1 rfXtWKMmPr I Wlw Mkiralty Mr. Mni th«a- five-numbi* iss. EDIE AS NORTH CAROLINA SWELTERS IN HEAT Win DEMOCRATIC ST ATE PRIMARY DATE DUMB ■ f • '■ «■""*—«■» ■*«*#■ m ■ —■ . -»■■■■■ --■ H - n „mmm ... - « ; ~> . HEAT RECORDS OF FROM ONE DAY TO FORTY YEARS SHATTERED DURING DAY Some Possibility of Thunder Showeini Bringing Relief t| Gslping Section teMefc. Mr MU-BwtH- ! iHm tent la any li|* Simw ataOKiUßi acw / MO MMNMImi far ai/ lIM hU nihiil thret vk- Um la Kg tkfl gs Scat ha la M«tk CuaSaa alone during Um Say wbn the awrcwy tagaa daHy ta irap thia aftaraaaa aaSiag il|a aaeaad Say ala at tack. * * Waathar karaaaa Ika atalg gwr taaleht wpartil v * fraai 91 Ul WHarfaftaa ta I§4 la Wfawtaa-Salawa witk lihi tnrfitUMi hi cii* aa tkat toMdrrow Would ba Caalar. Ital raaarta M fra.» e~ dap# itnOai to thirty nt fort# years —riwt ahiirt nt th« h**t-sU AamT-iNr* work lag at th* thojr won orereewm. tw® la a tabomr ob 4 a laeadr*g»,dlqd immediately Ttw ■mb waa at work oa a construction job wkoa ggiTggju wkllc the woman 4t«4 Immedtotely while at work. Tka t*rd rmim. , t. 6 year old I BHaakatk OH| aagto. wan working In m» a#M aa Uio rat akin# of in* city wkea Eke koat attacked him. Tha loiter lo aoM to k* tka rot haot death la nisakatk City la tka port It year* la Ckarlotta at 1:W today tka mer * cary waa oaa dogma higher than yaa , tarday'a record-breaking mark thara, touching 103 wMh aa Indication of rain. Bvea la tCa North Carollia moun tatneai Motion, the temperature soar ed to muf-trMQig Bgura*. tow tha eec<*l(f time la forty-alght hours a recead’qf 32 yaara waa h«kan todAy I with a rfMa| of M.l dagraai la Aiha *lUa. . < ■*: Wilmington with a maximum tem- n ky report donktlaaa an* toyed tha laaat beat la fry city in the stale. then, however. there waa ■ ao Indication ol rain. Tha graatoat temporal ara of the dnj la Durham wm IM with ao rain la alght. Oreahakoro tail to 101 at 1 o’clock this aftermoog. Two houra later tha mereary kal dropped tq,loo. Although yeatardny brought tha hot tont July walker to Ralalgh aloe# 1170. whoa the thermometer touched 102. today tha tkennometar • got only to M. neaplte thia Judge W. C. Har ris. of tha city court, ordered Ah' city's prison gutag opened ead all prisoners released, he declared "It’o too hot to ctmlaa any man abort at a murder *f“ * !’ Vi ‘ •pgtg * ■ Near RISC At •/- jOjy'mtlj* Plttahurgh. July 23.—td’IRcfnml of •atoral uaruly tamales at 1 the t Alle ghany county workhouse to submit to " being locked np white other Inmate* fought a a mall Ira In tha workshop resulted In a flat eartt being sent to police headgnarten here this after- Deputies raapondad and the unruly member* wore locked up. The Ire waa rxtiaguinhad with alight lost. Whtp she dre broke out from unde termined ranee a number of the prt»- 4|M«w rushed out to help fight It. The uaruly’grtYup attempted to keep them from flfbtlng the lira. 'When the of leers ittlWd with riot gnat, they anr ' rendered and war* marched to their itiup* WI WP ff* & 1 , , . . s k aHMUto.. m, Tr . