v 1 I THE WKATHEB I ** molt u .outk +aunm nvs; ninm it*. TffilEE GOLDSBORO CITIZENSINJURED IN AUTO WRBCK jklui , BWvv. >■ ■ . .jr v IS6 ' v taAOmdawts* in i i« ■» ' i ■-■ ■ ■ i" «*»» ■ ■' »-»■» ■■ ■ » - ■- L ■ ' . ' »■ —» . " ■ 1 ■ OMB Ui » V 1 ,J -,- .- .. ,-~-x.. -■?■-■ csR-tr-y - 4 ■—■ '■-■■=■ xsem.'.’.■-■■ x. * 'Wf :y..---asK. -■-. .a. ■■ ■- ..a. IIO9MED SUBMARINE FLOATED |AST NIGHT i Submarine Rms Aground On ] Way To Brookiyi Navy Yard .. Many Months of Work Lhl to Raising U- Boot, Which Holda the Bodies of 25 Men—On Reeks Off 88th Strata Now Tut, Jtrijr 7. —The >Mm Ml wWcfc iroaM eB « rak In (Im Bast Ww niter, A** l •4 at till U night. md hnr mtj yard ' Nn Yotak, Hit Uolto4 Btatoo niim arias 8-81 wool of round MWf boCtaaan the Williams hnrg bridge and tho Quomsbopo Wtdg* in tho Boot Rlvsr WhUa holn* WM to tho Norjr Yard hors. U*9 ■# Total Uoo Tho B-Cl had taot pooood through what won bailorrd to bo hor major Barilo of tho Journey hare, focea pen othlo oinking again In tho deep wo tort of HoU Oou All aooaood to ho In ardor fhr a apoodg and a onto ar rlrnl whoa the undoraoa boat sudden lr piled up on Ftrly Roof rock be tween the two brtdgoe. Tho ETZ holng towed lo taoi dem hr tho tugs lata ahd Sagamore. A civilian pilot who had Joined the W»W dis mg Eha dtght. waa fn Charge of go Ming th aftotllla to Jhe Nnvr Yard A enoond civilian pilot waa on thf Falcon, lend ahtf of the convoy. Although the Nark hod ordered river tragic to bo tornod aotde to permit t free lone for the mined submarine and. Ita convoy, there had apparently been aome hitch In the order* because the ueaal heavy tragic waa steaming up and down tho rlror whoa tho accident happened The rock where the aeb martne went aground off 18th at reel aouth of Walfaro Island Thynght Danger Panned ' The moat dengnnpna part of the 158- tulle trip to the Nary Yard from the place where &e submarine waa rala ad after atae months sabmeralon singe _ R ■ eolHalon last Beptember with the .steamer City of Rome waa oonaidarod by naval officers to be Knecuthm Rock. This had been safely passed. When the aeddeot occurred Ueutea ant Commander E. P. Hour, who had piloted the Veetat's course among the dangerous shosls and reefa. had Just lighted a cigarette, saying: “I’ve done my Job I’m sorry f couldn't take her all tha way through" Dewy Was Vh stair ' At the time of the grounding thr tide eras at flood. Officers said the average depth of the course being fol lowed at the time Waa 11 fret. Tbs aubaaartoe as towed had a draft of IS feet. Captain W. B. Tomb, command ing tha Vestel, aaid that a bony which should hare designated the Perl* Reef Rock, waa ml saint. Up to three oj tour minutes before the B-Sl went aground the Vestal had been leading . the flotilla | Falcon Alan On Docks m A signal had been flashed from * the Veetnl ’Ve lisre been ordered to drop hwhiad. The ntrlllsn pilot will pilot her thg .rent of the way." The Vestal reared aside to permit the submarine tow to pass All ol ones g .about rose from tj>«- bridge of v fhg tOMei end strewn «agrfn bvnttda a frhujA warning. “She’s hit," Officers The Falcon unable lo check even her mode rente speed ran op among ike pontoon* against the 8-51 Wheth er the pontoons or the Falcon Itself were damaged la this collision could not Immediately be learned. , ' C emmnnder Ptnlead Lieutenant Commander Bauer had brought the *-51 131 miles through sees. saga. coastwise traffic and oth er dangers, the longest tow of Ita kind on record. Ten minute* before the S-Sl went •around Admiral Plnnkett. •-ommand and of th t Nsw York Nary Yard, bad lift tho Falcon, wbare ha bod coot pi I v... (CwMBMd Ob fbfh T*f) THE XXM.DSBBRO NEWS IjOCATED AT WO. 118 SOUTH