»* • v" .*■ .f* • I : ■ igM rajnramf||MMMMh I V ■' ,4 ***** _ mm„m 111 j—»j 'rn wmmmim T ■\ • -#i **► j rjt_ ||j| j|jj| Hs ■ ■ ■ ■ M ■ ■( ra v ■■ra■ Vra V M p ■ ■ u n ra J[ II . '!■ 11^11 llml I I I*l 111 1 W pfl jH bH Jl jmJ* Jjjp ifULi JH JH JIL jL JIL 1 —O— —q o —o~ Q o —o— 0 t t a t t -■ 4 § _. (fpHnian Juiy Continues Deadlocked In“ Razor” Case -m-w . ■ * >PMWjP>ir | monism «—_ * BrtMteß D«jjßTj|jUc»l gfctdi MIM )Ml|M a( tb* jSw Carotin* t» A number •S tw. ** A mm satMM tfi*’ fWy t j- a n»fJatlr PC » .',1% *MI *WWiI tk* reports wttk iF n jL,,T» l ni "* ** 4^*rt m pTOWoey so ipmyMsJ t» JP t«Bt *Ot to I* coos tk tks Dr.. Oofck v to « OMOibor t tbs Oso taHeol MMstr M AjooHco. Um Ms- >n J g4 iistloM v% iboo s^^^b ■m»i>i ptoOMMM to rortoos ports at tto tolT' * If lbs otobt »bs ssssrs oa reports Istolol, fir. Stooksr sold. Dr. Goto'* 1 toil— OKI to of creot rohM. - -- - - ( 4 * '^‘ J *> Tex Rickard * To Re-marry --1 .. «kls— ** «U-Tts Kicksrd. for tad prorest »r of son# of ths Mntst < total boots 0 reemt psora. Is to re- tporry « 1 Tbs brtds to to to so boo nerd wklls tors orroactod tor tto Dorepoop-Ttao* 1 OOP dsorepl ire skip go. Is Miss Morins { Moipos. IS. b Chiracs drl sad o for tosr setrsps whit k« too known for 1 clabt poors. Rickard s first wlfs dlsd lost Oc- 1 tabor ttop red toon nrarrtsd » < t*sn aad Iksir oalp chMd. 0 <■« sta tor. Kspoil, died Ip IMP. Mrs. Rlfcb nrd was a cloos IWlowsr of oil broacto of sport. , * - I •s rew* . • ~, i 4ih€yfllf poctor I *■ Is On Trial Rslstpb. P«tp Jd.—At noon Tosodop (to Stats Sored of Modi cal Rosraln on bod pot raotbsri tto tolob of s . toortap tote oborpos ppolast Dr. *. *'■■ P. CPrrOM. pf bohrriHs. wtalch hoorlnc Id tolas ooadoolod socratop lo tto air pr si tor toM boro. . \ Tbs ohpppoo fbtolm fir CoProll s ’ ooadoet of too spattoHure ooor AsPs ▼llls. Alloppllopo boro bora mods lint thb pkjstslaP's asadort towards - xT!i.'s*.ii'^)r*<i.*''"'' Mrs. KPto torr Johnson, bond of tto stalo Board of Chsrtoos and Ptablts TlklhfS. lo pash Imp tto sc si not tto pbystoss. aad has onIM oa Alto mta tonoral Doaalo«. Pram toMto to potadlpt lm allscotlono ora boinc dsnlod to 'U* A V BNKIW I4UI toraaMnptoa. Jolp to.-—(AP>—Lrennd bold Iff krohofs aad danism In Now torb dtp reashbor banks of tbs Ito sral toaorrs Ppstore sreraatod to |l* dPIJSftod *ar tto wook sadtag Jolp U *—, lr,< »• dMNJdtoto (re tto ffwdw WH& Xa yp til toll »are.i >4— i’,- Ja r **’ . . d'w? J■; '*- V . ... «.,j ■Jt ■? . •« A • ... , ...:■ J& toiJMfeiji iktajir' vSMSan%Smr' stsw*. vjmppji»Jr.;rr’ wx« wmir*f reHto < mm ' jH m mm flß ■ fl| Mm . Htao AT NO. no SOUTH JAMES STREET IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SRCTtON TESTIMONY OF HB WIFE CORROBORATED PASTOR’S STATEMENTS IN DEFENSE z to +-* InHiffleieat Evidence In Cue Jre. Wton Mi allot srMo— has not pot boon. lire Xoftoreoa austsrp oass» fir frond Jatp doolarad fit a report to toporloi Conrt Jadpo Cvoooh too tsdop. Tto report moda* Tto grand fan has had presspj od to R dre to» srldnti Ip tto pfispod ktdsspptay of AJreoo torepto Mcftasrass aad tod ttaore Is lore litre t srMsaw rare was sahreKtod to too dread Jarp. A. L. Raps hutraotod than oa tto laws aad toft there LOCAL BATTERY TO RECRUIT / -. .. ■■ -i ■ r ■? ' ' . 