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS LOCATED AT NO. 11• SOUTH JAMES STREET——IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION *• . . Yl' t * 7Jt. * f . . ” j * '• ‘ * CONCERT TO BE i IN HONOR OF TOED B. CROVSON I " <>• At HgCWJMh. Park Stmdty Aft Play In k The Sudan Temple Bead. which will give n edneart here Sunday af ternoon at 3>M ht Herman Park, ta made np of trained musicians drawn from North CacoUaa towns and cities from tlroenetioro to Wilmington Kor ty pieces comprise the band and ev ery man is ah export with his iastru- Tke concert her* Is to be in honor o< Prod*« Crowaon. of tie B. O. thompaon Onmpnay, Second Rabbaa of Sudan Temple, end la the aseoad of a aeries of concarta which tha hand- la glrlag for Sudan officers Tha tint concert was gtran at Wll ptagteß in Ja#t in hoaer of |«Ma-' tat* fUMertaon. On tha Inat Banday is dhwtm.ika BffißUMMh, w Itnlelgh for a concert In honor of Anutotaat Babtaaa Harry Btnxr.. ■*Doddy" Price, known to many f old*boro football sane as Ih* direc tor of the band of North t'amllna BUte college, la director of tka Sudan hand. Two local man are members of the brganigatlon-^. P. C. Met* ooraat: and W. H Baaden. trombone, thf latter musical director of lha Or t>han*a home her*. Prank Hood, a for mer Goldsboro hoy now residing In Graenaboro where ha la In the musk business. Is also a member of the land. Barrett Wilson, of Ralalgh, plays lha aolo comet parti In tha program Mr. Wilson was formerly a director of a United BUtea Army band. Mr. .'.ahcock. director of the Camp Bragg hand, la another member of the com pany. , The band la a aucrensor of ih* old Bndan band made up of New Bern man. It -waa organised last January, cne Shriner who’.la Interested In mu sic contributing 1300 as a atartlng fund for the effort. The JtmtHr payi Ihe expensed of the band member* to Raleigh for practice periods under ‘’Daddy" Price, and Ihe 'organllktlon is already attracting more than a .Stale-wide attention, made up aa It ta of expert musicians. Men ,Jro*n Raleigh. Onldaboro, Creenaboro Payattrrllle. Wilmington, Wilson. New Bern and KllaabethClty comprise the membership of the or ganisation. ProJ>e Charges Os Bootlegging In Cook County Jai|, Chicago. July 11—ttiarges of boot legging la tha Cook county Jail wars given scrutiny by Judicial eye* to day. Judge J. r. McGorty. after had Inc that a Jail guard 'alas guilty of IFOtdmy dp;, ftayy *SJ|Oe u oo^rt id • aMW'WkKIle* -» , .’e* B tinned him a* to Jlquor condition! In tJw Jail, Tka guard, Rimer Moore, one Os two gunrdr'dtnmlsard. and who had bee* nought for taro day*. s*id be had had two drinks on the day he brouihf FSanto McKrJane. a court. MrKrlaae Waa fouad to b* drunk at tka time Tktaka Beaey Ma* Hgnnndored Atlanta. G*., July 21. The records of every bank “Indicates tkat bank fund* Involving large amounts have bem squandered by certain In dividual* In bucket shop Hperulatioa,” solicitor general John A. Boykin aald her* today In connecting upon the In- YeatlgaUou Into the affair* of the Bapt*» Tan* Cumpaajf. 3 SURVIVORS CEL’BRATE FIRST BULL RUN BATH E Had Mad* Obtcimhil lo Hold Meat inf Earn Year Stillwater. Iftaa., July I(fj Thro* Civil war fataraaa kept coven ant with the dead today. Tha three, survivor* ot 27 of tka' last waa’a club, formed 4R years m*t her* for g hangUM oa tha analrariary of tha first haHli’of Bull Ran. ta wMah they all foaght Barly today ah aged womb bustto* about tka diataa hall of tka Grand fa to. where tha haaguot la hold **«h year, arraaglag the table tor the ro uaton. Rha la the widow of “Capt." tags U Bfawmor. who waa color