i "S j vIMAiIHIK y? T W ii HHj fyjjfl u % OHBtOLL CLAIMS GOV. INSULTED COMMITTEE 'MTMriH, IHMES EQML EIICATIHU CVMCES u Mi _ - w * i «kpp- , i In Excellent Address Before Local Associat'n On Monday Evening There Are 374356 Chil dren in State Who Do Not Hare the Right Chance Educational ly, He Says ,A strong defecation la Cavor of dMUtul opportunities for •O North Carolina children wna made by Felix Harvey. Jr., of Klaatoa. la add reeel a* the local KHVhate club at >U regular meeting tn th< Hotel Golda hero lent evening. Mr. Harvey epokr on tha Ideal* of Kiwaafe gad deliver ed a speech that was 1 banrorotia fdiih to heap a sfeepy Mil' awake and packed enough pith and thought to heap a/ thinking aaa buay. Klwaaiaa O. A. Moran waa chairman tot tha evening, and it waa aaaahiaced • hat "MT Newfar would be the chairman tor tha weak. It lo proponed to brtag a speaker from the Hate Highway depart*ant to the cHy tot tup aiArtca. ■ Quanta Introduced daring tha ova* king ware Klwaatana pot Qorkoa. of . ’ I- *■ °* w “ ff Blagton uanlail nfthe Hboje Acree tmt* whtofcha. been operating la the cMy -oad Henry hath of the rtafr of The New*. "EMd you hoofV that there are >74,- ■h children «Va North Carolina who are under privileged la eo far aa edu cation la coaoeraedr Mr. Harvey naked la dlaeuoalag the education queetloo and tha part which KlwaaU mukl have la ita aelutloa. "I do warn to one Kiwant# take thte waiter up and In < nrrectitg It." ha continued To Uluatrato his declarations at tbit point, be told Iho atory of the awatd of a damage verdict for >35,000 again*! a company which had bean bagligont and ceased a child la It* employ to lose a hand. It a hand la work 13M40. how much la a soul a mini', a body worthT Mr. llarve) wanted to know. Ha made It plats that aacrtftctag the proper education of say child' wag to damage it far be-' yoad'the toe. of aa am. Mr. Harvdp-gave da acrostic which h» said should represent the thing* a true Klwaalaa stands for and work* , for’ 1C for kindness; I for Imagine • lon. W for work; A tor ambition; N tor nobility of elßUnciar; and 8 for success. Members of Klvgaals. Mr. Harney Mated, will stead for law enforce ment In every instance, will uphold tha laws la their own lives, will dc* the duty of ciUaeaa and vote, will throw themselves wholeheartedly Intr civic undertakings,.wHl aland for bat ter education, sag wMI practice the golden rale. i . Goldsboro was roaadly prained bj r the speaker for the progress which sh« baa mads M recant years. "Then used U> be a time I simply had hg fa getst° Goldsboro, because I would haps to welt around tha station In « miserable sort of fashion There dlda’i teem to be much life. Hut that ha* all rhaggyd W« have learned from V r«*o » leoaop la this hotel and are } . >*4* ***** >• " Mr. Harvey. v * qlh wriut carry om j* , Washing!©*!* July Ih. if*)- The * ) carry over oC.old wheat aa* eatimat -4 ad today by the Federal Crap Report ing Hoard at MJOB.OM busheU. aa of Jaly 1 compared with >3.»M.n*o bosh "ton year ago and 1M.9M.000 bushels two years ago. HEW TORE fHTTON New Terk. July It.—UP » Cation igtHs quiet Middling It 40. New York rottni {qiarew closed fairly t toady at o net decline of 7 lo IS total* QtMHpr JUT; Pecember >7.17 *mm *»ta; *** VIM. mr '* - ■ **■'.