0 Barbacw Tlianrtay Night tad Cares Starts A—wrt •*« V- 4M 1 utiunti Bnttsrr A of tto llttb PloM Ar|ll-‘ lorp rootordop aftsrnooo sUrtsd a campaign tor too recruits to hrlnp ths laoal company up to strensth aa- Ikortaad. Tto recruiting toot has hssn pitch Vi oa orator strset, nsar Walnut sad recruiting will rontlapo a mil tks repaired (umksr Is aocur sd. Set W. C. Crawford will to la chars# of ths recruKlss teat. In Isas thsa two wssks bow tto MMuraap coos to tort Brace at to psUsrtlfs tor a two-wosks’ snesmp msat and manooursra. Ths sacaare rat ksfliia August 2 sad sataads. itrough August IS. Forty or slaty of ths Jocal toys will rehkr tks trip sad srs looking forward to a great ttsso. To atlreaAato ik« recruiting cam ps tenths member* of tbs battery will gather Ip^ksjarmory on Thursday ora alng at s barbecue. Members of tto organisation will prepare the food tor th« occasion Tbs approaching ea oarepresat will he discussed aad an address Will be made by Mayor R. O. HolloweU captain la ths Field sad Staff of the 2nd. Battalion Moabsrs.of ths battery requir ed to attend 4> drills a year, for which privates rOcetra |T2 sad SIS tor tto time In camp, making s to* tsl of |S7. Private* first class draw DMAS par year, corporals fIIS.SP. sergeants 1125.4*. and first sergeants 12*0.40 i UFTKSTMIATKS IMU'BLK KITIDIK Macon, Oa.. July 20.—(AP)—A grind jury today began an invesllgs tlos Into the double murder July Id of E. W (Wilson sad his flaacee. Hil da Smith, who wars shot to death re they eat la an automobile on a lone ly read aner here. Bd. Olover. a negro, has confessed the crime, saying ha shot the cou ple la aelf-defoase. Uloser yesterday . was formally. MW*-' ■**. •* " -ff *i sworn out ta municipal court. la a* statement last night Olover told police aa<T newspaper men that ha bams upon the couple while be was hosting rabbtts. Wilson, ha said, naked his compan ion for hla pistol, and Olover. believ ing ha was shout to dre. dtaecharged hla shotgun at Wilson. Helhen re loaded sad shot Mias Smith. WHKAT CARRY OVER Washington. July M.—(A.P.l—Ths carry-over of old wheat was estimated bp the federal crop reporting board at ftAOMrt b«abate, as of July 1, com pared with dMM.MO bushels a pear and 1M42440* bushels two years * U iilam flfilh«iig" tj> it , iiiif" •-a.. ■ VenMct Ckflee An Un usual Case and Dr. (Chappell Will Now Return to Pastorale ‘Mat—A*. J«*y Mm. (AP>—•Tire Brer. AM* CIurHU D. a, RMtre of Um (mUmrUi CdMtiml Mrtko#rt diorcfci of Aalre rtSto woo tmd ml cwßty by » c>orch court which tridi htaß ioSßjr oa r rborcc k if tamreraUty. Tkd chaq* waa rest aftar Hr. CboMgtfl waa ar raotaC la a ihrerAarty HKIjR la Tiarepbla hat May dariav tire. Gamral Caafer onca of tba Saatbora Motho ilst CkwcA. la area chart* a4 with ilrerireiy cawiaet by tha pattca who caaght hr wire Uwy raMad Um fir/Ajjjlfrg dsfspsa WAS Uut to Tr«« It physical dtfset which on used Mm extreme agony, lb n state pent to piMl to was taking a walk la Mnmphl* when one of the attacks seised him sad that ha went Into tto brans to remain until ths attack was over. While there the bouse was raid ed and to wan arrested. Tbs verdict returned late tonight by tto ehnrch court means that Dr. Chappell will to reinstated Immsdi- Ately as pastor of ths Asheville church from which bo was suspended pend ing the result of tto trial. Tbs verdict waa announced at 10:03 tonight. The proceedings were held behind closed doors. Dr. F J. Pretty gtoa. of Gastonia, chairman of tto court. It oanouaclag that tha sitting wnn to ha told behind closed doors explained that this wns the custom of tto church. Ths deliberation of the trial bhdp. ha raid, waa “the business Os tto church and not of ths world.” Chappell, wife of the minister, was (tailed oa to testify. Her friend* said that bar testimony eoa- Brmed ths testimony of her husband concerning Ms walking habit and phy sical defect The public and newspaper report ers'Were excluded from the trial qf Her. ('happen Tuesday before a board of the Western North Carolina con ference of tto Methodist Episcopal Church. South. _ Is