| eOtsiref Oea* rally fair Muria; Mid Ouster IK I. ' - *4Ut& *V. * ' . • —" "■*- - - f -IT ■ ~ VOLUME FIVE; NUMBER 114 MASTERY MAN CLAIMS HAVE LIVED THIS CITY VICTIMS OF SUBMARINE TRAGEDY BROUGHT TO LIGHT i « t '■ , * ■» , ~ :• M Unknown Stranger Cause * Os Battling Mystery To The Police Os Asheville Well Dreased Yeung Man First Declares That His Name la Wil son Later He As serts That lie Wag the Son of the Late J. P. Johnson, of This City —ls Now Under Ob servation By Physi cian# Aaievißa, ~July •-—Ashe vilW ku a bum of wystery lateßifent, wall Soul and • apparently nonoal in wry who ho is, wharc ha Is from way, ha h nnahlt ta tall ' or why ha la hare. Tfco yams hub Bret eascht Um sttantlan of lo cal physicians whan he wan daVed Into ana of the hos pitals has© a few waska apo and aaalod himself. Whan oveetisood he «Sa unable to «lya hb aaaM or aspbin hb prananM. Ho paa kept that night and while efforts ware being nubs tk( folpw iat day to identify him hp •endued off so bobtly as. ho had appeared. Nearly three weeks later ha was found on the streets by a man who conducted him to a local institution where an examination was made. He sari hu asm* Oral u W. R Wilson but could not remember where h|* home bed bees. He flnelly mated that he had s brother end sister Us ing st Duan, N. C., snd deduced they bed placed him Is the state hoeptul Is Raleigh. Investigation showed that the hospital authorities had no record of such s esse. He has told Interested people thmt he Is a mem* her of the W. 0. W. lodge nhd of the Colby Springs Baptist church. H* nays that bks wlfr ia dead and that before her marriage she was MISs Mary Huffman, of Newberry. B. C He says that hla tittle girl Is with her aunt. Mrs T. W. Mewborn. of Raleigh. Subsequently be has glee a hla name as William Ttadmes Johnson, •on of the late J. P. Johnson, of Goldsboro, and that he has a brother Wallace Johnson, at Wallace, N C Telegrams sent to the friends and acenalalaaces be has named by the authorities hare brought no rep I, no r have letters to the mayors of several North Carolina towns that he has nientkonad brought replies tending to clear up the mystery of his Identity. The Inn name to which he has laid claim la Osrlyle Moorefteld. of South Boston, Va. Thone who may know the man bnve been requested to commuul cate with Boa 311, Asheville, snd the poslogic* address of the organisation that hu taken his cans In charge. i Mother Greets*. Her Son ,and Palis Dead •W . . „ nere Wllmlngroi. July Funeral ter vh-e tier Mrs . Katherine Kllsaheth )he*k fluuec, Unf3fr aia*l lithe horn# of bet daughter. Mm 7». Cowan. 213 North Ninth street. tXT|e held this afternoon at fIW mu Rev. B. E. Petrea. pastor Matthew a Evangelfbol l-uther an church, oI which the deceased was a member, will officiate. The body will be -carried to Bargaw for hurlnl. Mrs. Butler was In her fTth year of age and at the time of her death, the family had ben gathering for n re nn'on. The aged Indy had Juet greet M her son, Rev Georg* B. Bowden, of Htrneeburg. Vo., the Inst one to ar rive whew she fell dead According t< members nf the family their moth er had Men In apparent good health and In a lively mood throughout the ~.. »_.l : jJ-ln f :* . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS 1 ——————————' • ——————— - ♦ LOCATED AT NO; HO SOUTH JAMEB STREET J N THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION SONNERTOFACE MURDER CHARGE KILLED A WOMAN Autkorilits Hava Every Rcauon to Believe He la Moyer ' Tryon ft July «\ Souher. Jr., after lingering at th* point of death In a local hospital since early ysnterday, today was recover ins from two bullet wound* above, and below the heart, la opinion ot doctors he Will live to face charge* that he shot sad killed Miss Jean Braswell, IC, of ('harlotte and Tryon. •nd than attempted to commit suicide rhorjly after m'dnlght Thursday at a secluded spdt ors the Green River cove road, two mllea from Salute. Pears Violence Fueling against young Bonner, who Is the son of a wealthy and Influential resident of telsda. ran high here to day. Sheriff Me Faria nc reported he might be fons*d to prepere .against mob violmce should word spread that Voaag Sooner had recovered. £ ' ~ Pectef Knew* Mary The authorltlee were making a strong effort today to l«arn from I>r. K M. Sally, who attended the wound ed hoy yesterday, the statement which Or. Sally said young Bonner made to him regarding the tragedy. The physician, however, refused to make public the statement, saying he was cot ready to divulge what the boy told him. I In the event Bonner recovers charges of murder will be brought against him. Sheriff McFarlane said io<*y. Knew Key Per Meath Bonner, friends said, had known Mlae Braswell for slightly more than a month, during which time they bad driven to numerous points around Sa luda and TrYoh during evening hours. The girl was said to hava been popu lar among younger set. Wednesday afternoon both were members of a swimming party and an automobile ride bad been planned lor the night, in which friends were to accompany them In a sedan. Call ing at a hot*l at Saluda, where the Braawelle were stopping, Bonner Is sold to have arrived before the ap pointed hour and left with Ml*s Bras well. No Intimation was given by either as to (heir destination Mrs. Braswell and her two daugh ters had lived In Tryon fur several years, the deceased having return'd here a few weeks ago from Faeatfern School for Girls, Hendersonville: Bon ner had been associated with bis fath er In Saluda In a large store. He had spent the past winter In N«Vr York City. - © Jrelaowy Motive Following a thorough lnve*tlgatlon of the Hhootlng. officers declared that the Hhootlng was done by Bonner and eot by ahoUtf r -man, as the Injured Uh Clarence Bradley, who live near the scene of the tragedy. Jealousy was ascribed by officers as the motive for the killing of the young girl and the shooting of Bonner. Dr. E. M. Sally, of Haluda. and ether physicians who attended Son ner. expressed the opinion tbal Bon ner a wounds were self-inflleted. as powder burns were found on hi* clothing and the bullets ranged In such directions to lead them to be lieve that they ware fired from a pistol h*ld In the right hand. Pta tel Fsoad Benchers located-a .32 calibre pia tol, In the mngaalne of which were (OaoMooad Oo fas* Ton) MAKES PLEA FOR DELINQUENT GIRL Mrs. Kate Borr Johnson Pkatb * Bor Bettor Sox Publicity Juahlaeia. N. C. -July I.— UP)— Speaking here tonight briar the Se rial Serrite ■Cpntar-ace of the Metli odjat Episcopal Church on -The Do ltnqs*at Olrf Mrs. Kate Burr John SOU. Comm lotions r of Public Welfare for North Carolina, made a plea for a nore bon»at. faarleaa and searching attitude toward the whole problem of •ritf since the mast difficult case* of dellotaeacy among girl*.’ she saWI. are those wblob have to do with s«x problems. ’ ’’We need mere thorough and aclen tfUc sex In struct Iona: a mote Intel I•- Im«t conception of morality and staadarda of morality; more adequate fact lit Isa In the -wav of trained so cial workers who realise that every offender, bees use of physical and pay dholnglcnl make-up. preempts a dif ferent problem; rood correctional in etßations, and a more CbeteUaa at ftsA toward those who would re rnu struct a' broken life.” Mrs. John be dons to help solve existing con ditions. The spqaker dealt 'largely pith thy problem qf the , unmarried mother, and gqve the histories jr>f several girl* who had com# to her notice through the Bute Board of Charities and Pub lic welfare. “Who shall fare b*»t before the final Judge of all.” Mrs. Johnson con tinued, “the girl wha la thk victim of tenors nee. lack of training, biologl cal ’nstlnct. menu! Incapacity or in stability, or the persons who refuse to give her a chance? lack of moral ity Is nearly always m condition of the mental defective psychopathic Person or of the Individual who Is mentally normal, 0 but hyperaexnal. Immorality Is not ’original sin.’ but psychological sickness." * * M “On of the greatest virtues In this world, otse of tha mark* of the high est courage sad Intelligence." assert ed the speaker, "la the ability to face facts. One of the moet tragic things aboqt our social life In the untold misery, and the warped snd ruined lives which havs resulted from lack of this ability on the part of parents to impart simple and scientific knowl edge oa oei.“ Mrs. Johnson pat only a part of th* blame on the iWbrld War for the fact that n time of license and revolt ex ists. “It Is largely the result of onr ab normal repressive attitude which throws ob*Cßitli>* of pretense Ignor ance snd hypocrisy around the mat ter." te nia modern frankness I* more con ducive to w.orallty than the fe*llns that aex la n kind of shameful mys tery, the speaker 4oclar«d, that decent reticence* ere commend, ablo for they are tic characteristics of th# refined and cultured. Drwlng several comparisons h*. < ' Indee* Vtg'X'f *1 * reuirs ago, Mrs Jnan*nfrep<>tnt«<t out that stride* have been made toward Acquiring sane, ((instructive and satlafactory attitudes, m*ibods and standards “|f we are really concerned about th* matter and gaining to face the i IsautA and problem* at hand." ahe concluded. *te’e may gain a aolhtUm In that clean, dear, re,emit attitude of m'nd which God Intended u* to hare." m.ayteere.l -...-.■■.l I MKW YORK t'OTTOY New Yurk, Jety •—Cotton future* rloead firm at a net advance of to M point*. July 10.02'; October 17 22. December 17-10; January. 17 20; March 17JE a— i l - ■■"'■f 1 " ’ ■■■ *isia.*ali.a.»..at ia..mn.*i' * -■ . ■ —‘ .■ GOLDBBORH, N. C* SATURDAY MORNING. JULY 10. mu V f Bodies Os Eighteen Men Are Taken From Their Steel Coffin MmmmmmmrnmammmmLmmtm — ■■■ ■ **■ ■— - ■■■ ■ ■—a—OOOOwapste^meaa—am— ' JHiffh Water* Cause Much Suffering In Germany; Thousands Os Acres Os City and Suburban Property Been Inundated m ■■■■"■■ ■«,!■ re V mum m * 1 -II"'" ■*&'' '« V i } ■ *’ “ m mßx*- • r m 1 aB' B | Jtjf- fiiJA- *. i 1 nMK - r~ei ■- a / , Flood . vatcr « to the Elbe aad other rivers' of Germany hare iowrfMad baadrods of f of ,cre * •( cit J •°d larm load tad here caused greet damage. The Future are b-w.