baar *r a# “B" company. To bar are aa i rusted the club’s Dag and documenu tad Ike duty sack yaar of preparing ih* baaguet table At U« cratar of the UMr was plac ed Um tradllloaai bottle of Bnrgaady. praoeated .to tb* club alxtooa years ago which tha last two aarvlvora win quaff aoaaa day aa a Mast to their departed comrade*. The win* waa l;itand*d for the last man but the club unwtltliAg to face thP ordeal of a aolt tary toast, last yaar amended the ritual so that two mail sham It Another draped chair was added today tw the group of 33 that eur rennded the hoard a yaar a& Basil Graff, or ft. cloud. Pin., dropped out o<-eh» roafu thl* yaar.*'-'- ~~ - P. O. Hall, 17 year a old, of At water. Mien., pmaldaa today by vir tue of big seniority la yaara. His two comrades »ra<?. M. Lockwood, rham her lain. & D.. 24. and John R Goff. Rt. Rani, 24, Thaae three am the last of •'8" company of the first Minneso ta Infantry, which nine battles la the •oath.,."-. V FOIL PLOT ROB ELM CITY BANK Officers Had Worked an Casa Mara Than Month WUeos. July 22 - -<4P)- Three men wera hold ta Jail here today without boad. charged with the attempted robbery us the Tolanot Bank at Rim City at oaa **atock this morning. The men gave the names of f ete Cobb, of Ftm City, sad George Bpadaro and Oeorin Paaaedlr, both of Philadelphia Tha men are said u> have been f tighten ad away from the bank, hfta * screen had been stashed and tha sash raised. A poaa* lay in wait for two hours, but no second ’attempt r**** *"‘ 4 'h<* three men ware Uter arrested. < otih m his borne, the other two at g local hotel. They de ny knowledge of the affair. County officials say they have worked oa tha case for over a month. They say they wire given n I'p by Officer Harry Carter who told •hem h* was offered n bribe by the throe men for protection, lie learned he paid, thtlr plana and then reported ah* contemplated robbery to the sher iff. Others Testify For Cranford A i bermerle. Juir iX—UPiDr J I P* ‘vkTTdll''v C Al. I CmakalL .of Nowoud. umuh&i ttgtfl’, la the trie! of Nevll C. Cranford, charged with murdering two negro \ convicts, concerning one of the negro l emvtcta James Howall. The phyalclna said that h* examined tha body at tha request of the rela tive of Howell. Vergil Ro*». an un dertaker. testified that he had handled the hodlo* of Howell sad James Perry, the other convict, and that he found ■o hrulee* or Igreratlone on either, A number of character witness#* warn Introduced today by the defense. The state announced that one of the onnvtct*. Arthur tattor, H whoa# from prosec ut lac wkaaaen waa la aa' •• aa tm w awi ooLDsnoau. n. c. Friday morning, july u, mm ■ ■ . ,■ . m : . .1-,, , ■ a Invite Press Asso. 1 To Hfft Here tMsv*fcU7 w. r. Daaamrh *( tha L ham her of ( eaxMrw y eeterday * wired Ihe Berth (nmllaa Pn*» AeaurdaUea lev It tag Ika body to I bald Re aaxt a nasal aaMlea la Gold#horn. The Raw* Jeiaed wMh vMag Ik* latfWkp to (Mde i hew* eaaUac fear. ' ■toHfa*. j.. ■ toe leland'Vicghk; , is hit by Auto AND BADLY HIRI Jog Cox, Colorofl. Locked Up (o Await Ootcogoc as Injarico * - Iwlaad Wlggto*, alar year* add waa as Perry Wiggins, was ‘badly Injured whan rtrueh ky a Peed raadalwr driven by Jaa fas, cat ered. at Ush and Center street* at d o'clock u*t dvaalag Tha hay waa raskad to Ike Nplc ar