rsigZjLnfv ■ rmrtSr cloudy. probuM y showers I f a ... VOLUME FTVB; NUMBBB lit WILMINGTON IS SCENE OF DOMESTIC TRACEBY Aarfr Jersey's"Shell-^racketTarea rocks again Charlotte Women Shot 1 To Death By Husband 9 s Father At Beach Resort Ain. A. Raymond Rein hart, Jr., Slain at Re sort Near Wflming ton Yesterday—Man - Who Wielded the Gun Is Himself • Shot and Killed By Policeman While' Attempting SnleUe—Son Rushes • to Wife’s Side and Ir Injured In Auto *- •VV-esye-'i Wreck lily 12— Mrs. A. RayiMnd Reitihart. j Jr. of CSMtrloUt, and her fathor-ta-law, A. Rayaond I Reinsert. arc dead foSow laa a ■heating hit a( a lo cal hoach reoert this altar* Mrs. Raiahart waa shot '- Ay har fathar-in-Uw m she •toad at Ike phase la a beach cottage aad the awui waa qjMrt down by a police aian aa he turned the wasps*.#* hie awn wife. H*y nioad Ret abort, Jr., hnaband of the plain wo Man, waa Injured ten ailnatea later whan the matauMbite ia which Im was racing to the aide of hie wife at a city hospital, loaned turtle near Winter Park. According to neighbors es the Reinharts, the shoot ing fsOowsd a family quar rel which reached its cli max when the eider Rein hart heard that his son and wife had gone from the beach to Wilmington to oc curs a peace warrant. This ia said to hare enraged Mr. Raiahart, who began nuk ing throats of killing every one of his household. His danghter-in-iaw, frightened at his throats, feat to a phone aad called for assist ance. As she left the phone throe bullets from a pistol said to be in the hands of Reinhart, Sr., crashed into her body. , At this moment ftajiee man Pat Newton rashed Into the cottage and tired two shots at Mr. Raiahart as the latter was attempt ing to shoot Mrs. Reinhart, Sr. Mr. Reinhart fell ten " feet from his daughter-in law who was lying on her hark in the hail in a dying . condition. *0 » 0 RUSH FOR AUTO $ LICENSES IS ON Large Number of the New Li i cense Tags Sold At Local Branch Monday U » V”t' ' Vi ■' W* ommy'ustsmswte ovum who had MK secured new llconse taga for thel? cera by July UMh. tha original Him limit eel soy ao doing by tba state comm laa lower or revenue. yesterday paid tha local branch of sh. fjeeane bureau a visit and gar. attention to tale matter. While thete were at ill many car* ma on the street* with their old llreaar taga attached to them yeater day. a ruling made by the nammla •loner of revenue vaa construed h/ the police to man that a few mare days of ! grace have been grantee la order that the state bureau aad the vat l on* branches ran rnirb op with 4ls*dr wee* >, t. , • ~ .. j. . i\ i * MMBB *W*BpM* I jßfiß sgHM* mmm qm TITO i flfii Tiskiii? n NI7WQ y 9 m J| I 111 r 1 ww * mi&mm w\/ It wJLJi w w <.k V , i T, 4 f n y \ *• • , I J LOCATED AT NO. HO SOUTH JAMES STREET IN THE HEART OP THE BUSINESS SECTION <0 * Britain Is Watching Reader Os Egyptian! "■Winn I ■■■« '.!!ivwii*»' 11 U * 111 I * * Adly Pa aha, new Egyptian Prime Minister, ia bring watch-* rd by England. He has a tre mendous native hacking and la vaid to be anti-British in his 1 sympathies. MAD DOG SLAIN BY CHIEF TEW » Animal Created Much Exdto ment en East Walnut Street Sunday Afternoon A dog which gave every evidence v* being affected wlCh r.tbiea waa •het and kllb; I on East Walnut strout Sunday afternoon by Chief cf Po.tcv iT'v.afler the •■aaltie hat bitten yev ral other dotfs rnd attempted to lwit» ntp ns duuth Siocumb atr.*# The animal came up 1 on Mr. Derr# front porch and ap peared to he very friendly. Mr. !) took U on through the house and .>ut 'nio the back yard wheie be bad throo '.V four young puppl** pluylng abc-i.t As anon as the dog rapi-d the pip iitea he grabbed one of t bene by the I *u'hakln£ It three or font- tlmea It und ran err clambered from hi* machine as quichly aa pos table and ran up so within a few feet of the dog and iho* it In the hend. This latter ahot did no* end the ca. ufne'a Hfe and It dashed down the street, lu the meautiuie chief Tew ha.' arrived oil the scene *uc reeded In dispatching the animal Mr. Derr fearing that the puppy which bad been bitten by the dog hud fContinued Os Pnga Three) GOLDSBORO. N. Cw TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 13. 