‘it * ' '■■L.t ‘ - THE GOLDSBORO NEWS UXATED AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMEB STREET IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION - , * a— ■■ r- • I INYKRTIUATIHH TO START TOHAT Fort Worth, July Ml- 1 4.rend Jury investigation of lk« otaptag of O. H. Hhlpp by tha Rot. J. Frank Harris, Baptist mtaMer iad faadaweaUlht leader, will (tart U marrow. Ilf. HI err I* remain •d vilest tonight, be amde a Mask, at denial of Interview* and state ment* attributed te him by sev eral agencies. “1 kav* made ae statement since that lo Ike district attorney and I have near ta malm," he said. PASTOR TO GO ON TRIAL TODAY Dr. Cluppuß, of AxWrifle lg CluwfHd With Im morality HUteavilte. July It—Methodist mlalatera aaaembled here tonight U> augulre latg. the of 1 -»—«-s»ldLj sgalaat one of thetr naaher. the Rev. Ashley t'heppell, of Asheville. ", . The aagutry Ik la tha lunujd au u dealest leal court hr which thirteen pastors of the Western North Carolina conference of , tha Methodist Episco pal Church. South, will alt aa court and jury Is to begin tomorrow mora ’ug at 9 o'clock. | The loclde.pt on whßh tha accuea iloa against Or. Chappell la listed oc curred In Memphis. Teas., last May luring the session of the General Con ference of his church, which be at tended. The' minister was arrested sad charged with disorderly conduct aa a result of a police raid. Complete iaooceace of any charge of any wrong doteg is asserted by the Asheville pastor, who soon afjer the affair stated la bis defense. Accus tomed lo take long walks for exercise, the statement set forth, that on tha particular evening be went for a bike about the streets of Memphis, a city of which ha waa little familiar. la hla walk, his statement aald. a chronic physical disability betmota acuta and be waa at once In agonised pain and In fear of bis lift. Help was tt once needed, and he sought aid In 4 house which a few minutes later, waa entered by a squad of pyilcemaa. At the police siatloo. l>r. (hap pen* statement ascertained and Mem phi* police records show, the minster gave the name of Hmltff. Later be made explanations to the officers and gave hla true name. Bewilderment because of the unusual circumstances caused him lo glva tha name Hmltb. the statement said. ►Discover New Plot To Dynamite Jail Chicago. July -A second plot to bomb the Cook county Jail housing some *OO prisoner* waa re ported tonight by officials lavaatlgat jlng tbs explosion‘of a tjyaamlls bomb l■•Hr* Vj • fed ter feat* an** -a pan oFa *rw.t, c j I'barate several prisoned* accused of murder A guard whose name waa withheld raid that he had been cut In on a crossed telephone w’re by mistake and overheard a man believed lo he - prisoner say “We’il get l|AplaCe next tlm» by going at K fnSn th state ffNfcrneyhi side of the. |>y|Mins tad there jron*t he any slip." • te Attempts to link the bombing with ■ eceat reports that liquor waa being smuggled Into the Jail were made hy teveatlaatnra thM afternoon. The Chicago Crime commission In a atata *>••* bald the ahatiff and the warden responsible for conditions and declar tart "ctWhdmq— agoh as ratvaqjad Ml il ban, at lilaHdii ifiii r w — 1 -derr.. ■* ; f RADIO “GYM” FOR EARLY RISERS (; ■ U F* te H i-SfT-£r£ sSLTS i nZ: ' j ETwi.’S 231 of Ud at «:3T) { itatloh, TjCAa«!nh.rdt oda«k M the morning and begin director <>f physical sfuaati m at ’ “ I Cwtral Y. M. C. A n Chicago, in -* au *. tansker—tuned in to conducting his matutinal radio I'oqirt* **Oaq, Two sxercise a)aaa WAYNE RANKS 45TH IN PER CAPUA ON EDUCATION S»M)t 121.90 |»* r jd 1924-25 and Paid Ttmekmn AvWH kr ot Ag Againal WkyM County (pent ,t*l.M upon each white child In school In the county during the eenalon of lhM-a. rcordlng to eUtlatlcs given In State School Facte. Thr statistics were ttade gp from the raport of County Superintendent J. T. Jerome, rohy (oar countie* In the State paid more par child—for education during the name period than did Wayne. During the name period the cltv of Goldsboro spent Ml M per while , child, Goldsboro I* llalr<T In group number two and compared with Hnliu bury, Wilaoa. Elisabeth City. Gpe ‘onla. New Bern Heqdernon. Concord and Rocky Mount. Only one city In thla jiroup paid more per child for education than (ioldaboro. Thgt city la Salisbury which paid tlf.'Jd pej whita child. Wayne county spent Just about ooe-lhird aa much par child for no ■ro children aa It apent for white chlldreu. Th* amount apent on the education of each negro child dur Ing 1N24-J5 was s7*l. Sixty-four ol the one hundred countlea of North f arollna apent more per for it* negro children In the aame year than did Way no. Ootdaborn apent something better than one-half aa much on IU negro • Commencement Os i Bible School Held ■ The commencement of the Ilatlv Vacation Bible school at Danlela Chapel haa been held. The pupils, 'ome fifty Ip number, gave a demon stration to thr older people of the community, showing by charts and formation aome of the thing* which thav bad learned during the achool. Th# egrrclees were highly by the large audience which had gather ed for th«y occasion „ Th# achool'era# well attended and ■*' N - »*’ r •*+’■' V' ‘ rwpfoewtrwN* •'da**. V «* M§. o'clock with Ihrte dlrialon*. meeting the girl* of public achool age and o'der were under the Instruction of Rev. A A Kylea. Assistant paatnr of the church. The hoya of the earn* ag* were under the Inatrurtlon of Rev. Robert F. Brown, Ihe pastor, and the little tola were carvd for by Mlaa Rertbit < aaey. .Second olaga ea were called at eleven o'clock. At fleven-lhlrty a short period devoted to alining ended the daya activities. , lawrtMe, Maas , July ID, —When a policeman suddenly flashed a light I close to the sleeping eye* of George, deaf and dumb veteran of the Werid War. fitbba was a* at a noted <tg| fen' GOLDBBORO. N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 20. 1926 - \ . children as It db| on lu white chjf dren. 'lhe cos* per capita tor negro children wn# Ild.M. Aa la Ihe ranh In comparison with other uchoole In city group two, Goldsboro takes sec ond place. A The average salary paid whll* . wachjra In' North Caryltaa was ig 35.11. Wayne county trachera were pidd on an average of $«H4.14, which ,**■ 1M0.17 leaa than the average Nagro teacher* were paid an average of 1155.41 In the stole. Wayne coun ty paid IU negro teechera *3S6 6T whbh waa fDg.M kaa than the aver- Mte. Th* auttstlra given In Slate School Facts show that 3U15.403.M Waa paid to white teacher* In Wayne for the year t»24 »6; that 1W.J13.75 waa paid to negro teachers; that In the city of Goldsboro *71.731.64 waa .paid to white Vachera; the* In fhdcity of Goldsboro 