"jy" , m r : ’ * 'sJ&S*' War * y Hl* »m^,|| IV llf *. W ' flßta SB VHP HH fH mm mm ' lllffpfc ■■■4 usfncf WUENOKE (F MAX TIRE COIffMV Ml jPHNSDN HAD ASKED ' f swEXi^~-;M? M V'" p,ll,pL ' VI SHE RE EXCUSED AS CDMPROHSES FAILED G <"enwc’a Action bid*! Bnarl and Matter May aa«~N«i ••NA. ,Itb> Ur-dHUmnf BcUm tonight mitered th* Child W«|Mf« ComqMaatan *f “My farther *■ connection with % survey of a wonM,n '• Industry which k« had r«- ] q .rated Ob* commission t* mgk. Hal potato* mt li hli atetataoat that! <k«M taMai tt* on nr ty van I* kiul *•* Itao months to wait *k«, If they I •« taatrod they might present tan n». action of tt* th* aiattar end* * UhuJ 1 which bad hcoa In exf*t*ao*«for aovaral day*. Um- Jobaaoa bad raqaoatod that ah* jfjy- »«** duty on the cop* Ufa. Kata Barr Johnson, commla taqaor of a«Mterikqlt|r* and n-otfi ohhtnpaa of ft* mu child jal tafft comm in* 100 tonight aabad (hr «cm MehM to redo** bar of hd r * l ßP l Vf if tftd Mtrvwy of wo mm 1m iadastry. “f bar* mam , «»** 1 ** I , mtad tat potat wbar* I am uawtll nm}*' 9h&* taMlMluaa baa* •MW to a qtaqto which? caanot anlßoHba. barque* t do not bailor* tt Mil raoait la a aattatactory mr- V, F.“ mta Mta- Johnson i. « apt*. VtalHt, ■***»• liftpiia baa taboa tba yoal tton that th* coiamiailon should ;nn dartaka a sarray aquiline ad much Mrb a* tala on* does aad yat com b**tay icaora bad ahat oat Mr. Ohis. t*r. th* exacutfv* secretary- said f)r. Oaorge Cooper. q member of th# Timm'inua knight TAKESTEPSTO RE-OPEN BANKS i, J}w«r Gffvffnmr Uaracy as Ca«¥ta la la RaWl'Hit mate Today •** i ’ * Atlaau. Oa.. Jdly 17—With Hugh M Horary, tot but aoraraor of Gcor Irth, aad Joha K. OitUjr. chairman of «hn board if fha toarth National Bank la ebarg* of ta* affair* of tbs Bank art Trast company an recolrera. *p patatad by rqderal Judk* table* ataqa wars being tqkyn today Ttr fa oqaa many of lha chain of put* banka In Oaorjtla aad Florida forced to cloaa I>y a crtoU la th* affairs of the Bank ora Tmot company Two qf th* AS banks In th* chain which originally cloned aa a result of lißgstlon against tp parent rom raay hare reopened. T. R. Benaett. atau suporlatoadsat of hanking, ra realad. white IS additional meahars of tan chain In QcorgU aad fir*, la bar# closed temporarily and askml Mate offkiaU to take charge of thair affairs Preliminary Iqraatlgatlon revealed taat many of the closed banka are MMqt aad will h* able to retains hqfpMs within a* abort time. Beni haft ftpid Officers In many opaes wW#* kSaW pisoaaTiwn aad naked the aid of atate hanking department, when the tmakjaa of the Bankers Trast 'com pany Impaired public confidence la thair laatttaUoaa. * Th* PtotAda banks whteh ekrnad la dado Bank of Mao at Dais, tkr ntl •«* ®“k of BaatU. the Baak of Ta wara# the State Bank of Patetka and ta* Bank at Umatltla. Tba re are said t* be nx>re than IIP state baabP ta th* chain affiliated with the Rankers Tniqt pomps ay. la ' •onrla aad Ptorida. of this aambey -ilmpt Td hare aaapaaded bwalaess temporarily pending sotUemeat of Ike affair* of th* Trust company, » i’IIMA in' ~ in i i ~ ii'iM J ri'i'i' < iMirJf i' y v's't'jwh j ■ - -- - - i in lid m m ia I WAG#I FOR iIBAIfUC Hohywaod. Jaly