1 * Mr and «NMf Mturttoy UM Run <4T. MM—* MfUlk wtoda • g-, •: - . * -rn 1— ■’ ■• TOUJIIB FIYSw-NUMBUI IU. GANGSTERS TAKE LIFE OF NEWSPAPER MAN fWoMIBLE n CHANGE NATH IF WANING OF TOBACCOMMKET " 089 PUBLISHER SHOT TO v, DEATH BY ASSASSINS Fired Into tte jidy of Young Mfftit Who Cane Here to Pubtteh Paper Ow*- * ed by James W. Cox j IV, ; ; - —1 Futon. O. Jaly IC - OmU on tka lift of Dm X III* Mt, pakNakor «4 Dm twin Mir Xm>MM *1 kk pctivlUo* oNoImI alleewd inuiblon wifi wiM Ml km onrly Mi|< Ih* NIWi bnifM to m Ml tto toraar as Um mu pabllaker wka same h«r* i mr m* to pah- Hak Um Aowb. awnad kjr Jamas I. Can, po Maker as a nnmbar as Mila papaca. i * ■ •*< fb» gutting Mi aato aMkHa to Uto gang* la Um nv a# Ids Imm wkau tlw asstoste’a gwa spaka. Nokkkon wka Imri Uto iMa tomadtotaly ton tool far Uto cavaaa, bat Maltott waa daad, • baltot Ikroaik kk toft loafk kavlag Mtoi kk Ufa ataiaat to. abatlr. Tka ■ layer* kal Ikay* 0 Marti to aa wUnobUa wklck tkay pgrkad akaat a Mack fraai tka MsttMtkama. Tkat Mai kail feared kla Ufa would ka tokaa waa atltol far' aataral weeks. aa4 aa a malt as Uto ikitoM a pattoa want'd hail kaaa UaHwkl at Um VaUatt kaaa Tka psMaamaa waa ass lair toat aim bowovor. Federal huakt Cleveland, 0.. July It.—CAP)—A Fod aral Investigation Into the alaylng o( Donald R. Mellett, pubHahtr of the Canton Nawa and a leader la the era mute to rid Canton of illicit drag and liquor traffic hard, appeared poaalble today when United Statue Attorney A E. Beraataaa summoned J. A r B. Oraeaon, division narcotic chief. N. R. Clark, deputy prohibition administra tor. nnd V. (k McDonald, a narcotic * agaat. into eokferrace on the case. Columbus, a. July 11—(HV-The —elate took a "hand this aft r moon In an effort to bring to Justice the slay ers of Den R. Mellett. publisher of tka ’Canton Bally Nawa when ’the executive office Inaugurated an In vestigation by sending to Canton Gov ernor Dona skua’s personal investlga* „ lor Joseph H. Faison to make Inves tigation JHnnrd the apprehending the slayer. yM » Vka Governor. In a statement said, ’•vanishment of those responsible for tka alaylng should to swift and oer isin Mr. fklaou. It was atoted will operate with the local authorities. It ' • Italians Awarded Marker Contract Washington. July 11 OP)--Protest Mr domestic Marble and Oranlte pro ducer* against tbs use of foreign ms- B dor the purpoee of permanent tor kings for tbs American Soldiers '■who are burled in Europe were defl i ally disregarded today by Secretary of War Davis when he approved the contract which gave the award to the Italian aattars. ■ Mffiltd'- In Automobile Wreck Raffalo, N. T, Jniv Id.—five per sona war* kilted and another probably totally to ,nrad when n Buffalo-Roches Jber afn. Pittsburgh passenger train atruclr dto aaioasobtls Just south of lukawanaa tonight. , MdmtOTß POWER PURCHASE Washington. July 11—The new ■ agreement signed last night by Ato 'hsma Power Company representa tives and Army engineers, for renew cd purchase of Hydro-Electric Power general ed at the Wilson dam. Muscle -ItoßWta. vss formally approved toddy hy ltorrktory DAvta. of the -War Da patiasenu iiMfin'-iiiiU /»* TIffiGOLDSBORO NEWS LOCATED AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMES STREET —IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION 1 BRITISH LMH OR MIX f, TO RALLY FORCES i Isadaa. inly II Hhtpptog sad brewing man In Unal Britain ere I bogtautag to rally their fare's to M epP'K.htoa to Ike dleeaaatoa now going an katwaaa Great Britain af* •rare and Brigadier Wrarrnl An drews. Americas prohibition chief, tocarteil Inleraatluaal rum emus* AH| the appesHloe to net cMtlflM vary serlee* to was «i|fliH Id ethers R la faM tka aeaferaace may have aa ark# to Parliament. This totter ttowpefal b parties InrUj streag la palßlesi circles. . DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION HAS NEW SECRETARY * Guuu to Bowling Field sad Spends Thirty Minutes ( Weehlngton, ft. e. July JI—GPJ—B Ter bee Davison, of ksw York who to thirty' yean old was sworn >a today as asatatant Secretory x 4 War la charge of the aviation department. A (sw hours later he took charge of the war department nnd of the army. Command went to him with the de parture of Secretary Dgvts who start ed on a weeks Inspection tour es the eltlsena training camps throughout tbs New England states. Davison's first act after taking oath was to go to a* bowling field*tor a thirty minutes flight over the capital It was hia first flight algor 1917 when aa a Navy atudant ha was In jured In a crash. “ skidded a little on the turn when I first be said later. “But It wasn't long before the y)d feel of the control stick tame back hnd from than on I did fine. ’ Anatotaut Secretary Davison, from the outset will famllarlte himself with the departmental work giving medal attention to aviation. BOY DROWNED AT RALEIGH HMsed With Sudden Attack of Illness While Bkthinß in i Old leu Pond Raleigh, N. C., July 11 Splsed with a sudden attack of 'lines* while wading In tha old ice pond on the Smallwood property •eorge Johnson. 9. was drowned hi three feet of water Thursday after noon Two small companions Oar! Rarefoot. 1 and Jack Barefoot. C. nulled their comrades head out of lb* water when he went down the first nm.i but whan they went for helt) he evidently sank again. The body was found by searchers lying face downward In the pond. Jttm bay wm the son of Mr d’k'VVu'h J*’ . street. H» und the Barefoot boys had tone to the woods to pick black berries qarly .Thursday. Wken Ihev did not return for lunch a search was Intituled Coroner L. M. Waring, railed to the scene after the discovery of the tragedy, stated lljat aq. Inquest was sot necessary. Funeral services waa conducted from th« home at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon - Interment will to In the family burying grounds. AM HVftCPF.IfnEMCF. Manila. July 11— At the opening suasion Os tht Philippine legtslalurs today both houses unanimously adopt ed a concurrent resolution Ip favor of “t&medtate nbeolat* and complete lllflitftoftsluuo# ’* * to oim V w, ... L':, .. \SSL,, ... , . . .. /? Miss Agnes Nestor, left, new vide president, was a delegate from tin- Internet ions! (ilove Workafo* , union and also Is president of ll.r GiM-ago Women's Trade Unlosi League. Mias Rose Schneideniikn of Nrw York, ecu teg, elected I president, ft a former vice president of the league and also to fweai 'dent of Uw New A’ork Trade Women's league. Miss Elisabeth ’ Cbristowaa, ts, Chicago, right, secretory-treasurer, kss served in that T fa r.. .. .. ■ . . GOVWJOR SMITH ANB WIFE VISIT PRES. COOLIDGE SulnUd at Camp By a Detach ■ Mat of Mirlnat on Guard v -. ___________ e Paul smith* n. Y.. Juljr u.— With tha usual form attending such occasions Governor Alfred E. Smith *r Nan York State, and Mrs. Smith war* received at White Pine camp the I eummer -White Huuaa today to pay thatr respects. and extend to the Prea •dent and Mrs. Coolldg# a welcome on behalf of the State of New York to tho Adirondack's. (. _ Enrouts to the Sommer White Housa. four mile* away from the sta tion la ah automobile They were met sad sainted at the entrance to the • amp' hy a detachment of Marine who ware on gaard at tha President s camp. Nothing wet permitted to enter. Later, however, member* of the two parties, and friends who had accom panied the Governors party to the Whits House camp where extend'd an Invitation to enter, and pay their respect* to Chlßl’ntaldent. and Mrs. Coolldg* -JtfJl* FMMOR6N lUS A.. NARROW KftOJ’K TOIMT Temple, Tex., July 16 Oovemor Mlram Ferguson. was*thrown violent ly against har berth and badly shak en up but escaped aertou* Injur# while the «ngln*er wa* killed and eev eral other* badly Injured In a train wreck today. The governor’s train. Santa Fa No 17. bound from Dirt Worth to Itou tv * • <'* ,-m ■** ■ .hV m ny\h of $ fr.Tliflf*, HA'i. on a *>dlng all miles from Tempi*. Tha wrack occarred at 2 a m. Tha • rain was speeding M mile* an hour Tha engine rrubipled and the baggage car overtnrnad. Engineer O. W rhew. of riehttlUa wpa killed. The fireman Was badly Injured. NSo other* w*t;a reported seriously hurt. MFKXM IIF.HT TKJRIH Washington, July H —'Aroused by published comparison* of France's debt settlement with England and with this country. Secretary Mellon in a formal »tat«m.