-r-- h mala I bowever, and Prestdeat Van Hiadcabarg he* *te rlad i relief fund dee It tied ta aid these wha nifSEVALUE ON ' DOG’S LIFE THAN MAN Fire Houm Bull Dog Altadu and Injures Loral Resident, Sub jecting Him to Possible Case of HydropbobU nod Ownerg of Coaine Spirit Him Away Wit bout Eveo Giving Veterinarian Opportunity to Observe It for Few Ibtya—Mayor Faila to Act Mr. A. L. Pate, who hold* a posl tlon with the Wajrne Shoe Wore, la probably one of the most perldrbed tram In ffrddsboro thU mo.nln* and w.tliout « doubt h* has a rl«ht to be In such a state of mind aa he la fac ing a possible attack of hydrophobia unless the Pasteur treatment, which he will start today, has the desired effect. Last Tuesday evening Mr I'ate was bitten 1$ a bull dog which Is aald to tie tl|e property of Hiemb*ra of the (ioldaboro Fire liepai incut. the doit belli* ni tile station at the llnir ami Mr. Pate huvtnx si rpped there t< (free! one or more of tht men whom Ii«- Inew Ai soon ni ponaihle >lr had •be v ound cauterized by Hr. T. K. lilvxtll who advised him to have Me dog tonflned dor observation. Vr Pale suys i railed on Or T,** W. Corbett, county pliyslcli n. wh» told him ibai he would ace to it that tin canine was confined and closely watch hi * fat+ef «*&****'• - t% fe. Jfr £&&&.. that the do* had lint been confined and he confer*cd With Mayor It- 110-j well and Chief-of Police Tew in re-| ■ard to the matter. He aaya that Mayor Hollowell assured him that the d « would be plated lu charfe of Hr . Monk, veterinarian, for eibservstlon. This was not. and yesterday Mr.• Pale learned that the doy bad been taken away from the lire station and was acerslcd In «>e near the clly and that no effort had been made to have the animal observed lo determine whether It was afflicted with rabies j The only course left open for the young maa was le lalaarupb lor tlu ftrat of this. Ho la hopeful tbut It prove* effective. Considerable erltkltoi of (ho mn ntr in which tho city official* have handled ibis cam has boon board. II ha* hem pointed out that tb« dog w*a owned by on« branch of tho rlty*i de partment* and that tho uffciala, taking (hia Into < onelderati ei, ahould bar* mado It certain that the dog was at Icaae confined for a suitable period during which tiihe It would be clueely baerved. It la atao pointed out that iho life of a man la at ataka tor toe e..ke of a dog and that auch a condi tion la deplorable. Juat what farther actibn Mr. rate wilt take In tho matter la not known but It waa Intimated laat night that friend* had adviced HUn to go furtliar with It. He told The New* last night that he had acted fairly and aqtorely In the matter and had given thoee la r rented i X i jMtoum to do some! Mag | regarding-the came hut that he had !m < iired no reaponaa and that be waa i greatly worried over the atatua of the ■ maltbr. * *t •• ;•* if s. C. ,fl Wt KNOW THXK Washington. July 9. - Governor ■ Mclean. of North rdrollaa mtr been advised by the War Department that H will he necasary for him to, forward an abstract title 1 and deed before It can formally accept North Carolina 1 * I rift t«j the government of thirty acraa of ground, comprtalng the battlefield |of Moore'a t*r«ak. g in:ritt ftHKiurrN -not iirnTT <_*h eater. H. (!„ July 1.-W. OUd d«n Dv* and J. C. fl. t'eldwell. deputy sheriffs. charged with Ihe fatal shoot ing of SJId t'lvburn at laado laat Noveeaber yatarday w era found not -'■"ii- ...vi'iiji 1 i .ranuta NO TRACE FOUND SPEEDING DRIVER Off item Fall to Local# Drtvor of Car Which Flvarod hi Near-Fatal Crash A report fro* Bplc-tr saaltorium laat eight waa to tha atect that the ctMdltlon of Maanra. Cary Jartte, of Mara Hill, aad William Ow*a, es thl* city, who were tnlured Wednaeday night while coming to Oeldahoro ftwan Crescent Laka on a motorcycle which woe struck by a big touring ear drtv eo by aagraea, waa somewhat Improv ed Mr Jervia Buffered