I JAY NClKrllNli, J(l|Ua* . mk begun lo bud-josh,' .."yra ■ ■ | r! J jf : ” ' ■ LP« y^sr's#^ ■ x irMßP^r ,j ) ■ ■• ) —■' '-■j§j i ( } MTAiSaME 3Srt§=i dartted through building right I Bow. Com® in, inspect oar pkKm I and obtain ngtlmaten Wtlll "gladly co-op'rate with y«sbi ■MFC. GO. OMJMBOaa. N. C. ■ 'IH t , if ' Si * .JBI W\ if ,„ -. • fSt ~ witi r*w ••♦ *4 -fl ■ 'jw™ k •'**'v* .# F > I n*ms%Mr A 1 •'*2 Held Until July Z 3 lor*^^^" 1 New* Readers -SB® 'Y .'\*, %' \' ' „'“/ ‘ t 'h / ' -’ ° -'<' ‘"i' 1 1 1 , " '_, ’ ' - -'" «. ' ” ' v Tr t „. ■* 1 ’ \\ r\ ... V’“ *. '■'o'* '’« 5 ' v *■'- ', ‘- v -t '* -'•. ’ J \ ~-' .?• ~*~Y" *" ',' ''” * '•»■/ ?hi^|| : vv-■ m . I Butkheading, dredging and filling of Wrightavil# Beach Northern Extension ■ (north of Oxford Street) is now under way. Area “A” include* Wilmington’s allot* H moot, which waa bought in two day* from blue print*. Area "B" ia to ho developed ■ immediately- The contract* are let. Area "C" will coma later. JlJKMrl*: 0 I *%Hugh Macßae & Company 1 MURCHISON BUILDING ~ "' WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA I m> -ZJ!i£&?- J- 1 .., l +j.Y'i. <■-■■ •■ u * •- 1 *~- *7 • > a --, irWafJfciii'Vrfa * ...'- .'* ft., . I |ii * , BOOrOF THAW Dsddrn* : Mm« Odrartg pmaM tadMmrrv r- Wiasi—*> Va* 3uiy lUrrOV-r Mips Voreet Hape Watts. l»fwr4l| Hollywood. Calif, girl, accaatpasdfg dwaiM bar* today apparently dsh j unaiacd to koM her ground until abn'j JteU* from Harry K. Thee; who. oho t®«N|r«4. prufalaed to bmi hor at "Kenilworth,’* Thaw's 'wttu aea| into, apd ant* hor feta MUa ■ Mfse ifclln My* aha land Thaw aovar haw MW aaah other, bat l® & statement maps ohonly aft* tgwlr arrival. aha sgld Thaw had co%- jtrt bated HUra)lr toward her educiy Itloo, ttwuenttf enclosing twanty dot- I* Police mM nig had been Infanaed I)hat |.. J. Coahitty; manager dT teV kr '■ ~ - ~ • -tt - f« ■RN>\ ' }' : §t' *3* * ■L;"' im -*c % Pi »., |l ■"--■•■/ ■ ■- ■.«'» ■--* Out of Fix? -. ' k* /■ m** JTiilf y9wT frOWr or (inig|iii t|| aatae of this delieieaa di- f, or^no 3 Shivar Ale Vathlag lib* It fat reaovatiag old, worn oat itomar bp, eos vert fag food la to rich blood aad sound flash. If year ir*ig"V>~ dealer supply yoa, trlephaae ~ t JBTVUTS * MIS ghhti. ottered the HiO MtlHr pleiPdi CtaMcea, tNflt not u as W Hablllty oa Thaw’s part This. «>|H|mup tJt ■!. j, t f Bern! Pw vUlCwil OHIO Hilt' I flußcU lUflll teg teat aha wanted »i.s**> u ’*setUe- BWte." The offlesm said Mr. Ooanallr then his offer aad refused to cos- Th* girl Wold police this afternoon Matty st ted office of Harry R. Kara, jMI Mr. Kara said ha «..»ioK u dtlsea of tea Salted Mates, ggd there by hangs a tela. toM new for tee fret Mbta Wbe Rev. Dr. Hartley, eminent Kpis ooyalteu clergynum. was British hers ami reared. He saarrted in Scotland He cube to hater tea with hhi bride. They remained hare Severn I years- A •on wae horn to them. They returned to Hagtaad add nprat several yeaya. during white thus three morv children ware both. Than they cnate back to ten Matan. Arthur was one of die daugb-I The other saw hard wparasea t.e.k out yapaps aad was naturalised Ar-i tear reached tee age of St before hi* fnfhei htsl hsataha an Americeh t-K4- san. Thin ha wan reared aad lived to the Halted Matas. Indifferent lo his nationality, a cJUsea of a fmreigu na tion but ga American In thought and action. - * When tee Halted Mates mtbrad the war young Hartley enlisted Up was aaalgagd to otlce duty at s Texas tdrmy post. Chafing under th» iuac tlpn he aakatl for h>e discharge. It Wae refused. Then he produced rec ords Which proved him n British rltl atn. being held In the American forces against bw WW. Hr wanted to bi»rr> setose, he aetdU Hta superiors saw (be point. He was discharged In a few weeks young Hartley was at the front with a Canadian unit. Hunhaud: An animated stomach eurrounged by ego and a grouch. When bTTIre Trouble PHONK 26 FREE BO All SERVICE MMM—li— • . .. - , ~,+ 1 Home aitea hi Area “B” Wrlghtaville Beach Northern Extonaion are bow offered to Carolinian*. Since only ISO lot* are available, it baa boon derided to allol a limited number to- leading ('amdiha cities and their surrounding territory, and to sell lota to thoee rggprwuions on or before July XI. »•. * Y " ; t *; •' !