Naaßartoai aad rpaaaloed aa wiwkai far aheat tea bear. It waa agM al tka leal alght Hattie extend as Ike la- Jarlm mali oak he 'told yet ga . aa! tajarfm. Aa X-Ray was ■ad* aad Ika retail wRI ha kaewa as thb CYgapJogflea will ba kaewa taday. T ll 12 e'rleck last eight Ihe bag was reperted to he roaliaa easily. Ldnaf la rep aided in have beta eras slag the street aa Me htrycl* when Ml b|f Ike roadster driven by Cm. The latter waa leaked ap I* a wait the outcome as Ika laiarli* la lha hag. I'ox has tfc* repataftoa of baaing a steady aad ■“pwwHooif i oium ivvnr« Seek Zeb Parker On Check Charge Richmond, Va.. Juty 22 -Dete.-tlv* Sergeant Zeb Parker, of tha Richmond police department, who left far Wlnd *or, N. C.. a few day* ego foe A. D Lassiter, superintendent of the light department of that town, wanted here •it the charge of victimising the Jones Motor Car company with h worthless advlued Detective Captain AlVl ander Wright Sunday that Lasaltei disappeared before he fParker) ar rived at Windsor. He wan directed to remain them aeveral days longer la an effort In locate Lassiter, If possible. The man been arrealvd hut waa under surveillance, local author!!*## were advfserl before they applied to Gov ernor Byrd for extradition papers for him, They wtm algo advised that lai sailer was the only man In Windsor who knew how to rnn the light de nari ment and It was feared that the , town would be thrown Into utter i darkneea If he wn* carried away. The check Involved In the rase totala sev eral hundred dollars. FRANC IMPROVING IX VALI'C Parle, July 22 .-(JP) The French franc reacted favorably today, eloping offi tally at 44.33 to the dollar, *a* against 43.22 yesterday. -agggrv. gfct , • ; „ - I : i rwg||M; Five Hart Btrsa*bnrg Junction. V*. July 22, Four men were killed and live others seriously Injured, two possibly fatal ly. when a charge of dynamite forgot ten for fifteen years, exploded lit tb* Powhattan Quarry about «sty miles north taf;7<ariiaonbtirg. A ttfth man waa reported killed. Two Killed! Hear* Injured - Nyacfc* N. Y.,'J*ly 22, —Ten-person* were killed and mom than a score In jured when a bus returning from Bear IMe Ml ton with e party of Brooklyn ex ’|fkffMr«| «f«fftkf ffifr tonight REPRESTNTATIVE OF A. A. A. WILL VISIT CITY SOON oam-aaaarommmwe Lofginff CsMUI Highway far American Motorist - Uardeu Allan. aUtf nprNftUtln Urn American Autoinotute A«wc»a tiito writ Halt Ooidtooro'©diia tha ©I? two mack', ie©ii>d HeridiUnti, sparooa its: touring'bubl'cation*. and fathering data which will be helpful to the MMC ouriaa bareau clerks gad l©h 111 a tuba and branches la routing* ©ar late la the South Thla Ifttonpatlon was contained In a tetter, recurred t’y -W. C. Denmark. Secretary of the ('bomber of < om merer yesterday. Brneat N. Smith, general menage* ct the American Automobile Assoc ta tion and a friend of Secretary Den mark. followed the route of the Coa» tel Highway from Miami to Waabtag (on rwcentiy. He stopped la Uwtds Intro on ble wa s North and Waited Mr. I>**nmark It waa at that Unit (hat he expressed hlmeelf surprised at the paaaabta condition of tha Ooaa tal Highway. The trip of Mr. Allen la a direct outgrowth of the ©thus iaatlc report which Mr. Smith mdfce <X hla tour. Mr. Allan plaaa to work hi ohlda boro tn conjunction wfth a pro©* to devote a