explaining ths exrcuMve session of tha court. Dr. P. J. Preitymsn. chair man of Me hearing, declared that In closing the doors he wns following a custom of ths (teurch In sM#h matters. Ruslnons of Churrk "We hold that our business Is tbs business of the church and not ibe business of the world.” said the chair man. who was chaplain of tha United Mates toasts during tHs ndmlntstrm-' lions of Roosevelt and Wilson. * Dr. Chappell pending trial os a charge of Immorality, has been sag pended from his paste As of-the f*«b- Am* 80A~4JtokA to ■tasita He has Mserted his Innocence of wrong doing As a preliminary to the trial Dr. Pretty mas mads an oral statement to the trial committee explaining the pur pose of ths seosion and the nature of the body. "We are held not of our own choice, but called* by the churcii to consider a matter tglikh calls for tto I exercise of our hlghset Christian qua!- ' Ities," be raid ”Wa would resent any Insinuation ' that our actions are Influenced by any consideration or self Interest. We are hold to cam out tbs lash which tto church has committed to our hands. , gaped r*r Acquittal >| -Wa grp. toM |a qswaldar Ip rsgW* , ***** 0$ ***** 1 ♦'** : * . iQOUHBOaO, R Cw WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY SI, ISSt i j. i ■■. l.- - Governor WIN Not Reply To (figes oTbr. D. D. Carroll UM Mr (A- Lean kora art Inland lo answer ths lattegk mads against Mm by Dr- Delta Mum Carroll or ta rater Into aay controversy with tor, to taUmalsd Tuesday morning- "1 have nothing whatever to say atout tto m»U*r," slated tto go recant. ,£ The governor's sllraci wra fr orly prrdlcatrd by hla associates, sP jI whom claim that H is not la keeping w u. H a dignity of his oCte* to enter Into a debate with a woman toncer* lag Us or tor reraclly. Governor McLean said to- had not framed his answer to tee several pro teste to baa received from various women's oigaalaattons stpee ha called off lbs surrey. jLm 1 Miss Pearsml Found > Dead In Bed Frloada who wool yesterday morn ing to cnU MIM -Deity Pnarenl M breakfast found tor dead in bed. Mira Poorest, aged M years, was visiting Mrs. Saunders on Dalny street. Bhe seemed ns usual when she retired tor thejnlght, hat at mis o'clock aha caiudslfs. Atundera and Said she was sick. A little later she said she fait better and would sleep all right. A member, at Ufa MmUy weal to her room whqp she failed to come to breakfast apd found her dead. It 1n thought must have died about tour or o'clock. Funeral gprvlcea will hr copdurted at the First Baptist Church to S:*> this afternoon. \ Rev. 'At J- will be ta charge. Interment will be ta Wlllowdale Omrtery. ‘* •> The deceased la survived by one •later and four brothers, Mrs. K. J. Britt, of Richmond, Messrs Jl 1., R. M. and BHiert Pearsall of (hit city, and Albert Pearsall, of Rich mond. Dr. Norris Wants Trial For KUling Fort Worth, July M.--(PV -A d« mand that the grand Jury Indict him for the killing tam Saturday of D. K ChlppT. Fort Worth lumberman, so that he can have a aod open chance to be cleared was made here today by Rev. J. Frank, Norris Dr Norris la charged by complaint with the murder of Chlpps who wae allien In the office of the First Bap tist c*jurch when he railed to protect ugatast an attach by the paster un Mayor H. C. Mearhsm kod others. The fear that ths Jary which began Its InveMinetlon today srrald "no bill" him and thus prevent Mill ac quittal on the charge of murder wav expressed by Dr. Norris ta a repre sentative of the Aseofltated Frees. The pastor said that It was the wish of h.mself and congregation that be be Indicted. One of the wltnenses examined was D. H. Nutt, deacon ta