If. Hsrelf had; ®"Mb fctait . celebrity ami ■•ta after, wfU laara Mywaad tatewraw far Want**, UL. sad kb "eight*** Mhfi a week aad ‘***i * ”**+* Wafc gmta t* m*,“ r»«wyr* said. TWr* I* noth »* earrytag la* *p them nights i* derated • faalhill ea*. I aNtaltea. Id* Thqmpsaa has wired Hr*ago that his *M >ah la I tea* ter him aad Uisag* *xp*au I te “prad the swt far a* fft# weati I whh thn laq mm. I ' * CHILDREN Wil l DEMONSTRATE LIFE SAVING • -f •” (* . y ShowlßK V»te I Pky mMdLnrorfc aTTmI _ .* Wddk Tba Goldsboro Playground* war* officially dosed Saturday Jqiy 17th after bay >ag ooaapletad ala waaha pro gram. Howarer. on Tuesday Jaly Mth it t: 3* -o'clock th* ohUdran will gtr* •» demoast ration of swimming and !*fa saving as Ah* Presbyterian swtm mlag pool, qrhla oay has been sat ■ tad* as Parent's Day and it Is hopsd that-a kqodly number of pa rants will ‘aks It upon thaamelrsq to' see what Aolr children hare accomplished la h« wqy of awtesmlag. Thar* te.g display of handicraft jrork made by the children under th* taporvlaioa of Mis* Ann* Buthsr. which has been placed on ea bit ton in a Window neat to the Waatrrn ilnloa. In order that the parsats and tatamted peopls of Goldsboro may Uttar node rat and what has bean ac complished by the children. In a ma terial way. wa urge yoa to man* a special trip to see the|r display. It may also be of Interest to know (bat 3C3 children wore enrolled al the playgrounds this year. Our rec ords show tangle attendance, taken at one time, and the arerage dally attendance wm approximately 110. At th* awtaflliag pool 125 was lhe largest number as 'klldrrn attend the swimming cites '• at one time, that being dnrfftg the Red t Voas work when special jla-. structloQs »or, given in swlmmiap and life oaring. The Playground Association la proud to report that 51 children sna rcasfiilly passes the Beginners Ts* In swimming, which consists of a swim 60 feet, free style. All th>* num ber 13 were children from, the Odd Prllowa Home In the Bwlmmers T e*t„ V oußiatlng of a too yard swim, a plane dire a surface dire for aa object ini,. 50 test swim f -n u»V| K Tr Ut. only Ihre* bar* passed iJm He.l rroas Ufr Raving teat ten there are kbout twelve who bar* not completed tbelr testa. These children will hr an opportunity to complete tbelr work on Tuesday. This latter leal la a more advanced teat and rv qwira*•*, grant .deal of practice la ar dar to qualify. vi Pteygronad Aipww-latloa wished to commend Misses fluther aad Reese nnd Mr. ttevld Idles for tbelr. splen did tkork la directing the varitfcs ac tMttea of tba children It haa been through thair effort* that the Play ground work bub hben nufc a auc r - a_r: A L B———i 1 ' ■ I —: 1 ■ VP" LOCATED AT NO. 11* SOUTH JAMES STREET—-IN THE HEART OP THE BUSINESS SECTION ' ' ‘A . * .