JkJi/bt* ’ ■' L ~ f" -.' j , ’ ' : r -*y' ■'.■ '" ■ 1 U ■)—■—F Ml. VOUIHg VIVE; NUMBER 111 PRESIDENT OF frt£ BANK OF WHITAKERS TO PRMN Defeated Candidate For— State Senate Claim* He Found Illegal Vote Here W«yi* County Board Os :a Election By Vote of v Tiro to On* Return* to Threw Out Vote In First ~ and Second * Wards, This City, Fol „ lowin* Charon By H. M. Humphrey That 257 Vote* Were Ille gally Cast In First Primary r nelmim* IlMi Mr. Clm ka Red Mm&r£Tim make aa iavasUgaiiaa into tko matter, had fongHlstkat there wore SS7 vwterewho had cant ballot* in the finU and weceal ward la thin city at the Snt Democratic primary, held on Jane kth, Mr. Httfh M. Humphrey, throngh kb attorney*, ex 4adct Manaias, of lhhi|h. Md J. F HatcMif thlodNy, ‘ Sran’twowerde he thrown eat. The honrd weat into • exocatiTo aeeeien and con £* srs* S. Ayeerk, Democratic in—jure, voted against ’ rack being done while Mr. J. R. Joneo. Repnbiican ■ember, of Momt OMve. woo in (over of granting the reqnoot. The majority woo and the roqnwt inode by Mr. Hnmpbray woo denied. Mr. Hnmphrey and Mr. ° » Kenneth C. Royacfl wore aa piraata for the office of otgte oonator from Wayne connty. Mr. Royail receiv ed the hurgoot nnmber of vetea. Mr. Hnnaphrey pro tested at that time and Mr. Royal, agreed to a re coeat -of the vstffin the two ward* in o neat ion. Thar ended the ■niter ler Uw Haw Mag hot poaMdhg Ur. ■aaphav hot asnhi with bkh puna. Me had empleyad Ir. Jshnaea to pukr aa uttt es the WhtnU»a Ihli and the Ust d the tetan' la thee# tee ward*. Mr. Jehaeea elated la Me report that he faead that Ml person* had rated la thaee tea Ward* Meaning aad Retch argned that the heard eheeld threw theee twe wards end hos the heard did net thlah te. One at the sautaai footer** abeat the areieedtao woe that while Mr. Hampton had a Unt e( the refer* who ha alleges rated 0- - the Beard ef* ClecUeo. the mem kgatfy. |%le wee net Med with Last aMPIh Humphrey. when rrgneeted by Tbs Hew*, te for- Btsh this pa|gf vhh a eepy es tbl* ■ Met es aeaii. 'leellaed te de »*. etatlar that he had tarwed thl* erer te hie altera eye. A request es Rr. Ueeewe Tsaa/ciaAnaaa es the heard, that that hedjr farwl.h . Idle paper with the list es aaawa, was dealad eW aeeawat es the fart that the heard has wa saeh Itat The peamMy far rlalattaa es the etasdtea law lea severe see. If peeper pres sere It pat hehlad the the neat atwad Jary Je te he ash ed te thersaohly tareetlpate the rhoraae Mb hy Mr. ■—rs-r aMMMo.iRe.4n - . ■ - ’ -- ■ - . ■- - ■ - ■ ♦- ■ ■ „ LOC ATED at NO. no SOUTH IAMBS STREET—«N THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION In ■ i ■ i* mu Ohio Swept By A . t. Starm That \ Damage To Crops ( «!■■>■■, ft, My c llgh mmww dlsteya. tnwtd apm Okie u- My lea Mom* »«ilw|M. - Meat dsmafa ws* denial tay tee when Mm rainfall unml Ire adnata. Mi tochas of min fell, flooding the entire town aad MM a» weedes paving U heebie ■p aa dpattif act of ewaaadsatea til the long IMpr phene Mae* mtaffsg the «My. hnwpte h «U --waded et tmm Mas** nnapuM the wind ■ad mta. la not aectlene R m ■eeewmnr hr antemehtlm te tarn am their headßahta aad eßle* whak ere te peetena their tanka ky elee. trie light. Bhm« ear Waffle wae held ap far at MM half aa hear whtte kr*. (tarts 4 hy Hgttsln# aad fed ky aa npMtaa es IMM caDeai es aieebol destroyed the dosaMrisg phmt es the Pedeeal Pradaati Cam hay, at Carthpra. h«r Cteri*- ■ait The damage aamaated te mm Other eeetleß* es the state re ported aaesthaated damage te erepa bjr heary prarlpllatlea aad hlßh win da. Negro li Killed Near Town Warsaw Wade Wllllaats, colored., la dead aad Roy Emm, also colored. Is e fugitive from Jastlce "as the rasuk of a cutting affray Bear Warsaw, which occurred on Sunday. Aocordlag /to reports reaching Ooldabcro.. Williams waa drlrtag a truck along the main highway loading from Warsaw to Wilmington, aad whea at a point about two Wiles south of Warsaw, he encountered Exum. A few words- earned, aad Exum. It la charged, mounted the truck and be gan slashing William* with a rasor. William* succumbed