r 1 I THE WEATHER * nwwHf Wfcy am# Mir*y CZ—ZI2 VOLUME FIVE; NIMBHJt 113 YOUNG NEGRO WILL NOT DIE IN CHAIR TODAY W-TEAt*U>MIL SHOT TO DEATH AT TBYON: YOITH ALSO HOT jr ts , ) Governor Commutes Sentence Os Mansell Life In State Prison « Issue* a 3,500-Word Statement in Which States His De-, * rision Halstgh, July t- Ulrtn Mtaesl must 4Uo to tto electric chair this moraine it I|:M o’clock Balsas Governor A. WT. MoUcaa dgctdaa between now aad ."Vldar he comma U his heatance or grant a pardon Oerernor aeUaa - Into ddfcllaad to diacitse the mottor other than to Mat that he mtitht ei trod the present reprisce. i| he fas AioaMe to coaplste his livestlgai ioe ot the cgse by Friday Mansri eras convicted at rape by a jury la Aahe vlHe following aa attack on a white aaataa than, New facta hare come , to light, his attorisys claim, which •bow that ha waa not guilty of the attatk Raleigh. Jaly.l—Alvin Mansell will am die tomorrow far a* attack of a Waternmhi ooeaty white woman. Ooe •rßar McLean early Umlßht comtputad ‘he serentean-year-oid negro's aaa> '*9S*. ,r 3Mto‘Uf %J* R!*i®n Mansell «■ EMt to give bis life bt the Obotris chair tomorrow amra lag after the Ooubraor bad reprieved Mg eeatewer from June 1» to July 1. The IttUe black bad the death sea ° tehee passed apoa him by the Norma her 19It term of Superior Court, and r*eeatly affirmed f| the Supreme Oaart When aa appeal waa taken to that body. His only hope for escape bom the death penalty eras that bald oat by the Chief RxecuOre of North Carolina. Governor Mr I .can had reached bis dartsl'o tonight after he snd Pardon Commlsstoaer H. fickle Hlnk bad coe ferred throughout the day. and after carefully studying the entire steno graphical notes of evidence In trial, aad considering the new evidence which- had recently been presented The Governor leaurd a 3.600 word atatmant la which he stated hi* de cision. "I do got believe that the causa of Justice mould he promoted, or that a crime such as the ons In this case would he prevented by the infliction of the death penalty; therefore I have dttermlned to commute the sentence from death, to life Imprisonment * After reaching hla decision early tonight. Governor v sited the state prison and talked with Mansell. Before going to ths cell he bed signed the statement although be did not tell r'* 4 Mansell of It wbtie talking with him “I left more convinced than ever that I had reached the right conclu elua in the case," he later said TO ESTABLISH . HEADQUARTERS \ IN THIS CITY Carolina Baach Corporation Will Haro Office* In Hotel ■ f>*MHfcgp*i „ •. Mrs. R. P. Wray, of Raleigh arrived #tto epy yeatbrday for the purpose es'ibllshing headquarters for s alee force lor the f'arollna Reach Corporation. Hh* will be establish 'd at the Hotel Goldsboro. - Mrv. Wray talked vory enthusiasttr slly shout the Investment possibilities of Carolina Reach, among other thing* shs at a tad that It waa the only beach • n Kasttrn Carolina soil that could lie reached by auto, aud over hard surfaced road# at thdt. "During low tide" she staled there Is eight miles , of th* moat beautiful speedway for | snto’ets along the beech that can be f wnd anywhere. Mrs «a# a Mam of tola nty win to tsamdafto with Urn Wmr la the ••lag depsutmeg* of this corporation. J a THE GOLDSBORO NEWS 1 .""""' " titmmmmm m—mm"d 11 "■ LOC ATED AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMES STREET—IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION *<J'’ 7 1 . A -.-c.~ ■ . 