••• H J ISASTf i Trucks^w^^^ljL f i.l i»PP 7% reel the ditterence NewkMoUngoil shows gas saving ot 17Q% %—♦•«*••<» TTUNDREDS of road tat. oo many typo. ' ~ lx of oars and trucks prove that the new UmJ?MMSPi'4*49l’ 1 ••-- • “Standard” Motor OU fives astounding results. under toed er et fipS ASH ton Meek for instance, ran 1,572 T"* miles from September 24th to October 2 2d, 4. More 1925. Stowed 22J# increase in oil mileafe; 17 9* increase in ■a.tmieate; smoother oper ' m***mSET ation at all speeds; no carbon accumulation; 6 l\_jyLl„ uku I better att’ioiod lubrication. These results can be verified in your own car. , ■ r7» * tetyour * a “B*n You osh motumUy /•«/ the dtffersnee STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) U “STAN DARD" MU UK UIL ' -- je -•! r * * ' -■ ■■■*• • • • 1 • • • * -o i-*V •i ’ -V. ... f.il".' fijj ffoi iiA - o. . ' J u.t > limited naaabftte ■ Reach Kxteoaioti may ba »•-- —raJ if w J *»W • Vi . - |||||||. paper. See the condition* below awl mm mm rtiHervation by wire, letter or Wfth your loda^pM today. g w ■ All loU maararo SO (hI by <• MlflUkJ&dftlt I No.. 1 and 2 in Block I, No. 1 and 4 fcVMFwTHVVUKA 6 in Block 14 (Baa Map}. ; ■it#* its remarkably law roM|Mur#4 t# on tha whole Atlantic Corn*. w . # j|l Block ft LoU No*. 8 to 21 Block If Lot. No*! 7to t! «3 SfcS iR I^sjj! K> •17M aaak £SP TTL am. m m mM* B Block ft Lot No. 26 S® 2 Ifi KUHH Block 7 Lot No. 4 mm L¥.n * ~ , Block 10 I,ou Nor 26 .nd M . I}** « jPk'PWWr.ll Block If Lot* No*, ft, 4, IT, It *)2* ** ft* WEiPilB 9, *°° —*» m3?tTS* Baa waajfr Biock ft Lot No. 6 Block If LatuMaa. £*##■ I (Xooo mc6 sjsoo *a*B H Block 6 Urt No. 4 Block I Let Me* WflBH Block 0 LoU No. 2 and 4 Block 9 Lot No. ftjBEBBI H Block 10 Let* No*. (. 6, « Block 10 Lot lb. 4rW Block 14 LoU Noa 1,2, 3. 4 Block 14 Lo* lUMtfHral Term, are 10* down and If* In *lz moatba. B able 116 00 monthly, which include, principal and ißftgMQpT"*'« How to Smart Your Lot ' - { l' \ : * Wire or writ, he fora July find, (ktaf ftf tIMII 1 lot, .end Ilia ca.h depoalt at |2ft wbtafc wffl ba tmmmm&fate* fir.t payment or returned if you do pot got tko lot WK/KHk \.i\ 2 If you prefer, mak* your iftirwlln •»■ who I. a member of • local raa) ootate board, la wuMPAm. MB I •re to depoalt (25 with the realtor at ttoa as ■■MmSMflMlpUt I 3. Kf.orvalion. will be ifliml order of lujjjgl tyf '■ fWTtilHm n »ne nr < 'l u »‘ anw mmm n VfPMHP, tTK: fled, vour deposit Will be refaudo*. ■ Wilmington people bought **«ti«a Aln two dapa. QMigMMMT evidence of the de.irabillty of the property bo praaaUM# Wh El your rooervation today. #■ * • . fjm l H A ContertgUve InvtttmmU'i j | * I A. on invest moot, Wrijfctaotlla proportf t* eMtfMflMbwtiHl } 1. limited .nd can not he expanded to WpdiWNHMaf I The completion m th* great c*u.«wiy, UttfOtU H and the hard surfacing of highway, i* .vary dfcumfiLfafiSpgfiAg new crowd, .nd ad ted popularity to a plaaa mmMfmmm ■ for generation. ... the favorita aam»>*r playgroMd adJMHHii Hugh Mac Kb. and CoaapMg have —ckod WSgSM tor tO year, and will utiv wlb* It until all fulfilled Tim municipality of Ti iglll.i Qla lijlb BBT Wtfff'l TQij flB of .idewalk. and water wrvire Public Utility OojdHMM#II tt»». eleetric light, telephone and trolley MWfcj tg|i'( |§gj Ip j able and proper build tag re.ir Ktioaa. . 1 firT mTM-t .1; 1,7 V• H '• * tTliwli PAGE FIVE