large section of the Octo ber lanur of the Amrtcaa Motor!at to tb* Cewetal Hlahway and the «Hl«* along Ra route. The Halt of Mr7 Alloa and tha faf lowlntt publicity which la eapocted to reault In the national motor pub l cal lon will . bring Ooldahoro into the attention of the automobile tour l*t* of the nation aa It haa never been before. JEFFERSON ADDS CAPITAL STOCK Voted to Raiae Capital Flock to One MiJPoo Oreenaboro, July M. -The capital rtock of tba Jefferson /Standard Ufr Insurance company waa facreaaed to ‘flAAO.oeo hjr Unanimous rota of stock holder* preaenl at a apeclal marttng here yeaterday. . The preaent capital stock of the company la 1790.000. The SIOd.MM In i reaae" will be effected by tba lean i ace of a st<»o| dividend and the aala of stock to employee*.. and the action will leave the company not only grtth a million dollar* rapjaJ.but gl*o with over a million dollars surplus. A steadily grgwtog volume of busi ness and a d'r*lre that employees hold ing Important posltlone become atork holdrr* waa give nby company offic ial* aa Ihc reaaon for the incraaae. Chaa. W. Oold. company treasurer, declared that there was every r*a *oo lo expdft from prospects for the year that the total amount of tnsur •inc 'n force with the Jefferson Would ttUI tdtw.ooo.otm by tin. end of 19* l ’ ,J ■ May Have*Clue T tr Big Murder < Nbw York. July 23.- (A*) -George Cohen, of Chicago. arrested today aa k suspect In • #TM© towel robbery p* ft • I t he* -mm* *» «•* anwwMMn* or rr ©*■ condition in Chicago that would b« l* n* Uriel to the district attorney • here. " 1 "Do you mean ih>- murder of A* aalant DlafVlct Attorney llcgwlg genr he wa* aaked by the police. "Well, the Chicago district attor ney will know wkat I mesa," was the rrply. » MAI. UIA hill.lll IV MIX* — t 90 HI" kton. Ala,. July 32 OTyNlne turn were killed In a gaa explosion at tha {Male Mine of the Moffett Coal Company al Mo»»ett today. The dead include throe white miners and ala negro workers. 'Seven of the bodies were removed after thy explosion, . . I. A PREFER TUESDAY OR SMB DAY OTHER THANSATURDAY ACCORDING TO RESOL PAINTS THAI “ AS RESPECTABLE ■ TOWN (HTZEIA S J. Norfadt Man Dggaa’t Bgttavr GlrFs Story gs Mirrim Promts* finny K. Thaw, tamaaa New York clubman wbo murdered fftanfeed White, waa painted aa the quiet, re (portable cltlaen of Winchester. Vlr glnta. by C. L. Leach. Norfolk newe paperihaa. in an litorirtbW UKI T© News yesterday Mr. UMb fli In Uoldaboro on business. Mr. Leach finds it hard to ttoUrro the story Os tha young woman who baa been camped before the fl*W reair dance In Winchester tor tha pant tow 'lays. Instating that tha tomous charac ter baa promlaad to marry her. the young woman anyi that aha vttl-Mt so her way until Thaw baa amde Bal tic meat with bar. - Mr. Laach learned the foaMa story I Ot my’e Nib la WtatoeaM* »UU. edlne earns ewectsl nubhettr In corn neaton pith the annual toffttvul which the towii yota m. -why Thaw ta • member of the village flrv department. «hd ffoea out toot tfltothe the boys when he la ta the touru and the*# la a lire, "said Mr . lmato. , ,J *l “la Winchester, the adopted home of Harry It. Thaw." continued the Kdr* folk man, “the chlaeme have beoemt loud In their pratae of Thaw. Several years ago when Thaw was writing some unite gentleman’* estate ta