a broken thigh had lb# report from tha aaaHnrluoi Um night-wga to tha affaot that It woulJ be necessary to pertrm an or tffaUoS* In order that the bone could bo put into place aod held there ae eurely. Thla will taka place tbl* morning. Mr, Owea. while oot no badly Injur ed a* Mr. Jeywta, eu fared from vart owe cuts aad bruises and will proba My be abla to laava tha sanltortam within a day er two. Wbii* officer* bar* made every es fort Li ks-ate the driver* of th* car which aped on tto way following toe Occident, they bare toe# far bqeti -ua' aj)lc to <to nor » !»KW (O-OP. I»KP tMTMKNT • j jV-» - Stow .- , »■<»*.« , tv to carry out liie Vo dperntlV# mar hetlng law algncd by Prealdeat Cool- Wf* Juat before adtuorament of non gr*a». Secretary Jardlae has eras ted a division of co-operative marketing In the Agriculture Department amt Has placed at ita head Cbrla U Chris tansen, who has been In charge of the depart meal » cooperative marketing work fur two yeorn. INHERIT* HjMtffgQ * . ■ i Weal Palm Bench. Fta., July - Duff Pi sirr. prominent of Palm Bench and Now York, will rw cetva the bulk us hi* mother** tfi.MO • Odu estate under h#r will filed tor pro bat* to the county court beno today. gapoctkTOD PRBSS , ku « DISPATCHES ' raramra own v ______ • ; -f After Nine tenth* At the Bottom aMlte Sea Submarine 6-51 Is Taken Fiem tfce Wa ter and Docked At the Brooklyn Navy Yard Where Bodies of Cr« 6 Are Taken Oat—Theftr Deaths Believed Have * Been Quick # N#w YtertTSily ' •to* maagiha mi He MUm 1 iSjinJiijf*!* J|tf jrf ’ 1 "Wimr 2d£kh« Site ysi^Mars MM Irlfe* iUlm^ B-. J - a-A *Jk A :«■ ■. ffM im MHUfM km tie Mas «f their SsjgaSyE s!r^^s£i |d (WlUaei lllMltln I iHHTiIi ianattSf that MMTte it that tTtS | tho ra*o hum’s MtflMr. * as-i «sls Mi tthtr nrrirl— UaUSti UDm Maty tkt wMch bmt tha mm to tha Ufa frw« which they ware ee t66VI« Oae «f its to«N rsiimtt was that of a sailor who Mraattgatora ba ilor# ted fehfht far Mfo to «w MM —w* th. Mr/ wm wteate M oosm pipes a* da ta* of a iW|t» aiaat ate the tetlof waa irprmmf that m tho water Mat tko sailor had cllmbte a labor and higher oaiy Ift ha drowned whan bo aa«h|> oltaab mo am to tho manor of tie death of ' s tho aadlort aa » whotat neither Safer Admiral Plsakott aor Secretary Wil bur would axyte aa aMatoa boy wad 0 remarking that tho time muat haoa booa vary abort aad that daath |W>I bly came upon moat of tba maw alfeMM laataytly. catching thorn tear a ter tbajr happened to ha. Tba aaral board of t«)uiry so opaa od today and dpoat tho day tq aa as sort to place tba Mamo for tho l rounding of tho 8-ftl la Bast' Hirer aa It waa bring tow #4 ,« tho aary yard, from tho,, placo. wtero It waa •mill taot September, with a km* as ' blrty-lhree Itroo. This quest loa will < rcupjr tko board again tomorrow add after that tho main question of Maaao for tho •inking 'off Block talaad will ’ * .<>** ■ mwm <ttmßAu»r ibjuksb Warsaw. July 9. Deputy WafMail ITorfantr. aai lona list lapdaf. waa Injured with seventeen othora pad two pereone worn kttted la a eollMaat hotwoou two ogpraou trains today near Rogaw Mr Korfaaly waa token to a hospital whom It was feafcte that hla injuries wora not aartoaa. mxkb niiM Arrrt>it.BT < Whiapor, I*lll., 4/efy ‘ n«n tohpaon. »• welterweight boggy, of this city, known to tho Has M »aoay ihKhdMM JinJ Ute - • —a. a n_ aa jonowwii, n'w n»»t* issi M|R( nHliw- Ina a prteo right la which ho wm knocked oat la the fourth round HU opponent WOO tea tetrlafc. _y

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