121.M6.01 waa paid to ne gro teachers; that, the nantbur of e/hlte t* arhrra In Wayne county at • hat t>me waa 162; (hat the number |ef colored leat hers in the rounty waa 71: that the number of white tCacb tra In Goldsboro waa Sf. »W"t lh« mimiier ot o«gro teachers In Golds -1 boro waa 3R. , * 1 Freeman Case Goes To Jury —■■.a. a. a Charlotte, July.. I*. t/P) The r« S c of Nellie Preomau admitted was ten • * night In the hands of the Jury. The deliberation began nl 5: >0 ml* after. ; isooft) after -Judge Ultcha.-I Schenck had delivered a lengthy marge. Ar gument* *er< delivered by Jake If. Newell of counsel and (•'rank li McKltuli of llfßg»|irdt>iciilion *'|a she crasyT" Mr Mr Mach Caked In hi* arguments. ".No more-'than I. There » > * - W • v ■»«<*,'•» man* tit* NhdflbiA ■,.* Ts hut of-Makati ' The atforuey rhurai • lerf.-ed th? defendant "an, a< lre«a, a tlgerexa a d’inon. a *ane woman '. FIND liftAb MAN IN COAI, GONDOLA Mentphi*. Tenn , July It. Police here l<{d*i were endeavoring to *•* taldlah ihe Idenltt a white mu. believed to have been murdered by robber*, whose body waa found late 1 Saturday Ip an Itllaoia Central cr.al | car. The rar had been attached on a freight tohAn Us** sarnie from little ( ville. Ky. » to be* loved the man was .gbflt g|id HMMNI hU* the ear. r m : . Vj •• , COIINTY gets 4 . SUM TO USE IN MOTHER’S AID • • «* Ammc 74 CiwUn With Con tracts With State— ” Gets If 78 Maleigb. July 19.—(AP)—quota* to-, tailing $94,111.77 bar* been appor tioned taoui tit the seventy four counties wlUch have wJgned oontracta lor Mother's AM work, uyi the mantk J) bultotls of the North Care itua Slata hoard )of Chart tie. and Public Walters. Way a* maty (eta M7I. ’ . Tha money waa distributed a par capita baala and so after! waa made •o Increase tha number of epuntus part let—tteg, up tba bulletin an the arw aaortt xwd ropratsnt only a allcbt tacraaaa over last year Mccklvaburg lad other oosntlaa with ■a appropriation of 9L594; c.ojh ,«» followed with 91.11 l and Fttreytb was third wtlb $1,341 i ‘Ala total la slightly larger tbla dttr to the flv* par caat deduction wbtcl< waa take* fro* ail ateta appropri ations not bring made tbla year. Tba «uotaa % are aa follows; Alamance SM9; Allagbaay IU6; Anson >440; Aaba 9336; Arary *164. Haaufort 14*1; Bertie 997*’. Bfcdet 9907; Brunswick —3l; Buncombe It. 00*; < a barms $994; Caswell $144. Catawba, 9634; Chatham 9370; Chero kaa $334; Chowan sl*6; Craved 9491' CUy 979.37; Cleveland $993; Colon, r bla *4**; Cumbarlaad 9*46; Dare flO4. Davison s6*7; Davie 9111; Duplin 1469; Durham 9466; Kdgecombe 16*0; Forsyth 11.201; Franklin 9414; Oas ton |79€: nrdbani $75; Oraovllle 1417; at-eewe 9363; Oullford 11.333; Halites fWt>; Harnett 9365; Hay wood 1166. Hertford 9440; Iredell »590; John ■tou 9661; lanolr 1469; LeetfM; lib coin 9377; Macon |300; Madison 1313; McDouall 1360; Mecklenburg $1 264: Moore 9333; Nash 9631; New Han over l*$l; Northampton 1344); Pan quotank 9374; Pender 9339; Person 9394; ’htt 9709; Pork 9137; Randolph 1479; Richmond 9397; Robeson 1149; Uocktngham 9696; Rowan |6t4; Ruth erford $499; Bcoutland 9*43; Stanley 1436; (lurry $604; Union 1500; Vam-e 1364; Wake #1,199; Warren 9336; Watauga 1209; Wayne 9675; Wilkes 1607 and Wllaon 9671. Cottan Flea Is Invading State Haletrh. July 19.