Norris' church, who saw Chlpps killed. Fifth Brother Is Killed By to Electricity 4t*. > . '•(■> luT;! n Haroldaoft .of Darlington. H. C,| was almost Instantly killed Monday after noon when he tried to open a switch at Ibe top of a pole carrytes » 4.4** volt wire slid few seconds later fell from the pole striking tils', head on Ibe pavement. - Harotdaon was employed by the Phoenix Ptibllc nillllee Company of Aahevllls. was married and leave* his wtdo w and throe rhitdrea who are sow residing ta Darlington. He la the firth brother ld~he killed by electricity aad la ih* third victim nC Mgh srttera rtrea atran Ito Phom * oflßfMi m hi A4niiitj •Ml (HMr Mk| Um Hum, dfj LOCKED UP AGAIN WITH 10 FOR ACQUITTAL AND 2 FOR MANSLAUGHTER ‘When Do You Suppose It Will End .* Defend ant Aak» * n rharW>u«. Jaly Ik.—lWtllhg to readh a decision after further »o—lderption of th* Nellie Freeman eaei. Ik* W M hair girl w'ho la oe Ulal charged with nlaahlng Her huahead to death With e raaor, Ike Jury, eraa ordered locked ep for tke eight. Mow loeg the Jury my he kept laapMneHed la entirely lu tie deecretlon of Judge T-*- —Tke My kid the cap* yee terday aftaruoon at l:M. Charlotte. July N.—The Jury ta tke raae of Mra. Nellie rreemaa, Taaor girl* who slew her ueakead. Allan rreemaa. on the night of May It. w** atltl deadlocked today after a night of deUkerattea. - Judge Mtehart Hchenck. who dell awed a charge of aa hour and thirty ailautea to tke Jary.'hai not indicated thin morning what time he eapected a report from that body no it pro greened. Tie Jury went out el £ yeeterday afternoon after a day apoat in hear ing argument of couaoal and a apodal charge. At tea e'cleok last alght they ba« not agreed and Judge Bchenck or dered them to bed. The twentr-reaIWMA eleyar who told the Jury eke cut her young kuebaad’e throat when be threatened to deaort bar aaxiouety waited the verdict In her cell la the couatqr Jett. Today the lobby of the telwya hotel waa crowd ed aa the Jury bed beenjent there for their dellberattone. fe Jury eeat word to Judge Schenck at I* o'clock Utle morning that there wa* no pros pect of aa early agmcment and re* queued permlealoo yp coailaue thdr deliberations at the hotel. The Judge ln&uc<ad Sheriff Cochran to remain there - until aftaf lunch If nd verdict had been reached. A report gained wide currency to day that tea Jurore stood tor acquit tal and iwo for a manelaugbter charge The court room wae crowded aa to lereuted persona »«|M the verdict Aa th« «rowd gaffeM around the court house, the Jury eoaltoued lu de liberal tone. -My this lea good root,’' the d* fendaut eatd. "1 wae Urod eftcr the! time in court. When do you auppoie they wgl enjJ It?- ehe naked. Crazed Officer* , Shoot 4;Tlub 8 Muehogee. Ohio., July JO. (AP)— Four person# were »hot and wounded, two eertouety, and eight others «Wir» ly clubbed by two Utah ogee officer* who early today became craied by li quor secured In raids and raa amuck la two hotel*. The officer*. Paul Devtg, a deputy sheriff, end Von Oemack. city dotr tire, ran about tl»s ball of the.hotels battering down door* and firing at gueatwa a* they lay la bed. Mhea their ammunition became ezhaoaUd t%* j % ■mashed windows and flsturvr* Fellow officer*, responding to '» viol call, were forced to ahoot Deri* Several lime* In a light lo overpower him Hl* condition la critical. ' On mack w*a temlly aubdued and placed la Jail. * - 11 'I -- ’ ' " " fM in: THUII.M HI HI M INTO lb FKKT Os R ITK« - . • ’ '*»• Washington. July 3d.—A man aad| a boy narrowly escaped drowning la | tha Pamlkw rtrer at 9: JO yesterday 1 morning, when Ihdr amall coupe ran jig UmdffM draw |ato II feet of ws w » r r * r “’ r - ■». LpgffnfSnp. afff (he >H» Jem** a» »« t* .uoe pUce. J I , I -V, . " ema—o-. McLean Regrets Survey Had To Be Called Off toMgk. Jaly M.