• TV rp*T p.»P v ~M '"." 1 I THE WEATHER I * i-der WlwMy (air u 4 cooler | Mooaoy IWMroily Ulr I * 1 VOLUME FIVE; NUMBER 111 'a. /~N Scores Marines Killed -'-* Q< flaia^BlM LARGE SUM PAID OUT FOR AUTO LICENSES HERE —~-- - L V I ( a . <• -n n L " 11 " " 1 >. wit' '.‘i/fa-t -7 »Fatal Blast At Arsenal At Lake-Denmark, A. J. Is Reported As Killing Many " * W ___ if Ufhtnin* Causes Fire Which Ignites Naval Ar senal at Lake Denmark, N. J.—Flames Spread to Army Magazine Nearby and Blast Which Shakes the Countryside For Miles Around Oc ,.A curs—lnhabitants Nearby Towns Are Order ed Out at Once * ■»*■ ». jp *»»; *:>- ' W t Horrifying Scenes There pc i -r —. Ambulances With Doctors and Nurses Are Rush ed to the Scene But Fear of Additional Explo sions Cause These To Be Held Outside the Daftger Zones Until the Flamas Subside —Men, Women and Children Were Among the Victims *'— v : f Dover, N. J„ July 10.—Front fifty to seventy-five penman arc believed to have been killed in a aeries of terrific »• pfc>«ia«a today at the navy munitions depot oear here wMek destroyed the depot and spread destruction through the a nr- * renaming territory At midnight tonight flame* stifl rode through the depot •ad ropoatod smaller explosiona made It Impoaoible for rhe me workers ts enter the danger *rea to rosnove the dend and assist the injured. Soldiers sad marines farmed a guard around the depot allowing no one te paau. Morristown, N. J., July 10.—More than one hundred ma rines wars reported hilled in an explosion of the mngastn* at the United States naval arwenal at Lake Denmark near here < at 4 o’clock this afternoon. Inhabitants of nearby towns were ordered out. The explosion *a H caused by fire at the arsenal which ‘ followed an etactrical storm. Adjoining the naval arsenal are tka army magazine* of the Picatlnny arsenal. The fire foickly reached there and spread to the mags rises, causing additional explosions. Reverberations were heard in Orange, about thirty miles •way. * ■ About twenty refugees from adjoining town* arrived here tonight and meagre reports from Dover, which is sev eral mile* from the scene staled that fifty perpono were in * the general hospitals. One of these, a Mrs. Seenv, died of injuries.. Refugees said that ittte* of ambulanco* with their com plement of doctors add names were being held within one mile V the danger zone waiting for the explosions to sub side before venturing in the two arsenal raaervations. V Another Report Says Seventy Men At the Naval Ammunition Depot t • jtr 7;;-— —- 1— * i ' Net# York. July 10.—Third district naval headquarters said tonight there were sixty marine*. soar cfvilians. and six off icon stationed at the naval ammunition depot. A battalion of the 11th Infantry, stationed at For Jay Htaten Island, was ordered to the arsenal by Major General Charles Bummenill. when reports of the explosion at the ar senal were received bite this afternoon. , The gpventy men at the depot, called out to fight the fire by the I rat explosion were caught by the second fifteen min utes later. Chunks of steel and concrete, liquid fire from oil tanks and burning timbers rained upon the men and on the bouses where the wives and children of the men had taken r belter, * « It was reported that the first death was that of Mrs. Fracoo of Brooklyn, who was buried under a shower •f plaster la the quarters of an officer near the arsenal. ,It was also reported that Lieutent Commander E... A. Brown, of the 'Medical Corps, was killed. Bix unidentified msitngg were taken to the general hospital at Dover about r«so* , ( Many of the injurod were from towns near the arsfnal « )ch wore showered with debris. O 1 The explosion shook the countryside for a radius of more . tl> \ thirty miles, windows were shattered In all surround in 'owns, and askew well as far away as Butler. N. J., thirty m W from the depoß : T Working in dense clouds of sulphurous smoke that bel lo* d up from the burning magazines, the men had just laid thr hose line when the second explosion occurred. Some of i is men were hurled high into the air, others were felled , and wounded Jn their