>♦ * , * ' ,-f '.T - ,fT «■ v )■ f BANK FAILURESNOr SERIOUS AS SEEM SAYS GRIFFIN < .a. “ ' V T ’ ‘ ■ ‘ ft bhcal Mm Whs t* G**rgta When Crafk Cum had Talked to | SadteH Man From Al # W A ' i ' N P h ■ I The genera! feeling la that the fail ure of tea tt banks 1a (teorgta will •» * not affect business conditions gen erally. declared A. T. Griffin, presi dent-as the A. T Griffin Manufactur ing < ompany. who bus just returned from 8 a van hah. Georgia, where he .tended th* aaana! meeting of■ the Saab Door aad Kind Manufacturers Aaeociaitea. Mr. fiiikln talked with iuun from vaiioua section* l B whteh the beaks had filled aad h# states that In every Instance the opinion that th* taiturea would only affect those Immediately Involved wae **- pranaad. --Thera were several man at tt# me at lag from Atlanta, man who knew 1. R. Smith, th# Atlantan who com it Rod suicide, through brooding over I tbq tallure of tba company of which h# was hand. Th* Atlanta man la wary Instance told Mr. Griffin that business would continue booming la hair toWa. Florida men at the mac* SUDAN TEMPLE HERE JULY 25 Will CiT* GMwrt m Mmwum P»rk PnMh TkrM-tkirty th fin O’clock 9 • The Sudan Temple Band of Naw ■am wily give a concert* at Harman Park bar* on Hahuay July 26. bagla alng at t:tt and continuing until $. This band la one of the bast known musical organisations In tba Eastern fart of tba Slat* aad numbers «u members The band la brought to tba •Itlsens of Goldsboro through tba In -1 wrest of local Shriners by E. F. a MeU. In Jun# the musician* journeyed to Philadelphia to attend the Im aerlnl mewtiag And made a very fav orable impression In tb* Quaker city.- About four w#«ks ago, tto organ'sa lon rendered a concert In Wllmlng tha. Goldsboro Bh»tners are confi dent that the city ts n> have some high class music la th* forlbcdmiag urogram. , The numbers which have beea / aq ; I acted Include selections from lhe viandard music olasaks. some of the more popular Southern melodies, and teveral patrloHV offerings The pro fs m is aa follows: I—March. Natlonul Hmblem. * -rohra las dam.- & 3—Gems of Stephen Poster. _^-*-' r Mihrcb,. Ttaundgrrr. 6 Kcllgjoso a Moonlit Garden. 7Ms Our jNrer-tor. . s—March. Golden Spur. •—Old Pavorltea. latermlsßlaa I#—Danube Waves. 11- March. It- American Patrol. 12— California Exposition, lA—Kagle’s Neat. 15—March. fteMotey i ommandary. 16 March. Kl Ggprian. 17- The InvlßclMc U. 8. A. 15—America. Stefe State, ia < 1 Aid t; Better * + ' Atlanta. July 17.—The financial borlxon la Georgia and Florida ap peared brighter tonight following a session of artvltlee which brought about u closing of ao small banka during tba .week. Virtually aU th# banka closed ware members of a chain of which the Banker* Trudf o#. agalqat which bankruptcy praceedtpx* ars pandlna Officers of Georgia and Florida attributed failure of the tanka to th* banhntetem tetemadiag •ftad lh* Bankafg TTTt GOLDBBOAO. R O. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 1fc"1926 Ing had the asm* Man as to thair atqto. The Association which Mr.' Griffin attaodad has a member ship la of the southern states, sad 36 mam bars and 10 naaoolata members war* in attendance Mr. Griffin was un*; at three who war# present from ( Nortl TVrnllna. All th* members reported boom condition* ganorslly i u ttonh trnda—* gcod barometer to bualnags jWPtaMM *a a whole In that tt tej connected with the build eg trade* , sqd axpretaed the' opinlcw that ana dlUons would ooaUnu* to be g*f, throughout JIN. “W# had a very good mratlng." anhH Mr. Griffin. “I goto pvatty ctwrloftfi at thq Gaorgia hank cases