|fMw*|Bat * Amiir ni Min pm(|r to was: . ; VOLUME m*: NUMBER lift. CHARLOTTE WOMAN GOES ON TRIAL FOR LIFE so/? haveTclosed this Iveek P'ate Os Nellie Freeman Will Soon Rest In Hands Os Jury Hearing The Case Voting Bride Who In a! Fit of, Jeafeasy Skfh ed tihe Throat of Her Husband/Sit* In Ctuur Witte Court .Room a Dejected Figure 1 While Witnesses Tell of Her tragic Deed- Dead Man’s Mother Star Witness © * *. % ' yr ammu. jw* h.-nh • r M» Prtnuui, dftnN with r amjrttoft lar kabul, Alton FncM>, hy Mashing hto throat w4th a raaor. want m IrU far bar Ufa here la 4ay. Tha eat Ira ■ miffing aaa ■Aaa waa Owtaf to aalac t|a» as a Jury, after which rffcMvn. and oflke ee man ware placed on , the wttaoan gland. ■Bht 'ehiiWto Idfttficd i * Ihi ißrtftlWj ifTli iMibi white the youthful priseuer tot Satwa— attorney* add ' bal- mother and Hntanad in hpjireat naaebatanea. Ur*. Naaainc Freeman, mother of the victim, waa the the ftrat ta taka Um wit aaaa at and. She recited datailu as the married Hfe as her ann and described the killing in a at rang, straight farward tana. y Ibe witnaaa raid that aw the night bar een ittjtd nbr "cat ta hie rnom and found him packing his ilothoa ha« said aha aakdd Mm If ha wa* “mad at M Mamma. I tald you the i eat time ahi riwnd me ( waa going tn leave her," the witnaaa 4 opted her aon aa aayiag. - Turning to the mnti% her son'* * tott. tore, freemen aeid ehe heard him walking rapidly end then T>* wMded wooed. Blood *wea running from hla mouUi, aha testified. Bh* aetd ahe iput both of her handa to hia Jaw and naked him If hi* wife hid hit him la the mouth. ■" “Mo, menu, aha cut me." ahe e*iJ her aoe replied “With whntr aha aeld (he aaked him. “WIUL ■ reaor," ahe teatlfled lit eejd • tm Pi “I held hhn until he vant dowj. , •he continued. “Me wee dead In lea- , than ten mlnutas.” tors »«nv6ui .‘atalcd that Nell.* •am# in alf>ut thirty mluutea later Luther, bar husband's brother Raiding her Nellie aelti. (hat Lulh need not bold her. tbpt ahe would wet run oft the wlinrew eald. "Nellie -just tat. there, never ahed a tear end aeld ahe wanted to be pun tehed.” Ufa* freemen told the ont.rt Chief f’eapertuap. of tbe rural pollr ■ >Mk2raat stfphed Atom eer to- ear. WdetimoaHi be resumed tomor row. » - - - r Uni’VKKN DRIVES* Wll.l. Id) TO aOBKNON COinm »OU»N ♦" I .urat>er ion July H.—iAutomobll* accidents. dbe to * mUture Os ga»<>- Hue and I'gunr, hare berome ao.fra iiurnt In Robeaen county until P. ft ' Korneeey. recorder of latwiher ton district, baa announced In court and through the preaa diet he la ftotug to arad lo the toed* every man. reeerdleeg hi color or podtloir. who la ron rifled to hla knurl of driving an automobile while under tha influenea g| llbmai. Isai i i 'll L / , a THE GOLDSBORO NEWS 1 • - esplualon of tha naval nmunltlona pi.mi at Ib-nmark. N. J.. | teat Saturday wan (Inahml over till world. ih<- earn*- of one Wayne coun ty boy. Alton J. Hunter, of Mount Olive, waa ntiiung thnae Hated aa "un accounted for’’. *•» W I ■ ttrave feara were <*ntertalii*d lor the Hufety of yuuug Huntar by rrla five* and rrfanda bnt veaterday irord ! waa‘?gi ulvihl that hr had be.-u local ed at the I’nbcd Statea Marine Baf-jj rpekr. at New York Wty. ftbljL (sh N<*rih ruroHaatan. I'rlvdte KVdm# «11 i-V v-;: mm t*/ 1> •ti mi her of a .li‘Ta II 11.1.(ION I OKI Ml HOR N • * | f'hlrago, Jaly 14 The Imltnon Hreater Ht..l/>ul«. piloted by Captain M K Honeywell and hla daughter, Kdna waa forced down at 4: TO a. ni today at TTiompaonvtllr 111., Honrv well reported to National Aeronautic AaaoclatJon offlrlala here. The other three balloona In the national race which began here laat night have uot tot* heerft (rum otfk'aUy. '*t v - .)