1926 r? LU J,,1 ~ ■''' FIRE! W 1 _ e •» • nr» whkh was dMUvvred short ly before I e'ekaNi it# morning do rtseyed the tilling **(!•» asd store aa 'tha tttbaslaaf read whlrh waa kaowa as Rest* Ailing statieu. The plat, it was nadrndood. was apnnUad by WHey (mm pier. The Mhrka of the Muse eeald aot ho determined and it had gained *aeh headway when the Hremen arrived ■ that H wna impossible la aato tha hPMmLs- . The hlaae 'was of *ueh amgnltade that despite the early hoar II drew haadreds of spoetalora. • ODD FELLOWS TO HOLD MEETING IN CITY TODAY o • . ■>> Msmbsra Os the Order From All Farts es Slxtk District f Be Here ' '«a Odd Pel lows of the sixth district will convaa* It today for their regular convention and It ta ex pected that the session will be a moat interesting one In every detail. The following I? the tentative pro gram prepared for the day: * Ji#S p. m -Convention Called to by President. Opening Ode and Prayer, by Chaplain. Address of Welcome «rF. CL Smith. Neuse Lodge No. •. Response—John W. Jump, District Supervisor, Enterprise Uuflge No. 4i. Poll, call es Officers. Heading Minutes of Last Conven tion ' . t Roll Call of lodges and Chrnll mmt of Delegates. Reports from I/)dges. Communication*. Report* of Committees. , Unfinished Bualnesa. "Btlmaietlng Intereat la Our Dome" —A. M Shrngo Kesldent Trustee. N*u*e l»dg* No. 9. C. U o#y. Tru*- tee. Uolden Belt Ix>dge No. 163. General Dfki u*slon *■ New Business “Making Greeter Success of Odd Fellowship"—fHla* It. I.ucas, Mayor of Wilson. Enterprise f>odge No. 44. Selection of Next Meeting Place. «:30 p. m. - Banquet at the Hojne Toastmaster Rlla* R. Lucas. May or of Wllstm Address of Welcome Jakr Hhrago. 'or Nona# Lr>dge , Alldrea* of Welcome Retells Pay ne. for the Home. Response Cha* B, Hprulll. Golden nett l odge No. Is 3. 9:00 p Irtdgs Meeting. Hall of Neuse liOdgr. V" " 1- ■■■ rifflhK rjhrw' ' r Ixmdon. July 12 (JP\ finance Minister ('■lllaux of Prance and the British chancellor of the exchequer, WtLstnn Churchill, today reached a complete agreement on term* for fundlnr-the Prencji war debt to Grant Prltaln The terms will be published tomorrow. JHtW YORK COTTON New York. July 12 c«tol? apols quiet, middling Kg.l. Cotton futaraa cloeed at a net decline % C 2 to K point*. October 18X4. Decem her Jg.TSj January 18.71 t; March] 17J1; May IT.U. • . -■iAaX • « V., , . I *■ 'J. - » -V e r,. ~g V 1 •*.«•, i ■ » >«>• .. Another Arsenal Explodes At • v • * 4 J Lake Denmark Arsenal, Damage HORTON’S DEATH CAUSES REGRET Paagiat of Ymmi Lawyer at Ba|M«hjpin had appeared In many prominent litigations. Among these were the successful prosecution of the case In Federal Court ending in receiver ship proceedings for the TH-Btate To bacco Growers' Co-operative Associa tion; the Wyatt case in which Jennie Wyatt, chief of detectives of ftalsigh. was charged with the killing of Step hen 8. jHoll. attpfney. 'of Hmlthfleld. wh N5 * mistook the latter for a I bootlegger. Judge Horton appearing for -Wyatt; tpe iu» < hargtng the four Raleigh Ice rofqpanlea with it com bination In restraint of trade. In which Judge Holton appeared suc cessfully for the defendants. Judge Horton is survived by his widow, formerly Mlaa Rallle F>nette Keel and two children. Joa«ph IJoyd Horton. Jr . 8 years old. and a little girl. Gene Horton, six years. He Is also survived by two sisters und h brother, Mrs Frank Cupp* of Ratetglj. Mrs. Charles 8 Itountre* of Kurm *llle and Marvin V. Horton, mayor of farmvlllei^ ! ± Faria, July H- (A») Tl«e French franc today sank to 40 to the dollm •n unofficial quotations nTler the clo*< of the hoSrse Heveral transacllona were recorded at this new low level foo* aftef the franc reacted to 34,’ii to the dollar. « KIDNAP VAN AMD ' TAKE HIM Mo*Ly over the bead of David M. Otterabicdi. iashler of the North Bid* hank, three bandits today kidnapped (Hterabach. lir* s m ■ L ■ik .TcltU, 4. »» ‘ Yfe* Crew Os Rum Ship Are Facing Tritl In 1 Federal Court At Wilmington In Augmt 'w; f'wni mm aL". , itfj- j _j|. 