JAMEB STREET IHHF HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION INVESTIGATION “ PENNSYLVANIA PRIMARY OVER Merin Srjr Ho Hid Ne Part In Riatflai Vare ('nnh— IHlmata Nest Wagfctaftßß, July 7. J I , WMlrk up for tke time be tag H* inquiry Mo tke * Panasylviuila three million s doibr RffwbHain primary. , tke Senate committee ad journ* toflay uatil Jtrf* 26 wimp It will hunch into an 1 inteellgaOmr at Chicago of tha UHnota BepubHcmn pri- a many In which It has been lipTiid an equal amount was spent. Subpoenas for a number of witnesses; from prominent men both in busi ness and politics was issued Iwluumi of those sought . will not he nude public un- I. til the subpoenas have born nerved, Am the committee ■umbers do not want to five any on# aa opportunity diction of the process serv ers. At an hour’s session today the In TcaUgatora heard Representative Mo rin. Republican, of Pittsburgh, who tastlfted he collectad np funds aa waMern manager for Wm. 8. Vare. the vk-Uir In the senatorial race. Under sharp questioning by Senator King, Democrat, of Utah, the nctlnc chairman, tho congressman disclosed that he bsd handled approximately 547,50« for Vara managers. Including 124,000 given to him by Thoa. F. Wat s son. the Vare treasurer, and 123.50-t handed him by K. N. Hern, treasurer of Pittsburgh organisation. ' Washington. July 7.—The Benata Camaaigti FwmJs Committee virtual ly <y>mple*ed Its Inquiry Into the Pvnrtpylvsala Republican primary to day hearing Rdpreaentntiw John M. Mortn, of PUtsbdrgh, testify that he had no part tn hhpdHsg thr money end of the campaign <-nQejp--Wi''y-ana tor funds raised for William B. Var* from one campwlKn worker to anoth »\- . I At the'iame tlmh thr committee an nounced that Its Investigation of the Illinois primary would begin In Chi cago on July 28. . Morin, who la chairman of the House Military Commit!*, was Vare’a west state manager In thr latter’s successful campaign against Henator Pepper end Governor Ptnchot for th* -trnatirrlal nomination. He teetlAed . that lie “had nothing to do with the money, - * having collected no funda and made no contribution, but under questioning by Chairman King he act ed In transfers of funds among cam paign officials and also had custody of a eufn deposit containing campaign money at the William IVnu Hotel In Pittsburgh. 1 Into the safety (Ppoait bog, to which he had sola access, he put 121.00A, he said, obtained from the treasurer of wwni.erw swsOafao nsait * tee Onil later -took H oiM and gave to Edward 'Martin, aecrelary of theT committee, to pay ’’watchers’’ at the 4 poll* ' . I President and Wife Off On Vacation Paul Bmlth. N. Y.. July 7 -The spe cial train carrying f'realdent and Mrs. Poolings lo th* vacation Wlilte House at WThlte Pine Camp, arrived here at »:W a. m,^ I sarins the private car, Mr. and Mrs Coottdge acknowledge the greet- Inga of tn* large gathering of coun try folk on the little elation plat form tad stepped tato a White Hoaaa limosaim tor the all mils ride bo thd f r. V-i; ' .... .... i.ljm I L UOLDBBO*a N. C, THUMDAY MOMNf; JUI.Y A, 1t26 - ■ - .i.m. . • — ::r West Point Graduate* Wedded To Britisli Hero’s Dnein^intfl ■■■■qp I- 1 - I ■ Wm' ' “ 1W • . As Amarira ahaevwcn the om hundred and IMokj ■awntvamary * of tho tiff* tag of the Doctors Don of Indepowdewee, the daring otaoho which burled open dettonee ot England, two members of thin yenr’o 'yoßnottag ctooa of Wont Point military gewdemy, where Anserice’s tetnro oMlttary loaders aiw developed, has* just married tea stators, direct descendant* of Om. Howe, British rommawdar of Doeoto tlonory war fonsc. Photos show (above) Lieut, t. G. Smith and his bride, formerly Him Ethel Howe, and (below), Licet. James Von Hara* sad hi* keid* Mar* Ham - *; r„ ' . ~r , ...n-fc.. - ,, « Oliver H. Allen - Appointed A tty. General Os N. C. Mr. Aikh Is a Member of the Law Firm of Dunf*n A Allen, and I* Only Twenty-five Yearn OW ■" - ■■— * Raleigh. July 7. John H. Howaid attached to the department of revenue will servg the unrxplred portion the time aa superior court Judge In the place of Thadeous R. Bryson. resl-nad Mr. Harwood' wan named by Oov nor McLean to alt In the twentieth Ju dicial district, and the appointment which will be In effect until January « first. 1 f*27. was tendered to and de clined by Walter E. Moore. Attorney General Hrummlt, this aft ernoon named Oliver H. Al**ll - to succeed Mr. Harwood aa assistant attorney general, and Mr. Allan accepted the appointment. He will be detallod to the department of revenue ax was his predecessor. Mr. Allen la a member of the law firm of Duncan and Allen, of Raleigh, find la only twrnty-flve years old Kwraier I. old-born I it lam ! - Attorney Oliver H Allfcn. p( Ral- KeporlM Steamer Ashore t '' ‘ ‘ * ■ > Boston. July 7. < API A vflreleaa ' nirsMte Intercept*! here today that the steamer Bellrnaa was ashore on ' the north put of Beal Island, thirty miles south of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and 20 mile* east pf t'ape Sable The message said. th*y fitrfinuf was (sat rud the crew was in dauger hut aas landing at Race I’uint. The moMwge read: Mellnnaa ashore north,! part eSa) Island Pilling fas) a*hd ! need* aealatance to pull ship off. Crew tn dancer. Landing at Race Point. Tut Mac aesst (row XarmouU.” j ILLvc .. . s » . *a. etgh. but recently of this city, baa | been appointed assistant attorney general of North Carolina. It was learned yesterday. IL. Allen Is the «*n of the late Judge. <W. It. Allen, who for many vivrf. was on (he Supremo Court i • net) tn this state, amt waa a beloved tltlsru ot Hold ststeoro. * • Mr. Oliver Allen, who has received such notable distinction la only twen ty-five years of age He wan edurmted, In the University of North Carolina, at w'hkh place hr received his license, to practice law in 192.7, since which time he has been associated with the 1..w firm of Allen A Duncan, of Ral eigh. The many friends of Mr. Allen In Goldsboro and Wayne county, as well as throughout thr state will Jo.n with as In extending to our young rltlaen hearty congratulations at his marked success I Captain Berry WiH . ( . ‘ .* . V . \ ♦ •' • A • illiieola, N. Y . July 7 (APl~&»p --talu H. M Berry, rx-army flier and ’ former air mall pilot, hopped off from Roosevelt Field today In a giant 81- plain for Wash., to up and rush to New York Edward 1 Evans and Islnton who trek "'lug to lower the mmntl the world rec lord. 'lh.e big tain engined plane left I the f tld at 9:10 a. rn C aptetn Berry haw been selected to axompanV Captain Rene Fnnch. tr. nek aw, la Me fieri hr amlag at- I * Nc X w ** . USING BUDGET SYSTEM TO CUT WAL TAXES Mm Thaa ISO Citki Hava Tamed T» Cat flag Dawn Thwir Levje. Washington, July ' - Budget raelh .pda as the federal • lOTtnaot »f» serving largely u • model to tax committees In more than IM cittoo who have lately turned to cnUiao , down lhrir tax levin# at hom*. In •core# of cases thee* committee* are preaalag for the enactment of local ( hudnet ordinance* and within the nest year adoption at the budget plan will become a leadtnx taaue In many lore Mil#* where It la now unknown. Adoption Os the budaet method of administering local finance afford* eletc organlaattaaa and private cltl una an opportunity to review the «wntemplat«d annual * pending of their kxjal govrnmenta well In ad vene* of appropriation* and of tax levlea. Th|e