aad tan*' that It Is qot sg Mflons k* It might aaom to the man Mho fast rend* shop* tt In N« mdrnlng paper. They’re o#r talaly got n line hotel In Savanuah tha D* Polo nhd thair aarvlce wue rood nnd at q renaonabl* rata. Yaq, I had a good trip" ■ MOB TffItEATENS > MACON JAIL ijPhitcM o—ißlfftkiq fa* Chi ftteMd Kilkpff Man anT Girt -> * } - v j'Viß \ Mantn. Oa.. July if— fAPj—Heavy police raaervaa augmantad a fore* as tharlfTs dapntla* In the Bibb cOuq|y jail here today to guard tid Glover, * coafaaued negro slayer of Mias Hilda Smith and E. W-; Wllpon. aftar a rlof oall for police early today auccaedad hi dtsparatag a crowd of men which formed in tt* vlalaHy at the Jail. Five man have bean 'nrraalatl Is contraction with th* today’s crowd and another crowd whteh fonaod 'as 1 night after Sheriff J. R. Hicks an nounced that Glover had confessed ' slaying the couple whoa* bo|»a w*r. found In q min n few mites from lfe rity lent Monday. Last night’s crowd remained order ly after three men war* arras tad ami heavy reserve* of poiie* ware csllau out Harly today while rumor* were heard that a mob waa forming near tbs city, n band of men gathered on Mulberry streets, near the prison Police summoned front their posts In all parts of the rity arrested two men and the crowd scattered One of the men arrested teat nUk: waa W. R Brown. 21. a minister!* viudpnt. police announced He wa* held oa charge* of rtottng and\*pry ing concealed weapons A special session of the Bibb county grand jury has been called for to day to Investigate the slaying of 6fW Hmlth and WllaoV Sheriff Hicks de- Isrejl last night that Glover coaft-*Mid vhen officers showed him a watch which had been taken from the poc* eta of Wilson Wilson and Miss Hint*, were engaged tu be married n< t\ fU-p Umber. ’* ' ' - «• i ■ - n r | No Clues As To **®&rman * SLL Canton. 0.. July 17. -Polled virtual- ' ly every turn In hi* search tor t-lnra 1 sa to th* murderer of Dan Mellatt. publisher and sail-vice crusader, po- ' lice tonight began Interviewing known 1 leader* of th* underworld In th* hup* ' I of uncovering ‘qvldence. No enroot# , ware to be made at o*ce. nor ustU } a definite rlue la stumbled upon, hut ( those thought to have any posalMa . infor mattow ooaferntng the crime wlt| ' be taken to police headquarters f-f , questioning. Revsrsl war- question i ed today. Jhdra waa nothing to potn? i Iff M S* r »J tedattoq of IhajuysUty. ( » J- ] SOUCITOR CITES BOBBED HAIR IN FREEMAN CASE *[ ■ in Want. GW GmvWb* ts # DtfTM ar Mu. dauhlwr ■ ""W L J* •JP'Hk T - -y Ohartott*. July 17. Bobbed hair •to blamed today for Ik* death of Al oa rmamaa whoa* wtf* NolUvrroo naa la oa (Hal fo* murder la c*a section wKk htr lirtnl‘l dmk t *W* alias aa *at aka alaabcd bar Uutoand's throat with a raaor. Th* •ollcMor mentioned bobbed hair la aafclas for a verdict of second da«raa vt manalabghtsr *1 do «M condemn Inktoad hair aa » aal**tf*l practice," ho aald. -lm» :h« foot raauhM that if Nadtfcrrna »*a had not bobbed har hair she ■twld nut kata hadßto lustrums*! arttk which aba k Iliad bar baahaad " "Tbla woman probably la gtofcp of «rp <actwa alurdar,” b* told tk* jury, "h* .1 don't aapaet r*ty &r electrocute