888 v *i; i J■ ■ - v-^ 1 * , ••• '■•"x L T-jMrjf IL£l I ■ I-1 mAu ; \ A f i H ■ ' J Thf (rvw m the staamrr Elms ia await lag trial at Wflminftse, ,N. C., following setsurc of thr era ft and Its $»OO.0OO cargo of liquor by co**t guard oftciats. The liquor repoars ia a vault at the cuataam bouse. The Lima waa formerly ia goveramesst asrviag aa a light bouse leader, ' 9 t ' „ ' BANDITS CREATE REIGN OF TERROR AT CHICAGO A—■ Two H. look hi- tab aad* few "alia alas later -hat and killed IN Helm, a Haaday -ehoel naperla* Uadeat aad bin flaare, lU Marla Hlaaa. There wan aa apparent cffert to rah (he lalt-r Iwa aho were en raale home fraai rhurch PaUre loniahl had |>aft a( Iha -tery of the Irani" r.rapade fro at Thama. M -onnhl Jo.rph i.raallo who the; Whrr ««« hla roai- Ihiulou. VeWalfM na« arr*«ted hat hi- companion, fcaowa oaly la hlat a* “Kddle" e-raped. Al Ihe pollre -lullon MrWalae declared Iha hU companion had - ■ * Spartanburg. H. ( July 12 A war ren iliaraina (j. Honner. Jr , will) She muitier of Min. J«-an Mtvmwell, Tryon. S’. « «o< "ly ilrl, will l»» la. tied mid aenfed aa noon an tty run ulllon of fount Homier, now In the ‘i t you himpllml. pertrrMn nervlre of the wurrajii. Thin announcement wpe irnde from I‘olumlnm. N, I'., over lh« t lona tftnlani # tflepMme the Hiurtan burn Journal by l»rpuljr stacrftf I i.ur hlrr of I'pHt county. * Keportn to the nherlffn office n( - i lomhiia N. I'.. 1 tmfh-al* that Homier'-, roadltlon In Improving and hU reoov llerjr new neetn- prohnNe, the deputy * \mmmM ■ --} -acne* led that I he) "amhe mom * e*») men*)." They employed tha laileah whb a phut to rah tha driver. Aa they drate atend I kef -aw a »edaa paytgd at tha read -Ide aa they ntagfed aad- tied the rah driver dad reMhad the maple la Ihe nedaa at AA aad aaato tea day -rheel ea re In pee. Wbea they retamad la the rah they aalied Ken# aad told Mpi ta flee. toMn raa MrWalae naM he heard “Kddle" fire -earn .hat.. I‘ollee lea ad Kane dylaa wear the road-Ide aad he teld theai that ha hard half a daaea nhata aherily after bin aaa -bowline Officer- (on ail the had ten es ftela aad Xlm Hlaaa aaarhy. Xeltalae admitted ane as aarraflra aad -aid bin rempaalaa »»< a n-er es dnur* -tlmalaafa* ' • *.*M J*>* M3**AM*t ,K~. . ► " ' •« 1 * m ■r ■ Waahlntton, July IA- The plan* nr a men who rlakeil Ihalr llvea to ratae Ihe H 51 will be rewarded “The nary iloea not foreet nueh he rwlam," nald Hecietftry of thn Nary Wilbur Inereaned arade and pay. allow anree or othei 1 ndvaiitiW*- may hr alven Ihr dlrern and aaHors. The fornMl praiae of Hecretary WIP hi|r did hot reveal the thrill of pride Him ran throuah the entire nary. INvrra workina on Ihe wreck were In < nnrtaat danger throuah olnalnc of on air line HaMing of the 8-61 la re carded ae one of the nary’a great eat ) P***a Ihd ■ m(mg llihmanla. j . 1 f... .-W. >. • • .... -a' IV,-?. lafltifcJi PRESS DISPATCHES PJUCB FIYB CBNIB Flames Which Smould ered For Thro*Dm, Broke Out Agaft Last . Night sad AnothSf . ' Great Blast Rocks Na vial Arajinil i r - fluvMU IlsMOOi * whfii*»tT Known to Re Dead •s, While MAa^Othttii Art Hissing First Funeral Held Yosts** *•’ —■ -A |i |M liraaif 1 * aftk^Lwrajhid Jwfwwv ■ '**.'**& A vwaanHPs » w^^Kggggi * ssj*iia^B»m tkt i * Sumter. ', I r'lm, ■ £££s | ££?***£ s* t£*Tw «*m« fc* t 1 auir « * »»» •« wir •aa, with tla'Lv'SSl •*» tto ptaJa «afc awS* «* fUt . k«Mi IM tW anqr past, Bw uikl teM m 4 A* OHmmi dapsilHMMt FSQRStlAflfe * . J .X # , Klr **• A TEACHEY DIES IN LOCAL HOSPITAL Vwt WMU Hu—HQ T« Attack Mai. By AaT»l lOMWp PWM \ fgruhry t«B v;»r -wn * vrrK,.' ' j tmst& ♦tea* toafe.HjMja T dt*d at (hr Goldsboro hoapHal Sunday morn 'a* the body «U oOr r«rd to tha homa of the dacaaaad tor Intrrmaul a County anthorMla* bora rxartad *f nry assort to locals tha toon who •tuck young Teach ay hot thoa tor thay Kara not baao aatrasafol to w -toto*. HhorUy altar ha wma too ad, Iftar . tha attack Taa.-hay told that 4 rartaln mas w*o raojMaa hi . iba Aswan Aprlngn aceilso bad Ot- bhn. Bowarar, this mao pntr*