--BP)- A»f cotton lieu Is now reported nt present In all count>es from Htivlby to ttocklnshani end from Rockingham to Raleigh. fol lowing u recr-nl »>(>u(.tdg survey Just completed My federal and Htate en lomoloulsts. say* Dr. K. W. lodhy, en tonioloqlkt far the stale ilcp.iMni-nl , of agriculture. This ne*. cotloii |Hst hits not In flicted severe’ Injury to Ihe holtoni < nips, except In a very, few csses ( assorts Dr. lulhy. The preliminary pettmate ru.it. hr the entomologists places Ihe ilarnaae at about e'ghl per (•nt. In some fields, however' It la ’t il that «s high us so p vr cent of the Imtioin crop has been destroyed. Dr. lylbv would not «*» that Injilr Its to riute Inflicted by the flea would .iffeet the general cotton rPId for the t'.ar lie Pointed out. however, that -a tuas ui Uu. hrutoni exun would lit. if **&''** k* , luitnu ~t Iff erp* tfee opluloti tliHt Ihe 'njury hr the flee would prnhatily Increase during Ihe next fortulsbt. r.KIK. FA, TiIKM JtTJCPR TO HAVE Ol,llim IKO* WtRNMir Krle, Pa, July 19 4’lvjc organise tf>ng handed together today to save for thirdly the Wnitofme. oldest 1 1 mi clad warship In the world, how lying at Steel pier here Senator George Wharton Pepper and ' Representative Milton Wm Hhcve I tit roititced hills In their re elective h< uses at the last aesali% of t’ongreae which would permit Erie Ip rvuta Ihe. old vsa»«l hut they were Mat acted upon, ' ****, ’ t ,-r" *•* n r am Asked Two Members If i They Were Representing “Northern Interests” 'IA". . C , ‘ 4 leiRRY 1L THAW IN MW ROLE Saw lark Jaly 14-(AP) Rgrry IL Thaw waa botag acclaimed at Leng Ranch as a hern today, aL thaagh ha Ins Is tad that “ha didn’t 4« a dnrn Ihlng" It aU mm ahaal when a man «ka» name tha Ufa guard AM aa4 knaw gtt late traahl# whßa swimming in tha •Ml >9O teat fra* share. Ha enU ad far help and a IHa yard braaghl hi* In. Thaw, wha waa spending lb* week-end at a L*| beach bated, want tw tha Mte guard’s assistance aa ha anted •hare aad ha helped the* to land, la s Joking -Hv* »e*ecßl friends of Thaw slapped hint aa tha kauk sad railed hint a Ipra. Tba erewd heard aad lha ward synad Mho wildfire that Thaw had iqiiail a ataa front drawling, and nntkiag M was able la any ran Id change I lha aplntan as tba rrawd. 1/rAL PEOPLE MAY SEE RODEO AT EXPOSITION c- International ClunipiMMfctpa Featured Through Jkijr SI , Por VMilan ommmrnmmmmmm i A number of Goldsboro people will tbla weak have the opportunity of ••••Ing the Intemtloaal Rodeo which - Inbrat lon la l‘hlladalphla through Juiy 31. Among tbs Ooldsboro cltt raas who are In Philadelphia ter tht celebration now are: Mr. aad Mra. R T. Cosart. Mry O. M. Braadla aad ■'hlldrsa. All the daring and aklll of Amarteaa owboy* will bo noadod to a tend off ho determined rbalMngag of Mexican nd Canadian rtdora and ropora whr ire coming In foroe to tha World's Championships In tha International tod co con teats. No Mexicans has aeretoCere wan >na of tboae championships. Neither ima a t'snsllao. Only almoa-pura 144 yer cent American "bronco beaters" and ropers have been crowned su preme in tha rpwboy sports that coa st But* a resdro program Mexico, Ihe home of the rodao. haV * I wavs maintained that aha could 'ak* home these tltl*a any lima she dar'ed. The big rodeo In the Heequi '■■• tcnulal Btsd'um under tha dlrec ••m of Kr*d Beelug' is the place #e • (ted by chstuplons for tlia„auprine effortlr * The K-el rider* of Mexico with 'heir heat horse* are coming In 4roupa. They are salting no favors •<» expensea, nothing at all except ( fair shot at the ehampiouahlp titles. And the Canadians are coming, too. .’