very Shortly, and Exum took refuge In the nearby woods, and has since been at large. Work On Highway I* Soon To Be Started « i , >e Raleigh. July 6 - Although no for mal action was taken, the stale high way commission today Indicated that work an the Newton-Btateevllle high way would begin aa boob as lagal matter* atilt pending could be cleared. This decision, follow* the airing out la the supwiy* court a few weeks ago of a controversy over the proposed highway In which the court ruled the road should be constructed through NewUoa, the peunty seat of Catawba. MAINE'S RPRIHfI WEATHER • COI.DEMT KOR U WARM Portland. July 6. -The coldest fpriui 'in Sta (Ui. Hi h i tas no.-* closed by weathe/ reports made pub lic for the first tlx mouthy of lß2f. The maximum temperature was 77 degree* and this low figure baa been equaled only once. In 1h1f... All other years have reached SO degrees or bet ter for maximum. JfIHJE HORTEN MAKES .. MORE IMPROVEMENTS Rale*ih. July t. -Although still se riously 111, Judge J. I.loyd Horton was reported last night as bring very mAch Improved end hi* physicians be lieved that he would recover; His !*• ■ponae to Ike treatment for meningi tis Is declared to have been r*mark pSibHal/aiaia, had Ms eaMßiam - '*»- 1 t" ‘ lr * s r.=ra.-aa u:.a' i " a. .. ‘uiijjafi-vy v rxrrtr t ■ rrr OOLDMOHO. N. Cn WEDNIWDAIr MOMMIMOx JULY T, IMC £IRL HOSTESSES ACT SCANDALOUS Anthorltioa Open Fight Op Im moral Places Thai Crowd x Gay Whit* Way New York, July C.—The bead kaepa playing In «7S licensed dance hatla here deeplte repeated char#** (ram re former* that theee ”Jaas<fealacee" are very nicked placet. , lauaorallty. liquor traffic aad oh e*eae dancing run riot to many of theee dance hail*. It la alleged. The employment of young girl*, aa hoe leone* who dance with all-comer*, thr holding of,. “romper night* - daring which the eqnade of boeteeeee are cos tumed accordingly, the practice of night club* hiring the hoeteesee ad ’etesrar*," form the bast* Sf com plaint* to the police.' The authorities are making every effort to clean up objectionable dance hall* but 4 Is difficult to aecure suf ficient to revoke e licenee. Bine* Jan aary 1, there bar* been 17 arrest* made In "jam palaces*. Os theee only rlvt received sentence*. the remainder bring discharged or drawing suspend ed sentences. -rarer Tan Raja* . New York’s Groat Whit* Way to gether with : the main cross-street* are dotted with these pay-se-you-go establishment*. Some nr* ran on a gigantic ecale, occupying an entire square block with elaborate decora tions within aad a staff of 1M hos tesses at times. Many of the establishment* catpr to the **atag" male patron and the uneacorted girl. One place prints the following, on Its m«nu card: "Her* the unescorted gfrl Is assur ed courteous treatment and a reffoed lance pleasure" The hostesses are paid from two te Bve centn a dams receiving their f rages from the number of dance tick ets they cen prodace at the and of the 'tvsnlng. Patrons receive a block ot tight tickets for ,1. " There are special numbers known u “spprta" dancss in which the male qptron surrenders two tickets. By skillful coquetry n hostess may e»- tract a number of tickets for one dunce from her partner. Yoon# sad Pretty • i Th# hostess Is kndhrn In certatii i dance halls as ‘ Instructoresa.’’ They are generally of the ehaMlirl type, al - Invariably pretty and young. The following placard graces one of th* most popular dance halle: "If you roan* her* as a stranger or without I **, partner ask for Miss So snd-so. our director, and she will ■*• that you meet thr right people to In sure a pleasant evening with pro fessional dancers. If you do not dance rod wish to learn ah* wIH secure aa Instructor for you In fact It is her Pleasure to make you feel at home In every way.’’ At one Broadway-d«nce pelace *|lm Ina Mo-v '•Pv’goic. rtVV/rvrf’r Tk», queen of briTuty are held twice week ly • All contestants hp th* night of their appearance must bring one or two piece bathing suits,” the manngr ment announces. In one gilded danrq hall ths bal conies are reserved exrluslvrly for sailors In uniform. This balcony was recently raided and four sailors turn ed ovar to Federal authorities charg 'd with poasrsalng llquoiWwhlle all other* recelrsd *iiHpeiidk}W t^n t ror , on the rbarg# of disorderly conduct. A six-foot Ut* Indian for nearly I wo-scofe years has worn the garb of a kguaw and hqs been enllr»ly Igeerad hr th* fellow man of hi* Mika basses* In IM7 b* refused to Judge Grady Sends GaskiU To Prison tor Wrecking Os Bank First Udy 01 the Land And Her tel AwWi la SkaHnf Their Vacation «H j ■! I * - ■" t v* * i* .. ■ i II - a mm HMRf mniifVi oefore toe aaai pccooct tfiteose, Nfi. Calrio ftiilp and hff worn Jekm mmj be Men walking Ikrongb the CapiUl'c gnvkt f enjoying tbenweleoe linplj end utterly without j ROCKEFELLERS ‘ 'THE ANTI-SALOON BOOT O * t ry 4 Wahlngton, July t.—John D. Roche-I feller and hla sen, John Do Jr., have | (been the heaviest contributors to the I Anti-Saloon league, while two wo men. Mrs. Rarend Van Derbrtg. of Bu chanan. Conn., and Mrs. Mlrtna Pe- Rrahant. of New York City, have given the largest auma to the Association against the prohibition amendment. ; This wee disclosed today by a'par tial Hat of the dry organisation con tributors made public by the Renats campaign committee over the protest of Wayne H. Wheeler and a full Hat of donors to the wet organise!l re which William H. Mtayton. the nation al chairman. Insisted should be arE**d upon the committee record. HOOKS DECL’REDj TO*E NOMINEE * . - board of Election* Met Yester day and Certified Ret urn* i of Primary • * ft »- **.. r 'Tf T %% ■* it ,■«“ ml Th<- Why founty Hoard, of KHm - i’on* met Ip thl* city yesterday at' • non for the purpose of laavwsMlng the vote cast In the socoud primary, held last for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the clerk of superior court, and’ declared J. H. Hooks the nominee over J. H. (Jack* lilll, be >avtnK iMimJorlty of 112 votes. All reiurn* In the prlWry were re- ; celvsd Hat unlay night with the *x nptlon of the votes at lnd>an Spring*. This wpa brought In Monday. The demoornOe vqUm there mat thirty one wetee tar iir. MtH phi tbtrteea | tor Mr. Meeßk .• / r The nJneteilera hart given 120,000 to the Anti-Saloon League alnce Jan uary 1. 1026, thn data lUad by tha commit to* behind which It would not a > Into tanking donation* to politi cal or *rml polltlcal organ liatlon*. It la known, however, that tkla roaett tutea only a email part erf m« total they have given. * The flgurna for the aaaoclaUoa againat tTie prohibition aniwndmgnt go back to January 1, 1021, and ahow that alnce that time Mr*. Van Defbrtg ha« d nated and' Mn. De Brabant I 1 13,004, The third lament contributor waa larei Anderaon. irf Washington, former amhaaeador to Japan who gave >1,604. , :CU)R[()IIS4TH WELL CEL’BRATD I • Inttmtinif and Pkaaini Pro gram Wa M Carried Out At Herman Park Aoftday f l*r Quito a large number of (, ldab< cltlaena aNaemblrd at Herman Park Monday aftern<«>n to attend tha Inde pendence iHkj telebiatlon which bad been arranged to be held at that Umr and tlili wa» thoroughly eujoyed by all. The celebration, which waa under (he direction .of the Uaughtera of the American Itrvdutlon. the American I-cg.on un, l the Girl Hcouta, ye car ried out Ju<»t aa planned and a"m at Inlet rat fug program waa rendered. Towna and rltlea all nve r the atate Ban fry! gjutter attention to cop> mmacawttrw'of laOma-ndenva Itafy the D bean #gf %«gg uy yeara. v<® v .a-a/iP. * \, &■# CONTRIBUTION *[ MADE BENNETT MEMORIAL FUNDS Mor« Tkaa IMoVo Vary 7 Worthy Ohm Ths address Baad«y nigh' hy DAM Oktay t)Mla, Mi Iwntary Mir Hi n>tl« BeitnsU Memorial- was kurd ky • large gad —epoaelve oadlegn at ft. Paata Methodist church. Aar. 4. n. Diktat tatrodnoed kar —a df the atgatandtag ChrtoUaa toadera' of oar i—oariMAOK'T'l'' In telling of the work of tka aw—- orlsl, hftad Pw— —li ta —rti (‘Privilege and opport natty spells t—possibility. Oa tkla —y which we celebrate tke Mrtk of aar nation. I wtak —fry