1 « * Would-Be Heroes 1 Held Under Ten 1 Thousand Bail Media, Pena.. July A— (A*)— Two volunteer firemen wanted to b« .teroes were held under ten thou <and ball *ach today, charged with •lag the Incendiaries r*sponslblr lor fires In eight buildings, and , two fields tn the near vicinity < since April I7th. The district attorney In the ease* quoted one of the men as ssftng: , ’My chief aim >a life was to drive i fire engine. I wanted to go rac ing down the street with the siren Mowing, snd th* people looking. Mtt I wasn’t allowed to drive a .Ire engine, so Hill and I planned ”• fire /go last Sunday when tb* tgular driver would uet be on *««y ” , - Oa only one occasion did Halil- I , tan achieve his ambition- After which time a substitute driver i was named GOLDSBORO AND SAULSTON PLAY BASEBALL ,HERE W Game Will Be Caltod Promptly at Four O’clock This • Afternoon 0 0: i ■ Janal devotees of the national past time will today he treated to what o . •; * promises to be a genuine sample o r ths game, when Manager "Bennie" Winstead of the newly organised Goldsboro Club scatters his bunch ovsr the William Street campus to do their tsuff with the . Saulston "lu rlncthies.’’ To those who hold that th«r# Is aothlng In a name, the/'lnvini Ibles I refer with Just pride to g long string of rredltable victories. It inima tha: they haye been la many a set-to *m«e the dawn of the season and while th'y have had to ‘‘put out" on sev eral occasions and have had some cbYse calls, their name still holds Its meaning no ijeima to such universal honors. Alypits crew has done Is glvs Mmlthfleld. of the Johnston Owtnty League the shorter end of th# score, and while hr is not applying tor the congressional medal or the Crol* de Gnerra for doing’ this, ho does maintain that his boys too de serve th* r ‘‘lnvincible" decoration. They too have not lost a game, in addition to thia he. la calling our at tentloo tt> the fart that he has s real bunch of ball players and will chap I erone their debut today, with a gr'at d«al >f confidence wrll known “IJn" Terry, the <rstwhlle Elon College arc who last year wrote hla name high snd glor iously on th* reeords of The later- FBU '7*9* ye*,'- mound and Stmls’ Wren formerly of the Carolina Varsity, will do the re ceiving. ‘Nbugh Red’. On the second. I!n» of defense he has, "Brod'e" Hood snd Henry Godwin, the former of Wake Forest and tha latter or Oak Ridge, together with “tTiarile” Smith the flashy short rteld*r of Duke Uni versity's championship line-up. Among his outer gardners he names IJoyd griffin. Ralph King, snd Rarklry, all of whom are wall known to us and i who car lie trusted to more than hold ap their end. Th# same will be called promptly jit 1 o'clock and an admission fee of twenty-five rents will Ik charged. ' T-'lw being the locals first appear ance Manager Winsteed has anaemnr ofl that ths la Mss aea Matted today ito to tha fueata of too dob. - GOLDSBORO. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 9, 1926 i SUBMARINE DOCKED AT I f Curious Crowd Listens as Charge , *■' Against Florida Realtor ftjgilrt; i SB 14 H * «m flm 1 Ttooo photos from 8t Petersburg, Pis., stout (below) overflow crowd of fetk who peered lata the courtroom as E If. Elliott, real estate operator, waa givea a preliminary hearing la connection with the death of Bis wife ta their tome. The charge against Elliott . man reduced tram staadna ta manslaughter at the bearing. His trial wit) to togaa to the fail. Below, the accused man at right, with _ X-ray specialist Mm. Elliott» death followed s fall down stair* VAST FORTUNE ARRIVES SAFE IN ' PHILADELPHIA Guarded By Five Men Only With Uukkc™^Worth One Million V -T fVecago, 111.. July B. (/PI -Guarded' by fir* man armed only wlllt dagger*. a raaf perk*! fortune of nearly one million In Jewel* punned ihrough chl <ago and aafejy reach'd the fteagul aanllal exposition at Pltlladalphla. The pocket which wan a de pository for the iii-nt* on their rlaht ihntiHand mil 'leuraav