-nt today daclarad "Wo other creditor of France hag d»- . ordad such gweroug treatment" apt Ihas Aaurtea. j. ” • GOLDBBQiIO, N. C, SATURDAY MORNfNG, JULY 17,1926 MYSTERY MAN I IN M’PHERSON CASE IN N. C Sheriff Cu Prow* Evangelist Was Bmr With Onoietoo 11 Dura A/terwurda Tayloravilla, Jury lA -tdV-A tslv cram ha* bean In tha hands bell Hotel management here for more I tha* a week addressed to Kenneth Q. Ormleton. tha manager of tha hos ; lelry here, told the Associated Prase t. | today. J. L James, manager of tha ho tel. said that the telegram catne for Ormleton "one day last wash" and that he had been holding It for him. Ha added that ha understood Ik* rfc,#f of Taylorsville receiv ed a trlMpph In connection with tha message Today The officer could not be located but It Wwa-gkMthat he, Yds thought to have gone lo (Hates villa thl* morning. It could not be framed whether his absence waa In any way connected with the message. Mr. Jamea said that "up strangers” had been registered at the hotal since the recvlpt of the telegram for Ormla ton. „ KIHNUJM WILL XCfKI LIKE JAZZ HA I'M HKITINH UIHII LKUIIKR Joßdom July 18. The Russian peo ple bate ik. uue (or Jaxx and are never likely to take lo It. according to Al-. ♦ierl Coatee, leader famou* D,n don Hymphony Urrhretra. who h«a re ‘Jaa* will ucvfr, have the hold In Russia that It has In Europe and th' I tilted Slate*," declared ('nates. ”be cauae the ItuSslan* have a *i>r»«J oiia rhythmic aenae of their own. ‘The terrible aufrerlng that all peo ple In Russia have gone through' has so. jiroadeaad their art l*try tha) ihoae who cau remember their wonderful performance, pr>or to the world v war would be absolutely Wbrprlsed to’hear and see how much rrenter they\v r bscnui*. "The *x-!mperial opera house* have the largest repertoires In the world, und are presenting some fine pro grams. ghakespeare. Rhaw, and Rom erart. Hang has sad beta* |Uf*B al CHAS.W. MORSE CHARGED WITH FRAUD AGAIN 1• ■». Maine, July 14.~-GP)-Oha* W. Morn sitting In a chair between %!• 100 turn "today. said "Lord No," olwn Mag correspondents of the As sociated Prm naked bin If he f«u «hfa to travel to Moo York to fan* charge* of frond against him than. That was the only I add statement made by Mr. Maras, la the dtetanlau between hta two eons and the News paper man which lasted (Or more than an hour. He eat erect la aa old Windsor, chair while the others din massd the death of hie wits and hta uelaa the matin In dafyaad Not onto dtd he *ow Miy latarnt In Ufa pro taadtaaa, and Onset qesstloalag brought only rambthi* remarks HU Hght aide seemed pAralylsa* althoegh his aona saW he coWt make hla Way about the hemar tOth the eld of ea sttendaat. Ih hta left-hand ha hpM a nape would pat between lita legs white he Mkgak hsnda. HU eons stated. that while It eesm •d impossible for him to stand trial they did not want' to appear to he oiMrtiaant regarding hla retara. They * U *®MW JBHJI enam motion would be welcomed. ‘ ", —-»» ——' FRENCH AFTER CONCESSIONS N«< »• Forced To Hm Strictly l to Chumo Njomhor Bowom rarMl July 14.