• -^2' \ :.. < <•: | THE WBATTO I awww Castor nmk la | *•<•*■* itottoMn. l*Mtr aMatnal ""'' 1 ' ll ■" , ■'-,. ■ " : -■-■■ .< VOLUMU FIVE—NO. IM. ~~ x ~~ Tr —1 -• *■■'"■■'' fflcL' "'■ "* ' iiii'aa &;:r: i . , a"TiT'i , i-aA2. I ■.: ;■ ■;: ■ 1 i=-a.:.:.'.a v-; — • ;.';,-~--T-rr-T--=7db l ■, ... as:; ': /viiai :»&a» KY. WOMAN KILLED INQUARREL OVER WATERBUCKET KCK 'BROKER, jjHES THROBOH OPERATION PERFORMER HEBE * It 1 "*•' ■' -" —., - » ..II . ■ 1..M .1.. I. - , ... * /■ tats. HALL CROTLE, SHOOTS NEIGHBOR, MRS. LESTER, WITH REVOLVER Mrs. HrH Wm Bn Route to PikorUle to Obtain Warrant Char grin* Theft a _ —■ Wmm Wk — a — ts (API—A qmrrul ovar a wa - f Ur ImclMt wiStai la the ilwttal U Seatk tW*y of lira. Sarah LaaUr, 30 yeara •M, by Mra. Arming Hall, 30 jraara ali, a erippla. The baehai ia 1 aaahft Sin# aaad hjr * . Imm have, fcy Mra. Hall, wha charges Ufa, Lester had lakes R. Whan the trage*? eecvrre* Mra. Hall ! Ul* a aalghhar that ahe was aa raete hare te swear oat a warraat chargiag Mra. Leatar with thaft. Mra. barter hear* the atat—art aa* caaae oat of * o' her hoaoe aa* tho twa wo mm gaaraoM at that 3to laaaa. Qaa Mra lififtr afparaatl? incenaod started to tha na* when Mra. Ha« at to*, tha latter warning her aat to eerae. Whoa Mra. 1 Hal waa within tea or ftf toon foot. Mra. Hall opened In with a rowatvor that aha waa carrylag la a handker chief. Mra. Bal waa arreel ed aa* heaaght hare to await a graihatoary hear* If. \ “ ARREST TWO IN CONNECTION JMELLET SLAYING Hay wan Dar Hag aa* Carl Stad -4 er An Hal* to leTeetlgatioa PI tube rail. J ts./ 33.—(P)Hay man 1 Darllac, convicted bootlegger, waa ar rest at at hla hone late today for ques tioning tn connection with the sleylug of Doe Mellett of Canton. Ohio, Dec ling dented he had any connection with the ceae and aajtf he waa wilting te bo te Cantoo at any time. Pitts burgh police aaid they had no Infor mation aa to what connection Darling might hare with the publisher 1 * slay ing. They merely acted at the request of Caaton authorities. Darllag was convicted of a rum run ning charge at Wheeling. W. Va.. In October. 1123. lad aeatenced to serve two yeara at Atlanta penitentiary and Jt aa appeal ha bee been at liberty \ Darling latrr said he will light *x tradltlon to Ohio, announcing that h« had employed counsel. He main; talned that he had ae knowledge of the slaying and would right eitradl tlon because feeling wan runilng hlgli «• aatd ha had Into tg CantdO weak ago last night hut had Idft a few hour* before the publisher Fa* aa- # A aether Arrest t'anton, July 33.—GrtCgrl kinder, former poolroom operator and alleged operator of several second class room ing bouse*, was (ffigN late today and questioned by the committee la vytlgatlngWhe Sleytag of Mallett. wtw rtov "cStoh New York. July Cotton •note steady, middling lAM. Totten futures closed eg eady at a get advance e* » te Id pomta July ITJ3; Mare* VlMi July 13.3 C; October IYM; D»' -Cfliher 1 1*9f ’ BtaMtoa ■ i'ii . .jit. I. * , 3 a rftoii i 1 .. 'r,, .. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS 1111 '■ I ———— ... . —————— ' - - • -- • . LOCATED AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMES STREET—-IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION ' *■*:. a • ■ Jr" ■* ■■ 11 | Poincare Form* French Cabinet \ Paris, Jaly new Preach retarded as the ateeagMl alace Urn war la ready to take ap (be gererament of the eweatry aad try te ptoee France «a a tea ad ftaaaelal feel lag. Bay mend Peters Ire, three thae Pre mier sad Preatdeat daring the World War eacresded today la patting the Oulsktog teach** ea hie new ruhtart. The fraar *m •cdULl, Improved mere than a petal aad a half to a dollar. The new gevenment wear to meet wMh the grewiag, demand far sea-parttiaa rabluet that can mahe a real effort te salve the Oaaaelal preMem. rugardlee* of party daetrtoa. On* es Premier Petucare'* chief de«lree h te hare a talk with (Aa* drew W. Belles tee rotary es the railed Ntoto* tfeasary, who ar rived hi Praaew today. The tol mlar remarked that llnirr |gfi ft cerUla dWflralUc reaaectod with I tb« raHHraHaa es daM eettlemeat I with the FaHed Mateo aad that I he would he atod far a cealereace I with Holla a. SAYS WAS HIRED . TO SUY COUPLE a \ Implicates ADege* Liquor Law Violator Macon. Oa.. July 12 —