which tU'*n aero** two oceans and one con tinent waa that of Janeshl tuill, who pawned tltrotrah here tojln- a One of (hr worldH historic emerald* «|Mahtua !C kara-tV and valued nL 1260.000 waa a *ont that -nure wa* one of the yown Jewel* of th<' favnr- Ite wife of the Kmp.eror of India, fry chided In thiN collection were a nutn •* n dm laid' In lie Ihe largest n,> phi i c Th fX Wiener. “pie twartiH body guards w>)ft„inadc Up,(if fir# servants acme I with amafl dagger* iheaiiicd in their aaahr*. MG MM HR FOIItn R U'K TO KBW YORK WITH I .non IHO Utlt New York. July S The Wench lln •r de Cra*«e, whi< h wailed from N*w York yeatarday with l.ftfto piumangera la returning to \«w York on account of rnalne trouble enld n wlrelra* me*- »ag» to the line todny. The port en - gine had broken down, the m****ve aald. The de ffraaep wan about 161) intle* out when the trouhle d<vdpp«d and t'agtaln klgrlua Aubert, ttoa caauMai *t darOad to beta* h« mn*l tm*k m» to expacUd to reach Kara MORE MYSTERY I SURROUNDS THE WM. DECKER CASE Wan Hound To a I -ok and Thrown Into (hr Mirwouri River Shut* ('tty. lowa, July B. (A’) A worn hut letter that hud been nailed lo a- row boat today wan added to the myeterv that line surround'd the n'.- t »ti k of Wbi. Decker, 25 year-old far •n r of llllc Heel Inn. and a former air Idiot In the German Army, lie waa bound to a hut ; net thrown Into the M**ourl river The deputy wheel? of thi* county (Recovered that the letter tnjll'dlo the row laxat had been received a week ago. (Uni that a -I aft rorVßpondent of th" Sioux City Journal .and Walthlll. •Mii-b. wttjd that he Had found the lew ter *11)e letter which hr** nailed in ‘lo* row Ixiat In which the correspon dent had i.-roan d. the river from the' lowa 'klili w. i iii'd him that If he a lie would ,jjet ||)H *.' AiilhorltieH arc hendiua every ef fort to trace Ur n nth to of the lettrr. Meanwhile they are anxiously await ing the ilm' when Decker, receiver (if the correnpondenc*. regains eon • clottani'Na so he uti he question'd. Ilia a«*allaht are thought t <i have numbered ,hrye. UROUrNRR IIKM tMTHIKIINW Harr»m*ntf». Cal.. Jqly B. It * all eight to throw cold wnfer on your wife providing you don't get literal about It. Mra Clara A. Heed got along with her husband despite hie adverse comment until he began dousing her with UtHly warn tu uwskcu hey of » morning Thaw aha mad. aiao NAVYYARD ONLY 12 BODIES POUND INS-15 % IS HMD*. Still MiHuiiiK Out Os tbc Crtw of Thirty-, six mm New rlk*, July I- Divers who en- I t> red the bettered balk of the t tilled submarine h-51 today reported that there werg about twelve bodlee t.ftde the ehlp. One body <waa eeen wedged behind marhtnry In the cn tlne room and othera were reported iu the torpedo room*. Washed From Hulk !' the dtrera estimate la correct It means that the bodies of thlrtsen sell ire were waehed from the hulk by the vravte while M lay on the ocean-bed off Work Inland after'being eank by the steamer CWy of Rome Inst Sep tember and will mrohabty nevar be roeow-ed. lltrlj'th Were ho Board When the collision occurred the-r I were thirtystx men on the R-St. Three f»r» saved and eight bodies later were recovered. It bed been hoped that the remain ins twenty-tv* bodies had stayed In tha submarine end could be reclaimed by thr be reaved families v New Y*rk, Jily/C OP)- The dead Os thf 8 61 stllf slept heptnd We waters tonight.. The eubmerlne that rested on the floor of the ocean off Block island tor more than nine uontha was warp*d Into dry dork at Brooklyn navy ynod* today. A touching ftrtmoff marked the rnd of the 13S mile h jrney. A new Rag was hoisted to th* top of the mayt that had beeu Atted to her battered brldgd. 