enjoy the beauties of the famous Valley of Virginia, It la said that oa his way for a location he • topped ta the town of Chartuatown, West Virginia. With a rtew of baying in (bat vicinity. "His car pulled up to the local hotel and Thaw went. Inside to register, tie was greeted by hotel dog la rather a rough meaner aad asked by the manager of the hotel what dtd be want.' whereupon Thaw aakOdUhe why to tha neat town and thereby vpacbee ter was fJrtuhste enough to bare Kim locate there. "In Winchester, Thaw Is looked upon as one of Its leading cltlaeaa. He la considerate. kind-hearted, quiet and malAUins n dlanlty that would al most gtre the Impression of coldness Not to any the Winchester people. They regard him as one of tha asset* of the town. He responds liberally to all community appeals, belong* to the town Are department aa • vol unteer. and la well liked aad popular with the people. “The people barit home do not be trivc In all of bis alleged escapades that are so often floated on the front pages of the country but ou the other hand look upon him na one who haa to suffer much at the hands of enter prising reporters. U ta a fact that. >n Winchester the people take up fir Harry K. Thaw." * Quartern For Mr . , ■ Durham. July it After having been located for more than ten year* In Jarva hall, the "College Atatl<vT post office at Puke I T nt varsity haa been moved, larger Quarters hav» been ptotobed In Weal Hubs building. More boxes are to be installed, and tyre Is a greatly Increased floor I apace for lb* lobby. Further plana for the Dnhe Poetaf floe provide for It to have a place la the new union building which la now being erectsf na a part of the I ear ghMA.non .quadrangle. College station postofftce serves more ludlviduata each day than maay town* L. L, Walt, n law student w *• pw* /* JfatfiijLtiL '■ VI ■ 'h-Vifriff-'m aaPAsr •' k**** 3 * DISPATQRBB | PRICE fIH (EMfffE Hickory, inly H> II) C. |Mf Ptanly News HaiaM alpatoff VTfß* Aasoctaitoa at Ms a— v.ninn aacretarv and tNMMPfI A* - .. r _ iilacifd fnrtYlbtonii'' mm "“Iff as roww* w —■ ftreriai • mv. .*. . k (DtvrrMt to ill© wrdlwJLfcSSlXy •ml f r>* . , , on ©gMPffWP ww swa wui If lilfttlos lor jttMi spmMl ’ rrf wh*t Is It you f© Y“ MbM not W* have too aMM* Kto%,ffff*r'ff€ •vary kind. Tk* kind of laws that wgf riWH -rr. won Id protest al'U IN«g n« aaother aad fratfft Nafftf toff© 'he nawepapetm." * 'V Mr. Park declarod tktoe aae tag maay new.papet. to AM©© ©©T rod ihat “ihsre am aftmi towgg and rlUae la this stale tkM IhMU riff* rertenerd the auayaaoi © tffff M©T ■nediocre pubilcetloaa t© ©SUM choked. “Tha tendency to comtftfc M©h pere aa public utUHtol ■©OWUII © grow", he routlaaed. F© ©• classtfy thla great H>fa©fff © ©Mto ' 1 •erne# along with the r>©najfc W©- "»• w. -Aa " l . -.U -»A»_: €X&* era if they were placed sader Stole fupervlakm thnai ; »,<t “Flrat. there would © ehMttog f rpuad aad raovtag of plaata Ms ’points of congeettoa to ©W to©" fqw places that need gagd •gwup© era. “Nest there wwald Jm sg©MWto« •landsrda of prml>» jp©ff H©* ©• •>ervision demanding aallsfnMffa»| ©g» •ornaance er off closing toe ©to©. •»d rlrculattoa would © ffgUgßCtoaS «•*•! wvfjt.' * TTha results natarg|©wg©S.© ©X ~o^h “! - m iV- Oft Bftftj^^Hftftftto|^mto^l

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