tracks. The mtu ammunition depot at Lake Denmark is com manded by Captain 0. C. Dowling, of the Ordnance Depart- W PHI Two) »■ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS LOCATED AT NO. 11# SOUTH JAMES STREET JN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION GOLDSBORO, N, C, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY It, 1996 TORNADO COME | IN THE WAKE OF I TERRIFIC HEAT North and West Gripped By Storms After Intense Hoi Weather Chicago, July 10 —On Ike heel* of one or the severest h*at Waves of Hi reason heavy rain and windstorms 1 of tornado proportions have brought ► I death and destruction to widely *ep areted areas ot the North and test. The eadtNn storms, strikingly spor > adtoally, ran through thr northern I part ot the country yesterday apd last night with farther disturbances In prospect fpr much or the territory today. Heavy precipitation which cover ed virtually all or the northern hair of the country from the Rocky Mouu taina to the Appalachian* broke the heat wave in the northern portion or the Middle West and In moat or the upper lake region, but another wave has developed over the Pacific north west, the Weather Bureau reported. 3 Bather ot People Dead *■ The heat and tempeetuoua weather caused more than a dosrh deaths yes terday. One twlater swooped down ißthe Bt. Joseph Vatley near Buchan an. Mich., killing three person* and injuring thtae others la leveling sev vral small aottog** and then c«t s halt mil# path westward. In northern 'ndlana high winds swlrlwl through Mammon 1 and Mlchigau City, unroot ing houses, uprooting trees apd dam aging communication Hues. Twktar In Pennsylvania ten her east a severe storm wreck ed e large clrrns fant while the 101 Ranch was showing to several thou sand ■ peels tors a' Erie, Pa. last ntgat, killing one man and Injuring •even others' Charley Dunran> 'of Brie, was crua'ied to death by a heavy teat pole. •1 At New Varh * New York City experlencrd the hot test day so tar this year when th* naercfirjH4Hnb*i| to f 1 degrees In mld tflernoon The hupldlty rent alz hundred thousand persons u>„ Coney Island where three, d'ed ot first. Hev* en others wa v prr.*traf*d l*s the met ro polls. AMhocgb rain its l handle the distri bution of Ikenae Uga this year than ever before, hut people hav consist ently refused to conn* and get their tags, although they were well ac quainted with the law. We are not in clined to maka It unpiansant (or any one. but wo believe 40 days Is amrle time in which fa attend to this matter And n> av those who do not get their licensee by tomorrow night must fare the possibility of arrest and dne far failure to comply with the !*w.'\ . Conuntasionsr Dougbton ssid that Monday morning not oniy would ihe dtputtee ..i the theft end Inspection bureau, be put In the Held to see that the law la enforced, but that th dis trict deputies would also be put Into service In this admt work. There are enougk branches of the Carolina Motor Club where the license plates sts on aal*. a* n*ll W tbs Raleigh ogb-e. *o that a largs major ity of the remaining 2dd.*oo who have not yet' purchased thelir (license tsgs may still get them by Saturday night If thay will act Immediatly. (be r* story of love und romance, s story which tells of the slrtisst 's and love of * boy and girl who so to Hollywood to win fame and for tune. It will grip the reader from the v HEYhrfT *3H» DIRt MAR* bi»L TRIAL HI TERN. Jl KIHT* ' Nifshvllle, Trna. - July l'» The Tennessee Supreme Court today re versed and remanded fat nfw„,trtsl Ihe case ot r. L. W. CorMl, ruun ty phyntclap regarding th# Incident* 1 growing out of ib'- attack on Mr A. f, Pot# by ■ bult il>>* at the Culdabnro Kiru Station laal Tueeday right, an account of which appeared In thla paper yenterriay morning, Ilia phyalc.an i|i r*.w a diffrrent Hah I on the affair fronPlh.i' rlv#n Tkw News by Mi Pal*. According to th# atalwmenta made by I»r. Corbett Mr. Pal# railed on him laat Tuenday night ami told him Ahat In l had bw# Idilm by a do* as th# II rr Mint Mill III' #Xpl|lllri|- the wound*. upon whlrh lodine had been placed, and nun aft vised by Dr. Cor belt Id vlndn phvalrlan anil hav# th# , w&Wtr* ’>■" is* ni r r DiiiHik th* rflWrr Bl th#. ronveran iloti bnt* au Mr Pal# and l)r tor-' ImHI lh<» former naked him If h# touldn'i mu# th# tity for th# attack which th*' n h*m. l>r. Cnrhrti Informed him lhal hr war •«t « lawyer but a doctor and that h# did not know anything wbout th# 'net* In Iho cart,-an In wVt'her ih.