14. < drauander tM wards Kllsberg, who directed the salvaging of the submarine stood at attention on a pontoon while tha cere mony was going on. All ranks stood at attention. Relatives of tha dead mingled with n *»*•• crowd that had been permitted to rnler the yards. At a signal thr Reg waa lowered to half mast Immediately after the ceremony' waa over the dlvera went h*low Into the 34 feet of water In the dock, end adjusted blocks and derricks and llft '<y the aulimartne to nn even keel. Great punipa were a«t to pumping out the water of the dork. At five o'clock tills afternoon Remr Admire'> Plunkett. commander of the ynrd or dered all work (lopped, of. whieh-'tlme fbe gun itt the Nil -was out of the water, although five of the pontooua ( were still below the surface. "No divers hnve entered the 8-61 since her betches were s'a led while •he lay nt the bottom, off the Island about a month ago. Commander Klla bees said Nft l 2 MILE LIMIT 1 FOR U. S. SHIPS Circuit "Court of' Appcob Re verse* Decision Os |it« _ l ower Court N-w York. JAlv H Ther' la git 'twelve mile lloilt” .preventing scU •V a* OBe ■ *i, w|»» *-I,^ •btps a<Wof'(|ing to m decision of the t'nlteii mates rnri-ult Court of Ap peal* mad*' public today. The da clslom reversed a finding In the t'nlt rd Htatea District Court of the Dls •rbt-of Connecticut which has sus tained reception* to a government li bel filed against the American rum runner "Underwriter. The *'l'iid»rwrller’' waa aelied be yond the twelve-mil- Minlt a fac.t Up on which one of tho a ekcepilXna was •vised. "An American ship on the h'gh seas ■>-iiilns b'r allegiance to the l ulled Hisles." the decision of the Circuit Court of Appeals recorded. “It la 'julte well recognized that every na flOn has the right to b’nd Its own to it* ann i««h in «vtr y fkte.” ~ - war., m ; 4*" . * ir v. - ’ Jean Braswell, lwsm Shot To Death And Her Escort Wounded v- —“"-v: • ■' 'T*ri‘ — ■ 1 Court Affirms Death Sentence Os Bandit Kfng Annapolis. Md-. July rhr Maryland court of appeals to day affirmed tha conviction -aud death sentence of Richard ReSga Whlttcrmorr. bandit king, and ad «Hted slayer of a Maryland P*al- AUtlary guard. Ha must hang on • date to be set by Governor Bit- ’ -hie for the murder of RoM. Holt- 1 man la FVbruary IM6. Whlltermor* waa convlctad of j' first degree murder In Baltlmofs 1 in May flat. Ha had plegdad 1 •elf defrnae. The death penalty was Imposed by Jndga o‘Boona. n i ,a J ' TUCSON MAN IS SURE THAT HE SAW HER BEFORE Haimn That He Saw KwfHfft i i Affpiaa PrtoU Flvp Dnye Before Othera Ua Angelas. July Fa*!b Iff the Aimes Semple McPherson kid aaplng rasa gathered by federal ope ratlvea during Ike three week* Inves tigation will he presented Informally th the federal grand fury. Aast-taat United States EMotrtot At torney Chanaea'an announced. A county grand jdry began IU iuvesti gatlon yesterday. a*.—, Os Apgelee, July The Claim if C. A. Pope, of Tucson, that he saw Atmre Semple McPherson, paalor of Angalua Tv in pic at Agug I'rleta, Idexlco, firs days blfors aha publicly appaar«d there, commanded the attention of Investigators here to day. It waa Indicated by Joe Ryan, who has been representing the district at torney's office In the Inquiry* laUt, the evangelist s alleged abduction by two men and a woman that an effort • would be madr to obtain Pape aa a witness bv the county grand Jury which yesterday look Its flrdlcwtep in a sweeping investigation of the pns < tor's strange case I’ape is understood to be ea route to Han Francisco. Despite the Official attention thv Turnon man's statement is r?celvlnit "his Identlßcatlop * of Mrs. McPher jlfti at the border- town received onl» a chuckle from the evangelist here*'! "Isn't It ridiculous that anyhod* should say th»y had seen me comlnr uu| of a ri»ad house", she explained "Th»r* have been so itigu of these reports of my having beelh seen In various places that It seems almost useless M deny them -I have no way o* positively disproving i|*m." First witnesses in the roes will b* heard tomorrow hy the grand jury Those subpoenaed Included' among others Mrs Minnie K*nn*rig, the paa tor’s mother;.' Hiss Km ms Hchaefgr ihc ryangclist> eerrttgry. who was. 