har. 1 do aa£ th*r yaii dad har guilty of second degree mur tof or vnaaslaughtor.” . • % f* ■ a\ *l4l *4 J. FRANK NORRIS KRIS CD. SWPR Pbrt Wbrth. T#*.. July 11. fll'ott D tfhlpp, a layhar man, was «twl aad totally sounded Juat bt ui* 0 o'clock tkla after noon la the Ttrat Bantlat Church har* by Har. J. Frank Non-la the naator. Hhipp had to (ho church to remonstrate •IU Nortla about aom* of bis attar •am Nerrla a nationally (undaauatal le* rwvtvaltot. immediately w*hl to tho county oourthou*. and for aoma ‘ma waa rloaded with county otftc •nla. making no aUtamAiU la Ik* 3ody at th* hospital at whloh ha (Mad » (•» mom»ula after arrival ahowad -hr*# bullat wound*. Mt. Norris la trail ktoo#n by rtpu- Jtolon In North t'arollna. It >s thought hr many people in ih* amt* that k# «u Indtractly inapirrd of th* attack* which have bean made on Praotdwnt W. L. Potent of Wake Cottage, for the view* which the latter hold* on.the. subject of evolu(ioa. -Tha ‘leb*. ~ T-* * Elm Street £hureh Closes Revival The recent aerlee of evangelistic meeting* conducted by Ret. Hohert L 'Jerome and Kr. Ilewev l<. Manaaa. •lager, came to a close ai the Mm rtrekt Methodist , church pn I'rlday olahl. July 9. The nn-ctlugn were marked espec ially for Ihe Interim taken by the euuoa people of Ihe i hurrh. Al six o’clock each morning there were • tuod many who kept the Mprutni Watch, arvcrul or which meeting* ware led by the young people. Dur •ay the first we*k of (h* campaign thlrt* «u(h mirrning the < tall <Tren met lo practice aouga for lh( Junior Choir and hear a talk by Ihe poalor On Friday and Mulurday Tl VK&f (Y.V\J » about t wrnty-fiv* to accept ' ( hrtal and eli vep gave Ihe'r tumm for mem horwhln In Kim Street Church, all of whom have already been rocnived. The evening service* were weft at tended and much interest via mam faateil by those who came At on* oi t*. services tba Mount Canaal choir delighted the congregation with tlirwr special numbers. Mr. Manana, who did g splendid aervlft- for Ihe congregation during the meeting*, pleased the hesrers each evening with a solo In addition lo his leader "hip In congregational singing. AI-' 'hough the special aeries has com# to a close, Il ls hoped that the effect* of th* mealing* w>U not soon 41s out COUNTIES OF N 6 CAMURA ■" " ■ ( A KOI,IN A BAN KM abi a»n Matoigh, July 17. Then Is a*t at present fen North- Carolina any •jat*« M chain hank lag which r»« M pndata a aMuatlau ilaflar la that whisk hue raaanllj datlbp •d la tk* Mai* a( M> sag la. daalar* ed Jehu Mitchell, Mate Saak «*• saCaer ad Urn (Mat* ( arpanMlan t amHaslanao, RaUrdaj. “ft# far as ha# has* aseartalnad banks ut tMt Male aad’tMmffla la* slßatlaa* Is *f sank a aalaiu that a* ham I# Nerth rarollßa hahha ■•a panslMy r ana It (rent th* dpaff. whale bask Mg "ttaatle* B jJi*pth (arsllaa h »«>*** than « ha* been at MI Hm# wl|Ma th* past six year*. Then It a* «Mft> ► l«a fsr stern. The kaakiag slMt» I] tare *f this Mai* la aaaad aad I meHts th* r*afld*ace *f th* fab* I B*.» '* ’ ’ ] MURDERED CWL : DIES ATfRYON Myalary as Kißtef of Ism Bran wofl la BmM by YsuthA. Dsßb Tryoa, July It.—(API Q C. So*. Mr, J'., eompaaltM •it Bias Jana Uiraawall. Tryoa society girl. .