—llfc n Mini- V teutffhf addressed to Ira. B. L. ' MeEae* prsaMml of the berth I'gnltag fed wall so at Wsomu** ad* bb dmhS had compelled Mm In enH elf the I+uZSJ'ml earns *f remmleeiew he eh-dee the noth. LAei Snlngffni*» Motorswep, mU ih. letter. Min * .Hdonl Ihot the com mbit on wne In n In** an a l»* t* ene Mi and gag nttempi tn gn an wNfc Mm enrvnj uenM knot king MMli<n> Hn maJscHy wne right Any *mny •tagßes new id have bang Mb and weald hare sensed n ***** *f HMH In IIMM." mrpt hl make k nSiff behn*9ne made agnlMl Mm ky wmnan *f Ike ffiMwii —eaUM _ OLD SOI SCORED KNOCKOUT TUE& « FounUlna and Panlg DM IMh tng Bamtaam Old sol scored a knockout tn Ootdp boro yesterday. •" After aearty a weak of wkat waa described aa ideal waatkerT aebhpr tint warm Imr too cold, tke amrenry ilaaccd die Gbarlestoa Monday mom lug end then on yeaterday. took a aaal somewhere near the top of the ther mometer. It waS|a hot day. Bod* foentaln* and swimming ppet* were th* clfy'e moot popular laetl union* (that's a good Word to gae la th* summer time) 'throughout the nay. Bode fountain proprietors did h good business, while crowds of moa. women and > hlldren flocked to th* various swimming pool* for a splash. Os course, they went la to the hop* id cooling off. AmM they did for • time. f The weather wee again the out standing topic for conversation la I rug store*, hotel lobbies, on street .•are end wherever buamn brings eon rregaled. It wan being dbcuaeed. PJWr the flapper, eccentric person, who I* supposed lo be wdhout worries, whs terrlblv perturbed over the situation fh* discussed li la detail with say body who would give her an ear. " Yea. It was a hot day la the old lowa. Testify On Behalf Os Convict Bom Alhemarte, July JO.---The de fense In the trial of Nevln C. Cran ford. former convict tent wag ocenpi «h' « ' prosecution puardhaa ta« t*raafwr< w,a« implicated la the death of aig coovtcte. The first witnesses testified that | the foyiper hoe*, who Is on trial tor i the murder of eli negro convict* wet not reeponalbie tor the death of three convict*. Test Ha* ay le eapected (4 he introduced tomorrow istaltup le tbs remaining three convict* Wit ness#* stated that two of lb* convicts | died from disease and that the third I was seen In Neahvtll* several month* J sgn after he was supposed te bo dead, ep, j , , ' Thg preeldryt elgand ,a | marketing bill kflffm stagliag pu bb i vacation. Hu: *hs tobacco growers are restgaed to their fate, and no L i.*™, tVl ■ m ~ j? fIIMP A.TfV a ■ '’fWFprr —» A-WV QKfWyMf Q <3Mgggw J i r MZ5|-iniHg' iW Rickard dtoherai mMiMiIHh to my thg| to fight J Market!. MM IM |,ms f^_ *ew**wsisp*—»—» —*e^Wme . -i .. „p . - acHvny eunag #mw* no- mgIPRP^ *?.ddd. lkg.kdff op hour* per epiodM MNHIt «MjMi 7JM.MUII or #» arpNff* of to* were operated at MM MMPffM mg tkb-wngMh Migatit q|M tWfUfi sod mSSk : Wp Jwup erated during JWtog .fltjSSjShtfjijjjF, ti •*. t per seat ogffggffg dm w HffHgPb at M l pr eeto eega#|p M IM MHto rear and MM.MI *r *t WJd per omb Klaotou. Julp M MMii MtffMv reskuag aeor ftovto. k*d a abwaga 'lettor while cuIMM tdfeggM Mg Mg farm aa a rißggg ivggjlßg -ral hundred pouaffg Pi JSmp «i 4 l ying out wkeu p bear, dlMMkßi^i appeared to be frUgMty. Wl Mp waa sot sure of Ms gllßhl—gk. He suit work Bid toft tito hgftl tffdtßMki of the bear tii to overrun. A* ; have been trapped stag* afrrtu/la dip crlagtoa and D. J Dpamerppu uutald* of tkrtr eiiMdgglid beUBdU -"P* .Mp*p S m SOwepsp.

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