heart —atol raatta* tka • responsibility that rota n form tka marvel la*s privileges we American* have. It ta not saw*. To tie that AMertca ta tka outstanding aa * i**n of tka woirti, kit oar ft*— to ri(racily due to tka talMOff'af 4esu* nkrtat. I rani ad i ooatilMf k»- twaaa two ilal—H**.l— g fp lkf* America, tha <>tkor f—at AtOtkAai' nt—» know what a— North Amort— take W. „ jm < tl - #h» vroal ■mfldl— ft! "* * prwcT nwim« H• —* —ao» ike world, white floatk hanrtna ta backward. Tbr dlffersncs la tke dif ference between God and cold. Tk« people who aattl«d goatk Amort— jwm* *eeklnc gold. Yoar o—atry waa Rattled by man e—kt— a plica to worship God. Ood waa tka eoatre it •be beginning, we n»ust keep Mm Our raapoialblUty la to make Jaaas Hirlst pre-amlneit la, twofry ait (an of the world. * -»•" “Navsr before has tke opportlUity ta#a aa great aa It to tgday. No—r before bar# many people aid an* Pom been ready for J—as Chrlot now. This la-4—r la a—ry ml—lon elation of Barape. E vary where (a Europe the people cog— flocking to tba Christina services. .o— t 10,004 people hare be»n converted ta Cm t ho-Slovakia ta the tow years sta lk# war. Today we are to— to ta— with tke world ta remaking. Tot* a rising rlew of tka natto— of today. The people are shaken from (Mr eld F—ltlona. Tbslr saw edaratl— will to most dangerous If It ta not Chris 's" I wlab yon —aid regttte what Ilk m—aaga of Jesse Christ would mean in the remaking of tka— Ba llons today.’ I be Here It would cause fh'aaaJ hnlld Ugelfl upon these tlpsrt America baa. "A recent survey slows t£at la Japan most of tha / students fnvor Christianity, while ovur 800.000 of them are avowedly Christians An oatstandtag Christian Chinees said that bis greatest wlab la that China shall become a Christian na tion. He aald, “We ar* not rsafly for Christians to lat ua alone yet. AYe need the bent the Christian nations have to send us chtaa la the moat In viting Held In'the world. Tka y—tk Os 'China are ready to accept Ike teachings of Jraus Christ '' “The worst fear Is that tha Chris tian nations will fear to measure up {T2KaW 13* rshOr from the old belief Into no be lief. O. shall fra fall? The ay— of IH the world ar* turned lo America. Strife Is no good advertisement for J eeus Christ. There la no time to guarral over things knows anything about. Each one of) us should live-so that Christ shall —a living vital personality. Personally, life would be barren without Christ I love him. and I told him twenty years ago I would do anything or go ggywkcrr for Him. and I want every human heart to know and love Him. f want to try to get Christianity, Into the ut termost parts of the earth. I wish I ware 1.000 folks for Ih# rery |oy es working, t wonld Ilka to be la 1.000 Hussion stations. One way to multl .. • f , ' . wi'fiSL'kL'.Vtiii.J WuSf PRESS dispatches r■V ■ ■ - I ft i t r* :j j— l -ea * John iTitfrtj i s«ot p \ 1 ■WttotoT if O JLI T Irf T 1 Os rwMB,. ■wpwj +B&WFWA' ontriop lermtoataN | Tftinon wbm MBh * VmHp J| A* \MTmmy f' -% plll of mil qMAtCNMNPi 1 —_ m r i——- IRIOMMI ™ iv{|| mi Qn|| mm Ml * 11 ■ fr— .. /Mlf A ■ IMI A • AJBkV T 41 v \M.nX) < .nlHilimi Mol -a—l (Ml toM A toAp ifliwwurv mM ’w colonial days. mr&VJSZ SI umMa eiptata— ta it l—lkr iM* dra tke meaaiog afl patrtflllom. All Überty Ml. the DscfgruU— «C to it spend* it—, ate. training of haya la «»—Hi Ifto teen girls in haaatlfal aaMMMk. afl|k4 as gaotlamea to wktta wigs had ka— hreacksa, gars old fa—tom— Natal , dsnees All the children la Ik* pflag 4M» assembled lk' stage, *—• tin an proad of W ***. «to ** Aly town a pr—d of am". ' ’ The chiidr— tk— mat i|Mtr saata zh:z:::::*trZZ£Z * Economic Uph—val In Pn—e Amaral * vis!- * Paris. Jaly 3. Mapllaa «fl the wsshipgtoa Debt agf—mgag and he obtained la PYao— wttkapt on— eionomk pphoaval and —^aaga—6 stiffs ring during the |Mtod are features afl the —part ipsa aup '~f by the government ao—lM afl't* aooocdlag la ItoalgMl *uOoMiry 4HA, t ■ .re» ■* < iij-Jftf»’ ‘■INNmBBIp' ■ ■'*£+ «..lr'

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