« thf Bight of July T. w%au ska waa shot to death, died bars today of «nan monla which developed while k* war being treated for guaaliot wounds la fllctad at the aanae (lm* Mia* Bran wall was faulty Injured. Wad at I A. ML Young Router succumbed, at t o'cloc k this mornlug from sa attack of pneumonia. Th# hoy had bean ImprMag Ity nad it waa hoped by physlctoor b* Would recover from tba l«f S let wound* b* mealved above a*J below the heart. Thau, thro* day ago. pneumonia compllcattoa develop ed end wJIWIn i»ciHv-four hour# th> docitifs feared all hop. for bta raaoy my was goae. * " ' j Ji# was nnennsclou) throughoo,_ yesterday and up until the time of hit Ikath. Before lapsing Into Ihe com lltu youth , had Indicated no desire n. make any statement concerning th wfjek. oM Tragedy, physician* said. TA/ia Ihe dead boyV original stale meat tha’ his pretty yoting compaa im and himself were shot by sooth r boy named "Jlrnmle" who escaped dsnds ns the only solution of th trugady on recoid. The theory o Sheriff hl< Kkrlnnr. that Bonner aho and killed Miss Braswell In l lit o regionsy and jhjgl turned (Mb grin upoi itmscir was not mwde a Waiter of r*c rd by off! let charges against Son uer. Another theory, that (hr git ltd all of the •h'Kiflng. likewise fad ad Into apaculntlon wl'h the an nonneamnnt of Bonner's death. ) ' v— who w'is the aon of a wealthy ah influential family of Saluda, were not completed this morning Mlsa Braswell. Who was the grand daughter of a millionaire cotton mil owaer of t'karlotta. was hurled fol lowing services at Charlotte a w**k ago 1 «'■ COTTBN fl TI BBS ABTANCK New York. July Hottoa future# closed steady at an atfvamw of I to 7 Pointa k January 17J1; Yfay 1746* OctobeF 17.30: Thscamher 1719. New York cotton atock steady. Middling IK '. V . • i . o- , ASBOC9 ~. FttkVaTtUj DIHPATOtm t j praae*! LAHIswUJB AMmNOT'‘' '’ been xaattd aa JSSSSfSf 'ttt «*■ W«HM *| < «mpAar wtR hgMHf wbMIMfIMBN { day |.ada*daylm>B totogl>B»jj> t| wiiey Batata gd#* LAaMw BmBMMB •ant of M«aWpt«pjj 'TflNi Coißpfcay Mil. Tlr# On. fb*a Or* *W*mM off'rad within call BftoMß-W il wdiualsnant wiU |a «Ms ffcft* .< the Uoldaboiw jwKt waa formagty conaatstog j fpg la tocatdMt m t ' ito D feet and laalcra la Baatayn Nm(| MM will h* cwM id all ifito*. 1 Wiiiito made tot^Ml»MM *Aabor ** tw# ajsb '~iirr mlbUbi i b ■n North < aroltoa bnußKHtdlßa M * v -etlaat ihlgplßi WfM|R nMahoeo B a— *OlwMllOyfi • ncI^MOMB UR— * MBs 'k* Bast, bat tba t>d|M ißda* k* ka t autopsy aa a vbbtd am hahtov ban from mr oßtoc dMiMNr mm- JiSai** . t 17 • Mm-1 FniJinn k Agtinat CnuifoUd AiatMaasf*. Wr IT. Mtot •ony that Bari a* Craplpcd. ill to work while vtth a broke* am* nad MMtodl oday before a rwuaas *m wWw MB! JdMday Crady Bide*, formas Nphto MIM hai after h* had htwMlb kB ar«i Ms pother sent a doctor IB agf J| afd hat Craalord ordered th« datoar igny The witoaaa said. ‘OtyMN MdC - lu. -pretty goar aawl> htoMa MB >rm aad *Tl>*p ka ««to4iftWflidtfy w*a broker -OtwW. , c*' "Why did A* h**t fmr 'Re. aiisa r slept wHM a V paaia iMi »w*.r* ••., Success la w*at ynu h**» 48.8.p|W ; • lilt of industry, bra las, th*«Bt%lß . .■jdll

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