• ‘ UKORfilt RINK RVILJ4 va • —-c— -■ 1 Orrenaboro, \ Ks ' ■ ft-. J : j ,4~l' M j|. i M-mk \ The Carpcntkra arc reunited aa the S. 8. Paris arriven. fk« - ... amom Georges, in America for rahtbilion bouts ami for stags ap- Mtarandrs as aa expert and eccrniric dancer, greet* hie wife and f t heir little daughter, Jacqueline. . BIG BUILDING PROGRAM NOW IN PROGRESS HERE '’ft n 0 - - * •• While This Hi* Not Reached “Hooir” Propensity, Coatractora and Buildeni Predict Thai Rbfore the End of the Year (he Total Amount of Construction Work In Thia City Will Be Greater Than Haw For Several Yeara ■ Been the Cane • j - ■—■■un a ■ v While there ha# aopraredest *d buildiag iNHia la progre*** la I.eld*bore al the prevent lime. N la a fart Ihal the »paad «f lb* •1- o* ' hammer aad »aw are heard ea eearly every »Me uad reulmrter aad builder- are re*pwax|ble for ' fha -laleuicai that la adiHtlea to the baNdlag jthlrh l» aa* la pee rre*« mark awr I* being rua lemplatrd te he gotten under way a« »e«a a* po**«lble Amoag the nal«taadla«r lialld ln« ureject- under way Jo-t «l pre«eat ar* the new high «rhowl baOdlag eat l« Ike worth of Iter aura Park Ibe aew church being -reeled by (be friend* on north William utreet, Ibe magnificent dwotffnr being ball) al Ibe roraer NEW SERIAL IS VERY*.POPULAR “Hrofcen Hearts of Hollywood 5 ’ Makes Aj#pe»l to Head* jrMMt'TO* News \Tbe' *eAoJwB»»UV - 1 vtfgfeiaafar, fti^The-’'wMpp .■ft r, *V * s.n4| i u ’l*T favor ®«»->ra^r ehb h nie-u wiii jeijWi’fr . yj>mri•***•' d<**d and trlr|)hnti<' and tele jfiaph c*» nre dlempted __£i l>a rvault of a aavot* anuwalonn. 1 ' ’ f * * I . . Jr.,. A . <-• u TRIO INDICTED DUPLIN COURT CHARGE FOR'GRY i ■ ' , * * r- Tra* Bill Am Rctirpd Agilttt Three of Twin PMaalawnt Cilia** Koaanavtiie. Jkly 14.—H. L. diet- , p n*. 8r„ J. K. Powell, ui 11. L Hast. f«>rip*r "‘•for of Warsaw, war* dieted la the Duplin rotiaty superior ourt yesterday oa chargee of forging »"d counterfeiting INM4 worth of town qf w*nuw not at, « u*t.-d In tha original MUa bwt with ‘heir aaaaeo nriuhai out la tha true killa u return ad by the grand Jar? were Henry L. Steveae, Jr.. State t Mill'sH ■■*■»«■* 'hmah *tih total tlefhlratlaa ot •W.&MW. f NgdMht Tans fra bahts he bumhuo Irtal" of eonrt, hut It la undaratood hare that a aperinl term of coart for the trial of the caeea will be naked. The nsxt regular crlaalnal term hern begin* October 4, If la expected that the ■pecial Jterm will be naked for the week juat before the regflar tornk ‘ file algktren lud let meats returned agalnat Powell eel out only nix ago* "toe defalcation* renting all the way from |l7 to MO, 00«; The other four *»ma alleged to hare hem embeaaled are S 10.441 .67 . tJilft.M. aad 11.115.4 g. * Powrll will aleo faee chargee of en b'liiiug Liberty Honda amounting t -11.600^ Vnheg Hoed Part of Un e It waa etatod bere today that Pow ell 1* reported id here ntat|e good ap proximately 125.000 of the alleged loanee. I. M. Bailey, attorney far the Cbr p« ret lon. war In Kennnavllle today »a*latlag Solicitor Powere In drawing the bille eent 1 1 hlhe.jrruml <~r FV*ur htlla of IndlctmSar were re turned In the town note forgery cnee* XII the noteg were payable thr.mgh the Hanover 'National hank of New York City Thl* Rank 1 ' la understood TO hnve received 170.000 of the nutrg) and the Murchlnon bank h/ Wilmington. ttO.OOO. , ' Th>! wltneeeee agalriet the three nen Indicted fir forging the note* I wer» H. P. ptr.ee. Mayor of Warsn*. and I* 11 Brown. J. K Wllllema. 0 f* Sheffield. ell member* of the Wnr mw Hoard of ' ommieeloner* and J. 'P. Yate*. of the Mnrchleon National batik The alleged forgery of the note* tm* already been made Ihr! '•uuee of gcllon In a au't brought ernluNt the defend*!* by the town ot Wjiregw. Th« gr ind Jury deliberated over the nOtctmcnt* ell dev. The true bill* wore not returned until five ytnfets thl* Aftcrnoov and those charginn forgery of th« town noteg were noj returned until seven o'clock tonight ■ The three Indicted on the forgery '•barge* ere ail prominent hare. 11. f,. Btev.n* hr., wg* president, and J. K Powrll w»» active vlre-prrnTdent of 4 he Peak «f Warsaw. !L I*. Bf*t *► the time of the alleged forger'** wa* tnerob of the lowa. Warsaw .1* rent by bltterneee a* a result of the failure of the Mnh see era| months ago. Friends of Powell **y that he,hi not *lonr culpable for ‘be hank fnliur*. Friend* of the other *we men Indicted, ear that they are , 'Victim* of clrcum*tgncra cr*a , :tl by | I’nwnll and blame Powell. . ' , ' ] fc* i .2:. :* *• u&'-mO* - V ■ '■ .*,v '‘liifgj * . t, - > ASBOGUTED : PRESS DISPATCHES " ■'■■--a —■ —-o - PRICE FIVE CtNTS Atlanta Bank Which Controlled a String of Smaller Institutions Gets Into Financial Difficulties and Trou ble For .Others Fol lows —Wi York Bankers Diny That Florida Bank Clhfet” Net Ba Honored Atlanla. Ou Mjr 11*— 1 * -' & r ;.i"*iEs—i“!!£ I - N«afo? dj attrilxitel to Ukt gppgtol* kern mi toisj ft s r—hlMr I nhlp far the BulmfNi Trust I Ossksuoy t noSPttliM COfllMttV A m' * * Judge if 1 with Mutoh •i tSM » .'.hMttA. ifeMhMhWac, BSHSSuto Wmlla ttttttßV