da a feature that: ia look ing la many hommunltMt* which bow appropriate for their nreda under the old ayatem. It haa aeemod deal rah I' to the new tax cammltteea to haw* auch an opportunity to review, and mainly for that rraeon the aeatha*at for the budget I* dell* becoming more widespread. ". „ On Into Detail In. aom* committee*. of which *o- Uet. 111., Ig a conspicuous example, JRd ®L comaanteae kave.paamHa Pbf detail aa to their locpr cStti.TDk committee tn that city, having aacar tallied the total and per capita upend Inga every year for Ita police force. It* firemen. Ita acbnola, »treet-clean ing department and other braaobto of th* city government, looked over the map and aelected a group of elites •laewhere. rontpofOße In population with Joliet. It then ami aomewhat elute,rate questionnaires to the offi cial* of thou* cltlra, (taking them to a'ate In detail their itemised < oat* of city government. "hen this Information waa re rely«d and dlgealad, the tat 'commit tee turned to Ita own problem. It compared Joliet costs with coat* of the biker elite*. It looked Into the rorvtrt rendered by vartoua branch** of the Joliet government and rhock ,*d II agalnat the service by aimllar d*parimenta of other cities. It foiipd a conaldcruble discrepancy betyewn coat and permance in the com* |of the home government aa measured I agalnat thoa* of other cltl*# and hav ing made It finding* net out to apply them. a % The cltlaena' committee aat down with the Joliet off 'no*once but often, and went * tbe fljir*e and flutlleigm. . Th* idvocated certain change** r# *rVia , 'ment* In local finance*. 'T,. -^ r *e f* made. krnnn£ them being an Inftwdke In th* ■lae of th* police force and tn the - ’«Ml*rt*f. paid policemen Another change affect'd th* school*. Their coat of maintenance aoemed uuuaual- I) high to tb<- committee and It waa cut. That waa the atari. The work la *t|l| continuing and vglll continue a* the commute* feel*'that the laak of '.olding down local expenditures la a continuing one that calls for regular venr-to-yar co-operation. with city ornci^k JOHN A. PARK IS NOW, PRESIDENT OF PUBLISHERS Wiley L. Morgan, of Knoxville. Tenn.. re-Klee ted Secretary- Treasurer of Aimorlation Aahoallle. July 7 John A. Park, publisher of The" ItdlJ'ah Times, to day was elected pr*aldeni of the Southern -Nrwxpaper PuhllHhara* Aa xiM'latlon at the final *m**tln* of thrti two day annual session held here. Wllev 1,. Morgan, of th* Knoxville. (T*nfi > Sentinel, wa« r*-el*ct*d acc miary- tnarnwr and , Taller V. John eaa. at me Chnttaaoog” iT*nn.i New* tahlf ppaaldaai, tnpa elected chair man of Urn beast etßiroctors. 1 {f, ' —adlfl Negro Driving Automobile Strikes Three flha 9b Mount Olive Highway ■ v- " a .x*rr=2T EVANGELIST’S * STORY TO GET JURY HEARING ■*- \ . . > • Mr*. McPhcroM Uogha at Ra mon Bat Soya Mm CohN » Display# Rom a **’• s* Loo’ Angela*. July 7. The claim o' C. A. l*ape of Tucaoa. that he aaw Aim*# Brmple McPherpoa, paator of Angelas Temple at Anna I’rteta. Man live days before ah* pablkly appear »d there, commanded the au«nUop 01 inr*eUgetoi a her* today. It was Indicated by Jo* Ryan who has been /optOoostlag th* district utiorney'a office in the Inquiry tato the evangallat's alleged abduct lon by two m*n sad a woman that aa effort would h* mad* to obtain Pap* aa a wltneaa by the couaty a rand Jary which yesterday took Ita flrot atep In a sweeping Inveatlgatlon Os the poa tor'a at rang* cade. Pape la iM*r etnod to be en rout* to Ona Pmaclaco Mr*. Vefhenan Chari W* Despite th* official atteallon the rucaon man'a statement la rocoHrtag dla Ideal Ihcatlon" of Mm. MoPher •on at th* border towa tatttta^ , akl|f S a chick I* from