot on tkte ■mIHB MN far deeere Hugh AHNa||Mpi|b «io Horde, end Krank Daalate .l|s of a.lMnlng that Is ownslfiy Wt • ; eofge Waters and W fa* f mm*