(Make the measure of Hobby Ashfta. i*Jtddy It yen. Mike" Hastings. Frank' Met mi roll and the rest of the hitaklad wild rank 4P the top of the heap In lirom o'*9Tdlng. steer-wrestling, ateer riding relay raHng. roping . and all •re entered for the contests. TO IHHI K PROGRf.hS EDITION r.rernshoro, July 19.- The Greens , lerojhllr News will put out a "pro ricsn" edition of Ha paper sometime duitite August, The edition will feature tha pro ’ cress of the slat* In vsrtoua phases in the laal quarter of a century. Th» vice-chairman of the atate hoard of tha rules and Public Wel fare. A. W. McAlister, of Greensboro will conrlbate an article on the pro ;r*aa which baa been made In pub ’ lie,welfare work, aa one of the ar ticles wh>ch will compose iRe edition "T'™”"""' I "iK&v. if rß|<||| y f DISPATCHES ’] - - »•- ■ —XiAk U“ , , PMCBmaanm i lneideat Ip i jt Wmma Ng>, s - Uov*r»or McUm ntttss tfon •ikm t gr M ihWlrtl'ttMH sat hum which raqaegtad JRu >tiir«#[ M woman la Industry hy’ Mga «f the women rfaint— Ibu mlttss ol wamau add— 4— duvetaor Melons aa—l —g||PpN— o ask tha aurvay. q stun issued a atat—dMß 4—IN—IK when tba govarnaf —gt d—hd.lbil^EA^ 'ey to hr atgda %| sh- dune through Ra a—dßl—d v*®> * sonnsl as might ha INH—V. aas da Anilely ondsMkMiwSß ';|gc patted Us dlreat— off tR— Apt—W"' that when lha OovartMff—Pw IMV U— question about r*pr«M—f interests "My ladtgg—#— sl*o— me lor—l gw a—jM** commit tar rapraaaatlgg |k— Ah. that -wa a-9 : —1.t0 Ua U<rvs r nor that Ika H-lfWlgll W* ba re port ad on Ike RA— iff9b» — b> rsntton of tba fadaraH- - «*—• U tha aarvay waa grant— »-• (orty-elgbl boura U wag g—aC” Ik* t port of tba tnault who ngl mods Ua r adarntlo. wkMb ARP— 4 Ml lays Inter. Dr. Carroll i. M 0 ili»—l -M k*‘ ‘»o I—g oaateewaag w— Ur om mil lag'bad had wttk —A o—B— v-r. not dim usaloon a i —g—ad tbs aurvay Asm attimpla k—pgft O com pal tba of—aa kg a— — ak wa wog«« ha satfadad by |k R Oar ur." .ad “Wa -attend *OMr 4k •crept g aurvay directed kp RMk gbd we told tba Oovateor ag Rtetelr Ahd • mpbatlcally." Dr. Carroll said “Oovurgor Mtffa«a would not bare da rad Igg—t a— maa t. lb* state of Nartb Cagollbg With that question. Abe saM —a toM a public statanmat should feg g*da aa Governor McLean baa *N(RM faMh with us by forclag E. t. Cdortar M ag bead of the aurvay after Nt — settle refusal to aconpt him aa dkmgter." Dr. Coopar aald —at ter ago— yaaro the child Walter* ComaM—Mb bd4 employ ad Mr. Coopar imiMPi of- Acer aad had found Ms pa—MMagmaa of duties hUtbly accepubto agdTtbar. hgil O—lr*. r It-itß ■*w IMit v ' Kr enry or dereliction of a- «a.r (’OffPI.ETR R. L TOW* M>r«n rt an car Mapelvtllr, R. I, Jaly 14. -Rvary inch of this lows has —** dMd- Henry E Beak, of P—R—Sk« o—a, made tha purchase. IRA firing mag 1200.604. The purrhassr la aaM fg— the Htlllwaler Worsted MBI as riavllla. R. I. The sale footed- MRM—ff'ip - the lews. 64) dwaUfofa. t*g —cal store, two bosrdtasb—a,tero|— mills, and a number f—-Big M*Mde •»g* 71 * ~ * J I 1 y

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