— UP> —Tbs finance commission of the chamber of depu te*. by a rot* of f-4 to 1* refused to approve granting 101 l powers to Ute Government by decree >a the haul* against the fall of the "franc". Un daunted the Premier and flnanoe earn mi-Jonere declared to place respond - bllittee oa the parliament la tbe open ■hemher tomorrow. (▲a for the American and British deth eettlemant, It was stated that negotiations were going on in Wash ington In an effort to gala soma oon .esstons and it was learned from the members who have the matter In head that communications sre eipnct- tdmomenurialty to the effect that tnJy-WSJ "** forced to hue strict ly to the letter as regarding clease number seven. SUBWAY STRIK’RS OFFERED JOBS BACK ANY TIME Officials Warn Men Unless Tfcw* „ Return PowitioiiH Win Bn Filled New York, July IC.-OPI striking SithWsy employee may return to their lobe any time they wish, s high of '•cal of the Transit company snnnuac , n t p» ? w».,*etv |%* vfi ■’ v* ■* •> \t *■ \ k v ■■ h * he woriimra that unless Utey return ee- by a certain, hour they eodld not haer their Jobe.* Herman A. Mets, a director of the ••••mpnny told the Traaelt romdllsaton *«ul«y that. Prank H«tley, -president of th<. and tbe man who ha 3 placed the time llm I on the strikers, had advised that 'he strikers could return oa their old wage and seniority rights, but that the company would rrearvs the "sbt to select their run. John Ollrrlot. chairman of Lbs Trenslt rnmmlsstofl told newspaper men that progress bad been made la the strike situation. An attorney for the company aa- that In the 24 hoars ending IP I UHs afternoon. 41 employee I tad returned voiuntarlaly. £K 4 >r> EARLIER OPENING WOULD SERVE NEEDSOF FARMERS AND BUSINESS MEN f-~-~ —s JACK DKLAVII Will ( HA VPiONBKIP Tim Mew Tech, July It- Jack Dn- Uwey, light hmyyweight pride n MdgnpnH, fenn. wan the wartd'- championship title la. ■taN wing he wan a Judge deeleiae ever Peal Mgtmhiil la a greet tal Afteaa re and bant at tbe Break lys laOeoai In—wi ball path. A »Urrtng rally In the last leer magm I Imaa m w sA. wwmmmM iwtv IRMRi| 119 friwle NnemMgly auhnaetad by tbe ebam fta*s pnnehne, Mains ey snddanly again t* Mb tr «ae at Hi Imm lerUnbnrb'e hand with g Own Meted attaeh wbtak tired Berleo liHi mNI him wlMrtVy vtapet* pared far Mm eaetagM. ed that the rarfuTmu aaanai - If,'.' jl ’•!JSSJW "Tp, PRESIDENT OF ATLANTA BANK KILLS HIMSELF — wm Am Aat aai Plata tta TStalMy Atlanta. O*.. July % PmUh. president of the Atlanta Real 1 Route Board tad director of the Rankers Trust Company tor which a receivership was designated In Fbd •ml District Count here yesterday at yu Komi In Moraine ••da, n suburb, early today. Mr Smith was dead whan fee ad. * Pnand By Rervant V The body was found by a serves’ attracted by a shot The door of Mr Hmitb'e room V** locked and Ike servant broke It down wfth sn a*e, His daughter. Mrs. Julia Lifsey, was among the first to reach the body The entire load of a shotgun hwl entered Ms abdomen. Relief was «• pressed that be fired the shot with hta toe. Left Istlen Several letters found beside the body were turned over to tbe coroner who anaouaced that, an Inquest proiv ably would be held later la th# day | Mlk. Smith was a former memhei *f the realty firm of J. R. Smith and W. ». Rankin Company. Ut'r he had been oenaected with th* Sylvan Hills aad Moralngsldc pruj seta. In addition to having been t> director la the Bankers Trust Con- Many he wan also a director of ttu Parmer* and Traders Bank. ? M ’' BL ’ ■■—■■■■ ~ MKLI.ON <;»KS ABROAD -»• - ~ - -rnr •- Waehlagti.n. July 14—gecreUrv Mellon left early today fur a six weeks vacation In Mu rope. He kept hie Plans to hipcx-ir plee<* /.broad in sn altsu uudyTiuoffl * T- W. jf th« HpßiiUw uml *MHl»rad It In go* on i the dotslla of the ellghtliia Kdv/ards Motor Com . HoW Open Hoose The i:«lwerd« Motor fhsmpiaay. »It"**' spactone offices are located oa North Cehlrr street, near thtielty hell will he host to thetr many ft bead* this awernoon and evening la Manor ■wt the arrival of the saw "Whippet" wtii<-h hn* recently arrived, mad la now on display la their show Moms. Th.- entertainment- will ha hi the 'or- f H rrceptlott. Which Will begin U .-,;no P. m. and continue through the eventau- There will to aouveulewa »r ihc chiklrcH. pofresbrneata, 'I— | music for all. „ A