- dog wiih no nod by "an llidlrtrtnsr «T ih# cltv. ll* informed Mr Tib fhai h# won 1(1 havp t’ii# dog ronflned for ohMtmttion k* one# and h« told Th* Now a yootnrday that a nhort whllr later the do* wo confined and had i|,««n under obevrvatlon ever alndc I that tin*, gpd that at lb* time iSatur dayd hr wan in charge of Dr ■ Monk and had nhown no aliina of being *T fllcted with hydrophobia. Dr. Corbett declared further that Dr Shore". r>f the Stale lloalth De partment. who ban charac of th# work .if Innmitentiiik head* of aulnial* eeni therr to br dtiiguosiffl, advlnod that lu #r#ry < an# the dog hu held fin ten daya before being killed an lhal It lould be obnerved and ilo*. .-"i Inert jif there wan any a'gnn of affactatton w'lh ratifon , ‘ tL • •»# dor. ft aeoifna. belonged to ail Individual member of the fire coni puny but bud been a aort of mam o' i.round -fho fir# bonne for many year* < 'fflrJjU* * HjV. , t ’ ."N Inat LUure. waa wo I ; ('* etre on the part of any member I "i hr tire lompnnyjo prey cnl-Jlm® tdo* luring killed .and Ifo bead aent lo liab all tn caM# am h wa« found 10 he advlualde and tlift if Dr Monk' found nnv Irate of during th * it n daya perltMl that aurh would. b« done. "hr N< wn la publlArtug th# abot« Interview with Dr. Curbed and gtrra* 11 the name prominence an the atatf ui#nU made to thin paper hy Mr. Pate, I haring a drier# lo be fair nod square In Ih# niattei; and not to ahow any partiality iu the matter In the leaat. ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES prigs nv* cum MW Auto ntsUk Owner* hi This DMrkst W« Orh« IMr Can Today Un der Peril at Beta* Nabbed For Failure to Purchaa* New Ueanae STiSfC 1 y - WklM in* Dnlfengnutß Will Be a w offlo «jf U>lgi Dprt- i fwr of Mw dSihrS ] Ural offtcwr ihuMM In j Mtk» Uutf tkailimp ■* 1 ■llartitj tl»« Hv Imn lac* to tkdtr can. !%• rp matalnc I.BM wiM «HMr i2*" i. their ww init m «a wc *• ■trace ar taka a akatea jfe , u *?" * ‘WTanl i the Hncaa lareaa haca* at ] RaMch aat ata«naNr*f 1 other potato bt tho atato lua haw ham anSd * P*Mfar bMlbha I i^aAlmKTwi licooao tags wm • Ihoro mg jMjUftir fhH?f 1 totec 152 mm I**!. • Eule WWH*, who tm tm 1 chan* of *d*~ to# night , Quite, a nawber gj Oelisbrru ear owners who 4nd tailed to aaeare the proper cred—Hals tram Um d—<» Ullf I lone* Barwau at tba tlfda De partment at Revenue at Ratal gh. mo tored to tiiat «Hy yealorday aftaiwoc*. They found that they eoold not be waited upon on aerooat Os the M (hat the majority of the form there liad censed to work aad hod CNO oat to a barbecue Many of thota made the huadred mile trip from Ooidahar? tn Raleigh and return for nought fad they were not amiee la efpreoetng their oft)nlon of the Raleigh loroa upon their return. According to a report from Raleigh leet night sf'ontmleeloner of Reranne R A. tx>uahton had stated the! “dee to the physical ImpoaalblUtjr of eorr ln« ell thoee who crowded to tho ba res u” he had "decided Saturday after noon to make aa extension of the time limit end that all. thage who bad matt ed checks before the eiptrattha of the tune limit' will also be protected’." , Just what this protection" will amount to la douhtfal. Olty and nean / ■ r K -these detain* *tu»uui the jjpepng- M* ■-r~ censes and It Is conceded that R has ixum impoHHibl* to notify all at thaws. regarding the .»>mml*»ionef*i latoat order and this will probably reeadt la quite a (etp arrests today. ■ ;• r ; •» tRo h>:i.d ior auauw liunn. July 10.— Paul dritfta. Duns district former, who way shot lament of the home of Znch Use hta aatgh twir Wednesday afternoon dtodf Jgfknrw dey afternooß In § FnyettoetlW boe i-ttal. . Zach Use tad hie wife t ere both bring held ta the coaat* put In UHlngiwn In coanecthm with Oft ■hooUttg. -v nl jtf