'A*d# ik* .V jUSkifi 14, as^U’fst • hen ahe vanlahed at Ocean Park May IS, Rolf McPherson and Robert * Hemple, thr religions l-ad'r’s chil dren. and H, D. Hallrnhaok. close (onfldante of both the paator and her mother. Another note thr*at'nlng -the de struction of Augclua Temple w>tSln two weeks waa r«M-e|yed by the evan gelist yesterday. It was signed •'Avengera.’’ The not# was turned over to private detectives kKW TORK POTTOS New York. Jplv I - fotton spot middling i*.7o. New York cotton fu tures closed tteadv st a net advance II to JH July October ***** 7; ) March 16.11 7.■ " V ASSOCIATED . X PBBffS , DISPATCHES . 4r,aga.'"" ; 1 x 1 ; ssss. pmiCß mn cwn >V , ♦ Z. C. Sonner, 17, Proba bly Fatally fwjjfiri, In Tryaa Tragady, Says Yoatb Named “Jimmie” Did float ing •-v \ '*•«* . * a. tr -v~O Tryon, Jnty ».—UV-Ko tagwaaf will be Mid date the HmMprtNN thy*) of Miss Jena It. Tryon society girl, sad the emdawe Injnry of Q. c. Mgr. eon of n delude mruhial. I m aigM. flhartfl Another iieetegmct of the iajf wae the dlecovery es powder kHM oa the shirt srorw by fonaer, ladlngl lag UmU the two knllnta whiek rtousiy injured him were dred does range - jn’Sag&ftgsj 1 autborttlSe ns a remit g| the Uoe Os Brnaer that «h» *|n«l>a- wgK« by that anam. y^wiih^'meßUmr today, wh«a he supgHti aa aNhk * -; 1 Tryon, July tA youth BMBRC ■ “Jimmie'' was hotifl sought hy eUV- jk. oera today for the etldpli mm—T Miss Jean Bcaewetl. If. gMlijai, aag P pual today sttempted to giew oothar it lee a more poaMivv ahM to % Moot-' tty of the mag whom he —l# a bpllet Into Mtea lreew ,u '» >mi Md turned the gun upon hha after g imp I' lsl- . _ Kmwi Only Ae HtamSJ* Bonner said ha sad Man BmgweO were riding late yeeterday wb*S th# pinked up the yaaag maa Wham ha know only ae “Jimmie" iaaehtog' a point where they hag a— eMm of Orem river oeve. >QBWgr ea— ho stopped the machine. " While viewing the valley, a I Par rel arose, be eald, afd “Jtmmia" eat-’ denly svtsed Bonner'S revolver frees hie eeal and started far Urn other ho wee met hy two be lists. Bred *a galek succession, ha asserted, SOd whoa he regained consrloueaoae, the ggaalhtaf had disappeared. VoWhkman iigMHV 9SpgP|Pp|pipPt' Neighbors attracted la the (cepe by the sound of the ebots, breaght id* couple to Tryon; Penecr'e re volver was found a abort diets non from the scene of lift shooting early today. Bonn*r described 'Jimmie" no ho- » lag above avdmgv height with hit complexion nod Meek ha*r. V ~ CSlrt Fremjanat -- Mies Braswell waa tha —nghter of Mrs Flo Braswell, a wlgew. who moved lo Tryon from Charlotte shoot .1 f«r ago lo tgidltiou to Jier moth tf. '4ke icTMußuasd hr.'4 •later, Mias Nan Braawetl, who la Bear at tireyatone camp at tmke BnmmM. and hy a brother. Dak, about II yahro <»ld Mlaa Braswell wai tha grand daughter of r. W. Johnson; pewmta •nt u-gtllr manufacturer who M preei <l'nt of fifteen cotton mills In and r ear < harlotte. | Heaaer laid It, Nays Shea— - Hherlff McFarland, however, today •br*w another angle on the «aoe whan he* the opiatoo that Aa •booting was the reanß & a lover's unarrel between HoanSr and the gtri. The. sheriff said ha wag i anitnaad that Homier shot and kflledkla aw eet heart and th*s attempted eutetde. .1 A " ‘.• lo °* Pf* *• *a

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