th* eraagellat heroatf. “txat n ridteniooo -Qmt aayjip 1 •HrntM any they had a#»n Mb oaidag out of a madhouse" aka ax claimed Thmp hav« been ao many of th*** report* of my having heoa a**a ia on rlou* place* that H seems atamat aas l**a to deny them—l hole oo way of positively dtsproviog them." Hearing Tburnday Plrnt wln*aa*a In th* case would bb hfard tomororw. Tbope subpoena <d Included, among others, Mrs. Min k's Kennedy, the pastor's mother; kllaa Emma Schaefer, the 'rang*list's secretary, who was th* firm to report brr disappearance whan ah* vanished it Ocean Park. May II; Half Me I hereon and Roberta Sample, th* ro|l *to tie leader’s children aad H. D. Hal tenb*rk, close (pnMaato of both the paator aad bar mother. j The district attorney haa asked sev er a I Douglas, Alia, officials to tetlUfy. The mayor and chief of police of Ague Prleta have also b**n requested to appear. « Another note threatening the de struction of Angelua Tempi* within ?fo weeks was r*c*lved by th* *van allat yesterday. It was signed "aven ger*". , Th* note Was turned over to private detective*. / APPRECIATIVE LETTER FROM CHARLOTTE M AN ' | Goldnboro Citizens) Put Becom ing the Ideal Hosit* In En tertaining Conventions ' That ‘th* Goldsboro folk are faat becoming the Ideal host's In the mat ter of entertaining /convention# Ia evidenced by the following letter re eetved by Hla Honor. The Mayor, Mr Zeno <}. Hollow*ll n saw days ago Mr Hollowed ha* kindly consent**: to allow th* letter to be publisher* , apd th* N'KWH herewith puss Jt on *,ubs< i Ih' rs. Th# letter fol- U'| i ! '‘Hon. Z 0. Hollowell, Mayor, I Vltvdf i.olils'ooro, "ColdalHiro. N. C. "I>ear Rlr: f*. > "H'e wish to. expreee through you to the City of (lotdaborn and Its cltl sena our very great appreciation of the many courtesies extended In u* by all with whom we came In con tact at our Orand lawlxe Regalon bald In your City on June t-A-lAth Inal. "It waa evident all of lloldahoro were a unit In ih*ir endeavor to make our stay with you a pleasant on# and our tss’t (7rand lodge Reaalon will remain a pleasant memory with ns for a long time |o come .. 1 ’•Very trnly your*. „ ■*>*#. K. IxvseU. M.R.M.*- »l Lfe'-i t f*i ifDu *4 uhi .to'iujk h‘ DAf'.r-iH'aW. ■'dm . * IribcstrATl PUSH DISPATCHES * i- a. --' - j • - •■■rjrrr.’Trrg.Tsgr’af. t pmcb vmi cum Messrs. Jervis, Ammons and Owena^Wisreße- Mr. Cana JW% ergwe fei Hm ertUaS we#- | id paUaiiMh 1 g von aa ihf light. mRd r nrncmmrv U iiitrtifcli Bt pilnr fnttpM Im Qd Imm »»llh the POdMMhBa hg rood na ia I **«? JmTIM Mir M .!• having eewM bat* bf dkg MDfMo ~ fete, wb. ivifeiv lorasfs of Wb tnim M MpfOD Jorris. Msol . mangfdr R •» Mewarnl SgaM« Cl. • «M r . brother waa am a vMMMMb 1 Th* two mop, mgg| mOilf M- V - Mud, k war *mtod, wwm »Mk * Doctor Rplosr loofknod to MMo the estont of Mr. Jorvfc’ HJOrtM nm m4i IMr IMPROVEMENTS v MADE ON A. C L. TRAINS R AND W I ‘i* Two Modem Elartfic JJ*M- Steal Day Caarina lliaa Been Added ,-f , ' ' f \ " * n.ation. trains M aad >1 au tb* A f. U 1 pijOna between Ooldshan aad iviimtnatnu haa two real coamns ia W hiqh the "whit* folk*** soar Hda Pdr In' the** many years, M baa a*sv be*a to hear th* gntmUkw as the pal* fkc* who waa untMtawado enouah to . have to rid* oa ettpar as the above m* allowed train* rogariing the a/com modal loaa tb* train afford mi There woa no handoom* ssadu*. with tidy plush on Wbtab a follow could aM la anno, aad gaMaOm plate the ednay aide of IM* Mi wo war, those days are goa*. “W* two*" for ever. aa w# jr* reliably latormad that two "electric ItgMr#. atoai dbg coach**" have baa* added Is tbo aar* vice let na tot giatstoi.Wf «aMfhMR .....

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